Interim standard for undersea feature names - NZGBS60000

Page created by Clayton Mccormick
Interim standard for
undersea feature names   S
TERMS AND DEFINITIONS............................................................................................. 3
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 4
1       SCOPE........................................................................................................................ 6
2       INTENDED USE OF INTERIM STANDARD......................................................... 6
3       GENERAL CRITERIA FOR UNDERSEA FEATURE NAMES............................. 7
4       PRINCIPLES FOR NAMING UNDERSEA FEATURES........................................ 8
4.1     Specific terms ............................................................................................................. 8
4.2     Generic Terms .......................................................................................................... 10
5       PROCEDURES FOR NAMING UNDERSEA FEATURES .................................. 11
APPENDIX A: APPROVED GENERIC TERMS........................................................... 12
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply:

Term/Abbreviation                     Definition

continental shelf                     as defined in s 2(1) of the Continental Shelf Act 1964

exclusive economic zone               as defined in s 9 of the Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, and Exclusive
                                      Economic Zone Act 1977

GEBCO SCUFN                           General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, Subcommittee on Undersea
                                      Feature Names

GNSS                                  global navigation satellite system

NZGB                                  New Zealand Geographic Board Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

NZGBA                                 New Zealand Geographic Board (Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act

official geographic name              as defined in s 4 of the NZGBA

recorded name                         as defined in s 4 of the NZGBA

Ross Dependency                       as defined in s 7(1) of the Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act

territorial sea                       as defined in s 3 of the Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, and Exclusive
                                      Economic Zone Act 1977

UNCLOS                                the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982

undersea feature                      a part of the ocean floor or seabed that has measurable relief or is
                                      delimited by relief; as defined in s 4 of the NZGBA

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                   3
Effective date: 13 March 2009
New Zealand Geographic Board Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa © Copyright
The New Zealand Geographic Board (Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008 (NZGBA) extended
the jurisdiction of the New Zealand Geographic Board Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB) to
assign, approve, alter or discontinue official geographic names to undersea features within the
continental shelves of New Zealand and the Ross Dependency.

The principal functions of the NZGB are to assign, approve, alter, or discontinue official geographic
names of natural features, railway stations, places, undersea features, and Crown protected areas
within New Zealand and the Ross Dependency of Antarctica and their continental shelves.

Many of the undersea features considered by the NZGB are located outside New Zealand’s
territorial sea and so are subject to international agreements and review, in particular by the United
Nations and the International Hydrographic Organization. The decisions of the NZGB in relation to
undersea features are reviewed by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, Subcommittee on
Undersea Feature Names (GEBCO SCUFN) before they are accepted for general international
usage, in particular for safety of navigation. The criteria defined in this interim standard are closely
aligned to the GEBCO SCUFN criteria to ensure the names of undersea features are consistent

Purpose of interim standard
This interim standard specifies the criteria that the NZGB must use to assess proposals for undersea
feature names.

Brief history of interim standard
This interim standard largely adopts the International Hydrographic Organization Guidelines for the
Standardization of Undersea Feature Names, with minor amendments to suit New Zealand

The following documents are necessary for the application of this interim standard:

•   International Hydrographic Organization 2001, Standardization of Undersea Feature Names,
    Bathymetric Publication B-6, 3rd edition, International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco

•   New Zealand Geographic Board (Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                4
Effective date: 13 March 2009
New Zealand Geographic Board Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa © Copyright
Feedback on the interim standard
 When developing a new standard for undersea feature names, the NZGB will take into account any
 feedback from users of this interim standard.

 Comments are invited, preferably in electronic format, on the technical content, wording, and
 general arrangement of this interim standard.

 (a)     Electronic comments should be sent by email to or on a
         disc. Other formats – comments should preferably be typewritten. Please do not return a
         marked-up document in place of comments.

 (b)     Please provide your name and organisation (if applicable). Please place relevant clause
         numbers beside each comment.

 (c)     Please provide supporting reasons and suggested wording for each comment. Where you
         consider that specific content is too simplistic, too complex, or too detailed, provide an

 (d)     All comments received will be put before the relevant drafting committee.

