A platform for the teachers, by the teachers - ZIIEI

A platform for the teachers, by the teachers - ZIIEI
A platform for the teachers, by the teachers

Innovations Handbook (Navachar Pustika) Vol 1
Issue 1 (2019-20), English, Teacher Innovation Award-2019

                              Based on Zero-Investment Innovations
                              in Education

                              Ready-made lesson plans of the entire

                              Fostering Experiential Learning

                              Number of interesting activities to teach
                              each lesson

                          Download INNOVATIVE PATHSHAALA APP
                          from Google Play Store


 For participation guidelines and forms
 For latest updates about ZIIEI
 To share innovations with the teaching community
 www.facebook.com/groups/Teacher Innovation Award-ZIIEI
 To watch success stories of ZIIEI innovator teachers
Zero Investment Innovations
                      for Education Initiatives
                                      A platform for the teachers, by the teachers
ZIIEI is a mass-scale teacher outreach initiative started       With the support of HDFC Bank, hundreds of thousands
in 2015 by Sri Aurobindo Society (www.aurosociety.org)          of teachers and principals across the country are being
as part of its nation-wide education transformation             oriented to innovation as a concept and encouraged to
programme, Rupantar. ZIIEI believes that teachers are           share their ideas with the education fraternity.
the pillars of this nation, and their contribution, if
recognised and supported, can bring about a significant         The most outstanding ideas to improve education quality
improvement in the quality and reach of education.              at zero investment are published in this Innovations
Therefore, ZIIEI aims to find ‘the scattered, isolated and      Handbook (Navachar Pustika). These ideas or best practices
unrecognised, but effective solutions’ created by teachers      are then replicated in lakhs of schools ever y year. Schools
at the grassroots and systematically scale them up to           that have been using these innovations in their
millions of schools. In the process, teachers are:              classrooms are obser ving an increase in children’s
                                                                attendance and enrollment, teacher's motivation, and
•   Sensitised about the critical need for innovations in       community participation.
    the Indian state-run schools;
•   Educated about the potential of innovations that            To know more, log on to:
    require zero monetary investment;
•   Encouraged to share such best practices freely with
    the teaching community; and
•   Recognised for their contribution towards improving         www.twitter.com @SAS_Rupantar
    the quality of education.                                   www.linkedin.com/company/rupantar

         How is ZIIEI empowering teachers?                             For participation guidelines and forms,
         Watch their stories on                                        please visit
         www.youtube.com/c/RUPANTARINDIA                               www.ziiei.com/participants-login


                             ZIIEI Founder and
                             Sri Aurobindo Society

Did I hear some people comment that India is not         alike — have registered themselves with Teacher
yet a digital country? Of course, we have some miles     Innovation Awards 2019. They submitted over one
to cover, but today — dear teachers — your               lakh ideas and we feel grateful to each of them for
overwhelming online participation in the Teacher         their contribution to this new digital wave of change
Innovation Award 2019 is like a digital roar that will   in Education. It certainly goes to show that despite
change all perceptions about our country. Your call      all odds, we are thinking, we are in sync with the
for transforming education is going to echo far and      times, and that we are ready for working
wide!                                                    collaboratively to create a brighter future for the next
In 2016, a movement to create an ‘ecosystem of
innovation’ was started through the program Zero         On August 17, 2019, as we release this compilation
Investment Innovations for Education Initiative          of the 66 most effective zero-investment innovations
(ZIIEI). Since then, our trainers have covered over      selected by Teacher Innovation Award 2019, we feel
450 districts and three lakh villages to inspire 17      deeply moved by the individual efforts and every-day
lakh government school teachers. As a result, we         classroom innovations that can be found in this
have received more than nine lakh ideas to improve       country. The purpose of this Innovations Handbook
the quality and reach of education at zero-investment    is ease of accessibility, i.e. to enable thousands of
by teachers from across the country.                     other schools in the country to customise and
                                                         replicate these ideas in their classrooms to solve
This year, with India’s commitment to the dream of       similar problems at minimal or no expense. Moreover,
becoming a digital nation, ZIIEI has been able to        to ensure that such brilliance is scaled up meaningfully
create a new online platform to engage innovative        and finds a more defined place in the syllabi, we will
thinkers from all fields, and further strengthen the     now be directing our efforts to create joyful-learning
ecosystem of innovation in Education. Teacher            lesson plans, with experiential learning at their core
Innovation Awards 2019 is not just another social        (see Innovative Pathshaala). It is then that the
media campaign. It is a first-of-its-kind format in      contribution of these winners will be fully recognised
India to make innovation all-inclusive; to ensure that   and innovation in education will reach the students
anyone with path-breaking solutions to transform         and be truly all-inclusive.
education is able to see their ideas come alive in the
remotest corners where they are needed the most.         Finally, on behalf of Sri Aurobindo Society and
                                                         millions of teachers who are a part of ZIIEI today, I
It is humbling to see how within three months, more      congratulate the winners of Teacher Innovation
than three lakh people — including teachers from         Award 2019 on being recognised at the national
government, aided and private schools as well as         level.
social workers and parents from cities and villages
                                                         Welcome to team ZIIEI!

4   Innovations Handbook

    Sarita Singh              Balwant Singh                 Munesh              Shekhar Chandrakant K
 Govt. Primary School,         Middle School       R.P.V.V. School Sector A-10,   Z P High School & Jr.
  Parichhipur, Odisha         Shanoge, Jammu         Narela Delhi - 110040      College Pimpalgaaon Raja,

     Kiran Barla            Shraddha Babelay              Poornima                Shreekant Pathak
 Vivekananda Kendra         PMV School, Jawan,         GPS Kalenderpur,          Upper Primary School,
 Vidyalaya, Arunachal      Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh    Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh    Badhawa, Mirjapur, UP

Anjanee Kumar Singh        Ajeet Kumar Gupta        Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey               Taruna
 Government Middle          Ps Atraul Pandey,         Govt. M.L.B Girls          Primary School, Badal,
School, Sewai, Simdega,        Ratanpura,            Hr. Sec. School Datia       Badaun, Uttar Pradesh
       Jharkhand              Uttar Pradesh                 (M.P.)

