International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021

Page created by Emily Perez
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
2020 > 2021

International Student
      Welcome Guide
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
     CONTENTS                                                                                                      4
                                                                         3                                   P52
                                                                   P32   UNIVERSITY LIFE                     P54   University Calendar
                                       ì                           P34   Organisation of Studies             P58   Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
                                                                                                                   Study Centres
      1                            STUDY IN PARIS                  P36   Becoming a Student at Paris 1
                                                                         Panthéon-Sorbonne                   P60   Acronyms
          ì                  P12   Administrative Procedures             > Enrolment                         P62   Contacts
      UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1           > Visas and residence permits         > Orientation week                        > I nternational Relations
P4    PANTHÉON-SORBONNE            > Accommodation                 P40   Ressources                                   Department
                                   > Health                                                                        > Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
P6    About the University         > Banks                               > IT Services                             > Emergency Numbers
                                                                         > Libraries
P8    Key Figures            P22   Living in Paris                                                           P63   Check-lists
                                                                   P45   Societies and cultural activities
                                   > Budget
                                   > Working in France                   > Clubs and Societies
                                   > Getting Around                      > Cultural Activities
                                   > Going Out                     P48   Sports

                                                                   P50   Eating
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021

P6   About the University

P8   Key Figures
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
                 1                                                                                       RESEARCH                                                 INTERNATIONAL

                     ì                                                                                   EXCELLENCE                                               REPUTATION

                                                                                                         Teaching and research are intrinsically linked           Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne is
        THE UNIVERSITY                                                                                   at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
                                                                                                         As with teaching, research is also structured
                                                                                                                                                                  very well placed in international rankings.
                                                                                                                                                                  In the 2020 QS World University Rankings
                                                                                                         around three major disciplinary areas with               by discipline the university was one of
        Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne was founded in the 13th century                             36 research teams and 10 doctoral schools.               the best-classed in France, with seven
        as the Collège de la Sorbonne by Robert de Sorbon and is located in                              One PhD viva takes place every day at the                departments placed in the top 50 for their
        the heart of the capital’s Latin Quarter. It is one of the oldest French                         university. Every year, 60 titles are added to           discipline globally. At a national level, Paris 1
                                                                                                         the university press catalogue, the Editions             Panthéon-Sorbonne comes top in seven
        universities, renowned throughout the world. The present-day university
                                                                                                         de la Sorbonne, and more than one scientific             disciplines: anthropology, archaeology,
        has combined tradition with modernity since its establishment in 1970.                           event is organised each day.                             architecture, law, development studies,
                                                                                                                                                                  geography and history.

                                                    THREE MAJOR                                          INTERNATIONAL
                                                    DISCIPLINARY AREAS                                   OUTLOOK

                                                    Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne offers courses             More than 20% of the university’s 43,700
                                                    in three disciplinary areas: economics and           students are international students enrolled across
                                                    management, arts and humanities and law and          10 academic departments and four institutes.
                                                    political science. This broad range of courses       Internationalisation of teaching and research
                                                    makes Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne the biggest          at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne is constantly
                                                    social science and humanities university in France   increasing thanks to strong historic links with a
                                                    in terms of both the range of courses on offer       large number of global institutions (408 partners
                                                    and student numbers.                                 in 81 countries) and the university’s involvement
                                                                                                         in a number of networks.
                                                    Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has always
                                                    emphasised interdisciplinary research. Today the     This strong international presence makes
                                                    university offers a number of innovative double      it possible for Université Paris 1 Panthéon-
                                                    degrees at both bachelor’s and master’s levels       Sorbonne to offer provision for the international
                                                    with excellent reputations in France and abroad.     joint-supervision of PhDs, Erasmus Mundus
                                                                                                         programmes, joint degree programmes, and
                                                                                                         many delocalised degrees within foreign
                                                                                                         partner universities.

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International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
                                                                                                            master’s degrees

                                                                      10                                                                        universities

                                                                   departments                                                                         in

             43,700                                                    and
                                                                                                                  13                                 81
                  students                                                                                                                       countries

                                                                       4                                    bachelor’s degrees

                                                                                         doctoral schools

                                          8,600                   1,400                                                                              25
                                            international      members of teaching                                                           sites in Paris and
                                              students          and research staff                                                       the Île-de-France region

                                            800                   1,200                        1                                 35
              2,400                      incoming exchange
                                                             members of administrative      PhD viva
                                                                                            every day
                                                                                                                        libraries within the Joint
               PhD students                                     and library staff                                        Library Services (SCD)

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International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
        IN PARIS

        P12     Administrative Procedures            P22   Living in Paris
                > Visas and residence permits              > Budget
                > Accommodation                            > Working in France

                                                                                 STUDY IN PARIS
                > Health                                   > Getting Around
                > Banks                                    > Going Out

International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
                                                                                                                         periods totaling 90 days. The holder is limited to      allow you to travel around the Schengen area for
                                                                                                                         remaining in the Schengen area no longer than           a fixed period of six months to five years.

                                                                                                                         90 days within a 180-day period.
                                                                                                                                                                                 There are no formalities required upon arrival or

        ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES                                                                                        Short-term Schengen visas are valid for business
                                                                                                                         or leisure purposes, which could include a short
                                                                                                                                                                                 departure when using this kind of visa. At the end of
                                                                                                                                                                                 the 90-day period you must leave the Schengen area.
                                                                                                                         course, an internship or a paid position (providing     The Schengen short-stay visa is renewable, however
                                                                                                                         the holder has obtained the right to work). Schengen    you must wait six months before submitting a new
                 VISAS AND RESIDENCE PERMITS                                                                             single-entry visas are only valid for a single trip.    application. Unlike with a long-stay visa, this visa
                                                                                                                         Schengen single-entry and multiple-entry visas          does not allow you to take up residence in France.
        If you are not from one of the European Union member states; one of the European
        Free Trade Association countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland); Andorra;                                  Visa Application Procedure
        Monaco; San Marino or the Vatican City; then you must obtain a visa in order to come and
        study at the university. You must complete this procedure before your arrival in France.                            Before departing for France you must request a visa from the French consulate in your country

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          STUDY IN PARIS
                                                                                                                            of residence. You must present proof of university admission in France, proof of means and
        THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF VISA FOR STUDYING IN FRANCE                                                                  proof that you have accommodation reserved in France (attestation d’hébergement).
                                                                                                                            If you live in a country with an established “Études en France” procedure then you can apply
         Visas Valid for Three Months and Above               Visas Valid for Less than Three Months                        for a visa through Campus France online in your area of residence.
         (long-stay visas)                                    (short-stay visas)

