Page created by Dustin Freeman
Case Study                                                       Great Tool for Outstanding Products

     It‘s Time for Innovative Marketing Ideas
     Festool, headquartered in Wendlingen am Neckar, manufactures electronic power and air tools and their credo is develo-
     ping tools that meet the highest demands. To regularly provide country-specific product line publications to their internati-
     onal market, which encompasses more than 47 countries, the Marketing Department relies on the automation and creativi-
     ty provided by the InBetween Publication Wizard.

     Festool enjoys an excellent reputati-       presented – a reference to the Festool      individual pages, since each Product
     on amongst craftsmen, both at home          tools used in the projects is always sup-   Manager is responsible for different
     and abroad. A broad product range of        plied. The portfolio is rounded off with    core competencies such as „surface
     special tools for carpenters, timber en-    a likewise separately created product       processing,“ „milling and drilling,“ „suc-
     gineers, painters, car painters and pro-    catalogue for the automotive industry,      tion,“ etc.
     ducts used in renovating, leaves prac-      featuring highly professional solutions
     tically nothing left to desire. Whereas     specially designed for auto body pain-      Therefore, high automation was not the
     proven tools have constituted an inte-      ting shops.                                 answer, but rather a tool which on the
     gral part of the product line for many                                                  one hand enabled cooperating across
     years, Festool also focuses on develop-
     ment. Novelties truly are novelties in
     the industry.

     A recent survey carried out by Festool“s
     Marketing Department in the German-
     speaking region brought it to light: The
     product catalogue is and remains the
     primary information medium for retai-
     lers and end customers. Following this
     more than explicit vote, the question as
     to whether the printed catalogue would
     continue to play a central role in market
     communication in the future, had been
     answered. The only remaining question
     was „how to go about it?“

     Professional tools also strive towards
     a prominent place in the media. To
     strengthen the Festool brand, all tools
     for craftsmen are compiled in a cata-
     logue exceeding more than 400 pages.
     Large-scale product presentations           Based on the positive experience            departments and permitting as much
     are alternated with detailed images,        gained by generating a price list, which    creative design as necessary; and si-
     technical information and examples          thanks to InBetween, has been automa-       multaneously as much automation
     of use. Suitable system accessories         tically produced since 2006, as of 2011,    as possible. The entirely web-based
     supplement the core product pages.          the high-quality product catalogues for     InBetween Solution, with its practical
     Additionally, approximately 200 pages       the three central business domains/         combination of defined fields, template
     comprise the painter product line and       divisions were to at least be generated     specifications for different product pre-
     are targeted to this occupational group.    for the greater part from the database      sentations, as well as completely neu-
     Apart from all typical merchandise and      at the push of a button. An essential       tral free fields corresponded the best to
     devices, selected renovation projects       requirement: It should still be possi-      the planned mode of operation.
     from various maintenance groups are         ble to specifically select products for

Case Study                                                        Great Tool for Outstanding Products

     The InBetween Publication Wizard was          Via the „Update Language“ function,        however, print costs are reduced due
     considerably influenced by Festool‘s          the German catalogues can now be           to target group-specific communica-
     ideas during the further development          quickly generated in all the important     tion and the connected lower number
     process to InBetween‘s standard mo-           languages of the key markets. In the       of editions. Print costs thus play a sub-
     dule. Festool‘s catalogue team is pro-        meantime, Festool is able to provide 29    ordinate role. Furthermore, due to ho-
     vided with a variety of page designs via      versions featuring country-specific pu-    mogeneous product lines on the mar-
     the Web browser, for which they can           blications in 19 languages, rather than    kets, Festool can make full use of the
     select products and images from their         the original four countries. The com-      potential of a black imprint film when
     own product group, thanks to being            pany now has a much stronger country       printing. When taking the ROI into con-
     coupled to the underlying PIM system.         presence, and can now actually access      sideration in relation to the investment
     The catalogue thus retains its unique         markets which would have been extre-       in an integrated PIM and database pu-
     character, but is compiled many times         mely difficult to accomplish without the   blishing solution, the greatly reduced
     faster than would be the case when            respective language versions.              manual effort carries the most weight.

