Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal

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Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal
Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of
            the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the
            Brazilian Pantanal
            M A R I O H A B E R F E L D , R O G É R I O C U N H A D E P A U L A and R O N A L D O G O N Ç A L V E S M O R A T O

            Abstract To evaluate the feasibility of reintroduction as a                                    survival of the species in this biome will depend on reduc-
            tool for conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca, we                                          ing jaguar mortality and reconnecting the subpopulations
            adapted the IUCN soft release protocol to reintroduce two                                      (Paviolo et al., ). However, some of these are isolated
            jaguars in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. After being kept at                                  and the cost of establishment of suitable corridors may be
            rescue centres for  months, the jaguars were moved to a                                      prohibitive (Paviolo et al., ), and alternative strategies,
            -ha enclosure with native vegetation on a , ha ranch                                     such as supplementation and reintroduction, may be re-
            in the Pantanal, where hunting is not allowed and prey is                                      quired (Galetti et al., ).
            abundant. In the enclosure, the animals were fed with meat,                                        Reintroductions of apex predators, including the few
            dead animals (roadkill) and then, progressively, live wild                                     attempts to reintroduce jaguars, have generally been poorly
            prey. After  months, the jaguars were fitted with collars                                    documented and measurement of failure or success has
            equipped with GPS/VHF (recording one location per hour)                                        been hampered by the lack of prior definition of expected
            and accelerometers, and released in the same area. The                                         outcomes (Breitenmoser et al., ). To evaluate reintro-
            animals established residence near the enclosure, with                                         duction as a tool for conservation of the jaguar, we adapted
            home ranges, movement parameters, daily activity patterns                                      the IUCN () soft release protocol to reintroduce two res-
            and prey consumption similar to that recorded in previous                                      cued jaguars in the southern Pantanal, Brazil (Fig. ). We
            studies. Social interaction and reproduction indicated the                                     chose this area based on five criteria: () rescued animals
            reintroduction was successful, and that it can be a tool for                                   were from the same region, () knowledge of the species’
            the species’ survival in areas where the jaguar population                                     biology in the Pantanal was available, including for the re-
            is in decline.                                                                                 lease site (Cavalcanti & Gese, ), () availability of suit-
                                                                                                           able habitat (de Paula et al., ), () prey availability
            Keywords Brazil, home range, jaguar, Pantanal, Panthera
                                                                                                           (Perilli et al., ), and () acceptance by the local com-
            onca, reintroduction
                                                                                                               Our expected outcomes were that the two jaguars would:
                                                                                                           () prey on wild species (to evaluate this, we compared the
            T   he historical range of the jaguar Panthera onca has con-
                tracted and many populations are now threatened (De
            la Torre et al., ), including the subpopulations in the
                                                                                                           species preyed upon with the reported feeding habits of ja-
                                                                                                           guars in the same area; Perilli et al., ), () establish resi-
            Atlantic Forest (Morato et al., ). The last c.  indivi-                                 dence (establishment of residence may be an indicator of
            duals in this forest occur in seven subpopulations, and the                                    acclimation, and jaguars have resident ranges; Rabinowitz
                                                                                                           & Nottingham, ), () have similar home ranges and
                                                                                                           movement to those reported for jaguars in the Pantanal
            ROSE LILIAN GASPARINI-MORATO* (Corresponding author,                   (Morato et al., ), () have daily activity patterns com-
            0003-2885-0034), ROGÉRIO CUNHA DE PAULA (                            parable to that of resident jaguars, () exhibit social interac-
            8320) and RONALDO GONÇALVES MORATO (
            Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade – Centro Nacional                      tions (Kanda et al., ), and () reproduce.
            de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Carnívoros, Estrada Municipal                               In June , during the flood season, a female jaguar and
            Hisaichi Takebayashi 8600, 12952-011, Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil
                                                                                                           her two -month old female cubs were forced to seek refuge in
                                                                                                           an urban area of Corumbá, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul,
            (, CARLOS EDUARDO FRAGOSO (                          in the southern Brazilian Pantanal, climbing a tree c.  m from
            0000-0001-8971-2896), JOARES ADENILSON MAY JR (                           a house. An attempt to capture the jaguars resulted in the ac-
            0007-9690), PEDRO TELES ( and MARIO
            HABERFELD ( Associação Onçafari, São
                                                                                                           cidental death of the mother. The two orphans were moved to
            Paulo, Brazil                                                                                  a wildlife rescue centre in Campo Grande, where they spent 
            *Contributed equally                                                                           months. We then moved them to a new facility in São Paulo
            Received  October . Revision requested  December .                                 state, with better infrastructure and minimum contact with
            Accepted  May . First published online  March .                                    people, where they stayed for  months.

