Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale

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Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale

Italy 2020:
Inspiring Italian
XI Annual NOVA Conference

New York, November 19-21, 2010
Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale

        Introduction to NOVA association

        XI Nova Conference

        Contacts

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Introduction to NOVA
 Established in the Spring of 2000, NOVA is a non profit association comprising more than
  900 Italian students and alumni from top US MBA programs

 NOVA has the objective to encourage Italian students to:
     Participate in leading international MBA programs
     Contribute to the international success of Italy
     Create a strong, highly valuable professional network

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Key activities of NOVA
           NOVA Conference: every year NOVA organizes a conference which
            hosts some of the key representatives of the Italian and international
            business community. The conference represents a unique opportunity
            for Italian MBA students and alumni to meet and discuss opportunities
            and challenges for Italy within the global economy

           NOVA Corporate relationships: NOVA actively engages with major
            Italian and international corporations to help them liaise with and
            attract Italian MBA students and alumni

           NOVA recruiting task force: supporting NOVA alumni and current
            MBA students in job search

           Alumni chapters: NOVA alumni chapters in Milan, Rome, London and
            New York regularly organize informal gatherings and speaker series,
            targeted at both NOVA members and the broader Italian business

           NOVA admission team: supported by several alumni, the admission
            team aims to encourage, mentor and support those applying to
            business schools

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Annual NOVA conferences
       Hosting School              Keynote speakers

2009   •Harvard/MIT               •G. Cuneo, M. d’Amore, N. Pianon, F. Sattin,
                                   B. Severgnini
2008   •Columbia/NYU              •R. Abravanel, G. Galateri, F. Napolitano

2007   •Columbia/NYU              •M. Arpe, C. Buora, R. Crapelli, L. Stanca

2006   •Stanford                  •R. Crea, G. De Luca, P. Romer, E. Schmidt

2005   •Harvard/MIT               •A. Alesina, F. Conti, F. Giavazzi

2004   •Columbia/NYU              •A.Damodaran, M. Draghi, L. Stanca

2003   •Chicago/Kellogg/Wharton   •F. Beccalli, M. Sella, P. Timoni, L. Zingales

2002   •Harvard/MIT               •M. Baldassarri, G. Braggiotti, F. Modigliani

2001   •Columbia/NYU              •F. Modigliani, P. Scaroni, J. Stiglitz

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Past conference and corporate

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale

        Introduction to NOVA association

        XI Nova Conference

        Contacts

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
XI NOVA conference in NYC

             • Two days that                  • More than 20                • A series of


               will connect                     business                      company
               Italian MBA                      leaders that                  presentations
               students from                    will discuss                  and the
               all over the US                  their views on                special
               with                             the future of                 opportunity to
               successful                       Italy and the                 take part to
               leaders from a                   trends that will              the recruiting
               variety of                       be affecting                  process of top
               fields, in the                   our growth in                 Italian and
               unique setting                   the medium-                   International
               offered by                       long run                      companies
               New York

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Concept, objectives and structure
• Discuss how Italy will evolve in the medium term to 2020 and which main trends will be affecting
  our growth

• Provide a series of insightful discussions on how leaders with different backgrounds view our future
• Give to current MBA students actionable lessons on how to successfully take leading roles in
  shaping this future


• A welcome speech by S.E. the Italian Ambassador in the USA
• A lecture on the main global trends which will affect Italy in the medium term
• Five panels which will discuss the main opportunities for Italy along the following dimensions:
  internal growth, financial markets, distinctiveness of Italian ideas and products, international
  diversification, M&A and private equity
• A final keynote speaker gathering the lessons learned during the conference

Italy 2020: Inspiring Italian Future - XI Annual NOVA Conference New York, November 19-21, 2010 - Marco Vitale
Topics and speakers
                       Description                                    Speakers
                        Introduction -Main global trends which        D. Siniscalco (Morgan Stanley and
The big picture          will affect Italy in the medium term           former Minister of Economy)
(Keynote Speaker)

