Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine

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Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
                                                          The magazine for global video

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                            September 2018

                                                                                                                             IBC 2018 preview
                                                                                                                             Machine Learning

                      Is Android TV set for global domination?
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine

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Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
Contents                                                                                                                                                                                           TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid

                                                          The magazine for global video
                                                                                                                                                   17 Security                                                 The leading media for video delivery technology

                                                                                                                                                   The changing face of security and piracy

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                            September 2018

                                                                                                                                                   23 TV CDNs

                                                                                                                                                   Network delivery for better live OTT           Editor

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Goran Nastic
                                                                                                                                IBC 2018 preview
                                                                                                                                Machine Learning

                                                                                                                                                   24 Machine Learning                            Commercial
                      Is Android TV set for global domination?
                                                                                                                                                   Media companies must beware of the hype        Camilla Capece
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pallavi Pandey
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features

Coveer2018-September.indd 1                                                                                         16/08/2018 14:19:13

05 News & analysis                                                                                                                                 27 In-vehicle entertainment
                                                                                                                                                   The next frontier for the broadcast industry   Design and production
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Matt Mills (Manager)
08 Data corner: SVOD and video                                                                                                                                                                    Jessica Harrington
streaming                                                                                                                                          33 Compression special
                                                                                                                                                   Special supplement deep diving into coding     Regular contributors
Viewing by device type in key global markets
                                                                                                                                                   technologies and trends                        Adrian Pennington, Philip Hunter,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  David Adams, Stephen Cousins,
10 COVER STORY: Android TV                                                                                                                                                                        Anna Tobin
From Europe to Asia and beyond, is there
                                                                                                                                                   41 Analyst corner
                                                                                                                                                   Analysing SVOD trends and service closures     Circulation
any stopping ATV’s momentum in payTV?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Joel Whitefoot
14 Open platforms and ATV                                                                                                                          42 Nanosats
                                                                                                                                                   Small satellites are suddenly big business     Accounts
Operators must look to open platforms to                                                                                                                                                          Marilou Tait, Lynta Kamaray
future-proof their business
                                                                                                                                                   48 CSI Awards                                  Editorial
                                                                                                                                                   This year’s shortlist in full
15 Android TV - a case study                                                                                                                                                                      tel +44(0)20 7562 2401
United Cloud gives an operator’s experience                                                                                                                                             
of the deployment challenges and benefits                                                                                                          50 IBC 2018 preview
                                                                                                                                                   Some of the things to look out for this year   Advertising
                                                                                                                                                                                                  tel +44(0)20 7562 2435
16 Blockchain in broadcast                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                   51 Q&A with Michael Crimp                      tel +44(0)20 7562 2438
Identifying the most promising applications
                                                                                                                                                   IBC CEO shares his highlights and thoughts


Editor’s report:                                                                                                                                                                                  tel +44 (0) 20 1635 588 861
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Circulation manager: joel.whitefoot@
            Android TV has emerged as one of the platforms to seriously benefit from the TV                                                                                             
            industry’s desire for speed, flexibility and ease of OTT app integration. Last year’s
            IBC will be remembered as one where Android TV really made its mark in terms                                                                                                          Subscription rates
            of booth demos (with Google itself prominently positioned in Hall 14) and it can                                                                                                      Per year: Europe £88; UK £68;
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rest of World £98. Cheques payable to
            be expected that the numbers will swell at IBC 2018. Android TV is helping all
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Perspective Publishing
kinds of software and hardware companies win business, not least set-top manufacturers ship-                                                                                                      Limited and addressed to the
ping millions of units and payTV deployments rocketing since Google’s Operator Tier certifi-                                                                                                      Circulation Department
cation programme was introduced in 2016. Another area that is seeing big traction right now
is small low earth orbit satellites, a sector increasingly crowded by new entrants despite some                                                                                                   Printed by Buxton Press
question marks still persisting around technology and return on investment. Goran Nastic                                                                                                          Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                  John Woods

                                                                                                                                                                 Perspective Publishing           Publishing Director
                                                                                                                                                                 3 London Wall Buildings
                                                                                                                                                                 London                           Mark Evans
                                                                                                                                                                 EC2M 5PD
                                                                                                                                                           ISSN 1467-5935

                                                                                                                                                                              September 2018                        03
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine

BBC uses archive-scanning AI to                                                                   news in brief

co-create experimental TV programme                                                               VVC licensing body to
                                                                                                  be unveiled at IBC
An experimental programme         what BBC Four audiences          audiences,” said Cassian       The Versatile Video
part-made by AI will broadcast    might like, based on the         Harrison, Channel Editor,      Coding (VVC)
in September as part of the       channel’s previous schedules     BBC Four.                      specification will be frozen
BBC’s work on exploring how       and programme attributes,           The same archive-           next year and expected to
artificial intelligence might     and then ranked programmes       scanning AI has been used      become an international
open up new creative              it thought were most relevant.   to co-create ‘Made by          standard in 2020. This will
opportunities, as well as using      “The BBC has one of the       machine: When AI met the       only work if commercial
AI to resurface old shows         largest broadcast archives in    archive’ – a new and           licensing terms can be
based on previous schedules       the world, and manually          experimental programme         agreed upon before the
and programme attributes.         searching millions of hours of   exploring how BBC R&D’s        codec is finalised.
  The BBC has developed           programmes would be              technology works. Presented    Licensing is such a hot
archive scanning AI software      impossible. As it becomes        by Dr Hannah Fry and a         topic that the industry has
that is uses to help discover a   increasingly digitised, BBC      virtual co-presenter, it       agreed to create an
selection of ‘hidden gems’        R&D is developing AI to help     features four segments of      extending entity, the Media
from its vast archive. Using      programme makers and             archive clips sourced and      Codec Industry Forum
this AI technology from BBC       schedulers unlock this           edited together by the AI.     (MC-IF), to deal with
R&D, BBC Four scanned             valuable resource. Relevant      It marks a new era of          profiling outside of
programme information             clips can be used to enrich      creative AI in the TV          MPEG. This new
dating back to 1953 from          News and Factual                 industry, somehting that is    organisation will be
over 250,000 TV                   programmes, for example,         aready being put to the test   announced at IBC 2018.
programmes. According to          while whole episodes or          in others like music and       Much more on VVC and
the broadcaster, the AI learnt    series can be re-released for    even cooking.                  codecs on page 33.

