Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence, Types and Associated Depressive Symptoms in Riyadh Region, KSA

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence, Types and Associated Depressive Symptoms in Riyadh Region, KSA
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (July 2018) Vol. 72 (2), Page 3924-3929

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence, Types and Associated Depressive
                          Symptoms in Riyadh Region, KSA
                    Abdulrahman Ibrahim S Almousa1, Atheer Mohammed D Alotaibi 2
      1 Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Akharj, 2 Almaarefa Colleges for science and Technology,
                                  College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Background: The relationship between psychiatric disorders and GI disorders such as IBS is well established.
IBS patients typically suffer from depressive symptoms, which can aggravate their IBS symptoms. Objective: to
quantify the prevalence of IBS and its association with depressive symptoms among the Riyadh general
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on Riyadh general population. The study included Saudi
citizens, age was above 18 years old. Data were collected through personal interviews. Two self-administered and
validated questionnaires were used. The first questionnaire is the Rome III criteria; a system developed to classify
functional GI disorders (FGIDs), which are disorders of the digestive system for which clinical symptoms cannot
be explained by the presence of structural or tissue abnormalities, the second questionnaire is the Patient Health
Questionnaire (PHQ-9), a set of three self-report scales designed to measure the Major depressive disorder.
Results: The prevalence of IBS, was 17.3%. 71.3% of cases had mixed (constipation and diarrhea) type, 5.3%
had diarrhea predominant type and 23.4% had constipation predominant IBS. Most (73.4%) of the IBS cases were
females. Among IBS cases, 20.2% had minimal depressive symptoms, 20.2% had major depression, mild
severity. Major depression with moderate severity was found in 18.1% and major depression with severe severity
was found in 28.7%. Family History of crohn's disease and stomach cancer were found in 17.0% and 92.6% of
IBS cases respectively. Conclusion: A high prevalence of depression symptoms in our subjects emphasize the
importance of the psychological evaluation of the patients with IBS, in order to better management of the patients
and may also help to reduce the burden of health care costs.
Keywords: Anxiety, depression, distress, irritable bowel syndrome, psychiatric problem.

     Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional GI          motility of intestine, visceral hypersensitivity,
disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered            inflammation,        neurotransmitter       imbalance,
bowel habits in the absence of specific and unique              disturbance of brain-gut interaction, abnormal
organic pathology. The diagnosis of IBS is based on             central processing, autonomic and hormonal events,
clinical findings and the exclusion of other disorder           and genetic, environmental, and psychosocial factors
   . Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most          may contribute to incidence of IBS [6].
frequently diagnosed gastrointestinal (GI) disorders                IBS has strong negative effect on quality of life in
in primary care and gastroenterology practices,                 patients who suffer from it, and it imposes
despite the fact that many suffer symptoms without              substantial social and economic costs due to medical
knowing their diagnosis or seek for medical consult             seeking behavior and absenteeism [7].
   . Patient of IBS may complain of variety of                      Several studies have evaluated the relation
intestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain,                     between IBS and psychiatric disorders [8]. It has
disturbed defecation (urgency, straining, incomplete            been reported that neurosis, anxiety, depression and
evacuation, altered stool form and frequency) and               dysfunctional cognition are more prevalent in
bloatedness, and extra intestinal symptoms such as              patients with IBS [9].In a large randomized controlled
Nocturia, frequency and urgency of micturition,                 trial found that 44% of IBS patients had psychiatric
incomplete bladder emptying, back pain, an                      co-morbidity which depressive and anxiety disorders
unpleasant taste in the mouth, a constant feeling of            were the most common conditions [10].
tiredness and in women dyspareunia which has                        Depression in patients with IBS is more severe
strong impact on patient’s psychological state [3].             and prevalent than in healthy individuals [11].
     The worldwide prevalence of IBS ranges from                    In a study conducted in Arar, Northern KSA, to
5.7% to 34% [4]. It usually varying significantly               determine the prevalence of IBS among Educated
between countries according to the diagnostic                   and Working Women, it was found that, the overall
criteria used [5].                                              prevalence of IBS was 35.7% [12].
     Despite the high prevalence of IBS in general                  In a study carried out in Iran to show the
population and the personal and economic costs, its             prevalence of IBS among adults aged 19-70 years.
etiology remains unknown; however, various studies              The overall prevalence of IBS was 21.5%, it was
have shown that several factors including abnormal              more prevalent in women than men (24.0 vs. 18.3%)