                                                                                                                       COLUMBIA BUSINESS
                        Analyze root causes of low economic             F. Starace (Enel Green Power)
Growth in Italy          growth in Italy and discuss the key             S. Proverbio (McKinsey & Co.)
(Panel 1)                levers order to foster the expansion in         M.Vitale (FIDPMI)

                         the long term                                   P. Signorini (DIPE)
                                                                         M.C. Carrozza (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
                        Discuss how financial turmoil has hurt        V. Massiah (UBI Banca)
New Financial            Italian financial system and whether          M. Mucchetti (Corriere della Sera)
Normal (Panel 2)         capital markets are a potential engine to     N. Roubini (NYU Professor)
                         generate sustainable growth in Italy
                        Propose a provocative and critic view on      S. Versace (Versace)
Thought in Italy         the long-celebrated concept of “Made in       A. Branchini (Altagamma)
(Panel 3)                Italy”, understanding the peculiarities of    G. Riotta (Il Sole 24 ore)
                         the “Italian way of doing things”
                        Understand whether Italian companies            P. Borzatta (European House Ambrosetti)
Int. diversification     are well positioned to look for                 C. Costamagna (CC e soci)
(Panel 4)                sustainable growth in foreign countries         L. Pelliccioli (DeAgostini)

                                                                                                                           NYU STERN
                                                                         G. Tondato (Autogrill)
                        Understand possible future scenarios in         M. Dallocchio (Bocconi Professor)
M&A and Private          the corporate M&A                               L. De Vecchi (Credit Suisse)
Equity (Panel 5)        Discuss the future changes which could          C. Sposito (Clessidra)
                         affect the private equity sector

Closing remarks         Lesson learnt
(Keynote Speaker)
Honor guest and keynote speakers
                                           Domenico Siniscalco
    S.E. Giulio Terzi di Santagata    Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley
     Italian Ambassador in the USA     Europe and Italy country head,
                                     Former Italian Minister of Economy

    Welcome speech to the             An introductory lecture on the
    participant students              main global trends which will
                                      affect Italy in the medium term

   @ Consulate General of Italy      @ Columbia Business School
     Welcome cocktail                  Day 1
     Friday, November 19               Saturday, November 20
     7:30pm                            9:30am

Panel 1 – Growth in Italy
PANEL DESCRIPTION                                   SPEAKERS                        TO BE FINALIZED
 In the last 10 years Italy has experienced                   Francesco Starace
  one of the lowest growth rate among                          Enel Green Power,
  western countries; this panel aims to                        Chairman
  analyze the root causes of this trend and
  the key levers to revert it, in order to foster
  the expansion of the Italian economy in                      Stefano Proverbio
                                                               McKinsey, Director
  the long term. Labor market, private and
  state investments, educational system,
  productivity     challenges,       sustainable
  technologies and energy policies will be                     Marco Vitale
  analyzed and discussed in this panel                         Fondo di Investimento Piccole e
                                                               Medie Imprese, President

                                                               Paolo Emilio Signorini
 Understand the key levers to turn around                     Dipartimento Interministeriale
  Italy from a zero flat growth in the medium                  Programmazione Economica (DIPE),
  term     and      define    the    economic                  Managing Director
  environment managers and entrepreneurs                       Maria Chiara Carrozza
  will face in the following years                             Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna,

Panel 2 – Financial New Normal
PANEL DESCRIPTION                                 SPEAKERS                        TO BE FINALIZED

 The panel will start by discussing how the                 Victor Massiah
  recent financial turmoil has hurt the Italian              Ubi Banca, CEO
  financial system and whether Italy can
  look at international capital markets as a
  potential engine to generate sustainable
  growth. The panel will then focus on the
                                                             Massimo Mucchetti
  medium term evolution of capital markets
                                                             Corriere della Sera, Journalist
  in terms of financial regulation, demand-
  supply equilibrium and connection with
  the global markets

                                                             Nouriel Roubini
KEY TAKE-AWAYS                                               New York University, Professor

 Understand the role capital market can
  play in boosting economic growth of
  Italy in the medium term

Panel 3 – Thought in Italy
PANEL DESCRIPTION                                  SPEAKERS                         TO BE FINALIZED

 This panel will propose a provocative and                   Santo Versace
  critic view on the long-celebrated concept                  Gianni Versace, President and co-
  of “Made in Italy”. As production of goods is               CEO
  moving more and more to other countries,
  ideas and unbeaten creative power has
  saved our competitive advantage: is this the                Armando Branchini
  era     of   the    “Thought     in    Italy”?              Executive Director, Altagamma
  Speakers will be challenged on their views
  on what is unique about Italy and how to
  possibly maintain it.

