Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?

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Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Into the future

What could New Zealand look like in 2050,   Annual

and will your business be there?            2011
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Putting sustainability                                                                                                                                                       In this review...
on the agenda for the future                                                                                                                                                 WELCOME

      he establishment of the New          membership value. This was in                 project for their respective countries.     this review.                            …to the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development’s 2011
      Zealand Business Council             response to member feedback in the               Locally, we have deliberately            Collectively,                           annual report.
      for Sustainable Development          five-year strategic review conducted          engaged future leaders (under the           they unselfishly
                                                                                                                                                                             Inside you will find stories about some of the projects we and our members
in 1999 was based on the need              early last year. Members said they            age of 35), on the basis that they          support the
to promote sustainable business            wanted increased participation of             will be around in 2050 to witness           important work                          have been involved in this year. It has been a busy and difficult year for
practices in New Zealand.                  members, less government-policy               the reality of the vision they have         of the council,                         many people, and we are pleased to report that for our members at least,
   At that time, this was not a            lobbying, more quality projects, more         helped to deliver. More than 30 of          despite the added financial pressures   sustainability is still an important part of doing business.
universally accepted concept, and the      collaboration with other business             New Zealand’s leading companies             of a flat economy.
NZBCSD provided important leadership       organisations, and closer liaison with        and their CEOs are participating               I particularly want to thank those
and direction for companies which          the World Business Council. Good              in this important project.                  member companies who have               INSIDE
embraced the challenge of building         progress has been made on all of                 The Business Council’s mission is        committed considerable time and
a sustainable future for our financial,    these in the past year.                       based on developing a sustainable           effort beyond their subscription        Welcome to the future:........................................................................... Page 3
physical and social environment.              As a result of this focus we have          financial, physical and social              payment. Whether it is serving on the   The Business Council’s ground-breaking Vision 2050 plan.
   Over the past 12 years, our work        substantially reduced the footprint           environment for New Zealand and             executive committee or participating
has been a catalyst for advances           of our permanent office structure             for all New Zealanders. In recent           in project work, these member           Walking the talk:.................................................................................... Page 6
in key policy areas of sustainability,     to allow funds to be directed into            years, the global financial crisis          companies are the backbone of the       Why business should have a seat at the table with government
and our members have been leaders          specific project work. This has               has exposed the powerlessness of            organisation.                           when it comes to dealing with social issues.
and role models for the wider              allowed the Vision 2050 project               many governments to deliver this               At the time of writing this annual
business sector.                           to be managed by a contracted                 sustainable future, and, increasingly,      report, we are actively exploring an    Transport systems of the future:............................................................ Page 7
                                                                                                                                                                             What New Zealanders want, and how we can deal with expanding freight volumes.
 “If New Zealand can be a leader in sustainability, our products and services will have growing appeal                                                                       Business Council members taking sustainability into their
 on the world’s market, leading to improved standards of living and quality of life for all our citizens.                                                                    businesses and their communities:........................................................ Page 8
                                                                                                                                                                                Fonterra’s breakfast programme for kids
 The founders of New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development will be well-pleased
                                                                                                                                                                                Aurecon’s green buildings
 that the importance of their creation is as relevant now as it was 12 years ago.”                                                                                              T he Warehouse and Progressive Enterprises embrace recycling, and The
                                                                                                                                                                                 Warehouse’s ethical sourcing programme
   In the past year, the council has       specialist and be governed by a               it is businesses and their customers        exciting opportunity to join forces
                                                                                                                                                                                Growing financially sustainable futures at Urgent Couriers
continued to make an important             project team comprising member                who will need to step up and                with another organisation which
contribution with the release of two       CEOs from our executive committee.            voluntarily lead the way.                   will greatly advance the original          BMW’s car of the future
major projects – Freight Futures           NZBCSD is now supported by a                      If New Zealand can be a leader          aspirations of our founders                James & Wells’ history of sustainability
2050, and the Social Role of Business,     virtual office arrangement and an             in sustainability, our products and         to “mainstream sustainability              Product stewardship at 3R
both of which are featured in this         operations manager (Graeme Colman).           services will have growing appeal           in business”.
                                                                                                                                                                                Watercare’s plan to cut water waste
publication.                               The increased flexibility of this new         on the world’s market, leading to
   Vision 2050 was the major new           arrangement has facilitated a closer          improved standards of living and                                                       Toyota’s hybrid is tested in New Zealand
work initiated this year, localising a     working relationship with other               quality of life for all our citizens.                                                  Managing risk is core business for Sovereign
global initiative of the World Business    business organisations and made it            The founders of New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                                How Ricoh is helping customers go green
Council for Sustainable Development.       easier for non-member companies to            Business Council for Sustainable
The project looks at what a sustainable    participate in our Vision 2050 project.       Development will be well-pleased that                                                  New URS data centre a world leader on sustainability
New Zealand society might look like           As I write this, Vision 2050 is entering   the importance of their creation is as                                                 Living Earth turns urban waste into rural gold
in 2050, and develops the critical         its final stages of development, and is       relevant now as it was 12 years ago.        Bob Field                                  Sustainability pays off for Interface NZ
pathways to deliver that vision.           likely to produce a valuable shopping list        I would like to once again pay          Chair                                      A sustainable vision at Les Mills
A description of this project is           of priority projects for future years.        tribute to our loyal members.
contained later in this annual report.        The report will be peer-reviewed,          Individually, they are all sustainability
   The past year has also seen us          with other regional offices of the World      leaders in their respective fields, as                                              The New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development is dedicated
continue to seek new ways to increase      Business Council undertaking the same         evidenced by the case studies within                                                to making a difference. Find out more about membership on pages 16 and 17.

PAGE 2        NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Welcome to the future                                                                                                                                                                                                   We also needed a “positive                    To date, the project has engaged

