January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First

Page created by Audrey West
January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First
Explanatory Notes
1 January—
31 December
January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First
Who are                                                                                  Financial
Kingston First?                                                                          Overview
Kingston First is a business improvement district (BID) which                            The below forecast and budget are            Business priorities reflect our Renewal
                                                                                         indicative and based on our Financial Year   Proposal themes. Additional funding
operates within Kingston town centre. Set up in accordance with
                                                                                         (April to March). Full year-end 2021/22      includes running and managing the
the Local Government Act 2003, it is a not-for-profit company,                           accounts will be provided in Spring 2022,    Ancient Market Place and project
limited by guarantee and principally funded by a levy. This levy is                      alongside 2021/22’s Annual Report.           contributions.
used to provide additional projects and services to those provided
by Kingston Council and other public agencies.
                                                                                         2021/22 Forecast                             2022/23 Budget

The company is governed by a voluntary       How is Kingston First funded?               Levy income                   £812,809       Levy income                   £827,091
board of directors who represent a
cross-sector of the town’s business          Kingston First is principally funded        Additional funding            £628,662       Additional funding            £398,363
community. They are responsible for          through a levy on non-domestic              Total                         £1,441,471     Total                         £1,225,454
overseeing the delivery of the agreed        premises operating within the BID
business plan. A dedicated team is           area. The BID area can be viewed on         Spend against business priorities            Spend against business priorities
delegated responsibility for its delivery    our website.                                is budgeted as follows:                      is forecast as follows:
and the management of the company.           For 2022, the levy is set at 1.03% of the
Kingston First was the first BID set up in   rateable value of properties on the 2017    Attractive streets & spaces   £390,500       Attractive streets & spaces   £240,000
the country and following a successful       Non-Domestic Ratepayers rating list in
renewal ballot in June 2019, started its     accordance with the Renewal Proposal.       Marketing the town            £249,500       Marketing the town            £245,000
fourth five-year term on 1 January 2020.     The projected levy income for 2022 is       Supporting & informing        £201,000       Supporting & informing        £170,000
As set out in the Renewal Proposal           approximately £827,091. In addition
2020 2020-24, our work will focus on         to the levy, Kingston First is able to      Influencing & representing    £125,000       Influencing & representing    £152,000
our key themes;                              generate additional funding to contribute
                                                                                         Overheads                     £161,000       Overheads                     £166,500
                                             towards the delivery of the Renewal
-   Attractive Streets & Spaces
                                             Proposal; this includes running             Markets                       £288,500       Markets                       £288,500
-   Marketing the Town
                                             commissioned services and applying
-   Supporting & Informing
                                             for grants, project and service             Contingency                   £20,000        Contingency                   £20,000
-   Influencing & Representing
To view the Renewal Proposal and                                                         Public Realm Transformation £125,000         Public Realm Transformation £125,000
details about our projects and services
                                                                                         Total                         £1,560,500     Total                         £1,407,000
in more detail, please visit our website.

                                                                                                                                      How Do I Pay?

                                                                                                                                      Payment instructions are found on your
                                                                                                                                      bill. Kingston Council issues the BID levy
                                                                                                                                      bills, collects the levy and transfers the
                                                                                                                                      funds to Kingston First. For all billing
                                                                                                                                      queries, contact the Council team shown
                                                                                                                                      on your bill.
January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First
Support for members

                                                                                              One of our most popular services, the free
                                                                                              recycling service operated through First
                                                                                              Mile, continues to be valuable for many of
                                                                                              our members with over 200 businesses
                                                                                              taking advantage of the scheme.
                                                                                              We installed 122 seasonal hanging baskets
                                                                                              and sustainable planting. We replanted
                                                                                              and continue to maintain two raised brick
                                                                                              flower beds with a mixture of pollinator
                                                                                              friendly evergreen and perennial plants.       centre experience and lobbying for
                                                                                              We delivered 37 days of pavement               funding. We carried out extensive
                                                                                              washing, including the removal of              research with our member community
                                                                                              graffiti and weeding.                          giving you the opportunity to share your
                                                                                              We recently launched a new training            feedback, which is key to ensuring we
                                                                                              programme to support members and help          are giving you the best service possible,
                                                                                              their employees enhance their knowledge        and to enable us to share your feedback
                                                                                              base and build on essential skills. There is   with the Council and other partners.
                                                                                              something for everyone, across all sectors,    We carried out extensive research with
                                                                                              touching on three key themes which have