                Virender Kumar              Biswajit Das           Amit Kumar Tiwari
               Middle School Pawra        Gms Khudirampur,       Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bundi,
               Gurua (Gaya) Bihar       Andaman Nicobar Island           Rajasthan

                                                                                  Innovations Handbook      5

      Dr. Geetu Gupta            Shweta Mishra                   Rajkumar                Vibha Chaudhary
    Amsss Ramgarh Pandwa          Primary School          Indira Gandhi Govt High      Primary School Mauhari
      Kalayat, Kaithal,         Kishorpur, Kasganj,        School, Katterikuppam,        Rupaideeh, Gonda,
           Haryana                Uttar Pradesh                  Puducherry                Uttar Pradesh

       Saurabh Shukla             Vanita Rathod              Mamta Khanna                  Pramod Singh
    Primary School Pipariya,     Shri Vinoba Bhave            Sunbeam School              GMPS Khumera,
      Bhojipura, Bareilley,    Primary School, Rajkot,      Lahartara, Varanasi,       Rudraprayag, Uttrakhand
        Uttar Pradesh                 Gujarat                  Uttar Pradesh

     Preeti Kumari Shah             Atin Das              Dr. Onika Mehrotra              Dr. Sarita Sinha
    Oakridge International      Delhi Public School,     Kalka Public School, Delhi,      DPS, Dhanbaad,
     School, Hyderabad,               Indore,                     Delhi                      Jharkhand
          Telangana              Madhya Pradesh

         Kesar Patel            Mayanka Sharma              Kunda Jayawant                 Bharti Yadav
     Tagore Global School,        P. S. Chanepur         Nashik Corporation School      D.A.V. Nursery School,
        Kurukshetra,           Chhabilepur, Mainpuri,         No 18, Nashik,            Outram Lines, Delhi
          Haryana                  Uttar pradesh               Maharashtra

6     Innovations Handbook

   Blud Rodrigues             Mukesh Kumar             Umendra Kumar C.             Gagandeep Kaur
   Ravindra Kelekar           GMS, Paspura,            Govt.Primary School,         Govt Model High
    Dnyanmandir,                Begusarai,               Pandhi, Raipur,             School, Karsan,
        Goa                       Bihar                   Chhattisgarh                Chandigarh

    Sunita Mondal               Alka Bakshi                Deepa Desai               Laeeq Ahmad
     Gps Vijaygarh,           Geetanjali School,        Vidyaniketan Public       Government Primary
   Andaman Nicobar          Begumpett, Telangana         School, Bangalore       School, Kerakat, Jaunpur,
         Island                                             Karnataka                 Uttar Pradesh

   Rapwinder Kaur             Sanjay Kumar       Prakash Kumar D. Solanki Ram Kishor Prajapati
Gssss Threeke, Ludhiana,   Gmhs 49D, Chandigarh,  Shree Ningala 1 Primary  P.M.V., Chirgaon, Jhansi,
        Punjab                 Chandigarh          School, Amreli, Gujarat      Uttar Pradesh

   Niawki Samati            Mohammad Javed                Bhaskar Joshi          Pranab Kumar Datta
Lummynso Up Ssa School,    M.J. Ekta Public School,    Government Primary        Indian National School,
 Ummulong, Meghalaya          Moradabad, U.P          School Bajela Dholadevi,    West Tripua,Tripura
                                                        Almora, Uttrakhand

                                                                                   Innovations Handbook      7

  Sutapa Mukherjee                Ruchi Shukla                 Rekha Choubey              Rajesh Kumar S.
 Chinsurah Deshbandhu            Allenhouse Public            Govt.Middle School,   Govt. Middle school, Navapara,
Memorial Girls High School,     School, Jhansi, Uttar          Kanarda, Harda,         Amoda, Janjgirchampa,
   Hugli, West Bengal.                Pradesh.                 Madhya Pradesh.              Chhattisgarh

     Ashish Behal              Konathla Phani B. S.        Narendra Singh Rawat          Lokesh Pancholi,
    Govt.Public School,       Mandal Parishad Primary      Govt. Higher Secondary       Govt.Senior Secondary
     Kahri, Chamba,             School, Moolapeta,             School, Kotra,              School, Dausa,
    Himachal Pradesh.            Andhra Pradesh                  Rajasthan                   Rajasthan.

 Gopal Vasantrao Khade Narayanan Vadayakkandy Sharad Kumar Dadsena                       Lomas Dhungel
Z.P. High School Kamargaon  Snhss Thiruvallur,   Cluster Bitthaldah,                 Govt.Sr Sec School, Makha,
 Tq.Karanja Lad, Washim,   Vadakara, Kozhikode, Mungeli, Chhattisgarh.                 East Sikkim, Sikkim.
       Maharashtra                Kerala

                   Meenu Wadhwa                   Komal Roy                Lal Singh Bani
                  Kendriya Vidyalaya        Volunteer Teacher, Sarada,    Gic Rajpura Block:
                        Delhi                  Udaipur, Rajasthan         Haldwani, Nainital

8   Innovations Handbook

Innovation 01 BUDDING       WRITERS
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/ 9/01)
                                                           Page     10

Innovation 02 IMPROVING        ATTENDANCE
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/02)
                                                           Page     16

              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/03)
                                                           Page     21

              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/04)
                                                           Page     26

              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/05)
                                                           Page     30

              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/06)
                                                           Page     35

Innovation 07 LEARNING       THROUGH GAMES
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/07)
                                                           Page     40

Innovation 08 BAG   FREE DAY
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/08)
                                                           Page     45

Innovation 09 COMMUNITY          PARTICIPATION
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/09)
                                                           Page     48

Innovation 10 NATION      BUILDING
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/10)
                                                           Page     54

Innovation 11 ENVIRONMENT            & ECOLOGY
              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/11)
                                                           Page     58

              (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/12)
                                                           Page     66

                                                 Innovations Handbook    9
INNOVATION          1

                               BUDDING WRITERS
                                         (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/01)

   A child’s reading and writing skills play a crucial role in determining how well a child will perform in school and
   later participates in society. Though reading and writing skills improve throughout the life, the early childhood
   years are the most significant in the development. The bonus of good reading and writing skills is that it not only
   allows the students to dwell in the world of imagination and creativity, it also makes understanding of various
   subjects easier and simpler. However, the ability to read and write does not develop naturally, it needs planning
   and execution. The classrooms that provide children with regular opportunities to express themselves in written
   and verbal formats without feeling too constrained for correct spelling and proper handwriting, help the students
   understand the real purpose of these skills. In this innovative idea, the students are encouraged for regular and
   active engagement and interactions to realize their potential as Budding Writers.

   1.   Sarita Singh, Govt. Primary School, Parichhipur, Odisha
   2.   Balwant Singh, Middle School Shanoge, Reasi, Jammu and Kashmir
   3.   Munesh, RPVV Narela, Delhi
   4.   Shekhar Chandrakant Khomne, ZP High School & Jr College, Pimpalgaon Raja, Maharashtra
   5.   Poornima Mishra, P.S School, Kalanderpur, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh
   6.   Kiran Barla, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Arunachal Pradesh
   7.   Shraddha Babelay, PMV School, Jawan, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

   zz Reading and writing improves concentration power and strengthens brain connections leading to greater
   attention span and focus.
   zz With regular reading practices students become better in sentence formation, and usage of correct words

   10   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION          1

   and spellings. The expansion of vocabulary brings
   a sense of empowerment in the child.
   zz Reading strengthens the creativity and
   imagination of a child.
   zz Makes a student better at public speaking and
   zz This activity improves memory and analytic
   zz Reading and writing are highly instrumental
   in increasing knowledge and general awareness.
   Regular reading and writing habits help in reducing
   stress and fosters a holistic way of living life.

