Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...

Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...
Instruments and objectives;
explaining the News Media
Bargaining Code.
A report by Rod Sims AO — Former Chair of the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission
Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy
The Australian National University
Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas      1
Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...
Not only were there nine                            a deep understanding of the logic of the
                                                                                                         recommendations concerning media                    NMBC which I believe must be under-
                                                                                                         and journalism in the ACCC’s Digital                stood before others seek to introduce
                                                                                                         Platform Inquiry final report, but the              versions of it in their jurisdictions.
                                                                                                         NMBC was precisely targeted at the
                                                                                                         issue of an imbalance of bargaining                 This article is in 5 parts, as follows.
          Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code (NMBC) is seen as world leading                                                                             1. I explain the logic of and context for
          for allowing media businesses to bargain on broadly equal terms, and so                        The Tinbergen Rule, named after one of              the recommendation to introduce the
          commercially, with dominant digital platforms. Based on my close                               the first two Nobel laureates in                    NMBC.
                                                                                                         economics, is a basic principle of
          observation, it has facilitated over $200m being paid annually by Google
                                                                                                         effective policy. Distinguishing between            2. I briefly describe the essential features
          and Facebook to news media businesses, large, medium and small. (2)                            policy targets, on the one hand, and                of the NMBC.
          Further, these media businesses feel they could successfully bargain on                        policy instruments, on the other hand,
          much more equal terms with the dominant platforms in ways not                                  Tinbergen (1952) argued that to                     3. I very briefly outline the negotiations
          imaginable prior to the NMBC legislation being passed.                                         successfully achieve nn independent                 that led to the NMBC’s introduction into
                                                                                                         policy targets at least the same number             the Parliament.
          There have been, however, a range of criticisms of the NMBC. There is                          of independent policy instruments are
                                                                                                         required. This has become known as the              4. I then explain what has been the
          nothing wrong with criticism; indeed, issues of such importance need
                                                                                                         Tinbergen Rule. (3)                                 result of the NMBC legislation being
          to be constantly debated and some improvements can be made. This is                                                                                approved by the Parliament.
          particularly the case as other jurisdictions, such as Canada, the USA and                      The Tinbergen Rule is a sound basis for
          UK, seek to follow the NMBC example and introduce their own legislation                        all public policy, and a rule I have always         5. I address the many criticisms of the
          to facilitate commercial bargaining between the dominant platforms and                         adhered to. In my terms for this article,           NMBC.
          the news businesses.                                                                           if you have one instrument, the NMBC in
                                                                                                         this instance, then it can only                     The first four parts are brief. The reader
                                                                                                         directly seek to achieve one objective. It          will be left with many questions which is
          The issue this article seeks to address is that much of the criticism
                                                                                                         can have other side benefits, but to be             why I will try to write a much longer
          focusses on the NMBC not achieving objectives it never sought to address.                      effective it needs to stay true to the              paper at a later stage. These sections
          I was once in a forum where it was said… “Rod, this Code does not seem                         single objective for which it was                   will, however, provide all that is needed
          to be addressing all the problems of journalism”. Of course, it was never                      designed.                                           to understand the all-important section
          meant to.                                                                                                                                          5, which needs to be read and
                                                                                                         Two further points. First, I am not, with           understood now as other jurisdictions
                                                                                                         this article, seeking to write the history          seek to base their own legislation on the
                                                                                                         of the development of the NMBC, and                 NMBC. This article is also timely given
                                   Rod Sims AO (1)                                                       how it came to be what it is today.                 the current Treasury review of the NMBC
                                                                                                         Hopefully I will get to this later.                 discussed below.
                                   Rod Sims is currently a Professor at the Crawford School of
                                   Public Policy at the Australian National University, and Chair,
                                                                                                         Second, I do not claim to be an
                                   Steering Committee, Competition Research Policy Network
                                                                                                         unbiased commentator on the NMBC.
                                   at the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London. From
                                                                                                         I was Chair of the Australian
                                   2011-2022 he was the Chair of the Australian Competition
                                   and Consumer Commission. Prior to this, in addition to                Competition and Consumer
                                   many other senior roles, he was Principle Economic Adviser            Commission (ACCC) when it conceived
                                   to Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke from 1988–1990.                of the NMBC and were then charged
                                                                                                         by the Australian Government with its
                                                                                                         implementation. It is hard to step back
                                                                                                         and be objective. That said, I also bring

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                                    2   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                               3
Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...
that would otherwise be under                       With all such externalities there is a
                                                    The ACCC’s final report of the Digital         provided, administered at arm’s length              certainty that public interest journalism
                                                    Platforms Inquiry (4) was handed to the        from government.                                    will be underprovided from a social
                                                    Australian Government in June 2019 and                                                             welfare perspective if left to the
                                                    released publicly a month later. It            Recommendation 11 – Allow tax                       commercial sector alone. Therefore,
                                                    contained 23 recommendations                   deductable gifts to be made to                      many nations provide some level of
                                                    covering competition (e.g. change              encourage philanthropic support for                 public funding for journalism.
                                                    merger factors), consumer (e.g.                journalism.
                                                    introduce an unfair practices provision                                                            With this logic the ACCC
                                                    into consumer law), privacy (e.g. have a       Recommendations 12, 13 – Government                 recommended, as indicated above, that
                                                    comprehensive review of Australia’s            programs be established to promote                  stable and adequate funding should be
       Logic of and context for the                 outdated privacy laws) and other issues,       digital literacy in the community, and in           provided to the ABC and SBS, and that
       NMBC Recommendation.                         of which nine can be seen as linked to         schools. These recommendations were                 grants in the order of $50m per year be
                                                    media and journalism, as follows.              aimed at helping people identify low                made available to support specific areas
       The Australian Government has the                                                           quality or unreliable news encountered              where journalism is under provided.
       power to direct the ACCC to conduct          Recommendation 6 – A new regulatory            through digital platforms.
