Iosketches Loyola Marymount University 2022-2023

Page created by Leonard Fischer
Iosketches Loyola Marymount University 2022-2023
                                 Loyola Marymount University
                                 2022-2023                            Photo: LMU Playa Vista Campus
Iosketches Loyola Marymount University 2022-2023
Loyola Marymount University
Welcome Message from our Provost

To the Loyola Marymount Community:

I am pleased to introduce our new faculty colleagues for the 2022-
2023 academic year. This incredible group of tenure-line, visiting, and
clinical faculty brings a breadth of expertise and life experience, and
joins our community of outstanding teacher-scholars, dedicated staff,
and ambitious students. They come to LMU at a time of renewal and
growth. Thanks to the University’s strong reputation, responsible fiscal
management, generous donors, and sense of community, we are
poised to emerge from the pandemic with renewed vigor and an
exciting array of opportunities that will positively transform LMU. This
includes “Creating the World We Want to Live In,” LMU’s new strategic
plan and its five spotlight initiatives focused on (1) learning for justice,
inclusion, and transformation, (2) integrative and interdisciplinary
thinking, (3) personalized connections, (4) discovery and innovation in
graduate and professional education, and (5) expanding access to an
LMU education.

This academic year marks the third year of the LMU Anti-Racism Project, which invites and challenges members of the LMU
community to engage in a collective commitment to anti-racism at multiple levels. Faculty and staff are encouraged to take
part in or utilize the many resources that are available to help advance our efforts in becoming an anti-racist institution,
including Restorative Practices Training, Implicit Bias Workshops, Cultural Consciousness Conversations, and more.

Please join me in welcoming our new faculty and helping them feel at home on our campus by inviting them into our offices,
celebrating their academic achievements, and helping them understand our mission as we encourage learning, educate the
whole person, and lead lives in the service of faith and the promotion of justice.

I look forward to working together to make the 2022-2023 academic year a success.


Thomas Poon, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President and Provost
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Loyola Marymount University                                                NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

                                                      “Capacity for Laughter: Black Women and the
      NEW FACULTY                                     American Comedic Tradition.

                                                                          NATHAN CHAN
                                                                          Assistant Professor
                                                                          Political Science and International

      BIOSKETCHES                                                         Relations
                                                                           Nathan Chan is an Assistant
                                                                           Professor of Political Science at
                                                      Loyola Marymount University. He specializes in
                                                      American Politics and Research Methods. He has
                                                      published or has forthcoming journal articles
                                                      in Perspectives on Politics, Political
     Tenure-Line Faculty                              Behavior, and Political Research Quarterly among
                                                      others and has featured his research in
                                                      the Washington Post and the Brookings Institute. He
   Bellarmine College of                              teaches courses in race, ethnicity, and politics;
                                                      political behavior; and empirical approaches in
             Liberal Arts                             political science. Nathan is from Eagle Rock, a
                                                      neighborhood in Northeast LA. In his spare time, he
                     JALYLAH BURRELL                  enjoys traveling, hiking, and concerts and live music.
                     Assistant Professor
                     African American Studies
                                                                         HEANGJIN PARK
                       Jalylah Burrell earned her                        Assistant Professor
                       B.A. in English from Spelman                      Asian & Asian American Studies
                       College and an M.A. in                             Professor Park received his Ph.D.
                       Africana Studies from New                          in Anthropology from the
York University. She received her Ph.D. in                                University of Chicago, where he
American Studies and African American Studies         was a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the
from Yale University and most recently taught at      Department of Anthropology and the College. He
San José State University where she was an            earned his B.A. and M.A. in Anthropology from Seoul
Assistant Professor of African American Studies.      National University, South Korea. Professor Park’s
Her scholarship was previously supported by           research and teaching interests are broadly
postdoctoral fellowships at DePaul University’s       concerned with the global circulation of
African and Black Diaspora Department and Rice        commodities, industrial production and distribution
University’s Center for the Study of Women,           of food, and nationalism in contemporary Northeast
Gender, and Sexuality. Her research and teaching      Asia. Based on his ethnographic research in a kimchi
are focused on African Diasporic literature and       company in China, his book project Manufacturing
popular culture and enhanced by experience as a       “Korea” in China examines transborder mobilities
multiplatform storyteller—pop culture critic,         and nationalist worldviews across South Korea and
digital producer, oral historian, and deejay.         China. As a visual anthropologist, he combines
Praised by hip hop magazine XXL for her               photography, ethnographic film, and media analysis
"insightful, intellectual dissection of hip-hop,      to explore the aesthetic configuration of cultures and
feminism and Black culture," she has taught and       nations, such as in his photographic article on
written extensively about Black popular culture.      Anthropology and Photography and his documentary
Her current book project is tentatively titled        Chejian (post-production). His research has been
                                                      supported by Wenner-Gren Foundation for
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Loyola Marymount University                                                   NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

Anthropological Research, Paulson Institute, and         Economics from Emory University. In addition to her
University of Chicago Center in Beijing. Professor       academic accomplishments, she worked in the
Park is also participating in the collaborative          Congress of the Republic of Peru as an economic
project “Logistics in the Making of Mobile               assistant and at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta -
Worlds,” funded by the Neubauer Collegium for            Americas Center as a research assistant. She co-
Culture and Society.                                     authored a book, “El porvenir de la vejez:
                                                         demografía, empleo y ahorro", analyzing Peru's
                     SAQIB HUSSAIN                       pension system (2018). Professor Moreno's research
                     Assistant Professor                 focuses on Labor Macroeconomics, Savings and
                     Theological Studies                 Retirement, and Social Security Systems.
                     Professor Saqib Hussain
                     received his D.Phil. in Oriental                         ALI OLOMI
                     Studies and his M.Phil. in                               Assistant Professor
                     Islamic Studies and History at                           History
the University of Oxford. His research focusses on                             Professor Ali A Olomi earned his
the Qur’an’s literary features, and its engagement                             B.A. at UCLA and his M.A. and
with the communities and ideas of late antiquity,                              Ph.D. at UCI. Prior to joining
especially the Jewish and Christian traditions. His                            LMU as Assistant Professor in
D.Phil. was an examination of the Qur’an’s               the Department of History, he was tenure-track
engagement with Jewish and Christian attitudes           faculty at Pennsylvania State University Abington and
to law and morality. He has publications on the          is an Affiliated Scholar with the Rutgers Center for
Qur’an and gender, the Qur’an and the                    Security, Race, and Rights. Dr. Olomi is a historian of
apocalyptic tradition, and on the Qur’an’s               medieval Islamic thought and its reception in modern
portrayal of various biblical figures, including Jesus   Middle East political movements. He examines the
(in a forthcoming volume).                               entanglements of science, religion, and imperial
                                                         imagination in the 10th-14th century Perso-Islamic
                        FAN LIANG                        world and way premodern formations were
                        Assistant Professor              redeployed in discourses of modernity in 19th century
                        Economics                        pan-Islamism. His work has been supported by
                       Professor Fan Liang               fellowships and grants from the Samuel Jordan
                       received her B.A. in              Center for Persian Studies and the University of
                       economics from DePaul             California Humanities Commons. He is author of the
                       University and her M.A. in        book chapters “Women and Education in Islam,”
economics from the University of Iowa. She               “Jinn in the Qur’an,” and in addition to his academic
earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the University        work, has written for the Washington Post, Public
of Georgia. In her research, she primarily studies       Books, and elsewhere as a public intellectual.
asset markets with search and information
frictions.                                                                    ADAM THAL
                                                                              Assistant Professor
                      CARLA MORENO                                            Political Science and International
                      Assistant Professor                                     Relations
                      Economics                                               Professor Adam Thal earned his
                    Carla Moreno received her                                 Ph.D. in Political Science from
                    B.A. in Economics from the                                Princeton University and his
                    Universidad del Pacifico             B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior
                    (Lima, Peru) and M.Sc. at            to joining LMU, Professor Thal was a postdoc at Yale
Emory University. She received her Ph.D. in              University and a research scientist at Meta. His
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Loyola Marymount University                                                 NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