                                                                          September 2018       05
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine

news in brief

Casbaa becomes AVIA
as Netflix joins ranks
Asia’s Casbaa industry
organisation has rebranded
to the Asia Video Industry
Association (AVIA).
Netflix has also joined the

                                                                                                                                     Image courtesy of DAZN
newly renamed group,
which is also encouraging
other VoD providers and
telcos to become members.
In the biggest change in its
history, the industry body
is overhauling its image to
stay relevant in the broader
video industry amid a
changing landscape.
                               The rise of sports streaming services
Verizon 5G video plans
Verizon plans to launch its    bring new challenges and opportunities
residential 5G broadband
service later this year to a   The emergence of Amazon,         Viewers were be able to watch          These social media and
handful of markets             Facebook, Twitter, on top of     the contest as part of a seven-     targeted companies have
bundled with Apple TV          more specialist sports           day trial on its online             increased their focus on
and You Tube TV.               streaming platforms like         platform, via iOS and               signing live-streaming sports
Customers who sign up to       Eleven Sports Network,           Android apps, and via its           deals as young audiences
Verizon’s 5G home              DAZN and others is resulting     Facebook page.                      increasingly rely on the
internet service can choose    in some big changes to the          In Italy, Serie A’s domestic     internet and connected
to receive a free              way sports rights are            coverage will have a new            devices to watch sports
subscription to either         acquired, packaged and           home for the 2018/19 season,           “The sport industry is ripe
YouTube TV or an Apple         consumed.                        after Mediaset struck a deal        for disruption. Consumer
TV 4K device. Other US            These streaming disruptors    with streaming service              behaviour has been
telcos are also expected to    have been busy picking up        DAZN, an offshoot of                transformed by technology,
use 5G fixed wireless          rights in certain territories,   Perform Group in the UK, to         with streaming becoming the
access as a means of           which in the UK has seen         show 114 top-flight games           new norm for viewing
winning over video subs        major blows to more              over the next three years.          content,” said James
from cable MSOs.               traditional broadcasters            Sports rights company            Rushton, CEO of DAZN.
                               including BT and Sky.            IMG launched its first                 This disruption caused by
Dish CTO joins Liberty         Amazon has started               consumer streaming service,         new entrants certainly brings
LatAm                          streaming the US Open            Strive, offering top tier Italian   many benefits to consumers
Vivek Khemka is joining        tennis tournament having         and Spanish football across         in terms of choice and
Liberty Latin America as       won the UK rights from Sky.      the Nordics August 17th.            flexibility consumption and
SVP and Chief Technology          Eleven Sports (which also     Users in Sweden, Norway             pricing, but there is a
and Product Officer. Vivek     happens to be the number of      and Denmark will have               downside too in that users
Khemka was formerly            countries the service is         access to all Italian Serie A       will have to get used to
Executive Vice President       currently available in though    and Spanish La Liga football        greater fragmentation to
and Chief Technology           this will grow very soon)        matches with no minimum             enjoy the sports they love.
Officer for DISH Network       launched a platform in the       tie-in period for customers.        Whether some kind of
and starts in his new role     UK for the first time this          FuboTV, meanwhile, a             OTT super aggregator
at LLA in September,           summer, starting with            US-based sports streaming           rises from the changes will
reporting directly to CEO      exclusive coverage of the US     service, has bagged $55             be an interesting development
Balan Nair.                    PGA Championship.                million in funding.                 to follow.

06   September 2018  
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
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Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
Data corner

                                        TV renaissance?
                                                                                                                             adoption was wealthier consumers in
                                                                                                                             their 20s and 30s. A skew to this
                                                                                                                             younger, wealthier segment is still
                                        SVoD is driving uptake of streaming OTT                                              apparent. What’s happened since
                                                                                                                             the early days of tablets entering the
                                        devices, which in turn are pushing users                                             home is that other consumer segments

                                        back to the big screen. By Guy Bisson                                                have caught up with the early adopters
                                                                                                                             and, overall, the market has hit
                                                         emember when            level out. Winning out, it seems, is        saturation at around 70% uptake.
                                                         watching video          what to some may seem the most              Video viewing on the tablet is falling
                                                         away from the TV        unusual of devices for watching video       partly because these other demographic
                                                         set meant booting       content: the television set itself.         segments are a little less likely to use
                                                         up your laptop or         There are a number of factors             mobile devices for viewing and partly
                                                         huddling over a         influencing this rush back to the big       because other newer devices are
                                                         PC? Tablets and         screen, with the Smart TV being chief       becoming more common in the home.
                                        smartphones changed all that,            among them. The TV replacement              Those other newer devices (Smart TVs
                                        making TV on the go as easy              cycle has seen Smart TV ownership           and streaming boxes and sticks) push
                                        as pulling out your mobile               jump to 53% of homes across Europe          viewers back to the big screen.
                                        device (which like the TV, was           and the US by the first quarter 2018.          Streaming device and stick ownership
                                        ‘instant on’).                           Daily viewing on the Smart TV has           now stands at 31% of homes across
                                           Tablet uptake has been closely        followed suit.                              Europe and the US. Homes with
                                        associated with online video viewing       But the story is a little more complex.   these devices still have a very strong
                                        and second screen use. But as tablet     Related to the Smart TV story is the        skew for being younger and wealthier.
                                        ownership reaches saturation levels,     underlying tablet story: the only           Like early tablet ownership, consumers
                                        video viewing on the tablet is now       consumer household type that still over-    in their 20s and early 30s are most
                                        beginning to drop. While the             indexes for tablet ownership is homes       likely to buy streaming devices.
                                        smartphone has ascended rapidly          with kids. Children drove a lot of the      While OTT sticks can be used on the
                                        as an online video viewing device        early adoption of tablets (and video        go, they are generally used to view on
                                        (particularly among 18-24 year olds      viewing on the device), as the tablet       the main TV set. Ownership of
                                        where it is the most used device for     became a classic baby-sitting device.       streaming devices is still a way off
                                        daily viewing), it too is beginning to   The other key segment for early             majority, meaning strong skews to
                                                                                                                             young wealthy consumers will persist.
                                                                                                                             But certain segments are already
                                                                                                                             beginning to catch up. OTT box
                                                                                                                             and stick adoption among 45+ year
                                                                                                                             olds has doubled in the past two
                                                                                                                             years. And this older segment is far
                                                                                                                             more likely to favour a big screen
                                                                                                                             for viewing.
All charts sourced to Ampere Analysis

                                                                                                                                A third factor in the TV set
                                                                                                                             renaissance is content and content
                                                                                                                             delivery itself. Markets with the
                                                                                                                             highest uptake of Netflix and other
                                                                                                                             SVoD services generally have the
                                                                                                                             highest uptake of OTT streaming
                                                                                                                             devices. The rapid growth of SVoD is,
                                                                                                                             at least in part, responsible for the
                                                                                                                             doubling of uptake of streaming OTT
                                                                                                                             devices since the middle of 2015.