                  IMPACT AREAS                                 Planning/Preparation: Planning of the session/
   Improves reading-writing skills of students,                period, one or two days in advance is required for
   engagement in classroom activities, inculcates              the fruitful execution.
   strong visualization and creativity in students.            Implementation: The activity is implemented in
                      SUMMARY                                  two methods-
   All the activities have few overlapping areas, and          Method A- ‘Draw and Narrate’
   can be implemented in the classroom as part of a            Depending upon the strength of the class, the
   series. They are applicable for all the classes and         activity is conducted in two formats. Format one-
   learning levels. The activities can be modified             Individual and Format two- Team of two students.
   according to the level of the students/class.               Format One- Individual Participation
                                                               zz The teacher after completing a topic/story,
                                                               calls upon a student near the board.
                     ACTIVITIES                                zz The student is instructed to draw an image
                                                               related to the story/topic and writes descriptive
                              1                                words or sentences.
                                                               zz Then the next child comes and draws another
             LET’S COMPLETE                                    image related to the topic/story.
           THE STORY TOGETHER                                  zz Format Two- Team of two students
                                                               zz In this format the teacher calls one student
   Introduction: The idea creates a strong creative            from the team and asks him/her to draw a picture
   sense in the students. Generally, the teacher narrates      related to the lesson narrated. Then another
   a story/discusses the concept with the class.               teammate is called upon and asked to write one
   However, in this activity, after completion of a            or two sentences related to the image drawn by his
   story/concept the teacher asks the students to              fellow team member.
   complete the given topic themselves, which gives a          zz In this way, a series of images and descriptive
   lot of scope of expression and exploration to the           lines re-create the complete story/topic on board.
   students. The teacher uses a visual medium (an              Method B- ‘Image and Imagination’
   image) to involve the students. This idea is initiating     zz The teacher introduces the new/difficult
   healthy brainstorming sessions. There is a great zeal       words in the class.
   in students to participate during these sessions. It is     zz She shows 3-4 relevant images to the students
   also promoting self-learning as well as group               and then put them on the display board.
   learning. It also facilitates all three types of learners   zz Then she verbally talks about each image and
   ie. auditory, visual and kinesthetic.                       frame sentences.
   Classroom Application: It is applicable for                 After the explanation, the students are asked to
   primary and upper primary classes. The activity is
   instrumental in the recapitulation of the lesson or         choose any one image and write sentence/
   keywords.                                                   keywords/paragraph depending upon the learning

                                                                                          Innovations Handbook   11
INNOVATION          1

   level of the students.
   The processes expand the written and creative
   abilities of a child.


               ‘I AM AN AUTHOR’
   Introduction: Stories are great medium of
   expressions, that gives students scope to expand
   their vocabulary, sentence structure and flow of
   thoughts. In this activity, the students are asked to
   write a story at the beginning of each school day.
   They compose stories on the subjects taught or the        zz Gradually, each student starts writing and
   themes explained in the class. The teacher motivates      becomes an author of their own storybook.
   them to write short stories on a daily basis. The first
   30 minutes are allotted for this activity when the
   mind is fresh and energetic. The students maintain                                   3
   one notebook to write the story each day, and in
   this way he/she is able to write around 300 stories                       AUDIO-BOOK
   in one year, a complete storybook in itself. The          Introduction: Visiting library and reading books
   sense of being an author empowers them to write           are one of the basic activities for the students. To
   more.                                                     evaluate what students have read and learned from
   Classroom Application: It is applicable to all the        the book, generally, they are asked to submit a book
   classes. An effective medium to revise the learned        review. Through this activity, students are trained
   topic and enhance language skills.                        not only to become voracious readers but also
   Planning/Preparation: A notebook to write                 encouraged to recite the most interesting and vital
   stories, colorful paper to make the cover of the          facts which they come across while reading. The
                                                             students maintain a notebook to note-down
   notebook and name it ‘My Storybook’.
                                                             important quotes, phrases etc. They also read out
   Implementation:The teacher explains the                   the noted material in front of the class. The teacher
   importance of thinking and writing to the students.       records recitation of students in his/her phone and
   zz A theme is selected by the teacher, and the            saves files as audio files. The objective is to encourage
   students are asked to write on the given theme in a       reading habit among students, make their speaking
   dedicated notebook.                                       and expression skills more effective. When students
   zz Each student within the given time thinks and          listen back to their audio-books they feel enthusiastic
   write.                                                    and inclined to read and learn more. The audio files
   zz The teacher can pick a topic from the lessons          of good narrators are played during a free period.
   taught in the class.                                      The students are evaluated on the basis of written
   zz The important aspect is that children are given        and verbal presentation and best 15 notebooks and
   new topic each day. For this the teacher makes a list     audio files are kept as a sample for the next session.
   of topics.
                                                             Classroom Application: It is applicable for all the
   zz This list is not shared with students otherwise
                                                             classes, improves verbal and communication skills.
   it will kill the curiosity for the topic.
   zz The storybook is seen by the teacher twice a           Planning/Preparation: The students prepare a
   month, but students are neither marked or checked         notebook in which they write ‘moral of the story’,
   for this activity.                                        ‘book review’, ‘phrases’, ‘quotes’ etc.
   zz The objective is to imbibe the habit of writing        Implementation: The implementation is carried out
   in the students.                                          in the written and verbal format.

