Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS

Page created by Bob Wong
Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS

Instrumental Music

                                 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR
Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS

                       Page 2                               Page 6
                       •Table of Contents                   • Lesson program at E.G.H.
                       •Contact the Band Director           • Band Rehearsals at E.G.H.

                       Page 3                               Page 7
                       •Why study music?                    • Concerts and other Performances
                       •Musical Resources & Research

                       Page 4                               Page 8
                       •Choosing an instrument              •P.R.I.D.E.
                       •Obtaining an instrument             •Practicing

                       Page 5                               Additional Materials
                       •Instrument Choices                  • Rental Information

Mr. Van Teyens, 5th thru 8th Grade Band Director

  If you have any questions about the Instrumental Music Program, you can
receive a quick response by sending a note to school with your e-mail address
               or e-mailing me directly at

Monday and Tuesday I can be reached at Hewitt School.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I can be reached at
Ryerson Middle School.

              Thank you for your interest in the Instrumental
                             Music Program!

                                                                      French Horn
Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS
Why study music?
Below are Mr. Van
Teyens top 10 reasons 5.          Achievement in
to participate in the             music and the arts
                                  contributes to
Instrumental Music                achievement in
Program at                        other academic
                                  endeavors and on
E. G. Hewitt.                     standardized tests.

1.   Music and arts          6.   Music promotes
     programs keep                teamwork and the                   French Horn
     students engaged in          idea that each team
     school, especially in        member must do
     high school.                 his/her part to           10.   “Educating the
                                  contribute to an                whole child”
                                  outstanding result.             demands instruction
2.   Participation in                                             in all the modes of
     music and the arts                                           symbolic
     builds creativity,      7.   Music and the arts              communication –
     imagination,                 help students                   mathematics,
     innovation, risk-            prepare for a future            linguistics, music,
     taking, and non-             that will value lateral         art, and movement.
     linear thinking, and         thinking and
     helps people                 innovation more
     express themselves           than ever before.                             • For research and information on the
     in constructive                                                          benefits of music education you can
     ways.                                                                    visit or
                             8.   Music and the arts                            Google “Music Education Research”
                                  contribute to a
                                                                                    “benefits of music education”
3.   Music and the arts           person’s quality of
     transmit important           life even into
     messages about               adulthood.
     ours and other
     cultures.               9.   School music and
                                  arts programs are
                                  sources of
4.   Participation in             community identity,
     music and the arts           cohesiveness, and
     encourages setting           pride; they help
     high personal                bridge the gap
     standards and                between town and
     builds diligence,            schools.
     tenacity, a positive
     work ethic, and
     dedication to                                                                      Trombone
Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS
Choosing & Obtaining an
                                                                                 How do we get an instrument?
    What instruments are offered                                                  We recommend renting an instrument from The
                                                                                 Music Shop in Boonton. The Music Shop
          at E. G. Hewitt?                                                       sends a representative to our school each
                                                                                 week to take instruments to and from the shop
                                                                                 for repair and to deliver supplies. See the
Flute                                                                            attached rental information.
                                                                                           Please choose the option that allows delivery of
Alto Saxophone
                                                                                           the instrument to school. Your instrument will
French Horn                                                                                arrive at Hewitt over the summer and your child
Trumpet                                                                                    will be able to take it home after the first
                                                                                           lesson! It is important that your child does not
Trombone                                                                                   try to play without proper instruction. Students
Baritone Horn                                                                              often develop bad habits if they begin playing
                                                                                           without guidance. We want to spend our first
Bell Kit/Percussion (Limit 6)                                                              lessons learning to play not correcting bad
Great reasons to choose an instrument;
•I like the sound it makes.                                                       What if our family already owns an
•I like the role this instrument plays in the band.                               instrument?
•I have a friend that also wants to play this                                      If you already have an instrument for your child
                                                                                  to play in the fall, please have him/her bring it to
instrument. We can practice together.
                                                                                  Mr. Van Teyens or to a music store to make sure
•This instrument is the right size for me.                                        it is in perfect playing condition. Students who
•My family already owns this instrument.                                          begin lessons in September with instruments that
                                                                                  do not work properly can easily become
Not-so-great reasons to choose an                                                 frustrated and fall behind.