        Long-stay visas valid as a residence permit for       Short-term visas for students sitting examinations         FOLLOWING YOUR ARRIVAL IN FRANCE
        students, or VLS-TS student visas
                                                              are only for non-European students and are only valid      Long-stay Visa Holders
        allow you to study in France for a period of four     for travel in France. This visa allows you to come to
        months to a year. Upon expiry of this visa you        France to sit a French higher education admission          If you hold a Long-Stay Visa Valid as a Residence Permit (VLS-TS)
        must request a residence permit in order to           interview or entrance examination. If you are successful
        stay in France.                                       in this process you may request a student residence        if this is your first application, you have three months to take the necessary steps. You will have
                                                              permit at the appropriate prefecture in France; you        to validate your visa online by logging on
        Temporary long-stay visas (VLS-T)                     can do this without having to return to your country
                                                              of residence upon presentation of your original                      Visa Certification Process
        allow you to study in France for a period of four     short-stay visa. If you are unsuccessful you must
        to twelve months. This type of visa cannot be         leave France as soon as you know the outcome of
                                                                                                                            In order to validate your VLS-TS online, you will need a valid email address, the information
        renewed.                                              your application. Please note that short-stay visas for       on your visa, your date of arrival in France, your address in France and a payment card to pay
                                                              students sitting examinations can only be awarded             the tax online.
        Type D visas                                          if the results of the selection process will be known
                                                                                                                            If you do not have a payment card, you can buy an electronic stamp from a tobacco shop and
                                                              within three months of candidates sitting entrance
                                                                                                                            pay in cash.
        with the following clause “residence permit           examinations and admissions interviews.
        must be requested within the first two months                                                                       Once you have completed the online procedure, you will receive by email your login details to
        following arrival in France” apply only to Algerian   Short-term Schengen visas                                     access your account and obtain confirmation of validation of your VLS-TS. A second email that
                                                                                                                            can be downloaded will confirm the information that you filled in online.
                                                              are valid for a maximum of a 90-day period for use
                                                              within the Schengen area. This can be either used
                                                              for an uninterrupted period of 90 days or several

12   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                              2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE            13
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
If you hold a Temporary Long-Stay Visa or VLS-T       If you hold a Type D visa with the following clause:            ACCOMMODATION
                                                              “residence permit must be requested within the
        you do not need to get your visa certified at a       first two months following arrival in France”          Finding accommodation in the Île-de-France region is not an easy task and can
        prefecture when you arrive. You are not required                                                             take some time. It is recommended that you plan ahead as much as possible. Every
        to take any further steps in relation to your         then you must imperatively apply for a residence       student is responsible for finding their own accommodation and, if necessary, look
        visa. VLS-T visas cannot be renewed and it is         permit at your local prefecture or through a           for temporary housing for the start of the academic year.
        not possible to have this kind of visa extended.      dedicated service for this within your university
        You must leave France when this visa expires.         no more than two months following your arrival                                                                Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will not
                                                              in France.                                                                                                    issue proof of accommodation documents in
                                                                                                                                                                            advance and requires you to complete all necessary
                                                                                                                                                                            consular processing procedures beforehand.
         Short-stay Visa Holders
                                                                                                                                                                            Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       STUDY IN PARIS
        If you are the holder of a short-term visa for                                                                                                                      accommodation available in several university
        students sitting examinations                                                                                                                                       halls of residence that you may wish to consider
                                                                                                                     Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has some          applying for. Unfortunately, the university does
        and you obtain a place to study in France you can                                                            accommodation units within university halls of         not have enough accommodation to meet all
        apply for a study residence permit at a prefecture       Contact                                             residence that it allocates to exchange students.      demand.
        without having to return to your country of                    However, being accepted and enrolling at Université
        residence. If you are unsuccessful, you must leave                                                           Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne does not guarantee any
        France as soon as the results of your examination/                                                           student with an offer of university accommodation.
        admission interview are published.

                                                                 Useful Websites
        If you are the holder of a short-term Schengen visa                                                          ACCOMMODATION RESERVED FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS
                                                                 Campus France:
                                                                                                                     ON EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES
        there are no formalities required upon arrival or
        departure. At the end of the 90-day period you           types-of-visas                                      The accommodation options below are exclusively available to foreign students taking
        must leave the Schengen area. The Schengen                                                                   part in exchange programmes.
        short-stay visa is renewable, however you must wait      France-Visas:
        six months before submitting a new application.                                                              This type of accommodation is allocated by the          Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
        Unlike with a long-stay visa, this visa does not                                                             International Relations Department (DRI) at             (CiuP)
        allow you to take up residence in France.                                                                    Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne according
                                                                                                                     to demand and availability.                            Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has
                                                                                                                                                                            several accommodation units available at the Cité
                        Keep in mind                                                                                 Paris Crous                                            internationale universitaire de Paris (CiuP). Rent
                                                                                                                                                                            is between €500-800/month depending on the
           Tourist visas cannot be converted to student visas or student residence permits in France                 Every year Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne        type of accommodation. This accommodation is
           or any European Union member state.                                                                       has some Paris Crous accommodation for allocation.     allocated exclusively to foreign students participating
                                                                                                                     Rent is between €250-550/month depending               in a master’s level exchange programme.
                                                                                                                     on the type of accommodation.
                                                                                                                                                                            Please note that these two organisations may
                                                                                                                                                                            also charge a reservation fee.

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International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021