                                                                                                                             Viewing and device mix
                                                                                                                             Different streaming device makers
                                                                                                                             drive the market in different markets,

                                        08   September 2018   
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
Data corner

                                                                                                                                       Based on analysis of 10 markets
                                                    % viewing on device daily
 By device              Q3 2015           Q1 2016          Q3 2016         Q1 2017     Q3 2017       Q1 2018

 Computer               15%               16%              21%             22%         21%           20%

 Smart TV               19%               23%              26%             28%         18%           28%

 Tablet                 6%                6%               10%             14%         11%           12%

 Smartphone             8%                10%              17%             20%         22%           21%

adding a further nuance to the
evolving device/viewing/screen
picture… that of the video platform
associated with the device. In most
European markets Chromecast
holds the lead in terms of market
share, followed by Apple TV. Both
have their own video platform.
The exceptions to this leading pair
are interesting.
   In the UK and Germany, the
Amazon Fire stick is the most used
OTT device, and the second place
in both markets is held by Sky’s Now
TV box. In Italy (Sky’s other core
market), Now TV boxes fall second
to Chromecast. Poland is the only
European market where the largest
OTT market share is held by device
makers which do not have their own
video platform: Roku and Western
Digital. Roku makes the top three
in Europe only in the Netherlands
and Spain. Yet in the USA, Roku

                                                                                                                       Source: Robert Fruehauf /
leads as the most common streaming
device with 31% market share,
followed by Amazon Fire (29%) and
Chromecast (19%).
   So the story of viewing and device
mix is multi-faceted. There has been
an explosion of device viewing options
in the past decade, most of which
hadn’t even been dreamed of a few
years earlier. But convenience, video
availability, life stage, age, SVoD uptake,
streaming device manufacturer content
alliances… even baby-sitting are
influencing a migration for online video
viewing back to a big-screen viewing
device first invented in the 1920s.

                                                                    September 2018   09
Is Android TV set for global domination? - CSI Magazine
Android TV
                                                   The magazine for global video

All for one and one for all                                                                                                           experience to mirror that on

                                                                                                                                      their favourite mobile devices.

How Google has both commoditised and                                                                                                   Android attraction
                                                                                                                                       The main factors driving the
                           TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid

fragmented the television middleware
                                 The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                     September 2018
                                                                                                                                       trend are content, capex, and
                                                                                                                                       time-to-market. To attract
market. Adrian Pennington reports                                                                                                      subscribers, operators can
                                                                                                                                       either add all major OTT apps
                                                                                                                              onto their set-top box using proprietary
                                                                                                                              middleware (which can take a couple of

                                                                                                         Amazon Channels
                                                                                                                              years), or they can get it for free on
                                                                                                                              open platforms such as Android TV.
                                                                                                                                 “This is an easy decision for many
                                                                                                                              operators because they can’t afford to

                                                                                                         NRK Q&A
                                                                                                                              do it with proprietary middleware - or
                                                                                                                              the investment cannot be justified -
                                                                                                                              especially as ARPU continues to

                                                                                                         BT Sport Q&A
                                                                                                                              decline,” says Frank Poppelsdorf,
                                                                                                                              Product Director, Irdeto. “In addition,
                                                                                                                              they can hardly compete with the tech

                                                                                                         Cloud-based access
                                                                                                                              giant when it comes to the speed of

                                                                                                                              launching new features.”
                                                                                                                                 The particular requirement to make
                                                                                                                              Netflix available on a device is driving

                                                                                                                              smaller operators towards standardised
                                                                                                                              platforms. “Having core applications
                                 hen Google                   “Android TV is the most successful                              in your market already available
                                 TV was                   standard middleware stack ever seen,”                               for Android on mobile is also a
                                 launched in              declares Simon Leadlay, Director of Pay                             strong argument for the platform,”
                                 2009/10, it              TV Business Development at Accedo.                                  confirms Frode Hernes, SVP Product
                      Is Android TV set for global domination?
                                 was seen by                  “The platform is changing the game                              Management at Vewd, the Norwegian
                                 operators as             for Pay TV operators,” agrees Robert                                developer of the Vewd OS. “[Comcast’s
     June 2016                   a challenge              Guest, VP product management at                                     rival] RDK never managed to
          • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features
to gain control of the home.                              Access Europe. “It provides them with                               establish a full solution for small
Operators were reluctant to sign                          the flexibility to replace the default                              and mid-sized operators.”
up because they didn’t retain full
Coveer2018-September.indd 1
                                                          Google application launcher with their
                                                                                             14/08/2018 11:01:54
                                                                                                                                 ATOT offers operators the ability to
autonomy over their services and                          own custom or product-based UI and                                  deploy the solution in as little as six
the branding on the living room                           creates the opportunity to prioritise                               months and reduces integration costs
screen. Google has since taken a                          their own content over that of third                                by requiring fewer developers to create
more mature approach,                                     parties in all aspects of the experience.”                          customised interfaces. The technology-
relaunching Android TV in 2014                                The standardisation of platforms,                               agnostic blend of broadcast TV with
and the Android TV Operator Tier                          where operators can choose their own                                catch-up, VOD and now SVOD (or
(ATOT) in 2016, aiming to give                            UX/UI layer, is long overdue. According                             other new OTT services) is a major
power back to the operator’s                              to Guest, the disparity between the                                 attraction for operators keen to serve
services and environment, while                           STB user interface and that of OTT                                  their customers the content they want.
providing Google with a wider                                 and mobile devices “has always                                     “ATOT offers a highly compelling
market penetration. Indeed, since                         challenged the ability of pay TV                                    time-saving and cost-efficient
then, millions of Android TV set-                         operators to offer a dynamic, multi-                                proposition for Tier 2 and Tier 3
box units were sold last year, while screen video experience.”                                                                operators and service providers,
it is believed that Android TV                                In terms of front-end and UIs,                                  enabling them to give a very attractive
Operator edition qualified devices                        subscribers are increasingly expecting                              service to their subscribers, fast-tracking
have reached 1million a month.                            the TV content selection and viewing                                their efforts to grab market share,”

