International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
South Australian Government Schools

Student Program

Your journey starts here
International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
There are many benefits in
choosing to study abroad with
South Australian Government
Schools. Studying abroad is a
big decision and we will help
you throughout your journey.

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
Contents                                          follow us

Benefits                                                             02
Schools                                                              03
Curriculum and Education Journey                                     04
Specialised Subjects and Programs                                    05
Qualifications and Pathways                                          06
International Student Program Guide                                  07
    High School Graduate Program                                     08
    High School Study Abroad Program                                 09
    Regional Study Abroad Program                                    10
    Primary School Program                                           11
    Primary School Study Abroad Program                              12
English Language                                                     13
Accommodation                                                        14
Advantages                                                           15
How to Apply                                                         16
Enrolment Process                                                    17
Lifestyle                                                            18
Opportunities                                                        19
Experience                                                           20

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
Benefits                                                                               Darwin


South Australian Government Schools has                                                 Northern

been providing study abroad experiences                          Western Australia

to international students since 1989. With                                                                                            Brisbane
over 100 schools accredited to deliver our                        Perth
                                                                                        South Australia

International Student Program, we are able                                                                New South Wales

to offer you a range of short and long term                                                                     A.C.T      Canberra

study programs to meet your needs.                                                         Adelaide

Every aspect of your study program,                                                                                    Tasmania

including homestay accommodation, is                                                                                  Hobart

centrally managed within our office by a
caring team dedicated to your success and
delivering a quality experience. This makes
South Australian Government Schools unique
in Australia.
Your success, safety and wellbeing
are our priority.

 Our Schools                          Our Programs                                   Our Support
 • special focus subjects,            • affordable tuition fees                      • online pre-departure
   programs and                         compared to other                              handbook to help you
   co-curricular activities             Australian schools                             prepare before leaving home
 • wide range of specialist           • centrally managed by the                     • orientation program
   learning resources and               Department for Education                       including health and safety,
   facilities                         • individual school matching                     school and homestay
 • large open spaces and                to best meet your interests                    expectations, visa conditions
   natural environments for             and ambitions                                  and money management
   sport and school activities        • individual matching to a                     • safety and wellbeing checks
 • International Student                caring homestay family                       • academic progress reports
   Program Manager for                • selection, accreditation                     • tertiary studies counselling
   support and assistance               and monitoring of all our                    • primary parent/guardian
 • local school buddy to help           homestay families                              support
   you settle into school life        • accreditation and monitoring                 • 24 hour emergency
                                        of all our education agents                    phone service
                                      • English support included as
                                        part of your study program

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
South Australian Government Schools                         Most schools are either primary or secondary only.
provide a safe, caring and supportive learning              Some cater for Reception to Year 12 or specialise in
                                                            senior secondary (Years 11–12).
environment for all students.
The Department for Education accredits schools              Academic Year
to deliver the International Student Program in an          The academic year is made up of 4 terms
environment that supports international students and        (2 semesters) and starts in late January and
their learning objectives.                                  ends mid-December.
Our schools are located throughout metropolitan             Semester 1: Terms 1 and 2
Adelaide and regional South Australia.                      Semester 2: Terms 3 and 4
Year levels*                                                There are approximately 10 weeks in each
                                                            term followed by holidays.
                      Year Levels        Student Age
                                                            School hours are Monday to Friday,
Primary School        Reception–Year 6   5–13 years         8.30am to 3.30pm in most schools.
Junior High School    Years 7–10         13–16 years
Senior High School    Years 11–12        16–19 years        School Uniform
*All South Australian public schools will move year 7       All South Australian government schools
into high school from term 1, 2022. This means that         have their own school uniform which may
from 2022, year 6 will be the last year of primary school   include a sports uniform.
and year 7 will be the first year of high school.



                                                            Port Lincoln
                                                                                            Murray Bridge

                                                                                       Victor Harbor

           Metropolitan Adelaide
           Regional South Australia
                                                                                                        Mt Gambier

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
Curriculum and
Education Journey
    The Australian school curriculum is designed to address the individual needs and
    interests of students to provide a foundation for successful, life-long learning.