                                                                                                      Housing Insurance                                      Guarantor

                                                                                                      Whether you are living in a Crous residence, at       Landlords often ask tenants to prove that they
                                                                                                      the CiuP or in a privately rented accommodation,      have a guarantor who will pay their rent in
                                                                                                      you must take out housing insurance from an           the event of lapsed payments. A guarantor is
                                                                                                      insurance company or a bank.                          generally a relative of the tenant, although this
                                                                                                                                                            person can be a friend, who will promise to pay
                                                                                                      Housing insurance will cover damage in your           the tenant’s rent in the event that the tenant
                                                                                                      accommodation in the event of burglary, fire          is unable to do so. If you do not have a relative
                                                                                                      or water damage for example. This insurance is        who can act as a guarantor for you then there
                                                                                                      mandatory and is the responsibility of the tenant.    are various specialist agencies you can consult.
                                                                                                      The rate of insurance varies depending, amongst
                                                                                                      other factors, on where your accommodation            The Action Logement group created a free type of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        STUDY IN PARIS
                                                                                                      is located, its size and the total value of your      guarantee for tenants called “Visa for Housing and
                                                                                                      possessions.                                          Work” (Visale) that will cover the cost of rent in
        ACCOMMODATION FOR ALL FOREIGN STUDENTS                                                                                                              the event of deferred payments. Studapart also
        (EXCHANGE PROGRAMME AND NON-EXCHANGE PROGRAMME)                                               The insurer with whom you take out your               offers to students without a suitable guarantor
                                                                                                      policy can provide you with a certificate of civil    a guarantee service for which you have to pay.
        These accommodation options are open to all foreign students enrolled at Université           liability. You will need this document in order
        Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.                                                                    to complete your administrative enrolment at           Personal Housing Assistance Fund (APL)
                                                                                                      the university. The certificate of civil liability
                                                                                                      will provide you with third-party insurance and       The Personal Housing Assistance Fund (APL) is a
         Cité internationale universitaire de Paris                                                   personal possessions cover. The civil liability       means-tested housing benefit that is awarded to
         (CiuP)                                         certificate can also be obtained via a mutual         help with covering the cost of rent.
                                                                                                      insurance company.
        If you are a foreign master’s student you can apply                                                                                                 You can apply to an APL benefit through the CAF
        directly to the Cité internationale universitaire de                                          Security Deposit                                      (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales). The rate at which
        Paris (CiuP) through their website.                                                                                                                 APL is paid varies depending on a number of factors,
                                                               Useful Websites                        When you sign your lease (or accommodation            such as the location and size of your accommodation,
         Studapart                                             Crous:                                 contract) the landlord will usually ask for a         and your financial resources. You can use the online
                                                                 security deposit. This is a sum of money that         CAF grant calculator to find out if you are eligible and
        The Studapart online platform is a partner of                                                 the landlord will keep for the duration of the        the size of the benefit for which you could qualify.
        Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and allows students          CiuP:                                  rental in the event of any breaches in contract
        to view advertisements for various types of                                                   on behalf of the tenant, such as missing rent
        accommodation (private accommodation,                  Studapart:                             payments or damage to the property. This will            Useful Websites
        university halls, estate agent offers).            normally be returned to you providing there are
                                                                                                      no breaches of contract.                                 Visale:

                                                                                                                                                               Campus France: www.campusfrance.


16   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                         2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE               17
International Student Welcome Guide 2020 2021
HEALTH                                                                                          HEALTH INSURANCE COOPERATIVES AND TOP-UP INSURANCE

        Social security affiliation is free and obligatory for all students in France, whether                     In order to increase your health insurance payouts you can also register with a health
        they are French or foreign nationals.                                                                      cooperative or for top-up insurance.

        SOCIAL SECURITY                                                                                            How do I register with a health insurance cooperative?

          Why?                        When?                     How?                        How much?              You are advised to register with a health insurance cooperative in order to increase your health
                                                                                                                   insurance payouts, however this is not obligatory. You can ask for a quote and compare rates of
        To get a portion            As soon as possible        By going to the            It’s free. Social
                                    after enrolling            Ameli webpage              security registration    different student health insurance companies, insurance companies and banks.
        of my healthcare
        cost reimbursed             at Université Paris 1      aimed at foreign           in France is free
        (medical                    Panthéon-Sorbonne.         students, which            for all students,        Please ensure that the health insurance cooperative you register with can offer you personal public
        consultations,                                         is available in both       including French         liability insurance as well as student public liability insurance, so that you will also be covered in
        medical tests, etc.).                                  French and English.        and foreign nationals.   your place of study or internship.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STUDY IN PARIS
         I need to register if:                                Students who are nationals of a European country,   CONSULTATIONS
                                                               Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, or Switzerland
        > I am a European student without a European          can apply for an EHIC card. These students do       How can I see a doctor?
           Health Insurance Card (EHIC).                       not have to register with French social security.
        > I am a European student with an S1 form.             You should apply for an EHIC card in your home      Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has its own
                                                               country. An EHIC card will allow you to access      health service called the Service InterUniversitaire
        > I am not a European student.                         medical care in France.                             de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé
                                                                                                                   (SIUMPPS) through which you can obtain a
         I don’t need to register if:                                       What is an S1 form?                    consultation with a doctor. Some consultations
                                                                                                                   are free, if you require contraception, medical
                                                                  The S1 form is only for citizens of the
        > I am European and I have a European Health                                                              screening, vaccinations, nutritional support or
                                                                  European Union, the European Economic
           Insurance Card (EHIC) or a temporary certificate.      Area (EEA) and Switzerland.                      psychological services for example.                        Useful Websites
           My medical costs will be reimbursed at the same
           level as they would be in my home country.             It is a document that you can apply for          You can also look up a doctor outside not affiliated
                                                                  in your home country before departure                                                                       Ameli for foreign students:
           This card must be valid until the end of the                                                            with the university and make an appointment      
                                                                  at the health organisation with which you
           current academic year.                                 are registered. This document allows you         online or with the Doctolib mobile application.
                                                                  to register for social security purposes
        > Regardless of my nationality, I was enrolled at a      in France.                                       You can receive free and confidential consultations        Doctolib:
           French higher education establishment during                                                            from the Planning Familial if you have questions
                                                                  There are reciprocal agreements linking
           the academic year 2019-2020. I will still be                                                            about sexuality, intimate relationships or                 University webpage about health
                                                                  France social security institutions and those
           covered by the same student insurance company                                                           contraception methods. Women can access                    services:
                                                                  in other countries. To find out more about
           and I am not allowed to change this. I do not          these agreements please consult the Centre       prescriptions for a variety of contraception
           have to carry out any further registrations.           des Liaisons Européennes et Internationales      methods through the Planning Familial. The                 Planning Familial:
                                                                  de Sécurité Sociale (CLEISS) website.            Planning Familial has branches all over France.  

18   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                        2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE     19
        The right to hold a bank account is written in French law. Foreign students in France
        can therefore open a bank account in any bank in France. Most major banks have
        branches in most towns. To open an account all you have to do is make an appointment
        with an in-branch adviser.

        Opening a bank account will make daily life             You must have (at least) the following three
        easier, in particular when paying bills (electricity,   documents with you in order to open a bank
        telephone, rent) and subscriptions (transport,          account: a piece of identification, proof of address
        internet). With a bank account you can also keep        and a matriculation certificate or student card.
        track of salary and health insurance payments
        more easily. A French debit card also allows you        If you have difficulty opening a bank account

                                                                                                                       STUDY IN PARIS
        to pay for most things and prevents you from            there is a procedure called “droit au compte”
        having to carry around large sums of cash. You          that you can go via. In the event of this the
        are entitled to a bank card and a cheque book           Banque de France (Bank of France) will indicate
        along with your account. You can easily set up          a bank that will be obliged to provide you with
        standing orders for your various subscriptions          a bank account. Details of this procedure, as
        using your RIB (Relevé d’identité bancaire).            well as the documents you have to provide
                                                                and contacts of various organisations offering
        Your bank statements can act as proof of means          help with this procedure are on the Banque de
        in France when it comes to renewing your                France website.
        resident permit.

