Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC

Page created by Richard Simpson
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
                                January 2021

                                 Investment Intentions
                                 of Canadian
                                An Outlook for 2021   Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021   1
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
Table of contents
Message from the Chief Economist ..................................................... 3                     Author                                            Acknowledgements
                 ................................................................................ 4
Executive summary................................................................................            Pierre-Olivier Bédard-Maltais,                    This study was made possible
                                                                                                             Senior Economist,                                 thanks to the valuable contributions
            ............................................................................................ 6
Main results............................................................................................              of Emmanuelle Houle, Louise Girard,
                                                                                                                                                               Marco Santos Pires, Isabelle Simard
           .......................................................................................... 21
                                                                                                                                                               and Samuel St-Pierre.

                                                                                                             This report is based on public and proprietary data analyzed and interpreted by BDC.
                                                                                                             Any errors or omissions are BDC’s sole responsibility. All numbers in this study have been
                                                                                                             rounded. Reliance on and use of the information herein is the reader’s responsibility.

                                                                                                             © 2021 Business Development Bank of Canada.                                                              Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs         An Outlook for 2021                                                          2
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
Message from the Chief Economist
                                                 It’s been a difficult year and we’re happy to               The survey indicates entrepreneurs will
                                                 be moving on to 2021. The distribution of                   invest more in technology this year, building
                                                 vaccines against the coronavirus brings hope                on momentum started in 2020. This is
                                                 that the coming year will be better for the                 great news because technology adoption
                                                 economy and for Canadian businesses.                        enhances productivity and competitiveness
                                                                                                             for businesses and the Canadian economy
                                                 Each quarter, BDC conducts a Small                          as a whole. It will also help entrepreneurs
                                                 Business Investment Outlook Survey of                       deal with changes brought on by the
                                                 1,000 owners of small and medium-sized                      pandemic; the rapid rise of online sales and
                                                 enterprises (SMEs) in Canada. The objective                 the growth of remote work being two of the
                                                 is to assess their business prospects and                   most salient examples.
                                                 investment intentions for 2021. This report
                                                 presents the results of the winter 2021 survey              Taken together, the results of this latest
                                                 on business investment intentions for the next              investment survey paint a picture of an
                                                 12 months.                                                  economy that will be in a slow but sustained
                                                                                                             recovery during the coming year. We would
                                                 The results indicate that business investment               like to thank the entrepreneurs who took the
                                                 intentions are improving, with a growing                    time to participate in our survey. We hope this
“The results of this latest                      number of Canadian entrepreneurs planning                   report will help you plan a successful 2021.
investment survey paint a picture                to invest more in 2021 than they did last
of an economy that will be in a                  year. Indeed, these are the most positive                   Pierre Cléroux
slow but sustained recovery during               results we’ve seen since the beginning of                   Vice President,
the coming year.”                                the pandemic.                                               Research and Chief Economist                               Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                               3
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
Executive summary
Renewed optimism                     a disappointing year-end in
improves investment                  2019. Investment intentions then
intentions for 2021                  collapsed with the first wave of
                                     COVID-19 in the spring, before
Investment intentions are            slowly recovering in the summer
expected to remain weak              and fall of 2020.
in 2021, but are improving
significantly from last year. This   Weak investment intentions
rise in investment intentions        reflect a reluctance to invest
is largely due to increased          in tangible assets, such as
business confidence and              buildings, machinery and
improved sales outlook,              equipment, but spending in
according to our new winter          intangible assets, such as
2021 survey.                         software, R&D or employees
                                     training, is gaining momentum.
Net investment intentions
stand at -3, up six points from      A desire to improve productivity
last quarter but still down four     as well as sales and marketing
points compared to last winter,      appear to be the main drivers
when investment intentions           of investment, while high
were beginning to recover after      uncertainty remains the main
                                     factor holding back investment                                         Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021   4
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
Executive summary (cont.)
spending in 2021, although to         confidence. High indebtedness,             Sectoral and regional                > Quebec and Atlantic Canada
a lesser extent than in previous      weak demand, additional                    outlook                                have the most buoyant
quarters.                             containment measures and news                                                     investment intentions overall,
                                      of a virus mutation could dampen           > Companies in the resources           with positive outlooks in both
A new hope                            this renewed optimism.                       sector are showing a strong          regions.
                                                                                   recovery in their investment
With the U.S. election behind         Capacity pressure                            intentions for the coming year.    > Net spending intentions
us and the hope offered by            and hiring difficulties                                                           remain weak in all other
coronavirus vaccines, this winter’s                                              > The situation is deteriorating       regions.
                                      are building up
survey reveals that the mood                                                       for wholesalers and
of entrepreneurs has improved         Half of entrepreneurs said it                technology companies.
significantly. We now find as         would be difficult to either hire
many optimistic as pessimistic        new skilled employees or meet an           > The resources sector faces
entrepreneurs, a marked               unexpected increase in demand                significant capacity and
improvement from the previous         because they are operating at or             productivity challenges as
quarter, when more than half          above full capacity. While capacity          commodity prices recover.
of entrepreneurs thought the          and labour shortage issues have
economy would deteriorate over                                                   > Spending in the technology
                                      not yet become a major barrier to
the next months. This signals that                                                 sector is expected to return
                                      investment in much of the country,
a slow but sustained recovery is                                                   to normal after an exceptional
                                      we expect these issues to grow in
underway. However, there is still                                                  year in 2020.
                                      importance as the economy gears
a long way to go before we see a      up in 2021.
marked improvement in business                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                 5
Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs - An Outlook for 2021 - Study January 2021 - BDC
                                              results   Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021   6
Main results