        Focus              Subjects              Pathways            Achievement                   Tertiary
     Your interest         Choose your            Choose your        Complete year 12              studies
    and ambitions            subjects           future pathway       Achieve your SACE         Commence tertiary
                                                                             or                      studies
                                                                   Complete IB Diploma           (eg. university)

The curriculum challenges students in developing          Senior secondary students in Year 11 and Year 12 are
the essential skills and capabilities of:                 required to further develop their skills and capabilities
                                                          to gain a depth of understanding, knowledge and
• Literacy
                                                          sophistication of skill in order to achieve their South
• Numeracy                                                Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).
• Information and communication technology
• Critical and creative thinking                          International Baccalaureate
• Ethical understanding                                   The Primary Years Program (PYP) and the Middle Years
                                                          Program (MYP) are offered by several schools, while the
• Personal and social capability
                                                          International Baccalaureate Diploma is available
• Intercultural understanding                             in selected schools.
For students to develop these skills and capabilities,    The PYP prepares students to become active, caring, life-
schools offer a broad range of subjects within the core   long learners who demonstrate respect for themselves
learning areas of:                                        and others and have the capacity to participate in the
                                                          world around them.
•   English
                                                          The MYP is a challenging framework that encourages
•   Mathematics
                                                          students to make practical connections between their
•   Science                                               studies and the real world.
•   Humanities and Social Sciences                        The International Baccalaureate Diploma aims to
•   The Arts                                              develop students who have excellent breadth and
•   Languages                                             depth of knowledge – students who flourish physically,
                                                          intellectually, emotionally and ethically. The curriculum
•   Health and Physical Education
                                                          is made up of six subject groups and a core, comprising
•   Technologies                                          theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service and
•   Work Studies                                          the extended essay. Students reflect on the nature
                                                          of knowledge, complete independent research and
                                                          undertake a project that often involves community

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
Specialised Subjects
and Programs
Specialised Subjects
All South Australian government schools offer a             Gifted and Talented Education
broad range of interesting and specialised subjects
within their curriculum.                                    Some high schools are recognised as centres of
                                                            excellence in gifted and talented education and offer
Students who want to try a new subject or have a            the IGNITE program.
talent or passion for a particular subject area should
consider this when choosing their school.                   A number of other high schools offer individualised
                                                            programs to support students who have demonstrated
Some examples of specialised subjects include:              outstanding ability or potential in a specific area
• Science and Mathematics: robotics, forensic science,      including mathematics and science.
  nanotechnology, astronomy and viticulture                 To find out more about the specialised subjects and
• Health and Physical Education: psychology, hospitality,   programs offered in our schools, go to the Choose a
  surfing, golf, cycling and outdoor education              High School page on our website.
• The Arts: music, ballet, contemporary dance,    
  textiles and fashion
• Technologies: computer aided design, broadcasting,
  graphic design, photography and animation

Special Interest Programs
Some of our high schools also have special interest
programs for students with a talent or passion for a
particular subject area. These programs are usually a
strong focus area of the school.
Some examples of special interest programs available
include Languages, Music, Performing Arts and Sport.
Entry into these programs may require evidence
of student aptitude, an audition or try-out prior to
acceptance. Additional fees may apply.

Co-curricular Clubs and Competitions
Schools also offer the opportunity to participate
individually or as a team member in any school-based
activities including music bands, engineering design
competitions, debating, drama productions, sports
teams and adventure activities.
A variety of state, national and international
competitions provide a further challenge, testing
the abilities, skills and knowledge of students in many
areas including academic excellence, sports, enterprise
and leadership.

