Page created by Florence Chang
THE MAGAZINE OF THE                                                MARCH 2021
NEW JERSEY JAZZ SOCIETY                                      VOLUME 49 ISSUE 03

                             THE STARS ALIGN

NJJS.ORG                                       JERSEY JAZZ   MARCH • 2021    01
                                                           ARTICLES/REVIEWS                     COLUMNS
                                                           09    Big Band in the Sky:           03            All That’s Jazz
                                                                 Chick Corea
                                                                                                05            Editor’s Choice
                                                           13    Artemis
                                                                                                40            Not Without You!
                                                           17    Talking Jazz: Alexis Cole

                                                           24    Rising Star: Danny Jonokuchi

                                                           27    Grammy Awards                   Re “Understanding the Real Meaning of
                                                                                                ‘The Blues;” (JJ, February 2021), the trio that
                                                                                                 Catherine Russell’s mother, Carline Ray, played
                                                           30    Jazz Guitar ‘Mecca’             in performed at the Town Hill club in Brooklyn
                                                                                                 that was managed by her father, Luis Russell.
                                                                                                 By then, Russell had retired from performing.
ON THE COVER_ From left, Allison Miller, Renee Rosnes,     34    Book Review: This Is Bop       Re “Steve Williams Proves You Can Go
Noriko Ueda, Ingrid Jensen, Cecile McLorin Salvant, Anat                                        Home Again” (JJ, February 2021) WBGO
                                                                                                President/CEO Steve Williams studied at
Cohen, Melissa Aldana. PHOTO BY KEITH MAJOR                36    Other Views                    American University, but he didn’t graduate.

NJJS.ORG                                                                                        JERSEY JAZZ              MARCH • 2021              02

   t’s hard to comprehend that it’s       and ARE making to the art of jazz.       Swing” (Google it—it’s a must read          highlights a host of fierce, fabulous,
   been one year since we first heard         I recommend the following            and features Renee Rosnes and               female artists and influencers:
   about the Covid-19 pandemic,           materials for all who wish to learn     Artemis, also in our feature story on        Allison Miller, Renee Rosnes, Noriko
that has in multiple ways, changed        more about women’s historic              p.13) sheds new light on the role of        Ueda, Ingrid Jensen, Cecile McLorin
all of our lives. No one has escaped      place in the jazz lexicon: 1.) The      women within this art form. With             Salvant, Anat Cohen, Melissa Aldana,
the physical, emotional, spiritual        article focused on the ‘20s, ‘30s        this focus, I want to take women out        Summer Camargo, Carolyn Dorfman,
or financial impact of this virus.        & ‘40s titled “The Best of the All-      of the history books and highlight the      Gia Maione Prima, Alexis Cole, Alexa
    The board of directors and I thank    Women Swing Bands” by William            extraordinary influence women are           Barchini, Rosalind Grant, Roseanna
you for your continued patronage          Ewanick for 2.) the          having on today’s jazz scene. Rosnes        Vitro, Sandy Sasso, and Veronica
and support, not only to us but also      2011 documentary, The Girls              states, “I’m hoping for a future when       Swift. Know their names and know
to the greater jazz community, as         in the Band, directed by Judy            people don’t look at it [women in jazz      how they’ve influenced and will
we’ve all faced the sadness, isolation,   Chaikin which presents the untold        and Artemis an all female band] like        continue to enrich the art of jazz.
challenges and changes of these           stories of female jazz and big           a novelty act and people will laugh         Guitarist Mary Havorson speaks
difficult past 12 months. We can’t        band instrumentalists and their          at articles like this and wonder,’Can       the truth when she says, “The more
do what we do without you!                journey from the late 1930s to the      you imagine? They had to write               women out there doing it, the more it
                                          present day. 3.) Sherrie Tucker’s        like that about women in jazz?”             encourages young women to start.”
                                          book, Swing Shift, chronicling the           Music critic David Hajdu notes,             This month celebrate Her-story.

       arch is Women’s History            forgotten history of the all-girl big   “Some fearless women plowed                  Celebrate Her-story in jazz!!
       Month. Please join me              bands of the World War II era.           through with machetes so that anoth-
       in acknowledging and                   The culture and conditions           er generation can say, ‘This is possible.

celebrating the vital role of women       the have historically existed for       Maybe there’s a place for me.’ Women              lease join me on Saturday,
throughout history, and more              women within the genre of jazz are       as performers, composers, and in-                March 20th at 7 p.m. as we pres-
specifically recognizing the great        well documented but the August           novators is the story in jazz today.”            ent our Virtual Social featur-
contributions women have made             2019 Vanity Fair article “Sisters of         This issue of Jersey Jazz               ing trumpeter Summer Camargo, a

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                       JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021     03

Jazz Studies student at the Juilliard      This fabulous streaming concert         nizations have embraced technology       parking deck—starting in May. Brett
School. Camargo was the first female    can be viewed on our Facebook              to stay connected, productive and en-    Messenger, Curatorial Director of
to win the songwriting award for the    page and on our YouTube channel—           gaged with their audiences, present-     Live Arts, and the museum staff did
best original composition and ar-       by searching “New Jersey Jazz              ing a vast array of incredible new and   an incredible job last year presenting
rangement of her song “Leapfroggin’”    Society”. I hope to “see” you there.       archived content. To this end, I hope    an amazing lineup of talent, in a safe
AND the first female trumpet player                                                you’ve enjoyed our Virtual Socials via   and enjoyable environment. I’ve no
to be named best soloist at the 2019                                               our Facebook page, and have also dis-    doubt that this season will be even

Essentially Ellington High School          f we’ve learned anything through-       covered Jay Daniels’ weekly Simply       better and that tickets will sell out
Jazz Band Competition and Festival         out the Covid-19 pandemic it’s          Timeless Radio show—available any-       even faster. For more information
in New York—the “Super Bowl” for           that change is here to stay! The        time on our website—        and for tickets please consult their
the next generation of American jazz    creativity that has emerged via virtu-     ›› Please note, we’ve expanded our       website
performers. Wynton Marsalis has         al online platforms from musicians,        concert streaming capabilities to our
this to say about her, ”She is spec-    venues, cultural institutions, etc., has   website, for those who may not have

tacular in her playing and presence.”   been amazing. Individuals and orga-        access to Facebook. You can now watch            any advertising and spon-
                                                                                   our scheduled Socials in real time di-           sorship opportunities exist

                                                                                   rectly on our homepage             within NJJS. If you’re inter-
                                                                                                                            ested in advertising in Jersey Jazz,
   THE CREATIVITY THAT HAS EMERGED                                                                                          or on our website, or both, would

                                                                                          ith spring on the horizon, the    like to sponsor a Social—in part or
        VIA VIRTUAL ONLINE PLATFORMS                                                      return of outdoor concerts        in full—make an In Memoriam do-

FROM MUSICIANS, VENUES, CULTURAL                                                          isn’t far away! I’m thrilled
                                                                                   to announce that an extensive jazz
                                                                                                                            nation, or become a corporate spon-
                                                                                                                            sor, please contact me at pres@njjs.

    INSTITUTIONS, ETC., HAS BEEN AMAZING.”                                         series will return this year to the
                                                                                   Morris Museum—on its elevated
                                                                                                                            org. NJJS is a qualified I.R.C. 501(c)
                                                                                                                            (3). Donations are always welcome.