Business confidence                        Figure 1: Net business confidence
                                           When you think about the next 12 months, how confident are you about the economic conditions in Canada?
Our winter 2021 survey shows that
entrepreneurs are gradually regaining           Balance of opinion*                                 Expect better conditions                             Expect worse conditions
confidence in the Canadian economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                80%
Net business confidence is close to zero
at -1, a jump of 34 percentage points                                                                                                                                                                                                              60%

from the fall 2020 survey. We now find
as many optimistic (35%) as pessimistic
(36%) business owners, a marked                                                                                                                                                                                                                    20%
improvement from previous quarters,                                                                                   +1
when more than half of entrepreneurs                                                                                                                                                                                                         -1
                                                        -7                             -7
expected the economy to deteriorate                                                                                                                                                                                                                -20%
over the next 12 months.
                                                                                                                                                                                  -37                           -35                                -40%

Entrepreneurs in the Prairies (43%) were                                                                                                                                                                                                           -60%
the most likely to expect worse economic                                                                                                           -60

conditions in 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -80%
                                                        Q3                             Q4                            Q1                            Q2                             Q3                             Q4                          Q1
                                                                      2019                                                                                       2020                                                                       2021

                                           Net business confidence by region in Q1 2021:
                                           –     B.C. and the North (+13)
                                           –     Prairies (-11)
                                           –     Ontario (-10)
                                           –     Quebec (+14)
                                           –     Atlantic (-2)

                                           *The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the percentage of entrepreneurs expecting better conditions (blue line) and the percentage expecting worse conditions (red line).                                    Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                                            An Outlook for 2021                                                                                              7
Main results

Sales outlook                              Figure 2: Net future sales expectations
                                           Over the next 12 months, do you expect your company’s total sales or revenue to increase, remain the same
Future sales expectations are gaining
                                           or decrease compared to the last 12 months?
momentum. For the first time since the
beginning of the recession last spring,         Balance of opinion*                                  Expect sales to increase                              Expect sales to decrease
there are more entrepreneurs who                                                                                                                                                                                        80%
expect sales to increase than decrease
in the next 12 months (38% vs. 25%,                                                                                                                                                                                     60%

respectively).                                                                         +36                            +37
                                                       +33                                                                                                                                                              40%

Large companies (55% expect an                                                                                                                                                                                   +12    20%
increase) were the most likely to expect
higher sales, while companies in the                                                                                                                                                                                    0

Prairies (33% expect a decrease), were                                                                                                                                                                     -10
the most likely to expect lower sales.                                                                                                                                              -20


