JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan

Page created by Lee Johnston
JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan
May 2022             www.sjc.utah.gov
                                             Focus                              A Monthly Newsletter for South Jordan Residents

                                                                                                  JUNE 2-4, 2022
                         SoJo Summerfest - Back & Better Than Ever
South Jordan's premier event of the year is back at its             summer. This family favorite event features local schools,
normal time and location and is better than ever. After             businesses, and performers and don't forget the candy
having two years of SoJo Summerfest that were modified              toss!
due to the pandemic, we're excited to announce that the
                                                                    NEW! Butterfly Encounter
event will return to City Park June 2-4. The following are
                                                                    Encounter butterflies up close. Learn about and interact
a few key highlights of this year's event, including several
                                                                    with butterflies at this magical new exhibit. It will inspire
new activities and offerings.
                                                                    awe in all who attend as they are surrounded by hundreds
Root Beer Garden                                                    of live butterflies of different color and variety.
The Root Beer Garden was started in 2021 and is back
                                                                    NEW! SoJo Music Festival
by popular demand. It features an Octoberfest-style
                                                                    The new SoJo Summerfest Music Festival features two
tent where attendees may purchase unique flavors of
                                                                    nights of awesome live music provided by four bands.
root beer in commemorative color-changing mugs. This
                                                                    Friday night Foreign Figures and The Strike perform. Our
year, we'll be adding a scoop of ice cream to this new
                                                                    Saturday performers are Ammon and Liahona, and 1964
Summerfest favorite!
                                                                    The Tribute (a Beatles tribute band).
SoJo Summerfest Parade
Join us for our longest running Summerfest tradition. For more information about SoJo Summerfest events
There is nothing like a parade to kick off the start of visit sjcsummerfest.com.

             SoJo Summerfest - Investing in Community Engagement
 Why do we have this event every year? This event directly ties to one of the City's strategic priorities - Engaged Community.
 South Jordan's strategic priorities are determined by our residents through their representatives - the City Council. Our residents
 have made it clear that they want to gather together and enjoy the best of what summer has to offer. This desire for a vibrant
 community through having spectacular events is why the City invests in SoJo Summerfest. To learn more about why and how
 events like Summerfest are funded, visit our Tax Education 101 page at SJC.UTAH.GOV.
JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan
Conserving Water in South Jordan
Last year Governor Spencer Cox declared a state of           2. Plan an Upgrade: New fixtures and appliances such
emergency due to drought in Utah. This year a study          as high-efficient toilets can save up to 80% more water.
said this was the worst drought in 1,200 years, calling it   South Jordan offers rebates for making the switch! That's
a "megadrought." That means that the lack of water and       up to $100 per toilet and up to $200 for select fixtures.
soil moisture in Utah is at an all-time low and it sparks
a desire to fire up your sprinklers and water your lawn      3. Check for Leaks: A leaking faucet can waste more
when you see that spring time burn. The City of South        than 3,000 gallons a year. A leaky toilet can waste more
Jordan water conservation team recommends waiting to         than 80,000 gallons, or enough to fill an Olympic-sized
water your landscapes. The Utah Department of Water          swimming pool. If you register with the Resident Water
Resources also publishes a useful weekly lawn watering       Portal, you'll get notifications if it looks like you have a
guide on their conservation website.                         leak.

The City of South Jordan is committed to conserving water    4. Add Curb Appeal: Convert your thirsty grass to water-
and the water conservation team is here to help you, our     wise plants and ground cover. This not only saves water,
residents, do the same. South Jordan offers programs         but adds a new look to your home. Plus, South Jordan
and incentives, with the support of the Jordan Valley        offers free rock mulch for your parkstrip and a rebate for
Water Conservancy District, to make water conservation       water-wise plants of up to$300!
easy and affordable. Here are some quick tips to make
sure you’re conserving water this year.                     Also, new this year, the City is offering a rebate of up to
                                                            $250 to residents who remove grass and install curbing
1. Check the Weather: Take a minute to turn off your (either brick or concrete), and up to $500 for purchasing
sprinklers when rain is in the forecast, or install a smart hardscape materials like concrete, pavers, or decks and
sprinkler controller for which the City offers a rebate for patios. For more information visit watersmartsojo.org
up to $50.                                                  or call 801-446-4357.

       Are you a history buff?
      The Gale Center Needs You!
    Apply to be a volunteer today by
    visiting the Gale Center Museum or
    the South Jordan Community Center

                                            •   Share the road – keep at least 3   •   Don’t park in the bike lane.
             May is national bike               feet of space between you and      •   Replace windshield wipers.
             month. Here are a                  the bike when passing.
                                                                                   •   Allow other vehicles some extra
             few tips for driving           •   Always check your blind spots          space.
                                                for cyclists before turning.
             safely around                  •   Look both ways before crossing a
             cyclists:                          bike lane.