       Inquiries and, when it does this, the        framework be developed to create a                                                                 Recommendation 7 should therefore be
       ACCC can compel information from             level playing field between media              Recommendation 14 – An independent                  seen in the context of the other
       relevant organisations. In late 2017 the     businesses, broadcasters and digital           regulator monitor the initiatives of the            recommendations and targeted at a
       then Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison,      platforms. As one of many examples,            digital platforms to enable their users to          quite specific issue. This was the
       did so with a wide Terms of Reference.       currently there is a “blackout” two days       identify the reliability of news content            imbalance of bargaining power of the
       This covered competition, consumer,          out from an election on political              shown on their platforms.                           news media businesses when dealing
       media and advertising issues associated      advertising on conventional media but                                                              with the large digital platforms.
       with digital platforms, particularly those   advertising can still occur on digital         Recommendation 15 – Digital platforms               Google and Facebook were found to
       involved in search, social media and         platforms.                                     should implement a Code to govern                   have substantial market or bargaining
       news content aggregation.                                                                   complaints about disinformation. This               power in several markets from search,
                                                    Recommendation 7 – A code of conduct           should initially be voluntary but, if an            social media, and search and display
       The ACCC is responsible for enforcing        be implemented to govern the                   appropriate code is not submitted                   advertising markets. In their dealings
       Australia’s competition laws, with the       relationship between news media                within nine months, a mandatory code                with news media businesses platforms
       Australian States and Territories it is      businesses and digital platforms, with         be imposed.                                         were seen as ‘unavoidable trading
       responsible for enforcing Australia’s        nine months given to develop a                                                                     partners’, effectively providing necessary
       consumer laws including for product          voluntary code and, if this fails to come      The ACCC’s initial Digital Platforms                news referral services.
       safety, and it has important roles in the    up with an acceptable outcome, a               Report made it clear that public
       regulation of telecommunications,            mandatory code be imposed.                     interest journalism provides a                      The Inquiry found that while the
       transport and other infrastructure.                                                         considerable positive externality, in the           platforms needed news media in
       Relevantly, the ACCC is the enforcer of      Recommendation 9 - Stable and                  sense that the benefits to society extend           general to attract and retain user
       Part IIIA under the Competition and          adequate funding should be provided            beyond those who are willing to pay for             attention to their services, they did not
       Consumer Act (CCA), which allows in          to the government owned Australian             it, or even                                         need the content of any specific media
       certain circumstances for the ACCC to        Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and             access it. This is because such                     company. However, the news media
       arbitrate pricing disputes when users        Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) in          journalism holds the powerful to                    businesses needed Google and
       seek access to essentially monopoly          recognition of their role in addressing        account, it provides a vital journal of             Facebook to get traffic to their media
       infrastructure. The ACCC also has the        the risk of under-provision of public          record, it provides a forum for ideas, and          businesses sites. The news referral
       power to authorise, and so exempt from       interest journalism that generates broad       it can campaign for wider society goals.            services provided by Google and
       prosecution, competitors getting             benefits to society.                           While you benefit more if you directly              Facebook were effectively ‘must have’
       together to collectively bargain when                                                       access such journalism, all in society              services which provided them with
       this passes a net public benefit test        Recommendation 10 – Grants be given            benefit to some extent whether they                 substantial bargaining power.
       which often boils down to an economic        to support original and local journalism       access it or not.
       cost-benefit test.

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Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...
The Inquiry found that in the absence                                                                                                         unable to impose their own outcome.
       of the bargaining power imbalance the        Another argument was that the                                                                    They must choose one of the ‘‘final
       platforms and media businesses would         platforms were not responsible for what                                                          offers’’ presented by the parties. (5)
       bargain over the value created by the        was happening; they simply provided
       media companies from the use of their        the billboard or phone lines. This, of                                                           This method was chosen over more
       news content by the platforms, and the       course, is incorrect; their algorithms                                                           conventional arbitration models be-
       referral by the platforms of audience        determine what is shown, often based                                                             cause it would force sensible offers to
       traffic to the news media businesses,        on who pays them the most, they have                                                             be put to the arbitrators. Without this
       and reach a commercial arrangement.          placed themselves between the media                                                              it was felt that both sides would put in
       This was not possible in this instance,      businesses and their readers, and they                                                           extreme ambit claims and so force the
       however, because the platforms had           profit enormously from all this.                                                                 arbitrators to decide the outcome based
       significant bargaining power and so                                                                                                           on very
       could unilaterally set the terms of any      To sum up, the NMBC was not meant to                                                             little helpful information from the
       such arrangement. This was clearly           solve all the problems of the media and                                                          parties.
       shown by the platforms refusal to even       journalism. It was targeted at a specific
                                                                                                 First, there was to be good faith
       begin negotiations; they refused to          problem, the imbalance of bargaining                                                             In the early days of discussion data was
                                                                                                 negotiations between the platforms
       countenance any payment for the              power between dominant digital                                                                   sought from Google and Facebook to
                                                                                                 and news media businesses over the
       content they benefitted from. They           platforms and news media businesses; it                                                          understand the two-way value flow; the
                                                                                                 payment for content and the direction
       asserted, without compelling evidence,       was part of a suite of recommendations;                                                          value to the platforms of the content
                                                                                                 of traffic. If, after a certain period, those
       that they provided more benefit to the       and it came from an Inquiry with a wide                                                          from the media businesses, and the
                                                                                                 negotiations were not successful then
       news media businesses than they              term of reference which did not include                                                          value to the news businesses of the flow
                                                                                                 recourse to arbitration was allowed,
       received in return, and in their view that   providing all the answers to the                                                                 of audiences from the platforms. Little
                                                                                                 which would be binding on the parties.
       was the end of the matter.                   problems facing journalism.                                                                      useful information was forthcoming, so
                                                                                                 A panel of arbitrators would be set up
                                                                                                                                                     quantification was going to be very
                                                                                                 by the Australian Communications and
       To the Inquiry this significant                                                                                                               difficult by other than Google and
                                                                                                 Media Authority (ACMA), involving peo-
       bargaining power imbalance                                                                                                                    Facebook. It was felt, therefore, that the
                                                                                                 ple with legal, economic and/or industry
       represented a clear market failure that                                                                                                       arbitration could only succeed if it was
       needed to be addressed. While there          The key provisions of the                    experience.
                                                                                                                                                     based on arbitrators deciding between
                                                                                                 Negotiations without ultimate recourse
       are many market failures in our              NMBC                                         to arbitration would fail. Without
                                                                                                                                                     reasonable offers; put in an ambit claim
       economy, and not all need to be                                                                                                               and see the other sides more reasonable
                                                    There were many provisions discussed         recourse to arbitration the fundamental
       addressed, this one mattered given the                                                                                                        offer accepted in full.