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                    JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021       04

 Celebrating the ‘Humor’ and                                                        Selecting which songs to be per-
                                                                                formed from the huge Prima cat-
                                                                                                                         in October at the South Orange Per-
                                                                                                                         forming Arts Center in a “very struc-
‘Virtuosity’ of Louis Prima at                                                  alog was no easy task, but Carolyn       tured setting. We had been working

 Ocean County Teen Arts Festival                                                Dorfman, CDD’s Choreographer and
                                                                                Founding Artistic Director, said, “We
                                                                                                                         on zoom and had a fair amount of
                                                                                                                         material,” Dorfman said. “We had
                                                                                wanted to present a range of his work,   the whole Loft at SOPAC and took
                                                                                and I loved the power of the female      all the precautions – masks, shields,

   t was May 1962, and Louis Prima      “Pure Prima”, celebrating Prima’s       voices. I wanted to feel the strength    filters, keeping people apart, square
   was appearing at the Latin Casino    five-decade career, to the students     of the women. The selections: “Sing      dividers. Other than solos, these
   in Camden, NJ. Twenty-year-old       attending the virtual Ocean Coun-       Sing Sing”, probably Prima’s most        are the first pieces I’ve done where
Gia Maione, a waitress at a Howard      ty Teen Arts Festival, whose theme      famous composition; the combina-         nobody is touching each other.”
Johnson’s in Toms River, NJ, told her   this year is “Jazz and New Jersey”.     tion of “Just A Gigolo” (adapted by           Dorfman included “Undecided” in
mother she was going to try to meet         From March 22-25, adjudica-         Irving Caesar from an Austrian tango)    order to feature Gia, whose singing she
Prima and audition for him. Maione,     tors will review videos from stu-       with the Spencer Williams/Roger A.       prefers over the better known Keely
who collected all of Prima and Keely    dents, aged 13-19, who live in Ocean    Graham tune, “I Ain’t Got Nobody;        Smith. “The goal,” she said, “was to
Smith’s recordings, had studied voice   County. They will be competing in       Sid Robin and Charlie Shavers’ “Un-      create a musical journey for the au-
and piano at Toms River High School.    several arts categories including in-   decided”; and a medley of Prima’s        dience, with a broad range of humor
     She traveled to Camden, met        strumental music, vocal music, and      “Jump Jive an’ Wail”, his“Oh Babe”,      and virtuosity. I believe that comes
Prima, and, two days later, she was     dance. I will be presenting a virtual   and the Sherman Brothers’ “I Wan-        through in the dancing.” The perfor-
his new “girl singer”. A year lat-      workshop to the students on “Jazz       na Be Like You”, sung by Prima in the    mance, which will now become part
er, they were married. That home-       History in New Jersey” at 9:30 a.m.     1967 Disney movie, The Jungle Book.      of Carolyn Dorfman Dance’s regular
town connection will be on full         on March 22, and the Carolyn Dorf-          Shut down by the pandemic in         repertory, is supported in part by the
display Tuesday, March 23, when         man Dance performance will be pre-      March 2020, members of Carolyn           National Endowment for the Arts and
Carolyn Dorfman Dance presents          sented at 11 a.m. the following day.    Dorfman Dance came back together         the Gia Maione Prima Foundation.

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                 JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021     05

     ounded in 1972, The New Jersey Jazz Society          MEMBER BENEFITS                            JOIN NJJS

     has diligently maintained its mission to promote     10 FREE Concerts Annually                 Family/Individual $45
     and preserve America’s great art form—jazz. To       at our “Sunday Socials”                   (Family includes to 2 Adults and
                                                                                                    2 children under 18 years of age)
     accomplish our mission, we produce a monthly         Monthly Award Winning Jersey
                                                                                                    Family/Individual 3-Year $115
                                                          Jazz Magazine - Featuring Articles,
magazine, Jersey Jazz; sponsor live jazz events; and      Interviews, Reviews, Events and More.
                                                                                                    Musician Member $45 / 3-Year $90
                                                                                                    (one time only, renewal at standard
provide scholarships to New Jersey college students       Discounts at NJJS Sponsored               basic membership level.)
studying jazz. Through our outreach program               Concerts & Events.                        Youth $15 - For people under
                                                                                                    21 years of age. Date of Birth Required.
Generations of Jazz, we provide interactive programs      Discounts at Participating
                                                                                                    Give-A-Gift $25 - Members in
                                                          Venues & Restaurants
focused on the history of jazz. The Society is run by a                                             good standing may purchase
                                                          Support for Our Scholarship and
                                                                                                    unlimited gift memberships.
board of directors who meet monthly to conduct Society    Generations of Jazz Programs
                                                                                                    Applies to New Memberships only.
business. NJJS membership is comprised of jazz devotees                                             Fan $75 - $99
                                                          MUSICIAN MEMBERS
                                                                                                    Jazzer $100 - $249
from all parts of the state, the country and the world.                                             Sideman $250 - $499
                                                          FREE Listing on “Musicians
                                                                                                    Bandleader $500+
                                                          List” with Individual Website Link
                                                                                                    Corporate Membership $1000
                                                          FREE Gig Advertising in
                                                          our Monthly eBlast
                                                                                                  Members at Jazzer level and above and Corporate
                                                                                                  Membership receive special benefits. Please
                                                          THE RECORD BIN                          contact for details. The
                                                                                                  New Jersey Jazz Society is qualified as a tax
                                                          A collection of CDs & LPs available     exempt cultural organization under section
                                                                                                  501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Federal
                                                          at reduced prices at most NJJS
                                                                                                  ID 23-7229339. Your contribution is tax-
      Visit or email           concerts and events and through         deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For
      for more information on our programs and services   mail order           more Information or to join, visit

NJJS.ORG                                                                                          JERSEY JAZZ            MARCH • 2021           06
Editorial Staff                                     New Jersey Jazz Society, Officers 2021
                                                      EDITOR                                              PRESIDENT
                                                      Sanford Josephson,                  Cydney Halpin,
                                                      ART DIRECTOR                                        EXECUTIVE VP
Magazine of the New Jersey Jazz Society
                                                      Michael Bessire,                       Jane Fuller,
VO LU M E 49 • I SSUE 03
                                                      INTERNATIONAL EDITOR                                TREASURER
                                                      Fradley Garner                                      Dave Dilzell,
NJJS org                                              CONTRIBUTING PHOTO EDITOR
                                                                                                          VP, MEMBERSHIP
                                                      Mitchell Seidel,
                                                                                                          VP, PUBLICITY
                                                      CONTRIBUTING EDITORS                                Sanford Josephson,
                                                      Bill Crow, Schaen Fox,
                                                                                                          VP, MUSIC PROGRAMMING
                                                      Joe Lang, Dan Morgenstern
                                                                                                          Mitchell Seidel,
                                                      CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                                          RECORDING SECRETARY
                                                      Andrew Bogard, Guinera Kamatova,
                                                                                                          Irene Miller
                                                      Keith Major, Connie Norkin, Anna Yatskevich
                                                                                                          CO -FOUNDER
                                                                                                          Jack Stine
                                                      Christine Vaindirlis
Jersey Jazz (ISSN 07405928)                                                                               IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT
is published monthly for members
                                                                                                          Mike Katz
of The New Jersey Jazz Society                        Advertising
P.O. Box 223, Garwood, NJ 07027                       DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING
908-380-2847 •                                                                              Cynthia Feketie, Stephen Fuller, Pete Grice
                                                      Jane Fuller,                   Carrie Jackson, Mike Katz, Caryl Anne McBride,
Membership fee is $45/year.
Periodical postage paid at West Caldwell, NJ          ADVERTISING RATES                                   Robert McGee, James Pansulla, Stew Schiffer,
Postmaster please send address changes                Full Page: $135, Half Page: $90,                    Elliott Tyson, Jackie Wetcher
to P.O. Box 223, Garwood, NJ 07027                    1/3 Page: $60, 1/4 Page: $30                        ADVISORS
All material in Jersey Jazz, except where another     For reservations, technical information and         Don Braden, Al Kuehn, Bob Porter
copyright holder is explicitly acknowledged,          deadlines contact or visit
is copyright ©New Jersey Jazz Society 2020. All Make payment at
rights reserved. Use of this material is strictly, or via check made
prohibited without the written consent of the NJJS.   payable to NJJS, P.O. Box 223, Garwood, NJ 07027.

