January 2021     Vol. XVIII   Issue 5   NATIONAL MONTHLY   40/-

               FROM  THE INCARNATE
               TO THE INCARCERATED

    PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                             1
Christmas Celebration at             Christmas Celebration and Criket
         Chavakkad Subjail                   Match at Sagar Central Jail

    Christmas Celebration at Aluva            Christmas Celebration at
               Subjail                        Ambikapur Central Prison

    First PMI Prayer Group Members at      Christmas Celebration at Banda
St Apostolic Seminary Kottayam 1981-1988              Subjail

      Christmas Celebration at               Christmas Celebration at
2     Bengaluru Central PrisonPRISON          Berhampur
                                           VOICE         Central
                                                 : JANUARY       Jail
Christmas Celebration at Jashpur            Christmas Celebration at
             Prison                           Jharsuguda Subjail

    Christmas Celebration at                Christmas Celebration at
   Jharsuguda Women Prison                      Kalaburgi Prison

Christmas Celebration at Open Air           Christmas Celebration at
       Prison, Devanahalli                     Ottapalam Subjail

  Christmas Celebration at Pala        Christmas Celebration at Vaithiri
  PRISON VSubjail
             OICE : JANUARY         -2021          Prison                3
Christmas Celebration with the Mentally      Christmas Celebrations and Medical
    Challenged Children, Bengaluru               Camp at Joherganj Sub Jail

Christmas Holy Mass and Celebration at       CST Little Flower Major Seminarians
        Ernakulam District Jail                Visiting Ernakulam District Jail

      Jail day Celebrations at               Jail Welfare Day Celebration at
   Attakulangara Women Prison                       Kottayam Prison

 Jesus Youth Audio Visual Team Performing      PMI Bengaluru Celebrates
   Music cum Drama Show at Ernakulam            Christmas at Jeevodaya
               District Jail
                                P    RISON   VOICE : JANUARY     -2021
                                                                                            Most Rev Dr Allwyn D'Silva
                                       NATIONAL MONTHLY
                                                                                                 Managing Editor
                                                                                           Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS

                                                                                                   Chief Editor
                                                                                                   Sr Amala DC

                                                                                               Circulation Managers
                                                                                          Fr Benny Thomas Pachanal CRSP
                                                                                                 Fr Rajendra Kumar

                                                                                                  Editorial Board
  Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his
                                                                                               Fr G J Anthonysamy
   blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh                                      Fr Wilfred Fernandes
    and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise                                         Fr David MSC
                                                                                                  Sr Jobina UFS
            them up on the last day (Jn 6, 53-54)
                                                                                                 Magazine Staff
                                                                                              Ms Teena Antony, PhD
Editor’s View.....................................06                                              Sr Basil SCS
                                                       Are You Willing?                          Sr Joanna SCS
                                                                                                  Sr Rosily SCC
National Coordinator’s Desk.............07
                                                         “Help a Prisoner's Child
Which Way to Jesus .........................09
                                                            Prevent a Potential               Graphics and Layout
                                                                                                 Dinto Tom K T
Juvenile Delinquents Reformers ......11                          Criminal”
Premodaya .......................................13        80% of the children of                    Printing
                                                                                              Sevasadan Printing Press
                                                          prisoners are potential             Koramangala, Bengaluru
Bro Marcel Van.................................15
                                                        criminals unless somebody
Sr Helen Prejean CSJ ......................17           takes care of them. Prison           Prison Ministry India
                                                                                              52, Thomas Layout
Asha Sadan, Noida ..........................19           Ministry India has begun
                                                                                                Sarjapur Road
                                                        a scheme to educate 1000                  Carmelaram
Christmas Celebration
                                                           children of prisoners:             Bangalore-560 035
in Odisha Jails ..................................20
                                                                                               Karnataka, India
                                                             Kindly contribute
PMI Pune Spreads
                                                       Rs. 5,000/- for the education             09447710488
Christmas Cheer ..............................22                                                  9880022209
                                                                 of a child.
Prisoners’ Children Educators ..........23                                                             Email
                                                                BANK DETAILS:
PMI Ruby Jubilee .............................24       A/c Name : Prison Ministry India    nationalpmi2015@gmail.com
                                                       Bank       : South Indian Bank
Jingle Bells in Juvenile Jail ...............26        Branch     : Sarjapur Road
                                                       A/C No     : 0416053000001419                Website
Writing My Wrongs ...........................27
                                                       IFSC Code : SIBL0000518             www.prisonministryindia.org

    PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                                         5
Editor’s View

With immense gratitude and highest
appreciation to Sr Rosily SCC for her
valuable service as the chief editor of Prison                     Sr Amala DC
Voice let me begin with wishing all of you                           Chief Editor
a happy New Year 2021. Every end marks
                                                    peace. Though we don’t have permission
a new beginning though we are still under
                                                    to visit prisoners very often, we are able to
the threat of the invisible enemy covid19.
                                                    help them by taking care of their children’s
I don’t think we have, or this generation
                                                    education and many other projects launched
has experienced anything like this before.
                                                    by the initiative of Rev Fr Francis Kodiyan,
The year 2020 landed with this novel virus
                                                    PMI National Coordinator.
which wreaked havoc across the globe and
still continues its onslaught unabated. The         When PMI Celebrates its Ruby Jubilee let
uncertainty looms large and we don’t know           us be conscious that the purpose of Jesus’
how long or how far it will continue to keep        incarnation was to bring good news to the
us in fear. It is not in resisting the situation,   poor, to proclaim release to the captives
we will triumph over it, but in becoming            and recovery of sight to the blind, to let
aware of it. Hence, how we deal with the            the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the
situation is very important. How are we             year of the Lord’s favor (Lk 4, 18-19). The
going to do it? We have, so far, resisted it        goal and task of Prison Ministry India are
partially, complained about it, and also tried      also the same, liberating and redeeming
to somewhat fit into this new scenario. Now          prisoners. Let us intensify our redeeming
is the time to look ahead and see how we            mission of the lost.
can redefine ourselves in this restricting
scenario. It’s almost like imprisonment             It is relevant for us to remind ourselves of
where we do not have much freedom that              the New Year resolutions proposed by the
we used to have before. We will have to be          Holy Father Pope Francis: 1) Don’t gossip
more flexible in 2021 and beyond because             2) Finish your meals 3) Make time for others
unexpected calamities may happen.                   4) Choose the “humbler” purchase 5) Meet
                                                    the poor in the flesh 6) Stop judging others
As we enter into the New Year, let us focus         7) Befriend those who disagree 8) Make
on how well our goodwill and genuine                commitments, such as marriage 9) Make it
service will impact the entire world especially     a habit to “ask the Lord” and 10) Be happy.
our brethren behind the bars. Let us resolve
to live a life of dedicated service that will       I wish we change our direction and not
positively impact the world in general              dates, change our commitments and not
and the incarcerated in particular. That’s          the calendar, change our attitude and not
how we at PMI National Office started                the actions; and bring about a change in our
visiting the prisons even during this time          faith, force and focus and not the fruit. May
of pandemic by giving gifts, performing             we live up to the promises we have made
cultural programmes and disseminating               and may we create for us, our loved ones,
the Christmas message of love, joy and              the people around us and above all the lost
                                                    sheep of Jesus the happiest moments in life.