I   n last year’s review, we summarised a bold report by the World Business Council on what the world could                                                                                                         imagination” for each element that             some of New Zealand’s best existing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    supports the attainment of our overall         and emerging business talent.
    look like in 2050, and outlined plans for a similar report on New Zealand. This year, we bring you a glimpse                                                                                                    vision. To articulate this we needed to        There is good progress towards our
of that future.                                                                                                                                                                                                     “get into the future space”, which is          deliverables in December and to have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    challenging when we spend so much              a Vision 2050 NZ design and platform
    Over the year, the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development has brought together current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of our time in the here-and-now. But           that is uniquely ours. We will have
leaders (22 top chief executives) and future leaders (aged under 35 years) in working sessions and asked                                                                                                            once we get the current state and              established the right ingredients
them to talk about how New Zealand might be affected by issues like population growth, climate change and                                                                                                           positive imagination, the milestones,          for a successful start to what is an
resource constraint.                                                                                                                                                                                                opportunities and risks associated             important project for New Zealand and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with the pathway between the two               New Zealanders.
                                                       Vision 2050 NZ has been led by KPMG sustainability director Jamie Sinclair, who says that the                                                                can be described.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        All of this is iterative and there is no   Future Leaders
                                                           wealth of ideas and possibilities for the future is inspiring. The report is due for release in December.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “right” answer. The intention is that the      This project is being run by an
                                                                Here, he outlines how the team has gone about looking into the future:                                                                                                                             impressive group of 30 “future
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    work inspires with the possibilities, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    it gives others something to build on.         leaders” – under 35 years and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The release of the report in               nominated by their organisations.
                                                                             Vision 2050 – an important                  aspirational vision for New Zealand and       state – the current trends and statistics
                                                                                                                         a framework to think about how we                                                          December will be the start of an on               The spread of organisations
           Vis2io050                                                         project for New Zealand                                                                   in relation to each area. For example,
                                                                                                                         might get there. It takes the form of a                                                    going series of work for the Business          involved is also impressive, from
                                                                                                                                                                       for forestry, we needed to understand
                                                                             Vision 2050 NZ has been an amazing          series of pathways for key elements of                                                     Council to extend the Vision 2050              sectors including banking, insurance,
                                                                        s                                                                                              the status of New Zealand’s forest
                                                        da fo
                                                             r bu brief
                                                                             project. Its relevance and importance is    New Zealand’s future, such as mobility,                                                    NZ findings. The intention is that the         forestry, research, agriculture, waste
                                                                                                                                                                       crop, what the key challenges were,
                                                      en         in
                                               new ag
                                                                             due not only to the proposed outcomes,      energy and power, tourism, and                                                             NZBCSD will not be alone in this task;         and tourism. This is their project; they
                                                                                                                                                                       who was involved, the state of the
                                                                             but also due to the process and thinking    materials and waste.                                                                       there will be a community and means            are delivering all key aspects of the
                                                                                                                                                                       global market for timber products, and
                                                                             behind the work.                               For each of these, we went through                                                      to involve others in the process in a          project (under the guidance of the
                                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand’s position.
       Wo rld abl e
            t ain
                   ine ss elo pm
                                  f or
                                                                                Our project aims to deliver a strong,    a process of understanding the current                                                     collaborative and innovative way.              project manager), including:

                                                                                                      Forestry will be an important part of the New Zealand of 2050.                                               Vision 2050 drew together an impressive group of future leaders from across the economy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011             PAGE 3
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Welcome to the future
                                                                                                                                                  Chief Executives                         The report will outline the key
                                                                                                The world in 2050                                 Twenty-two of New Zealand’s most         elements of the process and key
                                                                                                                                                                                           outcomes relating to the pathways.
                                                                                                                                                  experienced chief executives came
                                                                                                                                                  together to engage with the Future       The report will be accessible and
                                                                                                The World Business Council’s Vision 2050          Leaders team and to perform a critical   usable as an educational tool, but will
                                                                                                report identified business opportunities          review of the work performed.            have the rigour associated with the
                                                                                                                                                     This was incredible. The              review and quality.
                                                                                                worth trillions of dollars a year, ranging from   perspective of the Chief Executives         A Vision 2050 NZ website is critical
                                                                                                                                                  was subtly different from that of the    to ensuring we maintain momentum
                                                                                                maintaining low-carbon, zero-waste cities,        Future Leaders; they were much           beyond the end of the initial phase. It
                                                                                                                                                  more quickly able to put themselves      creates a sense of permanence about
                                                                                                mobility and infrastructure, to improving         into the future, and tended to have a    the project which will help attract and
                                                                                                                                                  more rounded big-picture view of the     retain the top talent we have involved.
                                                                                                and managing bio-capacity, ecosystems,            pathways and milestones.                    The tools will be interactive in
                                                                                                lifestyles and livelihoods.                          This was fascinating to observe.      nature, and will be focussed on
                                                                                                                                                  The feedback from the Chief Executive    enabling organisations (and potentially
                                                                                                It also predicted that political and business     review was very positive in terms of     individuals) to conduct their own
                                                                                                                                                  the process and team involved. Their     “vision” exercise.
                                                                                                agendas will shift from thinking of climate       comments on the mural and pathways          The work plan comes from the
                                                                                                                                                  were constructive.                       fact that while Vision creates a
                                                                                                change and resource constraint as problems                                                 starting point and framework, much
                                                                                                                                                  Tools and reporting                      more will be needed to deepen the
(Continued from prevoius page).                significantly, and the team left workshop        to seeing them as economic opportunities.         Expected deliverables for the
                                                                                                                                                                                           understanding or to deal with specific
                                               one feeling inspired, but still under no                                                           December release will include:
   Pathway development                                                                                                                                                                     issues. The NZBCSD will own the work
                                               illusions as to the extent of the issues.
   Website design                                                                                                                                   Vision 2050 NZ report                  plan, but it may be delivered by others
                                                   Workshop days two and three started
   Review and reporting                                                                                                                             Vision 2050 NZ website                 or in collaboration with NZBCSD.
                                               putting more meat on the bones. This
   Communications                                                                                                                                   Vision 2050 NZ tools
                                               meant clarifying the vision for each
   Tools and engagement design.                                                                                                                     Future work plan
                                               pathway and designing the mural with
To begin the process, the Future Leaders       the milestones, risks and opportunities.
were involved in three intensive days of       This process was intensive, but to see the
workshops to kickstart the necessary           mural come together and be presented on                                                                     NZBCSD Vision 2050 pathways
future thinking, and to design the first-      the wall was a huge boost for the team.
cut pathways and mural of the future.              By the end of day three, it was clear that                                                                   Marine                              Agriculture
   This process was fascinating. The initial   the team involved owned the project and
workshop required the team to think about      would not let it go. In terms of an outcome,                                                           Human development                        Cultural diversity
the challenges facing New Zealand now.         this is a very significant development. The
This created a sombre mood amongst the         great work done by this team illustrates                                                                        Economy                                 Mobility
Future Leaders, who realised the enormity      what is possible when inspiration and the
and urgency of the challenges facing New       right direction are offered.                                                                                   Buildings                                Forests
Zealand and the world.                             The Future Leaders group now owns
   But as we moved more into the future        the process for reviewing and updating                                                                         Materials                        Energy and power
space, the Future Leaders began to             the mural, and for developing the tools                                                                        and waste
articulate the positive vision associated      and communications associated with
with each area. This changed the mood          Vision 2050 New Zealand.

