ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council

ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council
ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council
2                                                          Borough Life / Spring 2019


The Leader’s column
Welcome to the spring edition of                   to be working with so many talented
Borough Life magazine. This is our 60th            and creative individuals and groups to
edition and we wanted to do something              develop and celebrate our culture and
special to say thank you to our readers.           heritage. Find out more about The Fire
So to mark our diamond anniversary                 Within and the people behind it from
we’re celebrating the diamonds in our              page 15.
communities. We asked a handful of                 Finally, we have made the decision to
readers to write a letter to someone who           freeze your council tax this year for the
has made a difference to them. We also             sixth year running. We had the option to
celebrate some important friendships.              put it up by 4.99 per cent, which many
There are so many unsung heroes across             authorities are doing, but as part of The
the borough we could have filled the               Deal we are freezing bills, find out how
whole magazine.                                    on page 6. In return we ask that you
This year will be an exciting year for the         keep recycling, using our online services
borough as we get ready to launch a                where possible, volunteering and
new Cultural Manifesto called The Fire             supporting local businesses. Thank you
Within. It’s a strategy written by the             for your support.
people, for the people. We are delighted
                                                                                               Cllr David Molyneux
                                                                                               Leader, Wigan Council

        Extra content is available at
        Even more great photographs can be                                                              On the cover
        found at

                                                                                                         This artwork by artists Al
  Borough Life is published by Wigan Council
                                                                                                         and Al uses the Spinning
  and distributed to all households in the                                                               Jenny tile panel in Leigh
  borough. This edition was published on                                                                 Town Hall to remember
  11th March 2019.                                                                                      ‘the fire within’ Leigh
  The magazine is printed on paper from
  renewable resources. It is written, edited and
                                                                                                        inventor Thomas Highs
  designed by Wigan Council’s Public Relations                                                          who in the 18th century
  Team.                                                                                                transformed the textile
  If you are a resident of Wigan Borough but                                                           industry with a mechanical
  haven’t had a copy of Borough Life delivered
  through your letterbox, you can pick up a
  copy from several locations including the Life
  Centre or view it online at
  You can now receive a new monthly Borough
  Life e-newsletter. Sign up by emailing
  For general comments email:
ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                                 3


                                                             4,5,6&7 NEWS IN BRIEF
                                                             Your latest news round-up.

                                                             8,9&10 YOU GOT A FRIEND IN ME
                                                             We look at the value of friendship.

                                                             11,12&13 I WOULD LIKE TO THANK…
                                                             To celebrate our 60th edition we
                                                             celebrate your local diamonds.

                                                             14 FINDING A FAMILY
                                                             A life shared is a life well spent.

     28                                       39             15–26 THE FIRE WITHIN
                                                             Introducing Wigan Borough’s new
                                                             Cultural Manifesto.

                                                             27,28&29 FOOD AND DRINK
                                                             Trendy eateries with indulgent treats.

                                                             30&31 BE ACTIVE
                                                             Find out how football changed Tom’s life.

                                                             32&33 LOOK TO THE FUTURE
                                                             Here’s what you said you wanted to see
                                                             in 2030.

                                                             34&35 OUR TOWNS

                                                             Spotlight on Tyldesley.
                                                             36,37&38 WHAT’S ON GUIDE
                                                             From Foodie Friday to Leigh Carnival –
                                                             don’t miss these spring events.

                                                             39 STUDIO ARTISTS
                                                             The talents from Cross Street Arts.

25                                                                                           11
      To keep up to date with news and events, follow Wigan Council at:
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4                                                  Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                 News in brief

Could you recruit                          Fun run for Nathan
an apprentice?                             A local family are hosting a family fun
                                           run at Haigh Woodland Park to raise
 Local businesses in the construction,     awareness about the importance of
 manufacturing, engineering and            mental health and wellbeing.
 digital industries could receive a        Noreen and John Christy, from Beech
 share of £375,000 as part of a drive to   Hill, lost their son, Nathan, to suicide
 recruit more apprentices.                 in 2016. Since then, they have been
 Last year, the Apprenticeships for        passionate about eradicating the
 Young People fund was announced           stigma associated with mental illness
 which allows businesses and sole-         and raising awareness.
 traders to receive financial support in   The fun run is the latest event in a long
 return for the recruitment of a local     list they have arranged in memory
 apprentice between the ages of 16         of Nathan and all money raised will
 and 24.                                   be distributed to local mental health
 Grants of up to £5,000 are available      charities.
 depending on the length of the            The event will take place on Sunday         16 can enter for £3 and adults for £7.
 apprenticeship, which will help           5th May, the day before Nathan’s 28th       Fancy dress optional, but encouraged.
 employers to upskill and train the        birthday, and participants can choose       Follow ‘Start Talking; Stop the Stigma’
 borough’s young people using a            a 5km or a 1km route. Children under        on Facebook for updates and to book.
 training provider of their choice.
 Jeff Case, director of Case & Young
 Ltd recently recruited an apprentice
 through the programme. He said:
“I’ve already recommended the
 Apprenticeship for Young People
                                           Join us for spring cleaning
 programme to another business and         Dust off your broom and pull on your        22nd March and 23rd April email
 they wasted no time in signing up.        gardening gloves – a spring clean is set
 They too have an apprentice in place      to sweep through the borough.               uk and help us to create a litter free
 now!”                                     Residents and businesses are being          borough.
 Businesses who are interested             encouraged to take part in Keep
 in finding out more should visit          Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring and click              Clean to rid neighbourhoods of
‘Recruitment and Education’.               unsightly litter.
                                           And this year’s campaign looks set to
                                           be bigger and better than ever with a
                                           whole month dedicated to cleaning up
                                           the borough.
                                           If you would like to host a clean-up
                                           or join a local litter pick between

                                           Change a life through fostering
                                           Do you have a caring nature and             Come along to Progress House, Wigan,
                                           the commitment to provide a stable,         WN3 4HH on:
                                           loving home for our children in care?       Wednesday 3rd April 6pm – 7pm
                                           Make this a year to remember and            Wednesday 8th May 6pm – 7pm
                                           make a difference to a child’s life by      Wednesday 5th June 6pm – 7pm
Easter bin                                 fostering for us.
                                           Come along to one of our drop-in
                                                                                       Wednesday 3rd July 6pm – 7pm

collections                                sessions to find out more, there’s
                                           no need to book. Held on the first
There are changes to                       Wednesday of the month at Progress
your collections over                      House in Wigan, our friendly staff
Easter. Please refer to                    will talk you through the process and
your calendar or visit:                    foster carers will be on hand to share                          their experiences.
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                                                  News in brief