6                                       PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021

Il Resveglio - The Reawakening
In preparation and commemoration of
the Ruby Jubilee, PMI convened an online
retreat from 13-19 September 2020 to                    Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan MCBS
reawaken her volunteers. The theme was                National Coordinator & Secretary to CBCI
“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and                     for Prison Ministry India
Christ will shine on you” (Eph 5:14). Many
retreat participants asked for the continuity     and jacob – and that He is Yahweh “I am
of the spiritual experiences they had during      who I am”. God is calling PMI volunteers as
the retreat. As a lasting fruit of the retreat    He called Moses, to liberate the incarcerated.
PMI decided to have an online spiritual           The PMI Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet
banquet every month in the evening of             intends to set the hearts of PMI volunteers
every first Friday. During this Jubilee year,      on fire, to understand the depth of their
PMI chalked out various programs like 40          call within the call and thus totally dedicate
Special Task forces, Incessant Intercessory       themselves for the integral development of
Invocation for the Incarcerated, 40 houses        prisoners and their children. “Come, I will
for the released and reformed prisoners,          send you to Pharaoh to bring my people out
scholarships for 400 children of prisoners,       of Egypt. I will be with you” (Ex 3, 10-12)
releasing 400 prisoners and so on. I invite all
                                                  Inaugural Banquet
of you to earnestly pray for the fruitfulness
of PMI Ruby Jubilee programs and to               On Friday 2nd October 2020, the Burning
actively participate in the Burning Bush          Bush PMI Spiritual Banquet was inaugurated
Spiritual Banquets.                               by Very Rev Fr Varghese Karippery, the
                                                  cofounder of Prison Ministry India. Mar
Burning Bush Spiritual Banquet
                                                  Jose Pulickal, the Bishop of Kanjirapally
The unburnt bush (Ex 3:4) on Mount                spoke out of his experience as one of the
Horeb is an icon of theophany – the source        pioneers of Jesus Fraternity at St Thomas
of God experience, a symbol of God’s              Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam and out
communion with man; it’s an embodiment            of his rich experience as the Director of
of divine revelation - God revealing his          the rehabilitation center for released men
plan to man. It narrates the story of God’s       prisoners at Snehashramam, Thrissur.
love for man and tells the tale of Moses’         Highlighting Jesus’ special mission for
vocation to liberate the people of God from       the lost and the wounded he invited PMI
the Egyptian bondage. This is the holy place      volunteers to express more tangibly their
where Moses was appointed and anointed            compassion and affection towards brethren
by God to lead the people of God out of           behind the bars. Mar Jose Pulickal who
Egypt and into Canaan, the land of milk and       donated his ancestral house and property
honey; the place where God revealed His           for the integral human development of
name that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac         prisoners’ children inspired PMI volunteers

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                  7
From National Coordinator’s Desk                   rosary on all the three days. God is the Good
to dedicate totally for the liberation and         Shepherd who is always in search of the lost
redemption of prisoners and their children.        sheep and when He finds it, He celebrates.
Fr Reji Koodapattu CMI and team led                God alone has the blue print of our lives
the Eucharistic Adoration and praise and           and as such God alone knows our beginning
worship. On 6th November 2020 Rev Fr               and He alone knows our end.
Maverick, the Director Caritas Goa, led            Burning Bush Prayer
the Burning Bush Spiritual banquet. He             Lord our loving Father, we thank and
spoke on the ‘Restoration towards Eternal          glorify you for the divine providence and
life’. Rev Fr Savio Fernandes Assistant            heavenly protection of PMI volunteers
Director of Caritas Goa and his team lead          all over India. Merciful Father, we entrust
the PMI volunteers into praise, worship            the PMI Burning Bush Spiritual banquet –
and adoration. It was indeed a spirit filled        preachers, participants, organizers, sessions,
banquet wherein everyone who participated          arrangements and equipment into your safe
was enlightened and motivated to work for          divine hands. Lord Jesus, you invited the
eternal life.                                      apostles to come away with you to a lonely
Burning Bush Advent Retreat                        place to rest a while for their sanctification
There is a reason for closed doors,                and empowerment. Bless us O Lord to be
unanswered prayers and blocked roads.              the lamb of the world, to be the salt of the
If your plans don’t work out it is because         earth, to be the light of the world, to be the
God has better plans for you. Our journey          ransom for many, to be the stone rejected,
on this earth is full of surprises, difficulties,   to be the body broken, and to be the blood
challenges, joys and sorrows, ups and downs.       shed. Anoint us O Lord, with the power
To face our day-to-day challenges, it is very      of the Holy Spirit and renew us to commit
important to keep ourselves in prayers.            ourselves to search, serve and save the lost.
Just as food gives strength for our bodies,        O Holy Spirit, fill us with your fruits, gifts
prayers provide us with the spiritual strength     and charisms, let sinners be converted,
to face difficulties or challenges in our lives.    the sick be healed, the consecrated be
Keeping this in mind PMI conducted a               renewed, the faithful be strengthened and
three-day online Advent retreat from 4-6           souls in purgatory be liberated. Shower
December 2020 under the leadership of Rev          your deliverance power on us and lead us
Fr Henry Falcao Director of the St Joseph          to release, reform, rehabilitate, reintegrate
Vaz Spritual Renewal Retreat Center Old            and redeem our brethren behind the bars.
Goa. Fr Xavier Braganza, PMI volunteer,            O Blessed Mary Mother of Our Lord Jesus,
Panjim, Fr Saturnino Colaco and Fr Henry           mediatrix of sinners, pray for the salvation
Falcao preached the retreat and conducted          of the lost and for the reawakening of our
Eucharistic Adoration. The theme was               Chairman, founders, coordinators and the
God’s Love. The retreat began with praise          entire PMI family. The saints who suffered
and worship by Mr Magnus. Panjim prison            and glorified the Lord in prison St John
ministry volunteers namely Mr Walli de             the Baptist, St Paul, St Maximillian Kolbe,
Lima Fernandes, Mrs Jocelyn Rodrigues,             venerable Van Thuan and all the saints
Mr Denzil Martins, Mr Michael Martins and          and angels intercede for the anointing and
Mrs Goretti Martins lead the retreatants in        sanctification of all the retreatants. We ask
                                                   this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.

