2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

Page created by Everett Vaughn
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms
Strategic Plan
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms
                       EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                       Welcome to City Blossoms’ 2021–2023        Three themes guide our vision for this
                       Strategic Plan! I am thrilled to join      Plan and are reflected throughout our
                       our wonderful staff, board, and            goals: resiliency, equity, and refinement.
                       partners as we embark upon this next
                       strategic phase for the organization.      Resiliency: The coronavirus pandemic
                       In early 2020, I transitioned in as City   will have an impact on the landscape
                       Blossoms’ new Executive Director,          through 2023. We will continue to
                       and shortly thereafter the world           implement practices that support the
                       experienced COVID-19. In spite of the      resiliency of City Blossoms and our
                       pandemic, City Blossoms adapted and        communities.
                       has continued to run our programs,
                       reaffirming the strength of our team       Equity: Equity lies at the heart of why
                       and the importance of our community-       City Blossoms was founded. In the next
                       driven work.                               three years, we will continue to uphold
                                                                  our equity value in everything we do
                       Under our previous plan (2018–2020)        as we strive to achieve access and
                       City Blossoms saw big, exciting growth;    inclusion for all in urban green spaces.
                       we increased our number of staff and
                       community partnerships significantly,      Refinement: We will grow our programs
                       created two new programs and built out     by refining and honing our models and
                       the models of existing ones. We shared     methods to make them even more
                       free City Blossoms tools and resources     replicable, impactful, and efficient.
                       and expanded our presence on the           Through this strategy we will ultimately
                       national stage.                            increase our reach and impact.

                       The current 2021–2023 Plan sits atop       We are excited to engage with you over
                       the previous years of organizational       the coming years as we continue our
                       expansion and now seeks to further         partnerships with children, families,
                       refine and codify our work, which will     educators, and neighbors. We can do so
                       position us to maximize our impact         much together over the three growing
                       locally and nationally. The Plan was       seasons. Let’s dig in!
                       created by a team of board and staff
                       members, and incorporated feedback
                       from our participants and partners.
                                                                  Tara McNerney
                                                                  Executive Director
2 • cityblossoms.org
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms
                                                     We envision cities with abundant,
                                                      accessible green spaces where
                                                     communities thrive and children
                                                        build lifelong connections
                                                           to the natural world.

                      City Blossoms cultivates
                 the well-being of our communities
                   through creative programming
                       in kid-driven gardens.

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2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

City Blossoms develops innovative and community-
engaging programming and tools through creative
kid-driven green spaces. Since 2009, City Blossoms
has designed, developed, collaborated, and provided
programming or trainings for over 100 green spaces
throughout Washington D.C. and nationwide.

Through our work with hundreds of community-based
organizations, neighborhood groups, schools, and learning
centers we serve all—with a particular focus on
low-income communities and Latino, African-American,
and immigrant youth. Thousands of participants, from
toddlers through teens, have been engaged as cultivators,
using their creativity, intellect, and energy to shape
their communities through fantastic and functional
gardens. The City Blossoms model interweaves
four core elements: healthy living skills, environmental
education, artistic expression, and most importantly
community development.

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2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

   Strive to ensure access
    and inclusion for all.

                                 Celebrate everyone’s
                              strengths and experiences.

     Nurture compassion
      and consideration
     for all living things.

                                 Enhance our impact
                                 by joining together.

Cultivate open-mindedness
  and experimentation.

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2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms
PROGRAMS                                                    Early Growers         We use our bilingual early childhood
                                                                                  curriculum, First Harvest/Nuestra Primera
                                                                                  Cosecha, to work with children ages two
                                                                                  to five. We partner with educators to design
                                                                                  age-appropriate gardens and programming
City Blossoms accomplishes its mission through five                               to help participants make their first
                                                                                  connections to nature and food.
focus areas that incorporate free or affordable in-school
and out-of-school programming, community engagement         School Garden         We work with coordinated groups
opportunities, resources and trainings.                     Partners              of elementary and middle schools to
                                                                                  design and incorporate gardens into
                                                                                  their programming over multiple years.

                                                            Youth                 Using the cooperative business model,
                                                            Entrepreneurship      high school students create their own
                                                            Cooperative           business while learning environmental and
                                                                                  food justice concepts and developing job
                                                                                  readiness skills.