        The cost of having a bank card, international bank
        transfers, and withdrawing money abroad can
        vary noticeably between one bank and another
        so it is advised that you compare banks before
        taking out an account.                                     Useful Website

                                                                   Banque de France:

2                                                                                          WORKING IN FRANCE

                                                                                                      French law allows foreign students to work 964 hours a year, or the equivalent of 60%
                                                                                                      of the legal working hours limit. Students can therefore only earn a partial salary. If
                                                                                                      you are not a European Union citizen then you must have a student residence permit
                                                                                                      in order to work in France.

          € BUDGET
        The figures below must only be taken as a guide and can vary.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       STUDY IN PARIS
         Accommodation                                       Food and Restaurants
        (Rent per month)                                     Meal at university cantine:      €3.30
        Studio at the Crous:               €250-€550         Meal in restaurant:           €15-€20
        Studio at the CiuP:                €500-€800         Sandwich:                       €4-€6
        Private studio:                           €800       Coffee:                         €2-€3
                                                             Baguette:                           €1
        Electricity and water per month:           €50       Pastry:                       €1-€1.50

                                                                                                      You must request a work permit in the following three cases:

         Transport                                           Telephone & Internet                     > You must work more than the authorised number of hours
        Monthly travel pass:                    €75.20      (contract per month)                      > If you hold a temporary six-month visa
        Metro ticket:                            €1.90      Mobile phone:                       €15   > If you are an Algerian student
        Book of 10 metro tickets:               €16.90      Internet:                      €20-€30
        On-board bus ticket:                         €2

                                                                                                         The Jobaviz free to use platform run by
                                                                                                                                                        The CIDJ (Centre d’Information et de
                                                                                                         the Crous is an employment hub aimed
                                                                                                                                                        Documentation Jeunesse), or Youth
                                                                                                         at students, allowing them to find job
                                                             Entertainment                                                                              Information and Resource Centre,
                                                                                                         opportunities that correspond to their
                                                                                                                                                        advertises a selection of job opportunities
                                                            Cinema ticket:                  €8-€12       studies and experience.
                                                                                                                                                        including student jobs.
                                                            Exhibition entrance:            €6-€14
                                                            Swimming pool entrance:        €2-€3.50                              

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GETTING AROUND                                                                                        RER and Transilien

        PARIS AND THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE REGION                                                                              The RER network is made up of five lines (A, B, C, D, and E) that serve Paris and the Île-de-France
                                                                                                                        region. Ticket prices are the same as for metro tickets when travelling within central Paris. Otherwise,
        An extensive five-zone public transport network serves Paris and the Île-de-France region and                   the price of a ticket depends on your destination within the Paris region.
        includes metro, bus, tram, regional express train (RER), and regional train (Transilien) links. The
        RATP group is responsible for operating the majority of public transport services in Paris and the              Transilien trains are regional trains that depart from Paris’ major stations: the Gare du Nord, Gare
        surrounding area.                                                                                               de l’Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare d’Austerlitz, Gare Montparnasse and the Gare Saint-Lazare.

        If you would like to take out a subscription you have a choice between:                                         Cycling

        > The “imagine R Étudiant” subscription: annual         > The monthly “Navigo” subscription: monthly          Vélib’ is the Paris bike-sharing system. One or seven-day passes and subscriptions, including
           subscription aimed at students under 26 living          subscription for unlimited journeys in all zones     commitment-free subscriptions, are available for use of the pedal bikes and electric bikes.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    STUDY IN PARIS
           in the Île-de-France region for unlimited               (€75.20/month)
           journeys around the entire region (all zones:                                                                Île-de-France Mobilités offers a long-term rental service (6 months) of e-bikes called "Véligo
           €350/year).                                                                                                  Location".

         Metro, bus and tramway                                                                                         IN FRANCE AND ABROAD

        The price of a T+ paper ticket is €1.90 for one journey, which allows you to travel on metro lines,             By Plane
        zone 1 RER lines, and bus and tram lines.
                                                                                                                        Paris is served by three international airports:
        You can also subscribe to the Navigo Liberté + service and travel using a pay-per-use card. You will
        be charged the following month based on the journeys you have made. By using this service, you                  > Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)                    > Paris Orly Airport (ORY)
        can benefit from a single rate of €1.49 per journey.
                                                                                                                        RER B (Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 1 station           RER B and the “Orlyval” shuttle train, or RER C
                                                                                                                        for terminals 1 and 3 and Aéroport Charles de         and “GO C Paris” shuttle bus
        > Metro is the fastest, least expensive and most        > Noctilien is a bus service with 47 lines that
                                                                                                                        Gaulle 2-TGV station for terminal 2)
           simple means of transport in Paris. The metro            allows you to get around in Paris and the Île-de-                                                         RATP bus: line 183
           network is made up of 16 lines and more than             France region between 12.30am and 5.30am.           TGV (Gare Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 2-TGV)           Noctilien bus: lines N22, N31, N131 and N144
           300 stations across Paris and its suburbs. On                                                                RATP bus: lines 350 and 351                           Orlybus
           weekdays, services begin around 5.30am and            > T hree of the 10 tram lines of Île-de-France
           finish around 1.15 am. On Friday and Saturday            serve Paris: the T2, T3a and T3b. Tram tickets      Noctilien bus: lines N140 and N143                    Bus Direct, line 1
           evenings, as well as on the eve of public holidays,      are the same as metro and RER tickets               Roissybus                                             Tram (line T7) and metro (line 7)
           services finish at 2.15am at the latest.                 within Paris.
                                                                                                                        Bus Direct, lines 2 and 4
        > The bus is an excellent way to discover Paris.
           Bus lines in Paris for the most part run from
                                                                                                                        > Paris-Beauvais Airport (BVA)
           Monday to Sunday. Services may decrease on
           Sundays and holidays depending on the line.                                                                  Paris-Beauvais Shuttle (Metro line 1 or RER           Regional express train (TER) (Paris Gare
                                                                                                                        line C, Porte Maillot station)                        du Nord)

24   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                         2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE           25
By train                                                                                                           GOING OUT
        The French train network is very well developed. In general, the train is the fastest means of transport   Paris is the world’s number one cultural destination: welcoming, cosmopolitan
        and the most practical for traveling in France. The extensive TGV network (Train à Grande Vitesse)         and with an impressive cultural heritage. In the QS Best Student Cities 2019
        is the country’s most efficient train service. SNCF is the country’s national rail company.                ranking, Paris was selected as the 4 th best student city in Europe and the 7 th best
                                                                                                                   in the world.
        SNCF stations in Paris:
                                                                                                                   Paris is alive with exhibitions, shows, festivals and sports events all year round. Art, architecture,
        Paris Austerlitz                                      Paris Saint-Lazare                                   fashion, food and crafts are constantly being reinvented in the heart of the French capital.
        Paris Est                                             Paris Bercy Bourgogne – Pays d’Auvergne
                                                                                                                   In every neighbourhood of Paris there are unmissable attractions, secret gardens and hidden gems,
        Paris Gare du Nord                                    Paris Gare de Lyon
                                                                                                                   on the hill of Montmartre to Montparnasse, the Latin Quarter to the Canal Saint-Martin and on
        Paris Montparnasse                                                                                         the quays of the Seine.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               STUDY IN PARIS
                                                                                                                   Key Figures:
         By coach
        For a more leisurely and cost-effective option,          Useful Websites                                   3 operas                           191 museums                         historical monuments
        the bus is a practical means of travelling around
                                                                 Imagine R:
        France. Several coach companies serve the Bercy-                                                           734 cinema screens                 29 cabarets                         Source: "Le Tourisme à Paris -
        Seine station and the Paris-Gallieni international       Île-de-France Mobilités :                                                                                                Chiffres clés 2018" - OTCP
        coach station, one of the biggest in Europe.   