PAGE 4         NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

                                                                       The Vision 2050 project

FUTURE LEADERS                                                              VISION                                                                          PATHWAYS

                                                                            7 million people, living well and within the limits of the planet
                                                                                                                                                                               Pathways added:          Enablers:
                                                                                                                                                                               • Cultural Diversity     • Values
                                                                                          Inequality                            Emissions
                                                                                                                                                                               • Marine                 • Equality & Opportunity
                                                                                          Productivity                          Water Quality
                                                                                                                                                                               • Tourism                • Environmental Integrity
                                                                                          Innovation                            Biodiversity
                                                                                                                                                                               Pathways removed:        • Market Systems
                                                                                          Health & Education                    Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                                                                               • People’s Values        • Global Access
                                                                                          Crime                                 Soil Health
                                                                                          Sense of Place

THE MURAL                                                                   RISKS                                                                           OPPORTUNITIES

                                                                             Global                                Natural              Short term
                                                                                                                                                           Niche technology
                                                                             challenges                            disasters            cycles             Forestry management
                                                                                                                                                           Agricultural systems
                                                                                                                                                           Emerging markets
                                                                             Infrastructure                        Government           Cost &
                                                                             constraints                           mandate              commitment

VISION TO ACTION                                                            DRIVERS OF CHANGE                                                               SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IN 2050

                                    Business Role
     Capability                       Supply chain traceability
                                Corporate ecosystem system valuation
                                                                            Chapters:                    Categories:                                        You want to be a successful business in 2050:
                                                                                   energy                     social
                                         Embracing diversity                                             
                                                                                                                                                                 What pathways will impact on your business?
      Business Opportunity                Financial literacy                      waste                     technological
            Toolkit                        Maori business
                                                                                  water                     economic
                                                                                                                                                                 What are you doing now that you won’t be able to do in the
         Vision Website            Sector Projects                                climate change            environmental
                                   Buildings – Energy Efficiency                  demographics              political                                          If you stay the same will you still be in business in 2050?
        “Vision to Action              Forestry – Biodiversity                    urbanisation                                                                   Why? Why not?
           Roadshow              Materials & Waste – Organisational
                                             Behaviour                            poverty
    Vision 2050 Youth Program        Agriculture – Traceability
                                  Mobility – Integrated Transport

                                                                                                                                                                             NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011                    PAGE 5
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Walking the talk                                                                                                                 More than just the
                                                                                                                                 right thing
Why business should be involved in the                                                                                           Why do businesses get involved
decision-making on social issues                                                                                                 in social issues?

Business needs a seat at the table when           The report says that while it is          is to effectively negotiate how it
it comes to addressing New Zealand’s           obvious that business has a role to          participates in social growth as
social issues, says research released by       play in providing employment, it has         an active partner, becoming more
the Business Council this year.                the capacity to help improve New             engaged in developing solutions
    The Social Role of Business report         Zealand’s social environment in lots of      to broader societal problems by
says that in this country, business is         other areas too.                             working alongside Government and
not recognised as a key stakeholder               “Business is keen to share                the NFP sector,” the report says.
in social issues, despite the fact that        capability and resources and work in
it can play a vital role in addressing         partnership to building capacity,” the
problems like child health and neglect,        report says.
unemployment and crime.                           “Government often talks to not-for-
    It says this lack of recognition could     profits about social and community
be due to an absence of a business-            issues. Business may also have views
led body to co-ordinate involvement            that could provide value.”
in these issues, and recommends                   While not-for-profits are good at
investing in the establishment of a            identifying problems and can often find
Business and Community Engagement              local solutions, the report says, they
(BACE) organisation.                           often struggle to get to a national scale.

     Sustainability is about looking after the
     needs of the current generation without
     reducing the options for future generations.
                                                                                                                                 The Social Role of Business Report says that most chief executives would simply
Such an organisation would:                       “Business has experience in                                                    say that it is the right thing to do.
      Put business at the table when social   taking solutions to scale and creating                                            But there are also strong business arguments to be made, including:
       issues and priorities are discussed     self-funded models, by first finding                                                 R isk mitigation, through the development of good community relationships
       with Government, to ensure the          out what works and then making it                                                    and mutual understanding.
       business perspective is understood.     the normal process, with flexibility to                                              T he attractions and retention of talented employees, who see significant
  Provide a sounding board for                respond to localised variations across                                                corporate community engagement as an important aspect of their association
   business ideas on social innovation         New Zealand.”                                                                         with the company.
   or community engagement prior to               Business experience in meeting the                                                 N
                                                                                                                                      ew or strengthened relationships with customers and clients, which help to
   discussion with Government and NFPs.        challenges of keeping services going                                                  differentiate the business and its products.
   H elp broker relationships between         during economic recessions could                                                      N
                                                                                                                                      ew opportunities for skill and leadership development.
      multiple businesses and other            also prove valuable, the report says.                                             And there are wider economic reasons too. The report says that New Zealand
      service providers and funders.              Having the Government, not-for-                                                business and the country as a whole cannot afford the cost of social failure,
    H elp to align efforts and                profits and business agree on the                                                 which brings with it:
      effectiveness to focus the donor         priorities for action and who is best-                                                 M ore children being raised in poverty.
      dollar and volunteer effort.             placed to carry out each task should                                                   A n increase in mental health problems.
     R educe duplication of effort            accelerate the journey to a healthier                                                  H igher taxes to pay for the unemployed and dependent.
      and overheads from multiple              society and a better return on the                                                     M ore crime.
      businesses and agencies                  social investment dollar.                                                              H arder-to-fill skilled vacancies.
  operating in the same space.                    “The challenge for business                                                         A lower standard of living and quality of life for all.