                                                        Q3                             Q4                             Q1                             Q2                             Q3                     Q4     Q1
                                                                      2019                                                                                         2020                                          2021

                                           Net future sales expectations by region in Q1 2021:

                                           –     B.-C. and the North (+12)
                                           –     Prairies (-3)
                                           –     Ontario (+8)
                                           –     Quebec (+34)
                                           –     Atlantic (+17)

                                           * The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting sales to increase (blue line) and the % expecting sales to decrease (red line).                                    Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                                              An Outlook for 2021                                                                 8
Main results

Hiring outlook                                 Figure 3: Net hiring intention
                                               Over the next 12 months, do you expect your company’s number of employees to increase, remain the same
Net hiring intention has improved but          or decrease compared to the last 12 months?
remains negative. This suggests that while
a strong labour market recovery is unlikely,        Balance of opinion*                                 Expect headcount to increase                        Expect headcount to decrease
further massive layoffs are not expected.                                                                                                                                                                                                                80%

Large companies (29%), companies                                                                                                                                                                                                                         60%
in Quebec (32%) and those in the
resources sector (57%) were more likely
to expect headcount to increase.                            +11
                                                                                         +19                            +16

                                                                                                                                                                                    -10                            -11


                                                            Q3                            Q4                            Q1                            Q2                            Q3                            Q4                            Q1
                                                                          2019                                                                                      2020                                                                       2021

                                               Net hiring intentions per region in Q1 2021:

                                               –     B.C. and North (-5)
                                               –     Prairies (-13)
                                               –     Ontario (-3)
                                               –     Quebec (+14)
                                               –     Atlantic (0)

                                               *The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the percentage of entrepreneurs expecting headcount to increase (blue line) and the percentage expecting headcount to decrease (red line).                                        Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                                           An Outlook for 2021                                                                                                 9
Main results

Who will be hiring
in 2021?
Net hiring intention by business size

Small businesses                                                                                                           Medium businesses                                        Large businesses
(Less than $2 million                                                                                                      ($2 to $10 million                                       (Over $10 million

-3                                                                                                                        +1                                                        +14
in annual revenue)                                                                                                         in annual revenue)                                       in annual revenue)

           12 percentage points*                                                                                                      2 percentage points**                             1 percentage point
* All comparisons are with the previous quarter unless otherwise noted.
** A percentage point is the difference between two percentages. For example, moving up from 10% to 15% is a 5 percentage-point increase.                                                                                            Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs          An Outlook for 2021                            10
Main results

Capacity pressure                         Figure 4: Capacity pressure                                                                           Figure 5: Hiring difficulties
                                          How would you assess your company’s current ability to meet                                           How would you assess your
Our winter 2021 survey reveals that       an unexpected increase in demand or sales?                                                            company's current ability to hire
capacity pressure is building up. Half                                                                                                          qualified workers?
of companies said it would be difficult       Significant difficulties, we are operating beyond capacity
to meet an unexpected increase in             Some difficulties, we are or near full capacity                                                       Significant difficulties, we are missing workers to
                                                                                                                                                    operate or seize new opportunities
demand as they are now operating                                                                                                                    Some difficulties, but the situation is not critical
at or beyond capacity. This is likely
due to capacity problems created
by lockdowns and other sanitary
measures.                                                                                                                                                                               19
                                                                 5                                                         11            10                            15
                                                                                 4                                                                                                                 40%
Labour shortages are also starting               6
                                                                                36                            9            38            39
                                                35                                              12                                                                                      35
to increase, with 54% of business                                                                                                                     32

leaders reporting some or significant                                                           27            28
difficulties recruiting skilled
employees.                                                                                                                                                                                         10%

Medium (70%) and large (72%)                    Q3              Q4              Q1              Q2            Q3           Q4             Q1          Q3               Q4               Q1

companies as well as companies in                      2019                                            2020                              2021                2020                      2021
Quebec (67%) were more likely to
face hiring difficulties.                 Capacity pressure per region in Q1 2021:                                                              Hiring difficulties per region in Q1 2021:

                                          –    B.C. and North (43%)                                                                             –    B.C. and North (48%)
                                          –    Prairies (36%)                                                                                   –    Prairies (50%)
                                          –    Ontario (49%)                                                                                    –    Ontario (50%)
                                          –    Quebec (65%)                                                                                     –    Quebec (67%)
                                          –    Atlantic (53%)                                                                                   –    Atlantic (57%)                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                      An Outlook for 2021                                                                 11
Main results

Investment outlook                            Figure 6: Net investment intentions
                                              Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment spending to be compared
Investment intentions have improved           to the last 12 months?
from last spring but still remain weak in
2021. The number of business leaders               Balance of opinion*                                   Expect to spend more                                  Expect to spend less
who plan to reduce spending over the                                                                                                                                                                             50%
next 12 months (24%) continues to offset
those who plan to spend more (21%).
The year 2020 had started on a positive
note, with net investment intentions                                                                                                                                                                             20%

beginning to recover after a sluggish year-                                                                                                                                                                      10%
end in 2019. Investment intentions then                                                                                    +1
collapsed in the spring of 2020 before                                                                                                                                                                           0
                                                            -2                             -1
improving in the following quarters. It now                                                                                                                                                                -3
stands at -3, an increase of 6 percentage                                                                                                                                               -10

points from the fall of 2020.                                                                                                                                                                                    -20%

                                                            Q3                             Q4                             Q1                             Q2                              Q3          Q4    Q1
                                                                          2019                                                                                         2020                               2021

                                              *The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                                               An Outlook for 2021                                                  12
Main results

Main factors driving                     Figure 7: Factors driving business investment                                         Figure 8: Factors limiting business investment
investment decisions                     Which of the following best describes your main                                       Which of the following factors are most likely to limit
                                         business investment goals for the next 12 months?                                     your investment spending in the next 12 months?
A desire to increase productivity as
well as sales and marketing are the         2021 Q1           2020 Q4            2020 Q1                                         2021 Q1               2020 Q4              2020 Q1

main drivers of investment intentions
                                                                              12 %                                                                                       12 %
for the next 12 months. We also see           Reduce environmental
                                                          footprint          9%
                                                                                                                                            Nothing will limit
                                                                                                                                           your investments            9%
a growing proportion of business                                             9%                                                                                        10 %

leaders mention the need to replace                                                  20 %                                                                              11 %
                                                                                                                               Unfavourable exchange rate             8%
and add new capacity, or reduce                    Add new capacity                 19 %
                                                                                 15 %
their environmental footprint, when                                                                                                                                   7%
                                                                                14 %
explaining their investment goals.         Replace existing capacity           13 %
                                                                                                                                                  Low prices           9%
By far the most significant barrier to                                               19 %                                       High economic incertainty
                                                                                                                                                                                                 39 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                        49 %
investment remains the high level of        Expand into new markets                   20 %                                                                                                30 %
                                                                                        23 %
economic uncertainty, although this                                                                                                                                         14 %
                                                                                                                                         Difficulty obtaining
impediment has decreased since fall          Introduce new products
                                                                                           26 %                                                     financing            11 %
                                                                                        23 %                                                                            10 %
2020. Lack of money to invest and                        or services
                                                                                       21 %
                                                                                                                                                                                       26 %
low demand are the two other most                                                                        46 %                         Low cash flow position                        22 %
common factors that limit business            Become more efficient
                                                     or productive
                                                                                                         47 %                                                                           28 %

investment.                                                                                          40 %                                                             8%
                                                                                                                                        Insufficient capacity         8%
                                                                                                    38 %
                                                                                                                                                                        12 %
                                         Improve sales and marketing                                 39 %
                                                                                                  35 %                                                                     14 %
                                                                                                                               Lack of qualified employees                13 %
                                                                                          26 %                                                                                 19 %
                                            Adopt new technologies                     23 %
                                                                                       22 %                                                                                        20 %
                                                                                                                                               Low demand                                 29 %
                                                                       Percentage of companies                                                                                     21 %
                                                                                                                                                                 Percentage of companies                                     Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                     An Outlook for 2021                                                                            13
                                                                                   Figure 9: Net investment intentions—non-residential buildings
                                                                                   and renovations
                                                                                   Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment

outlook by asset
                                                                                   spending to be compared to the last 12 months?
                                                                                        Balance of opinion*                                  Expect to spend more                                Expect to spend less

categories                                                                                                                                                                                                                                80%


