JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

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JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST


The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana

        Volume 4 Issue 2 December 2018
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST


    The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana

                    Editorial board
                  Prof. dr. Agron Cuka
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST


Motivation of football players ages 13-19.                            5
                Abdyl Kuriu. 1, Ylli Zhurda, 2                        5
Using the technology for improvement of the teaching and
learning process.                                                    12
                Marsela Shehu                                        12
10 mini tests for evaluation of Physical activity at
children 6- 10 years old                                             19
                Altin Martiri , 1 Anesti Qeleshi (2)                 19
Hospitality and Tourism Sector in Albania                            28
                Ejvis (Shehi) Gishti1 Mirlinda Galushi2              28
Physical Activity and Healthy among Adolescents from Tirana          34
                Aida Shehu, Kujtim Kapedani                          34
Psicomotoric aspect of presscholl children and they behavior         57

               Elton BANO 1, Arben BOZAXHIU1, Valbona PUMA 1.        57
“Differences in the aerobic power Training methods of u16 football
Players “                                                            65
              Andi baze

Impact of stretching exercises in preventing the injuries during     73
training and competition of athletes

             Kujtim Likaj
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

Motivation of football players ages 13-19.

1 Sports University of Tirana, Faculty of Movement Sciences, Departament of sports.
2 Sports University of Tirana, Faculty of Movement Sciences Department of Social Sciences and
Corespondent autor: Abdyl Kuriu e-mail

The study aims to identify the motives which foster sports activity of teenage football players. The
sample of the study includes 311 footballers aged 13-19. The instrument used was “The sport
motivation scale SMS-28” Pelletier, Fortier, Valleran, Briere, Tuson, Blais 1995. It contains 28 items
assessed on a 7-point scale. The motives are extended along the entire scale of self-determination
behaviour of Deci, Rayan (1991). Alfa Cronbach 0,785. Intrinsic motivation is at very high levels,
higher than extrinsic motivation, at a mean point over 6. Extrinsic motivation is also at a high scale.
External regulation is 5.14, inrojected regulation is 5.87, regulaton through identification is 5.02.
Amotivation is also identified and is at a low mean point 3.02.
The results of this study demonstrate that intrinsic motivation are powerful, they stand at the
highest scale of motivation according to Deci & Rayan (2000). Moreover, extrinsic motivation scores
are in line of this scale, except the fact that the regulation through identification stands at a lower
The findings pinpoint the need to identify and know the motivation of teenage footballers,
considering them when it comes to the training activity aiming at a more efficient training process
and thus leading them to success.

Keywords: Extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, amotivation, self-determination.

Introduction                                        than from other people. Intrinsic motivation
                                                    comes from innate physiological needs of
Sport activity, particularly when exercised         competence and self-determination. According
as a primary activity, requires commitment,         to Deci and White, intrinsic motivation can
dedication and sacrifices of all sorts, and         be differentiated into more specific motives:
these are driven by the presence of specific        to know, to accomplish things, to experience
motivations. Without motivation talented            stimulation.
athletes would no the able to achieve their         Extrinsic motivations are stimuli that come
full potential, while athletes that are not         from outside the individual such as rewards,
particularly talented are able to achieve success   material, psychological and social benefits
if strongly motivated. Athletes’ behavior can be    which affirm the individuals values. While sport
intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated    has the potential to be intrinsically motivating,
or amotivated. (Deci, 1975; Deci & Rayan, 1985,     various extrinsic motivations exist nonetheless.
1991).                                              Athletes can be motivated through rewards,
Intrinsic motivation causes behaviours that         trophies, recognition, and appreciation and
lead to competence and control, with rewards        approval from the public, family, friends and
coming intrinsically from the individual rather     trainer
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

Deci, Rayan, Connell & Grolnick, (1990) speak        players ages 13 to 19 years old, of which 113 are
of several different types of extrinsic motivation   U15, 133 are U17 and 65 are U19. They come
that can be ordered along a self-determination       from different cities such as Tirana, Durres,
continuum, as: external regulation, introjected      Elbasan, Kavaja, Korca. Depending on their age,
regulation, identification regulation.               the athletes have sports experience that varies
Amotivation is characterized as a lack of            from 1-2, 3 years for the age group U15, and up
intention to act and lack of intentionality in an    to 6 years for athletes in the U19 age group. This
athletes’ activities.                                study’s subjects practice football on a regular
Deci argues that both intrinsic and extrinsic        basis, conducting daily and weekly trainings in
motivation influences athletes in their activity,    their respective cities’ football clubs farm teams.
but intrinsic motivation is more effective.
Extrinsic motivation can be used to urge             Instrument
intrinsic motivation. Deci & Ryan (2000)             The instrument used is “The Sport Motivation
conceive behaviour regulation as a spectrum          Scale (SMS – 28)” of Pelletier, Fortier, Valleran,
ranging from amotivation, external regulation,       Briere, Tuson and Blais 1995, which assesses
introjected regulation, identified regulation and    people’s motivation for engaging in sport’s
finally intrinsic motivation in the continuum of     activities. This motivation scale in sports is
self-determination. Self-determination relates       used to evaluate the motivation for sport
to the autonomy, initiative, freedom and choice      activity participation. It evaluates the intrinsic
of behaviour. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation     motivations like to know, to accomplish things,
can be used together to maximize overall             to experience stimulation, as well as extrinsic
motivation if extrinsic motivation is structured     motivation such as external regulation,
in the right way.                                    introjected regulation, identification regulation
Recognizing the motivations that drive               and amotivation.
adolescents to take on football, changes in          The questionnaire is composed of 28 statements
motivation - strengthening or weakening - is         structured in 7 sub-scales of four statements
of particular importance in sports training.         each, assessed on a 7 points scale, with endpoints
From this point of view, the study’s purpose is      “does not correspond at all” (1), “corresponds
to provide an overview of adolescent football        exactly” (7), and with the midpoint “corresponds
players’ motivations that drive them in their        moderately” (4).
sporting activity.
The results of the study will help raise             Results
awareness among trainers and specialists on          Data collected via the questionnaire were
adolescent football players motivations, their       statistically analyzed using SPSS software.
type and level; how these motivations influence      Cronbach alpha were used to assess the
football activity, and reflect this understanding    reliability of the questionnaire. Cronbach Alfa
in the organization and direction of training and    0.785 shows a high reliability of the study.
preparedness of adolescent football players, to      Subjects are clear and consistent in their
achieve maximum performance, progress and            questionnaire responses that determine their
wellbeing of such athletes.                          placement in the motivation scale.
                                                     Adolescent football players covered in this study
Methods                                              show a variety of motivation levels.
The study includes 311 adolescent football
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

Table 1, provides the average points and SD per 28 statements.