Family fun at                              Armed Forces Day
housing forums                             Armed Forces Day 2019 will take place       commence on Crompton Street at
                                           in Wigan town centre on Saturday 29th       10pm prompt, culminating at Wigan
 Fun activities for all the family are     June.                                       Parish Church.
 being held as part of this year’s         The annual event, complete with a           Residents, visitors, businesses and
 housing forums.                           World War One simulation dome, field        families are encouraged to line the
 Tenants of Wigan Council homes            hospital display, military vehicles,        streets and support the borough’s
 are invited to the forums to find         climbing wall, musical entertainment        armed forces community for their
 out what is happening in their            and more will be held between               sacrifices and dedication.
 neighbourhood.                            10:30am and 4pm. The parade will
 Council services also in attendance
 will include financial advice, housing
 support, repairs, waste, volunteering
 and grow your own.
 The forums take place throughout
• Leigh South Community Centre,
 Siddow Common, Leigh, Thursday
 11 April, 2pm – 4pm. Activities
 include Easter crafts and Nomad
• Sunshine House, Wellington Street,
 Scholes, Saturday 13th April, 12pm –
 3pm. Part of Scholes Easter Fun Day.
• Shakerley Community Centre,
 Cumberland Avenue, Shakerley,
 Tyldesley, Tuesday 16th April, 12pm
– 3pm. Part of Shakerley Easter Fun
• Bickershaw Village Club,
 Bickershaw Lane, Bickershaw, Wigan,
 Weds 17th April, 10am – 12pm.
 Activities include Easter crafts.
• Fur Clemt, Central Park, Montrose
 Avenue, Norley Hall Wigan, Weds
 17th April, 11am – 2pm. Activities
 include Easter fun food.

Cash boost for park
Three Sisters Recreation Area in Ashton   The works will include:
is due to receive a £138,000 cash boost   • Create a sculpture trail.
from landfill tax funder, WREN, so they   • Place information boards around the
can significantly develop the space and   site telling the history of the area and
make it truly inclusive for all.          explaining about the wildlife that can
The park was given the offer on           be found at Three Sisters.
the condition that they could raise       • Hold more wildlife activities, including
£16,500 match funding by the end          Easter egg trails, Halloween trails and
of February. The Ashton Linen and         half-term activities to bring people
Woollen Mill charity donated £1,500       closer to the outdoors.
and local residents brought the total     • Work with local schools.
up to £2,508. To ensure the park didn’t   • Construct benches at scenic spots.
miss out on this fantastic opportunity,   • Create a 3.6km circular scenic and
Wigan Council has offered a donation      enjoyable trail, which is accessible to
of £14,000.                               everyone.
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                                                       News in brief

    Free books for young children
     Children and families are to get free      health visitor.
    books thanks to a project with the          The programme aims to encourage
    Book Trust.                                 a love of books, stories and rhymes
    The national Book Start programme           in children from as young an age as
    will continue for the next three years      possible.
    in the borough, gifting free books to       To find out more about the scheme
    children at two key stages before they      families can call into their local Start
    start school.                               Well centre in Atherton, Platt Bridge,
    Families will be given their child’s        Westfield, Westleigh or Ince. For further
    first set of books from the council’s       information on activities for families
    registrars service when they register       in Start Well centres or libraries go to
    the birth and at a later stage from their

    Meet the new                                Walk this way
    Chief Executive                              The Standish Mineral Line is proving       people to walk or cycle to and from
                                                 to be a popular local route after its      Standish town centre.
  Alison McKenzie-Folan was officially           transformation.                            Pupils from schools in Standish have
 appointed as the council’s new chief            The old railway track was originally       created artwork for large panels that
 executive in March.                             used to transport minerals away from       have been installed along the newly
 Alison has 28 years’ experience in              the mines. At the end of last year the     developed track. The schools each
 local government, the civil service             line was fully upgraded, from a muddy      helped to tell a different part of the
 and the NHS and has been with the               track to a surfaced and lit bridleway,     line’s story with their art installations.
 council for ten years. She succeeds             providing an alternative route for local
 Donna Hall CBE who retired at the
 end of February.
 Alison said: “It is a dream come true
 and the proudest moment of my
 career to be chosen for what I believe
 is the best job in local government.
“My time at Wigan has been the best
 years of my career and to become
 the council’s chief executive is a true

                                                 Rugby League World Cup to come to
                                                 Leigh Sports Village will host three       league tournament ever held.
                                                 Rugby League World Cup games in            Leigh’s successful bid was submitted
                                                 2021.                                      in collaboration with the other local
                                                 The games will be watched worldwide        authorities in Greater Manchester.
                                                 by an estimated 150 million people         More than 1 million people are
                                                 across 115 countries.                      expected to attend the games over
                                                 It will bring 40 squads of elite players   the five week tournament, which will
                                                 to the UK, as well as thousands of         be held in October and November
                                                 overseas supporters, making it the         2021.
                                                 most diverse and inclusive rugby
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                                              News in brief: Budget

A great Deal for council tax bills
The council is one of just two councils       At its meeting in March the council
in England to freeze general council tax      also approved this year’s budget and
completely this year.                         revealed that no further efficiencies to
While hundreds of councils across the         frontline services will need to be made
country increase their council tax by up
to five per cent, bills will be frozen here
                                              this year.
                                              It is also on track to reach its total
                                                                                           NO INCREASE
for the sixth year running.
The only increase on bills in the
                                              saving of £160m by 2020. When
                                              austerity began in 2010 the council was
                                                                                           IN LOCAL
borough will be the Greater Manchester
precepts which the council has no
                                              the third worst affected by cuts.
                                              This has all been possible through The
                                                                                           COUNCIL TAX
control over.                                 Deal and by working differently with         We’ve been able to freeze our
The council is in a different position        residents, businesses and communities.       service element of Council Tax for
to lots of other authorities who are                                                       the sixth year running.
struggling with their finances.

£5m fund to fix                                Free weekend parking extended
potholes                                       It’s brilliant news that free weekend     the Christmas period.
                                               parking in Wigan and Leigh town           It gives shoppers the perfect
 A £5m fund will be spent this year            centres is being extended until March     opportunity to visit the town’s top high
repairing the borough’s roads and              2020.                                     street names, independent shops as
fixing potholes.                               Residents will be able to park for free   well as its popular local markets.
The council will invest £3.3m of               on council car parks on weekends to       By residents taking up the offer and
capital funding in repairing the roads,        support their local town centres.         supporting their town centres it means
topping up the £1.7m it receives in            The trial was introduced by the           the council can keep the offer in place
government funding.                            council in September 2018 to increase     and it will give a welcome boost to the
This money will mean the roads can             shoppers and support the local            economy.
be repaired quickly and efficiently            economy.                                  The free parking includes The Galleries
after winter.                                  The offer will be extended after          and Water Street multi-storey car
The council looks after 1,160km of             positive feedback from local              parks and the Civic Centre car park on
highway and mends around 14,000                businesses and residents, with a          Millgate in Wigan and the Town Hall
road defects, including potholes, a            number of businesses reporting a          and Spinning Gate in Leigh.
year. It also manages 2,000km of               noticeable increase in footfall across
footway, 58,000 drainage gullies and
36,000 streetlights.