                                                                                  Can we rent an instrument from another
•All of the other kids seem to be picking this
                                                                                  music shop?
                                                                                  You can absolutely rent from another music
•This is the cool instrument.                                                     shop. However, they do not offer door to door
•It comes in a cool case.                                                         servicing which is very helpful if the instrument
                                                                                  breaks and needs repair.

                                                                                  A word about online purchases...
                                                                                  We do not recommend purchasing an
                                                                                  instrument online from someone other than
                                                                                  Music Shop or Music & Arts. Instruments from
                                                                                  other retailers may be less expensive but that
                                                                                  often means poor quality. If you purchase an
                                                                                  instrument online (new or used) please have                 4
                                                                                  someone examine it once you receive it.
Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS

  Flute                                          Bb Trumpet

Bb Clarinet
                                                      French Horn


                                                                    Baritone Horn

Eb Alto Saxophone

                    Bell Kit/Percussion

Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS
Small Group Lessons
  & Band Rehearsals

                                                                            Left: Trombone,
                                                                            Right: Trumpet

How does the weekly lesson                   and classwork from the teacher and       A word about commitment...
program work?                                make up any missed work. This is an           Joining band is a commitment.
     Once per week during the school         opportunity to promote individual        Just like on a team, every player is
day band students have small group           responsibility and good organizational   important to the success of the group.
lesson time. The groups are made up          skills!                                  When one person is missing the sound
of like instruments (flutes with flutes,                                              of the band changes! Missing
clarinets with clarinets etc.). This gives                                            rehearsals not only affects you, your
your child an opportunity to receive         What are band rehearsals like?
                                                                                      absence affects the entire band. For
                                                 In the months of January and May
specific instruction on their instrument.                                             this reason, all rehearsals and
                                             the 5th grade band meets 3 times on
Lessons are 40 minutes long.                                                          performances are mandatory.
                                             Tuesdays at 8AM to prepare for the
     Lessons happen on a six-week                                                          You will receive a calendar of
                                             January and June concerts.
rotating basis. As an example, a                                                      rehearsal & performance dates for the
student would be excused from Social                                                  entire school year.
Studies class once every six weeks to
attend an instrumental lesson.
Students must get notes, homework

Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS
                                                                      When do we perform?
                                                                       Students in Ringwood are
                                                                extremely fortunate to have multiple
                                                                opportunities to perform in their first
                                                                   year of playing an instrument.
                                                                Please read a brief description of our
                                                                    yearly performances below.

                                  5th Grade Band
      The 5th Grade Band has several scheduled performances for the 2021/2022 school year.
                                   (Dates TBA in September)

 5th Grade Winter Assembly and Evening Concert - These events takes place in January. Students
 perform as a 5th Grade Band for the first time. This is a morning assembly at Hewitt School and an
                               evening concert at Ryerson School.


Spring Assembly and Evening Concert - These events take place
   in June. This is a morning assembly at Hewitt School and
            an evening concert at Ryerson School.

Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS

         PRIDE   stands for...

In     • Students in the instrumental music program are encouraged
         to take responsibility for practicing, bringing the instrument
         to and from school, making up missed work and attending
         weekly lessons.

Daily             “Before anything else, preparation
                        is the key to success.”

                       -Alexander Graham Bell

         How much will we be required to practice?
         Practice time at home is essential to preparation for success
         in concerts and lessons. 5th grade band members should
         practice at least 20 minutes per day. Techniques for
         successful practice time are addressed in lessons.

Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS Instrumental Music ProgramAT E.G. HEWITT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR - AWS
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