   12   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION         1

   Written format-
   zz The students of classes, 3rd to 12th issue the
   books from the library.
   zz The students are given one week time to read
   the book and note down phrases/ quotes/summary
   zz The student presents the work in written
   Verbal format-
   The teacher/librarian calls upon the students one
   by one to present their work in verbal format.
   zz The students read out the content they have
   prepared in their notebooks.
   zz The teacher/librarian records students’ voice
   and keeps them safe. For this, the audio file is first   zz The teacher narrates the story using the voice
   recorded in the smartphone, and then transferred         modulation and makes it sound engaging and
   to a laptop.                                             interesting for children.
   zz The duration for each recording could be of 7         zz After a while, towards the completion of the
   to 10 minutes.                                           story, the teacher stops narration.
   Evaluation: On the basis of written and verbal           zz He/she asks the students to think about the
   presentation, top 15 presentations are selected.         climax.
   zz The selected audio files are played and the           zz The students use their imagination and think
   entire class listens to it. Thus in one hour/period,     of ways of concluding the story and giving it a
   students are able to gain knowledge of around 6          meaningful end.
   books.                                                   zz Though students have the liberty to think of
   The best work is kept as a sample for the next           any possible climax, however, they are encouraged
   academic session.                                        to think of a morally strong climax, so that the story
                                                            is able to give a message and meaning at the end.
                                                            zz The task of writing down the climax can be
                             4                              done in the class or can be given as a part of the
                                                            zz If given as a part of the homework, then
   Introduction: This is a method to bring out the          children note down the names of the characters in
   creativity and innovation in rewriting the old           their notebooks, so that they do not forget characters
   stories. This activity broadens up the thoughts and      while constructing the climax.
   helps the students to develop a problem-solving          zz In both the cases (as classwork or homework)
   approach towards different situations in life. It also   students submit the climax of the story.
   enhances language skills and vocabulary of the           zz The teacher evaluates all the notebooks and
   students. A simple story like ‘The thirsty crow’ can     discusses them with the students.
   have different climax according to a child’s             zz In case a child is unable to think of an
   imagination. Such activity increases cognition in        appropriate climax, then the teacher guides him to
   students.                                                think in more creative and flexible way, than being
   Classroom Application: It is applicable for upper        rigid in thoughts.
   primary classes.
   Planning/Preparation: The teacher selects the                                      5
   story according to the level of the students.
   Implementation:                                                       MY DAILY DIARY
   zz The stories picked up for this activity are not the   Introduction: One of the biggest benefits of
   ones which are covered in the syllabus. The stories      writing a diary is that, it gives clarity of thoughts.
   are chosen from library books or other sources.          Through this activity students are encouraged to

                                                                                          Innovations Handbook   13
INNOVATION          1

   write on a daily basis, and after writing their
   feelings and thoughts they draw a smiling or a sad
   face (emoji) as per their feelings. When students are
   encouraged to write on a daily basis, they become
   better thinkers and good communicators. The
   teacher does not evaluate the written content but
   looks at the emoji made by the children.
   Classroom Application: It is applicable for all the
   classes, however, for primary and upper primary
   classes, this exercise is more engaging. A notebook
   or a diary is used by the students which they
   decorate to make it look attractive and interesting
   to write.
   Planning/Preparation: A notebook decorated as
   ‘My Daily Dairy’.                                       about the picture and then writes it down in their
   Implementation:                                         respective notebooks.
   zz The teacher tells the meaning and importance         It is a query-based learning approach.
   of diary writing to the students.                       Classroom Application: It is applicable for class
   zz She motivates the students to write one page         3rd onwards.
   daily before going to bed. The students express         Planning/Preparation: Cut out of images from
   their feelings, emotions or anything they learned
                                                           the newspaper.
   or studied during the day. The diary writing allows
   freedom of expression.                                  Implementation:
   zz After each write-up, the students draw an            zz The teacher cuts the relevant images from the
   emoji as an expression of their feelings.               newspaper. The images can be of any landscape,
   zz The teacher does not check the diary but can         current/historic event, famous personality, animals,
   ask the students to show or submit their diary any      current invention, science fiction, etc.
   day to ensure that each and every student is writing
                                                           zz The teacher distributes the cuttings to the class,
   the diary daily.
   zz The teacher also looks at emoji and tries to         so that each child gets an individual image.
   understand the emotional state of the child.            zz The children paste the image on a colored/
   zz If the teacher comes across more sad faces in        plain sheet of paper.
   the diary then the teacher talks to the child and       zz A brief group discussion is held in the
   accordingly guides him/her.                             class which will help the children have a better
                                                           understanding about the image given to them.
                               6                           zz The children then write a description of the
        WRITING FROM NEWSPAPER                             picture on a sheet of paper.
   Introduction: Newspaper is one of the prime             zz In this manner a picture book is created by the
   sources of information. If used wisely can benefit      children of the same class.
   the masses otherwise will become scrape the next        zz This activity can be done once/twice a week.
   day. The newspapers are full of current affairs,        zz Each student creates their own picture books
   puzzles, colorful pictures of a landscape, famous       which can be kept in the class and can be read by
   people, animals and other things which are of great     the students during their reading session/library
   use. The teacher selects some images and fixes the      period.
   cut-out on the bulletin board. The students discuss     zz If the class is able to read all the books made by
                                                           the particular class/section, they can exchange the

   14   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION          1

   books from different sections.                            given by the teacher.
   Making picture books and reading from the same            zz Then the students design the newspaper and
   will increase the knowledge about different topics        place the contents in it.
   of the students.                                          zz The theme based newspaper can be made once/
                             7                               twice a month by a class.
                                                             zz On a rotational basis, during morning assembly
       THEME BASED NEWSPAPER                                 each class bears the responsibility for preparing
   Introduction: The theme-based newspaper making            theme-based newspaper.
   is a group activity leading to self-learning as well.     zz One or two children are given the responsibility
   The teacher discusses the important days, birth           to read the content from the newspaper.
   days of famous personalities, seasons, etc in the class   zz The newspapers can also be displayed class-
   showing them pictures related to the same. This is        wise during parent-teacher interactions so that
   a scaffolding method of teaching the class. After a       parents also become aware of the skills/ creativity
   healthy class discussion, the teacher asks the            of their children.
   students to create a composition for the newspaper.       zz Some interesting sections are made part of this
   The students feel very excited to compose for their       newspaper, like 'Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe', Science
   own newspaper.                                            Section, Sports News etc.
   Classroom Application: It is applicable from class        zz To ensure maximum participation in the
   third onwards.                                            activity of the students, the teacher divides the class
   Planning/Preparation: The students collect                in few groups.
   relevant images, information from the reading             zz The students who are good in writing skills
   material available at their homes.                        are made part of Editorial Group, students who
   Implementation:                                           are good at collecting research or information are
   zz The teacher gives a theme, such as festivals/          made part of Reporter Group, the students who are
   special days/ seasons like Diwali, Rakshabandhan,         good at art and good handwriting are made part of
   Teacher’s day, Gandhi Jayanti, Eid, Christmas,            Designing Group.
   Gurunanak day, Buddha poornima, Spring Season,            zz The teacher delegates responsibilities to each
   etc. and discusses the importance of the same.            group and all the groups work in alignment with
   zz She then asks the students to compose stories,         others to create an interesting newspaper.
   poems or paragraphs as per their wish on the topics       zz The groups are created on the basis of learning
                                                             standard and strength of the class. n

                                                                                          Innovations Handbook   15
INNOVATION          2

                                          (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/02)

   Often a question is raised as to how to determine the success of a student? The answer is, school attendance is the
   baseline factor in determining the success of a student. The attendance rate is important because students are more
   likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It becomes difficult for a teacher to bring all
   the students of his/her class at the same level of understanding if students remain frequently absent from class.
   Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways to ensure better preparation of children’s
   success- both in school and in life. When attendance becomes a priority, a student moves steadily in the direction
   of gaining better grades, higher education, developing healthy life habits and avoiding dangerous behavior. In the
   given case study, teachers have introduced effective innovative ideas to engross students in day-to-day classroom
   activities, regularising their absenteeism, and inculcating a sense of pride for attending school regularly.