£10m for town
Towns across the borough are to be
given a £10m cash boost to kick-
start regeneration and support local
businesses. The news was revealed at
the full council meeting in March.
Through The Big Listening Project
many residents said the future
viability of the town centres was
important to them and it is one of the
council’s top priorities.

     Full list of car parks included:
     Find out more about The Deal at
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8                                                    Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                   Borough Love

     You got a
     friend in me                                                         Grace, 12 and Sky, 13
                                                                          Grace: We’ve been best friends since we were 9.
    In a world where the average person in                                Sky: We’ve both got bubbly personalities.
    the UK spends more than a day a week                                  Grace: We both like laughing. We like spending
    online and friendships can be created                                 Sky: We like going shopping. We both like going to
    on social media in one click, is having a                             Grace: Sky always asks me if I’m ok and I know she’d
    real life best friend still important to the                          always help me if I needed her to. I know I can rely on
    younger generation? We meet some                                      Sky: It’s good to know we both have someone to talk
                                                                          to. We’re like glue. We stick together.
    best friends from Leigh and Atherton                                  Grace: These days you need someone who you know
    to find out.                                                          will be there for you whatever happens.

Lottie, 10 and Lucia, 9
    Lottie: We’ve been best friends since    Lottie. Probably our favourite thing        Lottie helped me.
    we were born, well before we were        to do together is have sleepovers.          Lottie: When Lucia had crutches I
    born really because our mums were        Sometimes we stay up all night and          helped her. Having a best friend is
    friends when they had us!                watch scary movies but our mums             also good because you know you
    Lucia: We do loads of things together.   don’t know this.                            won’t be lonely.
    We go to each other’s houses.            Lucia: Having a best friend is              Lucia: You’ve always got someone to
    Lottie: We like singing.                 important because we help each              help you out.
    Lucia: We make slime.                    other out. So when I broke my leg,
ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                  Borough Love

Robson, 9 and Harrison, 9
Robson: We’ve known each other              before we were friends but now              you’re going to get picked.
all of our lives. We’ve always played       they’re friends too.                        Harrison: Having a friend in real life
together at school.                         Harrison: The best thing about having       is better than having an online friend
Harrison: I like Robson because he’s        a best friend is that they stick up for     because in real life you know exactly
helpful, like, sometimes, if I’ve hurt      you. So if people are being nasty to        who they are and what they’re really
myself, he’ll ask if I’m ok. And he helps   you, you know your friend will help         like.
me get up if I fall over.                   you.                                        Robson: You can’t see who people
Robson: We like playing tick and we         Robson: If I didn’t have a best friend it   really are online so some people
play on the X-box. We helped our            would be boring. We always pick each        might cyber bully you.
mum and step-mum become friends             other at school if you have to pick
because they didn’t know each other         teams so it’s good because you know

Olivia Todd, 13 and Olivia Day, 12
Olivia T: We first met at our youth         Olivia T: She was like, ‘This is a good     High School is not like High School
project but we were in two different        chicken pasty.’ And I had to point out      musical! We do sometimes have
friendship groups so I never thought        that it had orange beans in it and then     different views on things.
we’d end up being best mates. My first      we couldn’t stop laughing.                  Olivia D: But we accept each other’s
impression of her was that she was          Olivia D: We knew then that we had          different views.
funny and friendly.                         the same sense of humour. We don’t          Olivia T: I think we’ll be friends for
Olivia D: I thought she was really tall     take things too seriously.                  life.
and I wasn’t sure what she’d be like.       Olivia T: We both like chatting and
Olivia T: How we started talking to         laughing.
each other is quite funny. We were in       Olivia D: We both like eating!
a bakery and I’d ordered a sausage          Olivia T: But we’re also good for each
and bean pasty and she’d ordered a          other. We settle each other down.
chicken pasty.                              Olivia D: We’re at different schools so
Olivia D: But they got our pasties          we have different groups of friends
mixed up.                                   but it means that if things haven’t
Olivia T: I knew they had and I told        gone well at school we’ve got each
her but she didn’t believe me!              other to talk to about it.
Olivia D: I thought it tasted weird but I   Olivia T: You need that one person
still thought it was chicken.               to lean on. Life isn’t straightforward.
ISSUE 60. SPRING 2019 - Wigan Council
10                                               Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                              Borough Love

     Rachel, 12 and Scarlett, 12
                                       Rachel: We’ve only known each other            Rachel: Same. I’ve always had people
                                       since last summer when we both joined          to be with but I think in big groups of
                                       the same youth group but we have a lot         friends you tend to get a group leader
                                       in common.                                     who can sometimes make you feel
                                       Scarlett: We’re best friends now. I think      like you all have to be the same, so
                                       our friendship works because we both           you can’t always be yourself. But now
                                       have the same level of intelligence.           I know that having a best friend is
                                       Rachel: And we both like writing.              important. It needs to be a friend that
                                       Scarlett: We support each other a lot.         you can be yourself with and really talk
                                       We’re both preparing for an exam at the        to.
                                       moment so we’re helping each other             Scarlett: With Rachel I know if things
                                       with that.                                     haven’t gone well that day I’ve got
                                       Rachel: We’re going to an overnight            someone to talk to. I think it’s fine to
                                       conference in Liverpool together. We           have friends online but there’s the risk
                                       both study together. But we also like          they could be anyone!
                                       shopping.                                      Rachel: When you have a best friend
                                       Scarlett: Until I met Rachel I used to         in real life you know that when they
                                       think best friends were overrated. In          say something to you, they mean it,
                                       the past I’ve been part of lots of groups      it comes from the heart and it’s not
                                       of friends but I was always sort of on         just some words they are typing in a
                                       the edge of the group and sometimes            message.
                                       felt a bit left out.

     Chloe, 9 and Riven, 9
 Chloe: We met in reception class.     Chloe: It’s good because if you need           phone but a real life friend is different
 Riven: And we became best friends     someone to go to you can always count          because you really know them.
 straightaway.                         on your best friend.                           Riven: I like knowing that Chloe is there.
 Chloe: We do athletics competitions   Riven: She always helps me and makes           There are other people I could ring or
 together.                             me happy. If I ever feel sad or if she feels   text but I can always rely on Chloe and
 Riven: We have sleepovers. We like    sad we talk to each other about it.            talk to her whenever I need to.
 talking to each other.                Chloe: You might have friends on your

Thanks to the Reclaim project and Compassion in Action cadets group. If you’re a young person
and would like to join a youth group and meet new friends, email
                                Borough Life / Spring 2019

                              Borough Love

I would like to thank...
To celebrate our diamond edition we wanted to give some of
you the opportunity to say thank you to someone who has
been a diamond in your life.