research focuses on topics including American          gravitational space. Along with conducting basic
politics, political behavior, social media, and        research of these mechanisms, she also applies these
inequality. His dissertation on the politics of rich   findings to further understand how they contribute
Americans was chosen as the best dissertation on       to vestibular and motion-related disorders such as
political psychology by the American Political         motion sickness, vertigo, dystonia, and acrophobia.
Science Association in 2018.                           She utilizes a variety of methods to study these
                                                       phenomena including psychophysics, perceptual
                      REBECCA WALL                     learning paradigms, virtual reality, eye-tracking, and
                      Assistant Professor              neuromodulation. She continues to collaborate with
                      History                          co-authors and colleagues from UCLA on these
                      Professor Rebecca Wall           investigations, including upcoming articles that focus
                      earned her Ph.D. in History      on cultural differences in the perception of visual
                      from Stanford University.        illusions.
                      Prior to coming to LMU, she
                      was Visiting Assistant                                TIMOTHY WILLIAMSON
Professor of History at Hamilton College. In her                            Assistant Professor
book manuscript, Wall considers how West                                    Psychological Science
African nations balanced individual sovereignty                               Professor Timothy Williamson is
with need to jointly manage a critical water                                  an Assistant Professor in the
resource, the Senegal River. She has also begun a                             Department of Psychological
project on the long-term relationship between                                 Science. He received a B.A. in
climate change and migration in the Western                                   Psychology from Pitzer College,
Sahel. Wall is passionate about interdisciplinary      an MPH from Claremont Graduate University, and a
research, and she co-directs a digital history         Ph.D. in Clinical Health Psychology from the
project, the Senegal Liberations Project, with         University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to joining
colleagues at Stanford University and the National     LMU, he completed his clinical training at Weill
Archives of Senegal. Wall’s research has been          Cornell Medicine/New York-Presbyterian Hospital
supported by the Fulbright-Hays DDRA, Social           and pursued additional postdoctoral training in
Science Research Council, West African Research        psychosocial oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Association, and the National Socio-Environmental      Cancer Center. In his research, Professor Williamson
Synthesis Center, and she has published in African     studies relationships between stigma, stress, and
Studies Review, Esclavages & Post-Esclavages, and      health. He uses qualitative and quantitative methods
Environmental Science & Policy.                        to understand how some psychological and social
                                                       factors (e.g., stigma, social adversity) can increase
                    CHELA WILLEY                       risk for negative health outcomes, whereas others
                    Assistant Professor                (e.g., self-compassion, mindfulness) can promote
                    Psychological Science              resilience in the face of profoundly stressful
                    Professor Willey earned her        experiences, including chronic diseases such as
                    B.A. in Psychology with a          cancer. He has focused his recent work on
                    second major in Justice Studies    understanding and reducing the stigma experienced
& Criminology and her M.A. in Experimental             by adults with lung cancer. His research has been
Psychology from CSU San Marcos. She received           supported by the National Cancer Institute, the
her Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA with a               American Lung Association, and the Association for
specialization in Cognitive Psychology. Her main       Psychological Science.
research focus is on perceptual, cognitive, and
neurological mechanisms that underlie bodily
awareness, self-motion, and self-orientation in 3D
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Loyola Marymount University                                                   NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

     College of Business                                  Corporate Governance) from the Ivey Business
                                                          School at Western University in Canada.
                                                          Professor Farah was an Assistant Professor of
          Administration                                  Strategy and International Business and got
                                                          promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure at the
                    HUAYU (JADE) CHEN
                                                          Olayan School of Business at AUB just before joining
                    Assistant Professor
                    Accounting                            LMU.
                    Professor Jade Chen has a             His research focuses on (international) corporate
                    Bachelor of Economics in Public       governance, (global) leadership, and (dis)abilities and
                    Finance from Shanghai                 has been published in quality journals such as
University of Finance and Economics, and a                Leadership Quarterly, Journal of World Business,
Master of Science in Accounting from Michigan             Corporate Governance: An International Review,
State University. She earned her Ph.D. in                 Management Research Review, Journal of Strategy
accounting from the University of Arizona. Her            and Management, and AACSB Insights.
primary research interest is in the area of               He has received multiple prestigious national and
auditing, with a focus on various factors that            international awards and grants for his research,
affect auditors' ability to deliver high audit quality,   teaching, and service [e.g., Research: Several
such as audit firm internal governance and human          Academy of Management (AOM) Best Paper Awards
capital management. She also works on research            and Best Paper Proceedings; Multiple internal and
at the intersection of auditing and financial             external grants; Teaching: Most Inspirational, Most
accounting such as the role of auditing and audit         Supportive, and Most Caring Professor Awards;
regulation in shaping firms' disclosure decisions.        European Foundation for Management Development
Her research applies theories and perspectives            (EFMD) Best Case Award; Service: AOM and Academy
from other disciplines such as spatial economics          of International Business (AIB) Best Reviewer
and labor economics to auditing settings, with the        Awards; etc.]. He is also an experienced leadership
objective of advancing the understanding of the           coach and (dis)ability activist.
audit industry. Her solo-authored paper "When
Employees Go to Court: Audit Office Labor Market
Reputation and Audit Quality" was recognized as                            MELISSA FITZPATRICK
the Best Archival Paper by the Auditing Midyear                            Assistant Professor
Meeting 2022.                                                              Management (CEB)
                                                                            Professor Melissa Fitzpatrick
                      BASSAM FARAH                                          received her Ph.D. in Philosophy
                      Assistant Professor                                   from Boston College, just before
                      Management & Leadership             starting her previous position as an Assistant
                      Bassam Farah is a legally           Professor of Practice in ethics in Boston College’s
                      blind Professor of Strategy         Carroll School of Management. Her role in the Carroll
                      and International Business.         School was to introduce incoming students to
                      He received his B.A. in             philosophy as a lived practice, while guiding them
Psychology and Master’s in Business                       toward an understanding of business as a force for
Administration from the American University of            good and vehicle for change. Prior to earning her
Beirut (AUB), his Master’s in Psychology and Ph.D.        doctorate, Melissa received an M.A. in Philosophy
in Psychology (on Leadership) from the Lebanese           from Loyola Marymount University, and a B.S. in
University, and his Ph.D. in Business                     Communication from Boston University. She is the
Administration with a specialization in Strategy          co-author of Radical Hospitality: From Thought to
and International Business (on International              Action; chief among her research interests is
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Loyola Marymount University                                                  NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