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
and Pathways
South Australian                                        International Baccalaureate Diploma
Certificate of Education                                The International Baccalaureate (IB) two year diploma
The South Australian Certificate of Education           program is also offered as a challenging alternative to
(SACE) is an internationally recognised qualification   the SACE and can lead to entry into universities across
awarded to students who successfully complete Year      Australia and around the world.
11 and Year 12 in a South Australian high school.
The SACE is divided into Stage 1 and Stage 2.
                                                        The ATAR is recognised for entry into Australian
In planning your senior secondary study, you will
                                                        universities and Technical and Further Education
complete a Personal Learning Plan in Year 10 or
                                                        (TAFE) institutions, and is used by many universities
when you start Year 11.
                                                        around the world to select students for degree courses.
The SACE is based on a credit system where each
subject per semester is equal to 10 credits. Students
must achieve 200 credits, including compulsory
subjects, to achieve their SACE.
Subject counsellors will assist with your subject
selection so that you can achieve your best and have
the necessary Tertiary Admission Subjects (TAS) to
receive an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
upon achieving your SACE.

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
International Student
Program Guide
  High School                                     High School
  Graduate Program                                Study Abroad Program
  • Academic achievement and completion of SACE   • Short term study and cultural experience
  • 13–19 years of age                            • 13–19 years of age
  • Study for over 1 year                         • Study for 1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks

  See more information on page          8         See more information on page           9

  Regional Study                                  Primary School
  Abroad Program                                  Program
  • Short term study and cultural experience      • Academic achievement and transition to high school
  • 13–19 years of age                            • 5–13 years of age
  • Study for 1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks     • Study for over 1 year

  See more information on page 10                 See more information on page 11

  Primary School                                  English Language
  Study Abroad Program                            • Intensive English
                                                  • Ongoing English Language Support
  • Short term study and cultural experience
  • 5–13 years of age                             See more information on page 13
  • Study for 1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks

  See more information on page 12

  Additional Information
  Accommodation                                   How to Apply
  See more information on page 14                 See more information on page 16

International Student Program - Your journey starts here - South Australian Government Schools
High School                                                                         Program Goal

Graduate Program                                                                    academic achievement and
                                                                                    completion of SACE

                                                                                    Age range
                                                                                    13–19 years
If you are 13 years of age or older and want to
                                                                                    Program Length
study for longer than one year, then the High                                       over 1 year
School Graduate Program is for you! Experience
living and studying alongside Australian students,                                  Location
                                                                                    Metropolitan Adelaide
pursue your individual academic interests and
ambitions, gain a world class education and                                         Commencement
aim to graduate high school.                                                        any point from Year 8*– Year 12

                                                                                         *Please refer to page 3 for more information

Your High School Graduate                                    Accommodation
Program includes:                                            We will arrange your accommodation with a caring
                                                             homestay family who will help you experience life in
Pre-Arrival Services                                         South Australia. Alternatively you can nominate to live
• application processing                                     with a relative or family friend. Please see Accommodation
                                                             on page 14 for more details.
• school placement
• homestay accommodation placement                           Entry Conditions
• online pre-departure handbook                              To help us assess your application, we need the following:
On Arrival Services                                          Academic Achievements
• Adelaide Airport meet and greet                            Please provide translated statements from:
• homestay family introduction                               • your current school detailing your previous academic
• school welcome and tour                                      achievements and attitude to study for the last two years
• school enrolment assistance                                • relevant authority detailing your ability if you are
• school orientation program                                   interested in enrolling in a special interest program
• school materials and initial stationery
                                                             English Proficiency
School Support Services                                      Please provide at least one of the following:
• personal counselling                                       • translated statement from your current school detailing
• subject and pathway counselling                              your English language proficiency

• school term academic progress reports                      • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
                                                               or equivalent English language test results
English Language Services (more detail on page 13)           • records that show student has been in an English
• Initial and ongoing English language support as required     medium school for a minimum of 2 years
  (this may include an Intensive Secondary English Course)
                                                             As a guide for entry into mainstream classes (except for a few
Safety and Wellbeing Services                                selected schools), students are expected to have the following
                                                             level of English proficiency
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory if you   or equivalent:
  are on a student visa and we can organise this for you
• regular wellbeing check-ups                                • IELTS 5.5
• 24 hour emergency phone service                            To assist your entry into mainstream classes, we may
                                                             recommend that you undertake an Intensive Secondary
                                                             English Course (more detail on page 13).

