Page created by Gordon Figueroa
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                     Information bulletin:

                  The Spanish Dragon boat Association is pleased to invite you to participate in the IV
                  Intercontinental Dragon boat Festival of Spain - Torrevieja Jan Collins Memorial.

                  The festival will take place in the city of Torrevieja (Alicante) on Saturday 19th – Sunday 20th
                  October 2019.

                  Dragon boat clubs from any nationality are invited to attend to the Festival.

                  The competition will take part on 200 m for small boats (DB12) and standard boat (DB22).

                     Categories for the Festival (Clubs):

                  - DB 22 Open premier: 20 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer.
                  - DB22 Mixed premier: 20 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer (minimum of 8 and maximum
                  of 10 paddlers of each gender).
                  - DB 12 Open Premier: 10 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer.
                  - DB12 Open Senior A (40+): 10 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer. Paddlers must be Senior
                  A category.
                  - DB12 Mixed premier: 10 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer (minimum of 4 and maximum
                  of 5 paddlers of each gender).
                  - DB12 Mixed Senior A (40+): 10 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer (minimum of 4 and
                  maximum of 5 paddlers of each gender). Paddlers must be Senior A category.
                  - DB12 Female premier: 10 paddlers female with steerer & drummer.
                  - DB12 Female Senior A (40+): 10 paddlers female with steerer & drummer. Paddlers must be Senior A
                  - DB12 BCS: 10 BCS paddlers Dragonboat, steerer and drummer does not need to be BCS. Paddlers must
                  be BCS category. Breast Cancer Survivor.
                  - DB12 Category Mixed BCS: 10 paddlers Dragonboat with steerer & drummer (minimum of 4 and
                  maximum of 5 BCS female paddlers and minimum of 4 and maximum of 5 male paddlers, steerer and
                  drummer does not need to be BCS).
                  - DB12 ACS: 10 ACS paddlers Dragon boat, steerer and drummer does not need to be ACS. Paddlers
                  must be ACS category, steerer and drummer does not need to be ACS.
                  - DB12 PD2 PARA-Dragon Open: 10 paddlers Dragon boat with steerer & drummer (minimum of 5
                  paddlers must be Para-Dragon category.

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                                 Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                                    Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                  Categories for the Festival (Continents):

                  - To be decided during the Captain Meeting depending of number of inscription of teams from each

                  Paddles & steerers might be provided by the Festival Organization, as well as lifejackets to those
                  participants who request for it.Those teams that want to use his own steerer or paddles, can
                  do it, but paddles should be certificated according to 202A specification of the IDBF and the
                  steerers should have enough experience to rule the boat without causing any problem to his own
                  team or others.

                  Categories clarification:

             -    BCS: To be considered as BCS category, paddlers must comply with BCS definition according to IDBF
                  Competition Regulations. A BCS paddler is a competitor who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
                  BCS paddlers will have to certify their category by any kind of medical certification or equivalent
             -    ACS: To be considered as ACS category, paddlers must comply with ACS definition according to IDBF
                  Competition Regulations. An ACS paddler is a competitor who have been diagnosed with any form of
                  cancer. ACS paddlers will have to certify their category by any kind of medical certification or equivalent
             -    Para-Dragon: To be considered as Para-Dragon category, paddlers must comply with Para-Dragon
                  definition according to IDBF Competition Regulations. A Para-Dragon paddler is an athlete who has some
                  form of physical, psychological, neurological, sensory or intellectual impairment. Para-Dragon paddlers
                  will have to certify their category by any kind of medical certification or equivalent document.

                  Inscription process:

                  Inscription on the IV Intercontinental Dragon boat Festival of Spain - Jan Collins Memorial will be
                  performed through the Spanish Dragon boat Association inscription online platform.

                  Clubs interested to take part on the Festival will be requested to send the ANNEX No. 1 of this bulletin
                  properly filled including the categories where the club will take part before de pre-inscription deadline,
                  the club will receive the credentials to get access to the inscription online platform where will be required
                  to introduce the information of all the participants before the named entries deadline and during Team
                  Manager Meeting, the clubs will receive the accreditation cards of all their participants which will be
                  mandatory to take part on the event.
                  Once received the credentials to inscription online platform, Team Managers will be requested to
                  introduce following information of all the participants:
             -    Full name and ID No.
             -    Date and country of Birth.
             -    Credential Photo (jpg format).
             -    Specific Category Information (ACS, BCS, Para-Dragon), uploading in the system the document accrediting
                  the category.
                  Before final entries deadline, each club will be required to complete on the inscription online platform
                  the crews list of each category.

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                                    Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                                       Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                Festival Schedule:

                   Event                        Deadline          Remarks
                   Pre-Inscription              21.09.2019        To participate, teams must email the ANNEX No.1 before the

                   Inscription platform         28.09.2019        Teams will receive credentials to access the inscription
                   credentials                                    platform before the deadline.

                   Named entries                05.10.2019        Teams must have uploaded to the platform required
                                                                  participant’s information before the deadline.

                   Final entries                12.10.2019        Teams must have uploaded to the platform required
                                                                  participant’s information before the deadline.

                   Team arrival         and     18.10.2019        If teams want to train before the race, they could do it on the
                   Practice season                                Marina Internacional of Torrevieja facilities, contacting
                                                                  previously with the organization of the regatta.
                   Captain Meeting              18.10.2019        Captains meeting for all categories will be on Friday 18th.
                                                (19:00 – 20:00)   A representative from each team will is invited to take part
                                                                  on the meeting and pay the inscription costs.
                                                                  The location for the captains meeting will be at Marina
                                                                  Internacional of Torrevieja facilities.
                   Club categories              19.10.2019        Races for all categories (clubs) will begin at 09:00 till 18:00 on
                                                (09:00 – 16:00)   Saturday 19th October.
                                                20.10.2019        Races for all categories (clubs) will begin at 10:00 till 14:00 on
                                                (10:00 – 14:00)   Sunday 20th October.