understanding how to foster a more sustainable         Management from the Royal Institute of Technology
community with the other-than-human world,             (KTH), Sweden. Prior to joining Loyola Marymount
and, as a vital foundation for that, how to            University, Professor Zare was Assistant Professor of
overcome instrumental values. Her work in              Supply Chain and Operations Management at Neil
normative ethics focuses on the intersection of        Griffin College of Business, Arkansas State University.
post-Kantian Continental philosophy and                He teaches various undergraduate and graduate-
contemporary virtue ethics, arguing for the            level courses, including Business Analytics, Supply
significance of "self-disruption" in ethical           Chain Management, and Operations Management.
development. Melissa has also done integrated          Professor Zare’s primary research encompasses
teaching, research, and community outreach in          topics in behavioral operations management,
pre-college philosophy in the Mississippi Delta and    decision-making strategies, crowdsourcing, and the
on the Mexican-American border in El Paso,             application of Blockchain in operations and supply
Texas.                                                 chain management. He has extensive international
                                                       work experience involving the application of data-
                   MYOUNGHEE (CHLOE) MOON              driven analyses and quantitative techniques to the
                   Assistant Professor                 business sector. Prior to his work at Arkansas State
                   Marketing and Business Law          University, he served as SAP University Alliances
                     Professor Myounghee (Chloe)       Faculty Coordinator and lecturer at the University of
                     Moon earned her Ph.D. in          Texas at Arlington (UTA). Moreover, his professional
                     Marketing at University of        experience includes consulting for various
California, Riverside (UCR). She received her B.B.A.   organizations, including tech companies,
in Business Administration from Ewha Womans            entrepreneurial start-ups, and non-profits.
University, South Korea, and her M.S. degree in
Integrated Marketing Communications from
Northwestern University. Professor Moon’s                               College of
research has focused on modeling the impact of
new technology-enabled channels on product              Communication and Fine
manufacturers and consumers, applying industrial
organization and econometrics methods. Her                                     Arts
doctoral research examined the effect of
ride-sharing platforms on automobile                                           PALOMA BARHAUGH-BORDAS
manufacturers and consumer’s vehicle purchase                                  Assistant Professor
decisions. Myounghee taught database marketing                                 Art and Art History
and services marketing at UCR before joining                                   Professor Paloma Barhaugh-
LMU. Prior to her academic career, she worked as                               Bordas (she + they) is an artist,
a marketing manager for an e-commerce                                          activist and educator who uses
company in South Korea.                                                        a connection-based approach
                                                                               to build community through
                       SINA ZARE                       their creative and scholarly practice. Barhaugh-
                       Assistant Professor             Bordas earned a B.A. in Studio Arts with distinction
                       Information Systems and         from Carleton College and an M.F.A. in Print Media
                       Business Analytics              from Rhode Island School of Design. Their solo
                       Professor Sina Zare earned      exhibition at the Handwerker Gallery in Ithaca, NY,
                       his Ph.D. in Management         explored the notion of becoming local by working
                       Science from the University     with non-native and invasive plants using textiles,
of Texas at Arlington (UTA). He received his M.Sc.     sculpture, print, and a 60-foot hand-knotted net.
degree in Production Engineering and
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                       DIVINE KWASI GBAGBO               to LMU, he was a tenure-track faculty member at
                       Assistant Professor               California State University Fresno where he also
                       Music                             served as Graduate Teaching Coordinator. He
                        Professor Divine Kwasi           works on developing equitable pedagogical
                        Gbagbo earned his Ph.D. in       practices within and outside classroom spaces.
                        Interdisciplinary Arts (Fine     Professor Juárez’s areas of research include
                        Arts), with specialized focus    critical pedagogies within the field of
in Ethnomusicology and Musicology, from Ohio             communication and development of equitable
University. His published Ph.D. dissertation             educational practices within institutions to better
entitled, “Rites, Recreation, and Rulership:             value multiple forms of intelligence and
Christianity and Ewe Music of Ghana” examined            knowledge. Professor Juárez is the author of
the understudied relationship between                    “Chicana Feminist Ontologies and the Social
Christianity and Ghanaian Ewe musical practices.         Process of Constructing Knowledge” published in
He received a Master’s Degree in                         the journal the Review of Communication (2019).
Ethnomusicology from Kent State University and a         He is the lead editor of a forthcoming edited
Bachelor of Education degree in Music and                volume titled Migrant World Making, in review
Ghanaian Languages (Ewe) Education at the                with Michigan State University Press. In 2021,
University College of Education in Winneba,              Professor Juárez received the Activism and Social
Ghana. Professor Gbagbo’s varied levels of               Justice Pedagogy Award by the Social Justice &
expertise in scholarship, research, teaching, and        Activism Division of the National Communication
performance has given him more than two                  Association. Professor Juárez is the incoming
decades of teaching experience in world music            Associate Editor of the National Communication
cultures, African and African American music,            Association peer-reviewed journal
music history, African studies, and                      Communication Education.
interdisciplinary arts in different cultural contexts.
His research interests include the postcolonial
influence and its ramifications on musical               Frank R. Seaver College of
traditions of the Ewe of Ghana and Togo. He is
also interested in the way African music                  Science and Engineering
performance in the twenty-first century
contributes to narratives and theorizations of
                                                                             RYAN HUNT
continuity and change in the diaspora. As a
                                                                             Assistant Professor
composer of choral art music, Professor Gbagbo                               Chemistry and Biochemistry
blends indigenous Ghanaian-Ewe compositional                                   Professor Jonathan Ryan Hunt
styles with the acquired Western conventional                                  earned his B.S. in Chemistry with
composition techniques.                                                        a minor in Mathematics from
                                                                               Centre College in Danville,
                                                         Kentucky. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
                     SERGIO JUAREZ                       from the University of Southern California, where he
                     Assistant Professor                 used ultrafast spectroscopic methods to study the
                     Communication Studies               kinetics of excited state proton- and electron-
                     Professor Sergio                    transfer reactions. His graduate research was
                     Fernando Juárez earned              partially funded by the National Science Foundation
                     his Ph.D. in                        Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP).
                     Communication Studies               While at USC, Ryan taught General Chemistry
from the University of Denver. Prior to coming           through the Burg Teaching Fellowship and learned
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teaching methodologies at the CET Future Faculty       was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at
Training Institute. Recently, Ryan was a lecturer of   Northeastern University, Boston, studying the impact
Thermodynamics at the University of California,        of active video games on physical activity behavior,
Los Angeles. While at UCLA, he served as a visiting    body composition, and cognitive parameters in
scholar, studying the thermoelectric effect in         children. His research primarily focuses on exploring
polymers. Ryan is most proud of his publication        how lifestyle influences aging biomarkers,
“Photodriven Deprotonation of Alcohols by a            modulating the risk to age-related diseases. Part of
Quinoline Photobase”, published in the Journal of      his research also explores the interaction between
Physical Chemistry A. He will be doing similar         age, training level, physiological parameters, gender,
research with students at LMU.                         and performance in endurance sports.