10                     September 2018            
Android TV

                           further notes Pierre Donath, Director       operators are showing willingness to      charts around 70% of operators
                           Product & Marketing, 3SS.                   sacrifice an element of control for the   “looking seriously” at Android TV as an
                              That’s not to say that Android isn’t     low-cost option of Android TV, rather     option but believe it will take any
                           without its challenges: one of the most     than the heavily engineered bespoke       operator around 10 or 11 years to
                           notable deterrents for operators is that    systems that once characterised the       replace their entire set top population.
                           they are unable to prevent competitors’     IPTV era.                                 Provided there’s a continued open
                           apps or content from being                    Europe is a hotbed, where adopters      approach from Google, Rethink
                           downloaded, which can be a deal             include Telecom Italia, Austria’s A1,     forecasts 99.2 million Android TV
                           breaker, and users must meet Google’s                                                 devices will ship through pay TV
                           licensing requirements, which are                                                     operators by 2022.
                           subject to change over time.
                              Google Play Store, for example, must
                                                                       “More and more                               “Many middleware providers and app
                                                                                                                 agencies are trying to move their
                           be included and prominently                 operators are                             products to Android TV and create
                           positioned. This is considered a big plus                                             solutions for operators wishing to
                           for many operators since it provides        showing willingness                       deploy Android TV,” says Hernes. “This
                           subscribers with access to over 3,000                                                 space will become highly competitive.
                           services and games, while remaining in      to sacrifice an                           Only a few of these will survive.”
                           the operator’s branded environment.                                                      Kaltura thinks middleware will retain
                              While concerns about Google’s intent     element of control                        importance by tying together OTT and
                           to hoover up user data or analyse                                                     broadcast functions at the set-top box.
                           viewing habits have been alleviated,        for the low-cost                          “Middleware can handle the minimum
                           concerns persist about ownership of the                                               local business logic required that the
                           whole UI. In particular, Google’s           option of Android                         cloud cannot,” says SVP Gideon
                           insistence on hooking the UI to Google
                           Assistant, the company’s voice              TV, rather than the                       Gilboa. “What we’re seeing is a new
                                                                                                                 layer of this middleware type
                           recognition and control technology
                           found in devices like Google Home, and
                                                                       heavily engineered                        functionality being developed by
                                                                                                                 vendors around the Android TV
                           which can be activated via the remote’s
                           built-in microphone.
                                                                       bespoke systems                           ecosystem. In short, middleware
                                                                                                                 will be more narrowly defined but will
                              “Google will allow its UI to be
                           removed and to have it focused around
                                                                       that once                                 still exist.”

                           the operator’s content, but it requires     characterised IPTV.”                      Middleware role change
                           access to Play Store and Google                                                       A lot of this will be driven by the speed
                           Assistant which is the point at which                                                 at which compelling IP-only services
                           some operator’s resist,” says Leadlay.      Estonia’s Telia and DNA Oy Finland        become available and how operators’
                              One area highlighted by analyst firm     (see table). Today, France dominates      business models evolve. Android TV
                           Rethink TV is whether or not Google         Android TV in Europe with 3.3 million     still provides middleware vendors with
                           will be hostile to using Amazon’s Alexa     homes installed from among 26 million     the opportunity to add value through
                           voice assistant, used in conjunction        households, according to figures from     the integration of tuners, IP multicast
                           with Android TV.                            Rethink Research. SFR was the latest to   support, smart home functionality and
                              Nonetheless, more and more               launch in the country this summer,        support for ‘lightweight’ hardware such
                                                                                      while Switzerland right    as HDMI sticks.
                                                                                      now remains the only          “Standards such as HbbTV are also
                                                                                      other market in Europe     not included in Android TV, so there
                                                                                      with a major tier 1        are opportunities for browser vendors
                                                                                      operator, Swisscom         with Android compatible browsers to
Source: Rethink Research

                                                                                      (ex-Mediaroom and          include companion screen and media
                                                                                      supporting Android TV      synchronisation functionality,” reckons
                                                                                      (AOSP) for the past        Guest. “This will also allow operators
                                                                                      four years.                and app developers to deploy apps in a
                                                                                        However, new             standardised way to TVs and STBs
                                                                                      announcements are          powered by Android and other OS’.”
                                                                                      picking up fast. Rethink      Android TV can also be built into

                                                                                                     September 2018        11
Android TV

                                                                                                   how to comply with all      application,” explains Jacques
Source: RustyR /

                                                                                                   Google’s style              Bourgninaud, the company’s CEO.
                                                                                                   guidelines for the          “The Wyplay ATOT application also
                                                                                                   remote control, such as     includes a device abstraction layer that
                                                                                                   the keys on the handset     provides complete independence from
                                                                                                   to output, and for the      the Android TV device allowing
                                                                                                   user interface,” outlines   operators to easily move to a new
                                                                                                   Stefan Blickensdörfer,      hardware provider or platform.”
                                                                                                   Technical Director             Meanwhile, Nagra says it will
                                                                                                   at 3SS. “There is           intensify marketing around its ability to
                                                                                                   integration with the        integrate Android TV with its existing
                                                                                                   player to manage            Open TV back end (for operators like
                                                                                                   and you need to ensure      Euskaltel in Spain).
                                                                                                   complete                       TV middleware itself is likely to have
                                    hybrid DTH, DTT and IPTV boxes, as           interoperability with all back-office         less and less impact as the focus moves
                                    well as into pure OTT boxes and also         functions. UI performance and                 to user experience and content, believes
                                    into hybrid cable set tops, so that it       optimisation are critical whether             Poppelsdorf. “There’s no doubt that the
                                    can emerge around any of the main            using IPTV/OTT/DVB. And it all                evolution in pay TV is threatening the
                                    pay TV technologies.                         has to reliably function with DRM/            role of proprietary middleware.”
                                       “In order for hybrids to be built, for    conditional access.”                             He thinks the sector is likely to follow
                                    instance with DVB technologies, some                                                       the path of DRM fragmentation, at the
                                    form of middleware has to be added to        Entrants new and old                          beginning of which many options
                                    control the broadcast environment,           Companies like 3SS, Amino and                 competed for market share. “Open
                                    which is where set top makers like           Technicolor now brandish Android TV           platform middleware is fragmenting
                                    Amino and Sagemcom see their                 technology as their strongest suit.           today and we expect more innovations
                                    opportunity, adding these services           Technicolor alone has shipped 2 million       to emerge in the next three to five
                                    through Android TV, and supporting           Android TV units last year. Since the         years, before we see the market
                                    the UI directly as well as supporting the    beginning of 2018, the French company         converge again.”
                                    existing back end of broadcast               has facilitated five new STB launches,           MediaFirst (née Mediaroom), which
                                    installations,” says Rethink’s lead          plus nine noteworthy software updates         stagnated at Ericsson, may now get a
                                    analyst Peter White.                         with Netflix or Amazon Prime on               new lease of life under Ericsson’s new
                                       Fragmentation is predicted as the         Android TV.                                   brand MediaKind. The “virtual
                                    reach of Android TV grows. “In fact,            Among them is Com Hem, which               collapse” of the existing Cisco
                                    the market is waiting for more               joined the club with launch of its new        ecosystem has also largely given way to
                                    middleware to emerge,” thinks Donath         TV Hub box, based on ATOT and pre-            Android TV, judges Rethink Research.
                                    at 3SS. “There are very few middleware       installed with YouTube, Netflix, SVT             “There are a lot of small actors that
                                    right now that are fully ready for           Play and TV4 Play. 3SS’ 3READY front          have been running on good margins in
                                    Android STB deployments. But they            end Android TV Custom Launcher                small deployments, which will see their
                                    are coming.”                                 integrates with Technicolor’s                 margins deteriorate as their software is
                                       More competition will put downward        middleware, which brings together the         commoditised,” says Vewd’s Hernes.
                                    pressure on prices while the range of        chipset and the Android TV platform.          “Some will manage to move up in the
                                    ‘quality’ and functionality will increase,      French outfit Wyplay continues to          value chain or become a de-facto choice
                                    offering service providers greater           market its Frog middleware but has            on one of the major platforms, but
                                    choice. This is because the role of          also headed toward Android territory.         many will struggle.”
                                    middleware in an Android platform is         It has released an ATOT Launcher                 Not everybody is in Google owner
                                    different to traditional deployments.        for operators to develop custom               Alphabet’s pocket however. Comcast
                                    The ATOT platform does a lot of the          applications with Wyplay offering             has invested too much in RDK – which
                                    middleware’s ‘old’ job itself but there      assistance with the design                    it would consider in allowing operators
                                    are many aspects of Android-based            and integration.                              to pick and choose hardware at will –
                                    integrations that the operator has to           “Our premium reference UI/UX can           and its community is considered too big
                                    understand and manage.                       be customised to fit the operator’s           in the US at least to be pushed around
                                       “From how to correctly integrate the      brand. Alternatively, we can incorporate      by Google.
                                    Play Store and Google Assistant, to          their own UI/UX into our Operator Tier           AT&T and Charter are holding out