                                                              Gianni Riotta
KEY TAKE-AWAYS                                                Sole24Ore, Editor in chief

 Understand the peculiarities of the “Italian
  way of doing things” and discuss what kind
  of opportunities will have future business
  leaders in creating a new wave of growth

Panel 4 – International Diversification
PANEL DESCRIPTION                                SPEAKERS                         TO BE FINALIZED

                                                            Lorenzo Pelliccioli
 The discussion will deal with the main                    DeAgostini , CEO
  differences between investing in Italy and
  investing abroad. Speakers will share their
  own       experience      in   international
  diversification and will touch upon the
  opportunity for Italian companies to explore
                                                            Gianmario Tondato
  new geographies. Available means to                       Autogrill, CEO
  enlarge companies’ operations beyond the
  Italian borders will also be part of the
  discussion (M&A vs. export vs. new
                                                            Claudio Costamagna
KEY TAKE-AWAYS                                              Goldman Sachs, Former Head of
                                                            European IBK
 Given current Italian economic environment,
  leading companies searching for sustainable
  and profitable growth should see foreign                  Paolo Borzatta
  countries and new geographies as an                       The European House-Ambrosetti,
  interesting opportunity                                   Senior Principal

Panel 5 – M&A and Private Equity
PANEL DESCRIPTION                                   SPEAKERS                        TO BE FINALIZED

 The panel is intended to analyze the recent                  Claudio Sposito
  evolution of the M&A market following the                    Clessidra SGR, Chairman and CEO
  recent economic turmoil. In particular,                      Founder of leading Italian private
  speakers will share their views on the short                 equity firm, Clessidra SGR
  term outlook and the sustainable long term
  trends in the Italian M&A activity, both from a
  corporate and financial sponsor perspective.                 Maurizio Dallocchio
  The role of private equities and the                         Bocconi University, Professor
  envisaged structural change of the industry                  Holder of the Nomura Chair of
  from pure financial engineering practice                     Corporate Finance
  towards active ownership of the portfolio
  companies will be dealt in detail                            Luigi De Vecchi
                                                               Credit Suisse, Managing Director
                                                               Co-Head of Global Investment
 Understand possible future scenarios in the                  Banking Division
  corporate M&A
 Discuss the future changes which could
  affect the private equity sector

Conference Schedule
            FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19       SATURAY, NOVEMBER 20                    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21
                                      @ Columbia Business School              @ NYU Stern School of Business

Morning                              08:45–09:15 | Welcome Coffee             09:00–09:30 | Welcome Coffee
                                     09:15–09:30 | Conference opening         09:30–10.45 | Panel – International
                                     09:30–10:15 | Keynote Speaker 1
                                                                              10:45–11:00 | Coffee break
                                     10:15–11:30 | Panel – Growth in Italy
                                                                              11.00–12:15 | Panel - M&A and
                                     11:30–11:45 | Coffee break
                                                                                            Private Equity
                                     11.45–12:45 | Panel – Financial New
                                                                              12.15–12:45 | Closing remarks

Afternoon                            12.45–02:00 | Lunch                      12:45–02:00 | Lunch
                                     02:00–03:00 | Panel - Thought in Italy   02:00–05:00 | Recruiting
                                     03:00–05:00 | Company presentations
                                                   & Recruiting
                                     03:00–08:00 | Tour of New York City

Evening     06:00–09:00 | Welcome    08:30–00:00 | Gala dinner


        Introduction to NOVA association

        XI Nova Conference

        Contacts


                Nunzio Digiacomo

                CBS MBA Class of 2011
                  +1 (917) 743 3331

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