 The NZGB is required to undertake its functions with a high degree of transparency. Accordingly,
 please be aware that any information provided to the NZGB may be discussed with or provided to
 other parties. Please identify any information that you wish to remain confidential and provide
 reasons for this. You should also be aware that the NZGB is subject to the Official Information
 Act 1982.

 The Secretary
 New Zealand Geographic Board Ng Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa
 c/- Land Information New Zealand
 160 Lambton Quay
 Private Box 5501
 Wellington 6145

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                           5
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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1          SCOPE
           (a)     This interim standard specifies the criteria that the NZGB will take into account
                   when considering whether to assign, approve, alter, or discontinue an official
                   geographic name of an undersea feature in accordance with the NZGBA.

           (b)     This interim standard defines the rules of nomenclature for undersea feature names
                   within the continental shelves of New Zealand and Ross Dependency of Antarctica.

           (c)     In this interim standard, names will normally be assigned to undersea features
                   located between the line of lowest astronomic tide and

                   (i)    the 200 nautical mile limit of the exclusive economic zone or

                   (ii)   the seaward extent of the continental shelf where it extends beyond this

           This interim standard must be used by the NZGB when considering proposals to:

           (a)     assign, alter, or discontinue official undersea feature names, and

           (b)     approve or discontinue the use of recorded names as official undersea feature names.

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                               6
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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           The NZGB must take into account the following rules of nomenclature when considering
           proposals to assign, approve, alter, or discontinue official names for undersea features.
           These criteria will ensure that official undersea feature names are consistent and conform
           to international standards.

           (a)     International concern for naming undersea features is limited to those features more
                   than 50% outside the territorial sea in agreement with the United Nations Convention
                   on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The NZGB may assign names to undersea
                   features within the territorial sea of New Zealand without international consultation.

           (b)     Names used for many years may be accepted even though they do not conform to
                   normal principles of nomenclature. Existing names may be altered to avoid
                   confusion, remove ambiguity, or to correct spelling.

           (c)     Names approved by other national names authorities in waters beyond the territorial
                   sea should be accepted if the names have been applied in conformance with
                   internationally accepted principles. Names applied within the territorial sea of a state
                   should be recognised by other states.

           (d)     Where two names have been applied to the same feature, the older name generally
                   should be accepted. The use of dual names may also be appropriate.

           (e)     Where a single name has been applied to two different features, generally the feature
                   named first should retain that name.

           (f)     Non-romanised names should be transliterated according to a system approved by the
                   NZGB. When diacritical marks or special characters are used by the proposing
                   individual or body, these will be incorporated into the official name.

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                   7
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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4.1        Specific terms
           The NZGB must apply the following principles when considering proposals to assign,
           approve, alter, or discontinue official names for undersea features.

           (a)     Short and simple terms (or names) are preferable.

           (b)     The principal concern in naming is to provide effective, conveniently usable, and
                   appropriate reference; commemoration of persons or ships is a secondary

           (c)     The first choice of a specific term, where feasible, should be one associated with a
                   geographical feature. Examples include Aleutian Ridge, Aleutian Trench, Peru-Chile
                   Trench, and Barrow Canyon.

           (d)     Specific terms may be used to commemorate ships or other vehicles, expeditions, or
                   scientific agencies involved in the discovery and/or delineation of the feature, or to
                   honour the memory of significant persons. Where a ship name is used, it should be
                   that of the discovering ship, or if that has been previously used for a similar feature,
                   the name of the ship verifying the feature. Examples include San Pablo Seamount,
                   and Atlantis II Seamounts.

           (e)     Names of living persons will normally not be accepted.

           (f)     In the rare cases where the names of living persons are accepted, surnames are
                   preferable. These cases will be limited to those persons who have made an
                   outstanding or fundamental contribution to ocean sciences.

           (g)     Groups of like features may be named collectively for specific categories or themes.
                   Examples of categories or themes include historical persons, mythical features, stars,
                   constellations, fish, birds, and animals. Examples. of groups of like features named
                   collectively include the following:

                    Group                                            Features
                    Musicians Seamounts                              Bach Seamount
                                                                     Brahms Seamount
                                                                     Schubert Seamount
                    Electricians Seamounts                           Volta Seamount
                                                                     Ampere Seamount
                                                                     Galvani Seamount
                    Ursa Minor Ridge and Trough Province             Suhail Ridge
                                                                     Kochab Ridge
                                                                     Polaris Trough

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(h)     Descriptive names are acceptable, particularly when they refer to distinguishing
                   characteristics. Examples include Hook Ridge and Horseshoe Seamount. Caution
                   must be exercised unless a characteristic shape has been established by definitive
                   topographic exploration.