            This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use,
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            Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 461–465 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320000460
Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal
462         R. L. Gasparini‐Morato et al.

                                                                                                                                                 FIG. 1 The estimated home
                                                                                                                                                 range (with % CI bands) of
                                                                                                                                                 jaguars Panthera onca  and 
                                                                                                                                                 in the southern Pantanal,
                                                                                                                                                 Brazil. Note the high overlap
                                                                                                                                                 in their home ranges.

                 Pre-release, the two jaguars were tested for all relevant in-                       home range and spatial overlap, we used  months of tel-
             fectious and parasitic diseases. At c.  months old, having                            emetry data (June –September ). We also performed
             been confirmed healthy, they were moved on  July                                  visual appraisals using images captured by a c.  km grid
             to a  ha enclosure with native vegetation (Plate ) in the                             of  camera traps. We observed that jaguar no.  suffered
             Caiman Ecological Refuge, a , ha private ranch in                                  initial loss of weight but recovered  days after release. The
             Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul (Fig. ). The ranch is a                                    enclosure door remained open for  months and both ja-
             mixed enterprise, with cattle ranching and ecotourism. It                               guars returned several times. We fitted a continuous-time
             follows jaguar-friendly best practices (Rampim et al., ),                           stochastic movement model (ctmm; Calabrese et al., )
             and hunting is not allowed on the property. As a result, po-                            in R .. (R Core Team, ) to evaluate movement behav-
             tential prey is abundant and the estimated density of jaguars                           iour and estimate home range. This method accounts for the
             is c.  per  km (Soisalo & Cavalcanti, ). In the first                         inherent serial autocorrelation of our data and could handle
             months in the enclosure the jaguars were fed meat and dead                              irregularities in the sample schedule (Fleming et al., ).
             animals (roadkill), to facilitate acclimation. After this, live                         Range residence behaviour was checked by visual inspection
             wild prey was captured and presented, one animal at a                                   of a semi-variogram (function variogram in R). Movement
             time. Prey was released into the enclosure through one of                               models were fit with maximum likelihood (function ctmm.
             six guillotine gates. These gates were covered with wooden                              fit) and ranked based on the Aikake information criteria
             plates to prevent the jaguars associating the arrival of food                           (function We estimated home range condi-
             with people. We observed that hunting was better after                                 tional on the fitted model for both individuals using the
             days without food. After  months the two jaguars were                                 akde function (autocorrelated kernel density estimator).
             able to chase, surprise and kill all the animals offered. On                            We estimated spatial overlap using the overlap function.
             a few occasions we offered two prey, of the same species,                               Daily activity patterns were evaluated using Activity Pat-
             simultaneously, to evaluate hunting behaviour. In total,                                tern Software (Lotek, Newmarket, Canada) after recovering
             the jaguars captured and consumed  prey, including white-                             the accelerometer data from the GPS collars.
             lipped peccaries Tayassu pecari, capybaras Hydrochoerus                                     We adapted the method described by Cavalcanti & Gese
             hydrochaeris, caimans Caiman yacare and feral pigs Sus                                  () to identify prey consumed. When .  consecutive
             scrofa scrofa (Table ). After fitting collars equipped with                            locations were found ,  m from each other this was clas-
             GPS/VHF, recording one location per hour, and acceler-                                  sified as a kill site, where we then searched for prey remains
             ometers, the jaguars were monitored for  days inside the                              to identify the species. Social behaviour, interactions and
             enclosure, to provide baseline data on activity patterns and                            reproduction were investigated by observation and camera-
             social behaviour.                                                                       trap images. Range residence was confirmed after visual
                 The two jaguars were released at c.  months old, on                              inspection of a semi-variogram,  months post release
             June . To evaluate movement behaviour and estimate                                  (Morato et al., ). Home range estimates were . km

                         Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 461–465 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320000460
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Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal
Reintroduction of the jaguar            463

           TABLE 1 Total amount of meat consumed and dead and live prey
           offered to the two female jaguars Panthera onca during  days
           in an enclosure in the Caiman Ecological Refuge, in Miranda,
           Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

                                                                    kg (no. of
           Beef                                                     137
           Chicken                                                  118
           Pig                                                       13
           Dead prey
           Capybara Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris                        55 (2)
           Giant anteater Myrmecophaga trydactila                    30 (1)
           Caiman Caiman yacare                                      23 (1)
           Live prey
           Capybara                                                 400 (15)
           White-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari                      345 (16)
           Caiman                                                   185 (8)
           Pig                                                      110 (6)
           Feral pig Sus scrofa scrofa                                5 (1)

           TABLE 2 Details of the  and  prey killed by female jaguars  and
           , respectively, after release (January –December ) and, for
           comparison, the mean per cent of total prey killed by jaguars in an
           earlier study in the southern Pantanal.