8                                       PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Which Way to Jesus
On a cold Harmattan morning three palm
fruit farmers were warming themselves
by the fireside. Soon two of them were
engaged in a heated debate comparing their
religions to decide which one was the true
religion. Okoro, the oldest among them,
sat quietly listening to the debate. Suddenly
the two turned to him and asked, “Decide                   Fr Allam Sagar Manoj Kumar
for us, Okoro which religion is the right
one?” Okoro stroked his white beard and             magi or the three wise men were nature
said thoughtfully, “Well, you know there            worshippers, people who divined God’s will
are three ways to get from here to the oil          by reading the movements of the stars and
mill. You can go right over the hill. That is       other heavenly bodies, then we can see how
shorter but it is a steep climb. You can go         the visit of the magi challenges some of our
around the hill on the right side. That is not      popular beliefs.
too far, but the road is rough and full of
                                                    Like the palm fruit farmers, religious people
potholes. Or you can go around the hill on
                                                    of all persuasions tend to think that their
the left side. That is the longest way, but it is
                                                    religious tradition is the only way to God.
also the easiest.” He paused and then added,
                                                    This is what some of us hear when we hear
“But you know, when you get there, the mill
                                                    such words of Jesus as: “I am the way, and
man does not ask you how you came. All he
                                                    the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
asks is, ‘Man, how good is your fruit?’
                                                    Father except through me” (John 14:6). We
In the stories of Jesus’ birth, two special         hastily conclude that the way of God equals
groups of people came to visit the new              the way of our religious tradition. Yet the
born babe: the shepherds and the magi. The          word of God cautions us against such a
church has no special feast to commemorate          narrow interpretation. “For my thoughts
the visit of the shepherds but we have              are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my
this special feast of Epiphany today to             ways, says the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). That is
celebrate the visit of the magi. Why is that?       why we are fascinated with the story of the
It is because the visit of the magi is an eye-      visit of the magi. It is a unique story that
opener. The shepherds learnt of the birth           opens our eyes to the fact that God is not
of Jesus through a direct revelation from           limited to any one religious tradition.
angels appearing in the midnight sky. This
                                                    Notice how people of different religious
is direct and supernatural revelation. Many
                                                    traditions came to know that the Son of
of us have no problem with that. The magi,
                                                    God was born. The shepherds who were
on the other hand, learnt of the birth of
                                                    regarded as unclean and could not take part
Jesus by observing a star. The star did not
                                                    in Temple worship without undergoing
say anything to them. They had to interpret
                                                    purification came to know through a direct
this natural sign to know what it meant
                                                    vision of angels. The magi knew through
and where it led. If we remember that the
                                                    a reading of the stars and King Herod’s

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                 9
Which Way to Jesus

 scribes came to know through searching
 the scriptures. Visions, stars, scriptures
 are different ways of arriving at the same                  Prison Life,
 truth. Of course, this does not mean that                 A Great Leveller
 any religious tradition is just as good as the                 Fr Stan Swamy SJ
 other. Notice how Matthew indicates that
 when the guiding star got to Jerusalem its
 light failed and the magi had to consult the           Inside the daunting prison grates
 scriptures to direct them to Bethlehem.                    All belonings taken away
 Over and above the natural light of the star              But for the bare essentials
 the magi still needed the supernatural light
 of scripture to finally get to Jesus.                           ‘You’ comes first
 Yet the crucial question in the story remains:                   ‘I’ comes after
 Who actually got to find Jesus? Herod and his              ‘We’ is the air one breathes
 scribes who had the scriptures failed to find
 Jesus but the magi who followed the natural                    Nothing is mine
 light of the stars were able to find him.
                                                               Nothing is yours
 Why? Because the Jewish authorities, even
 though they possessed the shining truth of                    Everything is ours
 revealed scriptures, did not follow it. They
 did not walk in the light of the scriptures.            No leftover food thrown away
 The magi, on the other hand, who enjoyed             All shared with the birds of the air
 only a star light, followed its guidance. It is   They fly in, have their fill and happily fly out
 not the possession of the truth that matters,
 it is how prepared we are to walk in the light        Sorry to see so many young faces
 of the truth that we possess. It is better to         Asked them: “Way are you here”?
 have the dim light of the stars and follow            They told it all, not mincing words
 it than to have the bright light of the Holy
 Scriptures and neglect it.
                                                           From each as per capacity
 As Christians we believe that our religion                   To each as per need
 possesses the fullness of truth. But how                  Is waht socialism all about
 does that benefit us if we do not walk in the
 truth? Nature worshippers or non-believers             Lo, this commonality is wrought by
 who are sincerely committed to following
 the dim light of natural reason may arrive
 at Jesus before Christians who have the           if only all humans would embrace it freely
 exalted truths revealed by God but who                            and willingly
 do not walk the walk of faith. This is the         all would truly become childre of Mother
 challenging truth we celebrate today in the                           Earth
 story of the pagan wise men who seek and
 find the Lord.

10                                      PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Juvenile Delinquents
     Reformers (JDR)

Juvenile Delinquents Reformers is one
of the PMI Special Task Forces and PMI                    Sr Lini Sheeja MSC
volunteers join hands together in reforming
and redeeming these children of ours. The     Why Juvenile Delinquency?
term ‘Children in Conflict with Law’ refers
to anyone less than 18 years of age who       The root causes of Juvenile Delinquency
comes in contact with the Justice System      are well documented and researched. They
as a result of being suspected or accused     are poverty, school problems, economic
of committing an offence. The General         problems, alcohol and drug abuse,
Assembly on 29 November 1985 adopted          community atmosphere, getting acquainted
the United Nations’ Standard Minimum          with bad company and ultimately falling
Rules for the Administration of Juvenile      into bad habits, bad family atmosphere, lack
Justice, and for the first time the word       of family support, substance abuse – home
“Juvenile” was coined. This change in         life, substance abuse – personal, physical
terminology was then reflected in domestic     abuse at home, lack of adult interaction,
law with the passing of the JJA 1986. The     peer pressure – neighborhood influence,
Act was further amended in 2006 and 2011,     low self-esteem and trauma, single parent
and was known as the Juvenile Justice Act     families, separated families, frequent parents
2000. The Act was later amended in 2015       conflict, lack of trust and confidence
and is known as the Juvenile Justice Act      among the parents, psychological problems
2015.                                         in parents, sibling rivalry due to unequal
                                              treatment between children.
Juvenile Justice Act 2015
                                              The Crime Committed by a Juvenile
Under JJA 2015 there are two categories of
children, (1) Children in need of Care and    The common crime committed by Juveniles
Protection, (2) Children in Conflict with      is theft or larceny. Young or adult, may
Law. The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015, defines   take to a wrong path to improve their
the legal framework in which juveniles can    financial conditions. Teens become Juvenile
appear before a judge. Juveniles in conflict   Delinquents due to lack of finances. When
with the law must be distinguished from       they experience poor economic conditions,
children in need of care and protection.      they start engaging in the wrong activities.
Offences covered under Juvenile Justice Act   They may start selling drugs or steal things
2015- Petty Offences, Serious Offences and    to improve their economic conditions. Some
Heinous Offences.                             others are Vandalism and graffiti charges,

  PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                             11
Juvenile Delinquents Reformers                 the noble qualities or they can be looked
 shoplifting and other petty theft charges,     down for being in Observational Homes
 Simple assault (especially due to fighting      for correctional behavior. On the one hand
 incidents), underage drinking violations,      due to poverty children are deprived of
 joyriding a car, murder and rape.              education and forced to work from a very
                                                young age and shoulder responsibilities
 Domestic Work and Hazards                      beyond their age and capacity. On the
 Children are the priceless gift from God       other hand children from well-to-do strata
 and are the treasure of each family. The       of the society have access to money and
 family and the community have the primal       opportunities and live in the lap of luxury
 goal in shaping the personality of children.   with nothing denied to them.
 Sadly, many children are forced to work        Give Roots, then Wings
 from a young age. The hazards linked to
 child domestic work are a matter of serious    There are two things that we can give our
 concern. Some of the most common risks         children. One is roots and the other is
 children face in domestic service includes:    wings. Our children are taught to aim high.
 long and tiring working days, use of toxic     We teach our children to look up, but we
 chemicals, carrying heavy loads, handling      fail to teach our children to look down. We
 dangerous items such as knives, axes, and      have to give our children first roots and
 hot pans, insufficient or inadequate food and   then the wings. As children are physically
 accommodation, humiliating or degrading        fed, they also need to be fed emotionally,
 treatment including physical and verbal        psychologically, mentally, spiritually and
 abuse, sexual abuse. These hazards need        socially. Every child is a different kind of
 to be seen in association with the denial of   flower and all together they make this world
 fundamental rights of the child.               a beautiful garden.

 Number of Juvenile Homes in India              PMI Services for the Juveniles

 There are a total of 815 Juvenile homes in     PMI offers individual counseling, moral
 India. They are overcrowded because of the     class, English class, Computer class, life-
 number of juveniles accused and they need      skill training program, recreation, behavior
 us. The crimes committed by juveniles show     management programs, celebrations, follow-
 an upward trend as reported by the National    up and intervention with the family for the
 Crime Record Bureau- 7 November 2016.          Juveniles. Through the launching of many
                                                Kolbe Homes for the prisoners’ children,
 Juvenile – A Journey                           children from broken families, children in
 Juvenile is a journey, a child can turn as     extreme poverty or children of single parent
 villain or a hero, empowered or suppressed.    we can prevent Juvenile Delinquents.
 A child can be looked up to by society for

12                                   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
PREMODAYA, Bengaluru
Creating SPACE for Children

Child Care Institutions are a platform where
children live, learn, practice and develop
capacities for participation in the society at
large. It is a home or abode wherein children
in need of care and protection live together,                Sr Jerlin Joyce, SSAM
play, share ideas and concerns, have identity,
have discussions and dialogue in the process      Creating Space for Children
of growing to maturity. Their right to
                                                  PMI rightly intervenes in the lives of children
protection, development and participation
                                                  of prisoners through their volunteers. The
is enhanced with greater attention. The
                                                  girl children are immediately brought to
United Nations Child Rights Convention
                                                  Premodaya for care and protection. These
(UNCRC) declared that children have
                                                  girl children are to be given utmost care
inalienable rights and it is the responsibility
                                                  in Premodaya as they are more vulnerable
of the State, Institutions and Communities
                                                  and are susceptible to abuse in their family-
to ensure. Premodaya, as a home for children
                                                  based neighbourhood. In Premodaya, prime
of prisoners is committed to ensuring lasting
                                                  importance is given to children by creating
development connected to child rights.
                                                  physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual
The Needs and Rights of Children                  space for expressions. While creating space
                                                  for children with adult participation, the
The needs of children are important.              needs of children given timely and trendy
The basic needs pertaining to home care,          attention taking into consideration of the
wholesome nutrition, quality education            signs of the times.
and space for creative expressions are to
be made sure by the society. These needs          Amble Physical Space
cannot be postponed for later stage as these
                                                  Children enjoy being around huge space.
children almost deprived of everything as
                                                  Premodaya is situated in a vast campus and
their parents are incarcerated. Premodaya
                                                  has a lot of child friendly space for children
realizes that any delay in addressing these
                                                  to run and play around. Sisters spent quality
needs of children is detrimental in the
                                                  time engaging in play activities. Premodaya
shaping of their future. Premodaya has
                                                  has a flower garden in which children spent
design of understanding the priorities of
                                                  time in watering and experimenting in
the needs of children and making creative
                                                  crafting on plants which make them joyful
efforts to address them meaningfully.

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                13
PREMODAYA                             and events than reacting to them. The
                                                  sisters, teachers, volunteers and friends make
 and creative. The study hall, dining hall,       children learn from emotions on cognition,
 dormitory and recreation areas are spaced        feeling and action aspects. The emotional
 out sufficiently well for children to be          space provided to children helps them move
 what they want to be doing their activities.     on to emotional intelligence through dance,
 These physical spaces are child friendly,        music, linguistic calibre and interpersonal
 safe and protective enough to move about         intelligence.
 comfortably. These physical amble spaces
 basically make children feel comfortable,        Intellectual and Spiritual Space
 safe and happy thus ensuring fulfilling their     Children need empathy and not sympathy.
 need for safe environment. This increases        Efforts are taken to provide regular positive
 in children the spatial intelligence with the    support to children to improve and build
 ability to visualize objects from different      on their intellectual calibre through regular
 angles and space such as those of navigators     assistance to study, group discussions, play
 and engineers. The Christmas decorations         way learning. Spiritual space is given to share
 made by them were truly amazing with             their feelings and wants through prayers,
 creative visualization.                          group sharing and through moral stories.
 Emotional Intelligence                           It is believed that every child is unique and
                                                  they can win over their temporal emotional
 ‘Emotions make us human, denying those           instabilities with proper accompaniments
 makes us beasts’- Victoria Klein. The            of adults with educative presence.
 children of prisoners go through a tough
 emotional transition as they depart from         Embellishing Child Rights
 family members in a constrained manner.          Premodaya aims to standardize the space
 The negativity spilt on the stature of family    for assuring child rights. Girl children in
 members does impact them on the emotions         Premodaya stay comfortable, assisted to
 of guilt, embarrassment, envy and jealousy.      grow intellectually and emotionally in a
 Hence, Premodaya moves in a proactive            balanced manner. Proactive measures are
 manner to address emotional needs of             taken by the PMI through Society of Sisters
 children on love, self-acceptance and            of St Anne-Madras (SSAM) to assure
 self-realization with positively addressing      quality space and time to children. Thus, the
 to their needs. A counsellor is engaged          loving ambience makes them to respond
 to assist children to imbibe emotional           proactively to multifaceted situations in life.
 intelligence. Help children through mature       Premodaya strongly believes that the needs
 companionship, motivations to stay healthy.      and rights of children cannot be postponed
 Through group therapy and team building          and are met with due child friendly S P A C
 children are assisted to respond to situations   E here and now.