PAGE 6         NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

                                                                                                                      Transport in the future
What others are doing
How does business in other countries manage its involvement in social issues?
                                                                                                                      Why a shared agenda of
In Britain, where the direct cost      of young people to be “scarred by       the aim of broadening the horizons     freight and supply chain issues
of unemployment has been
estimated at £4.7 billion a year, an
                                       unemployment” poses a real threat
                                       to employers.
                                                                               of both students and their teachers.
                                                                                  ABCN members include Bain &         should be a key part of the
organisation called Business in the
Community is developing education
                                           The Australian Business and
                                       Community Network also recognises
                                                                               Company, Commonwealth Bank,
                                                                               Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, IAG, Minter
                                                                                                                      Government’s broader strategy
and employability programmes that      the economic costs of youth             Ellison, MLC, PwC and Qantas, and      With freight volumes expected to          and the freight sector in alignment
link business directly with schools.   unemployment, and has identified        represents business in social and      increase by more than 70 per cent         to persuade motorists, taxpayers and
The organisation has more than         literacy deficiencies as a barrier to   community development forums, and      over the next 30 years, transport         ratepayers that efficient freight supply
830 company members, including         employment.                             educates schools in how to prepare     is going to be one of the big issues      chains matter for future prosperity
Sainburys, KPMG, Lloyds, M&S, The          Since 2005, the network has         students for business.                 facing New Zealand.                       and quality of life.
Royal Mail Group and Barclays, and     provided more than 7000 business                                                  Over the past two years, the              The Business Council’s
warns that allowing a generation       mentors to work with schools, with                                             Business Council has undertaken           recommendations also include the
                                                                                                                      a major survey of New Zealanders’         development of a 30-year national
                                                                                                                      opinions on transport, including such     policy statement on priority freight          “In Australia, the Federal
                                                                                                                      issues as the use of, and satisfaction    corridors and regional hubs, and that      and State Governments are willing to
                                                                                                                      with, public transport, and other         prices be used more often to manage        take the lead in developing a national
                                                                                                                      issues like peak-hour congestion          environmental issues such as noise,        freight and ports plan to address an
                                                                                                                      and charging, freight corridors and       carbon and particulates.                   expected doubling of freight volumes.
                                                                                                                      regional spatial plans, and port             “Based on evidence from reports         If we had a similar plan for New
                                                                                                                      development.                              on freight in Ireland, Denmark,            Zealand, it could be given expression
                                                                                                                         Respondents were overwhelmingly        Queensland, Scotland and Melbourne,        through a National Policy Statement
                                                                                                                      in favour of developing and using         long-term planning for infrastructure      founded on a detailed review of the
                                                                                                                      rail, and, to a lesser extent coastal     (including a substantial transport         corridor and area demands, built
                                                                                                                      shipping, to get freight off roads,       component) will provide greater            around intra-island, inter island,
                                                                                                                      particularly on long-haul routes.         certainty for industry, help deliver       import and export supply chains.
                                                                                                                         Two-thirds of respondents said         investment confidence, increase            Such a study would be a desirable
                                                                                                                      they do not believe that building more    growth, and improve social and             early priority for the new Productivity
                                                                                                                      roads and motorways will relieve          cultural well-being,” the report says.     Commission.”
                                                                                                                      congestion, and support paying fees to
                                                                                                                      use fast lanes.
                                                                                                                         When it comes to ports, half of the
                                                                                                                      respondents said national interests
                                                                                                                      should be put ahead of local interests,
                                                                                                                      while 40 per cent said that more than
                                                                                                                      one deep-water port in each island
                                                                                                                      would not be a poor investment.
                                                                                                                      This would be particularly useful in
                                                                                                                      an emergency, such as the recent
                                                                                                                      experience of earthquake effects on
                                                                                                                         With the help of the survey,
                                                                                                                      the Business Council has
                                                                                                                      developed a transport agenda. Its
                                                                                                                      recommendations include developing
                                                                                                                      a shared view of the future of freight,
                                                                                                                      with central and local government

                                                                                                                                                                                                      NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011            PAGE 7
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
The Breakfast Club –                                                                                                          Aurecon’s response to sustainability
Kicking-starting the day for hungry kids                                                                                      challenges
                                             It takes more than sponsorship to          The clubs also provide space                                                     is Wellington’s largest office building
                                          make the programme sustainable.           for children to develop social and                                                   by area, and incorporates the latest
                                          KickStart Breakfast’s success is          life skills. This is where the long-                                                 environmentally sustainable design
                                          also directly credited to hundreds        term success begins. The KickStart                                                   principles in water, air conditioning,
                                          of dedicated community volunteers,        Breakfast programme has the               Aurecon’s response to sustainability       lighting, ventilation and energy
                                          teachers, parents, grandparents           potential to keep delivering benefits     challenges is to embrace innovation        management systems.
                                          and student leaders who deliver the       that extend far beyond the years          and to support sound engineering              Kakariki House, in Hamilton,
                                          breakfast programme to the students       children are at school by teaching        research into enhanced energy,             is a re-lifing of an existing retail
                                          every week.                               self reliance through education.          building, water and infrastructure         building. Awarded a 4 Green Star –
Research by the New Zealand Child
                                             Teachers report benefits in addition                                             solutions that will meet the               Office Design rating, it represents
Poverty Action Group in 2005 showed
                                          to nutrition; children are generally                                                community’s future needs.                  New Zealand best practice in
that 10 per cent of New Zealand
                                          happier, have more energy and are            K ids making the most of their milk      The company recognises the need to      environmentally sustainable design.
children start the day hungry, so in
                                          able to concentrate longer in class.          and Weet-Bix.                         balance economic growth with social           This project recycled as much of
2008, Fonterra piloted a milk-
in-schools programme.                                                                                                         development and the protection of the      the existing structure and materials                     Asteron Centre, Wellington.
   The co-operative then                                                                                                      environment, as evidenced in its most      as possible. Aspects of the original
                                                                                                                              recent buildings to achieve the New        building are still preserved, from the       refurbishment of existing buildings is a
worked with the Ministry of
                                                                                                                              Zealand Green Building Council’s Green     visible struts to the polished concrete      great emissions reduction opportunity
Health and the Red Cross
                                                                                                                              Star ratings, representing excellence in   floors, illustrating that environmentally    for our cities. Re-lifing buildings has
to ensure a sustainable and
innovative programme could                                                                                                    environmentally sustainable design.        sustainable design is not restricted         enormous environmental, commercial
be created with education                                                                                                        The Asteron Centre in Wellington        to new buildings, but can work               and social benefits, and should be an
and empowerment as core                                                                                                       has been awarded a 5 Green Star. At        harmoniously with existing structures.       action on political and commercial
principles.                                                                                                                   more than 48,000 square metres, this          Aurecon believes that sustainable         agendas, it says.
   The result is the KickStart
Breakfast, a partnership
between Fonterra and
                                                                                                                              Loving NZ at The Warehouse and Woolies
Sanitarium, offered to the                                                                                                                                               88 The Warehouse stores visited (by
approximately 1000 deciles                                                                                                                                               900,000 customers each week) and 156
one-to-four schools across                                                                                                                                               Countdown/Woolworths stores (visited
New Zealand.                                                                                                                                                             by 2 million customers each week).
   In June this year, KickStart                                                                                                                                             In addition, selected stores in
Breakfast served its two                                                                                                                                                 regions that hosted Rugby World Cup
millionth breakfast for Kiwi                                                                                                                                             matches trialed having recycling bins
children in more than 480                                                                                                                                                in stores as part of efforts to work
low-decile schools who                                                                                                                                                   with local authorities to increase
signed up to the programme                                                                                                    The Warehouse and Progressive              recycling facilities.
nationwide. The club serves                                                                                                   Enterprises are both lending their
around 30,000 breakfasts of                                                                                                   support to encourage their customers
milk and Weet-Bix to more                                                                                                     to recycle.
than 18,000 children twice a                                                                                                     The campaign is part of the Love                 Environment Minister Nick Smith
week, providing both nutrition                                                                                                NZ public place recycling campaign                   checks out an in-store recycling
and education, as well as                                                                                                     co-funded by the Government’s Waste                 bin at The Warehouse, under the
encouraging good breakfast                                                                                                    Minimisation Fund, local government                  watchful gaze of the company’s
habits that can be replicated                                                                                                 and industry.                                                 sustainability manager,
at home.                                                                                                                         The initiative is being promoted at                              Trevor Johnston.