                      ROBERT MUSCI                                           LE WANG
                      Assistant Professor                                    Assistant Professor
                      Health and Human Sciences                              Mathematics
                       Professor Robert Musci                                 Professor Le Wang earned her
                       received his B.S. in Health                            Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the
                       and Exercise Science at                                University of Pennsylvania. She
                       Wake Forest University and                             received her M.S. degrees in
M.S. in Health and Exercise Science at Colorado        Applied Statistics and Biology from Villanova
State University. In 2016, he completed a              University, and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from
Fulbright fellowship in Venice, Italy studying the     Zhejiang University, China. Prior to joining LMU,
influence of the urban environment on older adult      Professor Wang was an Assistant Professor of
health and mobility. He earned his Ph.D. in Human      Statistics at Villanova University. Her research
Bioenergetics at Colorado State University where       interests include designs and statistical methods to
he studied the mechanisms of aging and chronic         analyze two-phase sampling studies, statistical
diseases such as muscle wasting. Afterward,            methods to correct for participation bias in genetic
Professor Musci was a postdoctoral research            association studies, and collaborative research in
fellow at the University of Utah studying skeletal     biomedical and ecological studies. She recently
muscle regeneration. His research primarily            published her work on the novel two-phase sampling
focuses on the role of mitochondrial function,         designs for studying binary outcomes in Biometrics.
whole-body metabolism, and protein turnover in         Professor Wang is passionate about both teaching
the context of heath, aging, and chronic disease.      and research. She enjoys interacting with students in
                                                       her classroom.
                      CAIO SOUSA
                      Assistant Professor                                  ROBIN WILSON
                      Health and Human Sciences                            Professor
                        Professor Caio Victor Sousa                        Mathematics
                        received his M.S. and Ph.D.                        Professor Robin Wilson earned
                        in Physical Education and                          his Ph.D. at the University of
                        Exercise Science at Catholic                       California, Davis. Prior to joining
University of Brasilia, Brazil. He earned his Ph.D.                        the faculty at LMU Dr. Wilson
studying aging biomarkers in master athletes and       served as Professor in the Department of
non-athletes. In 2018, he completed a fellowship       Mathematics and Statistics at California State
in the Miller School of Medicine, University of        Polytechnic University, Pomona. Dr. Wilson has also
Miami, studying the influence of a community-          been a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University
based exercise program on depression scores in         and Pomona College. His scholarship includes both
people living with HIV. Afterward, Professor Sousa     mathematics and the scholarship of teaching and
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Loyola Marymount University                                                 NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

learning. His research in mathematics is in the        TOWN by MacArthur Fellow Peter Hessler and a
field of low-dimensional topology where he is          series pilot based on a Penguin YA novel for Super
interested problems related to knots and surfaces      Deluxe. He has written projects for The Mark Gordon
in 3-manifolds, problems in spatial graph theory,      Company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Ivanhoe
and the Steinberg module of the braid group.           Pictures/SK Global, Don Mischer Productions, and
Professor Wilson’s work in mathematics                 Wanda Pictures. He wrote the original story for and
education focuses on issues of equity and access       produced the Chinese romance film 100 DAYS 真愛
for students of color in the K-12 and                  100 天 that world premiered at Hawaii International
undergraduate mathematics classroom. Professor         Film Festival and was an official selection at the 23rd
Wilson serves as Co-PI of the NSF funded               Golden Rooster Hundred Flowers Film Festival in
Storytelling for Mathematics Learning and              Mainland China. A Sundance Collab Advisor, he was
Engagement project that seeks to explore the           Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Nicholl
impact of mathematics storytelling by                  Fellowship Finalist and Samuel Goldwyn Writing
mathematicians of color on K-12 teacher and            Award recipient. Prior to LMU, he was a tenured
student mathematics learning and engagement. In        Associate Professor of Screenwriting at Emerson
addition to his scholarship, Dr. Wilson is also        College and has taught at Northwestern University,
active in the local community where he is a part of    UCLA Film and TV Professional Program, and Taipei
the Algebra Project network and works to support       National University of the Arts as a Fulbright Senior
programs that promote math literacy in the Los         Specialist. A current-active member of Writers Guild
Angeles Area.                                          of America West, he previously served as co-chair of
                                                       the guild’s Asian American Writers committee. He is
                                                       represented by Anonymous Content and United
      School of Film and                               Talent Agency.

               Television                                    School of Education
                      WEIKO LIN
                      Associate Professor                                   CYNTHIA ALCANTAR
                      Screenwriting                                         Associate Professor
                      Professor Weiko Lin earned                            Educational Leadership and
                      his M.F.A. in Film and                                Administration
                      Television and B.A. in English                          Cynthia M. Alcantar is an
                      Creative Writing from UCLA.                             Associate Professor and Director
Fluent in Mandarin, Weiko is a writer/producer                                of the Higher Education
and author who explore Asian diaspora and create       Administration program in the School of Education at
global narrative content. Currently, he is             Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (LMU).
developing two Disney Plus Asia original series        Prior to joining LMU, she was an Assistant Professor
and a feature biopic about an American flying ace      of Higher Education Leadership at the University of
of World War II with Oscar nominee Andrew Lazar        Nevada, Reno, and held postdoctoral fellowships
attached to produce. He authored CRAZY                 from the Consortium for Faculty Diversity (2018-
SCREENWRITING SECRETS: HOW TO CAPTURE A                2019) and the Institute for Global-Local Action &
GLOBAL AUDIENCE (Michael Wiese Productions,            Study (2017-2018) at Pitzer College. She earned a
2019) and its traditional Chinese edition 好萊塢劇         B.A. Liberal Studies with a concentration in
本創作術 (Briefing Press, 2022). His past                  Psychology, minor in Sociology from the University of
commissioned works include feature adaptation          California, Riverside, M.A. in Higher Education from
of New York Times best-selling memoir RIVER            Claremont Graduate University, and Ph.D. from the
Loyola Marymount University                                                   NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