                   Continents categories        20.10.2019        A team will represent each continent (America, Europe, Asia,
                   (Heats & Finals)             (10:00 – 14:00)   Africa) formed by paddlers from the countries of the
                                                                  Other configuration of the boats can be performed depending
                                                                  of number of paddlers inscribed.
                   Flower Ceremony              20.10.2019        Flower ceremony and Jan Collins Memorial
                   Festival lunch and           20.10.2019        Festival Lunch for all the participants and trophy ceremony.
                   trophy ceremony              (14:00 – 15:00)

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                                      Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                                         Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                    Festival Information:

                    Inscription fee is 25 Euros per participant. Inscription cost includes participation in all categories
                    (Clubs and Continents) and Lunch on Sunday 20th.

                    Payment should be performed, uploading wire transfer receipt to inscription online platform before
                    final entries deadline. Bank account number is provided on Regulation part of this bulletin.

                    In the festival area there will be changing rooms, resting areas, restaurant, bar and souvenirs.

                    The Festival will take place on Marina Internacional of Torrevieja (Alicante).

                    The closing races for the Festival will be the Continent Championship, where paddlers from the
                    different clubs attending the festival will form teams to represent their Continent (Europe, America,
                    Asia & Africa).

                    Accommodation information:

                    The Organziation Comitte can offer you support for the management of the accommodation of your
                    crew during the event.
                    For information request about accommodation, please, send an email request to

                    General Information:

           -       Marina Internacional of Torrevieja, Puerto Deportivo Marina Internacional, Playa del Acequión s/n
                   03185 Torrevieja (Alicante) (SPAIN).

               -   Airports:

               o   Internacional Airport of de Corvera (Murcia).
               o   Internacional Airport of Alicante (Valencia).

               -   There are many different places to stay in Torrevieja, from 4- and 5-stars hotels to campings and cheap
                   hostals near the competition place. Please, ask us for special prices and discount for attendants to the
               -   Accommodation: If your team is interested in accommodation, do not hesitate to contact with the
                   organization committee and will provide cost on different places already arranged.
               -   Information email: dragonboatspain@gmail.com intercontinentaldbfestivalspain@hotmail.com
               -   Information phone: (+34) 607625603
               -   Information Web: www.dragonboatspain.es

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                                     Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                                        Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                   Festival Regulations:

                   Distance: 200 meters for small boats (DB12) standard boats (DB22), 4-5 boats races.

                   Club Categories:
                   DB 22 Open premier, DB22 Mixed premier, DB 12 Open Premier, DB12 Open Senior A (40+), DB12 Mixed
                   premier, DB12 Mixed Senior A (40+), DB12 Female premier, DB12 Female Senior A (40+), DB12 BCS,
                   DB12 Category Mixed BCS, DB12 ACS, DB12 PD2 PARA-Dragon Open.

                   Continent Categories: Continent categories will be decided during the Captain Meeting, depending of
                   number of inscriptions of team from each continent received.

                   Participants should be minimum 14 years old to be allowed to participate in the competition.

                   A paddler can only represent a team on the festival.

                   A paddler can take part on a maximum of 3 DB12 categories and 1 DB22 category.

                   Paddlers will be requested to show the accreditation card on each race during boat marshalling.

                   Steerers could be provided by the Organization or other clubs, if required.

                   Competition will be through elimination method, and it will be described during the Captain meeting.

                   Medals will be given to the components of the three first teams in each modality, a final trophy
                   will be given to the club/team winner of the Festival.

                   Paddler can only represent on the Continent Category, the Continent where their residence country

                   If a team/club has more than one boat on any category, only the best positioned boat will count
                   for the overall ranking of the Festival. Each club/team only will score with one boat on each modality.

                   Participants must be able to swim and, if not, it will be mandatory the use of life jacket.

                   Any unsportsmanlike action may result in direct disqualification in both modalities.

                   Any modification in the regatta rules will be responsibility of the Organization committee,
                   Organization committee will arbitrate in any conflict.

                   The Festival Organization will provide qualified race officials in the start line, boat marshalling and in
                   the finish of the racecourse in order to control the times and results of the races.

                   Account Number: ES82 0081 1048 2800 0120 4728
                   Concept: Name of the Team and the reference IV IDBFT 2019.

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                                    Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                                       Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
                                             JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL

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                                                     ANNEX 1. Pre-inscription Form

                                              JAN COLLINS MEMORIAL
              Team Name
              Team Manager
              Contact email
              Contact telephone
              Estimated number of
                              Tentative Categories to participate
                  CATEGORY        PREMIER (No. of CREWS)    SENIOR (No. of CREWS)
                 DB22 MIXED
                  DB22 OPEN
                 DB12 MIXED
                  DB12 OPEN
                 DB12 FEMALE
                   DB12 BCS
               DB12 MIXED BCS
                   DB12 ACS

Asociación Española de Dragon boat                                                                 Doc: IVIDBFS2019
C/Fernando de los Infantes, La Vaguada, Cartagena, Murcia 30394
CIF: G-73562894                                                                                    Date: 11.06.2019
dragonboatspain@gmail.com / www.dragonboatspain.es
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