           (i)     Names of well-known or large features that are applied to other features should have
                   the same spelling.

           (j)     Appropriate English or M ori specific terms are acceptable. Specific terms from
                   other languages will also be considered. The specific elements of the undersea
                   feature’s name should not be translated from the language of the nation providing the
                   accepted name.

           (k)     The use of acronyms or abbreviations in undersea feature names is discouraged, but
                   may be considered if the suggested name is otherwise deemed appropriate.

           (l)     Names generally not acceptable include those that are:

                   (i)    applied to similar features elsewhere,

                   (ii)   full names or unwieldy titles of individuals, institutions, or organisations,

                   (iii) commercial products or their manufacturers,

                   (iv) friends or relations of the proponent,

                   (v)    of the individual proponent,

                   (vi) derogatory, offensive or in poor taste,

                   (vii) of persons occupying high offices who have not contributed directly and
                         significantly to the knowledge of the oceans or undersea geomorphology,

                   (viii) directional, qualifying or indistinct terminology (eg west, north, high, low,
                          upper, lower, new, old),

                   (ix) misspelt,

                   (x)    of the possessive form, or

                   (xi) include an apostrophe or hyphen.

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                   9
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4.2        Generic Terms
           The NZGB must apply the following principles when considering proposals to assign,
           approve, alter, or discontinue official names for undersea features.

           (a)     Generic terms should be selected from the list of definitions in Appendix A to reflect
                   physiographic descriptions of features.

           (b)     Existing names that use incorrect generic terms should be altered.

           (c)     Generic terms applied to features appearing on charts or other products should be in
                   English. In cases where an undersea feature name contains a foreign generic term
                   that has achieved international currency, the foreign form should be retained.

           (d)     As mapping of the ocean seafloor continues, features will be discovered for which
                   existing terminology (as defined in Appendix A) is not adequate. New terms
                   required to describe those features should conform to this interim standard and to
                   standards published by GEBCO-SCUFN.

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                10
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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           The following procedures must be adhered to when making and considering proposals to
           assign, approve, alter, or discontinue official names for undersea features.

           (a)     Individuals and agencies applying names to unnamed features in international waters
                   should adhere to internationally accepted principles and procedures.

           (b)     Proposals must be submitted on the “Undersea Feature Name Proposal” form
                   available on the NZGB website.

           (c)     Prior to the naming of an undersea feature, its character, extent, and position must
                   have been established sufficiently for identification. Positions should be given in
                   terms of geographic coordinates, ideally determined by GNSS.

           (d)     Care must be taken to ascertain that undersea features are unique, and not simply
                   previously named undersea features for which incorrect geographic positions have
                   been recorded. If modern navigation techniques more accurately determine the
                   position of a previously approved undersea feature, the record of the official name
                   should reflect the new position as the most accurate site.

           (e)     If the NZGB has reason to alter the name of an undersea feature it approved
                   originally, information explaining the change should be circulated to other concerned
                   authorities. If there is opposition to a name change, the involved authorities
                   (including the NZGB) should communicate with each other to agree on a solution.

           (f)     It is recognised that some national, international, and unofficial or ad hoc naming
                   authorities do not regularly meet or routinely inform the NZGB of their undersea
                   feature discoveries and/or naming. Efforts should be made to identify and
                   correspond with these authorities to inform them of NZGB decisions.

           (g)     Newly discovered and proposed undersea feature names identified by individuals,
                   institutions or agencies, which fall outside of the New Zealand territorial limits but
                   within or partly within the established continental shelf claims by other nations under
                   UNCLOS, should be identified and referred to naming authorities in those nations
                   and GEBCO-SCUFN. This procedure in no way acknowledges national or
                   international claims by any nations under UNCLOS, or accepts international
                   boundaries set under that Convention, but will be in force as a courtesy to other
                   toponymic bodies.