                     N                 Minimum         Maximum         Mean              S t d       .
ID                   311               1               311             155.56            90.536
Mosha                311               150             19              16.69             1.484
P1                   311               0               7               6.66              816
P2                   311               0               7               6.64              826
P3                   311               0               7               4.07              2.392
P4                   311               0               7               6.27              1.157
P5                   311               0               7               2.63              1.884
P6                   311               0               7               4.79              1.791
P7                   311               0               7               4.48              1.838
P8                   311               0               7               6.05              1.197
P9                   311               0               7               5.69              1.439
P10                  311               0               7               6.12              1.320
P11                  311               0               7               5.64              1.380
P12                  311               0               7               6.20              1.240
P13                  311               0               7               5.82              1.422
P14                  311               0               7               5.72              1.584
P15                  311               0               7               6.35              1.020
P16                  311               0               7               4.94              1.691
P17                  311               0               7               5.35              1.508
P18                  311               0               7               5.87              1.740
P19                  311               0               7               2.31              1.756
P20                  311               0               7               5.86              1.460
P21                  311               0               7               5.83              1.705
P22                  311               0               7               4.73              1.962
P23                  311               0               7               6.12              1.287
P24                  311               0               7               4.61              1.767
P25                  311               0               7               5.77              1.370
P26                  311               0               7               6.22              1.232
P27                  311               0               7               6.25              1.221
P28                  311               0               7               3.09              2.055
Valid N (listwise)   311
                Table 2. Average Points, standard deviation per motivation sub-scales.

Nr    Motivation subscales                           Mean score       SD                 Cronbach
1     Intrinsic motivation – to know                 6.32             0.70               0.562
2     Intrinsic motivation – to accomplish           6.12             1.23               0.565
3     Intrinsic motivation – to experience           6.03             0.82               0.497
4     Extrinsic motivation – identified regulation   5.02             1.62               0675
5     Extrinsic motivation – introjected regulation 5.87              0.94               0.582
6     Extrinsic motivation – external regulation     5.14             1.15               0.605
7     Amotivation                                    3.02             1.48               0.704
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

Motivations vary per age group; U15, U17, U19, and differences can be noticed. Amotivation can
also be noticed among athletes, per score 3.02
                    Table 3. points per motivation scales per age group, U15, U17, U19

Nr     Motivation subscales                                             Mean score
                                                        U 15            U 17             U 19
1               Intrinsic motivation – to know          6.12            6.4              6.45

2            Intrinsic motivation – to accomplish       5.9             6.26             6.17

3          Intrinsic motivation – to experience         5.76            6.29             6.14
4        Extrinsic motivation – identified regulation   5.05            5                5.02

5           Extrinsic motivation – introjected          5.53            5.54             5.97
6        Extrinsic motivation – external regulation     5.03            5.29             5

7                       Amotivation                     3.17            2.62             3.35

Table 4. Amotivation

Items of amoti- Point                      U15                 U17                U19
3               4.08                       4.08                3.98               4.2
5               2.67                       3.2                 2.09               2.72
19              2.41                       2.5                 1.86               2.87
28              3.17                       2.92                2.96               3.64

Discussion                                              learning new techniques and strategies. This
                                                        is a very valuable motivation that stimulates
Intrinsic motivations                                   adolescents to be attentive and demanding to
Data shows that subjects are characterized              perfect their football skills and knowledge. This
by high levels of intrinsic motivation, average         must be kept in mind and used wisely from
score of 6.16, which aligns with high or full           trainers that work with them, with the view
correlation levels. Intrinsic motivation is higher      of achieving specific objectives related to the
than extrinsic motivation. Motivation to know           training and education of adolescent athletes.
scores the highest, score of 6.32, in the sub-          Of all the elements of intrinsic motivation,
scale of intrinsic motivation. This expresses           the satisfaction adolescent athletes feel from
an adolescent age characteristic where the              learning more about football stands out with the
motivation to know, to expand knowledge                 highest score, 6.64 and sd 0.70. This constitutes
particularly in areas of specific interest,             a good basis for trainers to exploit in order to
strengthens. In our case, this specific interest        increase effectiveness of progress in mastering
is football. Adolescent athletes are intrinsically      of techniques, tactics and strategies by athletes,
motivated to know, to learn at a higher level for       as this is an intrinsic need which gives them
the satisfaction that comes with learning more          satisfaction and serves as a stimulus.
about football, perfecting training techniques,
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS - The Official Journal of Sports University of Tirana - UST