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                       JERSEY JAZZ           MARCH • 2021    07
 Are you a jazz fan and love to cruise?
If you are a fan of Swing, Dixieland, Classic                                                                        Allan Vaché – clarinet                         John Sheridan – piano
Jazz, Chicago Jazz, Traditional Jazz, in fact just                                                                   Houston Person – tenor sax                       Eddie Metz – drums
about any style which emerged during the                                                                             Warren Vaché – cornet                           Brian Holland – piano
first half of the 20th century, plan to attend                                                                       Danny Tobias – trumpet                            Charlie Silva – bass
JazzFest at Sea - presented in a private jazz                                                                        Paul Keller – bass                                Jim Lawlor – drums
club atmosphere limited to 250 guests! Our
                                                                                                                     John Allred – trombone                           Bob Draga – clarinet
cruise will be departing roundtrip Port
Canaveral (Orlando) to the Bahamas and                                                                               Scott Robinson – tenor sax                     Ted Rosenthal – piano
Mexico on the MSC Divina for 7-nights of jazz                                                                                                           Vocalists
and fun.                                                                                                                                  Banu Gibson            Yve Evans
         Take a look at what you get!                                                                                In addition to our internationally acclaimed artists, we will
                                                                                                                     once again be offering more than twenty hours of opportunity
    Private Performances Every Evening                                                                               for our guests who are amateur musicians to jam in your own
      Private Afternoon Performances                                                                                 JazzFest Jammer sessions led by John Skillman and Mike
      on Sea Days and some Port Days                                                                                 Evans. Plus, if you would appreciate some instruction and
                                                                                                                     critique during the jam sessions, feel free to ask.
   Mix & Mingle Open Bar Cocktail Party
      Join our JazzFest Jammer sessions                                                                              Amazing Caribbean itinerary from Port Canaveral with ports
      if you play an instrument or sing!                                                                              that include an overnight at Ocean Cay Marine Reserve,
                                                                                                                                     Cozumel and Costa Maya!
     Ask about our Early Booking                               October 3 -10, 2021                                                      Inside Stateroom only $999*
           Onboard Credit!
                                                     Join us for the only jazz cruise sailing in 2021 as                             Oceanview Stateroom only $1099*
                                                     we are sure you need something to look forward                                    Balcony Stateroom only $1299*
                                                        to! Call us today or check out our website!                                 Aurea Balcony Stateroom only $1649*
                                                                                                                                          Aurea Suites from $1999*
                                                                                                        Yacht Club Suites from $2499*

                                                                   (800) 654-8090                                    *Pricing is per person, cruise-only based on double occupancy and includes all
                                                                                                                     taxes and fees. Must book with Cruise & Vacation Depot or approved agency to
                                                                                                                     attend private performances. Deposit is $400 per person and is due at the time of
                                                     We will be following all CDC and cruise line COVID guidelines   cabin selection. Fares and performers subject to change. Please be advised the
                                                                that may be in place during our sailing!             performance venue is non-smoking for all guests.

                       Chick Corea, ‘One of the Great Modern                                  In the history of jazz piano,

                          Pioneers of Jazz Piano’, Dead at 79                                 Chick Corea has earned his
                                                                                              right to be in the top echelon.”
                             Created Return To Forever, Popular Jazz-Rock Band of the ‘70s    — GEORGE WEIN,
                                                                                              Founder of the Newport Jazz Festival
                                                                    BY SANFORD JOS E P HSON

                                                                                              “One of the greatest jazz
                                                                                               pianists and human beings to
     From left,                                                                                ever walk the planet. Heaven’s
     Herbie Hancock,                                                                           jam session is rockin’ out a bit
     Quincy Jones,
                                                                                               harder tonight.” — QUINCY JONES
     Chick Corea

                                                                                                   hose two comments, both on
                                                                                                   Facebook, are just the tip of the
                                                                                                   iceberg regarding the reaction
                                                                                              to the death on February 9, 2021, of
                                                                                              the keyboardist/composer Chick
                                                                                              Corea in Tampa, FL, at the age of 79.
                                                                                                  The stories about Corea are end-
                                                                                              less, all of them recounted on Face-
                                                                                              book in the days following his death.
                                                                                              The guitarist Russell Malone recalled
                                                                                              a double bill with Corea at the Blue

NJJS.ORG                                                                                      JERSEY JAZZ           MARCH • 2021     09

Note. “He stopped me and my broth-

                                            I WAS STRUCK BY HOW DOWN TO EARTH
 er, bassist Ben Wolfe, dead in our
tracks with an intro that he played to

                                                                                                     AND FRIENDLY HE WAS.”
‘It Could Happen To You’. Later, we
 asked him, ‘What the heck was that?’
He grinned and told us that it was in-
 spired by Art Tatum and Bud Powell.
Well done, Maestro. Take your rest.”
     Keyboardist Mike LeDonne re-            One moment pianist Renee           on! It was such a surreal experience.    Bush. And, in 1998, Mike Abene and
membered discovering Corea when          Rosnes will always cherish is, “when   I was both honored and amused.”          I arranged some of his tunes for a
 he (LeDonne) was 15 years old. “I       our band—what is now known as          (See article on Artemis, page 13)         concert with the Carnegie Hall Jazz
will never forget listening to Light     Artemis—was performing at the 2018        The first Chick Corea album pia-      Band, featuring Chick and his trio.”
As A Feather for the first time with     North Sea Jazz Festival. Chick and     nist/composer Jim McNeely heard              To 29-year-old pianist Emmet Co-
 some of my musician friends and         Bela Fleck’s duo had preceded us on    was Tones For Joan’s Bones “with Joe      hen, Corea was “one of the great mod-
not believing anyone could play pia-     the same stage, and Chick was hang-    Farrell and Woody Shaw. Knocked           ern pioneers of jazz piano and impro-
no like that and come up with those      ing out backstage. When the band       me out. Then, of course, Now He          visation. His music made the world a
incredible songs.” LeDonne “did          went out to play, and I sat down at    Sings, Now He Sobs ... Our paths          better place, and we thank him for all
 get to hang out with him once at        the piano bench, I noticed the cur-    crossed a few times. In 1982, I played    he’s contributed to humanity.” Bass-
the Blue Note when Cedar Walton          tains at the far corner of the stage   with Stan Getz at the White House,       ist Marcus Miller believes Corea’s
was playing opposite him. I went to      part, and out popped the head—and      and Chick was there with his trio—       “fusion of jazz, rock, latin, classical,
 hang with Cedar during the break,       only the head—of Chick! His face was   Miroslav Vitous, Roy Haynes. After        and whatever other style tickled his
 and Chick came in. I was struck by      wedged, below his chin, by the cur-    the concert, we hung out in the State     fancy turned a whole generation of
 how down to earth and friendly he       tains, and he stayed there for quite   Dining Room by an immense bowl of        young listeners on to jazz. He took
was ... he was just one of the cats.”    some time, smiling and cheering us     shrimp, talking with VP George H.W.       our hand and said, ‘Here, come walk