   1.   Shreekant Pathak, Upper Primary School, Badhawa, Mirjapur, UP
   2.   Anjanee Kumar Singh, Government Middle School, Sewai, Simdega, Jharkhand
   3.   Ajeet Kumar Gupta, Ratanpura, Primary School, Atraul, Ratanpura, Mau, UP
   4.   Taruna, Primary School, Badal, Badaun, Uttar Pradesh
   5.   Virendra Kumar, Middle School Pawra, Gurua, Gaya, Bihar
   6.   Biswajit Das, Khudirampur, Government Middle School, Khudirampur, Andaman & Nicobar

   zz Learning is a progressive process, each day lessons contribute to a student’s intelligence and emotional quotient.
   zz Regular students are more competitive in studies and reading chapters at home or completing work
   independently (by being absent from school) does not compensate for the loss of the insight gained during the

   16   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION         2

   classroom discussion and explanation acquired by
   attending the class.
   zz Students with good attendance record better
   marks and enjoy school more.
   zz Regular school attendance encourages a
   responsible pattern of behavior in students.
   zz Students if develop an ‘on-job’ attitude towards
   their attendance become ‘future-ready’ as an
   employee too.
   zz Relationship between the teacher and student
   become harmonious and understanding.

                                                           advance. The leader of the group is chosen on a
                 IMPACT AREAS                              rotational basis.
   Increases enrollment; reduces dropouts, and ensure
                                                           Planning/ Preparation: The teacher briefs the
   regular attendance
                                                           students about the activity and divides them into
                     SUMMARY                               various groups. The groups consist of students from
   The objective of all the activities is to stimulate     a common area/locality. Each group has a leader.
   a student engaging environment in school and            The leader is chosen on a rotational basis. The
   motivate the students for regular attendance.           group that performs better activity receives applause
   Activities like regularizing absenteeism, absentees’    during the morning assembly.
   poster and rewards for regular attendees have           Implementation: Depending upon the strength
   immense potential. The activities can be                of the class, the teacher forms groups of students.
   implemented depending upon the strength and             zz Each group has four or five students. These
   available resources. Though the teacher takes           students live nearby and are asked to come together
   the lead of all the activities, students also equally   to school.
   participate in them.                                    zz Each group has a leader. The duty of the leader
                                                           is to blow the whistle on his/her way to school and
                    ACTIVITIES                             in front of homes of his/her group members.
                                                           zz The group members join the leader and come
                            1                              to school together.
                                                           zz In case any student is unable to join the group,
            WHISTLE AND WALK                               then his/her parents need to inform the group
   Introduction: This fun-filled activity turns a          members about his/her absenteeism
   mundane task of going to school into a fun-filled       zz The leader after reaching the school marks
   and energetic approach. Generally, students feel        the presence to the teachers and informs about the
   boredom and laziness in gearing up for school,          absent student.
   unless something exciting comes in their notice. In     zz The teacher identifies the best group which has
   ‘Whistle and Walk’ the class is divided into multiple   the maximum number of presence.
   groups depending upon their area/locality. Then a       zz The best group is announced during the
   student leader is appointed from each group. The        morning assembly and is applauded through
   duty of the leader is to blow the whistle on his/her    clapping.
   way to school so that his/her classmates get to know    zz This activity is conducted on a daily basis. And
   that their fellow leader is on the way and they join    at the end of the month the average is analyzed and
   him/her for going to school.                            the group with maximum attendance is rewarded
   Classroom Application: It is applicable for all the     with a token gift, like any stationery or material
   classes from primary to secondary classes. Pre-         made during art and craft class.
   planning about different groups needs to be done in     This increases self-motivation and self-competition

                                                                                       Innovations Handbook   17
INNOVATION          2

   among groups. The spirit of team-building is also
   promoted among the students.


   Introduction: There are times when students lie to
   their parents and bunk school. This idea prevents
   unnecessary absenteeism among students and
   makes the parents aware of the absence of their
   ward from school. A simple poster(s) is/are created
   of the missing student(s) and are placed at the pre-
   decided locations. This poster serves as a catalyst      Generic Location- The posters are placed around the
   and compels the absent student to join back.             locality including the gram panchayat, playground,
   Classroom Application: This            activity    is    market, etc. The idea here is that the student should
   instrumental for secondary and senior classes, where     himself see his name as missing (Gumshuda) from
   students become self-aware of themselves and their       school and his parents and friends should become
   environment.                                             aware that he is bunking or not attending the
   Planning/Preparation: The teacher needs to               school. This way he will be self-conscious and will
   inform all the students and parents in advance that      start attending the school regularly.
   students should attend the school on a regular basis.    Specific Location- The other place to put the
   If any student is absent for more than 3 days then       posters is at the home of the missing student. The
   an application needs to be submitted by the parents.     poster is placed at the main door or gate of the
   Except for emergency, leaves can be availed only         student’s house.
   through prior notice. Posters of missing (absent)        In doing so, neighbors and parents are also
   student is designed/ prepared by the students.           taken into consent. The objective is that parents,
   Implementation: The implementation is done in            community, and teachers should work together in
   three phases.                                            making a child realize the importance of attending
   Phase One- Preparation of Defaulters List: The           school. It is not to humiliate an individual or family,
   teacher evaluates attendance of every student and        but to give a lighter solution to the situation.
   those absent for more than three consecutive days        It is obvious that no student wants to get this kind
   are marked as defaulters.                                of popularity, therefore they try best not become a
   Phase Two- Preparation of Posters: The list of           defaulter.
   defaulters is handed over to a group of students
   who make the posters. The format of the poster is                                  3
   as following-
   GUMSHUDA KI TALAASH/ SEARCH THE                                                SELFIE
   MISSING                                                  Introduction: Our country is becoming digital
   Name of student:                                         India and mobile phones with internet connection
   Class:                                                   are common phenomena. To share daily attendance
   School:                                                  with the parent's innovative teachers are using this
   Missing from : ( DATE) …….                               digital wave and using a selfie as a medium to engage
   Whoever finds the above person please send him/          parents too. The teacher creates a WhatsApp group
   her to ____school at ___am.                              of the parents and shares attendance with parents
                                                            on a daily basis by clicking a selfie with students
   Phase Three- Pasting of Posters: The posters             present on that day. This selfie solves many issues in
   are pasted at two different locations, one generic       one go. Firstly, it assures the parents that their wards
   location, another at the house of the missing student.   have not bunked the school, secondly, when other

   18   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION         2

   parents see a good strength in the class they feel
   responsible to send their children to school.