The motivation to achieve is quite high, 6.12        The identified regulation places on top of the
and sd = 1.23. This motivation manifests itself      three sub-scales of extrinsic motivation, in the
in the satisfaction they feel, when mastering        motivation scale, while in our study’s subjects is
difficult training techniques, when improving        placed at a lower level on the scale. Apparently, at
their weaknesses, when perfecting their skills,      adolescents the understanding of these football
when executing difficult moves. Thus in this         values and their practice is not at the appropriate
regard, adolescent athletes are intrinsically        level. However, a special appreciation for
motivated and are very active in their               the effect of football on personality aspects
participation as they receive satisfaction when      stands out. (5.64, SD 1.38). Given the fact that
these allow them to reach their goals. They are      introjection is stronger it seems there is a gap
truly intrinsically motivated from satisfaction      in education within sports environment as
in achieving technical progress, improve skills      regarding the increase of adolescents’ autonomy
and ability to execute difficult moves and to        (rather than control increase) and empowering
improve their weaknesses. This is an important       self-determination. This would bring a growth
basis to work with so that athletes can make         of identified regulation, where behavior is
progress in their football skills preparedness.      regulated and internally self-determined.
Particularly outstanding is the satisfaction they
feel when perfecting their skills (score of 6.35,    Differences among athletes U15, U17, U19
sd=1.02). The motivation to perfect skills and       When comparing all three age groups, the
resulting satisfaction with sport activities is      intrinsic motivations in all three sub-scales
very important and serves as an incentive to         are strongest in the U17. In the U15 are
progress these athletes’ career.                     lower compared to U17 and U19. After several
Motivation to experience stimulation (6.03,          years of football practice U 17 athletes have
SD=0.82), encourages adolescents to engage           overcome insecurities or doubts and are able
in exciting experiences and gives them the           to see themselves progress in their sport career.
feeling of being totally immersed in the activity,   Their interests, and self-confidence are more
and intense emotions. The pleasure football          established and they feel pleasure. While in
players feel in living exciting experiences while    U15 athletes interests are still fluid, motivations
practicing football is high, 6.66 and SD=0.816.      vary due to a series of reasons related to their
                                                     age, sport environment, skills progress, work of
Extrinsic Motivations                                trainers and parents, etc. U19 athletes are well
Extrinsic motivations scored an average of over      formed and with more experience, thus able to
5 points, a high level. The sub-scales are at the    conduct realistic and proper self-analysis, are
following levels:                                    more demanding of themselves, which may lead
External regulation 5.14 points, SD 1.15.            to doubt.
Evidences the importance to adolescent athletes      U19 have stronger motivation to know. These
to be well regarded by people, the public, friends   athletes are at a higher sport level and better
and fans. The highest score is for the prestige of   oriented towards a successful football career. For
being an athlete, 6.12, SD 1.32                      this reason they are quite motivated as they get
Extrinsic motivation, introjected regulation,        satisfaction from learning more about football,
presents itself at the highest level of the          perfecting their techniques and learning new
extrinsic motivation sub-scales: 5.87, SD 0.94.      ones. The satisfaction from learning more about
This motivates athletes to internalize the acting    football scores high at 6.72.
reasons, and encourages them to act according        There are variances with regard to extrinsic
to a higher level of behavior that they percept.     motivations. U17 athletes present higher scores
Identified regulation is at 5.02, SD 1.62,           than U15 and U19. The identified regulation is
Adolescent see football not only as influencing      almost the same at the three age groups while
their development as players, but also               the introjected regulation is higher at U19 and
influencing their developing other aspects of        stands out, 5.97 points.
their personality, to learn lots of things that
would be useful in other areas of life.

Amotivation                                         Extrinsic Motivations scored an average of over
Amotivation exists, even though at low levels; 3    5 points, a high level. Introjected regulation,
points. However it manifests in certain aspects,    presents itself at the highest level of the extrinsic
such a lack of self-confidence and they have the    motivation sub-scales. The identified regulation
impression of being incapable of succeeding in      places on top of the three sub-scales of extrinsic
football. The highest level of amotivation, 4.08,   motivation, in the motivation scale, while in our
SD 2.32, is that even though they used to have      study’s subjects is placed at a lower level on the
good reasons for playing football, they seem to     scale.
question whether they should continue playing       There are difference among athletes U15, U17,
Amotivation can be explained with shifting          U19: the intrinsic motivations in all three sub-
interests manifesting themselves during             scales are strongest in the U17, in the U15 are
adolescence, but also with factors of perceived     lower compared to U17 and U19; and regard
self-competence. They experience a feeling of       to extrinsic motivations, U17 athletes present
incompetence and are under the impression           higher scores than U15 and U19.
that they can’t achieve the goals they set for      Amotivation exists, even though at low levels.
themselves. This is reflected in the almost         However it manifests in certain aspects, such
identical scores in all three age groups. As a      a lack of self-confidence and they have the
result a positive perception/impression of their    impression of being incapable of succeeding in
competence and values, the setting of realistic     football.
goals, helps them become more skilled and           Further implications
motivated on their daily sports activities.         These results raise the coaches’ and sports
It is important for trainers to pay attention to    specialists’ awareness so they can better
athletes and realize that by not providing feed-    understand and know adolescent footballers’
back to them on their performance, they may be      motivations and on the bases of them they
encouraging amotivation in athletes. In sports,     should reflect in the organization and direction
winners and losers are clear, and athletes feel     of training and preparation of adolescent football
their sporting achievements are a reflection of     players in order to bring about maximum
their values and that they are appreciated for      performance, progress and well-being of these
that. Being positively viewed by others serves as   athletes.
an important motivator for adolescent athletes.
Thus a positive perception for their competency
and values, helps them further improve their        References
skills and become more motivated in their daily     1. Burton, D., Raedeke, Th. (2008). Sport
sport activities.                                       psychology for coaches. Human Kinetics.
                                                    2. Cabrini, M. (1995). Psicologia nel calcio.
Conclusion.                                             Roma.
Intrinsic motivation is at a very high level.       3. Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (2002). Handbook
Motivation to know is at the highest level.             of self-determination research. Rochester,
Adolescent football players have a high                 NY: University of Rochester Press.
motivation as: for the pleasure to know more        4. Deci, E. L.,      Ryan, R. M. (1991). A
about football; for the pleasure of discovering         motivational approach to self: Integration
new training techniques                                 in personality. In R. Dientsbier(Ed.),
Motivation to accomplish is high, players have          Nebraska sympozium on motivation Vol
satisfaction when mastering certain difficult           38, Prespectives on motivation. Lincoln:
training techniques; feel pleasure        when          University of Nebraska Press.
improving their weak points; when perfecting        5. Grolnick, W. S., Ryan, R. M., & Deci. E.
their abilities; and when executing certain             L. (1991) Inner reseources for school
difficult movements. The pleasure of perfecting         achievement: Motivational mediators
their abilities stands out and the pleasure feel        of children’ perceptions. Journal of
in living exciting experiences while practicing         Educational Psychology, 83.
football is high.                                   6. Martens. R. (1988). Coaches guide to sport

     psychology. Human Kinetics.                    10. Weinberg, R. Gould, D. (2007). Foundations
7.   Pelletier, Fortier, Valleran, Briere, Tuson        of sport and exercise psychology.
     and Blais 1995, “The Sport Motivation          11. Human Kinetics.
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8.   Vallerand, R. J. (1997). A hierarchical            sport.
     model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.   13. Weis, M. R., Bredemeir, B. J., & Shewchuk, R.
     Advances      in     experimental     social       M. (1985). An intrisic/extrinsic motivation
     psychology. San Diego: Academic Press.             scale for the youth sport setting: A
9.   Roberts, G. C. (Ed). (1992). Motivation in         confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of
     sport and exercise. Human Kinetics.                sport Psychology, 7.