University of California, Los Angeles in Social          of the Council for Exceptional Children and a
Science and Comparative Education. Her research          Director-at-Large for Kappa Delta Pi Incorporated.
focuses on the social structures that impact the
social mobility and integration of racial/ethnic                              KENZO SUNG
minoritized and immigrant populations in the                                  Associate Professor
United States. Particularly, the influence of                                 Teaching and Learning
schools (i.e., public K-20 schools, community                                   Kenzo Sung earned his B.A. in
colleges, and Minority Serving Institutions) on the                             Integrative Biology from the
educational pathways and civic participation of                                 University of California at
racial/ethnic minoritized and immigrant students.        Berkeley, Ed.M. in Teaching and Learning from
Her research has been published in The Review of         Harvard University, and Ph.D. in Education Policy and
Higher Education, Teachers College                       Social Cultural Studies in Education from the
Record, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education,        University of California at Berkeley. Prior to joining
Harvard Educational Review, Journal of Hispanic          LMU, Professor Sung was recently awarded tenure at
Higher Education, Qualitative Psychology, and a          Rowan University where he served as an Assistant
co-edited book on race and education published           Professor of Urban Education and Ed Foundations,
through Teachers College Press.                          and affiliated faculty with Africana Studies and
                                                         American Studies. Professor Sung’s research has
                      CHRISTOPHER CORMIER                been shaped by his years attending and teaching in
                      Associate Professor                urban public schools, and include education policy
                      Teaching and Learning              and leadership, urban education, bilingual education,
                       Professor Christopher J.          critical race theory, ethnic studies, political economy,
                       Cormier earned his Ph.D.          and history of education. He has published in various
                       from the University of Illinois   journals including Race Ethnicity and Education,
                       Urbana-Champaign in               Peabody Journal of Education, and Bilingual Research
Special Education. He also received a Master’s in        Journal as well as chapters in Handbook of Urban
Education with emphasis in Psychology from               Education, Race and Urban Communities, and
Pepperdine University, a Master’s in Theology            Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in
from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor         Education. Professor Sung previously was an Andrew
of Science from Fisk University. Professor               Mellon postdoctoral fellow at Wellesley College, and
Cormier is a former special education teacher and        has been awarded funding from the Ford
has taught first through 12th in Title 1 schools in      Foundation, Spencer Foundation, Mellon
the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area. His           Foundation, University of Cambridge, and Rockefeller
research program focuses on the social and               Brothers Fund. His current and prior service include
cultural contexts of minoritized learners and            as Secretary for the Critical Race Studies in Education
teachers in special education. Under this                Association, Communications Director for AERA
overarching theme, he has two lines of                   Division G, and on journal editorial boards for Race
scholarship. The first is on the professional and        Ethnicity and Education, International Studies in
socio-emotional lives of minoritized teachers. The       Sociology of Education, Educational Policy Analysis
second is on culturally informed identification of       Archives, and Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching,
minoritized students in special education.               and Research. Professor Sung started as a youth
Professor Cormier brings a comparative lens to           organizer and worked as a public middle school
both of his research lines with studies in national      teacher in Oakland, CA prior to entering academia.
and international contexts. He is the current
President of the Division for Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners (DDEL)
Loyola Marymount University                                                  NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

            Term Faculty                                Comley’s research broadly focuses on
                                                        intersectionality, sociology of gender, critical race
                                                        theory, and sociology of sport. Specifically, her work
   Bellarmine College of                                focuses on Latinx communities' participation in
                                                        sports and the ways in which their experiences
             Liberal Arts                               intersect with racialized and gendered barriers to
                                                        accessing lifestyle sports. Additionally, Professor
                                                        Comley works closely with incarcerated youth and is
                         IRIS BLAKE                     currently working on new research focusing on if
                         Visiting Assistant Professor   sport can serve as a vehicle for social mobility of
                         Women and Gender Studies
                                                        formerly incarcerated youth. She is excited to return
                          Professor Iris Blake          to the Loyola Marymount community as a Visiting
                          (she/they) received her       Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology.
                          Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies
                          from the University of                              MALCOM FRIERSON
                          California, Riverside. She                          Visiting Assistant Professor
earned her M.M. in Ethnomusicology from the                                   African American Studies
University of Texas at Austin and her B.A. in Music                             Professor Malcolm
and French from Arizona State University. Most                                  Frierson earned his Ph.D. in
recently, they were a UC President’s Postdoctoral                               African American History from
Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles,    the University of Memphis. His research centers on
where they were affiliated with the Department          the politics of culture in the African American
of Musicology. Their research interests include         experience. Freedom in Laughter, his nonfiction
critical race sound studies, performance studies,       study of African American comedy during the Civil
transnational and decolonial feminist theories,         Rights Movement, won a nomination for the 2021
disability studies, and embodiment. She has             MAAH Stone Book Award. His two novels, A Place in
published in the journal Performance Matters and        the World and Finding Jamaica, explore African
is currently working on her first book project. This    Diaspora themes. Professor Frierson is currently
project interrogates how coloniality has shaped         researching Dick Gregory's human rights activism and
knowledge about the voice and analyzes                  completing a novel on the Black Lives Matter
contemporary multimedia works that engage               Movement. He most recently taught in the
embodied performance, visual art, and                   Department of History at the University of Oregon.
speculative fiction as alternative archives for
voicing and listening.                                                        CHRIS JACKSON
                                                                              Visiting Assistant Professor
                       CASSIE COMLEY                                          Political Science and
                       Visiting Assistant Professor                           International Relations
                       Sociology                                               Professor Chris Jackson earned
                       Professor Cassie Comley                                 his B.A. in History from Centre
                       (she/her) earned her B.A. in                            College and his M.A. in
                       Psychology from California       International Studies from the University of Illinois,
                       State University, Long           Urbana-Champaign. He earned his Ph.D. in Political
                       Beach, and her M.A. in           Science from Georgia State University with
Sociology from the University of Oregon. She            concentrations in International Relations and
received her Ph.D. in Sociology and Graduate            Comparative Politics. His research focuses on the role
Certificate in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality            of subnational groups in international negotiations,
Studies from the University of Oregon. Professor        mediation, and peacebuilding. He has conducted
Loyola Marymount University                                                  NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