14                                     PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Bro Marcel Van,
                                                   yet, he desired to become a saint. This is
  Holiness Made Simple                             how he expressed it: “In spite of my great
   for Ordinary People                             desire to attain holiness, I was certain that
                                                   I would never achieve it, because to be a
               Santhosh Ebroo                      saint, you have to fast, lash yourself with
                                                   a whip, wear a rock around your neck and
Joachim Nguyễn Tân Văn
                                                   little chains covered with spikes, a coarse
Joachim Nguyễn Tân Văn was born on                 horsehair shirt, endure the cold, the scabies,
March 15th 1928, in Ngam Giao, a village           etc. My God, if it is like this, I give up... All
in North Vietnam. He received First Holy           that is way too much for me.” Marcel Van
Communion at the age of 6, and began               also experienced diabolical temptations that
formal schooling at the age of 7.                  it was presumptuous for him to want to be
                                                   a saint. Today, we see clearly that none of
Redemptorist Brother                               these penances are necessary for holiness.
At the age of 13, he entered the minor             In October, Pope Francis beatified 15-year
seminary. Soon after, his formation was            old Carlo Acutis who never engaged in any
interrupted yet again as the seminary was          of these practices. However, in the 1940s,
taken over by Japanese soldiers. He then           the Universal Calling to Holiness was not
moved to stay at a parish - dedicated to           preached from every pulpit, nor was it part
the Little Flower - with Dominican friars          of the consciousness of most ordinary
who had opened a minor seminary in the             people. By the grace of God, Vatican II
parish. He was subsequently expelled when          helped the Church rediscover this teaching
he became involved in an argument with the         that had been a cornerstone of Apostolic
parish priest. Finally, at the age of 16, he was   preaching but that had gradually become
admitted to the Redemptorist monastery in          obscured from view. By the grace of God,
Hanoi. Here, he professed his vows, and            too, today, the Church proclaims with greater
lived and died as a Redemptorist brother -         and renewed vigour, intensity, insistence, and
Bro. Marcel Van. During this time, St. Thérèse     clarity that you and I are called to be saints in
revealed to him that becoming a priest was         the ordinary, commonplace, and humdrum
not God’s Will for him. Instead, was called        activities and events of each day - which is
to become a “hidden apostle of Love” and a         what St. Thérèse’s Little Way is all about.
“heart for priests” - as a professed brother.      Discovering St. Thérèse of Lisieux made
St Thérèse of Lisieux                              Marcel Van weep tears of joy as he had found
                                                   a person whose pilgrimage to holiness was
It was during his time in the parish that          something he could imitate. He expressed it
he had discovered St Thérèse of Lisieux’s          in this way: “I understood then that God is
autobiography - The Story of a Soul. Marcel        Love... Like St Thérèse, I can sanctify myself
Van was convinced he had no capacity for           through all my little acts... A smile, a word
strenuous penances and mortification. And           or a look, provided that everything is done

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                   15
BRO MARCEL VAN                             was jailed for a year and subjected to all sorts
                                                     of psychological torture. A year later, he was
 in love. What happiness!.... From now on,           produced in court and sentenced to fifteen
 sanctity will no longer frighten me....my tears     years imprisonment in a “re-education”
 were flowing like an inexhaustible spring.”          camp. Both in jail and in the various re-
 “I had received therefore, that afternoon, a        education camps he was sent to, he was a
 source of grace and happiness. “The Story           source of love, kindness, consolation, and
 of a Soul” had become my dearest friend,            comfort for his fellow prisoners. No amount
 and followed me everywhere and I did not            of suffering could make him renounce his
 cease reading or rereading it, without ever         vocation to love.
 getting weary of it. There was nothing in           Love Bomb
 this volume which did not conform to my
 thoughts, and what pleased me even more in          In PMI terms, he had become a “love bomb”.
 the course of my reading was to see clearly         To his sister, he wrote, “Nothing can take
 the spiritual life of Thérèse was identical to      the weapon of love from me. No affliction
 mine. Her thoughts, even her yes or no were         is capable of removing the kind smile that
 in harmony with my own thoughts, and the            I let appear on my thin face. And who is
 little events of my life. Truly, never in my life   the caress of my smile for, if not for Jesus,
 have I met a book which was so well adapted         the Beloved? I am the victim of Love and
 to my thinking and feelings as is “The Story        Love is all my happiness, an indestructible
 of a Soul”. I can confess that the story of         happiness.” At another time he wrote, “I
 Thérèse’s soul is the story of my soul....”         am very busy, like a little parish priest. Apart
                                                     from the hours of forced labour, I must
 Incarceration                                       constantly welcome the people who come
 Bro. Marcel Van was sent by his Superiors           one after the other looking for comfort from
 from Hanoi to Saigon - which would                  me... God Himself has made known to me I
 become part of South Vietnam. In July               am doing His will here. Many times, I have
 1954, North Vietnam was handed over to              asked of Him the favour of dying in this
 the Communists. Some members of the                 camp, but every time, He has answered me:
 Redemptorist monastery stayed behind to             “I am ready to follow your will as you always
 look after the Catholics who had stayed             follow Mine, but there are souls that still need
 back in Hanoi instead of fleeing to South            you.” In 1957, he attempted to escape to find
 Vietnam. Marcel Van requested and was               Consecrated hosts to meet the needs of his
 given permission to go and join them. He            fellow prisoners. He was caught, beaten, and
 wrote that he was going to Hanoi for this           locked up. He lived in solitary confinement
 reason: “I am going there so that there might       for much of the rest of his life. On July
 be someone who loves God in the midst of            10th 1959, sick, exhausted, and without any
 the Communists.”                                    human comfort, Bro. Marcel Van died. His
                                                     Via Crucis had come to an end. God had
 Not long after his arrival in Hanoi, on May         welcomed this little soul back to Himself. He
 7th 1955, Bro. Marcel Van was arrested. He          was only 31.