Low investment intentions reflect a reluctance
to invest in tangible assets, such as buildings
and machinery and equipment, but spending in                                                                                                                                                                                              0
intangible assets is gaining momentum.                                                     -10                  -10                  -7                                                                                  -10
                                                                                                                                                                               -16                  -17                                   -20%



                                                                                           Q3                   Q4                   Q1                   Q2                   Q3                   Q4                   Q1
                                                                                                    2019                                                           2020                                                 2021

                                                                                   *The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs              An Outlook for 2021                                                                                                            14
Investment outlook by asset categories

Figure 10: Net investment intentions—machinery and equipment                                                                                                   Figure 11: Net investment intentions—software, IP protection, R&D,
                                                                                                                                                               marketing and employee training
Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment
spending to be compared to the last 12 months?                                                                                                                 Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment
                                                                                                                                                               spending to be compared to the last 12 months?
     Balance of opinion*                                  Expect to spend more                                Expect to spend less                               Balance of opinion*               Expect to spend more        Expect to spend less

                                                                                                                                                       80 %                                                                                           80%

                                                                                                                                                       60 %                                                                                           60%

                                                                                                                                                       40 %                                                                                           40%

                                                                                                                                                       20 %                                  +16                                                      20%
                                                                                                                                                                   +8                                                                           +9
                                                                                                                                                       0                                                                                              0
        -4                   -3                    -2                                                                                  -4                                                                                 -1
                                                                                             -6                   -8
                                                                                                                                                       -20 %                                                                                          -20%
                                                                                                                                                       -40 %                                                                                          -40%

                                                                                                                                                       -60 %                                                                                          -60%

                                                                                                                                                       -80 %                                                                                          -80%
        Q3                   Q4                   Q1                   Q2                   Q3                   Q4                   Q1                           Q3             Q4         Q1            Q2             Q3     Q4             Q1
                 2019                                                           2020                                                 2021                                 2019                                   2020                          2021

*The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                                                                              Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                           An Outlook for 2021                                                      15
Investment outlook by asset categories

What investments are
entrepreneurs planning
for 2021?
        35% 46% 53%
Percentage of businesses
with investment intentions
in 2021
                                         will invest in non-                           will invest in machinery   will invest in intangible
                                         residential buildings                         and equipment              assets*
                                         and renovations

                                                                                                                  *Assets with no physical form, such as software,
                                                                                                                  marketing initiatives, training and intellectual property.                                  Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                                         16
                                                                                     Figure 12: Net investment intentions—B.C. and North
                                                                                     Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment
                                                                                     spending to be compared to the last 12 months?

outlook by region                                                                         Balance of opinion*                                  Expect to spend more                                Expect to spend less


Investment intentions are gaining momentum in
Quebec and the Atlantic region. In Quebec, strong
business confidence and capacity pressures will                                                                                                                                                                                             20%
drive entrepreneurs to spend more, while business                                            +6
owners in the Atlantic region will invest to improve                                                               -7                   -7                                                                                 -3
sales and marketing.                                                                                                                                                             -13                                                        -20%

While intentions are improving in other provinces,                                                                                                          -36
net intentions remain negative, mainly due to high
economic uncertainty. Business owners in the
Prairies are also more likely to reduce spending due                                                                                                                                                                                        -80%
to lack of cash flow and low prices for their products                                       Q3                   Q4                   Q1                   Q2                   Q3                   Q4                   Q1
                                                                                                      2019                                                           2020                                                 2021
and services.
                                                                                     *The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                         Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs              An Outlook for 2021                                                                                                            17
Investment outlook by region

Figure 13: Net investment intentions—Prairies                                                                                                                 Figure 14: Net investment intentions—Ontario
Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment                                                                                         Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment
spending to be compared to the last 12 months?                                                                                                                spending to be compared to the last 12 months?
     Balance of opinion*                                  Expect to spend more                                Expect to spend less                              Balance of opinion*              Expect to spend more         Expect to spend less
                                                                                                                                                       80%                                                                                           80%