internationally funded field research in Cyprus,
Kosovo, Macedonia, and Serbia and his research                               ANTHONY PALMISCNO
has been published in the Journal of European                                Assistant Professor
Integration, Ethnopolitics, and Civil Wars.                                  Modern Languages & Lit/ Spanish
                                                                              Professor Anthony Palmiscno
                    ALEXANDRO JARA                                            earned his Ph.D. in Iberian
                    Assistant Professor                                       Studies from The Ohio State
                    Chicana/o & Latina/o Studies                              University, focusing on Iberian
                      Professor Alexandro J. Jara       contemporary popular culture studies. His primary
                      earned his B.A. in Latin          research interests include the performance of
                      American History with an          identity and cultural branding through food and wine
Urban Education minor from Santa Clara                  in the Spanish autonomous community of La Rioja,
University. He worked as an elementary and              and how such gastronomic expressions sustain
middle school teacher before pursuing his M.A.          regional identity within the larger context of Spain
and Ph.D. at the University of New Mexico. His          and neighboring Basque peripheries. His work
dissertation, “‘Do You Know the Way to San Jose?’       primarily interrogates consumption in bars, wine
Ethnic Mexicans, Urbanism, Culture, and Politics in     festivals, and other gastronomic spaces of
the Emerging Silicon Valley, 1940-1980,” examines       conviviality. Other academic interests include
the (sub)urbanization of Northern California’s          representations of food and wine in contemporary
largest municipality, its impact on the Latino          Spanish literature, language pedagogy, technology-
population, and the group’s contributions to            enhanced learning in the foreign language classroom,
social, cultural, and political activity in the city.   and performance pedagogy to foster spaces of safety
Professor Jara worked as an adjunct instructor in       within the classroom and community. He recently co-
the Department of History at Santa Clara                edited the volume Kindred Spirits: Representations
University while finishing his dissertation. He is in   of Alcohol in Literature and Culture with Jose Diaz
the process of drafting an article for submission to    Cuesta.
the Journal of Urban History.
                                                                            MICHAEL PATZIA
                    VICENTE MUNOZ REJA                                      Visiting Assistant Professor
                    Visiting Assistant Professor                            Philosophy
                    Philosophy                                               Professor Michael Patzia grew up
                    Professor Vicente Muñoz-Reja                             in Vancouver, B.C. Canada and
                    earned his Ph.D. in philosophy                           spent his high school and college
                    from Boston College,                                     years in the U.S. After receiving
supported by a Fulbright fellowship, and his B.A.       his Ph.D. in philosophy from Vanderbilt University in
and M.A. in Philosophy and History in Universidad       2000, he began his full-time teaching career in
Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). He has taught at            Nicaragua as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at
Babson College and at several universities in           Ave Maria College of the Americas. Eventually he
Spain, and has acted as visiting researcher at Köln     ended up at Central College in Pella, IA where he
(Germany), Warwick (UK), and Panthéon-                  became an Associate Professor of Philosophy. Due to
Sorbonne (France). His research focuses on post-        some family circumstances, he resigned his position
Kantian European philosophy, especially classic         and relocated to Southern California with his son in
phenomenology. He also works on Latin American          2014. Since then, he has been teaching philosophy at
and Iberian philosophies. He is co-editing the          Loyola Marymount University in an adjunct capacity
upcoming volume Phenomenology, Ontology,                as well as teaching humanities courses at the Coburn
Metaphysics for Brill, which results from his work      School. In 2020-2021, he was a Visiting Assistant
as convenor of the Boston Phenomenology Circle.         Professor of Philosophy at LMU. His academic
Loyola Marymount University                                                NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

interests have been primarily focused on Ancient      Her debut novel, CALL HIM BY NAME, told through
Greek Philosophy, Asian Philosophy and Ethics,        court transcripts, journal entries, and poetry is
and he has published articles on Anaxagoras,          forthcoming from Abrams/Amulet in Fall 2023.
Xenophanes, and Plato. Professor Patzia also plays
upright bass professionally all over the region and                   MARY SEABROOK-DERRINGTON
he is an avid golfer.                                                 Visiting Assistant Professor
                       MARIA PIZZANO                                   Professor Seabrook-Derrington
                       Visiting Assistant Professor                    earned her M.A. in Counseling
                       Psychology                                      Psychology with a Marriage, Family,
                        Professor Maria Pizzano       and Child Counseling specialization and her Ph. D. in
                        earned her B.A.s in           Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology from the
                        Psychology and in             University of California, Santa Barbara. She is a
                        Molecular Cell Biology        licensed psychologist and previously practiced at the
from the University of California at Berkeley. She    Center for Adolescent and Family Care in Texas, the
began working with children and families with         Child Guidance Clinic in Santa Barbara, the Center for
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) upon completion        Adolescent and Family Care Medical Group in Dana
of her degrees and returned to school to study        Point, and the Center for Family Therapy in Newport
interventions to improve the lives of those with      Beach. While practicing in Texas, she maintained
ASD. She completed her M.A and Ph.D. under the        privileges at several psychiatric hospitals, and she
advising of Dr. Connie Kasari in the Education        also served as a predoctoral intern at the Long Beach
department at the University of California, Los       VA Medical Center. Her research interests include
Angeles. Professor Pizzano teaches courses in the     divorce, the effects of divorce on children, and social
department of Psychology. She has continued to        cognitive theory. Professor Seabrook-Derrington is
work with families impacted by ASD and other          no stranger to LMU, where she began teaching in
neurodevelopmental disorders, both in-person          1999 as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology
and remotely, to deliver training, teaching, and      and has consistently served as a lecturer/senior
assessments. Her research focuses on                  lecturer since that time. She has taught various
individualizing supports for those with ASD,          courses at LMU including general psychology, life
particularly children who are low-frequency           span development, social psychology, personality,
communicators.                                        abnormal psychology, and psychology of marriage.
                                                      Before coming to LMU, Dr. Seabrook-Derrington
                       HANNAH SAWYERR                 taught as an Adjunct Professor and as a Visiting
                       Visiting Assistant Professor   Assistant Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine
                       English                        University’s Graduate School of Education and
                        Hannah V. Sawyerr is a        Psychology.
                        Sierra Leonean-American
                        writer with a passion for                             ZOE SLATOFF
                        people and storytelling.                              Clinical Assistant Professor
Her spoken word has been featured on the British                              Yoga Studies
Broadcasting Channel's (BBC) "World Have Your                                 Zoë Slatoff has a Ph.D. in
Say" program, as well as the National Education                               Religion and Philosophy from
Association's "Do You Hear Us?" campaign. Her                                 Lancaster University and an
written word has been featured in publications                                M.A. in Asian Languages and
such as gal-dem, ROOKIE and Sesi Mag. She holds       Cultures from Columbia University. She is delighted
a B.A. in English from Morgan State University and    to be teaching Sanskrit and Yoga Philosophy in the
an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School.       Yoga Studies M.A. Program here at LMU. Zoë is the
Loyola Marymount University                                                NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