16                                       PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Sr Helen Prejean CSJ
   A Passionate Nun for Death
          Row Prisoners

Sr Helen Prejean CSJ (81 years old) was born                 Sr Lini Sheeja MSC
on April 21, 1939 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
United States is a Roman Catholic religious     to be his spiritual adviser in the years leading
sister, a member of the Congregation of         up to his execution. Two years later, when
St Joseph based in New Orleans, and a           Patrick Sonnier was put to death in the
leading American advocate for the abolition     electric chair, Sr Helen was there to witness
of the death penalty. After studies in the      his execution. In the following months,
USA and Canada, she spent the subsequent        she became spiritual advisor to another
years teaching in high school, and serving      death row inmate, Robert Lee Willie, who
as the Religious Education Director at St       was to meet the same fate as Sonnier. The
Frances Cabrini Parish in New Orleans and       experience gave Prejean a greater insight
the Formation Director for her religious        into the process involved in executions,
community. Prejean founded the group            for the convict, families, and others in the
SURVIVE to help families of victims of          prison, and she began speaking out against
murder and related crimes. She served as        capital punishment. Sr Prejean has since
the National Chairperson of the National        then ministered to other inmates on death
Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty          row and witnessed several more executions.
from 1993 to 1995. She helped establish         She served as National Chairperson of the
The Moratorium Campaign, seeking an end         National Coalition to Abolish the Death
to executions and conducting education on       Penalty from 1993 to 1995.
the death penalty.                              Dead Man Walking
Call within a Call                              After witnessing these executions, Sister
Sr Prejean began her career as a religious      Helen realized that this lethal ritual would
education teacher but soon felt called to       remain unchallenged unless its secrecy was
serve the poor and the disenfranchised. A       stripped away, and so she sat down and wrote
request to become a pen-pal to Elmo Patrick     a book, Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness
Sonnier, a Louisiana death row inmate, in       Account of the Death Penalty in the United
1981 marked the beginning of her death          States. Dead Man Walking hit the shelves
row ministry and her campaign against the       when national support for the death penalty
death penalty. Elmo Patrick Sonnier, was        was over 80% and, in Sister Helen’s native
given death penalty for the murder of two       Louisiana, closer to 90%. The book ignited
teenagers; held on death row in the Louisiana   a national debate on capital punishment
State Penitentiary, known as Angola. Sr         and it inspired an Academy Award winning
Prejean visited Sonnier in prison and agreed    movie, a play and an opera.

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                               17
SR HELEN PREJEAN CSJ                       is a violation of those rights and a denial of
 Books & Awards                                   human dignity. They strongly believe that
                                                  capital punishment is never an appropriate
 Sister Helen’s second book, The Death            solution for any crime and that the death
 of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of           penalty causes harm to all those affected
 Wrongful Executions, was published in            by it, including victims’ families and prison
 2004; and her third book, River of Fire:         officers as well as the condemned and their
 My Spiritual Journey, in 2019. In December       families.
 2010, Prejean donated all of her archival
 papers to DePaul University. In 1996, she        A Nun of Justice and Mercy
 was awarded the Laetare Medal by the             Over the decades, Sister Helen has made
 University of Notre Dame, the oldest             personal approaches to two Popes, John
 and most prestigious award for American          Paul II and Pope Francis, urging them to
 Catholics. In 1998, Prejean was given the        establish the Catholic Church’s position
 Pacem in Terris Award, named after a 1963        as unequivocally opposed to capital
 encyclical letter by Pope John XXIII that        punishment under any circumstances. After
 calls on all people of good will to secure       Sr Helen’s urging, under John Paul II the
 peace among all nations. Pacem in terris is      catechism was revised to strengthen the
 Latin for “Peace on Earth.”                      church’s opposition to executions, although
 Ministry Against the Death Penalty               it allowed for a very few exceptions.
 (MADP)                                           Not long after meeting with Sr Helen in
                                                  August of 2018, Pope Francis announced
 The MADP is a non-profit organization             new language of the Catholic Catechism
 encompassing the work of Sister Helen            which declares that the death penalty is
 and her office in New Orleans, the                inadmissible because it is an attack on the
 Catholic Mobilizing Network, the Dead            inviolability and dignity of the person, with
 Man Walking School Theatre Project               no exceptions.
 and a variety of special projects based at
 DePaul University in Chicago. The MADP           Conclusion
 fosters creative, reflective and educational      On behalf of Most Rev Allwyn D’Silva,
 programs that awaken hearts and minds,           PMI Chairman, Rev Dr Francis Kodiyan
 inspire social change, and strengthen our        MCBS, PMI National Coordinator and all
 democracy’s commitment to human rights           the Prison Ministry India volunteers across
 and this mission is founded on a set of core     the country, I congratulate and appreciate
 values and beliefs: The members are moved        one of the courageous nuns, Sr Helen
 by the compassion of Jesus and his strong        Prejean CSJ for her brave and dedicated
 expression of mercy and justice to stand         witness to save human lives by tirelessly
 by those who are outcasts in our society.        working to abolish death penalty and we do
 They believe in the dignity and rights of all    join hands with her in the mission of saving
 persons and recognize that government-           human lives.
 sanctioned killing and the practice of torture

18                                     PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Asha Sadan, Noida
   Home for Prisoners’ Girl
Franciscan Clarist Sisters (FCC)
                                                               Sr Celine FCC
Asha Sadan founded on 3rd May 1997 is
a home for prisoners’ girl children under        and Meenakshi passed out class 12 with
Noida Assisi Sekchik Sanstha. The regular        flying colours scoring 96% in English and
visits of Sr Celine and Sr Peter to Tihar Jail   political science and bagged Gold medals
brought an insight to have an institution for    for +2 CBSE. This year Khushboo scored
the children who live with their mothers in      92%. They all joined Delhi University
jail. Asha Sadan receives children through       for Higher education. Geetha started her
India Vision Foundation NGO founded by           nursing course at St Anne’s Nursing College,
Dr Kiran Bedi IPS. They do meet educational      Vijayawada. Many of our ex-students are
expenses of children and take them for           working in corporate sectors in India and
regular child-parents meeting in different       abroad.
jails every trimonthly or every quarter.
                                                 Visit to Tihar Jail
They conduct counselling and psychology
sessions for these girls. Now due to some        On 14th December 2019 our children went
intervention or objections from the part of      to Tihar jail for Christmas program. They
Government they withdrew their support.          danced and enacted Christmas play on
                                                 behalf of Prison Ministry India. Rev Dr
Asha Sadan
                                                 Francis Kodiyan MCBS, the PMI National
At present Asha Sadan has 21 children            Coordinator, who was the Chief Guest,
studying in different classes from KG to class   delivered an inspiring Christmas message.
XII. They study in Assisi convent school in
the same compound. In 2019 Asha Sadan
celebrated the silver jubilee year, conducted    We have two sisters and one kitchen maid
programs and more than 400 children were         to look after their needs. We gratefully
present for the same. Now in this Covid19        remember the hands of our beloved sisters
pandemic situation we sent some of the           who take keen interest in molding and
children to their homes and 14 are with us.      transforming them. God does wonders
                                                 through different people. He allows them
                                                 to be generous so that the poor may fill
It is with pride and pleasure that I inform      their stomach. FCC superiors offer timely
you about the excellence of our children         guidance and support and provide various
in the curricular and cocurricular activities    opportunities for their good education. We
conducted in the school. Last year Tabassum      too thank the parents for their cooperation
                                                 and support in the growth of children.

