Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...

Page created by Dave Adams
Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
The 12th Annual
                                    Jamestown Pig Pickin’
                       Derby Days: Hats and Hogs
                                  Saturday, October 9, 2021
                         at home of Dr. Steven and Andrea Davis, Jamestown

Dear Community Friend,
The 12th Annual Jamestown Pig Pickin’ will be back in person this year and we are excited to see you! I hope
you will consider being a sponsor of this fantastic event in support of Family Service of the Piedmont.
This year’s Pig Pickin’ will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. at the home of Dr.
Steven and Andrea Davis in Jamestown who are also serving as this year’s Honorary Chairs.
The Pig Pickin’ includes the best local BBQ pork and chicken served by BBQ Joe’s, southern sides and desserts,
beer and wine, a silent auction, raffle and live music. This year’s theme is Derby Days: Hats and Hogs, so get
your most outlandish hats ready to be seen!
Family Service of the Piedmont is focused on building safe and healthy families in the Piedmont Triad. The
pandemic has led to an increase in stress, trauma and financial struggle in our community. Family Service is
committed to helping more than 17,000 children and adults each year deal with domestic violence, overcome
child abuse, improve their mental health and gain financial stability. Learn more about Family Service at
The Jamestown Pig Pickin’ aims to increase awareness of Family Service in Jamestown as well as raise funds to
support agency programs. Last year’s Safe at Home Pig Pickin’ raised over $150,000. With your help, we look
forward to gathering together and having even greater success in 2021!
Sponsors will be recognized on the invitation, mailed to 2,000 homes in the Jamestown area, on signs at the
event and will receive a Pig Pickin’ Yard Sign to show their support. Sponsors will also be recognized on the
Family Service of the Piedmont website and social media channels, in the agency’s newsletter and in thank you
ads in both the Jamestown News and the Greensboro News & Record.
           The Pig Pickin’ offers you an opportunity to promote your business to potential customers
          in the Jamestown area. Sponsors at the Silver Level ($1,000) and above will also be invited
               to this year’s Swine Soirée cocktail party, immediately preceding the main event.
To sign up as a Sponsor, simply complete the enclosed form and return, or go to www.JamestownPigPickin.com
to sign up online. Please sign up by September 20th to be listed on the invitation and signage at the event.
Thank you again for your support of Family Service. We hope to see you at the Pig Pickin’!

Mark Whitesell, Chair
2021 Jamestown Pig Pickin’
(336) 339-0348
Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
The 12th Annual Jamestown Pig Pickin’
                           Derby Days: Hats & Hogs
                           Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum: $5,000                                       Gold: $2,500
      12 tickets to the Pig Pickin’                         8 tickets to the Pig Pickin’
      6 tickets to the pre-party, Swine Soirée              4 tickets to the pre-party, Swine Soirée
      Individually featured on Family Service               Recognition on Family Service social
         social media channels                                  media channels
      Prominent listing of name/logo on Invitation          Prominent listing of name/logo on
      Prominent listing of name/logo in                        Invitation
         Jamestown News and Greensboro                       Prominent listing of name/logo in
         News & Record Thank You Ad                             Jamestown News and Greensboro
      Recognition in Family Service newsletter, on             News & Record Thank You Ad
         website and in e-newsletter                         Recognition in Family Service newsletter, on
      Recognition in media coverage                            website and in e-newsletter
      Pig Pickin’ Yard Sign                                 Pig Pickin’ Yard Sign

Silver: $1,000                                         Bronze: $500
      6 tickets to the Pig Pickin’                          4 tickets to the Pig Pickin’
      2 tickets to the pre-party, Swine Soirée              Recognition on Family Service social media
      Recognition on Family Service social media               channels
         channels                                            Listing of name on Invitation
      Listing of name on Invitation                         Prominent listing of name in
      Prominent listing of name in                             Jamestown News and Greensboro
         Jamestown News and Greensboro                          News & Record Thank You Ad
         News & Record Thank You Ad                          Recognition in Family Service newsletter
      Recognition in Family Service newsletter              Recognition on Family Service website
      Recognition on Family Service website                 Pig Pickin’ Yard Sign
      Pig Pickin’ Yard Sign

             Sign up at www.JamestownPigPickin.com or mail the card below.
                      For more information, please call (336) 801-1154.

