Involvement of the opioid system in the anxiolytic-like effects induced by D9-tetrahydrocannabinol

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Psychopharmacology (2002) 163:111–117
DOI 10.1007/s00213-002-1144-9


Fernando Berrendero · Rafael Maldonado

Involvement of the opioid system in the anxiolytic-like effects induced
by D9-tetrahydrocannabinol

Received: 24 February 2002 / Accepted: 8 May 2002 / Published online: 27 June 2002
4 Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Rationale: Recent studies have shown that               Introduction
several pharmacological actions induced by cannabinoids,
including antinociception and reward, involve the partic-        D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive
ipation of the endogenous opioid system. Objectives: The         constituent of Cannabis sativa, produces a wide spectrum
present study was designed to examine the possible               of central and peripheral actions, including antinocicep-
involvement of the different opioid receptors in the             tion, hypothermia, immunomodulation, inhibition of
anxiolytic-like responses induced by D9-tetrahydrocan-           locomotor activity, catalepsy, memory disruption and
nabinol (THC). Methods: The administration of a low              alleviation of both intraocular pressure and emesis
dose of THC (0.3 mg/kg) produced clear anxiolytic-like           (Dewey 1986). The central nervous system (CNS)
responses in the light-dark box, as previously reported.         responses to cannabinoids are mediated by the CB1
The effects of the pretreatment with the CB1 cannabinoid         cannabinoid receptor (Devane et al. 1988; Matsuda et
receptor antagonist, SR 141716A (0.5 mg/kg), or the >-           al. 1990), which is a member of the family of G-protein-
opioid receptor antagonist, b-funaltrexamine (5 mg/kg),          coupled receptors. Within the brain, high levels of CB1
the d-opioid receptor antagonist, naltrindole (2.5 mg/kg)        receptors are found in the basal ganglia, limbic structures
and the k-opioid receptor antagonist, nor-binaltorphimine        and cerebellum (Herkenham et al. 1991; Mailleux and
(2.5 mg/kg) were evaluated on anxiolytic-like responses          Vanderhaeghen 1992). Cannabinoid receptors, located in
induced by THC. Results: SR 141716A completely                   the limbic system, could participate in regulating a variety
blocked the anxiolytic-like response induced by THC,             of emotional responses. Thus, several studies have shown
suggesting that this effect is mediated by CB1 cannabi-          that cannabinoid agonists can induce anxiogenic and
noid receptors. The >-opioid receptor antagonist b-              anxiolytic-like responses in rodents, depending on the
funaltrexamine and the d-opioid receptor antagonist              dose and the environmental conditions (RodrBguez de
naltrindole, but not the k-opioid receptor antagonist nor-       Fonseca et al. 1996; Valjent et al. 2002). Low doses of
binaltorphimine, abolished THC anxiolytic-like effects,          cannabinoids usually induce an anxiolytic-like effect,
suggesting an involvement of >- and d-opioid receptors in        whereas higher doses cause the opposite response. In
this behavioural response. Conclusions: These results            addition, the endogenous cannabinoids through the acti-
demonstrate that the endogenous opioid system is                 vation of CB1 receptors seem to be involved in the
involved in the regulation of anxiety-like behaviour by          regulation of emotional behaviour, as revealed by: (i) the
cannabinoids and provide new findings to clarify further         anxiogenic-like response induced in rats by the acute
the interaction between these two neuronal systems.              administration of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor antago-
                                                                 nist, SR 141716A (Navarro et al. 1997) and (ii) the
Keywords D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol · CB1 cannabinoid               increase in the basal level of anxiety during the light-dark
receptor · Opioid system · Anxiety · Light-dark box              test observed in CB1 knockout mice (Martin et al. 2002).
                                                                 However, the mechanisms by which cannabinoids would
                                                                 control anxiety-related behaviour remain to be elucidated.
F. Berrendero · R. Maldonado ())
                                                                     Opioid compounds induce their pharmacological ef-
Laboratori de Neurofarmacologia,                                 fects by activating >-, d- and k-opioid receptors (Thomp-
Facultat de CiEncies de la Salut i de la Vida,                   son et al. 1993; Mansour et al. 1995) and share several
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, C/Doctor Aiguader 80,                  actions with cannabinoids such as hypothermia, sedation,
08003 Barcelona, Spain                                           hypotension, inhibition of intestinal motility, motor
e-mail:                             depression and antinociception (Bloom and Dewey
Tel.: +34-93-5422845                                             1978; Dewey 1986). Pharmacological interactions be-
Fax: +34-93-5422802