               My friend Pam he
                                       lped me move he
               two years ago. It                          re
                                     ’s a nice commun
               people are passin                         ity;
                                    g all the time. I’d
              say thank you to                          like to   Pamela Mansfield, Leigh
                                     Pam. She’s a frie
              to me. She helps                           nd
                                    me with anything
              everything. I know                        an  d
                                      I’m safe and care           After having three strokes, Pamela moved
             for. I love all of it.                       d       from a house where she was isolated into
                                    And I love my frie
                                                        nd.       supported accommodation run by charity
             Thank you Pam.                                       Compassion in Action.

                                                                  Pam Gilligan (L), who runs Compassion in Action, Pamela Mansfield (R)

                      Mark Speers, 9, Leigh
                      When I was younger I didn’t have              people my dad makes me feel better.
                      many friends so I want to say thank           We are a bit like each other. We can
                      you to my family and especially               both wiggle our ears and other people
                      my dad for always being a good                say they can see my dad in me. I’ve
                      person to play with. We go metal              joined a youth group now and I am
                      detecting together and play games             making new friends but my family are
                      and whenever I have arguments with            my best friends.

                                                                    Thank you Dad
12                                                  Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                    Borough Love

 Nathan Foy, Leigh
 I would like to thank my personal
 assistant, Paul.
 We first met in 2010 when I was 15
 and Paul worked for the Greater
 Manchester Autistic Society. I didn’t
 enjoy school. I was bullied a lot and
 I left school in 2009, aged 14, after a
 suicide attempt.                                                                                       Thank you Nan
 I had no confidence and extreme           I still have anxieties but I got to the
 anxiety. I was referred to the autistic   point where I started to volunteer
 society and met Paul, who has             and I am helping to run groups now                 Courtney Calderbank,
 worked with me since then.
 Paul is an extremely loyal person and
                                           and I have my own weather and
                                           storm tracking YouTube channel with
                                                                                              16, Ashton
 is always very positive to be around,     over 28,000 subscribers.
 even though he has faced some             Thank you Paul because you have                    If anyone ever asks me who helped
 personal adversities himself.             been through a lot with me and                     me to become the person I am today,
 He always thinks of others first and      you have been instrumental in my                   I always say my nan, Christine. I’ve
 always wants to do more for young         recovery.                                          seen her every weekend since I
                                                                                              was 11. I’d like to say thank you for
 people.                                            Thank you Paul                            teaching me my manners, showing
                                                                                              me how to be kind and respectful to
                                                                                              others, for looking after me and for
                                                                                              supporting me through every single
                                                                                              hardship I’ve ever had. You’re my
                                                                                              rock and you help me stay down to
                                                                                              earth and one day I hope I will be
                                                                                              able to return the favour to you.

                                                                 Elizabeth Costello, Leigh

                                                                                                                             y thank
                                                                                              to thank isn’t here to sa
                                                                    The person I would like                                  their
                                                                                               ir gender, I don’t know
                                                                    you to. I don’t know the                               l I know is
                                                                                              ything about them. Al
                                                                    name, I don’t know an                                      I am here
                                                                                               s stranger is the reason
                                                                    that the kindness of thi
                                                                    today.                                                      and
                                                                                                  ent, I had renal failure
                                                                     Following cancer treatm                                  week,
                                                                                              al dialysis, 3-4 days a
                                                                     spent five years on ren                                   if things
                                                                                                   chine, never knowing
                                                                     being kept alive by a ma
                                                                     would change.                                            patible
                                                                                              l came to say that a com
                                                                     In 2012, the phone cal                                       the
                                                                                                  found. The call came in
                                                                      kidney donor had been                ew  im me  dia tel y   what it
                                                                                                I just kn
                                                                      middle of the night so
                                                                                                    d racing.
                                                                      was and my heart starte                               en a
                                                                                                 r that when you’re giv
                                                                      I’d like to tell my dono              u  to thi nk  ab  out
                                                                                                  forces yo
                                                                      second chance at life it               t my   kn ow  led  ge of
                                                                                                 ided to pu
                                                                       what’s important. I dec                                     iety.
                                                                                                    2013 I set up a film soc
                                                                       film to good use and in                                       and
                                                                                                     amazing team of people
                                                                       Six years on we have an                                   lation,
                                                                                                   fight against social iso
                                                                       use film screenings to                                       the
                                                                                                    young people and bring
                                                                        create opportunities for
                                                                        community together.                                      n
                                                                                                    y that I want more tha
                                                                        To my donor I would sa                 d to ma ke   my      life
                                                                                                     proud an
                                                                        anything to make you                                         ve the
                                                                                                     that your decision to lea
                                                                         count for something so
If you wish to join the NHS Organ Donor Register,                        gift of life was worth it.
please go to
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                                 13

                                                     Borough Love

                                                Leanne Worsley, Hindley
                                                 When I started volunteering I
                                                 never imagined what a difference
                                                 it would make to my life. I’d never
                                                 thought about volunteering with
                                                 young people but when I think
                                                 back to my teenage years, it totally
                                                 makes sense. I got into trouble a
          Thank you Jo P
                            latt                 few times when I was young and I
                                                 didn’t realise it at the time but I was
                                                 supported by a youth worker myself
     Annabelle Whitler,                          so I understand the difference it can
                                                                                           I was volunteering and all of the
     12, Leigh                                   make to someone’s life. Volunteering
                                                 has led to me getting a job and           young people I’ve worked with, for
                                                 I am just about to start a degree         reminding me never to take myself
     I think Jo Platt is inspirational. I
                                                 in Community Development and              too seriously!
     met her when my youth project
     went to London and I was                    Youth Work at Bolton University.
                                                 I’d like to say a big thank you to        Thank you Rachel and Les
     impressed with how she deals with
     everything. I’d like to say thank you       Rachel and Les, two of my fellow
     for being someone I can look up             volunteers who I’ve learned so much
     to, not just because you’re good at         from, my brother and mum, and
     what you do but because you were            husband’s mum for helping
     so friendly to us and didn’t think          with my own children when
     you were better than us when we
     met you.

      I met Adrian in h
      Oakfield High andigh school. We both went to
     youth club togeth met when I was 14. We went to
     ships. Adrian ander and went on a trip on the talla
    everybody and th I had to do all the cooking for
    friends.            at’s when we bec
                                          ame really good
    Adrian is a bit ol
   things before me der than me so he always did
   younger because and I looked up to him when I was
   disabilities can ache showed me that people with
   Adrian has a goo hieve things.
  to other people and energy. He can talk easily
  because I wasn’t d I used to find that difficult
  anyone. He’s kindas confident but Adrian can talk
  He got me into ot and he’s someone I can talk to. to
 and Leigh Youth her youth groups. I joined Wigan
 and I still volunteCabinet because Adrian used to g
 Thank you Adrian er there now.                          o
 might not have h    b ecau se if I hadn’t met yo
and try new thin   ad  th e co nfidence to go out u I
the better becausegs. You have changed my life for
around. You’re a ro you have helped me turn things
with disabilities. le model for me and for all peop                  David Stacey, Leigh
                  And you’re a g                      le
		              Thank you Adrianreat mate.