author of “Yogāvatāraṇam: The Translation of
Yoga,” a Sanskrit textbook based on classic yoga
                                                              College of Business
texts, from which she created a comprehensive
series of Sanskrit courses for the Oxford Centre                   Administration
for Hindu Studies. She also taught yoga and
                                                                              INGRID GREENE
Sanskrit for many years at her yoga shala in her
                                                                              Clinical Assistant Professor
hometown of NYC, Ashtanga Yoga Upper West                                     Management
Side. You can read more on her website:                                      Ingrid Greene earned her                                                 Bachelor of Civil Engineering
                                                                             from Villanova University and
                       LAUREN SMART                                          her M.B.A. in International
                       Visiting Assistant Professor
                                                        Business from The Thunderbird School of Global
                       English and Journalism
                                                        Management. She subsequently earned her M.A. in
                       Lauren Smart is a visiting
                                                        Strategic Communications from Pepperdine
                       assistant professor of
                       journalism. She joins the
                       LMU faculty after teaching
                                                        At LMU, Professor Greene teaches Business Ethics
                       for five years at Southern
                                                        and Sustainability and is the newly appointed
Methodist University in Dallas, where she worked
                                                        Academic Director for The Master in Global
as an arts writer and critic for the Dallas Morning
                                                        Entrepreneurial Management program whose
News. She has also published work in American
                                                        partner schools include IQS School of Management in
Theatre magazine, Arts & Culture Texas, D
                                                        Barcelona, Spain and FuJen Catholic University in
Magazine, Charleston Post & Courier and Syracuse
                                                        Taipei City, Taiwan. In her prior academic
Post Standard. She is the critic in residence for the
                                                        experience, she taught Organizational Behavior at
Shreveport Regional Arts Council and has been a
                                                        Pepperdine University and Communications at
critic fellow at the Chautauqua Institution and the
                                                        Compton College.
O'Neill Theater Center.
                                                        Her earlier professional experience as a
                                                        Communications Consultant/Business Analyst
Visiting Assistant Professor
Economics                                               encompasses work for Citigroup's Technology and
Professor George Sarraf earned his Ph.D. in             Global Engineering Group, Credit Suisse,
Economics and Management (finance) from       , The Wonderful Company, and The
Claremont Graduate University and his M.A. in           Clark Construction Group. She also initiated the
Political Economy from Sydney University. Prior to      entrepreneurial production and distribution of two
teaching, Professor Sarraf has had an extensive         yoga DVDs in the international market.
business experience ranging from IT consulting
work to business consulting.                                                  CANDICE MARGIOTTA
                                                                              Clinical Assistant Professor
                                                                              Professor Candice Margiotta
                                                                              earned her B.S. and M.S. in
                                                                              Accounting from our very own
                                                                              Loyola Marymount University.
                                                        Professor Margiotta began her accounting career in
                                                        public accounting as an auditor for Deloitte &
                                                        Touche. She then transitioned into private
Loyola Marymount University                                                   NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

accounting where she served as an Assistant             Outside of work, Kelly helps women and girls reach
Controller for a growing digital media company.         their full potential through AYSO coaching,
She is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the    refereeing, and playing soccer. She also serves on
State of California.                                    several non-profit boards.

                     ANNA PAPAZIAN
                     Clinical Assistant Professor
                     Finance                                             College of
                        Anna Papazian, Clinical
                       Professor of Finance, leads a     Communication and Fine
                       team that provides Fractional
                       CFO services to middle-
market companies. Her company, K Buildz
Consulting, is certified as a woman-owned                                     JANESSA CLARK
business by multiple agencies such as WBENC and                               Artist in Residence
the State of California. Anna earned her M.B.A. in                            Dance
Finance from USC, Marshall School of Business.                                  Janessa Clark, a Visiting
She also holds a B.A. in Business Economics from                                Assistant Professor of Dance, is
UCLA. She is certified in Lean Six Sigma and                                    a BESSIE Award nominated
earned Toyota’s Master Kaizen Coach                                             choreographer, dance
designation.                                                                    filmmaker, performer, and
                                                        installation artist. She holds an M.A. in Performance
                         KELLY WATSON                   Practices and Research from the Royal Central School
                         Clinical Assistant Professor   of Speech and Drama in London and a BFA in
                         Executive MBA                  Choreography from Arizona State University. Her
                           Kelly Watson is Managing     practice combines dance, video, and language to
                           Partner of Orange Grove      create socially engaged art for stage, screen, and
                           Consulting and has spent     site-specific environments.
                           more than 20 years as an
                           accomplished operations      Janessa directed the New York-based dance
and organizational development consultant.              collective, Janessa Clark/KILTERBOX, from 2001-2012
Kelly’s clients have included Oracle and Toyota, as     and nomadthenewcompany, in Stockholm from
well as Skillsoft and Linkage, for whom she has         2012-2018. She has been an artist in residence
designed women’s leadership curriculum. Kelly is        through CEC ArtsLink’s Back Apartment Residency in
an adjunct professor at Loyola Marymount                St. Petersburg, Russia, Exploring the Metropolis at
University and is co-author of the book, The            the Jamaica Arts Center, and at THE VISIONARY in
Orange Line: A Woman’s Guide to Integrating             upstate New York. Janessa’s films and live works
Career, Family, and Life. Her upcoming book on          have been presented widely over the past 20 years
building inclusive workplaces will be published Fall    including at HERE Arts Center, Danspace Project, and
2020. Prior to consulting, Kelly served as Vice         Dixon Place in New York, the Barry Art Museum, the
President, Marketing for Telecom New Zealand            American Dance Festival, Bates Dance Festival,
USA and has held other senior operational roles.        Teatro Victoria (Canary Islands), Vitruvian Thing
Kelly holds a B.A. in Political Science from the        (Greece), SDVIG (Russia), and Danscentrum
University of Western Ontario in London, Canada         (Sweden). Her video dance project, COMMUNION, a
and an M.B.A. from Loyola Marymount University          response to the Covid-19 crisis was nominated for
in Los Angeles. Kelly is a Recreation & Parks           the 2021 BESSIE Award for Outstanding Production.
Commissioner for the City of El Segundo, CA.
Loyola Marymount University                                               NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