Using the technology for improvement of the
teaching and learning process.

Sports University of Tirana, Faculty of Movement Sciences Corresponding Author Marsela Shehu

Teenagers often use computers and the Internet to do the school’s duties. Teachers also use
technology to get the latest information and the latest innovations of science disciplines that they
cover, for a contemporary teaching and learning process. The purpose of my study is to present
a general overview of the importance of using technology to improve the teaching and learning
process, from the perspective of two educational partner’s teachers – pupils. The sample of the
study includes 200 teachers of the region Tirana. The methodology of the study was conducted
through semi-structured interviews with teachers of various profiles, the format of which was
compiled by the researcher and contains six questions. Interpretation of the data is accomplished
through qualitative descriptions. The data show that educational partner’s teachers – pupils use
the Internet to improve the learning process, by pupils used whenever they are required Internet
research jobs on certain curriculum subjects and by teachers for a professional performance
achieved, to get the latest information on the subject of teaching and the impact observed in
the teaching process is impressive, of course, also serves as additional knowledge for students.
Referring to the psychosocial aspect of using technology, teachers say that Internet usage has a
negative impact on the psychological health of adolescents. As final conclusion teachers approve
the fact that for the teaching process they consider a necessity to use the Internet, but the time of
its use should be effectively managed by the pupils for their wellbeing and physical health.

Keywords: Teachers, pupils, technology, learning process, teaching, Physical Education class.

Introduction                                         making using timely, meaningful data to shape
                                                     learning opportunities. This translates into more
                                                     personalized learning based on continuous
There have been several studies on the positive      feedback available to students, teachers,
educational impact that technology has on            and parents. It is shown that the presence of
students as young as kindergarteners. Cheryl         technology for kids has several benefits, because
Lemke (2005) outlines that students who have         technology allows children to learn in a whole
access to technology become more quickly             new way. Children can view animations of the
engrossed in the material, and as such are able to   solar system, look at three-dimensional models
absorb the information more quickly. Technology      of the human body, and learn through interactive
serves as a bridge to more engaged, relevant,        games. Children today can use technology as
meaningful, and personalized learning all of which   a supplement with traditional education, not
lead to higher academic achievement. Technology      as a replacement. The proper mix of these two
provides a platform for more informed decision-      elements can give children all the benefits of a

modern education without requiring much               educational materials do not undergo any
training for children. (Hatch, K. 2011).              examination. This fact produces many difficulties
According to U.S. Department of Education             even for a teacher to select the material for
when students are using technology as a tool          educational purposes. To solve this problem
or a support for communicating with others,           one must be competent in his professional field.
they are in an active role rather than the passive    He/she should be able to analyze the material
role of recipient of information transmitted by       and recommend it to his/her students, and
a teacher, textbook, or broadcast. Technology         the students selecting the information should
use allows many more students to be actively          be also able to decide if this or that material is
thinking about information, making choices,           flawless to be used for the cognitive purposes.
and executing skills than is typical in teacher-      We should keep in mind that reading electronic
led lessons. Moreover, when technology is used        texts in the net is not like reading printed texts.
as a tool to support students in performing           We have to look it through rather than read it
authentic tasks, the students are in the position     thoroughly and make decision if it is worth
of defining their goals, making design decisions,     downloading and more attentive reading later
and evaluating their progress. The teacher’s          or not. So, students should be taught to look
role changes as well. The teacher is no longer        through the texts quickly, selecting the main
the center of attention as the dispenser of           ideas interesting for them from the point of view
information, but rather plays the role of             of their cognitive task.
facilitator, setting project goals and providing      The educational applications of the Internet
guidelines and resources, moving from student         are supported by some learning theories. With
to student or group-to-group, providing               the access to the Internet, it is immediately
suggestions and support for student activity.         discovered that the whole hypertext material is
Project-based work and cooperative learning           a learning tool. In other words, those enormous
approaches prompt this change in roles,               groups of texts and multimedia contexts have
whether technology is used or not. However,           not been created to be read lineally, but rather
tool uses of technology are highly compatible         they use connections to make remissions, to put
with this new teacher role, since they stimulate      in contact different parts, or to be connected
so much active mental work on the part of             with other texts. That is to say, it is a tool;
students. Teachers talked about motivation            an instrument that, coded and registered,
from a number of different perspectives. Some         transmits information, and includes other
mentioned motivation with respect to working          processes accompanied or derived by the
in a specific subject area, for example, a greater    transmission, no matter this is the cause or
willingness to write or to work on computational      the consequence. The constructivism pattern
skills. Others spoke in terms of more general         in the design of learning ways and knowledge
motivational effects student satisfaction with the    matches well with the Internet as a learning
immediate feedback provided by the computer           instrument. The constructivism pattern
and the sense of accomplishment and power             supposes that the elements that we get thanks
gained in working with technology. A related          to our senses and the mental itineraries, that we
technology effect stressed by many teachers was       use to investigate those elements, are already
enhancement of student self-esteem. Both the          within us. So we learn; we learn because we
increased competence they feel after mastering        transform our knowledge. It is a positive activity
technology-based tasks and their awareness of         of the person, who learns by experiencing and
the value placed upon technology within our           solving problems actively and originally. The
culture, led to increases in students’ and often      instruction is centered in the students who are
teachers’ sense of self worth. (U.S. Department       the center of the learning. All these tools are not
of Education).                                        to give knowledge fundamentally, but to help
It is obvious that the information the student        the student to build knowledge through the
comes across in the Internet is not always            learning activities that favor personal autonomy
helpful. More than that, it can be very aggressive;   and propitiate self-regulation or control of the
it can be not up to the scientific level, etc. Many   learning.