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                 11
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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Appendix A: Approved generic terms
The following table lists the approved generic terms for undersea feature names. Italicised terms in
the definitions are themselves defined elsewhere in the list.

 Generic Term                         Definition

 Abyssal Hill(s)                      an isolated (or tract of) small elevation(s) on the deep seafloor

 Abyssal Plain                        an extensive, flat, gently sloping, or nearly level region at abyssal

 Apron                                a gently dipping surface, underlain primarily by sediment, at the base
                                      of any steeper slope

 Archipelagic Apron                   a gentle slope with a generally smooth surface of the sea floor,
                                      characteristically found around groups of islands or seamounts

 Bank(s)                              an isolated (or group of) elevation(s) of the sea floor, over which the
                                      depth of water is relatively shallow, but sufficient for safe surface

 Basin                                a depression, in the sea floor, more or less equidimensional in plan and
                                      of variable extent

 Bench                                a small terrace

 Borderland                           a region adjacent to a continent, normally occupied by or bordering a
                                      shelf and sometimes emerging as islands, that is irregular or blocky in
                                      plan or profile, with depths well in excess of those typical of a shelf

 Caldera                              a collapsed or partially-collapsed seamount, commonly of annular

 Canyon(s)                            an isolated (or group of) relatively narrow, deep depression(s) with
                                      steep sides, the bottom of which generally deepens continuously,
                                      developed characteristically on some continental slopes

 Cone                                 see fan

 Continental Margin                   the zone, generally consisting of shelf, slope and continental rise,
                                      separating the continent from the deep sea floor or abyssal plain.
                                      Occasionally a trench may be present in place of a continental rise

 Continental Rise                     a gentle slope rising from the oceanic depths towards the foot of a
                                      continental slope

 Continental Shelf                    see shelf

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                     12
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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Generic Term                         Definition

 Cordillera                           an entire mountain system including the subordinate ranges, interior
                                      plateaus, and basins

 Deep(s)                              an isolated (or group of) localised deep area(s) within the confines of a
                                      larger feature, such as a trough, basin or trench

 Escarpment                           an elongated, characteristically linear, steep slope separating
                                      horizontal or gently sloping sectors of the sea floor in non-shelf areas.
                                      Also abbreviated to scarp

 Fan                                  a relatively smooth, fan-like, depositional feature normally sloping
                                      away from the outer termination of a canyon or canyon system. Also
                                      called a cone

 Flat                                 a small level or nearly level area

 Fork(s)                              a branch(es) of a canyon(s) or valley(s)

 Fracture Zone                        an extensive linear zone of irregular topography, mountainous or
                                      faulted, characterised by steep-sided or assymetrical ridges, clefts,
                                      troughs or escarpments

 Furrow                               a closed, linear, narrow, shallow depression

 Gap                                  see passage

 Gully                                a small valley-like feature

 Guyot(s)                             an isolated (or group of) seamount(s) having a comparatively smooth
                                      flat top. Also called tablemount(s). See also seamount(s)

 Hill(s)                              an isolated (or group of) elevation(s), smaller than a seamount. See
                                      also abyssal hill(s) and knoll(s)

 Hole                                 a small local depression, often steep sided, in the sea floor

 Knoll(s)                             an elevation somewhat smaller than a seamount and of rounded
                                      profile, characteristically isolated or as a cluster on the sea floor. See
                                      also hill(s)

 Ledge                                a rocky projection or outcrop, commonly linear and near shore

 Levee                                a depositional natural embankment bordering a canyon, valley or
                                      seachannel on the ocean floor

 Median Valley                        the axial depression of the mid-oceanic ridge system

 Mid-Oceanic Ridge                    see ridge (c) and rise (b)

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                       13
Effective date: 13 March 2009
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Generic Term                         Definition

 Mesa                                 an isolated, extensive, flat-topped elevation on the shelf, with
                                      relatively steep sides

 Moat                                 an annular depression that may not be continuous located at the base
                                      of many seamounts, oceanic islands and other isolated elevations

 Mound                                a low, isolated, rounded hill

 Mountain(s)                          a well-defined subdivision(s) of a large and complex positive

 Passage                              a narrow break in a ridge or a rise. Also called gap

 Peak(s)                              an isolated (or group of) prominent elevation(s) either pointed or of a
                                      very limited extent across the summit