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                 JERSEY JAZZ        MARCH • 2021      10

through this door. You will not re-      preceded him as Davis’ pianist.
gret it.’ And he changed our lives.”         The last time Corea played at
    Corea was perhaps best-known         the Newport Jazz Festival was in
for his band, Return to Forever, which   2016. “He played three complete
he created in 1971 after leaving Miles   concerts in two days,” Wein re-
Davis’ band. Return to Forever was at    called, “with Christian McBride on
the forefront of the fusion movement     bass and Brian Blade on drums ... He
and became one of the most popular       was tireless, generous, and giving.”
jazz-rock bands of the 1970s.                Throughout his career, Corea
    Prior to playing with Davis,         made close to 90 albums and won 23
Corea perfected his skills as a side-    Grammy Awards. He is nominated for
man with such jazz giants as Getz,       two Grammys this year for his per-
Woody Herman, and Freddie Hub-           formance with McBride and Blade
bard. From the ‘80s on, he gravitat-     on the Concord Jazz album, Trilogy
ed toward more acoustic jazz, often      2 (See list of Grammy nominees, page
playing compositions by his piano        29). In 2006, he was named a National
heroes such as Bud Powell and The-       Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master.
lonious Monk. At a May 2013 memo-            Cause of death was a rare form
rial tribute to Dave Brubeck, Corea      of cancer. Corea is survived by
played a solo of Brubeck’s “Strange      his wife, Gayle Moran, a former
Meadowlark”, a lesser known piece        singer and keyboardist with the
from his Time Out album. And, in         Mahavishnu Orchestra; a son,                          Chick Corea, left, and
                                                                                                     Russell Malone
recent years, Corea often performed      Thaddeus Corea; a daughter, Liana
in duos with Herbie Hancock, who         Corea; and two grandchildren.

NJJS.ORG                                                                         JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021         11
The Mark Clemente Chord Melodies ™ for Guitar
                         Playable, performance-ready arrangements for solo jazz guitar. Each
                         song is written in notation, tablature, and with chord diagrams. Choose
                         from nearly 50 standards, which are included in two songbooks and
                         available individually.

                         Praise from players at all levels ...

                             “Lots of guitarists who do weddings would benefit from your
                             arrangements. I’ve learned Fly Me To The Moon, and I’ll be playing it
                             at my next gig. Keep arranging, Mark. We need you.”
                               - MW,

                             “Mark, I enjoyed your arrangement of My Romance very much. I teach
                             guitar and am always searching for chord melody pieces that are a bit
                             challenging but ‘do-able’ by intermediate players. Keep up the great work!”
                               -GB, Massachusetts

                             “I’m so happy with your arrangements! As a beginner, they are
                             accessible even to me and are excellent studies of chord movement.       Can’t thank you enough for these excellent arrangements!”
     201.444.9830              -DL, Kentucky

 Renee Rosnes’ Septet
 Combines Individual
 Star Power With A
‘Cohesive Group Sound’
2018 Performance at Newport Jazz Festival
Was Catalyst for Blue Note Album Release

    n 2016, a French promoter asked
    pianist Renee Rosnes for help in
    assembling an all-female band,
which she would lead, to perform
concerts at the Paris Philharmonie
and the Luxembourg Philharmonie,
celebrating International Wom-
en’s Day, observed every March 8.
    “I chose musicians whose playing
I loved,” Rosnes said, “most of whom I
already had a relationship with.” The
six other jazz artists were: tenor sax-

NJJS.ORG                                    JERSEY JAZZ   FEBRUARY • 2021   13

                             ophonist Melissa Aldana, drummer          regarded as a patron of girls and
                            Terri Lyne Carrington, clarinetist/        young women. Jensen and her hus-
                            tenor saxophonist Anat Cohen, trum-        band came up with the name. “We
                            peter Ingrid Jensen, bassist Linda         were looking for Greek goddess-
                            May Oh, and vocalist Cecile McLorin        es and powerful women,” she said
                             Salvant. “The two concerts,” Rosnes       (Jersey Jazz, May/June 2020).
                             said, “were very successful, and there        The first performance in the Unit-
                            was the suggestion of perhaps doing        ed States as Artemis was March 2,
                            more together. Terri Lyne and Linda        2018, at a sold-out performance at
                            were very busy with other projects, so I   the 92nd Street Y’s Kaufmann Con-
                            invited bassist Noriko Ueda and drum-      cert Hall in New York City. When the
                            mer Allison Miller to join the group.”     92nd Street Y decided to stream the
                                 That was the birth of the all-wom-    concert for its pandemic-sequestered
                             an septet, Artemis. During the summer     audience in August 2020, it was de-
                             of 2017, though, the band was known       scribed as, “one of the most electric
                             as “Woman To Woman”, making a             nights in jazz ever on our stage.”
                            14-city tour of European jazz festivals.       Later in 2018, Artemis was in-
                            “We soon realized we had something         vited to perform at the Newport
                             special,” Rosnes recalled, “an organ-     Jazz Festival. Rolling Stone’s Hank
              Artemis at    ic chemistry, which our audiences          Shteamer singled out Artemis’ New-
           Newport Jazz
                             seemed to recognize, too. At the end of   port performance as one of the “clear
              Festival in
            August 2018     that tour, we decided to make the band     highlights ... Their set played like an
                             official by branding it with a name.”     expertly crafted mixtape, moving
                                 The Greek goddess Artemis was         from a knotty version of Theloni-

NJJS.ORG                                                               JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021      14

                                                                                                                                  ity,” Rosnes said, “but with the com-
                                                                                                                                  mon goal of creating a cohesive group
                                                                                                                                  sound. Regarding the album’s reper-

               RARIFIED AIR OF BANDS WHOSE WHOLE IS GREATER                                                                       toire, I invited each member of Ar-
                                                                                                                                  temis to contribute an original com-