In this sense, the mistakes are not irreparable        technology coordinators, students, parents and
failures. They are necessary components of the         representatives of the community to determine
learning process. In this process the educator         the educational goals for students and types of
acts not as an instructor, but as a generator of       technology that will support efforts to meet the
the atmosphere, in which the students can build        goals. The team should also develop a vision
knowledge by means of an investigation work.           of how technology can improve teaching and
This atmosphere will have a favorable effect in        learning. Students cannot be expected to benefit
the motivation to do the task of deepening the         from technology if their teachers are neither
interests, looking for better understanding and        familiar nor comfortable with it. Many teachers
the follow-up of the learning.                         fall behind their students when it comes to
If the student organizes or elaborates the             modern technology skills and competences,
information, the learning will be significant, and     thus making it difficult to interest, motivate and
its quality will be in accordance with the quality     engage children in conventional lessons. They
that the organization or the creation has. The         need to have experience with the technology.
learning is a constructive process. This means         Hence it is important to provide professional
that the basic activities of learning guide to the     development to teachers to help them not only
construction of the meanings for the students.         to learn how to use new technology, but also
By the ideological reservation of the theory of        how to provide meaningful instruction and
the constructivism learning, that states that the      activities using technology in the classroom.
most important thing when learning is not what         Ongoing evaluation of technology applications
we will learn, but what we have already learnt,        and student achievement, based on the
in the sense that what we will learn should be         overall education goals, helps ensure that the
integrated in the previous cognitive net of the        technology is appropriate, adaptable and useful.
student.                                               (Simuforosa, M., 2013)
The Internet allows us to reach an essential           It is shown that with the introduction of systems
objective in the learning process: the                 such as the Wii and the Xbox Kinect, games have
personalization of the teaching. It allows             become much more than a sedentary activity.
adapting it to the necessities of students, in         Exergaming, or playing games that require a
accordance with their previous knowledge and           physical movement or reaction, has grown in
interest. It allows each student to advance in his/    popularity since its introduction a few years ago.
her development in a personal and autonomous           Today children and adolescents are more likely
way according to his/her abilities. Multimedia         to spend their spare time on sedentary activities,
instruments, that is to say, those that integrate in   active video games (namely exergaming) that
one format the combined information of audio,          allow players to physically manipulate and
video, text and image, increase the possibilities      interact with the game display the potential to
of perception. The multimedia services contain         engage youth in physical activities (PA). In a
elements of multiple and different information         meta-analysis study of exergames, researchers
that can expand the representation of three-           suggested that exergames are effective
dimensional objects and allows interactions or         technologies that may facilitate light-to-
bi-directional communications. They also can           moderate-intensity PA promotion. (Peng, W. et
raise positive transformations and improve the         al., 2011; Sun, H. 2013).
teaching and learning processes at maximum.            Exergaming are involved in contemporary
This technology used as didactic resources is a        PE curricula. Exergaming has potential to
vehicle of knowledge and a curricular culture          contribute to PE programs by supplementing
adapted to the means where these processes are         the current activity options and increasing
developed. (UNESCO 2003)                               student enjoyment for PE/PA, contributing to
Simuforosa, M. (2013) in her study findings have       PA goals (at least for experienced gamers), and
implications for schools using or planning to use      providing a relational learning environment in
modern technology. She recommends that the             which students work with others in complex
schools need to convene a technology planning          contexts to solve meaningful problems.
team comprising administrators, teachers,              Nevertheless, exergaming when developed

within the educational PE curriculum can utilize      acquired for a scientific qualitative analysis. The
the complex, natural, relational, authentic, and      interviews were administered by the author
community based environments embedded                 and in completing these interviews the subjects’
in exergames to design situated learning              anonymity was entirely maintained.
environments that integrate the learner, balance
and fitness concepts, within an active gaming         Discussion and Conclusion
culture. (Ennis, D. C., 2013)                         Referring to the teachers’ information about
Methods                                               using the Internet from their students to
Research procedures                                   improve the learning process and how often the
The sample of the study includes 200                  Internet is used by students, 94% of the teachers
subjects (teachers) of the region Tirana from         say that the teenagers of the Tirana region use
metropolitan and nonmetropolitan with                 the Internet to improve the teaching process
various profiles, among other and Physical            whenever they are asked by teachers research
Education teachers. Teachers are selected             work on the Internet for certain educational
from secondary and high school (the region            topics, in certain classes that have curricular
Tirana), such as: “Pjetër Budi”, “Vasil Shanto”,      projects also provided in the curriculum.
“Konferenca e Pezës”, “Musine Kokalari”,              Despite of the latter data, teachers say they use
“Arben Broci”, “Andon Z. Cajupi”, “Qemal Stafa”,      the Internet in the 1 to 2 hours a day, often less
“Myslym Keta”, Krrabë Shkollë e Bashkuar, “Pezë       than 3 times a week. Most prominent teenagers,
Helmes”, “16 Shtatori” Pezë e Madhe, Shkolla          as the teachers say, are students with high
Komunitare Yzberisht, “Myslym Shima”, “Sadi           academic level. A small minority of teachers
Nuri”, “Bashkim Berisha”, Shkolla e Bashkuar          6% of them, (prevails teachers of the Tirana
Vaqarr and “Isa Boletini”, where selection of         District) say that some students come from a
sample/teachers is random. An instrument              low economic level, besides that, and school
used was conducted through semi-structured            infrastructure leaves to be desired, and as a
interviews with teachers of various profiles, the     result some students do not use the Internet to
format of which was compiled by the researcher        improve the learning process. A teacher in the
in reference to contemporary literature and           Tirana region says:
contains 6 questions. The first question consists     “The use of the Internet by students is used for
in identifying teachers’ perceptions about using      the learning process and from my information
the Internet to improve the teaching process          does not exceed the time of its use. Often, quality
from adolescents. The second refers to the level      students are interested in learning and bringing
of school performance of adolescents in school        up additional material on topics and hours that
assignments as a result of the use of information     are not assigned to me as a teacher. Of course
obtained from the Internet. The third consists in     in such cases additional information helps to
identifying teachers’ perceptions about using         improve the learning process.”
the Internet versus Physical Activity at the          Regarding the fact that how is reflected
time of study and leisure time of adolescents.        the level of school-based performance of
The fourth consists in identifying the level of       adolescents in school assignments due to the
Internet use by teachers for the learning process     use of information received from the Internet,
and what impact this process has on the process.      91. 5% of the teachers say that their students’
The fifth consists in identifying teachers about      performance is very positive. Students navigate
the future of using the Internet in school and        to the Internet with more desire and curiosity
social life of adolescents. And the last question,    to find different information about the teaching
the sixth one consists in identifying the teachers    topic. Pupils also reflect skills such as selection
about the problems that causes the use of the         of basic information by demonstrating them
Internet in their daily work and in the social life   through photographs, recording of documents
of teachers. The study includes the qualitative       through CDs, displaying materials by posters
method and for this reason the interpretation         etc, acquiring knowledge of basic programs
of the data is accomplished through qualitative       computer. The use of technology, according to
descriptions where teachers’ opinions have been       the teachers, makes it possible for the lesson to

