IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES

Page created by Daryl Powell
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
A Pilgrimage to
  I R EL A N D
​w ith Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM

August 17-26, 2021   $3,400 per person
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
       • Round-trip flight from Boston, MA to Dublin, Ireland
       • Shuttle to and from the airport
       • Centrally located hotels in Dublin, Killarney, Galway, and Derry
       • Transportation throughout Ireland by an air-conditioned coach
       • Full Irish Breakfast each morning
       • Paid Admissions fees to the following site:
             o Christ Church Cathedral
             o St. Patrick’s Cathedral
             o Dublin Castle
             o Guinness Storehouse
             o Glendalough Monastic Site
             o The Rock of Cashel
             o A day tour of the Ring of Kerry
             o The Cliffs of Moher
             o Kylemore Abbey
             o St. Patrick Centre (Downpatrick)
             o Down Cathedral (Downpatrick)
       • Daily Mass with Fr. Joe at beautiful chapels and cathedrals
         throughout the country
       • Guidance throughout Ireland with Cody & Angela Egner to the best
          monasteries, churches, and historically beautiful sites only found on
          the greens of Ireland

       Depart Boston on board your overnight transatlantic jet flight to
       Dublin, arriving the following day. Enjoy a full meal service as well as
       in-flight entertainment such as movies, music, etc.

       Your spiritual pilgrimage begins with your arrival in Dublin. Our first
       day will include Mass at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, an orientation walk
       through the best parts of Dublin, and an evening full of traditional Irish
       music, pub food, and of course, Guinness!

       After a full Irish breakfast, we will spend our second day in Dublin
       visiting some of the best sites in the city. After Mass at the Church of
       the Immaculate Conception (Franciscan OFM), we will visit St.
       Patrick’s Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral (both Church of
       Ireland), Dublin Castle, and the Guinness Storehouse. We will end the
       evening with an optional pub crawl visiting some of the most iconic and
       oldest pubs in Dublin.

       FRIDAY, AUGUST 20
       We start this day with a gorgeous drive through the Wicklow
       Mountains National Park ending at our destination: Glendalough. Then
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
we will board our bus and head west across the country to the breath-taking
historic site of the Rock of Cashel. We will conclude our day with evening Mass
at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Killarney followed by dinner and our first overnight
in Killarney.

We will start with morning Mass at the Franciscan Friary (OFM) in Killarney
before taking a day trip around the Ring of Kerry. We will return back to
Killarney for dinner and a second overnight.

We will depart Killarney for a visit to St. John’s Cathedral in Limerick for
Sunday Mass. Following Mass, we will visit the iconic Cliffs of Moher and
O’Brien’s Tower. We then travel the scenic coastal road towards Galway with its
colorful streets and authentic pubs for music and dinner.

We start this morning with a visit to Galway Cathedral for a private Mass in
their Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Following Mass, we will travel through the
mountainous Connemara National Park to reach our destination of Kylemore
Abbey with their romantic Victorian Walled Gardens and intimate Gothic
Chapel. On our way back to Galway, we will take the scenic Connemara Loop
making sure to take plenty of time to take in the vast beauty that is Connemara.

After breakfast, we will make our way to the famous Knock Shrine. After a
spiritual morning at Knock (including Mass), we will travel up to Sligo for
Lunch. After lunch, we will make our way to Derry for a free evening including
an optional walking tour of the city and an overnight.

After Mass at the breathtaking St. Columba’s Church (Long Tower), we will
make our way to the Catholic seat of Ireland: St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh.
Following our visit to the Cathedral, we will make our way to Downpatrick
where we will visit the St. Patrick Centre. While there, we will have the
opportunity and privilege to visit and pray at the graves of St. Patrick, St.
Brigid, and St. Columcille. After a full day, we will board the bus to make our
way back down to Dublin for our last night in Ireland.