                                                                                                                                  position or an arrangement. It was
                                                                                                                                  important to me that each of our voic-
                                                                                                                                  es and musical points of view be heard.
                                                                                                                                  In live performances, we feature the
                                                                                                                                  same type of diverse program, and I’m
                                                                                                                                  sure our repertoire will continue to
 ous Monk’s ‘Brilliant Corners’ to a        the thousands of fans attending the       and tenacious nine-song set that            develop and grow as time goes on.”
 surprisingly dramatic arrangement          Newport Jazz Festival who had their       catches fire immediately with Miller’s           The connection with Blue Note is
 of the Beatles’ ‘Fool on the Hill’.”       minds blown by Artemis. Although         ‘Goddess of the Hunt’, a wily compo-         a reunion for Rosnes. “I’ve had a long
     He wasn’t the only one who no-         each individual member of this su-        sition that brings each member to the       relationship with the Blue Note label,”
ticed. “Blue Note President Don Was         pergroup is a bona fide jazz titan,       fore without breaking the ensemble’s        she said, “recording my first album as
 happened to be there,” Rosnes said,        these incredible musicians dwell in      inherent integrity.” The album is a mix      a leader for them back in 1990. Since
“and, from what I understand, decid-        the rarefied air of bands whose whole     of original compositions, new arrange-      then, I’ve made a total of 10 albums for
 ed then that he would like to invite us    is greater than the sum of its already    ments of well-known tunes such as           Blue Note—not including the Artemis
to record for the label.” In the official   sublime parts. Their musical conver-     “The Fool on the Hill” and Stevie Won-       release—and am thrilled to be back on
 September 2020 launch of the group’s       sation is sophisticated, soulful, and     der’s “It’s Magic”, topped off by Rosnes’   the label with such a great project.”
initial Blue Note album, self-titled        powerful, and their groove runs deep.”    new, softer arrangement of the Lee               In January 2020, Artemis per-
Artemis, Was said: “On a sunny Au-              AllAboutJazz’s Mike Jurkovic de-     Morgan classic, “The Sidewinder”.            formed at Purdue University in
 gust afternoon in 2018, I was among        scribed the album as “a tough, tight,         “We celebrate other’s individual-       Lafayette, IN, and led several clin-

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ics the next day. “There was stand-       I will be recording for Paul Stache’s
ing-room only and lots of enthusias-       Smoke Sessions label sometime
tic questions from all the students,”      soon. It will be my third release for   Artemis on
                                                                                   The Jazz Cruise in
Rosnes said, adding, “It was such         the label, and the band will include
                                                                                   February 2020
a pleasure to help guide the young         [saxophonist] Chris Potter, [bass-
players, and the time just flew by.”      ist] Christian McBride, [drummer]
    The band’s last live gig before the    Carl Allen, and Rogerio Boccato on
pandemic was on The Jazz Cruise            percussion. I’m hoping it will be out
in February 2020. Among canceled           sometime during the fall of 2021.”
performances were a European tour,             Since 2011, Rosnes has also been
the Monterey Jazz Festival, and an         a member of bassist Ron Carter’s
appearance at the Hollywood Bowl.         Foursight Quartet. “The first time I
Currently, “We’ve mostly seen each         played with the ‘Maestro’ was during
other on Zoom interviews and on-           my initial recording session as a
line listening sessions. When the          leader at Rudy Van Gelder’s studio in
pandemic allows, we’ll pick up            Englewood, NJ, in 1990,” she recalled.
where we left off. We all miss trav-      “I was 28 at the time and thrilled to
eling and playing with each other.”        be playing music with one of my he-
    Rosnes was planning to release a       roes. Of course, he’s magic. From his
new album of her own in January, but       perfect choice of notes, how he re-
that has been delayed. “During this        sponds, how he inspires, the weight
period,” she said, “I’ve spent a great     and centering way he approaches
deal of time composing and have an        the time, to the artistic freedom he
album’s worth of new material which        exudes, he is pure joy to play with.”

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A Jersey Jazz Interview
with Alexis Cole

     ocalist Alexis Cole has recorded four albums for
     the Japanese label, Venus Records, and hopes to
     do a fifth when the pandemic is over. Last July, she
appeared in concert (online) at her alma mater, William
Paterson’s Summer Jazz Series, and, in rehearsal, burst
into tears. “This is the first time I’ve sung with anybody

                                                                                               PHOTO BY ANDR EW BO GAR D
since this started in March,” she said, “and it was very
emotional for me.” Here, she talks about recording
with Bucky Pizzarelli, her passion for teaching and
volunteering, and her love of New York’s Hudson Valley.

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JJ  Please tell us about your                                                      to solo on. I knew where I wanted         February in Tokyo when I performed.
2015 CD with Bucky Pizzarelli,                                                     those to go in, but Frank, Bucky, and         Now it is funny because when
A Beautiful Friendship.                                                            Nicki decided when they would solo        I play piano, I always use the same
AC That CD came to be because Bucky                                                on what. I also felt like letting him     guys, Kenny Hassler on drums, and
was playing in my neighborhood of                                                  provide most of the arrangements so       David Finck on bass. We’ve worked
Peekskill, New York, every quarter or                                              that we would get his stamp on it.        out these arrangements over the
so with Jerry Bruno. I would always                                                                                          years that sound really tight together.
go and sit in with him at the venue,                                               JJ  I noticed you don’t always
the Division Street Grill. When Ve-                                                have the same musicians backing           JJ   When did you discover
nus Records asked me to do another                                                 you on your recordings.                   your love of teaching?
CD, I suggested doing it with Bucky.                                               AC Regarding my four Venus Records        AC When I started teaching, I was a tu-
                                                                                   CDs, Mr. Hara, the owner of the label     tor at a Princeton Review Center when
JJ   How did you select the                                                        wants every CD to be a new concept.       I lived in North Carolina in my early
other musicians?                        Bucky be in the driver’s seat and          (Tokyo-based Venus Records is an          20s. To get the job, we had to go to a
AC I heard Frank Vignola in a           have a lot of artistic input. I just had   independent label established in 1992     day-long orientation and teach the oth-
two-guitar format, and I just thought   to get out of the way, let him do his      by Tetsuo Hara, a longtime record         er people how to do something. That is
he is incredible. I asked him to do     thing, and plug into what he was           producer at RCA). He doesn’t pick the     when I realized I had a talent for ex-
it. I knew he and Bucky played to-      doing. I really wanted the session         musicians, necessarily, but he wants      plaining things to people in a passion-
gether often. Frank and Bucky rec-      to be his vision, his arrangements.        a proposal for a concept. Different       ate way and making things easy to un-
ommended Nicki (Parrott) on bass,           It was great. I gave him a list of     people fit in different concepts. Actu-   derstand. So, I taught vocabulary, and
who I love. They said they played       about 300 songs that I sing, and he        ally, the Bucky CD is the most recent     English for SAT prep. It was pretty fun.
together with her a lot. Bucky want-    and I went through them and he             of the Venus CDs that I’ve recorded. I         Then I went on to teach singing at
ed Warren (Vache), and I asked          picked the repertoire. I had a few         think I’ll do another with them when      the 92nd Street Y when I was in my
Anat Cohen to be on clarinet. I let     things that I wanted different horns       the pandemic is over. They saw me in      late 20s. I have to say that, just like

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doing anything, there are days that       tized, too. She never really played       is in composing. He’ll come home         ing in the moment around you
some lessons are good and other les-      professionally again, as far as I know.   from working two jobs and sit down       or how you are feeling. You make
sons are not. It is all about interper-   She became a housewife, which was         to write a song that he had been         choices, it’s infinitely flexible.
sonal relationships; and also, if you     typical of her generation. She passed     thinking about all day. He has never
are reaching the person, and if the       away when I was 30, so I knew her         stopped writing or lost interest in      JJ   How did your family react
person wants what you have. When          well. She was really a talent. She had    the piano or music. It is just who he    to your decision to make
it is working, and the person wants       beautiful interpretation, really amaz-    is. He has lived for the last 40 years   music your career?
what you have, it is super exciting.      ing spoken style. I never heard my        in Saratoga Springs, New York.           AC I think my mother was really hap-
                                          great grandmother sing. She passed                                                 py. She saw my father’s talent, and
JJ  I read that your great                when I was eight, but I heard that        JJ  What attracted you to jazz?          was very frustrated that he didn’t have
grandmother, grandmother,                 she had a beautiful operatic voice.       AC I really love the improvisa-          a career in music. Since I was very
and father were all singers, and              My father is a semi-pro. He’s         tional nature of jazz. Nothing has       little, I was singing and dancing, so
your father was also a pianist            got a day job to make money, but he       to be the same way twice, and you        I think it was obvious to her that is
and composer. Please tell us a            has always made music. His real life      get to respond to what is happen-        what I was born to do. She did every-
little about their musical lives.