PAGE 8       NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
Driving financial sustainability                                                                                                                                    Leading the way             Social and
Paying drivers fairly pays dividends for courier company                                                                                                            environmental responsibility have
                                                                                                                                                                    always been the law at James & Wells
                                             The courier market is unusual from        “This pricing behaviour is putting    in the region of $18 to $20 an hour
                                          an employment perspective, because        our industry at risk. Urgent Couriers    after expenses.”                                                                   and included directly contributing to
                                          only a few of the courier drivers         has an explicit policy of maintaining       This has helped Urgent Couriers                                                 New Zealand’s economic prosperity as
                                          are actually employees. In most           pricing at a level that is fair for      retain a motivated and productive                                                  a key firm mission.
Urgent Couriers says that drive for       cases, contractors are paid a fixed       customers, while providing contractors   team of contractors contributing                                                      Recently, the firm began providing
sustainability goes further than          percentage of the amount charged to       with the ability to make a living wage   hugely to the company’s success.       A car-free initiative held on United        an online service to allow affordable
addressing impacts on the natural         the customer, making them extremely                                                                                       Nations’ World Environment Day              access to trade marks and registered
environment.                              vulnerable to price cutting.                                                                                              signified James & Wells Intellectual        designs for companies which cannot
   Early on it identified one of the         Urgent Couriers managing director                                                                                      Property’s full adoption of a corporate     afford full legal services.
key challenges to the company’s           Steve Bonnici says that in the                                                                                            responsibility vision.                         The partners also agreed to the
sustainability as the threat to its       tough economic conditions of the                                                                                             Asking more than 50 attorneys            formation of an internal committee to
contractors’ financial sustainability     past two years, some unscrupulous                                                                                         and support staff to commute without        oversee the inception of a range of
through low industry-pricing.             courier operators have been offering                                                                                      their cars encouraged thinking              sustainable policies, as well as signing
   Urgent Couriers believes the           substantially lower prices, which                                                                                         about a resource-constrained world,         up to Landcare Research’s CEMARS
financial viability of its contracted     means contractors earn significantly                                                                                      and signaled the implementation             programme.
courier drivers is inextricably linked    below the minimum wage of $13                                                                                             of a range of policies to reduce the           A core part of the new focus is
to the company’s performance. So,         an hour.                                                                                                                  environmental impact of the firm’s          senior partners speaking out about
in line with global best-practice            “They are expecting contractors                                                                                        four offices.                               the need for New Zealand to better
sustainability, it places a major         to operate for these low rates, when                                                                                         The firm saved 500km of travel on        fund clean technology innovators,
focus on its drivers’ ability to earn a   input costs, such as fuel and vehicles,                                                                                   the day, and the staff enjoyed a novel      and involving itself with organisations
sustainable wage.                         have soared,” he said.                      Urgent Courier’s Steve Bonnici.                                               way to celebrate the move towards           which promote the move to a low-
                                                                                                                                                                    environmental sustainability.               carbon economy.
                                                                                                                                                                       James & Wells’ founding partners            To secure its future economic

VisionED: Thousands turn out to see car of the future                                                                                                               instilled bedrock practices of economic
                                                                                                                                                                    and social responsibility, which have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                performance, James & Wells began to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                form partnerships with the developers
                                                                                                                                                                    been refined in subsequent years. They      of products it is helping to protect.
            A core principle of BMW’s sustainability motoring philosophy relates       The BMW Group firmly believes that sustainable motoring need not mean a      established supportive staffing policies,   This is part of a multi-faceted long-
            to efficient dynamics, using new technologies in manufacturing,         sacrifice in performance or driving pleasure, and the BMW VisionED epitomises   recognised the contribution made by         term vision which embraces all pillars
            design and construction to deliver even more efficient solutions to     this philosophy.                                                                pro-bono work and community support,        of corporate responsibility.
            personal mobility.
To showcase these developments, the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics concept
car was created, and made its debut at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2009.
   Since that time, it has been touring the world, and visited Auckland for a
weekend in July. More than 5000 people viewed the vehicle over the 20 hours it
was on display, taking the opportunity to view the world’s greenest supercar.
   This is the only VisionED show car in the world, and represents an investment
of approximately 1 billion euro. It is laden with leading-edge technology,
constructed from modern, lightweight materials, and provides strong indications
of drivetrain technology and the level of connectivity for future BMW models.
   Remaining true to BMW’s value of building the ultimate driving machine,
the VisionED offers performance equivalent to a renowned BMW M car, and
efficiency better than a current-day hybrid. The BMW VisionED can achieve
0–100km/h in just 4.8 seconds, fuel efficiency is 3.76 litres per 100 kilometres,
and a CO 2 emission rating of just 99 grams per kilometre.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011            PAGE 9
Into the future - What could New Zealand look like in 2050, and will your business be there?
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
Waste not...                                                                                                                       Water pressure
                     With ever-increasing environmental         gives a visible platform to promote that positioning in the
                                                                                                                                   Helping Aucklanders to cut their water usage
                     awareness comes the constant challenge     marketplace,” he said.
                     to develop new product stewardship            Along with being ISO 14001-certified, two of the                                                  Watercare is working on a
                     programmes to solve common and             product stewardship programmes managed by 3R Group                                                   plan =to0.07cut  Auckland’s gross
                                                                                                                                                                                  x length