                                       Female 1           Female 2             Mean % of
           Prey                        (% of total)       (% of total)         kills (range)1
           Caiman                      32 (61)            18 (56)              36 (10–52)
           Capybara                     1 (2)              4 (12)               3 (0–17)
           White-lipped                 9 (17)             3 (10)              30 (0–57)
           Armadillo Dasypus             1 (2)              3 (10)              2 (0–15)
           Coati Nasua nasua             5 (10)             2 (6)               2 (0–11)
           Raccoon Procyon                                  1 (3)               1 (0–4)
           Crab eating fox                                  1 (3)               1 (0–3)
             Cerdocyon thous
           Giant anteater                2 (4)                                  4 (0–17)
           Deer Mazama sp.               1 (2)                                  2 (0–5)
           Bird                          1 (2)                                  1 (0–3)
            From Cavalcanti & Gese ().

           (% CI .–.) for jaguar , and . km (% CI .–
           .) for jaguar  (Fig. ). Both individuals anchored their
           home range around the enclosure and showed high spatial
           overlap with each other (%, % CI –%; Fig. ). The
           home ranges included areas with ecotourism and cattle                                   PLATE 1 The  ha enclosure in the Caiman Ecological Refuge
           ranching activities, areas with wild prey, and well-preserved                           (Fig. ): (a) . m high eucalyptus posts,  m apart; (b)  cm
                                                                                                   deep trench excavated around the perimeter of the enclosure and
           natural vegetation. Directionality in movement paths, repre-
                                                                                                   filled with cement, to prevent any animal digging into or out of
           sented by the velocity autocorrelation timescale (h), were                              the enclosure; (c) c.  m deep,  m pond; (d) galvanized wire
           . (% CI .–.) and . (% CI .–.) for jag-                            perimeter fence of . mm gauge and  ×  cm mesh, with
           uar  and , respectively. Mean distances travelled per day                             electric wires at ,  and  cm, both inside and outside
           were . and . km for jaguar  and , respectively. Daily                            and on the top of the fence; (e) aerial view.

           Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 461–465 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320000460
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464         R. L. Gasparini‐Morato et al.

                                                                                                         As a pre-condition for reintroduction, the highest prior-
                                                                                                     ity must be to address the threats that are causing jaguar
                                                                                                     population declines. Firstly, some jaguar subpopulations
                                                                                                     are proximal to areas where people are active, potentially
                                                                                                     resulting in negative interactions. Jaguars involved in such
                                                                                                     interactions are often killed by members of the affected
                                                                                                     community (Inskip et al., ). In such areas, law enforce-
                                                                                                     ment to prevent killing of jaguars, and alleviation of nega-
                                                                                                     tive interactions with ranchers, are required and should
                                                                                                     play a central role in planning any reintroduction (Caruso
                                                                                                     & Pérez, ). Secondly, in areas that have undergone
                                                                                                     deforestation (Ribeiro et al., ) or defaunation (Jorge
                                                                                                     et al., ), it is important to evaluate habitat quality
                                                                                                     and prey availability before establishing a reintroduction
                                                                                                     programme. Thirdly, social interaction is a key compo-
                                                                                                     nent. The absence of intersexual territoriality (Crawshaw &
                                                                                                     Quigley, ) suggests that reintroducing female jaguars
                                                                                                     is likely to increase the success of reintroductions in areas
                                                                                                     where male jaguars are present. Fourthly, jaguars tend to
                                                                                                     move in areas with which they are familiar, evidence of cog-
                                                                                                     nitive capacity and spatial memory (Kanda et al., ), and
                                                                                                     therefore building enclosures in the release area and keeping
                                                                                                     individuals there prior to release may facilitate acclimation.
             PLATE 2 (a) Jaguar  with her – month old cub, photo-trapped
                                                                                                     Fifthly, the cost of reintroduction needs to be compared to
             in December , and (b) Jaguar  and her two – month old
             cubs, photo-trapped in December .
                                                                                                     alternative strategies. The total cost for reintroducing the
                                                                                                     two female jaguars was c. USD ,, without considering
             activity was similar to that previously reported for jaguars,                           the costs of previous studies of the species’ behaviour in
             with both individuals moving (hunting and transiting) dur-                              the same area. This reintroduction was in an area where
             ing the night and resting during the day (Kanda et al., ).                          spatial ecology, habitat and prey preferences were known
             We identified  species preyed upon by the two jaguars                                 (Cavalcanti & Gese, , ; Morato et al., ). In
             (Table ). Social interactions were observed between the                                the Atlantic Forest on the Argentina–Brazil border the
             two jaguars and nine other individual jaguars), including                               main strategy for the southernmost jaguar subpopulation
             mating, fighting and paired movement. Jaguar  gave birth                               was to reduce persecution and poaching by means of edu-
             to a cub in c. June  and jaguar  gave birth to two cubs in                         cation and law enforcement. The annual cost of the pro-
             c. August  (Plate ).                                                               gramme was c. USD , and after  years the jaguar
                 The two jaguars established residence near the enclo-                               population increased from an estimated  to  individuals
             sure, with home ranges, and movement and activity patterns                              (Paviolo et al., ).
             similar to those reported for free living individuals (Morato                               In conclusion, reintroduction can be an important tool
             et al., ), and prey consumption similar to that recorded                            in areas where the jaguar population is in severe decline.
             in a previous study in the same area (Cavalcanti & Gese,                                It is the only option where the species has been extirpated
             ), including a high consumption of caimans. The exhib-                              and the management goal is reintroduction, residency and
             ition of social interactions, and reproduction, indicate that                           recovery. This study defines some of the practices and para-
             the reintroduction was successful.                                                      meters that led to a successful outcome in the Pantanal.
                 The main objective of a reintroduction is usually to re-
             establish or supplement an extinct or declining population
                                                                                                     Acknowledgements We thank Centro de Reabilitação de Animais
             (Cheyne, ). We released two individuals in an area
                                                                                                     Silvestres de Campo Grande and Instituto de Meio Ambiente de Mato
             where jaguars are not facing a high risk of extinction                                  Grosso do Sul for rescuing the jaguars; Mantenedor Santa Rosa for
             (Morato et al., ) and threats are low. Our intention was                            hosting and caring for them; Caiman Ecological Refuge for allowing
             to evaluate a protocol that could be applied to other subpo-                            us to build the training facility and release the jaguars on their prop-
             pulations across the species’ range, and specifically for the                           erty; Alexandre Bossi, Camila Martins, Écio Silva, Fernando Von
                                                                                                     Zuben, Márcia Reed, Pedro Lacerda Camargo, Raphael Klabin,
             Critically Endangered subpopulation of the Atlantic Forest
                                                                                                     Robert Kozmann Jr, and Roberto Klabin and Instituto SOS Pantanal
             (Morato et al., ). Despite the success of this reintroduc-                          for their support; Log Materials and Bushnell Corporation for donat-
             tion in the Pantanal we need to be cautious in using this tool                          ing camera traps; and Tetrapak for donating materials to build the
             for the species’ long-term survival.                                                    enclosure.