                                    12   September 2018    
Android TV

        too, though rumours persist that they                Some European and Asian Android TV operator deployments
        make break ranks for future OTT boxes.
                                                     Operator                                 Country
        Liberty Global (an RDK proponent)
        and other Tier 1 operators (Deutsche         SFR                                      France
        Telekom, Orange) are aloof from              Bouygues                                 France
        Google in Europe - for now. As a result,
                                                     Free                                     France
        while at least 40 payTV operators
        globally have deployed Android set-top       Wibox                                    France
        boxes as of September 2017, according        Swisscom                                 Switzerland
        to Dataxis, the number of users
                                                     Com Hem                                  Sweden
        remains limited.
          “Recently we’ve noticed some larger        Telecom Italia                           Italy
        operators pushing back against the           A1                                       Austria
        Google ecosystem – and firmly down
                                                     Telia                                    Estonia
        on the side of traditional middle
        stacks,” reports Accedo’s Leadlay.           DNA Oy                                   Finland
        “Western European operators who              Stofa                                    Denmark
        would otherwise seem to fit into the
        mould for Android - having high ARPU         Euskaltel                                Spain
        and looking to grow OTT - have had a         Telecable                                Spain
        chance to look at Android in some            Wind-Hellas                              Greece
        detail and concluded it’s not for them.”
          “Mostly this is because they would         Partner Communications                   Israel
        rather control 100 percent of the            Rostelecom                               Russia
        platform and they’re not willing to let      PCCW                                     Hong Kong
        their users have third party apps on a
        box outside of their control.”               KDDI                                     Japan
                                                     Foxtel                                   Australia
        On the cusp of global success?               Telkom Indonesia                         Indonesia
        For this reason, Android TV is unlikely
        to make a complete sweep of the
        market. Could this change too?                                                        provider, and so they will continue
          “There is some space for traditional      “The re-emergence                         to favour AOSP or RDK.”
        middleware - though much diminished,”                                                    TiVo’s take is that Android TV “will
        says Leadley, who also reports some         of NDS under                              continue to be a platform of choice
        revitalised interest in Roku (used for                                                for a sub-set of operators looking to
        Sky’s Now TV streaming service).            former chief Abe                          address specific business and market
        “Recently Roku has allowed for almost                                                 needs: others will opt for Linux, bring-
        full UI customisation (with which           Peled is greeted                          your-own-device or other platform
        Accedo upgraded the UI for Telstra)
        which has increased its attraction,         with ‘a remarkable                        categories that better serve their
                                                                                              portfolio. Ultimately, having greater
        though given the hardware options are
        limited to one vendor, this will remain a
                                                    optimism’ in                              choice and flexibility in the ecosystem
                                                                                              is good for consumers and the market,
        niche product.”
          The re-emergence of NDS under
                                                    the industry.”                            in general.”
                                                                                                 As it stands, the momentum for
        former chief Abe Peled is greeted with                                                Android TV - driven by content, apps
        “a remarkable optimism” in the              services to pay-TV subscribers strongly   and by the shortened time-to-market -
        industry, according to Leadlay, but he’s    outweigh any perceived commercial         appears unstoppable.
        sceptical of the chance of it doing         risks,” concludes Donath. “Many big          “There is no viable competing
        business with anybody other than            multiple system operators will likely     platform,” says Hernes. “Unless
        Cisco’s traditional customer base.          continue to want to remain                someone manages to establish one
          “For many operators, the benefits of      independent, and not over-reliant         or Google change the rules, Android
        delivering Google’s highly popular          on a single content or technology         seems destined to succeed.”