With vivid memories of Ireland, we will transfer to the airport and board the
return flight back to Boston, arriving the same day.
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS & FINAL PAYMENT: Reser-                       BAGGAGE: Airlines may now charge baggage fees for checked             Control (, etc., may issue a travel advisory,
vations may be secured upon payment of a deposit of $500 per         luggage on international/domestic flights based on the policy         warning or alert for a destination or surrounding area you
person. No reservation is considered firm until deposit has          of each carrier. The maximum number of pieces of luggage,             may be visiting while on tour. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrim-
been received. Your initial deposit payment shall be deemed to       the weight allowance and baggage dimensions may also vary             ages encourages you to refer to these agencies to obtain the
be an acceptance of all the terms of our General Conditions.         by airline from the USA to overseas destinations and beyond.          most current and up-to-date information. The terms and
Space is limited and offered on a first-come basis. Final pay-       Many carriers require that checked luggage in economy class           conditions of your tour program, including cancellation
ment is due to St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages 90 days prior        not exceed 50 lbs with a combined length, width and height of         policies, cannot be altered based on any occurrence whatso-
to departure date.                                                   62 inches. Regulations vary for business/first class passengers.      ever and/or any travel advisory, warning or alert issued in
                                                                     Airline policies regarding baggage are subject to change at           the U.S. or foreign countries where your tour is scheduled to
St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages accepts Visa, Mastercard and
                                                                     any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of each       visit, including but not limited to war/terrorism, disease, or
American Express. The price of the tour already includes a
                                                                     passenger to check with their airline prior to departure for          natural disasters. Cancellation penalties remain in full ef-
built-in discount of 4% for payments made by cash or check.
                                                                     baggage information, regulations and compliance. Please               fect and no exceptions can be made.
There is no discount on credit card sales. Credit cards will only
                                                                     refer to your electronic airline ticket receipt once received
be accepted prior to the final payment due date. Credit card                                                                               RESPONSIBILITY: St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages and
                                                                     with the final tour documents. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrim-
charges cannot be accepted over the telephone. Tour members                                                                                their agents act only in the capacity of agents in all matters
                                                                     ages is not responsible for additional fees imposed by air
who want to use a credit card for final payment should contact                                                                             pertaining to hotel accommodations, sightseeing tours and
                                                                     carriers regarding baggage. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages
St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages at the time final payment is                                                                              transportation, whether by railroad, motor bus, motor car,
                                                                     accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to the tour
due for further information.                                                                                                               cruise vessel, boat, air or any other means. Except for the
                                                                     members’ baggage or personal belongings at any time. Bag-
                                                                                                                                           willful negligence of its direct employees, St. Charles Cath-
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: A U.S.A. passport valid for 6                      gage insurance is recommended.
                                                                                                                                           olic Pilgrimages is not liable for any damage, loss (including
months after the return date of the trip is required to travel. It
                                                                     TRAVELERS REQUIRING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE:                               but not limited to personal injury, loss of enjoyment, dis-
is the sole responsibility of the traveler to check their pass-
                                                                     Disabled travelers requiring special attention or care must           tress, death and property loss), expense or inconvenience
port’s expiration date. Non-U.S.A. citizens may require visas
                                                                     advise St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages in writing at the time        caused by any act or omission of any supplier providing tour
in addition to a valid passport. It is the sole responsibility of
                                                                     of reservation. A physically able companion must accom-               services or by any other person or reason whatsoever or by
non-U.S.A. citizens (including green card holders) to ensure
                                                                     pany any person who needs special assistance. Tour direc-             any delays or changes in the itinerary, or the acts and omis-
they have the required visas/travel documents for each coun-
                                                                     tors, guides, drivers or other tour, hotel or ship personnel are      sions of the tour leader/host or travel agent. St. Charles
try to be visited on their tour and for re-entry into the U.S.A.
                                                                     not able to provide such assistance. St. Charles Catholic Pil-        Catholic Pilgrimages assumes no liability or responsibility
Visa fees (if any) are not included in the tour price.
                                                                     grimages is not responsible for any denial of services to the         for any injuries, inconveniences, illness, irregularity or inci-
THE TOUR PRICE INCLUDES:                                             disabled participant by air carriers, cruise ships, hotels, restau-   dental damages occasioned by circumstances beyond the
                                                                     rants or other independent suppliers. Certain countries/desti-        control of the tour operator, or by any person or reason
AIR TRAVEL: By any IATA/ARC air carrier or other sched-              nations involve extensive walking. Be aware that outside the          whatsoever, including but not limited to events such as
uled jet carrier in standard economy class. Flights and air          U.S. the Americans with Disabilities Act is not applicable and        strikes, revolts, wars, terrorism, disease, natural disasters,
routings are at the discretion of air carriers and are subject to    facilities for disabled individuals are limited. St. Charles          closures of airports, hotels or included sites, default or
change without notice. Air arrangements are based on non-            Catholic Pilgrimages is not responsible for any passenger re-         omission of any common or private carrier. St. Charles
refundable bulk group airfares and cannot be upgraded. Can-          quiring special medical equipment. Pilgrims must be able to           Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to cancel the tour at
cellations made after air tickets have been issued are subject to    walk long distances, up hills and cobblestone streets.                any time, to operate the tour with a substitute tour host/
full cancellation penalties as imposed by the airlines. Per TSA                                                                            leader at any time, to decline or not retain any person as a
regulations, airline tickets must bear your first, middle, and       THE TOUR PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Passport fees,
                                                                                                                                           member of the tour for any cause at any time. St. Charles