be attractive and motivating for the students,         study and leisure time of teenagers, 98. 5% of
but without leaving aside and the other part,          the teachers claim that the relationship between
as 8. 5% of the teachers say that there are            Internet use and Physical Activity is inversely, so
students who do not use the Internet for school        according to them it means that our teenagers
assignments but other functions of it, such            prefer to spend more time on the Internet than
as socialization and communication online              to deal with Physical Activity. Teachers say that
with their peers in different social networks.         the only time when the teens deal with Physical
Consequently, school performances that present         Activity is just in the teaching process. Only
them in school assignments are left to be desired.     few of them (1.5%) claim that there are also
Some of this information given by teens behaves        those teens that play sports, through various
crude, unprocessed and not excluded, and cases         sports clubs, when for these adolescent is more
when these tasks are copied by other students          important involvement in Physical Activity than
without making small attempts to process the           navigation in Internet. The followings are real
information somewhat. A teacher states that:           opinion from teachers of the Tirana region:
“The results of using the Internet are obvious:        “If we refer to today’s reality, we leave much to
First, students’ lessons are best illustrated;         be desired within the scope of Physical Activity.
Second, they are enabled to communicate with           Today children spend too much time on the
greater competencies; Thirdly, through the             Internet and thus condition the time dedicated
use of the Internet it has become possible to          to Physical Activity. This situation reflects on
interpret and explain various phenomena in             their physical and psychosocial development.
many aspects; Fourthly, this is reflected in the       Pupils today are more individual and obese than
results of the students; Fifthly, such activities      in previous years.”
include low-grade students who have shown              From another teacher opinion:
skills and opportunities previously unknown by         “Children nowadays perform fewer Physical
teachers.”                                             Activities and spend more time navigating the
Teachers clearly affirm that modern technology         Internet. Undoubtedly, the use of the Internet
is widely used by pupils in all subjects, among        takes time from study time and most of the free
these subjects is evidenced the Physical               time, even damaging the hours of sleep. Children
Education class. Mainly information obtained           have become less social, as they do not spend
online in the PE class is demonstrated and             time to develop relationships between their
illustrated by students to gain sophisticated          peers and their family members. Irritability
techniques and tactics in sports and other             observed in them.”
games from the most prominent national and             Do you use the Internet for the teaching
international personalities of the sports fields’      process? If yes, what impact do you have in the
favorites from the students. The following is a        learning process? Referring to this question
real opinion from a teacher of Physical Education      90% of the teachers responded positively, i.e.
class.                                                 they use the Internet for the learning process
“Our school students use different information on      and have a positive impact on it. The form of
the Internet for sports activities that the school     the teaching method as a result of its use is
itself realizes and are fun for the pupils. This is    realized by demonstration through electronic
displayed during various games at Volleyball or        means (such as a video projector). Mainly use
Football that take place between our school and        to get the latest information concerning the
another school. During recreational activities         instructional topic. The impact they have on the
students imitate different aerobic exercises or        learning process is impressive and serves as
other artistic dances, the characters and sports       additional knowledge for students, significantly
personalities favored by them, which they have         improving the learning process by borrowing
seen on YouTube.”                                      models of teaching techniques and methods and
Referring to teachers’ opinions on how they            enriching the lesson with additional materials.
view the Internet usage report versus Physical         Teachers argue that visual view serves students
Activity, not only in their learning process but       to facilitate the processing and interpretation
also in their psychosocial life, i.e. at the time of   of material or information they receive from

the Internet. Some teachers (10% of them)            problems posed by its use, teachers have cited
affirm that the most appropriate material for        the fact that the Internet use in general they see
the classroom is the book, the textbook and          as a lost time without any value and, moreover,
not the technology, mainly dominates apparent        a negative impact on their social life, as they say
rejection of the technology use by teachers          they lose verbal and direct communication with
of Tirana district, giving the argument that         people. In addition, teachers (100% of them)
computers and computer equipment in schools          say that staying at the Internet avoided almost
are still missing even at the present time. The      entirely Physical Activity, causing a sedentary life.
following teacher opinion:                           They approve the fact that there are cases when
“Of course yes. It is a continuous research, a       information obtained from the Internet are not
permanent and necessary cognition to bring           scientific and completely disinformation, which
new materials to use different ideas for the         in fact should have the opposite happened, we
benefit of my work on diversity of teaching          should have accurate and scientific information
methods. You can never focus on that knowledge       for the learning process. The following teacher
you already possess, or in the textbook. Every       opinion:
lesson is unique and being productive must           “The Internet helps to get multiple and new
come complete in every element of it. “              information at the same time, to maintain
Referred to the evidence of teachers’ perceptions    contact with people, relatives and friends
about the future of the Internet use in the school   away from us, but at the same time the use
and social life of adolescents it is recognized      of the Internet presents its negative side as
that for the teaching process, teachers consider     people are losing face to face contacts With
a necessity to use the Internet, while referring     each other, meetings and conversations. So,
to the psychological and social aspect teachers      more attention is paid to this “virtual world”
(100% of them) argue that Internet use               that people have created with each other. One
negatively affects the psychological health          way of informing about new events, recent
of our adolescents. This means that teachers         developments occurring around the world we
look at a very positive point of view and are        get through the Internet and communication on
also optimistic that the Internet will always be     different social networks. We are familiar with
an important factor for an effective learning        the comments, the various issues, we see the
process, enabling pupils to learn lessons in the     impact on the students and we are familiar with
classroom, will help in developing the ideas         these problems, which are already reflected in
and expand their knowledge; But on the other         the student’s daily conversations. “
hand, teenagers will be isolates in itself where     So as a final conclusion I can affirm and also
the lack of socialization with others is evidently   conclude that the use of technology in the
highlighted, they will leave reality, real life,     teaching process and not only has its positive
tangible and life-threatening events. Teachers       and negative sides. Teachers look at a more
pay attention to the successful management of        positive outlook and are also optimistic that the
time dedicated Internet, above all, continuous       Internet will always be an important factor for
parental control. Here it is one of these teacher    an effective learning process, enabling pupils to
opinions:                                            learn lessons in the class, help develop ideas and
“I think use of the Internet in the learning         expanding knowledge, moreover, teaching and
process is necessary. In the psychosocial plan       learning process will be interactive. While in
I think it will bring more and more damages          the psychosocial aspects of the adolescents and
to children. Nowadays, children are no longer        young’s time spend at the Internet must be well
reading books, novels about their age. Also          managed by them and under parental care (for
emphasize that the use of the Internet should        the teens), giving proper importance to involved
be limited in time and be well controlled by our     in Physical Activity. I recommend that, both for
parents of these students.”                          adolescents and young’s, the use of technology
To get a different perspective from the adults,      and its functions to be used for specific purposes,
so use of the Internet by teachers, both in their    thus eliminating psychological distress, and
work and also in their social life, regarding the    even having a healthy psychological and social