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                             19
Christmas Celebrations in
           Odisha Jails

 Every year, around Christmas time we were
 sure of receiving few phone calls from the
 prisoners, ‘When is the Christmas Mass?
                                                              Sr Shanti Pulickal SCC
 Will bishop be coming? What are the songs
 to be selected’ and so on. But this year they     restrictions. Some were in tears as their
 were silent as everything was uncertain.          bail applications were not sanctioned even
 There was delay in getting the necessary          after paying huge amount of money to the
 permission but through prayer, fasting            lawyers.
 and repeated phone calls by Sr Shanti we
 were able to have the Christmas Mass and          They were happy to receive our Christmas
 celebration at Berhampur Circle Jail. There       gifts, a sign that we love and care for them.
 are around 70 Christians among the 800            St Joseph’s school and Holy Cross Provincial
 male prisoners and we had been arranging          sponsored snacks for all the 900 inmates
 Mass, Confession and Counselling for them         and Christmas gifts for all the jail officials.
 on different occasions. But we had not            We handed them over to the Superintend
 been to the jail since March due to Covid19       to distribute later. Every year, at Christmas
 regulations and now we were happy to get          and on different occasions the bishop of
 this opportunity. Most of the prisoners           Berhampur, Sarat Chandra Nayak made it
 were depressed with no visits either from us      his priority to visit and offer Mass for his
 or from their family members.                     lost sheep in the jail. But this year due to the
                                                   uncertainty about the celebration he could
 The mood of the prisoners was reflected            not include it in his programme. But he
 in the celebration: there was no crib, no         sponsored sumptuous Christmas lunch for
 decorations and no excitement. The two            all the Christian prisoners. All appreciated
 seminarians in our group were musicians           his generosity.
 and they helped in creating a happy, heavenly
 atmosphere all around. Fr Jusman offered          St Vincent school sponsored saris for all the
 Mass and conveyed the Christmas message           25 female prisoners and dresses for the small
 of hope in the midst of hopelessness, fear        children below 6yrs, remaining with them.
 and anxiety. The prisoners had prepared           Since the number was small we distributed
 the full liturgy. Some of them are excellent      them personally. Remaining in limited space
 singers. The brothers played the Casio and        and with no one to visit them, they were
 tabla. After the Service the prisoners flocked     more depressed than the male prisoners.
 around us. Some of them were there for            Our visit, love and care brought real joy
 years and so they were very familiar with         on their faces. All appreciated the gifts
 us. They were worried about their families.       and more particularly the love expressed
 We promised them our prayers. It was not          through the gifts. The children were a bit
 possible for us to visit them due to the travel   scared on seeing us but felt happy to get the

20                                      PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
new dress. It was time for us to leave the jail.                        ODISHA JAILS
We met the Superintend and other officials
                                                   books including the Bible and Mahabharata
to thank them for making all necessary
                                                   sponsored by the Ursuline sisters of Pune
arrangements to have this privilege of
                                                   Province. The Superintend appreciated this
meeting the prisoners, conducting the
                                                   gesture as reading the Scriptures and other
Christmas services and bringing new life
                                                   motivational books would help in creating
and hope to them.
                                                   positive attitudes among the prisoners.
As we were getting ready to leave we were
                                                   Their group succeeded in extending the
surprised to see 16 women sitting on the
                                                   Christmas celebration in the Naribandi
floor there. The Jailor said that they were
                                                   Niketan Jail with 22 women prisoners. Some
arrested for POCSO offence about a minor
                                                   of them engage themselves in small income
girl. All of them were from the same village.
                                                   generating activities. The PMI volunteers
We were sad but could not do anything at
                                                   tried to share with them the joy of Christmas
that time. POCSO offences are serious and
                                                   through songs and distribution of small
often non bailable. We thought of their
                                                   gifts. The women felt relaxed and started
families and the sorrow they would be going
                                                   dancing spontaneously. Fr Timothy Pinto
through. We left the jail after spending about
                                                   gave the Christmas message of peace, joy,
2 hours. We know that our services are very
                                                   love and hope. The volunteers conducted
little; a drop in an ocean but the ocean will
                                                   a small prayer service and prayed for all of
be richer with this drop. We were happy that
                                                   them. The women expressed their thanks
we could bring some joy and relief to our
                                                   for thinking of them and bringing a ray of
sisters and brothers behind bars
                                                   hope in their lives.
Jharsuguda Sub Jail
                                                   Gunupur Jail in Rayagoda Diocese
There is a revival in prison ministry at
                                                   Fr Ranjan OCD and his group were
Jharsuguda in Sambalpur diocese due to
                                                   happy that they could celebrate Christmas
the concerted efforts of Sr Mercyan SU.
                                                   in a small way in Gunupur sub jail. The
There were no Catholic prisoners but the
                                                   Superintend expressed his inability to allow
PMI volunteers were happy to announce
                                                   them into the jail and meet the prisoners or
the good news of the birth of the Saviour
                                                   have any programme as he was advised to
through meaningful Christmas celebration.
                                                   be careful about the Covid19 regulations.
Some Christmas decorations they had                The volunteers had taken small gifts of
carried and few Christmas songs helped             toilet articles for all the prisoners. The
in creating an atmosphere of celebration           Superintend promised to hand them over
and joy. The Christmas message was                 to the prisoners and speak to them about
given by Fr Christopher, the parish priest.        Christmas. He and the other officials were
There were around 350 inmates. All were            highly appreciative of the services of PMI
given small gifts mainly for their daily use.      and expressed their inability to help them.
Every gift is precious for the prisoners           The volunteers sang few Christmas carols
because it carries the message that the            for the staff and hoped that the prisoners
prison ministry members are aware of               would hear it from inside and experience
their sufferings and that they care for them.      the peace, joy and salvation that Jesus came
They donated a library cupboard with 160           to bring.