                                                                                                                   MUSEUMS AND MONUMENTS
                                                                                                                   With nearly 200 museums, Paris has one of the most varied cultural scenes in the word in
                                                                 Vélib’ Métropole:                                 terms of the art forms represented and themes presented. Painting, sculpture, photography,
                                                                                                                   contemporary art and science is constantly being produced in response to a wide range of themes
                                                                 SNCF:                                to engage all tastes.

                                                                 Véligo :
                                                                                                                                                                        Free Admission for Under 26s

                                                                                                                                                                        Access to permanent collections in almost 50 of
                                                                                                                                                                        the museums and monuments in Paris and the
                                                                                                                                                                        Île-de-France region is free for young people
                                                                                                                                                                        under 26 who come from one of the European
                                                                                                                                                                        Union member states (Louvre Museum, Musée
                                                                                                                                                                        d’Orsay, Palace of Versailles, etc.). There is also
                                                                                                                                                                        a reduction for temporary exhibitions in most

26   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                   2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE            27
Museums with Free Admission                                                                          You can also wander freely around the capital’s                  Outside of Paris, there are many getaway destinations
                                                                                                              490 public parks and gardens, which is the                       within an hour and a half’s reach to rival what you
        It is free for everyone to visit the permanent          Many other museums are free all year round,   greenest in Europe. The only difficulty is choosing              can find in the capital. Following the trail of the
        collections in 12 of the 14 City of Paris’ museums      such as the Air and Space Museum, the Musée   between The Bois de Vincennes or The Jardin                      Impressionists at Auvers-sur-Oise or Giverny, visiting
        all year round (only the Île de la Cité Archeological   du Parfum Fragonard, the Shoah Memorial and   du Luxembourg, The Buttes-Chaumont or the                        one of the region’s many castles such as Vaux-le-
        Crypt and the Catacombs of Paris still have             the Curie Museum.                             Jardin des Plantes.                                              Vicomte or Fontainebleau, or even discovering the
        entrance fees).                                                                                                                                                        Villa Savoye designed by architect Le Corbusier in
                                                                                                                                                                               Poissy - the possibilities are endless.
        A Few Must See Destinations
        Arab World Institute                                    Musée de l’Orangerie
                                                                                                              You can find below a selection of unmissable cultural and sporting events held in Paris each year. These events may be
        Arc de Triomphe                                         Musée de la musique                           subject to rescheduling in the event of exceptional circumstances.

        Catacombs of Paris                                      Musée des Arts Décoratifs                     European Heritage Day: third weekend in September

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STUDY IN PARIS
        Cinémathèque française                                  Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac         Free or reduced entrance to iconic sites that are not often open to the public for one-off visits.

        Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine                 Musée Picasso                                 Nuit Blanche in Paris: first Saturday in October
        Cité des sciences et de l’industrie                     Musée Rodin                                   Art installations open for all-night viewing until dawn in public spaces and Parisian buildings.

        City of Paris Museum of Modern Art                      National Museum of Natural History            Chinese New Year: sometime between the end of January and the beginning of February
                                                                                                              See traditional costumes and displays passing through the heart of Paris’ Chinatown in spectacular
        Eiffel Tower                                            Palace of Versailles
        Grand Palais                                            Palais de Tokyo
                                                                                                              Printemps du cinéma: beginning of Spring
        Louis Vuitton Foundation                                Panthéon                                      Benefit from cinema tickets at €4 for all films across all cinemas for a period of three days.
        Louvre Museum                                           Petit Palais
                                                                                                              Paris Marathon: April
        Maison européenne de la photographie                    Pompidou Centre                               One of the world’s biggest marathons, bringing together almost 55,000 runners.
        Musée d’Orsay                                                                                         European Night of Museums: Saturday closest to 18th May
                                                                   Our Selection:                             Chance to visit Parisian museums at night and attend one-off demonstrations.

                                                                   National Library of France (BnF)           Roland-Garros - The French Open: end of May - beginning of June
                                                                                                              The world’s biggest clay surface tennis tournament.
                                                                   Hôtel de Ville de Paris
                                                                                                              Fête de la musique: 21st June
                                                                   Gaîté Lyrique
                                                                                                              Free street and garden concerts, as well as concerts in Parisian churches, bars and clubs.
                                                                   Musée de Montmartre
                                                                                                              Fête du cinéma: end of June – beginning of July
                                                                   Musée des Archives nationales              Benefit from cinema tickets at €4 for all films across all cinemas for four days.

                                                                   Pavillon de l’Arsenal                      Bastille Day: 14th July
                                                                                                              Fireworks are launched off the Eiffel Tower to celebrate the country’s national day.

                                                                                                              Paris Plages: from the start of July till the end of August
                                                                                                              Sand, deckchairs, palm trees and organised activities along the banks of the Seine and the Bassin de la Villette.

28   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                          2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE               29
THEATRES                                              TOP TIPS

        With more than 300 performances a week and            Kiosque Jeunes                                          Useful Websites
        130 performance spaces, Paris has a huge variety
        of plays running throughout the year.                 Kiosque Jeunes is a scheme put in place by the          L’Officiel des spectacles (weekly
                                                              City of Paris opening up a variety of cultural          cultural guide to Paris):
        Several private theatres in the capital offer €10     activities available to 13 to 30 year olds, including   Que faire à Paris:
        entrance to young people under 26 with support        concerts, plays and sporting events.
        from the City of Paris on Tuesdays, Wednesdays                                                                Paris Tourist Office:
        and Thursdays, subject to availability.               In order to benefit from these offers you simply
                                                                                                                      Paris Jeunes Facebook page:
                                                              have to make a Parisian account on moncompte. 
        The Comédie Française is the quintessential  and then create and activate your profile
        French theatre and offers tickets to under-28         on
        without reservations an hour before showtime