                        Received: 16/04 /2018
                        Accepted: 25/04/2018
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence, Types and Associated Depressive Symptoms in Riyadh Region, KSA
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence…
    . Another study was conducted in Egypt by                    17.3% in addition, 44.2% of the studied population
 Ahmed et al. [14] in an urban area in Suez                      were suspicious of IBS. Concerning the types of
 governorate, Rome II criteria were used for the                 IBS, 71.3% of cases had mixed (constipation and
 diagnosis of IBS. The prevalence of IBS among the               diarrhea) type, 5.3% had diarrhea predominant type
 study sample was 34.2%. Notably, up to our                      and 23.4% had constipation predominant IBS.
 knowledge, there is a lack of studies on this specific          (Table 1). Table (2) illustrates the relation between
 topic in Riyadh region, central Saudi Arabia in                 IBS and sex, age, region of the studied population.
 particular. Hence this study was conducted among                Most (73.4%) of the IBS cases were females, 48.9%
 the Riyadh general population to quantify the                   of cases aged 15 to 30 years and 55.3% from the
 prevalence of IBS and its association with depressive           middle region. Table (3) shows the relation between
 symptoms.                                                       IBS and depressive symptoms. We found that,
                                                                 among IBS cases, 20.2% had minimal depressive
                                                                 symptoms, 20.2% had Major depression, mild
      This cross-sectional study was conducted on
                                                                 severity. Major depression with moderate severity
 Riyadh general population during the 2016-2017
                                                                 was observed in 18.1% and major depression with
 years. The study included Saudi citizens age above
                                                                 severe severity was found in 28.7%. We found that
 18, those who are under 18 years old were excluded.
                                                                 66.0% of IBS cases receive medications, compared
     The sample size was calculated using the sample
                                                                 to 41.3% of normal population. Family History of
 size equation: n=z2p(1-p)/e2, considering target
                                                                 crohn's disease was found in 92.6% of IBS cases
 population more than 1000, and study power 95%.
                                                                 and in 93.4% of normal population. Family History
 Systematic random sampling technique was
                                                                 of milk allergy, coeliac disease and stomach cancer
 followed. After identifying the first house randomly
                                                                 were found in 16.0%, 1.1% and 17.0% of IBS cases
 in the selected area, every 9th house was visited to
                                                                 respectively, while they were found in 11.9%, 0.7%
 include all the adult subjects residing in those
                                                                 and 7.5% of normal population respectively. In
 selected houses till the required sample is covered.
                                                                 comparing family history of stomach cancer among
     Data was collected through personal interviews
                                                                 IBS cases and normal population P value was
 with the sampled population and filling the
                                                                 significant (0.005), (Table 4).
 questionnaires. Two self-administered and validated
 questionnaires were used. The first questionnaire is            Table (1): Sex, age, region of the studied
 the Rome III criteria, a system developed to classify           population, prevalence and types of Irritable Bowel
 functional GI disorders (FGIDs), which are disorders            Syndrome in Riyadh region, KSA, 2018 (N=548)
 of the digestive system for which clinical symptoms             Sex                           Frequency Percent
 cannot be explained by the presence of structural or           Female                        369           67.3
 tissue abnormalities [15]. The second questionnaire            Male                          179           32.7
 was the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) [16], a            Age
 set of three self-report scales designed to measure        
Abdulrahman Almousa and Atheer Alotaibi