tween these two systems have been suggested, mainly                  administered 30 min and 24 h before THC (0.3 mg/kg), respec-
concerning antinociception and addictive properties                  tively. All drugs were injected IP in a volume of 10 ml/kg.
(Pugh et al. 1996, 1997; Gardner and Vorel 1998;
Manzanares et al. 1999a; Navarro et al. 2001). Although              Light-dark box paradigm
the biochemical mechanisms involved in these interac-
tions remain unclear several hypotheses have been                    The possible involvement of the endogenous opioid system on THC
                                                                     anxiolytic-like responses was evaluated in the light-dark box
formulated. First, cannabinoids and opioids might interact           (Filliol et al. 2000). Mice were individually exposed for 5 min to a
at the level of their signal-transduction mechanisms                 box consisting of a small compartment (15M20M25 cm) with black
(Manzanares et al. 1999a), since opioid and cannabinoid              walls and black floor dimly lit (5 lux) connected by a 4 cm long
receptors are coupled to similar intracellular signalling            tunnel to a large compartment (30M20M25 cm) with white walls and
systems, i.e. reduction in adenylyl cyclase activity and             floor, under intense illumination (500 lux). Lines were drawn on the
                                                                     floor of both compartments to allow measurement of locomotor
blockage of calcium currents, through activation of G                activity by counting the number of squares (5M5 cm) crossed. Floor
proteins (Childers et al. 1992; Howlett 1995; Reisine et al.         lines separated the lit compartment into three equal zones, from the
1996). Interestingly, co-expression of CB1 cannabinoid               tunnel to the opposite wall, designated as proximal, median and
receptors and >-opioid receptors in the same striatal cells          distal zone. The time spent in each compartment, locomotor
                                                                     activity and number of visits into each zone of the lit compartment
has been recently reported (RodrBguez et al. 2001). The              were recorded. Each animal was placed in the dark compartment
nature of cannabinoid-opioid interaction might also                  facing the tunnel at the beginning of each session, which started
involve the existence of a direct effect of cannabinoid              30 min after the acute injection of THC.
compounds on the synthesis and release of endogenous                     In a first experiment, the effects of SR 141716A administration
                                                                     (0.5 mg/kg) on THC (0.3 mg/kg) responses were evaluated
opioid peptides (Corchero et al. 1997a, 1997b; Man-                  (vehicle, n=9; THC, n=9; SR 141716A, n=10; SR
zanares et al. 1998; Valverde et al. 2001).                          141716A+THC, n=10). In a second experiment, the effects of b-
   The aim of the present study was to explore the                   funaltrexamine administration (5 mg/kg) on THC (0.3 mg/kg)
possible involvement of the endogenous opioid system in              responses were evaluated (vehicle, n=13; THC, n=14; b-funaltrex-
the anxiolytic-like responses induced by cannabinoids.               amine, n=14; b-funaltrexamine+THC, n=14). In a third experiment,
                                                                     the effects of naltrindole administration (2.5 mg/kg) on THC
For this purpose, the effects of the pretreatment with               (0.3 mg/kg) responses were evaluated (vehicle, n=19; THC, n=17;
selective antagonists of the opioid receptors were evalu-            naltrindole, n=19; THC+naltrindole, n=18). Finally, the effects of
ated on the anxiolytic-like responses induced by low                 nor-binaltorphimine administration (2.5 mg/kg) on THC (0.3 mg/
doses of THC in the light-dark box. In this model of                 kg) responses were evaluated (vehicle, n=11; THC, n=12; nor-
                                                                     binaltorphimine, n=12; THC+nor-binaltorphimine, n=10). Different
anxiety, mice are exposed to a conflict represented by the           groups of animals were used for each experiment.
novelty and aversive characteristics of the lit compart-
ment of the box.
                                                                     Statistical analysis

                                                                     One-way analysis of variance ANOVA (between subjects) followed
Materials and methods                                                by a Newman-Keuls post-hoc comparison was used. Differences
                                                                     were considered significant if the probability of error was

Fig. 1A, B Effects of pretreatment with SR 141716A on the
anxiolytic-like responses induced by THC in the light-dark box.
The following results are shown: A time spent in the dark
compartment; B time spent in the lit compartment. SR 141716A
(0.5 mg/kg) and THC (0.3 mg/kg) were administered 35 and 30 min
before the test, respectively. Data are expressed as mean€SEM
(n=9–10 mice for each group). Black stars P

                                                                     Fig. 4A–C Effects of pretreatment with nor-binaltorphimine on the
                                                                     anxiolytic-like responses induced by THC in the light-dark box.
                                                                     The following results are shown: A time spent in the dark
Fig. 3A–C Effects of pretreatment with naltrindole on the anxio-     compartment; B time spent in the lit compartment; C percentage of
lytic-like responses induced by THC in the light-dark box. The       visits to the zones of the lit compartment. Nor-binaltorphimine
following results are shown: A time spent in the dark compartment;   (2.5 mg/kg) and THC (0.3 mg/kg) were administered 60 and 30 min
B time spent in the lit compartment; C percentage of visits to the   before the test, respectively. Data are expressed as mean€SEM
zones of the lit compartment. Naltrindole (2.5 mg/kg) and THC        (n=10–12 mice for each group). Black stars P