                     persistent waste problems.                 - Agrecovery and Resene PaintWise - are two of only six                                              per capita consumption by
                        As a leader in the field of product     programmes to have been accredited by the Minister for the                                           15 per cent by 2025.
stewardship, 3R is often the first-port-of-call for both        Environment under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.                                                      The water and wastewater
industry and consumers looking for solutions.                      The recent accreditation of Resene PaintWise also brings        service provider’s water resources manager, Dr Deborah
                                                                                                                                             length = 2 x height
   3R Group and the Motor Trade Association have begun the      3R’s efforts to bring about an industry-wide paint and             Lind, says that the total demand for water in Auckland is
process of developing a product stewardship programme for       packaging product stewardship programme a step closer.             increasing as a result of population growth.
end-of-life tyres in New Zealand.                                  Part of the creation and ongoing management of                     “While individual consumption has reduced significantly
   The programme will be largely shaped for New Zealand         programmes like Agrecovery and PaintWise is finding                over the past 30 years, the overall demand for water has
conditions by New Zealand industry stakeholders, using          innovative ways to use the recovered materials, fulfilling         increased as our population has doubled,” she said.
the end-of-life tyres management framework provided by          the fundamental cradle-to-cradle principal.                           “Managing our water demand will help to defer the need
the Tyre Working Group of the World Business Council for           Together with the PaintCrete Partnership, 3R is working         for new water sources and related infrastructure. This will
Sustainable Development.                                        hard to develop innovative solutions for turning waste paint       assist in reducing our costs, and in keeping water prices
   3R is providing expertise in bringing together the various   into a useful ingredient in concrete and other applications.       low, while also reducing impacts on the environment.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            From left: Watercare’s data technician Sarah Muir, and water
stakeholders and managing the work programme.                   The use of waste paint in high performance concrete                   The plan features a tool box of initiatives covering
                                                                                                                                                                                                         resources manager, Dr Deborah Lind, at Lower Nihotupu Dam in
   A second production stewardship programme is also            potentially provides an economical solution for various issues     the six Es of water efficiency and demand management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Waitakere Ranges.
being developed by 3R Group and another business council        facing the industry.                                               approaches - engage, educate, encourage, engineer, enact
member, InterfaceNZ, which have joined forces to develop a         PaintCrete was successfully commercialised in masonry           and economic.
programme for solution-dyed nylon carpet tiles.                 blockfill in 2008, however extensive testing, research and            Working with schools is one of the initiatives.                       Watercare is also working with Housing New Zealand
   3R’s investment in continuous improvement, through the       development with different mixes of paint, concrete and               “It involves reinforcing positive messages about water             to include water-efficient appliances when houses are
ISO 14001 Environmental Standard, has led Agrecovery Rural      other ingredients in various applications, such as footpaths       use as part of our existing education programme – which               refurbished, and to ensure leaks are detected and repaired
Recycling, managed by 3R, to work closely with Westland         and non-structural applications, continues.                        thousands of pupils participate in each year,” Lind said.             in a timely manner.
Milk Products.                                                     One such new product is GlassCrete, which not only uses            “We also plan to work with the Ministry of Education and              Other actions include minimising leaks in the network and
   The goal is to achieve the dairy company’s aim of            waste paint but also recovered waste glass as an aggregate         schools to help them reduce the volume of water used for              water used for operational purposes, and working with the
ensuring that the West Coast leads the New Zealand dairy        in concrete footpath construction. The environmental benefits      things such as irrigation, as well as to detect leaks.”               Auckland Council to find ways to reduce its demand for water.
industry in sustainable rural recycling initiatives - part      are clear: less quarried aggregate, reduced greenhouse
of a wider project to maintain ISO 14001 certification at
the Hokitika site, promote
                                                                gas emissions due to lower cement content, and most
                                                                importantly an end use for recovered materials.
                                                                                                                                   The Warehouse: keeping it ethical
sustainable practices to all                                                                                                                                                      fatigue, suppliers may seek an audit        and working hours, health and
Westland staff and farmer          “3R and partners                                                                                                                               waiver if they can provide a verifiable     safety systems and practices,
suppliers, and to meet the                                                                                                                                                        third-party audit report.                   any environmental management
environmental expectations               find innovative                                                                           The Warehouse’s Ethical Sourcing                  This year, 31 suppliers successfully     activity relevant to operations, and
of international customers.                                                                                                        programme is used to inform the                applied for an audit waiver.                dormitory standards (where such
   Westland Milk’s environmental            ways to turn                                                                           company’s buying decisions.                        The Warehouse completed 107             accommodation is provided). This
manager, Chris Pullen, says                                                                                                           The changeable and highly                   inspections in the year, recording          year, the environmental audit has
the company chose to work                 problems into                                                                            competitive nature of The Warehouse’s          a slight increase in the factories’         been extended, capturing information
with Agrecovery because of its                                                                                                     sourcing model demands timely                  average scores, to 78.1 per cent, up        such as the presence of controls for
willingness to tailor-make a                                                                                                       information about a given factory’s            from 75.1 per cent.                         wastewater or chemical discharges,
sustainability programme for the
                                                 solutions”                                                                        workplace standards status.                       There are more than 120                  and the quality of energy management
factory and farms.                                                                                                                    To address this dynamic, larger             checkpoints in the audit, which             systems.
   “Adoption of Agrecovery’s ISO 14001-accredited                                                                                  suppliers are required to pre-register         are grouped into five key areas:
programmes ensures that we lead the New Zealand dairy                                               GlassCrete in Hobsonville –    their factories. To assist factories in        employment policies, actual practices       (Source 2010 Community and
industry in sustainable rural recycling initiatives, and                       turning waste glass into aggregate for footpaths.   avoiding unnecessary cost and audit            in relation to workers’ remuneration        Environment Report)