                                                                                  September 2018        13

10-12_Middleware.indd 5                                                                                                         30/08/2018 15:43:36
Promotional feature

Future proofing your pay TV                                                                               these threats include
                                                                                                          loss of revenue, loss of
                                                                                                          STB investment, brand

business with open platforms                                                                              damage, piracy and
                                                                                                          the platform or data

By Frank Poppelsdorf                         pureplay OTT companies. Google has
                                                                                                          being compromised.
                                                                                           While Google has taken some steps
                 he rapid global             made the first move to collaborate with     toward securing Android TV, operators
                 growth of OTT               operators by offering its version of the    must take additional steps to protect
                 services shows no           open platform for set-top boxes.            their service, platform and data.
                 sign of abating and                                                     These include: defining specific
                 this has fuelled an         The rapid rise of Android TV                security requirements for STB vendors
                 evolution in the pay        Take Android TV as an example – the         to meet on Android TV, adding best-in-
                 TV industry, where          money operators will save in using this     class content protection technologies,
operators are having to adapt                platform and the substantially shorter      monitoring threats continuously,
quickly to stay competitive.                 time to market for services mean the        and having effective threat
Consumer demand for OTT                      benefits of getting into partnerships       response capabilities.
services has even led to major TV            with Google greatly outweigh the              Securing open platforms requires
operators including them as part             concerns. If worries exist around           careful planning, but it is well worth it
of their set-top box (STB) offering          collaboration, operators must consider      for the benefits that open platforms like
to ensure they can retain                    that Google’s business model is focused     Android TV offer operators both now
subscribers and market share.                on advertising revenue. As such,            and in the future. With Android TV,
This move makes sense as, while              Google’s main interest is in making         operators can let Google develop the
the need to differentiate on content         Android TV the biggest platform for         investment-heavy features, and get them
is more critical than ever,                  apps in order to drive ad revenue, not to   for free, while they focus on content
operators also realise the need to           compete with operators’ pay media           and potentially UX differentiation
adapt alongside the behaviour of             services. In addition, with Android TV,     through the Operator Tier (ATOT).
today’s consumers who are relying            the operator stills owns the STB and it       There’s no doubt that in the shorter
on multiple sources of content to            is possible to replace Android TV with      term, Android TV is the best open
fulfill their entertainment needs.           Android Open Source Project (AOSP)          platform option. New operators can use
   The realistic outlook is that in ten to   or other middleware to break the tie        Android TV to build a premium STB
twenty years, all content will be            with Google if required.                    comparable to one that took a large
delivered through OTT, which means              Another attraction of open platforms     operator years to build. But it’s not just
that this collaboration represents an        is that they can provide a treasure-trove   relevant for new operators. Even
important step. As this wholesale move       of data, as consumers are likely to use     successful large operators could have
to OTT takes place, the advantages           many more services on them compared         serious reasons to switch to Android
operators have in broadcast services will    to closed platforms. By analysing this      TV. In a highly competitive landscape
eventually evaporate, meaning they           data, operators can gain audience and       where operators face strong challenges
must make a smooth and cost-effective        business intelligence to help them          to hold onto subscribers and market
transition into hybrid quickly. Many are     improve their offering to satisfy the       share, they must look to open platforms
turning to open platforms for a ready        customers they are fighting so hard         to future-proof their businesses.
supply of OTT apps and other popular         to keep.                                      Irdeto will be exhibiting Irdeto Armor
features to reduce the cost, time and                                                    for Android TV at IBC. Visit us at Hall 1
risk of going hybrid.                        Securing open platforms                     Stand D51.
   Alongside this, you have the              The nature of open platforms does
increasing move into media services by       mean there are inherent security risks
the big four technology companies –          that must be addressed by operators.
Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google           These include content piracy (such as                         Frank Poppelsdorft is VP, Product
– which brings them into direct sight of     misuse of the Kodi app), STBs reloaded                        Management, Irdeto
operators’ customer base. Operators          and repurposed with unauthorised
must therefore learn to collaborate and      software, and malicious apps side-            Sponsored by:

co-exist with the big technology             loaded or from the app store attacking
companies as they have done with the         the STB. The potential consequences of

14   September 2018   
Android TV -case study

United Cloud STB project:                                                                proactive in accepting inputs from
                                                                                         our side as we were giving them an
                                                                                         operator’s perspective which induced

An Android TV experience                                                                 significant changes in Android TV.
                                                                                         We eventually got the best of two

                                                                                         worlds by selecting Google’s Watson
By Mladen Mijatovic                      than 1,200 live ABR (adaptive bit-rate)      launcher for Android Oreo with certain
                very operator out        TV and Radio channels and more than          modifications that made it more
                there knows that if      50,000 VOD assets, each in 5 different       appealing for the operator environment.
                you want to stay         streaming quality profiles. Over
                competitive, you have    130,000 hours, or almost 15 years            Why Android TV?
                to keep pace with        of content is being viewed daily on          Recent consolidation of chipset
                technology, but the      the UC platform.                             manufacturers has left the market with
                real question is which      When we started development of a          few chip vendors and many OEMs.
direction you should run in? Go the      Linux based set-top box (STB) the first      Having a full ecosystem that works on
wrong way and you might end up           challenges brought first doubts. Our         any OEM hardware, with new IP-only
far behind the competitors once          existing application for Android TV          devices free of hybrid development and
you realise you have made a wrong        worked quite well already on retail ATV      more hardware neutrality, brings
turn. Not so long ago, this almost       boxes and preloading an app seemed           unprecedented ease of CPE
happened to us.                          as easy as it gets. Somehow, the             development. Android TV is a dream-
   United Cloud is the Technology        whole Android TV thing just clicked          come-true for most operators: a first-
Research & Innovation Development        into right place for us and we realised      screen TV viewing device that is also
Center of the United Group, a            we should change direction. And              app-based. A smart (Android TV) box
company focused on the telco,            so, we did.                                  compared to a traditional STB is what a
content and marketing business,             But it wasn’t easy. Fast time-to-market   smartphone is compared to a feature
having operators with a network          in reality applies only to pure OTT          phone. The ATV STB is now available
footprint in four countries of the       Android TV devices. Add DVB and              as an operator device that comes
former Yugoslavia (Serbia, BiH,          conditional access system (CAS) on top       bundled with subscription, and not only
Montenegro, Slovenia), a satellite DTH   of it to make a hybrid box and the           through retail. A synergy of STB with
platform and a worldwide OTT reach       whole thing starts to look more like a       other connected devices that come with
with a total of some 3.6 million RGUs.   traditional STB development.                 WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity and a
   Today’s pay-TV ecosystem is           Introduction of TV Input Framework           myriad of 3rd party applications
experiencing both network change         did help, but still a big part of DVB        available on Play Store pave the way for
and device change, reflecting the        integration depended on the original         other future services such as IoT and
change in delivery methods to            equipment manufacturer (OEM). The            many potential business models with
accommodate new subscriber               big dilemma was whether to develop a         up-sell, cross-sell and 3rd party
requirements - the “anytime, anywhere,   custom operator launcher with new,           partnership opportunities.
on any device” concept is a de facto     native app development, or to stick with       To conclude – remember when each
standard now. Traditional, linear TV     Google’s launcher and lose some of the       mobile phone had its own OS, while
is already losing the battle with non-   unique operator look and feel.               today we have only iOS and Android?
linear Catch-up and Time-shifted            Google Assistant, a remarkable            Well, we just might be on the verge of
TV as viewers’ habits change and         tool that unfortunately does not yet         something similar in the TV industry.
become more demanding.                   work everywhere brings microphones           Android TV is picking up momentum
   United Cloud is tasked with driving   and speech input that already works          and interesting times lay ahead of us.
the cutting edge of technology behind    in surprisingly many languages,
all this change and we have developed    opening new, though unclear,
a complete e2e video platform to         possibilities. We turned to consultants
deliver linear and non-linear video      for help, but there were few available                         Mladen Mijatovic is Business
services to the full range of consumer   for Android TV and we were forced                              Development Manager at
                                                                                                        United Cloud
devices. With the first service          to learn along the way and ultimately
launched in September 2017, under        pave the road for others. A great deal         Sponsored by:

the brand-name ‘Eon’ we are now          of help came from Google and the
processing and delivering more           Android TV team - they were very