 Pinnacles(s)                         a discrete (or group of) high tower or spire-shaped pillar(s) of rock, or
                                      coral, isolated or cresting a summit

 Plain                                a flat, gently sloping or nearly level region

 Plateau                              a flat or nearly flat elevation of considerable areal extent, dropping off
                                      abruptly on one or more sides

 Platform                             a flat or gently sloping underwater surface extending seaward from

 Promontory                           a major spur-like protrusion of the continental slope extending to the
                                      deep seafloor. Characteristically, the crest deepens seaward

 Province                             a region identifiable by a number of shared physiographic
                                      characteristics that are markedly in contrast with those in the
                                      surrounding areas

 Ramp                                 a gentle slope connecting areas of different elevations

 Range                                a series of associated ridges or seamounts

 Ravine                               a small canyon

 Reef(s)                              a mass (or group) or rock(s) or other indurated material lying at or
                                      near the sea surface that may constitute a hazard to surface navigation

 Ridge(s)                             (a)    an isolated (or group of) elongated narrow elevation(s) of
                                             varying complexity having steep sides
                                      (b)    an isolated (or group of) elongated narrow elevation(s), often
                                             separating ocean basins
                                      (c)    the linked major mid-oceanic mountain systems of global extent.
                                             Also called mid-oceanic ridge

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Generic Term                         Definition

 Rise                                 (a)    a broad elevation that rises gently and smoothly from the sea
                                      (b)    the linked major mid-oceanic mountain systems of global extent.
                                             Also called mid-oceanic ridge

 Saddle                               a broad pass or col, resembling in shape a riding saddle, in a ridge or
                                      between contiguous elevations

 Scarp                                see escarpment

 Sea Valley(s)                        see valley(s)

 Seachannel(s)                        a continuously sloping elongated discrete (or group of) depression(s)
                                      found in fans or abyssal plains and customarily bordered by levees on
                                      one or both sides

 Seamount(s)                          a discrete (or group of) large isolated elevation(s), greater than 1,000m
                                      in relief above the sea floor, characteristically of conical form. See
                                      also guyot

 Seamount Chain                       a linear or arcuate alignment of discrete seamounts, with their bases
                                      clearly separated. See also seamount(s)

 Shelf                                a zone adjacent to a continent (or around an island) and extending
                                      from the low water line to a depth at which there is usually a marked
                                      increase of slope towards oceanic depths

 Shelf-Break                          see shelf-edge

 Shelf-Edge                           the line along which there is a marked increase of slope at the seaward
                                      margin of a continental (or island) shelf. Also called shelf break

 Shelf-Valley                         a valley on the shelf, generally the shoreward extension of a canyon

 Shoal(s)                             an isolated (or group of) offshore hazard(s) to surface navigation with
                                      substantially less clearance than the surrounding area and composed of
                                      unconsolidated material

 Sill                                 a sea floor barrier of relatively shallow depth restricting water
                                      movement between basins

 Slope                                the deepening sea floor out from the shelf-edge to the upper limit of
                                      the continental rise, or to the point where there is a general decrease in

 Spur                                 a subordinate elevation or ridge protruding from a larger feature, such
                                      as a plateau or island foundation

 Submarine Valley(s)                  see valley(s)

Interim standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS60000                                                       15
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Generic Term                         Definition

 Tablemount(s)                        see guyot(s)

 Terrace(s)                           an isolated (or group of) relatively flat horizontal or gently inclined
                                      surface(s), sometimes long and narrow, which is(are) bounded by a
                                      steeper descending slope on the opposite side.

 Tongue                               an elongate (tongue-like) extension of a flat sea floor into an adjacent
                                      higher feature

 Trench                               a long narrow, characteristically very deep and asymmetrical
                                      depression of the sea floor, with relatively steep sides

 Trough                               a long depression of the sea floor characteristically flat bottomed and
                                      steep sided and normally shallower than a trench

 Valley(s)                            an isolated (or group of) relatively shallow, wide depression(s), the
                                      bottom of which usually has a continuous gradient. This term is
                                      generally not used for features that have canyon-like characteristics for
                                      a significant portion of their extent. Also called submarine valley(s)
                                      or sea valley(s)

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