High School Study                                                                   Program Goal

Abroad Program                                                                      short term study and cultural

                                                                                    Age range
                                                                                    13–19 years
If you are 13 years of age or older and want
                                                                                    Program Length
to study for up to 4 terms (one year), then the                                     1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks
High School Study Abroad Program is for you!
Experience the Australian culture by living and                                     Location
                                                                                    Metropolitan Adelaide
studying alongside Australian students while
improving your English and trying new subjects                                      Commencement
that interest you.                                                                  any point from Year 8*– Year 12

                                                                                         *Please refer to page 3 for more information

Your High School Study Abroad                                Accommodation
Program includes:                                            We will arrange your accommodation with a caring
                                                             homestay family who will help you experience life in
Pre-Arrival Services                                         South Australia. Alternatively you can nominate to live
• application processing                                     with a relative or family friend. Please see Accommodation
                                                             on page 14 for more details.
• school placement
• homestay accommodation placement                           Entry Conditions
• online pre-departure handbook                              To help us assess your application, please provide
                                                             translated statements from:
On Arrival Services
• Adelaide Airport meet and greet                            • your current school detailing your previous academic
                                                               achievements and attitude to study for the last two years
• homestay family introduction
                                                             • relevant authority detailing your ability if you are
• school welcome and tour
                                                               interested in enrolling in a special interest program
• school enrolment assistance
• school orientation program
• school materials and initial stationery

School Support Services
• personal and subject counselling
• school term academic progress reports
• academic transcript (if required)

English Language Services (more detail on page 13)
• Initial and ongoing English language support as required
  (this may include an Intensive Secondary English Course)

Safety and Wellbeing Services
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory if you
  are on a student visa and we can organise this for you
• regular wellbeing check-ups
• 24 hour emergency phone service

Regional Study                                                                      Program Goal

Abroad Program                                                                      short term study and
                                                                                    cultural experience

                                                                                    Age range
                                                                                    13–19 years
If you are between 13 and 19 years of age
                                                                                    Program Length
and want to study for up to 4 terms (one year),                                     1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks
then the Regional Study Abroad Program is for
you! You will learn English, make new friends                                       Location
                                                                                    regional South Australia
and experience the Australian way of life in
a friendly rural community set in one of South                                      Commencement
Australia’s unique regional landscapes.                                             any point from Year 8*– Year 12

                                                                                        *Please refer to page 3 for more information

Your Regional Study Abroad                                   Accommodation
Program includes:                                            We will arrange your accommodation with a caring homestay
                                                             family who will help you experience life in South Australia.
Pre-Arrival Services                                         Please see Accommodation on page 14 for more details.
• application processing
• school placement
                                                             Entry Conditions
• homestay accommodation placement                           To help us assess your application, please provide translated
                                                             statements from:
• online pre-departure handbook
                                                             • your current school detailing your previous academic
On Arrival Services                                            achievements and attitude to study for the last two years
• Adelaide Airport meet and greet                            • relevant authority detailing your ability if you are
• homestay family introduction                                 interested in enrolling in a special interest program
• school welcome and tour
• school enrolment assistance
• school orientation program
• school materials and initial stationery

Student Support Services
• personal and subject counselling
• school term academic progress reports
• academic transcript (if required)

English Language Services (more detail on page 13)
• Initial and ongoing English language support as required

Safety and Wellbeing Services
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory if you
  are on a student visa and we can organise this for you
• regular wellbeing check-ups
• 24 hour emergency phone service

Primary                                                                            Program Goal

School Program                                                                     academic achievement and
                                                                                   transition to high school

                                                                                   Age range
                                                                                   5–13 years
If you are between 5 and 13 years of age and
                                                                                   Program Length
want to study for longer than one year, then the                                   1 year
Primary School Program is for you! You will learn
English, participate in interactive educational                                    Location
                                                                                   metropolitan Adelaide
activities and make friends with young Australian
primary school students.                                                           Commencement
                                                                                   any point from
                                                                                   Reception – Year 7*
                                                                                        *Please refer to page 3 for more information

Your Primary School                                          Living in Adelaide
Program includes:                                            • As a primary school student you will live with your
                                                               parent or nominated relative while studying in South
Pre-Arrival Services                                           Australia, which will require approval from the
• application processing                                       Department of Home Affairs.