                                                                                  September 2018          15

Blockchain in broadcast                                                                                 VOD consumers,
                                                                                                        analogous to Napster
                                                                                                        peer-to-peer music file
Blockchain can destroy the existing video value                                                         sharing, but this time on

chain – and that’s a good thing, argues Nick Moreno                                                     a legal, trackable basis.
                                                                                                           The end prize is
                 lockchain technology       simpler rights licensing to be contracted    significant – imagine a world where a
                 is primarily               automatically, and there is hope that in     Pareto-like selection of the most viewed
                 associated with            time this process may be applicable to       content is stored ultra-locally across the
                 the Wild West of           larger value deals. The selling and          globe. Where the most popular videos
                 cryptocurrencies,          acquiring of content rights, therefore,      can be served up to any viewer
                 but distributed            becomes a significantly simplified           on-demand through being delivered
                 databases that offer       process, eliminating friction in the value   from servers or PCs just a few streets
a single, incorruptible “universal          chain and potentially empowering the         away – delivered as a download or even
truth” and eliminate the functions          spread of the OTT business globally.         streamed ultra-locally. Where the vast
of many intermediaries could                   Of course, a rights blockchain has        amounts media companies currently
potentially revolutionise the video         hurdles to overcome – not necessarily        spend on distribution could be
value chain.                                in the technology stack, but rather in       reduced significantly.
   For many people, Blockchain is           the challenge of agreeing a taxonomy            The video distribution value chain
linked to the rise of Bitcoin, but it is    for which multiple rights from multiple      could be fundamentally redrawn by a
nothing more (or less) than an enabling     rightsholders can be logged in a way         successful application of blockchain
technology, and we need to evaluate its     that doesn’t need thousands of different     technology, and there is a strong
potential in terms of its applications      metadata categories and classifications.     argument that this would be entirely
and the value-add it may bring.                Several large media companies are         welcome if it improved the speed and
                                            exploring this use case now, putting         quality of video delivery to viewers, and
Uses cases                                  together blockchain technology stacks        reduced the cost of doing so at the
Tracking advertising. Perhaps the           and conducting trials. I would argue         same time.
use case most widely discussed is that      that a point solution from a single             But, of course, there are challenges.
of advertising, with a distributed          rightsholder is significantly less           Blockchain technology would need to
database bringing together both ad          beneficial than the network effects of a     be able to authorise, enable and track
inventories and advertisers in a way that   pan-industry rights ledger (with privacy/    legal provision of P2P video
eliminates the significant number of        restriction of view as mandated by           distribution, as well as offer a payment
intermediaries that take a slice of each    individual rightsholders), enabling a        process for the millions that might
ad dollar spent by advertisers well         single “version of the truth” rights         allow their servers, PCs or laptops to be
before ads are shown on linear channels     ledger globally.                             used for such a service. And video files
or AVOD models.                                In the interests of openness, Arqiva is   are vastly larger than music files;
   Several companies (including,            participating in one such European/          rightsholders would need to radically
ironically, some of the advertising         North American trial now. It is fair to      rethink their strategies; and IP networks
intermediaries themselves, who are          say that there is huge interest in such an   would have to be able to cope with (and
clearly trying to “add more value” in the   application from both global multi-          allow) a vast increase in traffic.
value chain) are working on this            channels and national broadcasters, as
application, and there are a fair number    it offers the tantalising prospect of        Growing interest in the ‘B-word’
of papers on this use case.                 increased rights revenues and reduced        Our customers are showing interest in
                                            transaction costs for rightsholders, and     Blockchain and sessions are gathering
Rights licensing. Another potential         a ‘one-stop shop’ and reduced                momentum at industry events. Whether
use case for the video industry is a        transaction costs for rights licencees.      it turns out to be hype or not, the
distributed database (or ledger) of                                                      ‘B-word’ will rise up the priority list of
global video rights that catalogues all     Ultra-local distribution. An even            technologies that broadcasters will
content rights worldwide and allows         more intriguing application is within        explore over the next 12 months, and it
defined interactions with that ledger to    distribution. It is very early days, but     will be a brave (or foolish?) CTO who
license video as its original rights        some are thinking about the technology       dismisses it as not worth investigating.
holders deem allowable.                     being used to power a new model of              Nick Moreno is Director of Strategy,
   Smart contracts will initially allow     ultra-local distribution of content to       Satellite & Media, at Arqiva

16   September 2018   
Sponsored by:

                      Security focus
                      The changing face of security - and piracy

Broadcast security is about                                                                               While the World Cup is
                                                                                                        clearly an extreme
                                                                                                        example, these findings

more than just content now                                                                              underline the scale of
                                                                                                        international online
                                                                                                        content piracy. So what is
From cybersecurity and IoT to IT security and                                                   the best way to combat it – and
                                                                                                who should bear responsibility for
disaster recovery, broadcast companies need to                                                  doing so?