                                                                           WEI-CHUNG (WAYNE) HUNG
As a dancer, Janessa has been fortunate to                                 Visiting Assistant Professor
collaborate with Tino Sehgal, Gibney Dance, Laura                          Chemistry and Biochemistry/
Peterson Choreography, and Noemie LaFrance                                 Environmental Science
among others, and she has received grants from                              Professor Wayne Hung
Foundation for Contemporary Arts, the Swedish                               (he/his/him) earned his B.E. in
Arts Council, the Croft Residency, and Harlem                               Chemical Engineering and B.S.
Stage. Prior to LMU, Janessa was on faculty at the   in Geography from National Taiwan University. He
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has        received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and
also been a guest artist at New York University's    Environmental Engineering from the University of
Summer Dance Festival, the College at Brockport,     California, Los Angeles. His research interests lie in
Old Dominion University, Montclair State             the intersection of environmental chemistry and
University, and internationally at the University    microbiology. Specifically, his doctoral research
College of Dance/DOCH, Balletakademien, and          focused on the prevalence and fate of metal(loid)s
Luleå Tekniska Universitetet in Sweden. She is       and antibiotic resistance in the environment and
thrilled to be at LMU this fall.                     their corresponding microbial ecology. Prior to
                                                     joining Loyola Marymount University, he was a
                                                     postdoctoral scholar at the University of California,
                                                     Los Angeles. His postdoctoral projects helped
       Seaver College of                             understand the impacts of urbanization on antibiotic
                                                     resistance in surface waters as well as the impacts of
Science and Engineering                              environmental antibiotic resistance on the human
                                                     microbiome. During his postdoctoral training,
                     LUCIANO ENZO MANFREDI           Professor Wayne Hung served as a part-time lecturer
                     CONSOLE                         in the Environmental Science program at Loyola
                     Visiting Assistant Professor
                                                     Marymount University where he taught Principles of
                                                     Environmental Sustainability. In addition to research
                      Professor Luciano Enzo
                                                     and teaching, he is passionate about pedagogy
                      Manfredi Console earned his
                                                     research to address issues of inclusivity and diversity
                      double degree, B.S. in Pure
                                                     in STEM education.
Mathematics and B.S. in Physics, from Loyola
Marymount University. Later, he received his
                                                                          DAVID QUAM
Masters of Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
                                                                          Clinical Professor
from the University of Cambridge. He published                            Healthcare Systems Engineering
“Quasinormal Modes of Modified Gravity (MOG)                               Professor David A. Quam earned
Black Holes" and “Horizon Wavefunction of                                  his MD degree at the University
Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) Black                              of California, Irvine College of
Holes", and presented his research at various                              Medicine, his Master of Science
national and international conferences. Upon         degree in Physiology at the University of California,
completing his master, he has been a part-time       Davis, and his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology
lecturer in the Mathematics departments at           from Loyola Marymount University. Prior to his
Loyola Marymount University.                         return to LMU to join the faculty, he practiced family
                                                     medicine and held various executive leadership
                                                     positions with Kaiser Permanente in southern
                                                     California, including Area Medical Director and
                                                     Assistant Executive Medical Director. In those roles,
                                                     he was responsible for the healthcare delivery for
Loyola Marymount University                                                 NEW FACULTY 2022-2023

millions of KP members. Following his retirement,      teachers, hold the awesome responsibility to
he and his wife opened a small restaurant in San       celebrate, inspire and empower. Our world needs to
Clemente which earned the #13 spot in Yelp’s Top       see our student’s vision and hear their stories. Since
100 Places To Eat in the US in 2020. When COVID        2018, Professor Parrish has been a Lecturer at LMU:
hit, Dr. Quam was tapped by the State of               School of Film and Television and an Adjunct
California to direct the opening and serve as          Professor at USC: School of Cinematic Arts. He
medical director of the Los Angeles Surge              received his M.A. in Film Production at The University
Hospital, which served as an overflow COVID            of Iowa, production training at Istituto di Stato per la
hospital for the impacted hospitals in the LA area     Cinematografia e la Televisione in Rome, and his B.A.
in the early months of the pandemic. At LMU, Dr.       from The Evergreen State College with an emphasis
Quam is director of the Healthcare Systems             in film production. David is a member of the
Engineering Master’s program which educates            International Cinematographers Guild ICG, the
students on a Lean Systems Engineering approach        Society of Camera Operators SOC, and the Digital
to decrease fragmentation and improve safety           Cinema Society DCS. His credits include FEATURES -
and quality in healthcare. His current interests       Beetlejuice, Christmas Vacation, Dodgeball, The
include exploring how systems,                         Notebook, Balls of Fury TV - Brothers and Sisters, Star
technology, architecture and community influence       Trek: Voyager and Enterprise, House M.D. Without a
the equitable and evidence-based delivery              Trace, Party of Five COMMERCIALS - Apple, United
of healthcare in the US. He also holds the title of    Airlines, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Toyota, Coca-Cola,
unapologetic coffee snob and expert barista.           Budweiser, Corona, McDonald's, Revlon, Disneyland
                                                       MUSIC VIDEOS - Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie
                                                       Nicks, Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Pat Benatar, Prince,
      School of Film and                               Tina Turner, Danny Elfman, Duran Duran, and
                                                       Maroon 5.

               Television                                                 MATTHEW SHEEHAN
                                                                          Clinical Assistant Professor
                      DAVID PARRISH                                       Animation
                      Clinical Assistant Professor
                                                                           Matthew B. W. Sheehan (Clinical
                      Production/ Cinematography
                                                                           Assistant Professor, Loyola
                      For over 35 years, David
                                                                           Marymount University
                      Parrish has had the good
                                                       Department of Animation, School of Film and
                      fortune to work as a
                                                       Television) is a storyteller and creative living in Los
                      Cinematographer, Camera
                                                       Angeles. His educational credentials include an
                      Operator, and Camera
                                                       M.F.A. in Animation from the University of California
Assistant on a wide variety of feature films,
                                                       Los Angeles’ School of Theatre, Film, and Television,
television, commercials, and music videos. He has
                                                       a B.A. in Animation and Visual Effects from the
shot 16, 35, and 65mm films, including one in 3-D.
                                                       University of Southern California’s School of
David was an active participant in the transition to
                                                       Cinematic Arts, and an A.A. in Fine Art from Santa
digital cinema cameras. Professor Parrish’s work
                                                       Monica College. He was a 2020 and 2021 Matt
has taken him around the world, allowing him to
                                                       Groening Production Fellowship in Animation
collaborate with many talented people in front of
                                                       recipient, a 2020 Card Walker Motion Picture
and behind his camera. David now brings his
                                                       Fellowship recipient, a Grand Prize recipient for the
passion for Cinematography into the classroom.
                                                       4th Annual Don Thompson LGBT Film Festival a Santa
David shares LMU’s commitment to a diverse and
                                                       Monica College Arts Mentor program alum, a 2020
inclusive filmmaking community. A diversity of
                                                       Writer’s Guild Foundation Veterans Writing Project
ideas, passions, and people, of which we as
You can also read