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                21
volunteers were amazed to learn that some
                                                of the inmates held post graduate degrees
                                                but were driven to a life of crime due to
        PMI Pune Spreads                        their extenuating circumstances. “This will
                                                always be a memorable Christmas for me
         Christmas Cheer                        experiencing the warmth and love of these
                                                brothers and sisters” said a tearful Santosh
               Anthony Jacob                    (name changed) who holds an MBA degree.
                                                The PMI team also handed over some Covid
 Christmas came quietly upon us in this         Protection equipment like liquid sanitisers,
 Covid 19 pandemic year but PMI Pune was        hand wash, face masks and gloves.
 all geared to “run with torches” and bring
 Christ’s light to our brothers and sisters     On the 22nd of December, Cecilia School
 behind bars. Our Christmas run began with      of Music in coordination with the PMI
 winter warmth for the seniors over 60 years    Pune volunteers organised a visit to the
 at the Women’s Central Jail. As the mercury    Boys Observation Home (for boys 18 years
 started to dip in Pune, a benevolent PMI       of age). The Home’s officials were eagerly
 volunteer was quick to respond to the          waiting for a small relaxation of restrictions
 authorities’ appeal for blankets and on 16th   so that PMI Pune could visit and bring
 of December PMI Pune handed over 35            Christmas cheer and light into the lives of
 warm blankets to the senior women in jail.     the young boys. Sr Marina Gulati and her
                                                team of cheerful volunteers brought joy to
 On 18th December, the Good Shepherd            the boys with their melodious singing and
 Parish Unit of PMI supported by their Parish   exciting games. Their spirits dampened by
 Youth and other PMI Pune volunteers,           the pandemic restrictions were uplifted and
 spearheaded a visit to the Beggars’ Home.      delighted with their joyful visitors. Fr Wilfred
 It was a happy moment indeed as Fr Wilfred     Fernandes addressed the boys encouraging
 Fernandes, the Director of PMI Pune,           them with the message that we can all do
 launched the program with an inspiring         the good in our own places, emphasising
 Christmas message for all present. Santa       that Christmas is a feast of peace.
 and his joyful elves then took over singing
 Christmas carols, playing games and dancing    The visit concluded with distribution of
 with the incarcerated.                         prizes and snacks. A carrom board was
                                                also donated for the boys’ recreation. “It
 As visits to these jails are limited, a skin   feels so nice to have a visitor after so long.
 camp was also arranged at the same time.       And we got some prizes too. We are feeling
 Dr Jennifer Kolte, Skin Specialist, gently     happy.” remarked Jay (name changed) who
 examined those with ailments, providing the    has been in the Observation Home for the
 necessary treatments and medications. The      past 2 years. A memorable Christmas indeed
 joyful evening ended with a distribution of    as our torches have lit up the lives of our
 snacks and a warm blanket. During a heart      volunteers and those we served!
 rending sing-song and sharing session, our

22                                   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
Prisoners’ Children
         Educators (PCE)
The first online meet of Prisoners’ Children
Educators, one of the PMI Special task
Forces of Prison Ministry India (PMI) was
held on 09 January 2021 through Google                           Asha Sebastian
Meet. Sr Amala DC, PMI National Secretary
invoked blessings of God. Dr Francis              launched in commemoration of PMI Ruby
Kodiyan MCBS, PMI National Coordinator            Jubilee to educate 400 children of prisoners.
welcomed the members of PCE and                   The current strength of the task force is
thanked each one individually for their           just 40; more members would be beneficial
willingness and generosity to be part of this     in order to reach more children. The
group for a noble cause. He stated that if we     members can schedule a weekly/monthly
do not take care of these children today, we      visit to children’s homes. We may segregate
will see them behind bars tomorrow. The           the kids age wise and help them move in a
members introduced themselves as they are         structured manner. It was also suggested
from different states joining hands for the       to organize various talks, cultural activities,
sake of vulnerable children. Sr Lini Sheeja       music classes, sports activities etc. for the
MSC, former PMI National Secretary gave           well-being of children in our centers. It was
an introductory presentation on PMI and           suggested to add caretakers of children’s
she took them through four basic principles,      home to the group so that we may get a
which Prison Ministry India holds closer to       better picture about the needs of the kids.
its mission. As she ended her presentation
with the 4th principle; ‘begging our lifestyle’   Sr Lini MSC in her concluding remarks said
she said, we beg to make them kings and           that each member can adopt a child and
queens. Let us care and carry the burdens of      take care of their financial, educational,
our brethren behind bars and their children.      emotional, psychological and spiritual
If you and I don’t care who else will do?         needs. They can call the child once a month
They are our brothers, sisters and children.      and speak to them; all those who are nearby
The members elected Mr Sanjay Antony as           can make a visit and spend quality time with
the President and Ms Asha Sebastian as the        the child which will make the child to feel
Secretary for PCE task force.                     that one is wanted and cared. Members were
                                                  happy with it and we will proceed with the
An open discussion on the activities of task      same by assigning each child a caretaker.
force was followed. Each member gave their        Also, we can meet frequently and evaluate
suggestions for PCE. Fr Francis invited the       the activities hereafter. Fr Rajendra Kumar,
members to bring in more volunteers to            PMI interim secretary concluded the
reach the goal as this Special Task Force is      meeting with prayer at 5 PM.

   PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021                                                                23
PMI Ruby Jubilee:
 A celebration of 40th Anniversary of
 Prison Ministry India is indeed a blessing
 for the entire PMI family. PMI entered into                     Sr Amala DC
 its glorious 40th year on 8th December and
 9th December marked a memorable day              prisoners. The home is named after Francis
 with the twin celebration of blessing and        Xavier Cardinal Van Thuan, who underwent
 inauguration of RRDC Chapel and building         13 years of solitary confinement in Vietnam
 by His Grace Most Rev Peter Machado,             prison. After his release, he was appointed
 Archbishop of Bengaluru.                         the Head of the dicastery in Vatican for
 Ruby Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration             Justice, Peace and Development; he has
                                                  already reached the stage of venerable in the
 The Holy Eucharist was presided over by His      canonization process. Fr Francis mentioned
 Grace Most Rev Peter Machado, Archbishop         gratefully 39 years of God’s blessings which
 of Bengaluru and the concelebrants were          had begun on 8th December, 1981 and still
 Rev Fr Francis Kodiyan MCBS, PMI                 continues to this day.
 National Coordinator, Rev Fr Sebastian
 Thekkanath, former PMI coordinator,              PMI Ruby Jubilee Inauguration
 Fr. Rajendran, Interim National Secretary        Ms Ashrita Mithun and Marjorie Gracian
 among other priests, religious and laity.        Correa PMI volunteers invited the Chief
 RRDC                                             Guest to the stage for the program stating
                                                  that 9th December 2020 will go down in
 In his introduction, Fr Francis Kodiyan          the history of PMI to denote a remarkable
 highlighted the purpose and importance           achievement of the PMI family. Rev Fr
 of RRDC Chapel which is mainly used for          Benny, the Assistant National Coordinator,
 incessant intercessory prayer for the renewal,   gave an introduction as to how this Prison
 rehabilitation, reintegration and redemption     Ministry India saw the light of the day by
 of prisoners all over the world. RRDC -          two seminarians at St Thomas Apostolic
 Reformative Research and Documentation           seminary, Vadavathoor in Kerala on 8th
 Centre - building is used to train the           December, during a casual conversation that
 PMI volunteers and it also functions as a        led them to close friendship; their friendship
 documentation Centre.                            was later strengthened by the Eucharistic
                                                  Adoration at Malankara chapel and bi-weekly
 Van Thuan Home                                   visit to the peripheries of Kottayam as well.
                                                  They initiated a prayer group and regular
 RRDC has a rehabilitation center named           visits to Kottayam Prison, which paved the
 Van Thuan Home for released men                  way for organizing an all-Kerala pilgrimage.

24                                     PRISON VOICE : JANUARY -2021
You can also read