last name as it appears on your passport and passengers are          visa fees (if any), phone calls, valet/laundry service, wines,
                                                                                                                                           Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to make changes in
responsible to bear any name-change fees should they not pro-        liquors, mineral water, after dinner coffee or tea, tips to
                                                                                                                                           the published itinerary if needed including deleting and
vide St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages with accurate passport         escort, guides, drivers and waiters, sightseeing and other
                                                                                                                                           adding cities and changing the sequence of the itinerary, or
information.                                                         services not specifically mentioned, excess baggage and all
                                                                                                                                           whenever in St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages’ sole judg-
                                                                     other items of a purely personal nature.
AIRLINE SEATING: St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages con-                                                                                     ment as conditions warrant, or if St. Charles Catholic Pil-
tracts non-refundable bulk group airfares in standard econo-         CANCELLATIONS: Your $500 deposit is refundable only if                grimages deems it necessary for the comfort, convenience
my class. Airlines no longer provide seat assignments for            another pilgrim takes your place. The total fee is 100% re-           or safety of the tour. The airlines concerned are not to be
groups and St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages does not guaran-         fundable up to 90 days prior to departure. The total fee is           held responsible for any act, omission or event during the
tee specific seat assignments. Seat assignments for groups are       50% refundable from 90 days to 30 days prior to departure.            time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance.
made at the discretion of the airline and are typically allocated    There is no refund for cancelations within 30 days of depar-          The passage contract in use by the airlines concerned, when
by automated airline computer systems in alphabetical order.         ture. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to          issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the air-
Seat assignments will not be advised until check in at the air-      cancel your tour reservation and retain your deposit if final         lines and the purchasers of this tour and/or passengers. The
port. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages cannot request and does       payment is not received by the due date. Airline tickets are          services of any IATA/ARC air carrier may be used in con-
not guarantee specific seat assignments.                             not refundable once issued. No refunds will be given for any          nection with the tour. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for
                                                                     unused services while on tour.                                        any and all disputes arising under, in connection with, or
TAXES/AIRLINE SURCHARGES: U.S. departure taxes,                                                                                            related to these General Conditions or the provision of ser-
overseas airport taxes, overseas local government taxes, air-        St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages strongly recommends travel           vices by St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages shall be in the
line security fees and airline imposed international surcharg-       insurance. Insurance for trip cancellation, medical evacua-           state court sitting in Clermont County, Ohio, and you ex-
es are included as of August 2020 (taxes/surcharges current          tion, medical emergencies, baggage, etc. is the sole responsi-        pressly agree not to challenge the jurisdiction or venue of
estimate is $650 per person). Future price increases may be          bility of the pilgrim.                                                such court or to assert that such court is not a convenient
applied due to additional costs as imposed by a supplier or          IMPORTANT NOTICE: The airfare used is based on non-                   forum. All disputes arising under, in connection with, or
governments.                                                         refundable bulk group fares in effect on August 1, 2020. Air-         related to these General Conditions or the provision of ser-
SURFACE TRANSPORTATION: By bus.                                      lines reserve the right to increase fares without prior notice.       vices by St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages shall be governed
                                                                     Tour members will be required to pay any airfare increases            by the internal laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Accommodations based                           and international surcharges as imposed by the airlines prior         its conflicts of law provisions. Payment of deposits by tour
on two persons sharing a twin-bedded room with private               to departure. Airlines require a minimum of 10 persons de-            participants indicates acceptance of the above terms and
bath. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages cannot guarantee              parting from the same gateway city.                                   General Conditions. The venue for any dispute is Clermont
roommates. A person taking a single room (subject to avail-                                                                                County, Ohio. The laws of the state of Ohio will apply.
ability) must pay a supplement of $700. Single rooms are lim-        Land costs are based on estimated 2021 tariffs, overseas gov-
ited and may be small.                                               ernment taxes and rates of exchange in effect on August 1,
                                                                     2020 and a minimum of 15 or more participants. While we
MEALS: Breakfast only.                                               have made the best possible estimates of what we expect costs
SIGHTSEEING: Entrance fees and the services of local                 to be in 2021, we cannot guarantee actual prices, exchange
English-speaking guides or tour managers are included.               rates and airfares. Any increases in land costs or airfare that
                                                                     may occur will be collected from each passenger prior to de-
TRANSFERS: Assistance and transfers from airports to                 parture. We reserve the right to increase the cost of the tour
hotels and vice versa.                                               consistent with normal increases should the group fall below
SERVICE CHARGES AND TAXES: Service charges and                       15 persons, or in the event of fluctuations in exchange rates.
taxes are normally included in bills, government taxes on            All prices are based on rates of exchange listed above and
hotel bills in effect on August 2020, taxes on sightseeing           while every effort will be made to hold them firm, they are
and excursion trips are included in the tour price. Recover-         subject to change.
ing VAT taxes is the sole responsibility of the passenger/           Please note that healthcare/medical costs outside the U.S.A.
purchaser. Future price increases may be applied due to ad-          are not covered by Medicare and many private medical insur-
ditional costs as imposed by supplier or governments.                ance plans. Please consult with your health insurance sup-                             1257 Fagins Run Road ​
LAND ONLY/DEVIATIONS: Pilgrims wishing to do their                   plier to obtain the necessary health/medical coverage for                           New Richmond, Ohio 45157
                                                                     overseas travel.                                                                           (413) 429-6692
own air arrangements or wishing to deviate from the group
itinerary must advise St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages in            STATE DEPARTMENT/GOV’T AGENCIES: On occa-                               
writing no later than 110 days prior to departure. Land-only         sion, a U.S. or foreign government agency, such as the U.S.              
cost is $2,700 (double occupancy)                                    State Department (, Center for Disease
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES

  Please read the all-inclusive tour features and conditions. Then complete this handy form. Book early!

MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO:                                               ACCOMMODATION DESIRED:
St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages                                     o double room sharing with
1257 Fagins Run Road ​                                               o single room ($700 extra per person)
New Richmond, Ohio 45157
(413) 429-6692                                                       Enclosed is my check for $		                      as deposit                                       ($500 per person) for 			                         person(s)

Pilgrim #1                                                           Pilgrim #2
Clearly print your full name (last/first/middle)                     Clearly print your full name (last/first/middle)
as it appears on your passport.                                      as it appears on your passport.
Name: Last                                                          Name: Last
        First                                                                First
        Middle                                                               Middle
Gender: Please check o Male o Female                                 Gender: Please check o Male o Female
Address                                                              Address
City                          State           Zip                    City                          State           Zip
Email                                                                Email
Home Phone                                                           Home Phone
Cell Phone                                                           Cell Phone
Passport #                                                           Passport #
Date of issue                      Date Expires                      Date of issue                      Date Expires
                (day/month/year)                  (day/month/year)
                                                                                     (day/month/year)                  (day/month/year)

Date of Birth                                                        Date of Birth
                 MONTH       DAY       YEAR                                           MONTH        DAY      YEAR

Place                          Country of			                         Place                              Country of
of Birth                       Citizenship                           of Birth                           Citizenship

This reservation form serves as your acceptance of the policies, terms and conditions as outlined in the General Conditions of
this brochure. I understand that the air-inclusive tour I am purchasing is subject to supplemental price increases that may be
imposed after the date of purchase. Post-purchase price increases may be applied due to additional costs imposed by a supplier
or government, I acknowledge that I may be charged additional sums by St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages to off set increased
fees, taxes, airline imposed international surcharges, fluctuations in foreign exchange markets or any combination along with
any other items as outlined on the General Conditions.
     I hearby consent to any post-purchase price increases and authorize St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages to bill me for such
additional amounts.