                                                    and debated. These included advance          market failure, being the imbalance of
       importance of journalism. As already
                                                    notice of algorithm changes with a           bargaining power, would not be
       stated, the restriction of the                                                                                                                It is important to stress that arbitration
                                                    significant effect on how content was        addressed. Importantly, therefore, each
       remuneration for public interest                                                                                                              was not a goal in itself. Instead, it was a
                                                    delivered, provisions relating to what       news media business registered under
       journalism by the significant bargaining                                                                                                      forcing device. The Australian
                                                    data is collected by the platforms,          the NMBC had the right to negotiate
       power imbalance led to an under                                                                                                               experience, in different contexts, such as
                                                    information that could be requested          and then, if the negotiations were not in
       provision which harms our society.                                                                                                            with Part IIIA referred to above, was that
                                                    from the platforms, and the like. Some       their view successful, seek arbitration.
                                                                                                                                                     both parties did not want an arbitrated
       Some argued in response, using               made it into the NMBC that was                                                                   outcome; they wanted more control of
                                                    ultimately legislated, others did not.       Arbitration was to be of a “final offer” or
       Schumpeter’s line, that this situation                                                                                                        the outcome. Instead, the threat of
                                                                                                 “baseball” arbitration. Final-Offer
       represented “creative destruction” as                                                                                                         arbitration gave considerable
                                                    The ACCC and the Government,                 Arbitration (FOA) is a form of arbitration
       new business models replaced old ones.                                                                                                        bargaining power to the weaker party; it
                                                    however, saw that there were three key       that limits the available decisions of the
       While the platforms may have invented                                                                                                         largely evened up the bargaining power.
                                                    provisions that lay at the heart of the      arbitrator. Under conventional
       a superior advertising model, however,                                                                                                        What is important is the threat of
                                                    NMBC; without each of them the NMBC          arbitration, arbitrators have the power to
       they were not producing journalism. All                                                                                                       arbitration. It did not need to be trig-
                                                    would fail to meet its objective.            impose their own outcome even though
       that was happening was less journalism,                                                                                                       gered to be effective.
                                                                                                 parties can make submissions to the
       not better journalism.
                                                                                                 arbitrator. Under FOA, the arbitrator is

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                            6   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                             7
Instruments and objectives; explaining the News Media Bargaining Code - A report by Rod Sims AO - Former Chair of the Australian Competition and ...
Second, there was to be a non-               numerous small news media businesses         The Government in April 2020 asked the              News Corp, which is less that 1 per cent
       differentiation provision. The essence       that would struggle to effectively           ACCC for its view and the ACCC said that            of the market value of Google; further,
       of this was that the platforms are not       bargain on their own. Amusingly,             the payment for content issues in                   many see Google itself as the large
       allowed to replace the news content of       Facebook argued that this provision          particular did not seem capable of being            company that controls the internet.
       the media businesses that were               facilitated cartels which put a technical    addressed through the voluntary
       registered under the NMBC with news          interpretation above what competition        process.                                            In a recent submission to the USA
       content from news businesses not             law seeks to achieve in relation to                                                              Copyright Office, voicing concern that
       registered under the NMBC, which             market power. Allowing companies             The Government with this and its own                the NMBC might be replicated in the
       included international news sources. In      with, say, less than $500,000 revenue to     view then asked the ACCC, working with              USA, Google made arguments it often
       that way the platforms had to choose;        get together to bargain with a company       the Departments of the Treasury and                 used when lobbying in Australia, as
       they could show no news content at all,      valued at well over $1 trillion would        Infrastructure, Transport, Regional                 follows.
       from anywhere, or they could choose to       encourage competition; it could not          Development and Communications
       negotiate with news media                    harm it.                                     (DITRDC), to draft a mandatory code.                “The ability to link freely is a key feature
       businesses in accordance with the                                                         The ACCC consulted widely getting                   of the free and open web. Changing
       NMBC provisions. If they placed very         Negotiating the NMBC                         written and oral submissions in response            that would not only negatively impact
       little or no value on having quality                                                      to an Initial Concepts Paper and                    the economic model that stems from it,
       journalism on their sites then the former    Negotiations over the NMBC took place        released a draft NMBC in July 2020 as a             it would force information to be
       option was an easy choice; but this, of      through 2020 and up until late February      basis for further consultation and                  consumed in a particular manner,
       course, is not the case.                     2021 when the legislation was passed.        discussion.                                         favouring a narrow range of sources for
                                                    While there is much to be said about                                                             the diffusion of knowledge, and thereby
       The combination of the first two             this, and some fascinating stories, this     This started a long process of                      undermining democratic discourse and
       provisions outlined above was that every     article will focus only on issues relevant   discussion and negotiation, and strong              media diversity.” (6)
       eligible news media business was             to an assessment of the NMBC’s               public campaigns by the platforms
       empowered to negotiate in a                  effectiveness in achieving its objectives.   against the NMBC and many news                      These arguments, of course, raise many
       commercial and realistic fashion, with                                                    media businesses in support of it. Some             wider issues. Should the platforms be
       the threat of arbitration ensuring this.     The broad timeline was as follows. The       issues raised reflected genuine issues              able to freely gather content created at
       No eligible media business could be          Government received the report in June       with the Draft NMBC. For example, the               a cost by others to reinforce their own
       excluded. There were, however, some          2019 and formally responded to it in         draft only allowed the arbitrators to               lucrative advertising business model?
       very small media businesses that would       December 2019. Most of the 23                recognise the value the news                        Google through its algorithm decides
       still struggle because they could not        recommendations were accepted in             |businesses provided the platforms, with            what people see, increasingly it would
       bring the necessary resources to bargain     large part. Recommendation 7,                no reference to the value provided by               seem to many through sponsored
       properly. This situation was the logic for   relating to the NMBC, was accepted in        the platforms to the media businesses.              rather than organic links. Further,
       the third necessary provision.               full and Google and to a much lesser         The ACCC structured the draft this way              Google would appear to want sources of
                                                    extent Facebook began engaging with          to make the arbitrator’s job more                   information going to its users from other
       Third, the NMBC allowed for collective       the news media businesses.                   manageable, but this position was not               than that provided by established news
       bargaining by media businesses. This                                                      defensible. The ACCC recommended,                   media businesses who they likely see as
       was an easy provision to include because     Google held many meetings;                   and the Government accepted, that the               competition for the attention of users.