   Classroom Application: It is applicable for all the
   classes, especially the junior ones, where students
   have a craze to get clicked with the teacher.
   Planning/ Preparation: Teacher creates a list of
   WhatsApp numbers of the parents and adds them
   to a group. On this group attendance of the class is
   shared on a daily basis.

   Implementation: There are two steps to be followed
   for a smooth execution.
   Step One: The teacher asks the parents to submit        If a student learns to use his/her limited resources
   their whatsapp number with him/her. This list           in a better way then they will surely know how to
   is updated/ reviewed on a quarterly basis so that       balance his/her life in the future. In this idea, leaves
   contact numbers remain updated in the group and         cards are issued to the students which they have to
   maximum parents could be reached out.                   submit before taking any leave. Total 20 cards are
   zz Once the list is prepared and whatsapp               given to each student in an academic year. That is, a
   group is created, then the second step comes into       child can take 20 leaves in an academic year.
   consideration.                                          Classroom Application:            Instrumental        in
   zz Step Two: The implementation is done on a            controlling leaves in all the classes. Greater
   daily basis.                                            responsibility lies with the parents too. The parents
   zz The class teacher takes attendance of the            are accountable for the leave cards and have to
   students and then with the students present on the      submit these cards at school whenever their ward
   day, takes a selfie.                                    needs a leave.
   zz The teacher sends the selfie on parents’ group.      Planning/ Preparation: Teacher prepares twenty
   This makes parents aware about their wards              cards for each student with the help of students.
   presence in school.                                     The cards have the name and class mentioned on
   zz And students feel motivated once they see their      them. When the academic year starts the teacher
   selfies with their teacher on a regular basis.          give these cards to the parents, and explain the
   zz To give this activity an expansive approach, the     importance of this activity. Students are also
   teacher takes it to the next level.                     instructed to use these cards whenever they have to
   zz After a month the students from each class is        take leave. For each leave, the student has to submit
   selected who has the maximum attendance and a           one card.
   combined selfie with the principal is sent to parents   Implementation: The teacher on the PTM day
   group with the words of praise.                         gives twenty cards to each parent and informs about
   zz “Selfie with the Principal” or the “Selfie with      the necessity of attendance.
   the class teacher” works as a boost for students and    zz The teacher on the PTM day gives twenty
   it propels the parents to send their wards regularly    cards to each parent and informs about the necessity
   to the school.                                          of attendance.
                                                           zz She/He tells them that the performance is
                            4                              directly related to the attendance of the child.
                                                           zz Parents have to send one card to the school
          ABSENCE CONTROLLER                               whenever their ward takes leave.
              ‘LEAVE CARDS’                                zz One card is equivalent to one leave. If the
   Introduction: Responsible student can only              student takes three leaves at a time, the parents are
   become a responsible citizen. It's an idea to teach     liable to send three cards.
   students resource management at a very early stage.     zz These twenty cards are valid for one year.

                                                                                         Innovations Handbook   19
INNOVATION          2

   zz Whenever a student takes a leave he needs to
   deposit one card to the teacher.
   zz The teacher keeps track of each student about
   the leaves he has taken by maintaining a register.
   zz The responsibility of making entries in
   the register is shared by the students and cards
   submitted by the absent students and kept in a box.
   zz To tally the class attendance or to get at an
   average presence of students in a quarter or in a year,
   the cards deposited in the box are tallied with the
   entries in the register.
   zz In this way students not only become                   and games.
   responsible for maintaining their leaves, but also        Implementation: Through a game of Cricket:
   through simple calculations sharpen their mental          zz The class with the lowest attendance, after the
   maths too.                                                morning assembly is asked to play a game of cricket.
   zz The student who has takes minimum leaves is            zz Once they start playing the game is stopped in
   appreciated/awarded at the end of the session.            the middle ie after around four overs.
                                                             zz When the students come next day they have to
                               5                             continue the game from where they have left.
                                                             zz This creates the interest in all the students
         IT’S NOT OVER YET/
                                                             and they are forced to be present in school daily to
   "AB TO SCHOOL AANA PADEGA"                                finish of the game.
   Introduction: Games always make students excited
                                                             zz It's the teachers responsibility here that the
   and good teacher can use their craze for games to
                                                             students should not complete the game fully and
   get better outcome from his class.. Cricket is now a
                                                             should leave the game at some point of interest.
   days soul for all young boys and they are ready to do
                                                             The selection of game can be done on the basis of
   everything for it. It can be implemented with other
                                                             strength of the class/ season and available facilities
   games as well as story narrating too. The teachers
                                                             zz Through Story Narration: As per planner,
   in this activity use this simple concept to increase
                                                             the teacher engages the class in a story narration or
   the attendance of their class. But there is a catch!
                                                             in games, but the activity is not completed. On an
   The game or the story played on a particular day is
                                                             interesting note, the teacher stops the narration or
   carried to the next day, and students feel hooked-on
                                                             game to be completed the next day.
   to come the next day.
                                                             zz For example- Teacher starts reading ‘Thirsty
   Classroom Application: Although this idea can be
                                                             Crow’, and before the climax, he/she stops the
   used with all ages but better results are expected in
   senior classes (above 5th). Maximum participation
                                                             zz The students feel curious to know the end.
   of the class can be done through various games and
                                                             Then the teacher says that the end of the story will
   stories too..
                                                             be disclosed next day.
   Planning/Preparation: Teachers check the
                                                             zz Next day, the teacher not only completes the
   attendance of every class. Whichever class is found
                                                             story, but he/she also starts narration of a new story
   with lowest attendance is given a chance to play
                                                             so that curiosity never dies down.
   cricket in the morning. The class is divided into two
                                                             The students can also be involved with this activity
   groups for the gaming activity.
                                                             through indoor games such a ludo or snake and
   And if the teacher chose to engage students through
                                                             ladder too.
   stories, she selects a variety of stories. As a weekly
                                                             These games not only engage students but also
   planner, the days are divided into story narration
                                                             teach fundamental maths and other subjects. n

   20   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION         3

                              CLEAN NATION,
                             HEALTHY NATION
                                          (INNOVATION CODE- TIA/19/03)

   A healthy nation is a wealthy nation, and health is directly linked with cleanliness and sanitation. Typically saying,
   healthcare is defined as the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and management of disease, illness, injury, and the
   preservation of physical and mental well-being. These aspects can be taken care of with increased awareness and
   inclination for a cleaner self and environment. Interestingly, healthier and cleaner behavioral habits should be a
   part of the day-to-day life. However, due to lack of awareness and resources young children are unable to
   understand the importance of cleanliness and health. Therefore, the role of school and teachers become far more
   important in bringing a revolutionary change in a child’s existing unhealthy habits and behavior. This outcome is
   achieved by involving community and parents of the students, wherein elders of the family, members of the
   community and especially women are made a part of the activities. Most importantly, these activities bring a
   change in attitude in students and community towards realizing a big goal, that is, Clean Nation, Healthy Nation.