   If you would like to nominate a local diamond or say thank you to someone who has made a difference to your life then
   please tweet us @WiganCouncil with a photo or write to us: Wigan Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN and tell us
   your story. If you’re writing to us please include a contact number. The best entries will be featured in the next magazine.
14                                                   Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                   Borough Love

     Finding a family
     When Hughie came to stay 50 years ago, he
     found a family he never thought he’d have.

It’s a long-standing family joke that       Higginbottom and Aileen calls him her
Hughie Higginbottom came to stay for        ‘brother’.
the weekend and has never left.             After her parents died, Aileen became
But that’s exactly what happened            his permanent Shared Lives champion               What type of
when he was in care aged nine and he        and he is a well loved and respected
befriended Aileen from Astley.              member of the family.                             support can
Aged 16, Aileen Aldred worked at a          Hughie loves Aileen’s husband Malcolm
school in Derbyshire for young people       and they regularly golf or go to the pub          champions give?
with special educational needs and          where Hughie is known to everyone.
disabilities where Hughie was a pupil.      The Shared Lives scheme is a friendship
With no other family and in care since      service which matches adults who need         •    Day/evening activities – where
the age of two, Hughie, now aged 59,        support, due to disability, age or illness,        people can realise their
began staying with Aileen at weekends.      with champions who offer meaningful                aspirations and do the things
Aileen said: “It began at Christmas         friendship and company.                            that are important to them with
when Hughie was left in school and          Champions can give their time on a                 support from their champion
had nowhere to go so it was arranged        casual basis, spending a minimum of           •    Respite/ short-term breaks –
for him to come home with me for the        four hours a week with someone, or on              where people stay overnight at
holidays. It started there and he’s never   a permanent placement seen in Aileen               the home of their champion
left.”                                      and Hughie’s case.
Little did the pair know Hughie would       Aileen said: “I don’t remember my life        •    Full-time placement –where
eventually be taken in by Aileen’s          without him here. He went through                  people live with their champion
parents on a permanent basis and he         college and university with me and                 on a long-term basis and are
would still be a member of the family       now he spends a lot of time with my                valued as ‘one of the family’
50 years later.                             husband Mal – he’s like his shadow!
Aileen continued: “He has always            “Hughie likes keeping busy and works                To find out more about
classed my mum and dad as his mum           in an equipment stores warehouse in                 becoming a Shared
and dad. My family is his family and he’s   Salford.                                            Lives champion email
happy with that.”                           “You never know, it could lead to a       
Aged 18 Hughie changed his name             lifelong friendship and change a life like          or call 01942 487044.
by deed poll to the family name             Hughie’s.”
16                                      Borough Life / Spring 2019

                          The Fire Within: AL and AL

     Journey to
     the stars
They’ve toured the world      From the outside it’s just a normal family     the Edge of Time, which premiered on
                              home on a busy Wigan road. But inside          Broadway to New York’s elite. They’ve
and found international       there’s hundreds of books, stylish white       written their first feature film which
                              washed floors, black décor, and the            Hollywood stars are already signed up for.
success as artists but        high-tech studio of two international          But there’s one thing they’re really
there’s only one place they   filmmakers.                                    passionate about – Wigan.
                              Al Taylor, from Wigan, and Al Holmes,          After years of living in trendy studios
want to be.                   from Manchester, have been together for        in London and Liverpool the couple
                              20 years after first meeting at St Martin’s    returned to the borough seven years ago
                              University in London. Their career history     to care for their terminally ill mother.
                              is impressive, exhibiting films around the     Now they’ve created Wigan’s new cultural
                              globe in galleries, concert halls, festivals   manifesto,a visionary document: The Fire
                              and on television. They cite a career          Within. Al said: “There is an alignment of
                              highlight as collaborating with American       great talent in our borough. We have met
                              composer Philip Glass to create a sell-        so many amazing people as we created
                              out multimedia space opera, Icarus at          The Fire Within. Everyone voiced their
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                                 17

                                        The Fire Within: AL and AL

opinion to make this exciting manifesto.      the future.                                  born in Wigan who ended Egyptian
Everyone is proud of our extraordinary        Designing it, Al and Al were inspired by     slavery. The priceless treasures he gifted
heritage and we are all coming together       the digital revolution. Al said: “Our 17     to the town inspired us to link the new
to create new work and opportunities          year old niece India grew up in Standish     emoji language people in Wigan use
here.                                         and she has already made 250,000             today with the Egyptian hieroglyphs in
Al said: “The arts are the face of a place.   images on Snapchat. The power to make        our town’s collection.” On moving back to
Wherever you travel you discover a place      images and messages on the phone             Wigan the pair say they’ve rediscovered
through the culture it makes. To be           in your pocket and send them into the        a new love for what’s on their doorstep:
invited to design Wigan’s new Cultural        world is a revolution. Everyone is posting   “We’ve made our best work here. We
Manifesto is a great honour. We have          comments using the new language of           want young people to be inspired by
discovered so many wonderful local            emojis.”                                     where they live and discover ways to
stories we want to share and shine a new      “We love emojis, language has returned       make their dreams come true and ignite
light on our great borough.”                  to when humans first drew pictures to        the fire within them.
The manifesto itself is a piece of art. The   communicate their concepts and feelings      “The story of a place is created by the
design captures the borough’s proud           about the world. During our research, we     culture we make together, the culture we
heritage and inspires a new energy for        discovered Sir John Scott was a judge        create transforms our future.”