PAGE 10       NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
A glimpse of the future                                                                                                                 Toyota New Zealand has published its
                                                                                                                                        fourth biennial sustainability report,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Leading the way
                                                                                                                                                                                   Understanding risk and managing risk is
Plug-in Prius being tested in New Zealand                                                                                               which for the first time has been
                                                                                                                                        externally assured by independent          core business for the insurance industry
                                               Published trial results have seen       in the 2011 Best Global Green Brands             experts KPMG to a B+ level under                                                     significantly to
                                            fuel consumption as low as 2.2 litres      report published by Interbrand.                  the Global Reporting Initiative G3.1                                                 reducing long-
                                            per 100 kilometres.                           In New Zealand, Toyota remains                framework.                                                                           term systemic
Toyota has led the development of                                                                                                           The 2011 report, which covers the      Sovereign is leading the insurance
                                               The Plug-in Prius cars have been        the only carboNZero-certified car                                                                                                     risks, and to
hybrid technology for more than 30                                                                                                      two years to March 31, 2011, is called     industry in coming to terms with
                                            a hit on Massey’s campuses, as they        company, and has spent the past                                                                                                       the sustainable
years, with global sales of hybrids                                                                                                     Resilience and describes the company’s     environmental, social and governance
                                            offer a glimpse of the very near future,   18 months shifting its independent                                                                                                    development of
recently passing the three million mark.                                                                                                determined response to some of the         issues.
                                            when drivers will be able to plug          dealer network to a more sustainable                                                                                                  society.
   The latest chapter in the hybrid                                                                                                     most challenging times in its history:        In August, Sovereign, along with
                                            in their vehicles on arriving home,        pathway for the future.                                                                                                                  The principles
revolution is plug-in hybrid technology,                                                                                                a global recession, brand-threatening      the United Nations Environment                                       Sovereign chief
                                            uploading excess power into the               In another motor industry first,                                                                                                   speak to the very
which Toyota has been trialing globally                                                                                                 quality issues overseas, and natural       Programme Finance Initiative, the                                  executive Charles
                                            national grid before recharging during     Toyota’s entire dealer network has                                                                                                    core of the future
since July 2010.                                                                                                                        disasters which impacted on the Toyota     Investment, Savings and Insurance         of the insurance                 Anderson.
                                            cheaper off-peak periods.                  implemented the Enviro-Mark NZ                                                              Association of New Zealand, and the
   Three of the 60 Plug-in Prius cars                                                                                                   family, customers and much wider.                                                    industry; dealing with how the insurance
                                               In the interim, Toyota continues        certification programme, and is on                                                          Insurance Council of Australia, hosted
are being tested in New Zealand in                                                                                                          Toyota New Zealand chief executive                                               industry should systematically consider
partnership with Massey University.         to expand its range of conventional        target to reach silver certification by                                                     the regional consultation meeting for
                                            hybrids, with three new models             the end of the year.                             Alistair Davis says external assurance                                               and manage ESG issues in core
   The trial vehicles feature lithium-ion                                                                                                                                          Oceania to get feedback on the global     strategies, ensure transparency and
                                            launched in New Zealand recently,                                                           marks a substantial evolution in the
batteries and can be charged with                                                                                                                                                  Principles for Sustainable Insurance.     work together with society.
                                            including the third-generation Prius,                                                       company’s industry-leading corporate
normal household 240 volt power.                                                                                                                                                      The principles address every facet        The draft principles have been
                                            Hybrid Camry, and Lexus CT200h                                                              responsibility commitment.
They can travel as an electric-only                                                                                                                                                of the insurance business, from risk      road-tested worldwide through
                                            - the world’s first luxury compact                                                              “We’ve seen consumers placing more
vehicle for up to 30 kilometres, and                                                                                                                                               management and underwriting, to           regional consultation meetings across
                                            sports hybrid.                                                                              and more importance on sustainability
for longer distances they operate as                                                                   Toyota New Zealand CEO                                                      product and service development, claims   the world.
                                               Toyota’s on-going emphasis on                                                            in their purchasing decisions, and
conventional petrol-electric hybrids,                                                      Alistair Davis, left, delivers a Plug-in                                                management, sales and marketing, and         Sovereign led the Oceania roundtable
                                            hybrid development, along with its                                                          an increasing scrutiny on the claims
without the need for a battery charging                                                  Hybrid Prius to Steve Maharey, Massey                                                     investment management.                    discussions, where representatives came
                                            wider sustainability focus, saw it                 University vice-chancellor, at the       companies make in that regard,” he said.
infrastructure and the “range anxiety”                                                                                                                                                The insurance industry’s core          from the life, general and re-insurance
                                            named the world’s greenest brand                                 start of a global trial.       “The past two years have challenged    expertise and business is to
typical of electric-only vehicles.                                                                                                                                                                                           industries, government, regulators, NGOs,
                                                                                                                                        Toyota strongly, creating threats to our   understand, manage and carry              the investment industry and academia.
                                                                                                                                        on-going sustainability and brand which    risk. Through risk prevention and            Delegates discussed how the PSI
                                                                                                                                        we had to address head on. Readers         reduction, by sharing risks over          might be interpreted and applied
                                                                                                                                        of the report can see that we’ve put a     many shoulders, and as major              in the region, and how the PSI as
                                                                                                                                        real focus on addressing those issues,     institutional investors, the industry     a global initiative would make a
                                                                                                                                        and hopefully agree that Resilience is a   protects society, catalyses finance and   positive contribution to sustainable
                                                                                                                                        well-chosen title.”                        investment, and underpins economic        development in general. The feedback
                                                                                                                                            Dave Rhodes-Robinson, Toyota New       development.                              of the consultation will shape up
                                                                                                                                        Zealand’s marketing and environment           The environmental, social and          the finalisation of the PSI, before its
                                                                                                                                        manager, says the assurance process        governance issues span a wide range       official launch in 2012 at Rio+20,
                                                                                                                                        helped significantly refine the            of business risks, and will impact on     United Nations Conference on
                                                                                                                                        company’s approach and reporting           the business over the long run.           Sustainable Development.
                                                                                                                                        around sustainability.                        Sovereign is part of the United           The industry-led and multi-
                                                                                                                                            “Having the scrutiny of an external    Nations Environment Programme             stakeholder session is a clear example
                                                                                                                                        provider certainly challenged us as        Finance Initiative working group,         of a transparent and consultative
                                                                                                                                        an organisation, but the process was       which has been developing a best-         process, where the insurance industry
                                                                                                                                        invaluable in ensuring our report          practice framework to proactively         was convened in collaboration
                                                                                                                                        explained our approach to sustainability   and responsibly embrace the               to look ahead and prepare for
                                                                                                                                        well, and focused on the issues of most    environmental, social and governance      the extraordinary challenges and
                                                                                                                                        significance to our stakeholders”.         issues in insurance and investment        opportunities lying ahead for the
                                                                                                                                                                                   activities in order to contribute more    coming decades.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011           PAGE 11
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
Saving space, time and money                                                                                                      Setting the standard
How sustainability is securing the future for Ricoh and its clients                                                               New data centre a world leader on energy efficiency
                                          technology releases in the next                                                                                       The Auckland office of URS has    E xtremely high-efficiency, water-cooled, centrifugal
                                          year to help them transform the                                                                                       recently completed the design      chillers, with elevated chilled-water cooling system
                                          companies they work with.                                                                                             and installation supervision of    temperatures, modelled to obtain the optimum water
Ricoh New Zealand is experiencing the        The addition of Ricoh Consulting                                                     a world-class, leading-edge data centre for IBM – and it’s       temperature for free-cooling.
greatest change ever in the document      Services alongside the core multi-                                                      green.                                                           A water economiser system that provides free cooling
solutions industry.                       function device supply and service                                                         The building covers 4500 square metres and, when fully       during low ambient weather conditions.
   Printer hardware, where Ricoh has      division will ensure an expanded                                                        loaded, will consume around 4MW of power - equivalent to          R ain harvesting, with collected water used in the
had a global competitive edge for         Ricoh New Zealand is able to                                                            the power consumption of around 1300 houses.                       cooling towers.
some time, is now a commodity, and        sustain its market leadership                                                              The design brief stipulated that URS’s design must              S ide-stream filtration and innovative water dosing
the profit margins from paper printing    position.                                                                               achieve a maximum power usage efficiency (PUE) level of             in the cooling towers to reduce the amount of water
have been squeezed.                                                                                                               1.6 at full load.                                                   bleed to the drainage system.
   Ricoh’s leadership team has put a
lot of strategic thought into ensuring
                                          RICOH                                                                                      In fact, calculations and recorded
                                                                                                                                  data indicate that the URS design will
the long-term sustainability of the       CONSULTING                                                                              achieve an even lower PUE of 1.41