   1.   Amit Kumar Tiwari, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bundi, Rajasthan
   2.   Geetu Gupta, AMSS, Ramgarh, Pandwa, Kaithal, Haryana
   3.   Shweta Mishra, Primary School, Kishorpur, Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh
   4.   Ajeet Kumar Gupta, Primary School Atraul Pandey, Ratanpura, Uttar Pradesh
   5.   Rajkumar S, Indira Gandhi Govt High School, Katterikuppam, Puducherry

   zz Of all the advantages, the most important is that clean environment maximizes learning experience among

                                                                                                Innovations Handbook   21
INNOVATION          3

   children, as they find clean surroundings more
   welcoming for learning and studying.
   zz Maintaining cleanliness in school reduces the
   number of absenteeism of students due to sickness.
   zz This activity increases the productivity of
   teachers too. They perform their jobs better when
   they aren’t distracted by substandard surroundings.
   Teachers are more productive when they interact
   with children in healthy and clean classrooms.
   zz The parents and community feel more
   responsible for their children’s education and
   cleanliness of community when involved in
   awareness campaigns.
                                                            Keeping this in mind, a zero-investment model of
   zz When children give attention to their
                                                            constructing temporary toilets out of waste plastic
   cleanliness and hygiene they grow up in becoming         bottles is created. This model has a high potential
   healthy and progressive citizens.                        of replication and can be used as a temporary
                                                            solution to a situation where toilets are non-
                 IMPACT AREAS                               functional or under-construction.
   Creates a healthy and clean environment in school,       Classroom Application: Students learn ways to
   fosters progressive and positive outlook in children.    use waste material like plastic bottles available at
                     SUMMARY                                Planning/Preparation: The teacher collects plastic
   Each activity is unique in concept and is                bottles, preferably of 20-liter capacity, and trains the
   implemented as per the problem to be resolved. The       students to make temporary toilets.
   initiatives require the support of parents and           Implementation: The steps to implement this
   community too.                                           activity are simple and easy.
                                                            Step One: Collection of waste plastic bottles
                                                            zz The teacher appeals to students and community
                    ACTIVITIES                              members to collect and donate 20-liter plastic
                               1                            bottles to the school
                                                            Step Two: Making of urinals
       TEMPORARY TOILETS                                    zz A plastic bottle- 20 liters upside down which
    CONSTRUCTED OUT OF WASTE                                resembles a urinal.
         PLASTIC BOTTLES                                    zz When the bottles are cut longitudinally they
   Introduction: Does the cleanliness of a school           form urinals.
   campus really have an impact on a child’s academic       zz These cut-out bottles are painted with dark
   performance? Definitely, it does. For any kind of        color.
   learning institution, from preschools to universities,   zz A pipe is connected at the mouth of the bottle
   an untidy and unhygienic environment can be              for drainage.
   harmful to students’ learning experience and             Step Three: Creating temporary toilets
   progress. Keeping school buildings and school            zz Once the urinals are made, work of setting up
   playgrounds neat and tidy helps to sustain and           of the toilet and fixing the urinals begin.
   safeguard the health and safety of students. Schools     zz The wall of the toilets are coloured in dark
   are places where germs and diseases spread quickly       colour.
   and easily. With a large number of students              zz The bottles are nailed vertically.
   engaging in collective learning activities, harmful      zz A drainage system is created by linking pipes
   microbes can make many of them fall sick rapidly.        connected to the bottleneck. Pipes were stuck to

   22   Innovations Handbook
INNOVATION         3

   the bottom of the containers and these were linked
   directly to the drainage pipes in the toilets so that
   the discharge flowed directly into the drains.
   This model is replicable at schools and community
   with poor infrastructure.


   Introduction: As a teacher, it is important to
   encourage students to analytic thinking. This skill      in this exercise.
   inculcates the ability to apply logical thinking to      zz The teacher prepares a sample survey sheet
   break down a complex situation into smaller              for the students. The survey sheet contains simple
   components in order to solve a problem. It is            objective questions and answers.
   important to achieve success in academics as well as     zz He/she draws the questionnaire on the
   in life. In this activity, the teacher encourages the    blackboard and all the students note them in their
   students to conduct a survey, analyze the data and       copies.
   find solutions to the problem. The genesis of the        zz Few examples of questions are- Is there a toilet
   idea came from a lack of sanitation and cleanliness      at your home? Do you use the toilet regularly? Is
   in the area. The teacher observed that students did      the toilet clean? Do you wash hands after using the
   not use the toilet of the school and urinated in         toilet?
   open. Open urination and defecation lead to health       zz The students, depending upon the strength
   problems and foul smell. The teacher knew that to        of the class, are divided into multiple groups. Each
   improve the situation behavioral change is required.     group consists of 3 to 5 students who live in a
   Thus to inculcate a logical thinking process in          common area/lane/locality.
   children and community the teacher gave students         zz Each group has to conduct the survey by asking
   a simple survey sheet and instructed them to collect     these questions to as many possible people in their
   data, and on the basis of that involved them in          families and neighbors.
   taking possible steps to increase the awareness on       zz On average each group submits answers of 30
   health and hygiene in the school and community.
                                                            zz On the basis of the answers, a conclusion is
   Classroom Application: Instrumental in making            drawn on the availability and use of toilets in the
   students analytical and inculcating a problem-           given area.
   solving ability in them, creates a cleaner and           zz Similarly, each group submits its data and
   healthier environment, makes the community and           report and the teacher discusses them with the class.
   students responsible for environment protection.         zz Once, all the reports are discussed, a
   Planning/Preparation: The students prepare               consolidated report is created. Based on the
   survey sheets, do analytical reporting of the data       outcome the next strategy is decided by the teachers
   and then make plans to take required action. The         and students collectively.
   planning and implementation are done as per the          zz For example, the survey says that the majority
   learning level and age group of the students. This       of the households in the area do not have toilets,
   activity is appropriate for middle and senior students   or despite toilets, they preferred to go for open
   can be conducted on a quarterly basis.                   defecation. Therefore, to make people aware and
                                                            promote good hygienic habits, students and teachers
   Implementation: The teacher with an objective of
                                                            conduct an awareness drive.
   creating a cleaner environment for the children
                                                            zz Educating Community and parents on proper
   plans to conduct a survey. Teacher involves students