“The culture we create
transforms our future.”
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                       The Fire Within: Foreward

Introducing Wigan’s new Cultural manifesto... The Fire Within

In 1892 my great grandfather died           of creativity that took us from London     The point is this, anything is possible
tragically during shaft sinking in a        to New York, to Paris, to Beijing, on a    in our great town. My family’s story, like
Wigan coal mine, leaving his widow          journey around the world.                  George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier,
Anne with a young family to care for.       My mother Gladys would call me on          is about a struggle towards liberation,
There was no offer of widow’s pensions,     her hotline from Wigan and ask me          liberation from the constrictions of
or benefits for miner’s families, only      as we were travelling, “when are you       class.
the Poor Law remained, and with it the      coming home?”, and during my travels,      We stand together upon this explosive
threat of the workhouse in Frog Lane.       I never knew what she meant. It was        ground beneath our feet. My Great
To survive, my great grandmother Anne       only when we returned here to look         Grandfather’s death in a pit of this
started baking pies in her fireside oven.   after her during a terminal illness that   combustible rock sparked the ingenuity
She and her children went out selling       I truly understood. I was a Wiganer,       of my ancestor’s future. My Mother
the pies to the local community, and        through and through, and this town         passed on The Fire Within me, which
the business grew. Generations of her       and its people meant something to me,      was given to her by her Father, from
family would emerge to build Edwards        as all our roots do. The place we are      one generation to the next. This
award winning bakery and contribute         born inspires us, shapes us, and should    burning desire to make the best of
to the culture of our town.                 be fought for. It should be the place      every moment. To ignite dreams and
I always remember my grandfather’s          we dream it to be, because, what is        make them real. It is here that we share
dedicated passionate belief in hard         stopping that from happening?              The Fire Within, that we hope to ignite
work and incredible attention to            Since returning to Wigan, we have          The Fire Within you, and spark the next
creative detail, which I have come to       made our best work from our studio in      generation to search for the creative
recognize as the eye of an artist. I knew   Standish. We have made films which         dreams in your hearts, and share those
from his work great success could           have been broadcast internationally        dreams with the people around you. We
be achieved here, but as I grew up in       on television, a space opera which         are all the imagineers of our future. We
Wigan, I knew my desire to create art       premiered on Broadway in New York,         can expect no one else to do it for us.
could not be fostered in my home town       exhibitions and award winning films
at that time, it just wasn’t something      which have been shown in 50 countries
that happened in Wigan. And so I            around the world and are currently         AL and AL
moved to London, and after studying         being developed into multi-million         25th November 2018
with my partner AL, began a journey         pound cinematic releases.                  Standish-with-Langtree, Wigan
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                     The Fire Within: Heritage

                                       The Fire Within Manifesto shines a new light on 5 local icons.
                                       It explores 5 disciplines, including the extraordinary art, music,
                                       dance, fashion and theatre created in our borough today.

   History                             The Fire Within Manifesto instigates a 5 year plan for culture
                                       with 5 exciting future projects that will celebrate our heritage
                                       and transform the future of Wigan Borough. Here we highlight
                                       two amazing icons born in our borough whose Fire Within
                                       transformed the world.

Leigh’s Goddess of the Sea                                          The Moses from Wigan
Dr Kathleen Mary Drew-Baker was a botanist born                     Sir John Scott was a Judge born in Wigan.
in Leigh. The Fire Within inspired her research into                In the spirit of Wigan’s fight for workers rights his Fire
the reproductive biology of algae, which is the key to              Within reformed the Egyptian legal system, abolishing
efficient farming of the seaweed ‘nori’, the essential              slave labour that had been in existence since the
component of Japanese sushi. On the 14th April at the               Pharaohs. After his death his collection of Ancient
annual Drew festival in Japan, Kathleen is worshipped               Egyptian treasures were donated to Wigan. In this
as a Goddess, The Mother of the Sea.                                manifesto, the priceless Royal Egyptian gold death
                                                                    mask enchants Wiganers past and present.
Kathleen Mary Drew-Baker 1901-1967.
                                                                    Sir John Scott. 1841-1904.
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                          The Fire Within: 2019

                                                                                    Year 1:
The Fire Within 5 Year Plan                                                         Wigan’s future artists

Wigan’s new cultural manifesto, The       Borough. The Fire Within Manifesto        In year 1 The Fire Within Manifesto
Fire Within launches in 2019 with a       instigates 5 themes formulated by         launches with Wigan’s Future
5 year plan to spark, ignite and fuel     artists, cultural organisations and       Artists.
culture, arts and heritage activity for   community groups to focus and ignite      The Fire Within Manifesto seeks to
both residents and visitors to enjoy.     their collective energy.                  engage, challenge and galvanise
Commissioned by Wigan Council,                                                      our young people to take centre
supported by Arts Council England,        The five themes are written by the
                                          people, for the people. The Fire Within   stage and show us new ways
The Fire Within Manifesto emerged                                                   of seeing the world, creating
from expert consultants Debbie            Manifesto builds on The Deal for the
                                          Future Strategy and Wigan’s vision        pivotal cultural innovations and
Chan,Maria Brewster and Sue Potts                                                   experiences.
rigorous research and democratic          to be a place where people want to
consultation process across Wigan         work, live, visit and invest.             The Fire Within Manifesto
                                                                                    seeks to secure investment to
                                                                                    stimulate artistic talent, cultural
                                                                                    entrepreneurship and people led
                                                                                    cultural activity in unique local

                                                                                    The Fire Within will…
                                                                                    • Establish a Local Cultural
                                                                                       Education Partnership, with
                                                                                       support from Curious Minds, who
                                                                                       are dedicated to improving the
                                                                                       lives of children and young people
                                                                                       through great art and culture.

                                                                                    • Spark creative programmes
                                                                                       and develop cultural education
                                                                                       in schools, colleges, cultural
                                                                                       organisations and support a new
                                                                                       generation of Wigan artists utlising
                                                                                       the Communities Investment

                                                                                    • Expand on creative progression
                                                                                       routes for our new generation
                                                                                       with the inspired team at Wigan
                                                                                       School of the Arts, The Academy of
                                                                                       Live and Recorded Arts and other
                                                                                       cultural organisations.

                                                                                    • Listen to young people, providing
                                                                                       a voice for the new generation
                                                                                       within cultural programming,
                                                                                       tailoring activity to their needs.

                                                                                    • Ignite The Fire Within aspiring
                                                                                       young artists by creating platforms
                                                                                       to showcase new talent.

                                                                                    • Develop cultural incubator work
                                                                                       spaces to attract and retain
                                                                                       creative talent in the borough.
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                        The Fire Within: 2019

Happy 80th Birthday Sir Ian
In 2019 Sir Ian McKellan will celebrate his
80th birthday by going back to where it all
began, returning to Wigan Little Theatre where
The Fire Within was lit when he saw his first
Shakespeare production as a child.
Sir Ian grew up in Wigan during World War
Two and makes regular visits back to his home
town, pictured here performing a sell-out solo
appearance at The Old Courts during Wigan

In 2019 The Old Courts begin renovating the
extraordinary Royal Court Theatre, ushering
an exciting new era of theatre and live
performance into our borough.
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                   The Fire Within: Future Projects

the archives
Find out more about the
transformation of Leigh Town Hall in
2019 which will bring the borough’s
history to life.