                                                                                                                                                       60%                                                                                           60%

                                                                                                                                                       40%                                                                                           40%

                                                                                                                                                       20%                                                                                           20%
                                                                                                                                                       0                                                                                             0
         -3                                                                                                                                                       -1                                                                           -4
                             -6                    -8
                                                                                            -14                                       -13                                                                               -10    -13
                                                                                                                 -15                                   -20%                                                                                          -20%

                                                                       -37                                                                             -40%                                                                                          -40%

                                                                                                                                                       -60%                                                                                          -60%

                                                                                                                                                       -80%                                                                                          -80%
        Q3                   Q4                   Q1                   Q2                   Q3                   Q4                   Q1                          Q3             Q4         Q1           Q2             Q3     Q4             Q1
                 2019                                                           2020                                                 2021                                2019                                  2020                          2021

*The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                                                                              Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                          An Outlook for 2021                                                      18
Investment outlook by region

Figure 15: Net investment intentions—Quebec                                                                                                                   Figure 16: Net investment intentions—Atlantic
Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment                                                                                         Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment
spending to be compared to the last 12 months?                                                                                                                spending to be compared to the last 12 months?
     Balance of opinion*                                  Expect to spend more                                Expect to spend less                              Balance of opinion*              Expect to spend more        Expect to spend less
                                                                                                                                                       80%                                                                                          80%

                                                                                                                                                       60%                                                                                          60%

                                                                                                                                                       40%                                                                                          40%

                                                                                                                                                       20%                                                                                          20%
                                                  +6                                                                                                                                        +7                          +9
                              +1                                                                                                      +4                                         +1                                                          +1
                                                                                                                                                       0                                                                                            0
                                                                                                                  -1                                              -3                                                           -2
        -9                                                                                  -10
                                                                                                                                                       -20%                                                                                         -20%
                                                                                                                                                       -40%                                              -34                                        -40%

                                                                                                                                                       -60%                                                                                         -60%

                                                                                                                                                       -80%                                                                                         -80%
        Q3                   Q4                   Q1                   Q2                   Q3                   Q4                   Q1                          Q3             Q4         Q1           Q2             Q3    Q4             Q1
                 2019                                                           2020                                                 2021                                2019                                  2020                         2021

*The balance of opinion (blue bar) is the difference between the % expecting to spend more (blue line) and the % expecting to spend less (red line).                                                                                              Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                          An Outlook for 2021                                                     19
Investment outlook by business sector

                                                Figure 17: Net investment intentions and trends by business sector                                                                                            Investment outlook by                In contrast, technology
                                                Over the next 12 months, what do you expect your company’s investment                                                                                         business sector                      companies expect investments
                                                spending to be compared to the last 12 months?                                                                                                                                                     to decline the most. The
                                                                                              50,0                                                                                                            Despite overall weak spending        decline could reflect a return
                                                 Recovering                                            Gaining momentum                                                                                       intentions, some sectors have        to normal since the demand for
                                                 (negative and increasing)                             (negative and increasing)                                                    Resources                 better investment outlooks than      technology solutions boomed
                                                                                              40,0                                                                                                            others.                              during the pandemic. This pace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   could hardly be maintained in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Companies in the resources           2021. The decline might also
                                                                                                                                                                                                              sector stand out as having the       reflect the trend toward remote
Change in percentage points from last quarter

                                                                                                                                                                                                              most favourable investment           work, especially strong in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              outlook. Rising prices for many      technology sector, which is
                                                                                                                                                                                                              commodities (e.g., oil, mineral,     reducing the need to invest in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lumber) and the need to add new      office space.
                                                                                                                Exporter                                                                                      capacity while remaining efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                              is fuelling investment in new
                                                                   Manufacturing               10,0
                                                                                                                                                                                                              machinery and equipment.
                                                                      All Businesses
                                                                          Services             Non-exporter                                                                                                   Exporters and construction
                                                                                    -10               0                 10                20               30                40                50        60
                                                                                                                                                                                                              companies expect to spend
                                                -30               -20
                                                                                          Retail                                                                                                              more in intangibles; the former to
                                                                         Wholesale                                                                                                                            improve their sales and marketing
                                                                                             -10,0                                                                                                            and the latter to become more
                                                                      Technology                                                                                                                              productive.
                                                 Deterioring                                            Slowing
                                                 (negative and decreasing)                              (positive and decreasing)
                                                                                                Net investment intention (balance of opinion*)
                                                *Businessses are categorized according to their net investment intentions (positive or negative) and the trend in investment intentions (increasing or
                                                declining) according to company characteristics.