                                                                     Traffic Tip
JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan
City Event Calendar

             City Council Meeting
                                                                    You can rent dumpsters
  May        6:30 p.m., City Hall and Online
                                                                   from the City $40 per day
   3         sjc.utah.gov                                            or $80 per weekend or
             Art on the Towne
  May        9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., South Jordan Towne Center
   7         sjc.utah.gov                                                        sjc.utah.gov

                  ART           ON THE

                  T WNE      sojo Art market
                             May 7 2022 9 AM to 2 PM

             Parent & Pirate Date Night                            WATER TIP OF THE MONTH
  May        4:00 p.m., Heritage Park
   7         sjc.utah.gov

                                                                    NEW HARDSCAPE REBATE
                                                                   NEW for 2022! This year, the City is
                                                                   introducing a new hardscape rebate
             Spring Clean Up                                       program. You could receive up to
  Tues       Every Tuesday and Thursday in May
   &                                                               $500 back when you remove grass
             10960 South Park Road                                 and convert it to concrete, pavers, or
 Thurs       sjc.utah.gov
                                                                   similar items. Visit watersmartsojo.
             City Council Meeting                                  org/rebates for more information.
  May        6:30 p.m., City Hall and Online
   17        sjc.utah.gov

Know where your tax dollars go.                              TAX       Confidential
1. Visit sjc.utah.gov                                  EDUCATION           Document
2. Hover over Government
3. Click Tax Education 101                                   101          10960 S. Park Rd. (1800 W.)
                                                                              MAY 14, 2022
                                                                           10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
                                                                         Proof of residency required.
                                                                           Please contact us with any questions,

        Visit sjc.utah.gov for more information.                                      801.446.HELP
JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan
Secondary Water Update
        & Important Information                                                          MAYOR'S
Secondary water season will be starting soon. We ask                                     CORNER
residents with secondary water systems to check their
systems and be sure that all valves that may have been                                   Dawn R. Ramsey
opened to drain your system in the fall have been closed
in preparation for water re-entering the lines. This allows       We are bringing something to South Jordan that I am
city crews to better flush the system, fill the lines and check   BEYOND excited about. We will be breaking ground
for leaks. It also protects homeowners from any unwanted          on a beautiful Gold Star Families Memorial Monument
flooding on their properties. The canal companies are             on May 14, 2022, 10:00 a.m. at the South Jordan Public
projecting that water will begin flowing around May 1 this        Safety Building Plaza, 10655 S. Redwood Road, South
year, but that is subject to change due to weather.               Jordan, UT 84095.

Q. Where does the canal irrigation water come from?               After attending the ground breaking for the monument
A. Water is sourced from Utah Lake, to the Jordan River,          in St. George with my friend Jennie Taylor, widow of
with the four canals diverting from the Jordan River at the       Major Brent Taylor who was also serving as Mayor of
south end of Salt Lake County.                                    North Ogden when he was killed in Afghanistan, I knew
                                                                  this was something I wanted to bring to our City as a
Q. Who controls and determines when the water                     permanent expression of our eternal gratitude to the
flows?                                                            Gold Star Families in our community. North Ogden was
A. Each canal company, which are separate entities from           the first to bring this beautiful monument to Utah after
the City, determines when water service will begin and            the devastating loss of Major/Mayor Taylor. St. George
end in each individual canal. South Jordan is served by           was the second, and South Jordan will be home to the
four canals (Welby-Jacob Canal, Utah Lake Distributing            state’s third monument.
Canal, Utah & Salt Lake Canal, and the South Jordan Canal).
                                                                  We have many families in South Jordan that have lost
Q. What is South Jordan City’s role in delivering                 love ones in service to our country, and we are proud to
secondary water?                                                  break ground for this monument to honor each of you.
A. The City has 26 weirs within South Jordan that divert          I would like to extend a special invitation to all Gold Star
water from the four canals. The weirs send water into the         Families and friends, and to all residents of South Jordan
City’s secondary water distribution system, consisting            to attend our ground breaking event on May 14. Myself
of 178 miles of pipe, with 3,734 residential connections.         and our City Council look forward to seeing you and
Once water is diverted into the City’s system, it is the City’s   hope you will join us.
                                                          If you are interested in supporting this project by making
For more information about secondary water, who is a donation to help bring the monument to South Jordan,
eligible, how much it costs, and more visit sjc.utah.gov. please scan the QR code below. Thank you.

                                                                         DONATION LINK

                                                                                          GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY
                                                                                                 MAY 14, 2022
                                                                                             SOUTH JORDAN PUBLIC
                                                                                               SAFETY BUILDING
                                                                           SCAN WITH
                                                                                                 GET INVOLVED
                                                                         PHONE CAMERA
                                                                                                DONATE TODAY!

         City Hall | 1600 W. Towne Center Dr. | (801) 446-HELP (4357) | www.sjc.utah.gov | info@sjc.utah.gov
JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan JUNE 2-4, 2022 - South Jordan
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