look at security holistically, says David Adams                                                    “Historically, pay TV operators
                                                                                                and channel operators have
                arly film-makers had        organisations, using set-top boxes,          looked to the people who own the
                complete control to         Conditional Access (CA) technology           content to provide anti-piracy services –
                the access of their         and mainstream payment systems. But          they pay a lot of money for the content,
                content.                    universal access to high quality             after all,” says Paul Hastings of Friend
                  Movie studios,            electronic equipment also enables much       MTS. “But the people who own the
                broadcasters and the        simpler piracy methods: with a good          content are now the least capable of
                owners of premium           screen and a good camera, anyone             securing it, because they are furthest
content have tried to exercise similar      could create their own instant illegal       removed from the people doing the
levels of control, with varying levels of   streaming facility, redistributing content   piracy. The people best placed to
success. But while there have always        using Facebook, YouTube, Periscope,          protect premium content have a direct
been ways to steal content, internet or other platforms and apps.       relationship with the customer
technology has given content pirates           The most sophisticated piracy             restreaming the content. Some content
more powerful tools.                        operations, which Peterka believes are       owners are writing into contracts a
  “Advances in technology that enable       responsible for a majority of this           stipulation that broadcasters or service
the proliferation of legal content –        activity, have been helped by the            providers must be able to provide
availability of devices that decode and     availability of cheap hardware, cloud        subscriber level watermarking for set-
decrypt, good broadband network             services and OTT technologies.               top boxes and OTT.”
capabilities – these same technologies         The results are revealed by studies          Peterka believes effective anti-piracy
are also enabling the theft and illegal     such as research compiled by Viaccess-       technology is based on a combination
redistribution of content,” says Petr       Orca during the 2018 football World          of technologies, including watermarking
Peterka, CTO at Verimatrix.                 Cup, which analysed illegal streaming        to enable detection and removal of the
  Some piracy is the work of                links not stopped by tracking services       sources of illegal streams; and analysis
sophisticated, well-equipped                used by rights owners or TV operators.       of data drawn from the distribution
                                            An initial study of five first round         chain, to which automation and
                                            matches showed that Facebook hosted          machine learning can be applied to
                                            the most links to illegal streams, 1,792,    detect a wide range of anomalies and
                                            well ahead of the domain in second           security breaches.
                                            place,, which hosted 699           But he also stresses the need for
                                            (see table on next page).                    consistency in the way watermarking is
                                               A second study of more first round        used for the same content – in the
                                            matches saw Periscope break into the         international OTT world, why would a
                                            top five domain locations. Both studies      broadcaster bother to use watermarking
                                            identified the same top five ISPs            if viewers can access versions that are
                                            hosting the sites used for streaming: two    not protected by watermarking?
                                            in the Netherlands (NForce and Quasi),          The mix of legacy equipment in
                                            Private Layer in Switzerland, Marosnet       broadcaster networks and consumer
                                            in Russia and Contabo in Germany. In         homes also makes a blended approach
                                            total, across 17 first round matches,        necessary. “CA, if you ask me, is dying
                                            Viaccess-Orca recorded over 1 million        – new green field services don’t really
                                            views of illegal streams via Periscope,      have that anymore,” says Dr Susanne
                                            3.1 million via YouTube and 7.5 million      Guth-Orlowski, vice-president, business
                                            via Facebook.                                development and sales, at castLabs.

18   September 2018    

                                                                                          based content protection may not be
                                                                                          with us for a while yet, reckons James
                                                                                          McParlane, chief science officer at
                                                                                          Massive. He points out that any content
                                                                                          stored on the blockchain could only be
                                                                                          encrypted using traditional DRM
                                                                                          methods. “So, blockchain for content
“But it’s still used in existing broadcast   attack originated in Russia.                 distribution is functionally just a peer-
services, so broadcasters have to serve         Pierre-Alexandre Bidard of Viaccess-      to-peer CDN,” he says.
all the old and new ways of                  Orca, emphasises the importance of              But that may change. “Its future
transmission.”                               securing the set-top box, not just to        application in this industry will be in
   Frank Poppelsdorf, VP, product            protect the content that passes through      supporting and securing a decentralised
management at Irdeto, says that a focus      it, but also “because the STB can            architecture upon which many
on watermarking should not mean              become a weapon”, if used to launch          applications and content distribution
neglect of other security methods.           Dedicated Denial of Service (DDoS)           systems will run,” he explains. But this
“Operators ask if they still need to         attacks on other organisations’ IT           will not happen for a while yet.
expend so much effort on secure              networks, for example.                          Another countermeasure that may be
chipsets,” he says. “Well, yes, you do: if      Another area of concern is the extent     used more extensively in future would
there is a weakness there the pirates will   to which companies now rely on cloud-        require more collaboration between
go for it.”                                  based IT systems. Many cloud services        broadcast industry players and internet
   Content security is also a concern for    provide excellent security, but increased    infrastructure providers, says Simon
infrastructure and transit providers.        use of the cloud can mean less control       Trudelle at Nagra.
Intelsat CISO Vinit Duggal says his                                                          “We’ve already been able to put in
company has been speaking to                                                              place systematic URL-blocking
broadcasters and its other customers
about security for many years. “You
                                             “The STB can                                 procedures, when we have proof that
                                                                                          this is not a legitimate owner of
have to look at security holistically. You   become a weapon                              content,” he says. “I think a growing
need to understand the security                                                           global awareness from [internet]
requirements you have when the data is       if used to launch                            companies that they are not just pipes
at rest and when it is on the move.”                                                      and that they have to shut down access
   There are other security threats facing   DDoS attacks on                              to these services would be helpful.”
broadcasters and video service                                                               Nick Fitzgerald, CEO of TV2U,
providers. Where once broadcast              other organisations’                         identifies possible changes in strategy
networks and content storage were                                                         around identifying legitimate users of
completely separated from a company’s        IT networks.”                                content, noting that VPN use has made
core IT infrastructure, both are now                                                      it difficult for OTT service providers to
vulnerable to the same cyber security                                                     use IP addresses to determine whether
threats that could affect any connected      over systems and data. Over-reliance on      a consumer has the right to watch a
IT system. There is an argument that         the cloud could increase business            specific piece of content. “One way
any strategic consideration of content       continuity and security risks, says          OTT providers tackled this issue during
security should now be integrated            Jonathan Morgan, CEO at Object               the World Cup was to add an additional
within a broader strategy, addressing        Matrix. “If you wholly rely on a single      layer of user verification via token-based
the same risks that might enable the         cloud service you would be just as           device authentication,” he says.
theft of other valuable information          vulnerable as if you were wholly storing     Combined with geo-location data, this
assets, from customer data to                everything internally,” he says. Again,      gives a much granular visibility.
intellectual property or confidential        the value of a strategic overview is clear      In the end, Daniel Simmons at IHS
corporate information. Some                    In future, we will certainly see the       Markit argues increased competition
broadcasters or service providers are        development of new security threats          should make content better; and people
targeted by hackers for political reasons,   and new countermeasures to address           should feel better about paying for it.
as seems to have been the case when a        them. There has been some discussion         “Of course it’s still going to be desirable
cyber attack hit French TV network           of how the distributed ledger technology     to pirate it, but the surest way to fight
TV5Monde in 2015. The French                 blockchain could be used as a security       piracy is to make paying for the video
authorities later concluded that the         tool by broadcasters. But blockchain-        good value.”

                                                                               September 2018        19
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