Whether you want to trace your family        investment from the council.              digitise collections, hosting visits,
tree or discover the secrets of where        A new modern searchroom will be built     welcoming visitors and stewarding
you live, the borough’s fantastic            on the ground floor of the town hall      exhibitions.
archives service has a collection of         which can be accessed by residents        Three vacant Leigh Town Hall shop
unique records which can help with           and visitors who want to research into    units will be converted into new
your search.                                 their past.                               archives and museum exhibition space
With historic records dating back            A museum space will be created with       and additional shop units will be used
800 years the archives and local             a new exhibition programme shaped         as specialist storage to protect the
studies service collects, preserves          by the community which will reveal        collection, which will transform the
and catalogues thousands of records          stories from the archives and museum      Leigh archives base and restore part of
from schools, churches, hospitals,           collections.                              the town hall building.
businesses, families, estates, people,       Children and young people will be able    There will also be a new café space in
and makes them available to the              to access the collection and learn more   the foyer of the building.
public.                                      about history with an outreach and        This latest funding boost follows
And later this year the collection will be   engagement programme for schools.         the £5m Believe In Leigh fund which
moving to a new home in Leigh Town           There will also be new volunteering       was created last year to improve and
Hall thanks to a £1.3m boost from The        opportunities for people to get           regenerate the town.
National Lottery Heritage Fund and           involved with including helping to

     To find out more about the project or to sign up to be an archives volunteer visit
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                               The Fire Within: Future Projects

Exploring the future
The Turnpike, an extraordinary brutalist   greatest artists to our borough with an     love for Christopher Morcom who
gem built during the end of the coal       ambitious programme of exhibitions,         inspired the creation of the computer
era opened its doors with an exhibition    events and educational activities           age. Connecting the entire Wigan
of Henry Moore. Helen Stalker leads an     celebrating the very best in the arts.      borough together with a series of Emoji
inspirational curatorial programme,        In 2020 during Wigan’s digital year of      Topiary flower sculptures, AL and AL
following on from her work at Tate and     culture, The Turnpike will host the         will transform the streets, inspired by
curator of fine art at the award-winning   pioneering Wigan-based international        our digital messages of love flying into
Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester.       artist duo AL and AL, staging a major       the smartphones in our pockets and
Today Helen continues to bring the         solo exhibition celebrating Alan Turing’s   hearts.
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                 The Fire Within: Disciplines

The Fire Within: Future Stars

Anna F C Smith                                  Aaron Pearce
Anna FC Smith is inspired by history,           Aaron generates visionary paintings
folk culture, customs and communal              from the canal boat environment he
traditions. She is driven to seek the           lives within. Reclaiming old wood he
way in which people are connected               selects from sources such as 100 year
to the past and what history can tell           old narrow boat elm he discovered
us about ourselves in the present.              on the tow path, his paintings
Her work and research on Wigan’s                metamorphose the weathered grain to
Boxing Day fancy dress party explores           reveal beautiful hidden images he sees
the transgressive space of carnival             within the natural marks of evolving
revealing her deep fascination of               time. His recent timber exhibition in
ritual and celebration as a creator of          Leigh captures the magical ghost world
meaning and significance in life.               of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

Jess Rotherham                                  Louise Robson
Jess Rotherham has a lifetime project.          Louise Robson captures and
‘What The Most People Saw’ is an                transforms data creating large scale
annual depiction of the biggest news            installations which evoke questions
from every country. Collected on the            concerning technology in culture. Her
same day annually, until her death, she         graphic installations use technology
plans to capture and transfer the top           as a method of exploration and
news story images onto glass panes,             expression, connecting people, objects
locking the news in oils and stripping          and environments to question the role
the data from its temporal context.             of the viewer. The data she processes
What is fleeting becomes fixed, what is         embodies her search for where artistic
deemed important is documented in               value is located and generated in
relation to her own mortal passing.             contemporary art.
Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                   The Fire Within: Disciplines

     Amy’s Bop
     to Success
Passion and drive has been the catalyst   even bigger.”                                                 them create their
to Amy’s successful dance ambition         Amy continued:                                              own choreography
becoming a reality.                       “We were                                                     and focus on
Amy Burdon, 27, from Leigh, was           lucky enough                                                technique.
working as a freelance dancer before      to receive                                                  “The thing I really
she set-up Leigh Community Dance          funding from the council’s                                 enjoy about it is
three and a half years ago. Now named     Community Investment Fund.                seeing young people come to us with
WigLe Dance, the studio specialises in    “That start-up funding has made it        no dance experience at all, and then
the contemporary field.                   easier for us to grow, and now were at    seeing their improvement in their
Amy wanted to create something            a point where we don’t really need that   creativity, technique, confidence. And
affordable in the local community, she    funding, we’re self-sustainable.”         that’s why I do it really.”
explained:                                As well as their community work WigLe     Amy plans to continue making her
“There were a lot of dance schools        Dance take part in lots of project        mark in the community and has lots
which were really expensive, so it        development across the borough.           of big project coming up including the
wasn’t very accessible for a lot of       “We take part in lots of community        next Wigan and Leigh Dance festival in
people. I wanted to start something       activities such as Wigan and Leigh        March at the Youth Zone, and opening
that was a bit more informal, but with    Dance Festival, and we run a Gifted       her newly refurbished dance studio in
really high quality sessions for local    and Talented Youth Dance Company.         April.
children.”                                So it’s just grown from one evening of    Amy said: “It is hard work but I think
Through her freelance role she            classes to a whole business really.”      to go into something that is more
developed relationships with parents      Alongside running classes from her        community minded or a social
and students and found herself with 90    studio Amy still works closely with       enterprise is really rewarding.
children at an evening class.             local schools doing after-school          “Look for routes where you can run a
“We reached capacity, so at that point    sessions.                                 business but also help people. It just
I thought, this is going somewhere and    “I make sure the classes allow our        gives you that passion and drive to
I need to do something to make this       young people to be creative, by letting   keep it going.”
26          Borough
                      Life/ Spring
                            / Spring2019

     The Fire Within:
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                                    27

                                                 Food & Drink

    Borough bites
    Homemade cakes, artisan pizza and local
    cheese, what’s not to like? Try out these
    trendy eateries for an indulgent treat.