                                                            Community             We provide interactive, communal, and
                                                            Green Spaces          children-focused gardens that transform
                                                                                  unused or under-used land into green spaces
                                                                                  where youth and adults can interact with
                                                                                  their natural environment and explore their
                                                                                  creativity. Participants learn about ecology,
                                                                                  urban agriculture, nutritious food, water
                                                                                  conservation, and composting techniques,
                                                                                  and participate in the creation of public art.

                                                            Training & Resource   We support educators and community
                                                            Development           members by providing trainings with a lens of
                                                                                  cultural connectivity and skills development.
                                                                                  We also produce sharable resources such as
                                                                                  our bilingual cookbook, Garden Gastronomy/
                                                                                  Gastronomía del Jardín.

6 • cityblossoms.org
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

The Strategic Plan was created by a Committee composed
of Board and staff members, and incorporated feedback
from youth, teachers, families, funders, and partner
organizations. It considered what we accomplished in our
previous plan, the local landscape in 2020, and our goals
for the future.

7 • cityblossoms.org
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

In this Plan, City Blossoms has four strategic goals that
were revised and updated from the previous plan to meet
our vision for the next three years.

Goal 1                                     Goal 2                                  Goal 3                                        Goal 4
Strengthen Programming                     Assess and Improve Impact               Extend and Deepen our                         Strengthen Organizational
that Supports City Blossoms’                                                       Brand and Reputation                          Sustainability
                                           Assess Impact: Refine, develop, and
Sustainability and Growth                  implement monitoring and evaluation     Promote Brand: Continue to promote            Strengthen our Organization:
                                           methodologies and tools that support    the City Blossoms brand by packaging          Formalize operational structures
 Refine programs: Reflect on and
                                           measuring the achievement of our        programs and tools and sharing them           and staffing plans that support
 refine programs to maximize impact
                                           mission.                                at the local, regional, and national level.   organizational sustainability and
 and efficiency, while staying adaptive
 to meet the needs of the community                                                                                              growth.
                                           Increase Impact: Improve the            Hone Communications: Enhance
                                           fulfillment of our mission by using     our communications strategy to                Cultivate our Team: Continue building
                                           impact assessments to refine programs   deepen our relationships with current         a positive, supportive, equitable,
 Make Replicable: Continue to work
                                           and practices.                          audiences and reach new audiences.            growth-minded work environment that
 on making programs replicable and
 scalable.                                                                                                                       embodies our values.
                                           Share Impact: Share our progress in
                                           achieving our mission and share our                                                   Fine-tune Financial Planning: Enhance
 Grow Partnerships: Develop
                                           developed impact assessment tools.                                                    short and long-term financial planning
 community-based organization and
 business partnerships that support                                                                                              strategies to support the growth
 City Blossoms’ mission, sustainability,                                                                                         and sustainability of the organization.
 and growth.
                                                                                                                                 Bolster Board Impact: Strengthen
                                                                                                                                 the Board of Directors’ role in
                                                                                                                                 fundraising, finances, and oversight
                                                                                                                                 of urgent organizational priorities.

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2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms

9 • cityblossoms.org
2021-2023 Strategic Plan - City Blossoms
Goal 1: Strengthen Programming that Supports                                               CITY BLOSSOMS STRATEGIC PLAN WITH OUTPUTS

City Blossoms’ Sustainability and Growth

                        STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                      OUTPUTS

                        1.1 Refine programs: Reflect on and       1.1.a Use evaluation tools and processes to inform program refinement,
                        refine programs to maximize impact        growth and evolution.
                        and efficiency, while staying adaptive
                        to meet the needs of the community        1.1.b Continue to refine all program models and content.
                                                                  1.1.c Refine and grow the Resources & Trainings Program, particularly
                                                                  coaching sessions and curricular content.

                                                                  1.1.d Enhance and vitalize existing Community Green Spaces sites with
                                                                  significant structural investments and community art projects.

                        1.2 Make Replicable: Continue to work 1.2.a Continue to work on making all programs replicable and scalable.
                        on making programs replicable and
                        scalable.                             1.2.b Convert programs and resources to be accessible virtually if
                                                              beneficial and reasonable.

                                                                  1.2.c Investigate different models of conducting the YEC program.