       Australian competition law already           Facebook did not but publicly set out        arbitrator had to consider the value
       allows for this, as mentioned above. For     the approach it would take with a            flowing both ways.                                  Other arguments run by Google were,
       example, dairy producers will often apply    voluntary code. The media                                                                        in the ACCC’s and the Government’s
       to the ACCC to be allowed to collectively    businesses, and increasingly the             With this issue out of the way Google’s             view, misleading, but seemed capable of
       bargain with large dairy processors to       Government, began to get the sense           focus shifted. They argued publicly, and            gaining some traction. Google argued
       make the bargaining more efficient and       that, whatever efforts were being made,      generated a campaign, to the effect that            that the NMBC’s requirement that the
       to get a more appropriate outcome.           the platforms were not ultimately            the NMBC would allow large companies                platforms disclose to media companies
                                                    going to respond to the media                to control the internet. This argument              what data they collect from the users
       Collective bargaining was felt to be         businesses issues in a way that was          often drew amazement as the “large                  of their site would somehow mean that
       necessary because there would be             consistent with Recommendation 7.            company” Google had in mind was                     media companies could gain access to

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                            8   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                              9
people’s data. This was a                    The sense was that the reaction to           Facebook stopped using the term “News
       misinterpretation, and not intended.         Google’s announcement about leaving          Feed” and renamed it just “Feed”. In
       This measure was in fact aimed at            Australia was not going as Google            announcing the change Facebook said
       benefitting smaller news media               wanted or expected. Then detailed            that the term “News Feed” suggested to
       businesses who may not be aware of           discussions occurred between the             some that the feed was only news rather
       the type of information Google collects      Australian Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg,       than also including posts from friends.
       and already makes available to all media     and Alphabet’s CEO, Alphabet being
       businesses that use Google services. To      the owner of Google. The Treasurer           The result again was negotiations
       avoid the distraction of this issue the      approached the task with complete            between the Treasurer and the CEO of
       ACCC advised, and the Government             focus and many discussions were held.        Facebook, now Meta. Changes were
       accepted, that this provision be             After each discussion the Treasurer          again made, largely to the timing of key
       dropped.                                     would debrief with myself and Treasury       steps on the way to any arbitration, but
                                                    Deputy Secretary Meghan Quinn, and           also to some definitions for clarification.
       Likewise, there was a provision that         new positions would be formulated (8).
       required the platforms to give notice        Eventually a deal was done after some        An important change for Facebook was
       of algorithm changes that could affect       complex adjustments to what factors          that the Treasurer now had to give 30
       how media content was shown. Some            the arbitrators would consider and some      days’ notice before designating a plat-
       past changes had radically affected          other issues. The changes made were          form. A clause was also inserted that in            Results so far achieved
       news media businesses and it was felt        meaningful, but not ones that could not      considering designating a platform the
       that some warning of such events in the      be defended.                                 Treasurer had to consider whether that              under the NMBC
       future would be helpful. This was,                                                        platform had made a “significant                    Once the legislation was passed the
       however, portrayed by Google as an           In contrast to Google, Facebook largely      contribution to the sustainability of the           platforms started serious commercial
       attempt by others to control what was        had not been engaging on the issues          Australian news industry through                    negotiations with the news media
       seen on the internet. This seemed            throughout the whole process. They           agreements relating to news content of              businesses. Google first, then after a lag,
       farfetched, but again the provision was      continued to reject the idea of the          Australian news businesses” (10).                   Facebook.
       watered down in the interests of             NMBC itself. In a stunning move, and
       keeping the arguments concerning the         without notice to the Government, in         Both platforms took this as a signal that           The deals were complex and often took
       NMBC as simple as possible.                  February 2021 Facebook took down all         if they did not want to be designated,              a long time to negotiate. Some saw the
                                                    news and much else from their site. We       they should go out and do deals with                time taken as the platforms not ne-
       In January 2021 Google, for the first time   in Australia woke up to discover what        the media businesses quickly.                       gotiating in good faith but the ACCC’s
       publicly, said that if the NMBC were         Facebook had done.                           Designation would mean various                      constant contact with the news media
       to become law Google would remove            The move did not play well for Facebook      obligations including the need to                   businesses revealed the depth and
       Search from Australia. This statement        (9)
                                                       . Not only did Facebook block all news    negotiate and then potentially be                   frequency of the discussions.
       drew enormous attention in Australia         from their platform, but they also           subject to arbitration according to clear
       and around the world. There were many        deleted a lot else, such as news about       rules.                                              Table 1 below provides the publicly
       reactions. Most saw this as Google using     how residents should deal with a                                                                 available list of the deals done as at end
       its muscle against the Government of         bushfire in their area and important         While this surprised some, it was of no             October 2021. On the list are very large
       Australia and resented this. Then            health advice in a range of areas, made      concern to the ACCC or myself. The ob-              and very small media businesses, and
       Microsoft stepped in and said it would       all the more concerning given we were        jective of the legislation was sound com-           all in between. Some argue that only
       invest further so that its search engine     in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.       mercial deals between the platforms                 large media businesses were able to
       Bing could take the place of Google’s        In running such a campaign it is never       and the news media businesses. The                  get deals; this is simply untrue. Country
       then 94 per cent share of the Australian     wise to overplay your hand; Facebook         threat of arbitration was replaced with             Press Australia represents around 180
       search market. The Australian Prime          did this in a big way.                       the threat of designation and seemed                publications and 60 owners; many are
       Minister met with Microsoft’s CEO to                                                      more powerful. This will be discussed in            very small indeed with only a couple of
       discuss this (7).                            Further, it would be strange to have         section 5 below.                                    journalists employed. Around half of
                                                    your Facebook Newsfeed without any                                                               the businesses listed in Table 1 are quite
                                                    news from news media businesses. It is                                                           small players.
                                                    interesting that in February of this year

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                           10   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                             11
Whether or not a media business was
       Table 1                                      When Chair of the ACCC I mentioned
                                                                                                     involved in activities that predominantly
                                                                                                                                                          Table 2 (13)
                                                    that Google and Facebook had deals
                                                    with media businesses that likely                produced core news is decided by the
       Publicly disclosed Google and Meta                                                                                                                 “The review will:
       content remuneration deals                   employed well more than 90 per cent of           Australian Communications and Media
                                                    Australian journalists (11). This is likely a    Authority (ACMA). It can occasionally,
                                                                                                                                                          • assess the extent to which the Code,
                                                                                                     however, be a difficult judgement and
       Google                                       significant underestimate, but it is hard
                                                                                                     some news businesses will argue they
                                                                                                                                                          during its first year of operation, has
                                                    to tell as accurate and comprehensive                                                                 delivered outcomes consistent with its
       • Agenda Media                               numbers of journalists employed are              are eligible while other people will argue
                                                                                                                                                          policy objective; and
                                                    not available. That said, I was then close       they are not.