AC My grandmother had this crazy
incident when she was 19. She was
playing piano and singing in a bar,
and a bar fight broke out. She got hit
in the face with a bottle and lost the
                                          AT WILLIAM PATERSON I STUDIED
vision in one eye forever. That ended
her professional career. I guess she                                 WITH NANCY MARANO. SHE STILL REMAINS
was from a pretty conservative family,
and her parents forbade her working
again; and maybe she was trauma-
                                                              A WONDERFUL INFLUENCE ON MY LIFE.”
NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                     JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021       19

               thing she could to help me. She never      tually, my classical teacher there, Nan
               argued with me to have a fallback or       Guptill-Crain, was also a wonderful
               anything. I was very lucky. Everyone       mentor. She not only helped me to be
               was very supportive. The only person       technically a better singer, but she
               who wasn’t supportive was my grand-        also nurtured me as an artist. She is
               mother. When she found out that I was      retired now, but I still stay in touch
               going to school for music, she told my     with her. Todd Coolman was my com-
               mother, “I can’t believe you are going     bo director, and I really learned a
               to send her to college to be a lounge      lot from him, and I went on to teach
               singer.” She famously changed her          alongside him at SUNY Purchase.
               tune after she realized how much I had
               learned and was growing, even when         JJ  You became an AmeriCorps
               I was still in college and hadn’t proven   volunteer for a year. Where
               myself yet. She thought it was valuable.   and how did you serve?
                                                          AC In Paterson. I went to India
               JJ You started college at                  right after that, and people would
               the University of Miami and                say, “Oh India. Did you have cul-
               finished at William Paterson               ture shock?” I’d say, “No I just came
               University here in New                     from a year in Paterson. That was
               Jersey. Who were some of your              my culture shock.” Paterson is re-
               important teachers/mentors?                ally rough. It has so much need and
               AC At William Paterson I studied           so much poverty. I worked in an af-
               with Nancy Marano. She still remains       ter-school program. I was the only
               a wonderful influence in my life. Ac-      person on the staff with a valid driv-

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                                                                                    I’M EXCITED ABOUT
er’s license, so I had to drive the bus
every day. I would pick all the kids
                                          JJ  You spent two tours in the
                                          Army and sang with the West
                                                                                    EMPOWERING                              there. My friend, the singer Nicole
                                                                                                                            Pasternak, was playing in Westport,
up and drop them off after. Seeing
where they all lived was really sad,
                                          Point Jazz Knights. Did the Jazz
                                          Knights still have any of the old         OTHER SINGERS IN                         Connecticut, with Pete Malinver-
                                                                                                                             ni, the new Director of Jazz Studies
but it was inspiring that we could
give those kids a safe place after
                                          Glenn Miller Army-Air Force
                                          arrangements?                             THE TIME OF THE                          at SUNY Purchase. I just thought,
                                                                                                                            “Okay, there is a new director. Let

school where they would have a meal       AC Yes, of course. I think all the mil-                                            me go and meet him.” I thought, “It’s
and be able to do their homework.         itary bands do and still play those                                                an hour drive from my house, but
                                          charts sometimes. Those are a really                                               let me go, and introduce myself.”
JJ  You studied music in Mumbai,          important part of the military band’s                                             Pete knew of me, and had heard me
India, with the Jazz India Vocal          history. That’s probably the reason       granddaughter talk about him at          somewhere. Next thing I knew, I
Institute? How did that happen?           jazz big bands exist in the military.     length. It was just beautiful. Then      got a call from him asking if I could
AC I worked for (saxophonist/edu-                                                   to get up and sing that song, and       teach! I started in the fall of 2015.
cator) Jamey Aebersold all through        JJ  You performed at General              give dignity, as music can do, for
college. When Niranjan Jhaveri,           Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.’s                  somebody who carried the weight         JJ  You stayed in the West Point
who ran the Jazz India Vocal Insti-       funeral. What was that like?              of so many lives on his shoulders.      area after leaving the service.
tute, was looking for people for his      AC That was one of the most inter-        Frankly, I just felt humbled and hon-   Were you familiar with it before
program, he asked Jamey if he could       esting and humbling experiences           ored to be a part of that service.      you were assigned there?
recommend anybody. Jamey thought          of my military career. We sang this                                               AC Yes. When I was an undergrad
of me, and I said, “Yes.” Niranjan        beautiful arrangement that Scott          JJ When you left the Army,              at the University of Miami, I had a
Jhaveri had actually come to the          Archangel, the Jazz Knights’ Mu-          you began teaching at SUNY.             friend who lived in New Paltz. I vis-
University of Miami when I was a          sic Director, wrote of “America the       How did that happen?                    ited him and fell in love with the
freshman there and given a talk, so       Beautiful,” after hearing Colin Powell    AC Right place, right time. I knew      Hudson Valley. I said if I ever get a
I was already familiar with him.          speak, and Norman Schwarzkopf ’s          they didn’t have a jazz vocal program   chance, I want to live here. This is so

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beautiful. It has always held a special    they were in Zambia. They were giv-
place in my heart. When I realized         ing bicycles to AIDS healthcare work-
where West Point was located, I was        ers who would go all over a village
like, “Wow! I could live there.” And I     and administer drugs and give care to
ended up settling in the Hudson Val-       people with HIV. I love the idea that a
ley even beyond my time in the Army.       bicycle can change so many aspects of
I have been all over the world, and        a person’s life. It is such a simple thing.
I have seen places that are equally
beautiful; but I have never been any       JJ  Final question, why did you
place that I feel is more beautiful.       establish
                                           AC I’m pouring all of my life expe-
JJ   How did you become involved           rience, which has been very varied,
with World Bicycle Relief?                 into this new endeavor. I’m excited
AC I’m into cycling, so it was a natural   about empowering other singers in
fit. World Bicycle Relief is owned by      the time of the pandemic and help-
Sram, a company that makes bicycle         ing people learn to sing better. It is
parts. They have all these humani-         obviously a passion of mine. I love
tarian projects. They give bicycles to     making this level of teaching acces-
girls in some countries that can’t get     sible to people who wouldn’t be able
to school without a bicycle. Some-         to go to college. It’s great teaching
times people have to walk two hours        at college. I love it, but what about
to school. They give bicycles to small     everybody else? I think it makes
scale entrepreneurs in some coun-          the world a better place when more
tries. When I was working with them,       people are engaging with music.