business in the face of the rapidly                                                                                               when fully loaded - energy savings
changing industry. To stay still would                                                                                            of approximately 40 per cent over an
threaten its viability.                                                                                                           equivalent standard facility.
                                            SMOOTHER RUNNING SYSTEMS
   Ricoh New Zealand is securing                                                                                                     Lead mechanical engineer Kevin
its future by rapidly becoming a                                                                                                  Hide attributes the success of the
service-based software and business                                                                                               project to teamwork.
improvement provider, while                                                                                                          “It was a concerted effort to deliver
maintaining its leadership in the                                                                                                 the best sustainability standards for
hardware-based supply business.                                                                                                   the building,” he said.
   In the past year, Ricoh New Zealand                                                                                               “Data centres are, by nature,
formed Ricoh Consulting Services,                                                                                                 power-hungry, but are necessary
which in the next three years is                                                                                                  for business continuity, so we
targeted to account for about a third                                                                                             ensured that our design would make
of overall revenue.                                                                                                               a significant difference in energy
   The new division requires different                                                                                            consumption.
skill sets. Some staff are being re-                                                                                                 “Because a data centre’s energy
trained into a new way of thinking                                                                                                use is so huge, by increasing                                                                             The water system.
and working, and Ricoh Consulting                                                                                                 the efficiency we also achieved
Services is also recruiting experienced                                                                                           significant cost savings for the client.
business analysts.                                                                                                                URS’s design has provided the client with a remarkable          S olar heating of the domestic water system.
   The challenge is to help Ricoh’s                                                                                               benchmark for its data centres across the world.”                V ariable-speed drives on all motors so they match the
clients save space, time and money           T he material used in Ricoh machines is up to 98 per cent recyclable – right here                                                                   loads,saving energy.
through analysing their businesses            in Auckland.                                                                        Sustainable features incorporated into the building include:      F acility energy metering to enable staff to separately
and providing innovative digital              Waste from the machines is sent to e-waste recyclers, including Sims Recycling           A high level of insulation and vapour barriers on all        monitor energy consumption trends of office and data
solutions which eliminate paper, and          Solutions.                                                                               walls, and shading on office windows.                         hall plant, small power and lighting.
replace manual tasks with efficient,          In other parts of the country, around 70 per cent of waste is recycled.                   N o non-recyclable PVC pipe work and electrical              Main, sub-main, power distribution unit and final circuit
automated processes.                          Ricoh began sending used equipment to Sims in late 2009, and today                         conduit used on the site.                                     power monitoring for each data hall IT rack/cabinet to
   Ricoh’s business analysts already          component parts are re-used or recycled either in New Zealand or sent off shore.           H igh-efficiency lighting on occupancy sensors               accurately monitor consumption at rack level.
have a range of tools to help clients,     Source Ricoh Sustainability Report 2010                                                        throughout data hall and plant rooms, with occupancy       R educe cable losses through careful plant location
and will have some incredible                                                                                                             sensors and daylight linking in offices.                    planning resulting in reduced cable resistances.

PAGE 12      NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011
Dedicated to making a difference

Case studies:
Light on fuel, but big on power                                                                                                            A hot idea
                 The BMW Group                                                                       The i3 will mark the launch           Fonterra saves money and the environment by using
                 showcases its visions                                                           of the first volume-produced
                 of future mobility in                                                           car featuring bodywork largely            waste oil from tankers to heat a plant
                 the shape of the BMW                                                            made of carbon for a significant                                                    Fonterra’s             consents by Environment Canterbury.
i3 Concept and BMW i8 Concepts.                                                                  weight-saving. With four seats and                                                  manufacturing             The boilers consume 10 litres of used oil an hour, and
    Unveiled in July this year, these                                                            a 200-litre luggage compartment,                                                    sites have             heat water which is pumped at 60 degrees through the
vehicles provide a glimpse of the                                                                this vehicle is fully suited for                                                    exceeded their         embedded water tubes. This not only warms the floor, but
first electrically powered production                                                            everyday use.                                                                       target to reuse        also the building. Floor temperatures now sit comfortably
cars from the new BMW i sub-brand,                                                                   The BMW i8 Concept goes                                                         or recycle 90 per      in the 20s, and ambient temperatures have significantly
due to be launched as the BMW i3 in                                                              from 0 to 100 km/h in less than                                                     cent of their waste,   improved.
2013 and the BMW i8 in 2014.                                                                     five seconds and boasts fuel                                                        hitting a 92.11 per       While the installation costs for the two coil tube boilers
    With BMW i, the BMW Group is                                                                 consumption of less than three            cent rate in the 2010 financial year, with 2011 preliminary      were some 76 per cent higher than an electric option, the
                                                BMW showcases its first electrically powered
corroborating its position as the                                                                litres per 100 km. Its plug-in hybrid     results at 92.26 per cent.                                       operating costs are a mere $648 per annum compared to
                                                                            production cars.
most innovative and sustainable                                                                  drive, with a system output of               The “reuse, recycle” mantra promotes innovative               $57,000 for electricity.
auto manufacturer in the world,                                                                  260 kW, allows a range of up to           ideas.                                                                                           Clean oil burners at Clandeboye.
as reflected in the fact that it has been the super-sector           35 kilometres in electric mode – sufficient for most everyday         In the case of the Clandeboye Transport Centre team, led
leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the               journeys. For more dynamic driving, or out-of-town routes, a          by Ken Gould, it has generated annual energy-cost savings
sixth year running.                                                  high-performance three-litre petrol engine also comes into play.      in excess of $55,000.
    With its zero-emission electric drive and a range of             The sports car has an electronically governed top speed of 250           The centre runs around the clock, servicing more than 100
approximately 150 kilometres, the BMW i3 Concept has been            km/h and space for up to four occupants.                              milk tankers in the Canterbury and Clandeboye region.
specifically developed for use in an urban environment, its             As the world’s leading premium car manufacturer, the               It can be a cold job, with ambient temperatures of six
dynamic 125 kW electric motor and rear-wheel drive ensuring          BMW Group aims to offer customers purpose-built                       degrees or less in the building in winter, and underfoot
BMW-style dynamic handling.                                          electric-drive cars.                                                  temperatures on the concrete floor often sitting at zero.
                                                                                                                                           The heating system, installed when the centre was
No waste at Watercare                                                                                                                      originally built, was inadequate.
                                                                                                                                              The solution is a recycling double header. It reuses some
Worm farms and recycling the order of the day                                                                                              30,000 litres of waste-stream oil from the truck fleet, and
                                                                                                                                           has put back into service a closed-loop water tube system
                                                     of continuous improvement since
                                                                                                                                           embedded in the centre’s concrete floor. The waste oil now
                                   = 0.07 x length   inception,” he said. “Along the
                                                                                                                                           fuels two clean-burning oil coil tube boilers, approved for
                                                     way, we have made gains through
                                                     the introduction of such initiatives
                                                     as worm farms and colour-coded
        length at
               = 2 xAuckland’s
                     height    water                 recycling and rubbish bins.”
and wastewater services company,                        For Foubister and the committee,
Watercare Services, have reduced the                 the challenge over the past 10 months          Security manager Alan Foubister with
volume of refuse they send to landfill               has been to roll out the programme                           the colour-coded bins.
by two-thirds since the company                      across a much larger organisation.
introduced its Zero Waste programme                     “In November last year, Watercare’s     sure the recycling and worm-farm
in 2003.                                             staff and office base grew significantly   initiatives become routine in the new
   Security manager Alan Foubister,                  when it became responsible for             offices.
who chairs the Zero Waste committee,                 retailing water and wastewater                “To date, feedback from new staff
says that the volume of refuse                       services directly to more than one         is that they are keen to participate
currently produced by each staff                     million people in Auckland,” he said.      in and grow the programme. As
member each week is only 0.5kg on                       “From the committee’s perspective,      with anything, there is room for
average, compared to 1.5kg in 2003.                  our focus has been to keep Zero            improvement, but we’re off to a
   “Our approach has been one                        Waste in the spotlight – to make           good start.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NZBCSD Annual Review: 2011           PAGE 13
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