Our Work and
                                               We adapted our training programme                                                             consumers, locals and non-visitors to
                                               to provide webinars and training online        been identified through our research with      Kingston to better understand their
                                               during COVID-19, covering topics to help       members; Sales & Marketing; Health &

                                                                                                                                             motivations for coming to the town
                                               our businesses through the challenges of       Safety; and The Sustainability Agenda.         centre and understand what they would
                                               the year, including improving their social                                                    like more of. We shared this invaluable

in 2021
                                                                                              We set up weekly footfall reports during
                                               media presence and marketing, access           the pandemic which we continue to send,        insight with members to help them
                                               to funding, improving mental health, and       along with a monthly roundup of footfall,      understand the opportunities to improve
                                               support with reopening. We hosted              vacancies and other data - benchmarked         their product, service or experience
Continuing to respond                          webinars with the local MP Ed Davey,           against London and the UK - so you know        offered to consumers.
to COVID-19                                    former Leader of the Council,                  how Kingston compares to its
                                               Caroline Kerr and Kate Nicholls,               competitors.                                   Promoting Kingston
We continued to work closely with              CEO of UK Hospitality.                                                                        town centre
businesses and organisations to respond                                                       We have continued to listen and respond
                                                                                              to concerns and issues that members
to the impact of COVID-19. We adjusted         Representing town centre                       have raised; from proposed road closures,
                                                                                                                                             We delivered marketing campaigns to
our Christmas plans in light of restrictions   businesses and organisations                   street cleaning to improving the town
                                                                                                                                             drive footfall and spend in our town
and provided new Christmas lighting and                                                                                                      centre. We delivered a campaign for
installations for people to enjoy during a     We supported the national campaign                                                            Christmas, adapted due to restrictions,
difficult period. Over 60% of respondents      ‘Bounce Back Better’ which called for                                                         to promote offers from local businesses,
in our consumer survey said it encouraged      specific support for the retail, leisure and                                                  which garnered awareness of over
them to visit Kingston. We also supported      hospitality sectors including an extension                                                    70% from those who responded to our
members by promoting opening hours,            of the business rates holiday, extending                                                      consumer research.
offers and encouraged people to shop           the VAT reduction scheme and furlough
local where possible on our website and                                                                                                      We continued with campaigns for the
                                               scheme to support employers in 2021.
social channels.                                                                                                                             series of Thumbs Up It’s Thursday events
                                               We secured additional funding from                                                            which over 60% of those raising a family
We co-ordinated the town wide reopening        the government which we are investing                                                         in our consumer research said had
in April 2021, working closely with            back into the town centre experience,                                                         encouraged them to visit the town
members and partners and made sure             including better public spaces to                                                             centre, and delivered our first well-being
members felt supported with the most           encourage well-being and revitalising                                                         campaign which was hugely successful
up to date information and guidance.           our vacant units.                                                                             and popular with the local community.
January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First
Plans for
                                             Kingston based landscape architects
                                             Davies White Ltd and The Edible Bus