                         Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 461–465 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320000460
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Reintroduction of the jaguar                       465

           Author contributions Study design: RLG-M, LS, LR, PT, MH,                                         G A L E T T I , M., E I Z I R I K , E., B E I S I E G E L , B., F E R R A Z , K., C AVA L C A N T I , S.,
           RCdP, RGM; fieldwork: LS, LR, CEF, JAMJ, MH, RCdP; data analysis,                                     S R B E K -A R A U J O , A.C. et al. () Atlantic rainforest’s jaguars in
           writing: RLG-M, LS, RGM; revision: LS, LR, CEF, JAMJ, PT, MH, RCdP.                                   decline. Science, , .
                                                                                                             I N S K I P , C., R I D O U T , M., F A H A D , Z., T U L LY , R., B A R LOW , A., B A R LO W ,
           Conflicts of interest The authors have no relationship with Log                                       C.G. et al. () Human–tiger conflict in context: risks to lives
           Materials, Bushnell Corporation or Tetrapak, who donated equipment                                    and livelihoods in the Bangladesh sundarbans. Human Ecology,
           for research purposes only.                                                                           , –.
                                                                                                             IUCN () Guidelines for Reintroductions and other Conservation
           Ethical standards All research protocols were approved by Instituto                                   Translocations. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
           Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade and Sistema de                                          publications/RSG_ISSG-Reintroduction-Guidelines-.pdf
           Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade (licenses 46508, 47979,                                    [accessed  July ].
           52734), and the research followed guidelines approved by the                                      J O R G E , M.L.S.P., G A L E T T I , M., R I B E I R O , M.C., F E R R A Z , K.M.P.M.B.
           American Society of Mammalogists, and otherwise abided by the                                         () Mammal defaunation as surrogate of trophic cascades in a
           Oryx guidelines on ethical standards.                                                                 biodiversity hotspot. Biological Conservation, , –.
                                                                                                             K A N D A , C., O L I V E I R A -S A N T O S , L.G., M O R AT O , R.G., D E P A U L A ,
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               In Carnivore Conservation (eds J.L. Gittleman, S.M. Funk,                                         () Avaliação de risco de extinção de onça pintada Panthera onca
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           Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 461–465 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320000460
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