             Yes! I want to be a sponsor for the 2021 Jamestown Pig Pickin’.
Please return to: Family Service of the Piedmont, 902 Bonner Drive, Jamestown, NC 27282
Sponsor Name ______________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
Contact ______________ Email ________________ Mobile Phone ____________
Sponsorship Level                             Check enclosed
 Platinum Sponsor ......$5,000               Invoice me at the above address
 Gold Sponsor .............$2,500
 Silver Sponsor ...........$1,000            Please charge my credit card:
 Bronze Sponsor .........$500               Card#___________________________ Exp___/___
                                             Name on Card ____________________ CVV______
Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
In Memory of
                                                                                Jim Bullock

                                                     Kelley and              Kathy and Mark
                                                     Ken Canter              Whitesell
                                                             Dr. Kathryn Rogers

                                     Michelle and                                        Pam Craver
                                   Bob Bruggeworth                                     and Bruce Taylor
                                                        The Factory and
               Robin and Roy                           Company Kitchen
                  Crosier                                   and Bar

                                                                    Billy Ragsdale

       Melissa and Jim Babcock                  Donna and David Griffin                 Bonny and Dick Podiak
         Lee and Kip Blakely                    Jamestown Civitan Club                 Sedgefield Country Club
     Blossom’s Florist and Bakery           Jamestown News/YES! Weekly              Sedgefield Outdoor Equipment
              Doris Bray                   Master Displays, Inc./Jerry Hardy                 Smart Choice
    Buchanan Printing & Graphics                Stacy and Richard Miller                Jamie and Matt Soule
         Lynn and Jim Burgio                   Jerry and Sherry Nazziola                  Southern First Bank
   Central Carolina Air Conditioning          Greensboro News & Record                Elizabeth and Don Swaim
      Van and Marilyn Cochran                 Courtney and Mark Penley

Absolute Comfort Heating & Cooling, Inc.            First Citizens Bank                   Cotton and Tom Moring
   Adams Farm Animal Hospital, P.A.               Full Moon Oyster Bar                  Office Furniture Unlimited
     Affordable Chiropractic Center        Gaulden & Associates/Gary Gaulden               Susan and Greg Parlier
        Avery Body & Trim Shop                        Carolyn Gorga              Piedmont Cotillions/Geri and Mike Sheffey
         Janis and Ray Beshears                  Green Foundation, Inc.                 Pinnacle Financial Partners
          Karen and Carl Boggis                 Greensboro Law Center                         Emily Ragsdale
          Sarah and Phil Burger              Horizon Tool, Inc./Sean Kenny             Friends of Dr. Kathryn Rogers
       Connie and Dennis Carroll                Deborah and Herb Hugill               Stephanie and Timothy Rogers
              Tom Clawson                               iSurity, Inc.                         Scott Insurance
              Curtis Collins                       Jamestown Jewlers                            Belvin Smith
     Costas Insurance Group, Inc./             Johns Plumbing Heating &                     Smith Leonard PLLC
           Chris and Jim Costas                   Air Conditioning, Inc.                        Jody Susong
              Crescent Ford                      Nancy and Dan Lackey                  Barbara and Mike Waggoner
 Kimberly Crews and David Thompson            La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries                Pam and Teddy Welborn
       Beverly and Gregory Crisp                        Leon Marsh                              Well·Spring
          Lula and Hamp Culler                        Darrell McCall                      Carol and Norman West
    Davis & Goldberg Orthodontics               McDonald’s of High Point            Woman’s Club of Southwest Guilford
          Kathy and Allen Dick
Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
About Our Agency
                             Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc.
Family Service of the Piedmont is the largest private nonprofit agency serving children and families in Guilford
County. With a staff of about 150 people, Family Service has an annual budget of $8 million. Each year, the
agency reaches more than 20,000 people through its programs and community education.

                                           Our Vision
                               Building Safe and Healthy Families
                                               Our Mission
Family Service of the Piedmont empowers individuals and families to restore hope, achieve stability and
                    thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education.

                                            Areas of Service
Victim Services – The agency provides 24-hour crisis line and a victim advocate program for victims of sexual
assault, domestic violence and other violent crime. Clara House in Greensboro and Carpenter House in High
Point offer a temporary residence, along with a host of other services, for women and children escaping
domestic violence. Family Service also offers therapy groups for male and female perpetrators of domestic
violence. The agency operates two fully accredited Children’s Advocacy Centers which coordinate the
investigation and treatment of child sexual abuse. Harmony House provides supervised visitation and
exchange of children for families with a history of domestic violence.