    Let’s brunch
  Truly Scrumptious – Aspull

Located on the busy Aspull high street,   wanted to set up my own business so I         from families enjoying afternoon tea,
Truly Scrumptious has been offering       could be more flexible at work.               to men coming in for our infamous full
afternoon tea, sandwiches and brunch      “My dad has always been a fantastic           English breakfasts.”
for seven years.                          baker so it’s been something I’ve been        Sarah is also proud to offer a popular
Sarah Ward, from Aspull, owns the         interested in my whole life. When             afternoon tea, a bespoke offer
shabby chic inspired café and is proud    we opened, there was nothing like             catered to dietary requirements, so
to bake all of the cafes cakes herself.   Truly Scrumptious in the area. It was         all customers can celebrate their
Sarah also uses other local businesses    important to me to create a social            occasions in the most perfect way.
to source ingredients for her brunch      space.                                        Follow ‘Truly Scrumptious’ on
menu, including the butchery three        “Truly Scrumptious is really close to the     Facebook or visit 22 Moorside, Scott
doors down, a nearby farm and a baker     library and local schools, so it’s easy for   Lane, Aspull, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
in Wigan.                                 people to use throughout the day. We          or Saturday 10am-4pm.
Sarah said: “After having my daughter I   have a really good mix of customers,
28                                                  Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                  Food & Drink

     Twentymans – Bradshawgate, Leigh

                                            It’s the Northern
                                            Quarter of Leigh
 Following 35 years in the bakery           open Wednesday to Sunday.                   “It’s been great to see all of my ideas
 industry, Andrew Twentyman opened                                                      and work come together and setting up
 his artisan pizzeria and bakery in Leigh   Andrew said: “After working all over the    on Bradshawgate means I can also add
 in October 2018.                           country in the industry I took a huge       to my local high street.”
 Twentymans sits on popular                 leap of faith. This has been a life-long    Andrew is keen to expand his bakery
 Bradshawgate – an area coined ‘the         ambition and if I didn’t do this now at     range and is looking to recruit more
 Northern Quarter of Leigh’ by Andrew       50, when would be the right time?           people to help him serve locals with his
 thanks to its vibrancy and independent     “Considering I’m doing most of              homemade treats.
 businesses.                                this on my own, I get a lot of good         Follow ‘Twentymans’ on Facebook or
 Twentymans offers a range of pastries,     feedback and regularly see five star        visit 117 Bradshawgate, Wednesday –
 cakes, breads, pizzas, buns and more,      recommendations from customers              Saturday (10am-10pm) or on a Sunday
 all baked by Andrew himself, and is        online, which is really positive,           (12pm-7pm).
                                            especially in such a short space of time.
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                                   29

                                                Food & Drink

 Relish – Hallgate, Wigan

 Relish the

Tracey Stevens from Springfield has       relish, which is served on the cheese      Tracey has hopes to expand
always had a passion for good wine        boards.                                    throughout the year and make the
and quality cheese.                       She said: “I really wanted to provide      most of Relish’s garden in the summer
Following a career in catering, Tracey    something a little different to the        time.
wanted to open somewhere a little         current town centre evening offer.         Relish Cheese and Wine also host live
different to the norm in Wigan town       “Although I own the business myself,       music with a local artist twice a month
centre.                                   my partner has had a big involvement       on a Saturday evening.
Relish Cheese and Wine opened             in renovations and we’re really proud      And, when she’s not serving quality
on Hallgate at the end of 2018 and        of what we have achieved so far.           cheese and wines, Tracey is a teacher
boasts a welcoming Mediterranean          “I work hard to provide a friendly and     at Fir Tree Fishery, working with young
atmosphere.                               personal service, so I’ll happily tailor   adults who have had a disadvantage
Offering a range of local and regional    the cheese boards to customers’ taste      with education, or have additional
cheeses, home-baked breads and            and will be flexible on what people        needs.
carefully selected wines, Relish Cheese   want.                                      Follow ‘Relish Cheese and Wine’ on
and Wine is perfect for an evening        “I’m hoping to offer tasting and pairing   Facebook or visit 43 Hallgate, Wigan
tipple or bite after work.                events in the near future, so watch this   Thursday-Sunday, 12pm-10pm.
Tracey even makes her own signature       space!”
30                                                   Borough Life / Spring 2019

                                                       Be Active

     saved my life”

“I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity    importantly to be able to help other         “That’s not me over exaggerating
to play competitive football again,” said   people who have been in my position.”        because it really has made me
Tom.                                        After 14 weeks on the programme Tom          healthier, fitter and more confident,
Two years ago Tom Ennion had a heart        lost an incredible three and half stone      I can now go into any shop and buy
attack aged 32 and weighed 22 and half      and thanks Wigan Athletic Community          clothes without having to worry that
stone.                                      Trust and his coach Andy Miller for          nothing would fit.”
While still recovering, last summer he      helping to make it happen.                   Man v Fat targets men with a BMI of
decided to sign up to the Man V Fat         He said: “The weight loss hasn’t just        27.5 or over and consists of weekly
weight management programme.                had an impact on my body, it’s also          football sessions and expert weight loss
The free programme is in a football         helped my confidence and I’m now             advice from Community Trust coaches
league format with lots of online advice    much more of an outgoing and sociable        at Wigan Soccerdome.
plus face to face support to help with      person.                                      Lose Weight Feel Great For Men has
nutrition and weight loss.                  “I’ve got a good network of friends now      programmes available to suit everyone,
Tom said: “The heart attack was a           from Man v Fat and you can just tell         from touch rugby with Wigan Warriors
massive wake-up call. I didn’t think        we’ll be friends for life, so much so that   to one to one and group training with
I’d have the opportunity to play            a number of them have been added to          Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles and Man V
competitive football again, so this         my wedding list later this year.             Fat with Latics.
scheme has given me a purpose to            “There’s no doubting Man v Fat saved
get fit and to get healthy, but more        my life.

         For more information on the Man V Fat programme visit:
Borough Life / Spring 2019                                             31

                                                   Be Active

                     Care homes get active
 Care homes across Wigan Borough        connected.                                 Mikinda, Manager at Woodlands
have become hotbeds of sport for        Recent events such as the Care Home        Court, said: “Myself, the team and
residents thanks to an innovative new   Olympic Games saw homes decorated          the staff have thoroughly enjoyed the
programme.                              with flags and homes compete in            programme that we were honoured to
Active Care Homes is run by Inspiring   various activities. Both residents and     be part of. Not only are my residents
Healthy Lifestyles, in partnership      staff got involved in mini golf, slipper   accessing the community, but the
with the council, and encourages        soccer and bowling as well as crafting     staff have also started eating healthy
care home residents to become           the props, costumes and decorations        and joined gyms.”
more active, healthier and socially     for the day.

Get fit faster
Robin Park Leisure Centre has the       will bring the opening of the new
right idea with brand new gear!         gym, sauna, steam room and sensory
The Leisure Centre has opened the       room. Refurbishment on the new
doors on its new cycle studio.          studios and functional spaces will
The latest in the £3.5M developments    soon be underway and ready to open
at Robin Park Leisure Centre sees       in April.
the brand-new cycle studio spinning     As well as functional spaces,
into action with state-of-the-art       changing rooms, toilets and corridors
Technogym bikes and will host global    are being refurbished and repairs are
fitness brand Les Mills Sprint and      underway on the roof.
RPM.                                    Classes will be available in
The cycle studio is the latest in a     instructor led live sessions and in
line of developments at Robin Park      virtual sessions and can be booked
which has already opened a new          online and set reminders on your
gymnastics studio and café. March       MyWellness App.

       To sign up for a gym membership visit:
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