• school placement                                           Entry Conditions
• online pre-departure handbook                              To commence your studies at:
On Arrival Services                                          • 5 years of age you must be listed on your parent’s
• school welcome and tour                                      guardian visa or ELICOS visa
• school enrolment assistance                                • 6 years of age or older you will need to apply
                                                               for a student visa
• school orientation program
• school materials and initial stationery
• parent orientation information

School Support Services
• personal counselling
• regular school progress reports

English Language Services (more detail on page 13)
• Initial and ongoing English language support as required

Safety and Wellbeing Services
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory if you
  are on a student visa and we can organise this for you
• 24 hour emergency phone service

Primary School                                                                     Program Goal

Study Abroad                                                                       academic achievement and
                                                                                   transition to high school

Program                                                                            Age range
                                                                                   5–13 years
If you are between 5 and 13 years of age
                                                                                   Program Length
and want to study for up to 4 terms (one year),                                    1–4 terms or less than 10 weeks
then the Primary School Study Abroad Program
is for you! You will learn English, make new                                       Location
                                                                                   metropolitan Adelaide
friends and experience living close to the city,
hills or the beach.                                                                Commencement
                                                                                   any point from
                                                                                   Reception – Year 7*

                                                                                        *Please refer to page 3 for more information

Your Primary School Study Abroad                             Living in Adelaide
Program includes:                                            • As a primary school student you will live with your
                                                               parent or nominated relative while studying in South
Pre-Arrival Services                                           Australia, which will require approval from the
• application processing                                       Department of Home Affairs

• school placement                                           Entry Conditions
• online pre-departure handbook                              To commence your studies at:
On Arrival Services                                          • 5 years of age you must be listed on your parent’s
• school welcome and tour                                      guardian visa or ELICOS visa
• school enrolment assistance                                • 6 years of age or older you will need to apply
                                                               for a student visa
• school orientation program
• school materials and initial stationery
• parent orientation information

School Support Services
• personal counselling
• regular school progress reports

English Language Services (more detail on page 13)
• Initial and ongoing English language support as required

Safety and Wellbeing Services
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory if you
  are on a student visa and we can organise this for you
• 24 hour emergency phone service

English Language
High School                                                 English as an Additional Language
                                                            English as an Additional Language is a language
Intensive Secondary English Course                          subject designed for students from non-English
To help you succeed in your studies and adjust to life in   speaking backgrounds. You can choose to study this
South Australia, we may recommend that you undertake        as one of your subjects.
an Intensive Secondary English Course (ISEC) as part of
your study program. There is no additional cost if you      Ongoing English Language Support
undertake ISEC.                                             Ongoing English language support is provided by all
Through studying a range of curriculum subjects,            schools across the curriculum to assist your learning.
such as mathematics and science, you will focus on
learning the English language skills of reading, writing,   Primary School
speaking and listening. Your ISEC teacher will monitor
                                                            As part of your study program, your school may provide
your progress and determine if you study 1, 2, 3 or 4
                                                            you with intensive English support when you first arrive.
terms of ISEC before entering mainstream classes.
                                                            This will help you succeed in your studies and make
The duration of ISEC will normally be two terms,            new friends. Through studying a range of activities,
depending on when you start the school year. If at the      you will focus on learning the English language skills
end of two terms your English language is still not         of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Your teacher
proficient enough to start your mainstream studies, you     will monitor your progress to determine the level of
may be required to complete additional intensive            support you need.
English language studies.