Family Support Services – Family Service seeks to prevent child abuse and neglect by providing in-home
parenting education for new parents with heightened stress and risk factors, and providing family preservation
and reunification services for families in danger of having their children removed from the home.

Counseling – Family Service offers individual and family counseling – including substance abuse, depression,
anxiety, marital problems, behavioral issues, grief and trauma. The agency’s Consumer Credit Counseling
Service (CCCS) provides free budget, credit and housing counseling, debt management programs, and
bankruptcy and foreclosure mitigation for individuals and families struggling with financial worries.

Community Education – The agency offers community empowering opportunities through resident councils,
leadership training and neighborhood building activities. CCCS conducts free money and credit workshops
throughout the year. Family Service staff advocates for issues central to its mission and services – such as
domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse – through community awareness events and speaking

Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
         Building Safe and Healthy Families and Communities
                                            LAST YEAR, WE DIRECTLY SERVED
                          17,031 LOCAL CHILDREN AND ADULTS.
                      DOMESTIC VIOLENCE                                                                      CHILD ABUSE
                              AND SEXUAL ASSAULT                                                         AND HEALTHY PARENTING

         Shelters • Counseling • 24-Hour Crisis Line                             Children’s Advocacy Centers • Family Resource Center
         DVIP • Victim Advocacy • Support Groups                                  Healthy Start Family Preservation • Harmony House
 Clara House in Greensboro and Carpenter House in High Point offer            Provide safe child-friendly environments to minimize a child’s
 safety to adults and children escaping violent homes. Individuals            trauma while investigating abuse. Provide counseling and victim
 receive help filing protective orders and navigating the court system,       advocacy in addition to in- home counseling and parenting
 individual and group counseling, and referrals to resources to help          education for at risk families along with supervised visitation and
 them start a new life free from violence.                                    exchange for separated parents.

   7,071      victims of domestic violence, rape and other
              violent crimes were served last year.
                                                                               458    families were served last year by our CACs, conducting
                                                                                      437 forensic interviews. That’s more than nine cases each
                                                                                      week of potential child abuse investigated at the centers.
        20    average number of adults and children who are
              housed in our domestic violence shelters each
              night. 90% of those who stayed for 10 days or
                                                                               259    children in 235 families with high risk factors were
                                                                                      served by Healthy Start. 99% of those families did not
              more went home to a safe, non-violent living                            receive reports of abuse or neglect.

     93%      of batterers who completed the Domestic Violence                 664    number of safe, supervised child visitations by non-
                                                                                      custodial parents at Harmony House (about 15 visits
              Intervention Program were not re-arrested for                           per week).
              assault on an intimate partner after one year.

                           MENTAL HEALTH                                                            FINANCIAL STABILITY
                               AND SUBSTANCE USE

    Individual and Family Counseling • Employee Assistance                  Financial Counseling • Foreclosure Prevention • Bankruptcy Counseling
         Peer Support Groups • Substance Use Services                          Debt Management • Budgeting and Homeownership Workshops
Counseling for children, teens and adults with issues such as depression,   The Consumer Credit Counseling Service offers money management,
anxiety, physical or sexual abuse and substance use. Integrated             housing and credit counseling, foreclosure prevention and debt management
care model addresses both physical and mental healthcare needs.             along with bankruptcy counseling and education.

  17,898       counseling sessions were provided by our team of
               health professionals.
                                                                                  988    one-on-one financial counseling sessions were provided
                                                                                         by CCCS last year, addressing issues of housing and
                                                                                         fiscal management.

    6,984      medical visits were provided for 3,539 children
               and adults.
                                                                                 93%     of families reported the ability to pay their bills on
                                                                                         time after counseling, 79% reported their debt load
                                                                                         was decreasing, and 71% said they were saving money.

      80%      of counseling clients displayed significantly improved
               functioning after three counseling sessions.
                                                                               1,860     number of people receiving financial education through
                                                                                         free workshops and community events.