       • Australian Broadcasting Corporation
                                                    enough to a range of data and people in                                                               • identify potential improvements to the
       • Australian Community Media                                                                  Facebook, now Meta, did deals with
                                                    news media businesses to be confident                                                                 Code.
       • Australian Associated Press                                                                 many media companies involving large
                                                    enough to make the statement. And no
       • Country Press Australia                    one has attempted to contradict it.              sums of money. Having outlaid this it is
                                                                                                                                                          The review will not revisit the policy ob-
       • Independent Australia                                                                       puzzling that they stopped negotiating
                                                                                                                                                          jectives of the Code.
       • Junkee Media                               Further, Google is still talking to news         without completing deals with, for
       • News Corp                                  businesses and more deals may be                 example, SBS and The Conversation,
                                                                                                                                                          Initially, and subject to the results of
                                                    announced soon.                                  who clearly produce significant “core”
       • Nine Entertainment Co                                                                                                                            consultation, the review will assess the
       • Out Publications                                                                                                                                 extent to which:
                                                    From Table 1 it can be seen that Meta
       • Private Media                                                                               SBS, or the Special Broadcasting Service,
                                                    has done less deals than Google.                                                                      • commercial agreements between
       • Schwartz Media                             Inexplicably Facebook, now Meta, let it          is a hybrid-funded public broadcaster,
                                                                                                                                                          digital platforms and Australian news
       • Scott Trust (Guardian)                     be known that they have now stopped              with around two thirds of its funding
       • Seven West Media                           doing more commercial deals with news            coming from the Australian
       • Special Broadcasting Service               businesses of the type envisaged by the          Government. It has 5 TV channels, 7
                                                                                                                                                          • the designation provisions in Division 2
                                                    NMBC (12).                                       radio stations and SBS online. Its role is
       • Solstice Media                                                                                                                                   of the Code; and
                                                                                                     to be a multicultural and multilingual
       • The Conversation                                                                            broadcaster.
                                                    There are marginal cases where it can be                                                              • the registration provisions in Division 3
       • Times News Group
                                                    difficult to know where to draw the line                                                              of the Code;
       • Verizon Media                              between an eligible news media busi-             The Conversation is a unique
                                                                                                     collaboration between academics and
       Meta                                         ness and a business that it not eligible
                                                                                                     journalists publishing research-based
                                                                                                                                                          have delivered outcomes consistent
                                                    under the NMBC. When preparing the                                                                    with the policy objectives of the Code”.
                                                    NMBC, and defining which media                   news and analysis.
       • Australian Broadcasting Corporation
       • Australian Community Media                 businesses would be eligible, the focus
                                                    was on media that predominantly                  Not doing deals with such organisations
       • Country Press Australia                                                                     would not seem to align with the criteria
                                                    produced “core” news. That is, content                                                               Despite SBS and The Conversation not
       • Junkee Media                               that reports, investigates or explains:          for avoiding designation. Indeed,                   getting deals with Facebook, and some
       • Mamamia                                                                                     Facebook are clearly risking future                 others not getting deals at all, the NMBC
       • News Corp                                  - issues or events that are relevant in          designation under the NMBC.                         must be seen as a success, albeit with
       • Network Ten                                engaging Australians in public debate                                                                some room for improvement. Certainly,
                                                    and in informing democratic                      In February the Treasurer announced a               the Review will consider such
       • Nine Entertainment Co
                                                    decision-making; or                              review of the NMBC, which its legislation           improvements, and Facebook may well
       • Private Media
                                                    - current issues or events of public             required after 12 months operation of               face future designation, but in my very
       • Seven West Media                                                                            the NMBC. The Review is to be
                                                    significance for Australians at a local,                                                             long public policy history there are few
       • Schwartz Media                             regional or national level.                      conducted by the Commonwealth                       new policies that so closely achieve their
       • Scott Trust (Guardian)                                                                      Treasury and is to involve wide                     objective.
       • Solstice Media                             Some examples of this kind of                    consultation. Table 2 outlines the key
                                                    journalism are political reporting, court        part of the Reviews Terms of reference.
                                                    reporting, and reporting on crime.

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                               12   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                            13
The objective was to even up the              the result of their negotiation, but many      Bill, a very experienced US journalist,             Besides News Corp and Fairfax there
       bargaining position of the news media         others did at least in broad terms or          came to Australia sponsored by the                  were suburban and regional newspapers
       businesses in their dealings with the         they made public comments. I simply            Judith Neilson Institute, a journalism-fo-          owned by other players.
       digital platforms, as set down in the         assumed that News Corp received the            cussed thinktank based in Sydney. Bill’s
       ACCC’s final report of June 2019.             average of other similarly sized news          article quotes a range of people who
       This objective was repeated in the            media companies.                               have criticised the NMBC. He makes the
       Treasurers statement announcing the                                                          most thoughtful criticisms of the NMBC,
       Review of the NMBC on 28 February             While I, therefore, do not know the            and I will quote him when appropriate.
