Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication

Page created by Frank Valdez
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
Nanosemantics Lab

Interactive Interface
Solutions for Business

Natural Language Automated Communication
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
About Us

14                             90+                                 30
                                                                   expert professionals (many have
years at the market            implemented projects
                                                                   PhD degrees in relative fields of
(since 2005)

Skolkovo Foundation resident   National Technological Initiative      Principal Owner:
                               (NTI) of Russia NeuroNet Cluster       Natalia Kasperskaya
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
Chatbot Dialog Interface

allows users to interact with a machine
or a database using natural language
means (via text or voice)
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
What are the pros of using
a Chatbot?
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Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
Reduced Call Center
 1             Workload
               Most inquiries received by a call center are single-type
               repeating questions. A Chatbot can help the user to get
               access to the required information instantaneously thus
               avoiding the necessity to make a full-cycle phone call to
               the contact center.

                                     Dialing the Call Center Number

Caller Authentication

                                                         Explaining the Problem

  Soliciting an Answer
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
2        Generated Leads
         A Chatbot is available 24/7 for communication with

         Finding out                        Collecting
    Customer’s needs                        contact data

    Entering the data                      Sending the data to
            into CRM                       sales department
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
3   Sales and promotion
    A Chatbot can assist customers in selecting goods. It can
    share the information on specific selling points and
    prompt the client to the shopping cart or connect them
    to an operator.
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
4   Personalized
    A Chatbot can effectively use collected data from the
    user's profile and the contact history during its
    interactions. Such personalized communication increases
    the interaction's efficiency and strengthens emotional
Interactive Interface Solutions for Business - Natural Language Automated Communication
5   Collected
    Smart chatbots keep the user interaction history,
    which helps them sustain long, meaningful
    dialogs. Further dialog analysis allows for a deeper
    understanding of customer needs and provides
    valuable insights for product improvement.
6   Interactions
    A Chatbot can joke, introduce emojis and gifs, and find
    various other ways to entertain a customer. Such means
    of communication certainly increase emotional loyalty,
    help to perceive the chatbot as a human, which results in
    prolonged, engaging conversations.
You can also employ a chatbot to:

                                                                      Act as a decision-making
Encourage targeted actions,         Manage user account and/or
                                                                      support system (for online
prompt users to visit relevant      its balance (”Virtual concierge
                                                                      purchases or product
webpages                            /personal manager”)

                                    Determine the inquiry origin      Сonduct polls and voting
Proactively offer new products to
                                    region and provide
users, notify them about special
                                    information relevant to the
offers and relevant updates
                                    specific region
Tech solutions
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Customer Support

”Customer Support” Chatbot                                                                   department

 Collects complaints and             Provides technical support       Reduces call center workload at
 processes claims                                                     peak times

 Tells users about company           Resolves problems "here and      Becomes a source of information
 activities, products, and special   now" by providing instructions   on customer preferences or
 offers                              and useful links                 problems with the product
”Domestic Support” Chatbot
                                                                                                 Domestic Support

 Reduces response time and         Allows to conduct quick                 Advises on technical issues
 improves the quality of           home polls and voting                   including company’s internally
 interactions                                                              used software and systems


 Reduces the cost of support and   Automates routine tasks, e.g. ordering office
 replaces live operators           supplies, coffee, and cookies, booking conference
                                   rooms, processing business trips
HR department

”HR” Chatbot


Automates the candidate   Provides advising services   Reduces the cost of HR
search and primary        to potential candidates      department operations
Sales department

”Promoter” Chatbot

Becomes a virtual product      Promotes a product and      Adapts to customer’s
representative or a point of   advertises deals & offers   communication style by
sale                                                       considering the product and
                                                           the interaction context

Helps select                   Personalizes the customer
the best-fit product           experience
Let’s Compare!

                                                   Button-based                     Nanosemantics
Criteria                                           Chatbot                          Chatbot
Dialog variety                                     Rigid dialog tree                Open set of dialog scenarios

List of supported topics                           Limited                          Unlimited

Working with regular context-free grammar
(natural-language processing)                                           -                                 +

Recognizing user’s intent                                               -                                 +

Context awareness                                                       -                                 +

Topic recognition                                                       -                                 +

Clarifying questions                               Limited quantity, rigid form     Unlimited, any form

Identifying facts / objects in a dialog                                 -                                 +

Correcting typos, mistakes, slang, abbreviations                        -                                 +

                                                                                    Answers are being generated during the
Answer variety                                     A rigidly fixed set of answers

Personalized communication                                              -                                 +

Ability to use voice technologies (ASR and TTS)                         -                                 +
Achieved Milestones

40%                           Х2                          >10%
                              Faster information search   Customers engage with
Call center and online chat
                                                          a chatbot
workload reduction

>20%                          Х3.5                        UP TO   90%
Customers turn to chatbot     Increase of average         Recognized inquiries
for a second consultation     website page depth
How does it work?
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Technical Details
                                                              Widget           +

Nanosemantics Chatbot is a classic SaaS solution
consisting of two parts: Widget and SaaS represented by
our own cloud service

A Chatbot can be integrated into any external data
sources (CRM, ABS, and other client intra-systems) as well
as with any external interfaces (messengers, apps, etc.)

A Chatbot is compatible with messengers and social
                                                                        CRM        ABS
networks: Facebook, Telegram, Viber, Skype, Kik, Slack,
WeChat, VEON, VK, OK, Instagram, etc.                        Messengers and              Internal
                                                             social networks             Systems
A Chatbot can be integrated into various
platforms/software: AVAYA, Genesis, Zendesk, LiveTex,
Skillaz, VCV, etc.
Creating a Chatbot

1. Project Evaluation                          2. Development                          3. Maintenance
•   Collecting information and filling out a   •   Developing the knowledge base       •   Linguistic maintenance
    brief                                                                                  (knowledge base updates)
                                               •   Technical work and integration
•   Receiving data analysis                                                            •   Technical maintenance
                                               •   Internal testing by Nanosemantics
•   Outlining functionality                                                            •   Monthly reports
                                               •   External testing by the client
•   Calculating the terms and cost of work                                             •   Pitching further Chatbot
                                               •   Troubleshooting and resolving
                                                                                           development ideas

    Result:                                        Result:                                 Result:
    Commercial proposal                            Launching the Chatbot                   Increased number of quality dialogs
6 reasons
to work with us
       1    2     3   4
Why Us?

  1                                    2                                 3
More than 12 years of unique         Our own linguistic technologies   A platform that allows to create
experience developing                that allow us to create complex   chatbots in any language (we have
dialog interfaces                    dialog scenarios in natural       already implemented projects in 12
                                     language                          languages)

  4                                    5                                 6
A wide range of industry-specific    Easy API integration with most    Dialog processor that provides
solutions, including solutions for   services and information          fuzzy adaptive search in the
companies working with personal      systems                           knowledge base and calculates
data and multi-million audience                                        answer relevance to a user’s
Our Clients Trust Us:

Phone: +7 (495) 995 58 72 (add. 218)
                                       Nanosemantics Lab
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