                                                                                                                                                                STUDY IN PARIS
        on Mondays.                                           You can also get involved with these activities
                                                              without pre-registering online by going directly
        CINEMA                                                to the Kiosque Jeunes from Tuesday to Friday
                                                              between 11am and 7pm at the following address:
        Between 450 and 500 films screen every week           Kiosque Jeunes, 10 passage de la Canopée,
        in Paris and cinemas show a very wide range of        75001 Paris.
        films, with new films coming out every Wednesday.
        Every Parisian arrondissement is home to one          Pass Jeunes
        or more cinemas, and most French cinemas
        screen foreign films in the original version with     Every year between mid-June and the beginning
        French subtitles.                                     of the academic year, Parisians aged between
                                                              15 and 25 can get free or reduced access to a
                                                              large selection of cultural, sporting and leisure
                                                              activities with the Pass Jeunes. This little booklet
                                                              is completely free and contains coupons for
                                                              exhibitions, monuments, swimming pools and

        The Lost in Frenchlation society offers non-French    To receive a Pass Jeunes (subject to available
        speakers the opportunity to enjoy French films        stocks) you must reserve it online at passjeunes.
        with English subtitles in classic Parisian cinemas. and then collect it from a distribution
        You can enjoy a drink before the film and a lively    point.
        debate in English afterwards.

        Most cinemas in Paris offer reduced tickets to
        students and young people under 26. In some
        cinemas entrance for morning screenings is
        available at a reduced price.

        P34     Organisation of Studies              P45   Societies and cultural activities

        P36     Becoming a Student at Paris 1              > Clubs and Societies
                Panthéon-Sorbonne                          > Cultural Activities

                > Enrolment                          P48   Sports
                > Orientation week
                                                     P50   Eating
        P40     Ressources
                > IT Services
                > Libraries

                                                                                               UNIVERSITY LIFE
                                                                                                                     THE DIVISION OF TEACHING                                CLASSES
                                                                                                                     INTO SEMESTERS

                                                                                                                                                                             University classes generally start in September
                                                                                                                     Each academic year is divided into two semesters,       and finish around late May to early June before

        ORGANISATION OF STUDIES                                                                                      each worth 30 ECTS credits (European Credits
                                                                                                                     Transfer System). Subjects are grouped into
                                                                                                                                                                             the end of year exams.

                                                                                                                     modules (UE - Unité d’Enseignement) that                GRADING SYSTEM
        France, like most European countries, joined the Bologna Declaration                                         require participation in lectures, seminars (TD)
        (1999), which is considered to be the starting point for the construction                                    and practical exercises (TP).                           The grading scale in France goes from 0 at the
        of European higher education space.                                                                                                                                  bottom of the scale to 20. Students must achieve
                                                                                                                     Lectures                                                10/20 to be awarded ECTS credits.
        European countries decided to harmonise the European higher education system in order to ensure
        the recognition of qualifications across Europe and support student, staff and researcher mobility.          These take place in lecture theatres, often called      ASSESSMENT
        The current system rests on several key principles.                                                          “amphis”, sometimes with as many as 1,000
                                                                                                                     students present.                                       There are two types of university assessment:
                                                                                                                                                                             continuous assessment and examinations.
                                                             A THREE-TIER CURRICULUM                                 Seminars and Practicals                                 Continuous assessment takes place throughout
                                                                                                                                                                             the year and can take the form of oral or written
                                                             Bachelor’s                                              Seminars (TD) and practical exercises (TP) are          examinations covering all topics on the syllabus.
                                                                                                                     small-group classes that take place in classrooms
                                                             In France undergraduate degrees are taken over          or laboratories, exploring lecture topics in            Examinations assess students’ knowledge in all
                                                             three years, or six semesters.                          greater depth.                                          syllabus topics over the course of a few days.
                                                                                                                                                                             For modules assessed via examinations students
                                                             Master’s                                                THE EUROPEAN CREDIT                                     will be assessed at two points of the year (with
                                                                                                                     SYSTEM                                                  examinations held at the end of semester one and
                                                             After completing an undergraduate degree,                                                                       end of semester two). Every qualification has its

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNIVERSITY LIFE
                                                             students can study for a master’s degree over           Each module is worth a certain number of ECTS           own specific assessment procedures.
                                                             two years (or four semesters) that can be taken         credits and a complete semester is worth 30 ECTS
                                                             immediately after a bachelor’s degree or can be         credits. Each module (UE) completed within a            RESITS
                                                             part of a programme of lifelong learning. Master’s      semester results in the award of ECTS credits.
                                                             qualifications are designed to:                         One semester of study is worth 30 credits and           During the resit period students can retake
                                                                                                                     an academic year is worth 60 ECTS credits.              examinations for which they did not receive a
                                                             > prepare students for research careers;
                                                                                                                     This is the total volume of work that a student         passing grade. First and second semester resits
                                                             > prepare students to take an advanced qualification   should complete during the course of a year.            take place at the end of the academic year.
                                                                and find employment at a high level.                 This system makes it easier for qualifications to
                                                                                                                     be recognised across European countries. It also
        PhD                                                                                                          makes it easier for the credits obtained in one
                                                                                                                                                                                Useful Website
                                                                                                                     institution to be recognised in another institution
        Upon completion of a master’s, students can enrol to begin doctoral studies. All students who hold a         in a different European country.                           Campus France:
        master’s degree can apply to study for a PhD, whether they hold a master’s degree, an engineering                                                                       en/French-higher-education
        degree, or have a master’s level qualification from a business school.

        On average, doctoral studies last for three years.

34   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                         2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE         35
                                                                                                                ADMINISTRATIVE ENROLMENT

        BECOMING A STUDENT AT PARIS 1                                                                           If you are accepted to take part in an exchange
                                                                                                                programme, once you are officially nominated
                                                                                                                                                                     For non-EU nationals, you can apply for a student
                                                                                                                                                                     visa using your enrolment letter if you live abroad,
        PANTHÉON-SORBONNE                                                                                       you will receive a link within a month that will
                                                                                                                allow you to apply for this exchange programme.
                                                                                                                                                                     or request a renewal of your residence permit
                                                                                                                                                                     with this letter if you live in France.
                                                                                                                You will remain enrolled at your home university
                                                                                                                to which you will continue to pay your usual         Once enrolled you will receive a confirmation
                 ENROLMENT                                                                                      tuition fees. You do not need to pay any tuition     printable email and your student number. Keep
                                                                                                                fees to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.                   this number as it will allow you to activate your
        Once you have been accepted to study at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne you must complete the                                                                      account on the ENT (virtual learning space) and
        three enrolment steps:                                                                                  You will receive by email instructions on how        access the university’s online services.
                                                                                                                to complete your administrative enrolment on
                                                                                                                Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne’s Primoweb site

                       1                                2                                  3
                                                                                                                (for both exchange students and full-degree
                                                                                                                students). You will receive a pre-enrolment
          Student and Campus Life                  Administrative                      Academic                 number along with these instructions and a
            Contribution (CVEC)                     Enrolment                          Enrolment                step-by-step tutorial. You will need your pre-
                                                                                                                enrolment number to access the Primoweb site,
                                                                                                                as well as your date of birth.