lifestyle. This study also helps young people,        Lemke, C. (2005). A Range of Use: Technology in
adolescents and parents to pay more attention         Learning. On CUE Journal Vol. 27 (4); 12 – 21pp.
to the time spent on the Internet, as well as to
control the time dedicated to the Internet of         Peng W, Lin J, & Crouse J. (2011). Is playing
their children.                                       exergames really exercising? A metaanalysis
Further Implication                                   of energy expenditure in active video games.
The main issue on which is focused my study           Cyberpsychology,    Behavior,    and   Social
is the impact use of technology in education          Networking Vol. 14 (11); 681 – 688pp.
by addressing two main components, one of
that at teaching process used by the teacher          Simuforosa, M. (2013). The impact of modern
and the other at the learning process too, as a       technology on the educational attainment of
final product presented to the pupils. This study     adolescents. International Journal of Education
provides detailed information on scientific facts     and Research Vol. 1 (9), 6p.
researched by a wide range of scientific articles;
reports that address these issues presented in        Sun, H. (2013). Impact of exergames on physical
the study, but above all, are given the realistic     activity and motivation in elementary school
opinions of teachers of different profiles, as well   students: A follow-up study. Journal of Sport and
as teachers of Physical Education, conducted a        Health Science Vol. 2 (3); 138 – 145 pp.
year ago. In this perspective, this study will be
assisted by all educational partners, but also by     UNESCO (2003) Internet in education; Support
policy makers, in order to adapt the educational      materials for educators. UNESCO Institute for
needs of teachers, students, etc. focused on the      Information Technologies in Education (IITE),
technology use.                                       7 – 51 pp

References:                                           U.S. Department of Education. Effects
Ennis, D. C. (2013). Implications of exergaming       of Technology on Classrooms and Students.
for the physical education curriculum in the 21st     Available at:
century. Journal of Sport and Health Science Vol.     EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.html
2 (3); 152 – 157 pp.
Hatch, K. E. (2011). “Determining the Effects
of Technology on Children”. Senior Honors
Projects. Honors Program at the University of
Rhode Island. 5 – 16 pp.

10 mini tests for evaluation of Physical activity
at children 6- 10 years old

1 Sports University of Tirana, Faculty of Movement Sciences, Departament of sports.
2 Sports University of Tirana, Faculty of Movement Sciences Department of Social Sciences and
Corespondent autor: Altin Martiri e-mail

To exercise physical activity has impact on sustainability all-but the benefits are obvious and useful
for every age group. To improve the sustainability cardio respirator, intensity of exercise, should
be sufficient to stimulate your cardio-vascular system without overloading it.. Our modest goal for
this study is: to understanding what is happening and how I “really” is extracurricular activity in
Tirana and also awareness of the whole community for the values of extraordinary extracurricular
activity in health, as well as parameters morph functional. We have a optimistic level of physic
activity and Fitness where boys are more active than girls. Training group (randomly selected
schools and distributed in the suburbs and in the center). As methodology: Cross section survey of
112 boys and girls 6-10 years old (the frequency of three times per week for 6 months. Benchmark
testing was conducted for Physical Activity (Ellington Dardan 1982) consisting of 10 mini tests on
physical activity and health) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82060780, p: 2.6-1
Leg comparison, Wall Squat Negative chin up, Negative push up , Trunk curl , Breath holding, Thigh
stretch, Back arch , Skin fold pinch , Arm comparisons
In our modest study we do not forget that postulate in science . ‘be honest, …Be simple …….Be true
“... .. In the meantime following tests are used on the most important concepts measurements
(validity, reliability, Accuracy
In the fifth group 10 years old have given optimistic realized 10 standard tests I n a good
performance Data improve to for further for both sexes with increasing age up to 10 years, where
performance of the state with the best. The hypothesis of the study - that boys are more active than
girls dropped. In this study there were no gender differences in performance and we believe this is
due to the situation pre puberty equal for both boys and girls.
Oslo we have following the protocol according to the American College of Sports Medicine,
1998. (ACSM) for every participant in test

Introduction.                                    on risk-factors for cardiovascular disease, by
                                                 helping children to prevent excess weight gain
                                                 or helping overweight children to lose weight
Physical activity has a range of benefits during
                                                 To exercise physical activity has impact on
childhood including healthy growth and
                                                 sustainability all-but the benefits are obvious
Development, assistance in maintenance
                                                 and useful for every age group
of energy balance, and improvements
                                                 Description of the exercise, has to do with
in psychological        and social interaction.
                                                 the manner, intensity, frequency, duration
Participation in physical activity during
                                                 and progression of exercise. American
childhood may also have an indirect effect