changes were observed in the number of squares crossed        pituitary-adrenal axis activity (RodrBguez de Fonseca et
in the dark compartment indicating that locomotor             al. 1997). In our experimental conditions, we also
activity was not altered as a result of drug treatment        observed the same anxiogenic-like effect of SR141716A
[F(3,41)=1.518, P=0.2241] (data not shown).                   when administered at the dose of 1 mg/kg, as revealed by
                                                              a decrease in the time spent in the lit compartment
                                                              (46.94% of decrease compared to saline control group,
Discussion                                                    P-opioid receptor antagonist b-funaltrexamine and
support for the involvement of the endogenous opioid          the d-opioid antagonist naltrindole, but not the k-opioid
system in regulating this cannabinoid mediated emotional      antagonist nor-binaltorphimine, also abolished the anxi-
response. However, the k-opioid antagonist nor-binaltor-      olytic-like responses displayed by THC. Numerous stud-
phimine failed to modify the decrease in the level of         ies have reported a pharmacological interaction between
anxiety induced by THC administration.                        opioids and cannabinoids, mainly in antinociception,
    Previous studies have shown that cannabinoid agonists     tolerance, dependence and rewarding properties (for
produce a dose-dependent biphasic effect in anxiety-like      review, see Manzanares et al. 1999a). A high density
responses depending on the environmental conditions           and/or functional activity of CB1 cannabinoid receptors
(Onaivi et al. 1990; RodrBguez de Fonseca et al. 1996;        has been reported in the limbic system and other brain
Valjent et al. 2002). Thus, low doses of HU-210 (4 >g/kg)     areas related to emotional responses, such as hypothala-
displayed anxiolytic-like effects in a novel environment      mus and hippocampus (Herkenham et al. 1991; Mailleux
in the defensive withdrawal test whereas under familiar       and Vanderhaeghen 1992; Tsou et al. 1997). Some of
conditions HU-210 induced a dose-dependent anxiogenic         these brain structures, like the hypothalamus, have a high
effect (RodrBguez de Fonseca et al. 1997). Similar            level of cannabinoid-activated G proteins despite low
biphasic responses were obtained by Valjent et al.            cannabinoid receptor density (Breivogel et al. 1997).
(2002) using THC in the light-dark box. This test has         Furthermore, the co-localization of both cannabinoid and
shown to be the most reliable and sensitive to analyze the    opioid receptors in several limbic structures including the
anxiolytic-like effects of THC in mice (Valjent et al.        nucleus accumbens and the amygdala (Mansour et al.
2002). In this test, an anxiolytic-like response was          1995), raises the hypothesis of an interaction between
induced by the administration of 0.3 mg/kg of THC,            opioid and cannabinoid systems to control anxiety-like
whereas no responses were found using lower or higher         responses.
doses of this compound (0.03, 0.1, 1 and 2.5 mg/kg). In           The role of the endogenous opioid system in regulating
contrast, an anxiogenic-like effect was reported in this      emotional-like behaviour has been recently studied by
paradigm when THC was administered at the dose of             evaluating the spontaneous responses of mice lacking >-,
5 mg/kg (Valjent et al. 2002). This biphasic response has     d- or k-opioid receptors in different models of anxiety
been already observed in the case of other pharmacolog-       (Filliol et al. 2000). In agreement with our results, >- and
ical actions induced by cannabinoids, such as motor           d-, but not k-opioid receptor knockout mice, showed
activity (SaSudo-PeSa et al. 2000) and aggressiveness         changes in basal levels of anxiety (Filliol et al. 2000).
(Sulcova et al. 1998). The neurobiological mechanisms         Thus, d-opioid receptor knockout mice showed anxio-
involved in the anxiogenic effects of cannabinoids are        genic-like responses in the elevated plus maze and the
well known, and a crucial role of central corticotropin-      light-dark box suggesting that the spontaneous activity of
releasing factor system has been reported (Weidenfel et       d-opioid receptors seems to contribute to decrease levels
al. 1994; RodrBguez de Fonseca et al. 1996; Manzanares        of anxiety. In line with these data, we have observed that
et al. 1999b; ArEvalo et al. 2001). However, the possible     d-opioid receptors mediate the anxiolytic-like effects of
mechanisms involved in the anxiolytic-like responses          THC. However, mice lacking >-opioid receptors showed
displayed by these compounds have not been yet studied.       lower levels of anxiety in the elevated plus maze (Filliol
The CB1 antagonist SR 141716A reversed the anxiolytic-        et al. 2000), although no significant changes were found
like effects induced by a low dose of THC, providing          in the light-dark box. Besides d-opioid receptors, we have
clear evidence for the specific involvement of CB1            also observed that the activity of >-opioid receptors is
cannabinoid receptors in this behavioural response.           necessary for THC to produce its anxiolytic-like effects.
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response on its own without affecting the hypothalamic-       interaction is not clear yet, one possibility to explain the

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