NJJS.ORG                                   JERSEY JAZZ         MARCH • 2021        22
                                                                                    The Grunin Center and Ocean County College Support the Arts

     I started working on the website     coming weeks, we’ll have Vanessa
at the beginning of last May, and we      Rubin, Jay Clayton, Sheila Jordan,
launched in June. The whole idea is       Tierney Sutton, and Nicole Zurai-
to provide world class jazz education     tis. All those teachers are available
from top professional performers          for private instructions on the site. I
and educators to the general pub-         conceived it as a booking agency for
lic. Everybody loves to sing. There       private study, but it evolved over its
are semi-pro and amateur singers          creation to become so much more.                Jazz and New Jersey
all over the world who can now take            I can see on a map from where
advantage of the same kind of in-         people have visited the website. It              March 22-26, 2021
structions that people pay big money      is really all over the world, South
to go to college for, and they can have   America, Africa, the Middle East,
it a la carte. Everybody wants to be a    Asia, all over Europe, all over Ameri-
better singer, but sometimes people       ca, and Canada. The site is currently
don’t have access to the instruction      available in Spanish, French, Kore-              Several workshops open to the public!
that they need. Now, I’ve created that    an, Italian, Chinese, Russian, and
access for a very affordable price.       Japanese. Over time we will focus
     Membership starts at $15 a month     our efforts on different countries as
for four master classes each month        well. It is really wonderful to see the
with top vocalists and educators.         far reach the site has had. I’m really
So far, Karrin Allyson, Jane Mon-         so happy that I’ve been able to get                                              
heit, Cyrille Aimee, Catherine Rus-       this high level of instruction out to                                              Grunin Center Box Office Hours
                                                                                                                               Mon.-Fri. 10:00am-5:00pm
sell, Tony DeSare, and John Proulx        the amateur and semi-profession-                                                           732-255-0500
have all done master classes. In the      al music community in this way.                                                    College Drive P Toms River, NJ

                                                                                                                       Contact the Box Office two weeks prior to any show
                                                                                                                        to arrange for disability and accessibility services.

NJJS.ORG                                  JERSEY JAZZ        MARCH • 2021      23

           Danny Jonokuchi &
           The Revisionists Win
           First-Ever ‘Count Basie Great
           American Swing’ Contest
           California Trumpeter Immersed Himself
           in New York’s Big Band Community

                   hen Danny Jonokuchi was           nokuchi said. As a result, he decided
                   attending Agoura Hills High      to travel across country for college
                   School in Agoura, CA, trum-      to major in Jazz Studies at Temple
           peter Terell Stafford visited in 2006    University’s Boyer College of Music
           and 2008 to conduct clinics, prepar-      and Dance in Philadelphia where
           ing the high school band for com-         Stafford is Director of the program.

                                                                                                PHOTO BY ANNA YATSKEV ICH
           petition in Jazz at Lincoln Center’s     “It was definitely a big transition, but
           Essentially Ellington festival. (Agou-   it was a chance to study with Terell
           ra Hills took second place in 2006).      and [saxophonist] Dick Oatts.”
              “I was completely blown away by            Stafford recalls meeting Jonoku-
           his teaching and personality,” Jo-        chi during that California trip. “I

NJJS.ORG                                            JERSEY JAZZ        MARCH • 2021        24

remember him being a very good                                                                                                  Danny Jonokuchi & The Revision-
trumpet player with a great attitude,                                                                                           ists. He also conducts The New Al-
humility, and openness to learn,” he                                                                                            chemy Jazz Orchestra, a 17-piece
said. “At Temple, he was the perfect                                                                                            big band which he co-leads with
student! He was really hard working                                                                                             trumpeters John Lake and Mike Sail-
and absorbed every bit of knowledge                                                                                             ors, and saxophonist Steve Kryka.
shared with him. I love his playing!                                                                                                Last year, an expanded version of
So melodic, heartfelt, and honest.”                                                                                             Danny Jonokuchi & The Revisionists
    After graduating from Temple in                                                                                             won the first-ever “Count Basie Great
2012, Jonokuchi moved to New York                                                                                               American Swing Contest”, launched
and started teaching to help support            Revisionists: Six members of Danny Jonokuchi & The Revisionists, from left:     in September by the independent
                                                    trombonist Robert Edwards, drummer Kevin Congleton, Jonokuchi,
himself while he began acclimating to                                                                                           publishing and management compa-
                                                vocalist Alexa Barchini, guitarist Greg Ruggiuero, and bassist Noah Jackson.
the jazz community, with an emphasis                                                                                            ny, Primary Wave Music Publishing
on big bands. “I would look up where                                                                                            in collaboration with the Count Basie
big bands were playing,” he said, “and    zy’s—anywhere that had big bands.”             er. I witnessed his natural ability    Estate. Professional and amateur
introduce myself. I went to the Village       Bonilla, who was second trom-              to communicate with an audience        jazz musicians 18 years or older were
Vanguard on Monday nights. After a        bonist in the Village Vanguard Jazz            of one or 1,000. He always has the     asked to submit a unique cover of
couple of years of going and learning,    Orchestra for nearly 20 years, rec-            same clear mind and the same poi-      one of three Basie classics—“Blues in

                                                                                                                                                                          PHOTO BY GU INERA KAMATOVA
I had a last-minute opportunity to        ognized Jonokuchi as “a young per-             gnant message. He is all about mu-     Hoss’ Flat”, “Jumpin’ at the Woodside”,
play with the band. [Trombonist] Luis     son that had an insurmountable                 sic and has the heart and generosity   or “One O’Clock Jump”. The larger
Bonilla was a mentor of mine, as well     amount of talent. I’ve hired him as            to make an everlasting impact.”        15-piece Revisionists won with its per-
as [trumpeters] Nick Marchion and         a trumpet player. He’s an excellent                 Jonokuchi formed The Danny        formance of “One O’Clock Jump”. The
Scott Wendholt. I also hung out at the    trumpet player. I’ve hired him as an           Jonokuchi Big Band and a smaller       eight regular Revisionist members
Garage, Jazz Standard, Minton’s, Diz-     arranger. He’s an excellent arrang-            group (seven to nine pieces) called    are: Jonokuchi, vocalist Alexa Barchi-