                                             Stop design studio were appointed to
                                             lead on the engagement and design
                                             to transform Eagle Brewery Wharf,
                                             on Kingston’s riverside, and Memorial
                                             Gardens, in the centre of the town,        Christmas 2021                                  Vacant units
                                             into green spaces that improve the
                                             pedestrian flow around the town,                                                           We’ve been working on a project to
                                             encourage wellbeing, social and            We have planned and will deliver an
                                                                                                                                        transform the vacant units in Kingston
                                             cultural activities, and acknowledge       exciting and varied offer for Kingston this
                                                                                                                                        town centre to support economic
                                             their historical significance.             Christmas to help drive footfall and spend
                                                                                                                                        growth, encourage innovation and
                                                                                        in the town centre.
                                             We have carried out extensive                                                              diversity and create a vibrant place
                                             engagement online and in-person                                                            to live, work and play.
                                             with businesses, residents and local       New consumer brand
                                                                                                                                        We’ve been reaching out to landlords,
                                             community groups to hear what people       for Kingston
                                                                                                                                        agents and the local community to
For re-opening in April 2021, we delivered   think of the spaces, and now have design                                                   explore new opportunities through the
‘Colour Your Senses’, a vibrant campaign     ideas and principles that we can take      We are currently embarking on a project         use of vacant units, creating a buzz and
encouraging locals and visitors to           forward to make this project a reality.    to refresh our consumer brand ‘In               vibrancy in our town centre, and look
rediscover what’s on offer in Kingston,                                                 Kingston’. Over the last few months we          forward to sharing our progress over
                                             Businesses have highlighted to us the
with over 50% awareness amongst those                                                   have been researching competitors and           the next few months.
                                             importance of creating a vibrant and
that responded to our consumer research.                                                analysing our recent member research
                                             welcoming town centre. One of the ways
Our social campaign alone reached over                                                  which highlighted a lack of awareness of
                                             we are addressing this is through our                                                      Keep It Kingston
96,000 people, generating 14,500                                                        the ‘In Kingston’ brand and a need for
                                             ‘Social Spaces’ project in partnership
engagements with the posts. Our                                                         consumer marketing to drive footfall and
                                             with the Council. Following engagement
consumer newsletter highlighting events                                                 support the town’s economic recovery.           We are building on the success of
                                             with businesses, residents and access
in Kingston, raising the profile of our                                                                                                 KIK, which is well known and regarded
                                             groups we delivered temporary planters     We’ve also carried out extensive
members and advertising their offers,                                                                                                   by businesses as a fantastic perk for
                                             and seating to Thames Street, Fife Road    research with consumers and visitors
continues to be very popular with 75%                                                                                                   their employees, by investing in better
                                             and the Station Plaza.                     to better understand their needs and
of consumers in our research rating it                                                                                                  reporting and marketing, to boost
                                                                                        what they love about Kingston. With
good or very good.                                                                                                                      member participation, especially in
                                                                                        this insight, we want to create a consumer
                                                                                                                                        under-represented sectors, sign ups,
We secured PR coverage in the Surrey                                                    brand that positions Kingston as a vibrant
                                                                                                                                        and redemptions. In consultation with
Comet, Time and Leisure, Radio Jackie                                                   destination bringing it to life and giving it
                                                                                                                                        businesses we will look at whether
and SW Londoner helping to raise the                                                    a personality that represents its unique
                                                                                                                                        we can expand the app to visitors
profile of Kingston town centre.                                                        offer and experiences. We will be
                                                                                                                                        and further maximise the benefit of
                                                                                        launching the new consumer brand
We have promoted our KIK app, with                                                                                                      the service.
                                                                                        in early 2022.
nearly 100% awareness, over 100 offers
                                                                                                                                        Further details about our projects,
advertised, 5000 users and nearly
                                                                                                                                        services and plans for the new term
300 redemptions per month.
                                                                                                                                        can be found on our website at
Investment in the public realm
and town centre experience

In partnership with Kingston Council
we have been leading on a public realm
initiative to create inclusive ‘Happy
Spaces’ within the town centre for
local residents, visitors and business
community to unwind, enjoy and
connect with nature.
January- 31 December 2022 - Explanatory Notes - Kingston First
For enquiries about
Kingston First,            For payment and
please contact:            billing enquiries:

Kingston First             Royal Borough of
3rd Floor Neville House    Kingston Council
55 Eden Street             Guildhall 2
Kingston upon Thames       Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 1BW             Surrey KT1 1EU

T 020 8547 1221            T 020 8547 5007
info@kingstonfirst.co.uk   bids1@rbk.kingston.gov.uk
kingstonfirst.co.uk        kingston.gov.uk

Company Registered in England No.3838618
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