     manually designed. Since the mode of          In addition to the highly automated        The investment has already paid off by
     operation is very intuitive, no staff trai-   price lists and semi-automated pro-        this alone. The extra time can now be
     ning was necessary.                           duct catalogues, Festool also uses the     put to much better use for the truly rele-
                                                   InBetween Dynamic Publishing soft-         vant subjects, such as compiling high-
     Festool not only distributes their pro-       ware to create other multi-language        quality contents.
     fessional tools in the German-speaking        documents: data sheets, labels and
     region, but also has an export quota of       the so-called product pass – a type of     Establishing an integrated process
     76 %. The company is present in a total       product data sheet containing all rele-    chain has a further positive effect: The
     of 47 countries, of which they have their     vant technical information, a product      master data quality has been consi-
     own subsidiaries in 18 of them. Corre-        image and the corresponding barcode        derably improved, and that in turn re-
     sponding language variants of the pu-         and merchandise head card. As the de-      sults in practically all documents gene-
     blications are therefore indispensable,       gree of automation is already 85 – 95%,    rated being error-free.
     and were the next great challenge for         Festool no longer requires agency ser-
     the marketing responsible. Entspre-           vices for finishing.
     chende Sprachvarianten der Publikati-
     onen sind daher unerlässlich und wa-          Whereas on the one hand update cycles
     ren die nächste große Herausforderung         for print materials are shorter, quality
     für die Marketing-Verantwortlichen.           demands increase. At the same time,

Case Study                                                      Great Tool for Outstanding Products

     Interview                                   You place great value in
                                                 very high-quality catalo-
     Specialized and highly professional         gues. Do you now have
     tools are in demand, both at home and       to make compromises in
     abroad. For Daniel Baumeister and Elke      the design due to an au-
     Schepp, both Communication Mana-            tomated generation?
     gers at Festool, the key to success is
     an integrated and professional solution     Unlike our price lists,
     for data management and outputting in       we did not automated
     different channels, including printing in   the product catalogues
     all target market languages.                by 85 - 90%. That is not
                                                 the objective. We have
     How do you visualize the development        already achieved such
     of the print medium as part of your me-     a gain in efficiency just
     dia landscape?                              by the semi-automation
                                                 and the very high degree
     Our periodic worldwide customer sur-        of automation of further
     veys distinctly indicate one thing: For     communication mate-
     specialized dealers and end customers       rials that we now have
     – and they are essentially our commu-       time to develop and im-
     nicative target group – print catalogues    plement segment-spe-
     are still the most important means of       cific ideas. The painter
     sales. Therefore, alongside online por-     and automotive catalo-
     tals, Web specials and videos, we will      gues are such examples.
     continue to place great value in our
     high-quality product catalogues. Print
     will never die out.                                                           Are there any further innovative ap-
                                                                                   proaches you would like to put into
                                                                                   practice, thanks to the efficiency

                                                                                   We think that communication can de-
      Project Highlights                                                           finitely be further customized and seg-
                                                                                   ment-specific – both in print and online
      •    InBetween Publication Wizard enables an optimal relation of creative
                                                                                   - and that PIM-driven, automated publi-
           design and the use of automation potential.
                                                                                   shing processes will play an important
      •    Thanks to a 85 – 95% degree of automation, agency services for          role. The larger a business grows, the
           finishing data sheets, labels and product data sheets are no longer     more important a sound technological
           required.                                                               basis for optimum process architec-
      •    The software is so intuitive that training is not necessary.            ture becomes.
      •    Catalogues can be created for the key markets in all important langu-
           ages.                                                                   How does the company‘s export orien-
                                                                                   tation impact your communications?
      •    Catalogues can be created for the key markets in all important langu-
           ages.                                                                   We distribute our products nearly all
      •    Establishing an integrated process chain.                               over the world. Foreign trade consti-
                                                                                   tutes a considerable proportion of the
      •    Reducing the error rate in generating documents to practically zero
                                                                                   turnover. In many countries, therefore,
           auf nahezu Null.
                                                                                   catalogues in the national language are
                                                                                   an absolute must. If, however, we had

Case Study                                                             Great Tool for Outstanding Products

     to employ an additional person to
     create the publications in each inter-
     national subsidiary, we would have
     immense additional costs. Even
     so, the results would not equal the
     current quality. For these reasons
     alone, we can no longer envisage a
     life without central PIM-driven auto-
     mated publishing processes. InBet-
     ween has become a fundamental
     pillar of success for Festool.

     The Festool GmbH:

     Festool GmbH develops high-grade electro-        to special extractors. „Quality and innova-   tionally active company with 2,600 emplo-
     nic and air tools for professional and discer-   tion“ have the highest priority at Festool    yees, under whose umbrella, the Festool
     ning users in the timber, painting, automoti-    GmbH. This is mirrored in the 300 patents     and Tanos brands are available in 26 coun-
     ve sectors, as well as for home handymen.        and more than 80 prizes for their products    tries worldwide.
     The product line ranges from cordless drill      and company.
     drivers to circular saws, pendulum jigsaws,
     trimming and compound nitre saws, milling        Festool GmbH is part of TTS Tooltechnic
     tools, planers, sliders and polishers, on up     Systems AG & Co. KG. They are an interna-

     InBetween Deutschland GmbH
     Friedrichstraße 39
     D-70174 Stuttgart

          +49 711 72 23 32-0
          +49 711 72 23 32-29

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