                                                                                                                On your ENT account you will find a tab entitled “Pièces Justificatives” where you should upload
        Exchange students do not have to pay the CVEC fee. However, foreign students who are not part of        the documents required to complete your enrolment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY LIFE
        an exchange programme or are continuing their education at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
        must pay this contribution before enrolling. The rate of this contribution is €92.                                  These documents are:

             You can obtain your proof of payment in two minutes:                                                  > Identification document (passport or national identity card)
                                                                                                                   > Academic of transcript of secondary school qualifications along with a translation (also
           > Create an account at                                                        required for master’s courses)
           > Select Paris as your place of study                                                                   > Proof of online payment of registration fees (copy of this email)
           > Pay your CVEC contribution                                                                            > Proof of civil liability insurance, which you can obtain from your relevant insurer (you can
           > Receive your proof of payment and present it to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne when you enrol.                upload this later to the ENT).

        You are exempt from paying the CVEC contribution if either of the following cases apply to you:
        you are a refugee who is in receipt of subsidiary protection, an asylum seeker with the right to stay
        in France, or a means-tested Crous grant holder.

36   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                 2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE            37
ACADEMIC ENROLMENT                                                                                               ORIENTATION WEEK
        Once you have finished your administrative enrolment at the university you must proceed to             Every year leading up to the start of semester one in September and the start
        complete your academic enrolment with your academic department. You must complete this step            of the second semester in January, orientation weeks are held for incoming
        in order to be able to sit your examinations. Enrolment in language classes (eg. French as a foreign   students. These weeks are a chance for students to become better acquainted
        language), sport and cultural activities should be completed through the relevant services: the        with the university.
        Languages Department (DDL), Sports and Physical Education Department (UEFAPS) and the
        Student Life Service (SVE).                                                                                                                                    The orientation week finishes with a cocktail
                                                                                                                                                                       reception which is a chance for students to
                          Additional information for exchange programme students:                                                                                      meet and get to know each other.

           Before your departure you must sign your learning agreement that lists the classes you will be                                                              If you would like to participate in Paris 1 Panthéon-
           taking at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, as well as the equivalent classes in your home university.                                                             Sorbonne’s orientation week then you must
           Upon passing these courses you will then be awarded with credits for equivalent classes in                                                                  fill out an application form online that will be
           order to obtain your final qualification in your home institution. Once you arrive at Paris 1                                                               sent to you prior to your arrival as places are
           Panthéon-Sorbonne you must enrol in the classes detailed in your learning agreement. You                                                                    limited. Your offer to study at Université Paris 1
           must take an initial meeting with your international relations delegate teacher upon arrival                                                                Panthéon-Sorbonne does not guarantee a place
           so that they can check your timetable. Once you have completed this step you must go                Orientation week participants have the opportunity      on the orientation week.
           to the administrative office for each class in order to complete your academic enrolment.           to improve their skills in French as a foreign
                                                                                                               language (FLE). Students are grouped based              Participating in all sessions during the orientation
                                                                                                               on an online language placement test they               week does not lead to the obtention of credits
                                                                                                               take at the beginning of this week. Students            (ECTS).
                                                                                                               may also attend university methodology classes
                                                                                                               for each discipline as well as research method
           Contacts                                             Useful Websites
                                                                                                               classes offered by the library in order to support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                UNIVERSITY LIFE
           Exchange programme mobility:                         CVEC:                    students with using the online resources.
                                                                Primoweb:                 At the start of the orientation week there is an
           Non-exchange programme mobility:
                                                                                                               introductory meeting at which representatives
                                                                                                               give information about various university services,
           Enrolment                                                                                           such as the International Relations Department,            Useful Website
           Telephone helpline:                                                                                 the Languages Department, sports services, the
           01 71 25 11 37 (within France)                                                                      Student Life Service, and health services. The             Facebook page for ISAP1:
           or +33 1 44 07 89 45 (from abroad)                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                               International Students Association of Paris 1
                                                                                                               (ISAP1) is also invited to participate in running
                                                                                                               activities during the week, helping international
                                                                                                               students to become better integrated into the
                                                                                                               university and life in Paris.

38   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                   2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE             39
3                                                                                                          COMPUTER ROOMS

                                                                                                                                 Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne students can make use
                                                                                                                                 of a number of computer rooms upon presentation
                                                                                                                                 of a valid student card. These can be found at:         Contact

                                                                                                                                 > Centre Pierre-Mendès-France: room C404                IT support:
                      IT SERVICES                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                 > Centre Panthéon: room 52 bis (stairwell G)
        You will receive your login details to access the university’s online resources once
        you have administratively enrolled. You can activate your Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne                                      > Centre Sorbonne: room C614
        account using these details and create a password.                                                                                                                               Useful Websites
                                                                                                                                 The EDUSPOT Wi-Fi network is available on all
                                                                                                                                                                                         Complete institutional digital
        This account allows you to connect to all online university services through a virtual learning                          the university’s sites, as well as in most higher
                                                                                                                                                                                         navigation guide:
        environment (ENT), giving you access to:                                                                                 education and research establishment buildings
                                                                                                                                 in France.                                              Wi-Fi configuration instructions:
        > Interactive Learning Spaces (EPI)                                 > the university directory
        > university email                                                  > online academic resources                          If you have trouble using Paris 1 Panthéon-
                                                                                                                                                                                         PIX website:
                                                                                                                                 Sorbonne’s online services please click on the
        > personal online storage space                                     > library catalogues
                                                                                                                                 “Assistance” tab within your virtual learning
        > exam results                                                      > your university eReader account                    environment account.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY LIFE
                                                                                                                                 More than two thirds of undergraduate students enrolled at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-
                                                                                                                                 Sorbonne go at least once a week to the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne libraries and to
                                                                                                                                 inter-university libraries.
            Guide étudiant
              Services numériques
                                              © Arne9001 |
                                                                                                                                                                                      Cujas library, Sainte-Barbe library and Sainte-
                                                                                                                                                                                      Geneviève library.
        DIGITAL LEARNING                                                    PIX (ONLINE PLATFORM FOR
                                                                            ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION                                                                              While first and second year undergraduates tend
        Interactive Learning Spaces allow you to access                     OF DIGITAL SKILLS)                                                                                        to use the PMF library, third year undergraduates
        and download resources tutors put online (such                                                                                                                                often use the inter-university libraries. There are
        as lecture notes, exercises, seminar work, lesson                   Undergraduate students take a Digital Culture                                                             also centres reserved for the use of second year
        plans, past exam papers, reading lists, etc.). You                  and Skills training course within seminar classes,                                                        master’s and doctoral students, which although
        can also complete exercises set by tutors online                    which can take the form of a mix of face-to-face     The most popular are the library in the Centre       they are not listed here can be found on the
        (such as interactive exercises, submit homework,                    and online teaching. The face-to-face PIX class      Pierre-Mendès-France (PMF) as well as the            Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne website
        and use class forum, etc.).                                         takes place sometime between November and            5 th arrondissement inter-university libraries:      under the “libraries” tab.
                                                                            May (please consult the EPI for more information     the BIS (Sorbonne inter-university library), the
                                                                            about times and dates).