Signature Pilgrim #1                               Date              Signature Pilgrim #2                               Date
 Please mail this reservation form, your deposit check(s), and a clear photocopy of your passport to:
      St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages ​1257 Fagins Run Road ​New Richmond, Ohio 45157
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS & FINAL PAYMENT: Reser-                       BAGGAGE: Airlines may now charge baggage fees for checked             Control (, etc., may issue a travel advisory,
vations may be secured upon payment of a deposit of $500 per         luggage on international/domestic flights based on the policy         warning or alert for a destination or surrounding area you
person. No reservation is considered firm until deposit has          of each carrier. The maximum number of pieces of luggage,             may be visiting while on tour. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrim-
been received. Your initial deposit payment shall be deemed to       the weight allowance and baggage dimensions may also vary             ages encourages you to refer to these agencies to obtain the
be an acceptance of all the terms of our General Conditions.         by airline from the USA to overseas destinations and beyond.          most current and up-to-date information. The terms and
Space is limited and offered on a first-come basis. Final pay-       Many carriers require that checked luggage in economy class           conditions of your tour program, including cancellation
ment is due to St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages 90 days prior        not exceed 50 lbs with a combined length, width and height of         policies, cannot be altered based on any occurrence whatso-
to departure date.                                                   62 inches. Regulations vary for business/first class passengers.      ever and/or any travel advisory, warning or alert issued in
                                                                     Airline policies regarding baggage are subject to change at           the U.S. or foreign countries where your tour is scheduled to
St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages accepts Visa, Mastercard and
                                                                     any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of each       visit, including but not limited to war/terrorism, disease, or
American Express. The price of the tour already includes a
                                                                     passenger to check with their airline prior to departure for          natural disasters. Cancellation penalties remain in full ef-
built-in discount of 4% for payments made by cash or check.
                                                                     baggage information, regulations and compliance. Please               fect and no exceptions can be made.
There is no discount on credit card sales. Credit cards will only
                                                                     refer to your electronic airline ticket receipt once received
be accepted prior to the final payment due date. Credit card                                                                               RESPONSIBILITY: St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages and
                                                                     with the final tour documents. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrim-
charges cannot be accepted over the telephone. Tour members                                                                                their agents act only in the capacity of agents in all matters
                                                                     ages is not responsible for additional fees imposed by air
who want to use a credit card for final payment should contact                                                                             pertaining to hotel accommodations, sightseeing tours and
                                                                     carriers regarding baggage. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages
St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages at the time final payment is                                                                              transportation, whether by railroad, motor bus, motor car,
                                                                     accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to the tour
due for further information.                                                                                                               cruise vessel, boat, air or any other means. Except for the
                                                                     members’ baggage or personal belongings at any time. Bag-
                                                                                                                                           willful negligence of its direct employees, St. Charles Cath-
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: A U.S.A. passport valid for 6                      gage insurance is recommended.
                                                                                                                                           olic Pilgrimages is not liable for any damage, loss (including
months after the return date of the trip is required to travel. It
                                                                     TRAVELERS REQUIRING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE:                               but not limited to personal injury, loss of enjoyment, dis-
is the sole responsibility of the traveler to check their pass-
                                                                     Disabled travelers requiring special attention or care must           tress, death and property loss), expense or inconvenience
port’s expiration date. Non-U.S.A. citizens may require visas
                                                                     advise St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages in writing at the time        caused by any act or omission of any supplier providing tour
in addition to a valid passport. It is the sole responsibility of