Association of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (1978,          of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (1978, 1991)
1991) suggests this guide to building a card          JUST TO REMEMBER THAT …..THAT IT IS NOT
respirator fiscal program for healthy adults.         EASY TO EVAULATE FITNES LEVEL BECAUSE
To improve the sustainability cardio respirator,      …..YOU NEED TO EVALUATE IN THE MEAN TIME
intensity of exercise, should be sufficient           at least four component s like : 1 Strength 2.
to stimulate your cardio-vascular system              Cardiotraning 3. Bodycomposicion 4.Fleksibility
without overloading it. High intensity is very
discouraging for the continuation of the              Target group
program of practice and is the main reason            A normal target group to whom I writing would
for his leaving. Moderate exercise (40% -             be my colleges and pedagogues interesting on
60% of VO2max) are enough to have health              these topics, new masters students and my
improvements for sedentary subjects, especially       friends and colleges etc.
when we are at the beginning (ACSM, 1991).
Sharkey     recommends      that    individuals       1. Compound BODY MODELS
according to the degree of preparation, low,          There is a close relationship between physical
medium and high, should spend during an               activity, physical fitness and health in adults (1) and
event from 100 to 200 and from 200 to 400             that when it is widely acknowledged that in itself
kcal, respectively, and no more than 400 kcal..       many chronic disease begin in early childhood
 We suppose to have a good level of physic            (2), children and youth are a target group
activity where boys are more active than girls.       consider important preventive intervention.
                                                      Intervention         generally      should       begin
SCOPE OF THE STUDY                                    at a young age for two reasons:
Our modest goal for this study is: to understanding   * To provide a normal growth (3)
what is happening and how “really” is an              Living habits and risky factors of children
extracurricular activity in Tirana and also           tend to continue in the future because of these
awareness of the whole community for the              consequences indicated. (4)
values ​​of extraordinary extracurricular activity    Field methods for quantifying physical activity
in health, as well as parameters morph functional     and energy expenditure can broadly be divided
                                                      into subjective- and objective measures.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS                                  Subjective measurements include direct
•Cross section survey of randomized selected          observation, self-reports and diaries. Direct
112 boys and girls 6-10 years old (the frequency      observation has been reported to be the most
of three times per week for 6 months, we “            practical and appropriated criterion measure of
surveillance” sports) Benchmark testing was           physical activity and patterns of activity among
conducted for Physical Activity (Ellington            children and youth (5).
Dardan 1982) consisting of 10 mini tests on           In addition to encouraging greater amounts
physical activity and health) Library of Congress     of moderate and vigorous exercise, it may be
Catalog Card Number 82060780, p: 2.6-1                wise to attack the problem from the other end
  Standard tests : Leg comparison ,Wall Squat         of activity side i.e., sedentary behavior, TV
Negative chin up, Negative push up , Trunk curl       watching, which has been kinked to obesity (6,).
, Breath holding, Thigh stretch, Back arch , Skin
fold pinch , Arm comparisons                          2. OBESITY AND CONTROL OF BODY
In our modest study we do not forget that             WEIGHT
postulate in science . ‘be honest, …Be simple         Obesity is a serious health problem, because it
…….Be true “... ..                                    reduces life expectancy and quality of life. Obese
In the meantime following tests are used on the       individuals have higher risk to be affected by
most important concepts measurements                  ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension,
(validity, reliability, Accuracy                      hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, obstructive
Description of the exercise, has to do with the       lung disease and some cancer.
manner, intensity, frequency, duration and            Results from the Cooper Clinic in Dallas have
progression of exercise. American Association         suggested that one could be “fat and fit” and be

at a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease (7)/.     observation, self-reports and diaries. Direct
  Often times the speed of hypertension,              observation has been reported to be the most
hypercholesterolemia diabetes is respectively         practical and appropriated criterion measure of
2.9, 2.1dhe 2.9 times higher in overweight            physical activity and patterns of activity among
people than in those with normal weight.              children and youth (10). Drawbacks of this
Obesity increases the risk for ischemic               method are the relatively high research costs
heart disease beside the existence or not of          and the fact that the observer’s presence can
other risk factors for ischemic heart disease.        affect the subject’s behavior (11).
We have two types of obesity, called hyperplasic      . In cross-sectional analyses of fitness level and
obesity and obesity hypertrophic. It is known         coronary risk factor of participants in aerobics
that the total number of fat cells defined maturity   Center      Longitudinal        study(ACLS),cardio
age. Fat cells increase in number in the first year   respiratory fitness was inversely associated
of life and during puberty. Their number does not     with body weight in men(14)and women (15).
change in adulthood. Consequently the tendency        Physical activity is a crucial component of weight
to obesity determined at the age of adolescence.      control (12 ,13) and maintenance of weight loss
So hyperplasic obesity is characterized by an         ,once it is achieved ,is strongly determined by
increased number of fat cells. An individual with     physical activity.(16).
normal weight is about 25 to 30 billion fat cells,    These training philosophies can have the
while an obese has about 42 -p 100 billion fat        unfortunate side effect of discouraging severely
cells. This hypothesis is not complete, because       obese persons from staring activity programs
to obese found an increased number of fat cells,      because that may mistakenly assume that small
but their sizes are increased.                        amounts of low-intensity which is where most
                                                      severely obese patients will begin ,are not of any
3. HEALTH ASSESSMENT                                  health value (17)
KARDIORESPIRATOR                                      Exercise leads to a number of long –term health
The minimum exercise prescription necessary           benefits, including a reduction in body weight
to improve VO2 max (20to 30 minutes of                and an increase in lean body mass (18).
endurance exercise performed three times per          We have reviewed the strength and weaknesses
week at 50-70 %of VO2 max) may eventually             of physical activity questionnaires, HR
improve cardio respiratory fitness over several       monitoring, pedometers and accelerometers,
weeks (8).                                             Non of these techniques is perfect for providing
The introduction of elements of various games         accurate assessment of physical activity patterns
children causes increasing the desire to be           and energy expended in physical activity in free-
taken with the sport, the beginning of the            living subjects.
exercise with the words that today will play          Because most of the current technique is not
all the time we will enjoy playing will be more       multidimensional, combining various methods
motivated to follow exercise in continuity.           where possible may provide the most accurate
Application and implementation of tasks and           means of assessing physical activity.
principles pedagogic training process show            Some time simple thinks, simple way of
satisfactory results during the training process.     evaluations are more usefully then the other …
 What is need is a series of major policies aimed     …for example 10 mini test that we have used in
at transforming our environment and the way we        our study
live. City planning, building codes, mass transit
system, car use safe footpaths and cycling paths,
pedestrian – only city center, school schedules       Results
and program, and the media are among the area         Just the results of 10 tests.. making no comment
that will require transformation (9)                  on the data
Field methods for quantifying physical activity        Leg comparison ,Wall Squat Negative chin up,
and energy expenditure can broadly be divided         Negative push up , Trunk curl , Breath holding,
into subjective- and objective measures.              Thigh stretch, Back arch , Skin fold pinch , Arm
Subjective measurements include direct                comparisons
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