40   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                                   2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE          41
CONSULTING AND BORROWING                             Electronic resources (ejournals and e-books,            Bibliothèque Michelet                               History of art
        DOCUMENTS                                            data sets, etc.) are accessible through the             Centre Michelet                                     Archaeology
                                                             Domino portal.                                          3, rue Michelet 75006 Paris
        Books, periodicals and academic journals available                                                           Mezzanine
        in Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne libraries    Documents that are not in the library catalogue
        are marked in the online catalogue, which is         and are available in other university or public         Bibliothèque Jean-Claude Colliard                   Law
                                                                                                                     (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
        accessible through the ENT from any computer         libraries in Paris can be sent via interlibrary loan
                                                                                                                     Campus Port-Royal
        with internet access. This catalogue allows you      (PEB). The service is only available to members of
                                                                                                                     1, rue de la Glacière 75013 Paris
        to determine whether the article is available in     Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (students,
        the library and whether or not it is out on loan.    teaching staff, administrative staff).                  Bibliothèque Cujas (inter-university)               Law
                                                                                                                     2, rue Cujas 75005 Paris                            Economics
                                                                                                                                                                         Political science
        Location                                             Subjects                                               LIBRARIES OPEN TO THIRD YEAR UNDERGRADUATES OR FIRST
                                                                                                                    YEAR MASTER’S STUDENTS UPWARDS
         Bibliothèque Pierre Mendès-France                   Law and political science
         (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)                         Economics and management                               Location                                              Subjects
         Centre PMF                                          Philosophy history, geography, art, archeology
         90, rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris                      Social sciences                                         Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire                      History
         5th floor (green lifts)                             Information and communication sciences                  de la Sorbonne (BIS) (inter-university)              Philosophy
                                                                                                                     Centre Sorbonne                                      Literature
         Bibliothèque Sainte-Barbe                           Law and political science                               17, rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris                   Geography
         (inter-university)                                  Economics and management                                Entrance through Sorbon and Richelieu galleries      Heritage collections
         4, rue Valette 75005 Paris                          Literature and languages                                                                                     Ancient history
                                                             Humanities and social sciences                          Bibliothèque Lavisse (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)     History

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UNIVERSITY LIFE
                                                             Health and medicine                                     Centre Sorbonne
                                                                                                                     17, rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris
         Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève                       Literature                                              Stairwell C, 3rd floor
         (inter-university)                                  Arts
         10, place du Panthéon 75005 Paris                   Humanities and social sciences                          Bibliothèque d’archéologie et des sciences           Archeology
                                                             Heritage collections                                    de l’antiquité - Maison René Ginouvès                Prehistory and protohistory
                                                                                                                     21, allée de l’Université 92023 Nanterre             Ethnology and comparative sociology
         Centre de documentation de l’UFR03                  History of art                                          Ground floor                                         Ethnomusicology
         (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)                         Photography                                                                                                  Ancient and medieval history
         Centre Vivienne                                     Film studies                                                                                                 Classics
         2, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
         1st floor                                                                                                   Bibliothèque Cuzin (Paris 1 Panthéon-                Philosophy
                                                                                                                     Sorbonne) Centre Sorbonne
         Bibliothèque de l’École des Arts                    Contemporary art                                        17, rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris
         de la Sorbonne (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)                                                                  Stairwell C, 1st floor LHS
         Centre Saint-Charles
         47, rue des bergers 75015 Paris                                                                             Bibliothèque de l’Institut de géographie             Geography
         2nd floor, room 260 (next to lift)                                                                          de la Sorbonne (associated with the BIS)
                                                                                                                     191, rue Saint Jacques 75005 Paris

42   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                                      2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE   43
Location                                       Subjects
         Bibliothèque Jacques Lagroye (Paris 1
         Centre Sorbonne
         14, rue Cujas 75005 Paris
                                                       Political science
                                                                                                 SOCIETIES AND CULTURAL
         Stairwell K, office H611                                                                ACTIVITIES
         Centre de documentation                       Economics
         de la Maison des Sciences Économiques         Applied mathematics                                CLUBS AND SOCIETIES
         (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
         Maison des Sciences Économiques (MSE)
                                                                                                 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has many student societies, including cultural
         106/112, boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris
         Ground floor                                                                            societies, sports and subject societies, and union societies. There is a huge choice if
                                                                                                 you are interested in getting involved in the university’s student clubs and societies.
         Bibliothèque de l’Institut d’Études           Development Studies
         du Développement de la Sorbonne                                                                                                                 Societies are an excellent way of meeting other
         (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)                                                                                                                     students and gaining experience in a variety of
         45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle                                                                                                            fields. If you are interested in student societies
         94130 Paris                                                                                                                                     you can stay updated with their news and join
         Building 1, room 025
                                                                                                                                                         if you wish.

         Centre de documentation de l’ISST (Paris 1    Sociology
                                                                                                                                                         The International Students Association of
         Panthéon-Sorbonne)                            Law
         Centre Bourg-la-Reine                         Economics                                                                                         Paris 1 (ISAP1) help international students
         16, bd Carnot 92340 Bourg-la-Reine            Management                                                                                        become more integrated at the university. The
                                                                                                                                                         association runs a buddy system with regular
         Finances Publiques                            Public finance                                                                                    activities organised for participants, including

                                                                                                                                                                                                               UNIVERSITY LIFE
         Centre Panthéon                                                                                                                                 many cultural visits. You are welcome to attend
         12, place du Panthéon 75005 Paris                                                                                                               these events all throughout the year, whether
         2nd floor, room 201                                                                                                                             or not you are an exchange student, staying for
                                                                                                                                                         a semester, a year, or more.

                                                                                                 You can find the full list of Paris 1 Panthéon-
                                                                                                 Sorbonne clubs and societies along with contacts           Contact
           Library services (SCD):                        Useful Website:                        for these on the university website.
                                                                                                                              Student Life Service:
                                                          Domino portal:                                                    
                                                                                                 Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne societies organise
           Loans service:
                                                                                                 events all year round that take place within and
                                                                                                 outside of the university. The Student Life Service
                                                                                                 (SVE) give information about these events via
                                                                                                 their Facebook page.

44   INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE 2020-2021                                                                                                     2020-2021 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME GUIDE          45
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