       2022, as follows.                             precise amount it is clear that the            Most of the other criticisms have come
                                                     annual payments are well over A$200m.          from statements in seminars or confer-
       “The Code aims to address bargaining                                                         ences, or are from people being quoted
       power imbalances to ensure that digital       Prior to the negotiations I was asked          in media commentary.
       platforms fairly remunerate news              where I thought the level of payments                                                              According to research data most people
       businesses for the content they               would be. I said that it would seem            (a) The NMBC does not address all the               aged under 55 primarily consume their
       generate, thereby helping to sustain          reasonable that the payments would be          issues facing journalism                            news online (either accessing the news
       public interest journalism in Australia.      considerably more than 5 per cent                                                                  media business website, or via Search/
       The Code provides incentives for digital      of the cost of journalists to a business,      It was, of course, not meant to. It was             social media referral). For those aged
       platforms and news businesses to reach        but likely no more than 30 per cent. At        one of nine recommendations directed                over 55, TV remains the primary source
       commercial deals outside of the Code. If      A$200m the payments are around 20              at media and journalism issues, and was             of news. Few people report print only
       that is not possible, it provides a           per cent of what is the cost of                targeted at a particular issue, being the           or radio as being the primary source of
       framework (following designation of a         journalist’s salaries in Australia, based on   imbalance of bargaining power with the              news. This is consistent across all
       digital platform) for good faith              what broad data is available, so the over      dominant digital platforms. Further, the            generations. Across Australia, TV
       negotiations and mediation between            A$200m was not a surprising number to          Inquiry’s Terms of Reference were broad             remains the most popular main source
       the parties. Where agreement cannot           me.                                            and not specifically directed to solving            of news (51 per cent, an increase from 39
       be reached, it sets out an arbitration                                                       all the issues facing journalism.                   per cent pre-pandemic). Online news is
       process to determine remuneration             Also based on approximate calculations,                                                            the second most popular (22 per cent,
       payable by a digital platform.” (14)          A$200m is likely more than 20 per cent         (b) News Corp dominates media in                    down from 27 per cent pre-pandemic)
                                                     of the news media businesses combined          Australia and should be big enough to               and social media is third at 18 per cent
       I and the ACCC stayed in close contact        EBITDA, so the amount is significant.          look after itself.                                  (up from 21 per cent before the
       with most of the news media                                                                                                                      pandemic) (16).
       businesses during and after their                                                            I was at an OECD Competition Confer-
       negotiations with the digital platforms.      Addressing the criticisms                      ence late last year and it was said that            From Table 3 below we can see that the
       They were all largely satisfied with the      of the NMBC: not achieving                     News Corp controls 65% of Australia                 news website of the ABC, an
       deals reached. This is in stark contrast to                                                  media. Before the digital era this                  organisation funded by the Australian
       their inability to negotiate with Google      objectives it was never                        statement may have been directionally               government, has the dominant website.
       and Facebook prior to the NMBC                targeted at                                    right if only newspapers were counted.              The Nine Entertainment Group has not
       legislation. On this basis alone success                                                     Pre the digital era News Corp owned the             only the second largest site, but also
                                                     There have been many comments on
       must be declared.                                                                            tabloid newspaper in each capital city,             other sites marked with an *. News
                                                     and criticisms of the NMBC. Some are
                                                                                                    except Canberra, and some                           Corp’s site is third but it has other sites
                                                     easy to respond to, others require more
       As ACCC Chair I stated on many                                                               regional papers. Another company,                   marked with an **. Note that outside
       occasions that the NMBC deals delivered                                                      Fairfax, owned the broadsheets in                   the top ten sites News Corp would have
       over A$200 per annum to news media                                                           Melbourne and Sydney, Australia’s two               other sites, but so would other
                                                     The most considered critique of the
       businesses. I derived this sum from                                                          largest cities by far, it owned Australia’s         organisations.
                                                     NMBC that I am aware of was written
       many discussions with the news media                                                         only national financial newspaper and
                                                     by Bill Grueskin in his article “Australia
       businesses. I did not, however, get the                                                      some regional papers also.
                                                     pressured Google and Facebook to pay
       numbers from all news businesses. For
                                                     for journalism. Is America next?” (15)
       example, News Corp did not disclose

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                              14   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                             15
Table 3                                                                                     other regional newspapers, and a very               The need for the NMBC came from the
                                                                                                   wide range of smaller players.                      lack of bargaining power of the existing
       Top 10 Current Events and Global News - DECEMBER 2020 (17)                                                                                      media organisations to get
                                                                                                   It is hard to combine all of the above into         commercially remunerated for their
                                                                                                   news market shares, but News Corp’s                 content that so benefits the platforms.
                                                                                                   share could be seen to be, say, 15-20 per           The NMBC may, of course, increase
                                                                                                   cent based on the number of journalists             diversity if it encourages new media
                                                                                                   employed and other criteria; it is                  businesses to enter.
                                                                                                   certainly nowhere near 65 per cent.
                                                                                                                                                       To foster new media directly, however,
                                                                                                   Some will argue that the print/online               requires a different policy instrument,
                                                                                                   news category should be ranked                      possibly such as government cash
                                                                                                   higher because it generates the stories             grants and/or tax deductibility for
                                                                                                   and television and radio merely repeat              donations to media businesses, both
                                                                                                   them. While there is some validity to               recommended in the ACCC’s Inquiry as
                                                                                                   this it is now much less the case. For              mentioned in Section 1 above.
                                                                                                   example, in their book on the ABC
                                                                                                   Ricketson and Mullins argue that while              It is not at all clear why Google or
                                                                                                   once the ABC generated few of its own               Facebook should be required to fund
                                                                                                   stories it now, in the digital age,                 new media, unless they see this as in
                                                                                                   generates many (18). In the digital age             their interest. They do have an interest
                                                                                                   journalists must be able to write as well           in many small media companies that
                                                                                                   as speak, and there is a serious premium            rely on their platforms, so they keep
                                                                                                   on original content.                                users engaged with them. Larger
                                                                                                                                                       established media businesses are
                                                                                                   (c) Only the large media businesses                 competitors to them.
                                                                                                                                                       It should also be said that while
                                                                                                    This is easily dealt with. As shown above          Australia’s media sector is concentrated,
       More broadly, the ABC has the most           site, and extensive newspaper interests        this is simply not true. The Guardian               with three to four large players, it is a
       read online news site in Australia, the      in Western Australia.                          is small in Australia, and it is joined by          lot more diverse than it used to be and
       most listened to radio news, and the                                                        many other digital natives such as The              becoming more so. The arrival of many
       third most watched television news. The      While it is difficult to get a precise         New Daily, Crikey, and so many more.                digital natives has helped a lot, as has
       Nine Entertainment Group has the             reading on the different news                  They all employ well known journalists              the ability of the ABC and other former
       second most watched television news,         companies’ reach across online,                who used to work for one of the four big            pure broadcasters to now provide their
       three of the top eight online news sites,    television, radio and print, it can be said    players mentioned above.                            content print online. We even have a
       and a number of radio stations               that Nine, News Corp and the ABC are                                                               new printed paper, The Saturday Paper,
       (including 2GB, 3AW, 4BC) that would         the big three. While Seven West is a           It is true that some small players do not           that I now receive on my driveway every
       make up most of the commercial AM            little behind the big three, it has the        have a deal with either Google or Face-             Saturday.