Living with a supportive homestay family will help you in
your studies and enrich your South Australian experience.
If you are 12 years of age or over, we will arrange       When matching you to a suitable homestay family
homestay accommodation for you unless you nominate        we will take into account your individual preferences.
to live with a relative or family friend (may require
                                                          Your homestay family will provide you with:
approval from the Department of Home Affairs).
                                                          •   a furnished bedroom including a desk
Our homestay families have been carefully selected
to host our international students. As part of their      •   daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
accreditation the family is interviewed in their home     •   use of shared household facilities
to better understand their role and responsibilities as   •   help in getting to and from school when
a homestay, and each family member over 18 years of           you first arrive
age undergoes a Working With Children Check.              •   help in catching public transport
We aim to find the best match between homestay            •   help in opening a bank account (if needed)
family and student so that everyone benefits from         •   internet access
the experience.
                                                          •   a safe and caring family environment



Advantages                                                                               South Australia

South Australia enjoys a high quality lifestyle                                                                             Valley
with opportunities for all. South Australia’s                                                                    Canberra
capital city, Adelaide, is a friendly, welcoming
and sophisticated city and is repeatedly ranked                                             Adelaide
among the world’s top 10.
Adelaide is:                                                                                                 Tasmania

• a relaxed coastal city of 1.3 million people
• accessible via flights direct from many destinations                          Port
• clean with blue skies and attractive heritage and                           Adelaide
  natural environments
• well-planned with excellent transport networks                             West Beach
• convenient with a central tertiary education, training                           Adelaide
  and research hub                                                                  Airport
• at the centre of Australia’s air, road and rail networks                    Glenelg Beach

• a vibrant multicultural community
• affordable for living, studying and doing business                                                                   Adelaide
• a significant centre for the arts and culture                                                                          Hills
• full of things to see and experience
                                                                                                 Vale                 METROPOLITAN
                                                                         Aldinga Beach                                ADELAIDE
                                                                                                                      MAIN ROADS
                                                                                                                      ADELAIDE HILLS

   Adelaide is one of the most
   affordable cities in Australia

                                   ADELAIDE IS
                               14% CHEAPER
                                 THAN SYDNEY!


                                                              86         Sydney


   EIU Worldwide Cost of Living Index 2019
   (New York = 100). The Index compares
   prices across products & services (including                 Hobart
   food and drink, clothing, transport, etc)

How to Apply
For assistance in applying, please contact
an education agent or our office. For a list
                                                          Other things to consider
of our accredited agents, go to the Find an Agent page    Visas
on our website:
                                                          To study with South Australian Government Schools
                                                          you will need an Australian Student or Tourist/Visitor
Find the right program for you                            Visa. It is important to read and understand your visa
                                                          conditions to ensure that you meet these requirements
South Australian Government Schools offers long           while studying in Australia.
and short term study programs for primary and high        For information on visas, go to the Department of
school students.                                          Home Affairs website (see below) or speak to your
When choosing the right program for you, consider         education agent.
whether you want to study for up to one year or more
than one year. You can review our programs using the      Travel Insurance
Program Guide on page 7.                                  We recommend that you purchase travel insurance
                                                          while you are studying abroad to cover your airfares
Program fees                                              and possessions in the event of loss or damage.
You can find the program fees on the Program Fees
page on our website.                                      Cost of Living
                                                          In addition to tuition and homestay fees you will have
Choose a school                                           additional costs you will need to budget for while you
We have many quality accredited schools in                are studying abroad. These can include local transport
metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.       (South Australia has the most affordable public transport
To help choose the best school for you, consider the      concessions in Australia at $25 a month), mobile phone
following:                                                costs, clothing and other personal costs, additional
                                                          school materials, school uniforms, excursions and
• Do you want to pursue a particular talent or passion?
• Is there a particular subject of interest you would
  like to study?                                          To check what additional costs to budget for, go to
                                                          the Application Dates and Fees page on our website.
• Do you want to continue learning or learn a
  new language other than English?

                                                            VISIT THESE WEBSITES
• What are your career ambitions?
• Would you like to live and study in metropolitan
  Adelaide or regional South Australia?
                                                            South Australian Government Schools
To make your choice of preferred schools, go to the
Choose a High School or Choose a Primary School             South Australian Certificate of
page on our website.                                        Education (SACE)
                                                            Department of Home Affairs
                                                            Study in Australia
                                                            Welcome to South Australia
        FOLLOW US
Enrolment Process
Please use this process as a guide for enrolling in a program of your choice.