Figure (1): Irritable Bowel Syndrome among Riyadh Population,
                             KSA, 2018

  44.2%                                             17.2%


             Positive    Negative      Suspicious

Figure (2): Types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Riyadh , KSA,




          Constipation type     Diarrhea type        Mixed

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence…

Table (2): Relation between IBS and sex, age, region of the studied population, Riyadh, 2018

       Variable                                 IBS                          Total (n=548)     P value
                                                Yes (n=94)     No (n=454)
      Female                                   69             300           369               0.103
                                                73.4%          66.1%         67.3%
      Male                                     25             154           179
                                                26.6%          33.9%         32.7%
Abdulrahman Almousa and Atheer Alotaibi

Table (4): Relation between IBS and Taking medications, family History of crohn's disease, milk allergy,
coeliac disease and stomach cancer among the studied population, Riyadh, 2018
       Variables                                     IBS                      Total    P value
                                                     Yes (n=94) No (n=454) (n=548)

      Taking medications
      Yes                                                 62             187            249           0.000
                                                          66.0%          41.2%          45.4%
      No                                                  32             267            299
                                                          34.0%          58.8%          54.6%
      Family History of chron's disease
      Yes                                                 87             424            511           0.455
                                                          92.6%          93.4%          93.2%
      No                                                  7              30             37
                                                          7.4%           6.6%           6.8%
      Family History of milk allergy
      Yes                                                 15             54             69            0.180
                                                          16.0%          11.9%          12.6%
      No                                                  79             400            479
                                                          84.0%          88.1%          87.4%
      Family History of coeliac disease
      Yes                                                 1              3              4             0.530
                                                          1.1%           .7%            .7%
      No                                                  93             451            544
                                                          98.9%          99.3%          99.3%
      Family History of stomach cancer
      Yes                                                 16             34             50            0.005
                                                          17.0%          7.5%           9.1%
      No                                                  78             420            498
                                                          83.0%          92.5%          90.9%

 DISCUSSION                                                     mixed IBS type, 5.3% had Diarrhea IBS type and
       The relationship between psychiatric disorders           23.4% had constipation predominant IBS which is
 and GI disorders such as IBS is well established.              inconsistent with the findings of a study done among
 IBS patients typically suffer from anxiety and                 Japanese university students by Shiotani A et al. [19]
 depression, which can aggravate their IBS symptoms             who showed that the constipation predominant type
    . This was a cross-sectional study, conducted on            was more prevalent (47.8%). However, conclusion
 the Riyadh general population to quantify the                  of the present study is in agreement with those
 prevalence of IBS and its association with depressive          remarked by Naeem et al. [18] where the most
 symptoms.                                                      common type was the mixed IBS type followed by
       In this study the prevalence of IBS was 17.2%            constipation predominant IBS students and interns at
 which is in line with the finding of Hungin et al.             King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah by Ibrahim et
     . Who conducted an international study among               al.[5] The type of IBS was constipation type in 22%
 41,984 individuals across eight European countries             of our participants, diarrhea type in 5% and mixed in
 and found that the prevalence of IBS was 11.5%.                67%. In this study, IBS cases were 73.4% females
       The prevalence of IBS was higher compared to             and 26.6% males but no significant difference
 the findings of a cross-sectional study conducted in           between males and females (P= 0.103). Our results
 Suez governorate, Egypt, and found that the                    agreed with those of Nam S et al. [20] in their study
 prevalence of IBS among the studied population was             in Korea.
 34.2% [14] and the results of a study carried out in                Also in a study done by Alaqeel M et al. [21];
 Karachi, Pakistan by Naeem et al. [18] where the               their results demonstrated that IBS was more
 prevalence of IBS was 28.3%. The present results               prevalent among females.
 revealed that 71.3% of the diseased students had a                  In the present study, we found a significant
                                                                correlation between age and IBS (P= 0.013). Also
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence…

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