       radio stations. News Corp owns only Sky      most watched television news through           book, and the SBS and The Conversation
       News on television with a quite small        its evening news and Sunrise program.          do not have a deal with Facebook, but               Further, the internet allows access to
       audience and Nova in radio news, owned       Combined with the reach of Seven News          from Section 4 above it can be seen that            international media in Australia. Many
       by Lachlan Murdoch, but it is                online and The West Australian, it is the      this headline criticism is wrong.                   Australians now have digital
       Australia’s biggest newspaper                fourth large player.                                                                               subscriptions to the London FT, the BBC,
       owner. Seven West has the country’s                                                         (d) Only the existing players benefit;              The New York Times, and so on.
       most popular television news program,        Behind these four are The Guardian,            there is no increase in media diversity.
       the fourth most popular online news          SBS, Australian Community Media which                                                              (e) Why not simply tax Google and
                                                    owns the Canberra Times and many

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                             16   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                              17
Facebook to fund journalism.                                                                 continuing negotiations, have done                  (j) The NMBC will encourage more
                                                     (h) Not every eligible news media busi-        deals with or close to 100 per cent of              “clickbait”.
       There seems no logic to this. By all          ness has got a deal.                           eligible businesses. If Treasury backs the
       means ensure that Google and                                                                 status quo, then Google may need to do              Some have argued that the NMBC will
       Facebook pay their fair share of taxes        This is a serious issue, and of                more deals.                                         encourage payment “per click” and that
       in Australia, which of course the plat-       concern. But some context is needed.                                                               this will encourage media companies to
       forms make very difficult. But once this      Six months or so after the legislation         Second, as things stand Facebook                    create and post attractive articles
       is achieved there is no need for them to      was passed the vast bulk of Australian         should likely be designated so the re-              seeking users to click on them rather
       pay more taxes. Further, how will the         media had achieved commercial deals            maining deals that should be done get               that producing serious news. In
       rate be determined, and how will the          in effect under the NMBC. Imagine an           done.                                               response the NMBC specifies that
       proceeds be distributed?                      alternative world where few deals had                                                              payments must be lump sum, not per
                                                     been done because all were needing an          Yes, these are important issues to be               click, and every deal I have encountered
       There are sound arguments for                 uncertain arbitrated outcome. There is         addressed but they should not deter-                as been entered into as a lump sum
       governments funding particular gaps in        no doubt which outcome the vast bulk           mine whether or not the NMBC can be                 payment.
       journalism, but the money should come         of Australian media would prefer.              classified as a success at this very early
       from general taxation.                                                                       stage; it clearly can be.                           (k) The deals that have been done are
                                                     Further, some say the NMBC has failed                                                              not transparent.
       (f) Why not let the new business model        because some media businesses have             (i) Doesn’t the NMBC encourage cartels.
       replace the old?                              not got a deal. A policy that sees media                                                           This is of key concern to many. In his
                                                     businesses that employ well over 90 per        This issue is included for completeness,            article mentioned above Bill Grueskin
       As mentioned already there is no              cent of journalists achieve a commercial       but it is easy to deal with.                        says: “Given the government’s role,
       Schumpeterian “creative destruction”          deal cannot be called a failure. Govern-                                                           citizens have a right to know how much
       going on here. While the platforms may        ment policies that achieve well over 90        Under Australian competition law the                tech companies are paying….”
       have created a better advertising model       per cent of their objective are usually        ACCC can authorise collective
       they have not replaced journalism; they       hailed as an outstanding success.              bargaining amongst competitors                      I do not agree for a range of reasons.
       instead are a threat to it because they                                                      provided a net public benefit test is met,
       use and greatly benefit from the output       This is not to deny that there are issues      as mentioned above. It is a small step              First, if the bargaining imbalance did not
       without hitherto paying for it.               to be addressed. As mentioned already,         for the ACCC to allow collective                    exist and the parties were able to reach
                                                     both SBS and The Conversation have a           bargaining under the NMBC.                          commercial deals without the NMBC the
       (g) No platform has been designated.          deal with Google but not with                                                                      public would not have any detail on the
                                                     Facebook. Some others that have been           With no platforms designated under the              deals struck. Second, if the deals were to
       This does not matter except for the issue     declared by ACMA as eligible for deals         NMBC media businesses could not rely                be determined by arbitration the NMBC
       raised in (h) below. That is, the objective   do not have them, although negotia-            on it to sanction their collective                  made clear that the deals were to re-
       was to support the sustainability of news     tions between many of them and                 bargaining. They, therefore, came to the            main confidential. Third, under Part IIIA
       and journalism by evening up the bar-         Google are continuing.                         ACCC under the standard                             of the current competition law in
       gaining power so that commercial deals                                                       competition laws and gained approval.               Australia if the parties do a deal without
       could get done. This has essentially          There are two issues to address. First,        There would appear to be no detriment               resort to arbitration the details of such a
       been achieved. It cannot matter wheth-        the Treasury Review will consider              so any benefits at all would see such               deal are also not disclosed.
       er the result is attributed to an arbitra-    whether the criteria under the NMBC            collective bargaining approved by the
       tion outcome, the threat of                   that ACMA uses to qualify news media           ACCC. For example, the news                         There are good reasons why
       arbitration or the threat of designation.     businesses has stood the test of time.         businesses within Country Press                     transparency was not sought under the
                                                     Google argue that not all those declared       Australia, some of which would be the               NMBC. First, the platforms could do a
       To put this another way, the aim was not      eligible by ACMA should be found to be         smallest media businesses in Australia,             quick deal with a weaker party and then
       a series of arbitrated outcomes. To focus     eligible. This will be tested in the           were authorised to collectively bargain             use that as a benchmark that it insists
       on a lack of these is to                      Review. If Treasury were to align with         under general competition law and so                all others adhere to. Second, there is a
       misunderstand the objective of the            the Google view then Google may well,          achieved a deal.                                    strong chance that the deal that most
       NMBC.                                         at the conclusion of the currently                                                                 meets the needs of both parties will

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                              18   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                            19
contain provisions that both parties will     70 to more than 100 journalists in just
       want to remain confidential for their         the past year, its executives say”. The
       own commercial reasons; transparency          ABC also explicitly linked its extra
       risks sub optimal deals.                      funding to more personnel and
                                                     facilities in regional areas. Anecdotally
       It is understood that many media              there have been several journalists
       businesses would want to know about           saying that post the NMBC is the best
       other deals to guide what they ask for        time they can remember to be a
       but each media business is quite              journalist given the number of jobs now
       different and, I suspect, each media          available.