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                        JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021      25

ni, drummer Kevin Congleton, trom-       the entry in a professional studio for a    bassist Christian McBride. Harris            “Right now,” he continued, “I’m
bonist Robert Edwards, bassist Noah      final recording to be released this year.   told DownBeat: “There was a clear-       working on a few projects. I’m ar-
Jackson, guitarist Greg Ruggiero, alto       Pre-pandemic, all the musicians         cut winner. All the judges took a look   ranging new albums for Ricky Al-
saxophonist/clarinetist Jay Rattman,     would have been in New York, “but,          at the videos independently, and it      exander and [vocalist] Martina
and keyboardist Ben Paterson. All ex-    now,” Jonokuchi said, “they were all        was a unanimous decision.” Addi-         DaSilva, and I’m studying remote-
cept Ruggiero were part of the group’s   over. We had started making some            tional partners in the contest include   ly for my Masters in Jazz Com-
digital album, Let Me Off Uptown.        videos. It was a great way to play and      DownBeat, the Blue Note Jazz Club,       position from Queens College.
Trombonist Mariel Bildsten, tenor        for me to write new arrangements.           Jazz at Lincoln Center, the New-              At the beginning of 2020, The
saxophonist Ricky Alexander, and         When we found out about this com-           port Jazz Festival, and SiriusXM.        New Alchemy Jazz Orchestra was in
guitarist Jocelyn Gould were among       petition, I wrote a new arrangement.”           Jonokuchi had seen the Count         its third year of a monthly residency
those added to the award-winning         The winner was selected from 30             Basie Orchestra, led by Scotty Barn-     at The Django in Tribeca. In late Feb-
bigger band. The prize for winning       entries, and the panel of judges in-        hart, at Birdland. When he learned       ruary, Jonokuchi went on a tour of
the contest: An opportunity to work      cluded vibraphonist Stefon Harris,          his band won the contest, he told        Israel with Israeli multi-reedist Eyal
with some of the judges to re-record     saxophonist Branford Marsalis, and          Primary Wave, “The first time I ever     Vilner. “We had done half the shows,”
                                                                                     heard Count Basie and ‘One O’Clock       he said, “when the rest of the tour

                                                                                     Jump’ was after I won a raffle in        was canceled. We had another gig in
                                                                                     eighth grade and received a box set of   the UK, but they were talking about

             THERE WAS A                                                             his music. I’ve been a huge fan ever
                                                                                     since.” His favorite bandleaders, he
                                                                                     told Jersey Jazz, “are Duke Ellington
                                                                                                                              potential lockdowns. I got on the
                                                                                                                              first plane home. That was March 7.”
                                                                                                                                   Jonokuchi was motivated to enter

CLEAR-CUT WINNER ... IT WAS                                                          and Count Basie, but there is such a
                                                                                     long list of bandleaders and arrang-
                                                                                                                              the Basie competition, he said, “to cre-
                                                                                                                              ate some positivity in this tough time

          A UNANIMOUS DECISION.”                                                     ers: Thad Jones, Quincy Jones, Neal
                                                                                     Hefti, Sammy Nestico, Don Sebesky.
                                                                                                                              for musicians, to get the band togeth-
                                                                                                                              er, and to inspire other musicians.”

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Lionel Hampton and
                                                   wo jazz legends—the late vibra-    instrument, broke new ground as a
                                                   phonist Lionel Hampton and         member of Benny Goodman’s inte-
Benny Golson to Receive                            92-year-old tenor saxophonist/
                                             composer/arranger Benny Golson—
                                                                                      grated quartet in the 1930s, and led
                                                                                      his own big band as one of the stars
Special Recognition                          will be honored at this year’s Grammy
                                             Awards, to be held on Sunday, March
                                                                                      of the swing era. Among the many
                                                                                      highlights of his career were his 1939
This Year’s Jazz Winners in Six Categories   14, at the Staples Center in Los Ange-   collaboration with Goodman on Sid
Will Be Revealed March 14                    les. Hampton will receive a Lifetime     Robbins’ “Flying Home” and his 1998
BY SA N FO RD JOS EPHSO N                    Achievement Award, and Golson            duet with President Bill Clinton (on
                                             will be given a Trustees Award.          saxophone) at the White House in
                                                  The Lifetime Achievement            honor of Hampton’s 90th birthday.
                                             Award celebrates performers who               In 2015, The Lionel Hampton
                                             have made outstanding contribu-          Estate granted permission for the
                                             tions of artistic significance to the    launching of a Lionel Hampton Big
                                             field of recording, while the Trustees   Band featuring vibraphonist Jason
                                             Award honors such contributions          Marsalis, bassist Christian Fabi-
                                             in areas other than performance.         an, multi-reedist Cleave Guyton,
                                                  Hampton, who died on August 31,     Jr., and saxophonist Lance Bryant
                                             2002, at the age of 94, pioneered and    as co-leaders. Four years later, the
                                             popularized the vibraphone as a jazz     band released its first album, Live
                                                                                      at Rossmoor on the Alfi Records la-
                                                                                      bel, and it reached No. 7 on the Jazz
                                             President Bill Clinton and Lionel        Week charts the same week the band
                                             Hampton at the White House, 1998         performed at New York’s Birdland.

NJJS.ORG                                                                              JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021      27
GRAMMY AWARDS                                  Benny Golson
                                               and Emmet

    The current Hampton band                                                                                                    MI, and then drove to Cincinnati to
consists mainly of musicians who                                                                                                play at Xavier University. There was a
played with Hampton, something                                                                                                  huge snowstorm, and flights were being
Fabian “will never forget. My first                                                                                             canceled.” When they became aware
performance, I had tears in my eyes                                                                                             that some of the concerts might have to
because I never experienced such a                                                                                              be canceled as well, Golson’s response,
groove and tight band. It was over-                                                                                             said Cohen, was: ‘It’s your band, and
whelming, and I felt so much joy.”                                                                                              I’m willing to do whatever you want
    Bryant was recruited by Guyton in          In the November/December            Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, and            to do.’ We wound up not doing it.”
the late 1980s. “When I got in the band,   2020 issue of Jersey Jazz, tenor sax-   Art Blakey. Among his most notable                To Sherman, “Mr. Golson’s
I didn’t know that much about Lionel,”     ophonist Weldon said playing with       jazz standards are: “Whisper Not”,           strength and energy were amazing to
he said. “I was only excited about Col-    Hampton was “where I learned to         “Blues March”, “Along Came Bet-              witness—early lobby calls, traveling
trane and Joe Henderson. But Lionel        become a professional, the way he       ty”, and “I Remember Clifford”.              and performing with very little sleep,
led mostly by example. Most of his         paced a set, put a set together, fol-        The young pianist Emmet Cohen           but Mr. Golson was unfazed by it, at
instructions were verbal, about physi-     lowed one tune into the next ... The    and drummer Evan Sherman toured              over 90 years old! At the end of one of
cally or visually putting on a big show.   thing that I got the most from Hamp     with Golson on Midwestern college            our sets, he started playing John Col-
It was very important to him to put on     is how he gave 110 per cent every       campuses during January 2020. Pre-           trane’s ‘Mr. P.C.’, and we all had sweat
an energetic show. It was also great       single night, every single night.”      viously, Cohen recorded with Golson          running down our faces! Of course,
learning from the older musicians in           Golson, who celebrated his 92nd     as part of the pianist’s Master Legacy       playing with Mr. Golson was an in-
the band such as trombonist Charles        birthday on January 29, has com-        Series. “I’ve loved him forever,” he said.   credible dream—his compositions and
Stephens. He would calm us down            posed more than 300 pieces of mu-       “After I recorded with him, he invited       sound are top shelf. He’s played with
sometimes. Jerry Weldon would come         sic during his 70-year career. He       me to play with him at the Jazz Stan-        all the greatest drummers and musi-
back and play with us every once in a      wrote and arranged music for a jazz     dard. That last tour in January was          cians so it was a tremendous learning
while. That was like a lesson to me.”      ‘who’s who’ including Hampton,          incredible. We went to Grand Rapids,         experience that I’ll always cherish.”

NJJS.ORG                                                                                                                        JERSEY JAZZ       MARCH • 2021       28
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