                                                                     of reservation. A physically able companion must accom-               services or by any other person or reason whatsoever or by
non-U.S.A. citizens (including green card holders) to ensure
                                                                     pany any person who needs special assistance. Tour direc-             any delays or changes in the itinerary, or the acts and omis-
they have the required visas/travel documents for each coun-
                                                                     tors, guides, drivers or other tour, hotel or ship personnel are      sions of the tour leader/host or travel agent. St. Charles
try to be visited on their tour and for re-entry into the U.S.A.
                                                                     not able to provide such assistance. St. Charles Catholic Pil-        Catholic Pilgrimages assumes no liability or responsibility
Visa fees (if any) are not included in the tour price.
                                                                     grimages is not responsible for any denial of services to the         for any injuries, inconveniences, illness, irregularity or inci-
THE TOUR PRICE INCLUDES:                                             disabled participant by air carriers, cruise ships, hotels, restau-   dental damages occasioned by circumstances beyond the
                                                                     rants or other independent suppliers. Certain countries/desti-        control of the tour operator, or by any person or reason
AIR TRAVEL: By any IATA/ARC air carrier or other sched-              nations involve extensive walking. Be aware that outside the          whatsoever, including but not limited to events such as
uled jet carrier in standard economy class. Flights and air          U.S. the Americans with Disabilities Act is not applicable and        strikes, revolts, wars, terrorism, disease, natural disasters,
routings are at the discretion of air carriers and are subject to    facilities for disabled individuals are limited. St. Charles          closures of airports, hotels or included sites, default or
change without notice. Air arrangements are based on non-            Catholic Pilgrimages is not responsible for any passenger re-         omission of any common or private carrier. St. Charles
refundable bulk group airfares and cannot be upgraded. Can-          quiring special medical equipment. Pilgrims must be able to           Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to cancel the tour at
cellations made after air tickets have been issued are subject to    walk long distances, up hills and cobblestone streets.                any time, to operate the tour with a substitute tour host/
full cancellation penalties as imposed by the airlines. Per TSA                                                                            leader at any time, to decline or not retain any person as a
regulations, airline tickets must bear your first, middle, and       THE TOUR PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Passport fees,
                                                                                                                                           member of the tour for any cause at any time. St. Charles
last name as it appears on your passport and passengers are          visa fees (if any), phone calls, valet/laundry service, wines,
                                                                                                                                           Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to make changes in
responsible to bear any name-change fees should they not pro-        liquors, mineral water, after dinner coffee or tea, tips to
                                                                                                                                           the published itinerary if needed including deleting and
vide St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages with accurate passport         escort, guides, drivers and waiters, sightseeing and other
                                                                                                                                           adding cities and changing the sequence of the itinerary, or
information.                                                         services not specifically mentioned, excess baggage and all
                                                                                                                                           whenever in St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages’ sole judg-
                                                                     other items of a purely personal nature.
AIRLINE SEATING: St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages con-                                                                                     ment as conditions warrant, or if St. Charles Catholic Pil-
tracts non-refundable bulk group airfares in standard econo-         CANCELLATIONS: Your $500 deposit is refundable only if                grimages deems it necessary for the comfort, convenience
my class. Airlines no longer provide seat assignments for            another pilgrim takes your place. The total fee is 100% re-           or safety of the tour. The airlines concerned are not to be
groups and St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages does not guaran-         fundable up to 90 days prior to departure. The total fee is           held responsible for any act, omission or event during the
tee specific seat assignments. Seat assignments for groups are       50% refundable from 90 days to 30 days prior to departure.            time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance.
made at the discretion of the airline and are typically allocated    There is no refund for cancelations within 30 days of depar-          The passage contract in use by the airlines concerned, when
by automated airline computer systems in alphabetical order.         ture. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages reserves the right to          issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the air-
Seat assignments will not be advised until check in at the air-      cancel your tour reservation and retain your deposit if final         lines and the purchasers of this tour and/or passengers. The
port. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages cannot request and does       payment is not received by the due date. Airline tickets are          services of any IATA/ARC air carrier may be used in con-
not guarantee specific seat assignments.                             not refundable once issued. No refunds will be given for any          nection with the tour. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for
                                                                     unused services while on tour.                                        any and all disputes arising under, in connection with, or
TAXES/AIRLINE SURCHARGES: U.S. departure taxes,                                                                                            related to these General Conditions or the provision of ser-
overseas airport taxes, overseas local government taxes, air-        St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages strongly recommends travel           vices by St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages shall be in the
line security fees and airline imposed international surcharg-       insurance. Insurance for trip cancellation, medical evacua-           state court sitting in Clermont County, Ohio, and you ex-
es are included as of August 2020 (taxes/surcharges current          tion, medical emergencies, baggage, etc. is the sole responsi-        pressly agree not to challenge the jurisdiction or venue of
estimate is $650 per person). Future price increases may be          bility of the pilgrim.                                                such court or to assert that such court is not a convenient
applied due to additional costs as imposed by a supplier or          IMPORTANT NOTICE: The airfare used is based on non-                   forum. All disputes arising under, in connection with, or
governments.                                                         refundable bulk group fares in effect on August 1, 2020. Air-         related to these General Conditions or the provision of ser-
SURFACE TRANSPORTATION: By bus.                                      lines reserve the right to increase fares without prior notice.       vices by St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages shall be governed
                                                                     Tour members will be required to pay any airfare increases            by the internal laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Accommodations based                           and international surcharges as imposed by the airlines prior         its conflicts of law provisions. Payment of deposits by tour
on two persons sharing a twin-bedded room with private               to departure. Airlines require a minimum of 10 persons de-            participants indicates acceptance of the above terms and
bath. St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages cannot guarantee              parting from the same gateway city.                                   General Conditions. The venue for any dispute is Clermont
roommates. A person taking a single room (subject to avail-                                                                                County, Ohio. The laws of the state of Ohio will apply.
ability) must pay a supplement of $700. Single rooms are lim-        Land costs are based on estimated 2021 tariffs, overseas gov-
ited and may be small.                                               ernment taxes and rates of exchange in effect on August 1,
                                                                     2020 and a minimum of 15 or more participants. While we
MEALS: Breakfast only.                                               have made the best possible estimates of what we expect costs
SIGHTSEEING: Entrance fees and the services of local                 to be in 2021, we cannot guarantee actual prices, exchange
English-speaking guides or tour managers are included.               rates and airfares. Any increases in land costs or airfare that
                                                                     may occur will be collected from each passenger prior to de-
TRANSFERS: Assistance and transfers from airports to                 parture. We reserve the right to increase the cost of the tour
hotels and vice versa.                                               consistent with normal increases should the group fall below
SERVICE CHARGES AND TAXES: Service charges and                       15 persons, or in the event of fluctuations in exchange rates.
taxes are normally included in bills, government taxes on            All prices are based on rates of exchange listed above and
hotel bills in effect on August 2020, taxes on sightseeing           while every effort will be made to hold them firm, they are
and excursion trips are included in the tour price. Recover-         subject to change.
ing VAT taxes is the sole responsibility of the passenger/           Please note that healthcare/medical costs outside the U.S.A.
purchaser. Future price increases may be applied due to ad-          are not covered by Medicare and many private medical insur-
ditional costs as imposed by supplier or governments.                ance plans. Please consult with your health insurance sup-                             1257 Fagins Run Road ​
LAND ONLY/DEVIATIONS: Pilgrims wishing to do their                   plier to obtain the necessary health/medical coverage for                           New Richmond, Ohio 45157
                                                                     overseas travel.                                                                           (413) 429-6692
own air arrangements or wishing to deviate from the group
itinerary must advise St. Charles Catholic Pilgrimages in            STATE DEPARTMENT/GOV’T AGENCIES: On occa-                               
writing no later than 110 days prior to departure. Land-only         sion, a U.S. or foreign government agency, such as the U.S.              
cost is $2,700 (double occupancy)                                    State Department (, Center for Disease
IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES IR EL A ND A Pilgrimage to - with Fr. Joseph Powell, OFM - ST. CHARLES CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES
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