       business would prefer that its deal
       remain confidential.                          (m) The NMBC deals will simply
                                                     entrench the importance of Google and
       I can understand why people take a            Facebook to journalism and make the           Concluding comment
       different view and want transparency.         news media businesses less likely to
       I am just pointing out that the lack of       criticise them.                               The NMBC has been successful by any
       transparency was by deliberate design                                                       measure. It has almost completely met
       and for good reasons, particularly at the     Again, this would be the outcome with         the objective set for it, and more quickly
       urging of many news media businesses.         bargains struck with the equal                than initially hoped for. Few other
       There is a risk to the quality of the deals   bargaining power the NMBC is seeking          government measures can claim the
       done if transparency is forced on them.       to provide. That said, due to the NMBC        same.
                                                     the news media businesses in
       (l) We do not know the money will be          Australia have now learnt that they can       Those wishing to replicate but improve
       spent on extra journalism.                    stand up to the giant platforms and           it need to think carefully about whether
                                                     succeed. Further, there seems                 what they are seeking to do will make
       Again, it must be said that the objective     admittedly from mere observation to be        good commercial deals between the
       was to even up the bargaining position        no diminution in Australian media             news media businesses and the
       as much as possible so that commercial        articles critical of the platforms.           platforms more or less likely.
       deals could be achieved. Once evened          (n) What happens in two to four years
       up it is for the parties to decide how to     when all the current deals expire.            As indicated, two important issues
       spend the proceeds. That is, this                                                           remain, and will be dealt with in or after
       supposed lack of oversight of the spend       My sense is that new deals will be done       the current Treasury Review referred to
       was from deliberate design.                   or designation will quickly occur. The        above.
       Further, “additional” spending is             NMBC, understandably, has support
       extremely hard to police; what would          from all news media businesses and            First, is the criteria for eligibility used by
       have happened anyway? Without the             from all political parties. The latter        the ACMA appropriate and has it been
       extra funding would more journalists          seldom occurs in Australia or, I suspect,     drafted correctly, or does Google have a
       have lost their jobs which the additional     in other countries.                           point that more businesses have been
       remuneration has avoided? How much                                                          registered with the ACMA than should
       of the additional remuneration is             Further, I suspect other countries by         be to achieve the NMBC’s objectives?
       needed to supply the agreed content           then will have similar arrangements in
       or do other things agreed to with the         place, such as Canada, the UK and             Second, should Facebook now be
       platforms?                                    the USA.                                      designated if it does not do further
       Bill Grueskin points out in his article
       that: “Revenue from the Code was a                                                          An interesting year ahead.
       ‘significant factor’ in the Guardian
       building its Australian newsroom from

Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas                                             20   Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas   21
                                                         (8) “Inside the 11th hour deal with Google
       (1) Rod Sims was ACCC Chair when the              and Facebook”, Paul Kelly, The
       NMBC was conceived and implemented.               Australian, February 26, 2021.
       The views expressed here are his own
       and not necessarily those of the ACCC or          (9) “What Facebook’s Australian news
       current Commissioners.                            ban could mean for its future in the US”,
                                                         Kari Paul, The Guardian, 27 February,
       (2) I have heard a Google representa-             2021.
       tive say that my estimate of $200m was
       mere speculation. This is not so. I had           (10) Treasury Laws Amendment (News
       contact with most leaders of news                 Media and Digital Platforms mandatory
       media businesses after they had                   Bargaining Code) Act, No. 21, 2021.
       completed their deals with the digital
       platforms and discussed ranges of the             (11) “Australia pressured Google and
       sums paid with them so I am                       Facebook to pay for journalism.
       confident that the amounts paid were              Is America next?”, by Bill Grueskin,                      About the Judith Neilson Institute
       over $200m.                                       Columbia Journalism Review, March 9,
                                                                                                                   for Journalism and Ideas
       (3) “A note on the Tingergen rule”, by
       Peter V Schaeffer, West Virginia                  (12) “Facebook snubs SBS, The                             We help people tell great stories
       University Division of Resource                   Conversation on media deals”, Zoe
       Economics and Regional Research                   Samios, Sydney Morning Herald,
       Institute.                                        September 22, 2021.                                       The Judith Neilson Institute supports and celebrates quality
                                                                                                                    journalism and storytelling around the world. Our grants and
       (4) “Digital Platforms Inquiry”, Final            (13) Review of the News Media and                         education programs equip journalists with the resources they need
       Report, June 2019, Australian                     Digital Platforms Mandatory                               to produce outstanding work. Our events and ideas program
       Competition and Consumer                          Bargaining Code, 28 February 2022.                        provides forums to discuss the issues shaping the world.
       Commission.                                       Joint media release The Treasurer and
                                                         The Hon Paul Fletcher MP Minister for                     The Institute was established in 2018 by Australian philanthropist
       (5) Tulis B.A., (2010), “Final Offer ‘Baseball’   Communications, Urban Infrastructure,                     Judith Neilson. We are based in Sydney but work with journalists
       Arbitration: Contexts, Mechanics &                Cities and the Arts.                                      and media organisations around the world. We are non-partisan
       Applications”, Seton Hall Journal of                                                                        and governed by an independent board.
       Sports and Entertainment Law, Vol. 20,            (14) See footnote 13.
       No. 1, pp. 85-130 at 91.
                                                         (15) See footnote 11.
       content.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&arti-           (16) Reuters Institute 2021 Digital News
       cle=1002&context=sports_entertainment             Report.

       (6) “Google hits out at Australian media          (17) Nielson Online News Rankings,
       code as US reviews laws”, Zoe Samios,             December 2020.
       Sydney Morning Herald, 7 February,
       2022.                                             (18) Who needs the ABC, By Matthew
                                                         Ricketson and Patrick Mullins, Scribe
       (7) “Microsoft tells the PM it can fill the       Publications, 2022, pages 11-21.
       void”, Phil Coorey, Australian Finacial
       Review, January 31, 2012.

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