                                                                                                                                         Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs                 An Outlook for 2021                                     20
Data and methodology
Survey on investment intentions      Canadian small and medium-                  Date of surveys                      > Summer 2020: July 6 to July 17,
of small and mid-sized               sized businesses. Excluded from                                                    2020. A total of 1,002 business
businesses                           the sample were self-employed               > Summer 2019: July 12 to              owners completed the survey.
                                     workers, companies with 500                   July 22, 2019. A total of 1,022
Since July 2019, Delvinia conducts   or more employees, and those                  business owners completed          > Fall 2020: September 24
a quarterly online survey of         operating in the utility, education,          the survey.                          to October 7, 2020. A total
approximately 1,000 business         health care, social assistance and                                                 of 1,000 business owners
owners and decision makers on        public administration sectors.              > Fall 2019: October 1 to              completed the survey.
its AskingCanadians panel.                                                         October 17, 2019. A total
                                     Online surveys cannot have a                  of 1,000 business owners           > Winter 2021: December 3 to
To ensure enough data are            margin of error since they are                completed the survey.                December 18, 2020. A total
collected at the regional level,     not probabilistic. For comparison                                                  of 1,001 business owners
by sector and business size, the     purposes, a probability sample              > Winter 2020: January 15              completed the survey.
Atlantic region, the manufacturing   of this size would carry a margin             to February 7, 2020. A total
sector, and the medium-sized         of error of ±3.1 percent points, 19           of 1,058 business owners
and large businesses segments        times out of 20.                              completed the survey.
were oversampled. The results
were weighted by region, sector                                                  > Spring 2020: April 7 to April
and size of business to ensure                                                     16, 2020. A total of 1,000
findings were representative of                                                    business owners completed
                                                                                   the survey.                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                   21
Data and methodology

What do we consider
business investment?
Business investment, or                       Tangible assets are the machinery,                          Business investment excludes the purchase
investment spending, is money a               equipment and materials workers use                         of shares, bonds and other securities. It also
business spends to buy tangible               in their jobs, and the buildings where                      excludes residential investments and everyday
                                              production takes place.                                     expenditures, such as fees for maintenance,
or intangible assets.                                                                                     repairs or the day-to-day operations of
                                              Intangible assets are non-physical                          the business.
                                              things—such as software, intellectual
                                              property protection, research and
                                              development, and marketing—that
                                              businesses depend on to prosper in a
                                              modern economy. Intangible assets also
                                              include investments in employee training.                           Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                             22
Data and methodology

Calculation of the
balance of opinion
This report looks at various          A positive balance means more              The balance of opinion can vary between +100 and -100.
investment outlook indicators,        respondents have a positive                Percentages may not add to 100 because of rounding.
such as Canadian entrepreneurs’       opinion on a given subject than
level of confidence in the economy,   a negative opinion. A balance
their business and hiring outlooks,
and their investment plans over
                                      moving up sends a signal that the
                                      indicator is improving, while
                                                                                     Balance of opinion
                                                                                                           =            % having a
                                                                                                                      positive opinion    -     % having a
                                                                                                                                              negative opinion

the next 12 months. Results are       a balance moving down means
presented as a balance of opinion     it is declining.
and are representative of Canadian
small and medium-sized businesses.    All survey results were weighted
                                      by regions, sectors and size of
Balance of opinion is the             businesses.
difference between the proportion
of businesses that have a positive
and negative opinions. Businesses
that have a neutral opinion are
excluded from the calculation.                                       Investment Intentions of Canadian Entrepreneurs   An Outlook for 2021                                              23
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                                                            ISBN: 978-1-989306-68-0
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