                        1.3 Grow Partnerships: Develop            1.3.a Cultivate community-based organization partnerships that
                        community-based organization and          support our mission, sustainability, and growth.
                        business partnerships that support
                        City Blossoms’ mission, sustainability,   1.3.b Cultivate business partnerships that support City Blossoms’
                        and growth.                               mission, sustainability, and growth.

                                                                  1.3.c Strengthen the engagement and retainment of long-term
                                                                  individual and group volunteers.

10 • cityblossoms.org
Goal 2: Assess and Improve Impact                                                      CITY BLOSSOMS STRATEGIC PLAN WITH OUTPUTS

                        STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                  OUTPUTS

                        2.1 Assess Impact: Refine, develop,   2.1.a Review current and research new evaluation tools for assessing all
                        and implement monitoring and          programs and internal organizational goals.
                        evaluation methodologies and
                        tools that support measuring the      2.1.b Refine, update, and implement evaluation tools.
                        achievement of our mission.
                                                              2.1.c Assess program impact using the new evaluation tools.

                        2.2 Increase Impact: Improve the      2.2.a Use the quarterly planning cycle to use impact assessment
                        fulfillment of our mission by using   results to inform program strategy and implementation.
                        impact assessments to refine
                        programs and practices.               2.2.b Use the quarterly planning cycle to regularly review and innovate
                                                              evaluation tools.

                        2.3 Share Impact: Share our progress 2.3.a Share our impact with all partners and stakeholders.
                        in achieving our mission and share our
                        developed impact assessment tools.     2.3.b Share our developed evaluation tools and methodologies with
                                                               the nonprofit sector.

11 • cityblossoms.org
Goal 3: Extend and Deepen our Brand and Reputation                                     CITY BLOSSOMS STRATEGIC PLAN WITH OUTPUTS

                        STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                   OUTPUTS

                        3.1 Promote Brand: Continue to         3.1.a Continue to package and disseminate all program content, tools
                        promote the City Blossoms brand by     and methodologies.
                        packaging programs and tools and
                        sharing them at the local, regional,   3.1.b Increase public awareness and engagement in City Blossoms
                        and national level.                    gardens through enhanced branding, events, programs, and rentals.

                        3.2 Hone Communications: Enhance      3.2.a Create a Communications Strategic Plan using feedback
                        our communications strategy to        from our communities that deepens our relationships with current
                        deepen our relationships with current audiences and reaches new audiences.
                        audiences and reach new audiences.
                                                              3.2.b Assess and revise the communications plan each quarter to
                                                              improve our reach and impact.

12 • cityblossoms.org
Goal 4: Strengthen Organizational Sustainability                                            CITY BLOSSOMS STRATEGIC PLAN WITH OUTPUTS

                        STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                      OUTPUTS

                        4.1 Strengthen our Organization:          4.1.a Strategize annually and implement a staffing plan to meet
                        Formalize operational structures          programmatic goals.
                        and staffing plans that support
                        organizational sustainability and         4.1.b Revise and add policies and procedures to further professionalize
                        growth.                                   the organization and guide staff.

                                                                  4.1.c Codify and record institutional knowledge for all programs and

                                                                  4.1.d Continue to develop and implement equity building initiatives
                                                                  in organizational policies, structures, and strategy.

                        4.2 Cultivate our Team: Continue      4.2.a Continue to support staff growth with regular 360 degree
                        building a positive, supportive,      performance reviews and learning opportunities.
                        equitable, growth-minded work
                        environment that embodies our values. 4.2.b Continue to create quarterly work plans that guide staff using our
                                                              strategic plan.

                        4.3 Fine-tune Financial Planning:         4.3.a Tailor fundraising and financial planning strategies for long-term
                        Enhance short and long-term financial     and short-term needs.
                        planning strategies to support the
                        growth and sustainability of the          4.3.b Refine tools that help forecast finances.
                        organization.                             4.3.c Continue to set and regularly review income generation goals.

                        4.4 Bolster Board Impact: Strengthen      4.4.a The board will develop a plan to continue cultivating new donors.
                        the Board of Directors’ role in
                        fundraising, finances, and oversight of   4.4.b The board will continue to guide City Blossoms’ financial priorities.
                        urgent organizational priorities.         4.4.c The board will create annual performance targets for themselves
                                                                  that they revisit during the year.
13 • cityblossoms.org
                        516 Kennedy St. NW
                        Washington, DC 20011

                           +1 (202) 882-2628

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