                                                   SAFEANDHEALTHYFAMILIES.COM                                                           (2020 Statistics)
Jamestown Pig Pickin' - The 12th Annual - Family ...
Investing in Our Community’s Future

                goes directly to fund programs for children and families.
                     Our agency’s operating costs are at a low 11%.

    FOR EVERY $1 INVESTED IN THE       the community saves at least $4.60 in health care and other costs of
   DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS,         domestic violence.

       $1 SPENT ON THE DOMESTIC        saves up to $20 in inmate, court, probation and law enforcement

         FOR EVERY $1 ON FAMILY        saves the community $6.79 in future out-of-home placement
        PRESERVATION PROGRAMS          costs.

                                       yields up to $5.70 in reduced mental health costs, criminal justice costs,
      $1 SPENT ON HEALTHY START        reduced dependence on welfare, and increased employment.

         $1 SPENT ON OUTPATIENT        saves the community $6 in emergency room and
        MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES         in-patient costs.

        $1 INVESTED IN SUBSTANCE       yields a return of $12 in reduced drug-related crime, criminal justice
                  USE TREATMENT        costs, theft and health care costs.

       EVERY FORECLOSURE LEADS         Since 2010, Consumer Credit Counseling Service has helped save more
       TO A 1% DROP IN THE VALUE       than 5,000 local homes from foreclosure, helping preserve the equity of
        OF SURROUNDING HOMES.          around 20,000 surrounding homes.

Statement of Philosophy
Family Service is committed to creating a long-lasting and positive impact in our community by
serving individuals and families facing critical hardships involving domestic violence, child
abuse, mental health, and financial stability. Because we have the most extensive and diverse
array of such services in our community, we are in a unique position and embrace our
responsibility to address these multi-faceted barriers to success. By identifying the complex needs
of our clients and delivering impactful services, we empower individuals and families so they will
have the best chance of success and overall well-being.
Family Service will continue as the model for outstanding service and delivery by advancing
successful outcome-based programs and collaborative initiatives to address individual needs that
impact personal development as well as the growth of safe and healthy families. Our staff will
energetically, compassionately, and responsibly give our clients the tools and advocacy needed to
successfully integrate with society.
We will constantly monitor our environment to offer the most relevant and up-to-date models of
support services, ensuring they are of the highest caliber and effectiveness for the benefit of our
clients, and thus the community at large.
Furthermore, Family Service will hold itself to the highest standards of integrity and excellence
in our programs, services, and staff, including transparency in our fiscal and board responsibilities.
Fidelity to these standards constitutes the backbone of our agency and drives our decisions and

                                              Core Beliefs
We believe every individual has the right to live       better able to develop and sustain safe, healthy,
his or her life with dignity, respect, and integrity.   and productive lives.
We believe every family is impacted by the health       We believe by developing and subscribing to the
and well-being of its individual members.               highest standards of integrity, professionalism and
                                                        best methods, our clients have the greatest chance
We believe families are an essential part of society    of successfully surmounting issues that could
and that safe and healthy families provide the          potentially cripple them.
underpinning and model for a healthy, stable, and
vibrant society.                                        We believe that all funding of the agency should
                                                        be used in the most effective, transparent, and
We believe every child should live free from fear       responsible manner possible so that our clients
and have the right to grow up to become a strong,       and community are able to benefit at a maximum
healthy, and responsible citizen.                       potential.
We believe our services address the most critical       We believe that the continued trust and generosity
issues affecting the well-being of today’s              of our stakeholders enables us to enjoy the
individuals and families; by providing education,       excellent reputation and professional position we
advocacy and alternate choices, human beings are        hold within the community and is essential to our
Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc.
       Board of Trustees 2021-2022
              Curtis Collins, Chair
            Nancy Laney, Treasurer
           Daniela Helms, Secretary
     Manuel Dudley, Immediate Past Chair
  Dianne Pusch, Greensboro Foundation Chair
Stephanie Goldman, High Point Foundation Chair
         Tom Campbell, President/CEO

              Ericka Best-Hunt
                  David Black
                  Doris Bray
                 Pete Callahan
                    Sue Cole
              MooMoo Councill
                 Andrew Farah
                  Karen Guy
                   Alyce Hill
                  Jim Keever
                 Gordon Locke
                  Reid Marks
                 Angela McGill
              Carroll Ann Miller
               Jonathan Partee
                Donna Perkins
                Jenny Ragsdale
                  Jim Weeks
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