   01          Submit your application

               form with the required
               documentation. Applications           Your application will be
               are online only.                      assessed and if accepted,
                                                     you will be sent a Letter
                                                     of Offer.

   03           Return the Acceptance
               of Offer form and arrange             You will be sent a
               payment of fees as indicated          Letter of Confirmation,
               in your Letter                        Confirmation of Enrolment
               of Offer.                             (COE) and Confirmation of
                                                     Appropriate Accommodation
                                                     and Welfare (CAAW) letter.
                                                     Tourist Visa holders do not
                                                     require a COE or CAAW letter.
   05           Lodge your visa application.

                                                      Book your flights to
                                                      Adelaide, South Australia
                                                      and advise us of your flight

   07           On arrival in Adelaide,
                you will be met at

                Adelaide Airport and
                introduced to your
                homestay family. Your
                parents will be notified              NEED SOME HELP?
                of your safe arrival.
                                                      If you would like assistance with your application,
                                                      please contact an education agent or our office.
                                                      For a list of our accredited agents, go to the Find
                                                      an Agent page on our website.

South Australia is a destination for all seasons
where you can enjoy a relaxed and active lifestyle
all year round. It is the perfect destination for living
and studying, and it will not take you long to feel at home.
  Season         Months                                              Climate          Temperature

 Summer         December → February                                 Hot and Dry       25°C-35°C

 Autumn         March → May                                         Mild, some rain   20°C-25°C

 Winter         June → August                                       Some rain         10°C-15°C

 Spring         September → November                                Mild              20°C-25°C

South Australia is internationally recognised as a
centre for technology, research, innovation, tourism
and The Arts and attracts people from all over the                                      South Australia’s well
world in pursuit of further study and work.                                             established tourism industry
                                                                                        is focused around its unique
                                                                                        wildlife, adventure activities
                                                                                        and natural environments.

           Known as the Festival State, South Australia
           enjoys a vibrant arts culture and plays host
           to large annual international festivals and
           sporting events such as the Adelaide Fringe
           Festival, WOMADelaide music festival,
           OzAsia Festival, Santos Tour Down Under                   South Australia is
           cycling event and Superloop Adelaide 500                  also a global supplier
           car race.                                                 of minerals, grains
                                                                     and quality seafood
                                                                     and wine.

                                Major industries such as energy,
                                defence, manufacturing, bioscience
                                and water management have all
                                found a base in South Australia.

Here are a few things
                                                                   to start you off!

Experience                                                            Explore Adelaide and its zoos,
                                                                      museums, shops and cafes
                                                                      Experience a local or international
                                                                      cultural festival
                                                                      Cuddle a koala in one of our
                                                                      wildlife parks
There are so many fun things for you and                              Learn how to surf or windsurf
your friends to do and see in South Australia!                        Enjoy bushwalking in one of our
Adelaide has something for everyone from                              beautiful national parks
                                                                      Take the ferry to Kangaroo Island
shopping to adventure sports, and is the
                                                                      Go to a local sporting game or
gateway to the beautiful natural environments                         international event
and townships of the Barossa Valley, River                            Learn about local Aboriginal heritage
Murray, Flinders Ranges, Outback and                                  Go cycling or swimming at the beach
                                                                      Visit the Flinders Ranges and Outback
Kangaroo Island.
                                                                   For more ideas on things to
                                                                   see and experience, go to

Look forward
                                        to receiving
                                        your online
South Australian                    Department for Education T/A South
                                    Australian Government Schools
Government Schools                  CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A.
                                    ©2020, Department for Education.
International Education Services,   Disclaimer: The information contained
Department for Education            in this publication is correct at the time
+61 8 8226 3402                     of printing but may be subject to change             without notice.     Tourism images courtesy of South Australian
                                    Tourism Commission, John Montesi, Nick
                                    Rains, Grant Hancock, Greg Snell, Karen      Smith (KaZKaptureZ) Jake Wundersitz.
youtube/SAGovtSchools               The Department for Education assumes                      no responsibility for the accuracy of the
southaustraliangovschools           information provided
                                    by third parties.
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