                                                                                        Innovations Handbook   23
INNOVATION          3

   usage of toilets: It is being observed that people,
   despite toilets at home, do not know how to use,
   maintain and clean. Parents are invited to school in
   a P.T.M and were asked to construct toilets at their
   homes. Those who have toilets have a home are
   told simple methods to clean and maintain them.
   Generally, people do not use toilets because of some
   behavioral issues. They assume that sharing toilets
   is impure activity and some feel suffocated in the
   closed defecation. The teacher bursts the myths
   and explains the importance of closed defecation.
   The government schemes related to sanitation are
   introduced to them. They are asked to coordinate
   with the government authorities and related address    of the students. However, it is being observed that
   and phone numbers are shared.                          these simple habits are not easily adapted by the
   zz To make everyone realize the importance             children. A teacher observed that her students came
   of toilets, for defecation and urination a plan was    to school in untidy uniform and uncombed hair,
   devised. Students were divided into groups and         unwashed face. The poor personal hygiene of the
   work was divided. They were asked to collect           children disturbed the teacher. She started an
   information about sanitation and hygiene from          initiative in her classroom, wherein, she appreciated
   various government offices, doctors and other          and rewarded those students who came neat and
   learned members of the society.                        clean in the school. This idea turned into a success
   zz Community Awareness Drive: Street plays             and she was able to inculcate good habits in her
   based on health hazards of open defecation and
   improper sanitation are presented in front of the
                                                          Classroom Application: The activity is applicable
   community. Various health issues caused by this bad
   practice are demonstrated through dramas, speeches     to all the classes fosters good behavior and personal
   and other cultural activities.                         habits in students.
   zz Assisting Community: The application forms          Planning/Preparation: The students are informed
   from the BDO office are collected and distributed      about the activity. The teacher prepares a ‘cleanliness
   among those who do not have a toilet at home.          kit’ consist of soap, oil, comb, towel, talcum powder,
   zz Meeting with doctors, health officials: The         handkerchief, etc.
   officials are also invited to the school for an        Implementation: The teacher announces that
   interactive session with students.                     cleanliness register is maintained in the class on a
   zz The entire process of study and research creates    daily basis.
   great value in students’ life. The students learn by   zz The register has two columns. Column ‘A’ will
   collecting data and information and drawing a
                                                          have names of the students who come neat and
   conclusion. Interacting with government officials,
                                                          clean to the school.
   doctors and then share the same with other
   students, parents, and members of the community        zz Column ‘B’ will have names of those who come
   is an enriching experience for them.                   untidy and without taking a bath to school.
                                                          zz The students who regularly maintain their
                                                          personal hygiene are applauded on a daily basis.
                               3                          zz The student(s) who come neat and clean on a
                                                          maximum number of days in a week are presented
               CLEANLINESS KIT
                                                          with ‘Cleanliness Kit’.
   Introduction: “Healthy mind resides in a healthy
                                                          zz This activity acts a daily competition in
   body”. Promotion of good personal-hygienic
                                                          students and they feel motivated to take care of
   practices is instrumental in the overall development
                                                          their personal hygiene on a daily basis.

   24   Innovations Handbook
zz Demonstration was given for the application of
INNOVATION          3
                                                              sanitary pads.
                                                              zz The teacher demonstrated the functioning of
                                                              the sanitary pad vending machine and ensured that
                                                              each girl of the school learns how to use the vending
                             4                                zz The steps to use vending machine are simple-
                                                              A two rupee coin is inserted in the machine. The
         BASIC HYGIENE DURING                                 machine is automated to recognise a two rupee coin.
         MENSTRUATION CYCLE                                   As soon as the machine recognises the coin, a pad
   Introduction: India has seen an array of movements         comes out of the vending window.
   about menstrual hygiene and sanitation. The                zz This demonstration fosters confidence in
   taboos associated with menstruation cycle is still         young girls and they confidently use the machine.
   accommodated in society and should be removed.             Mothers- Teacher Interaction: The teacher
   The menstruation taboos and beliefs have almost            conducts session for the mothers and women
   crippled women with chronic reproductive                   members of the community. In this session, the
   infections in both rural and urban areas. Therefore,       teacher informs them about the importance of
   a constructive talk and focused discussion is              using sanitary pads and also about the vending
   important to educate young girls and women of the          machine installed at school’s washroom.
   community to have better knowledge and awareness
   about menstrual cycle.
   Classroom Application: It is applicable for
   Secondary classes. During PTM, special sessions                       SELFIE OF THE DAY
   for girls, their mothers and women of the community        Introduction: Clicking selfie is a craze and
   are conducted.                                             students find it an honour to be clicked with their
   Planning/Preparation: Weekly session of girls and          teacher. In this activity, the students who come
   session for mothers on the second Saturday of the          neat and clean to the school get a chance to be
   month, preferably on PTM.                                  clicked with their teacher. This selfie is send on
   Implementation: A teacher observed that despite            whatsapp group of parents of the students so that
   of sanitary pads vending machine installed at              they also realize the importance of personal
   school’s washroom, the school girls did not use            hygiene of their wards.
   them. This was due to lack of awareness about              Classroom Application: The activity is applicable
   menstruation hygiene among girls. Also, the girl           for all the classes, promotes a sense of responsibility
   students suffered from multiple infections, and            in students towards their personal hygiene.
   other health issues as they used old dirty clothes         Planning/Preparation: Applicable for parents
   during menstruation. A proper guidance and                 with smart phones and whatsapp application.
   knowledge was essential to bring the girls out of          Implementation: The teacher asks the students to
   myths, and follow hygienic practices during                submit whatsapp numbers of their parents and on
   menstruation. Thus, the teacher conducted multiple         the basis of it a whatsapp group is created by the
   awareness campaigns-
   Girls- Teacher Interaction: Talking about                  teacher.
   menstruation is seen as a taboo in the society. To         zz Each student is instructed to come neat and
   tackle this, multiple interactive sessions between girls   tidy to the school.
   and teacher are conducted. The teacher educates girls      zz The students who come tidy and clicked
   on the importance of using clean sanitary pads and         together in a selfie with the teacher.
   the usage of sanitary vending machine installed at         zz This activity creates a lot of interest in
   the washroom.                                              students and the students become self-aware of
   zz Girls were made aware about the biological              their hygiene.
   process of menstruation cycle                              zz The teacher circulates the selfie among parents
   zz They were shown documentaries/films/videos              on a daily basis. The parents whose children do not
   regarding menstruation cycle and related hygiene.          come tidy realize the importance of it and start
   zz They were informed about the various diseases           taking care of their wards personal hygiene.
   and infections caused due to lack of hygiene.              zz This simple innovation leads to behavioral
                                                              changes in students. n

                                                                                               Innovations Handbook     25
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