Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus

Page created by Julian Soto
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
HomeSeeker SA
Industry Prospectus

Join us to help
more South
find their home.
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Introducing HomeSeeker SA
A State Government affordable
housing initiative to help more
South Australians find their
next home, by educating
potential buyers about the
pathways to home ownership.
	The program will assist             It also provides information         This prospectus includes
  in matching demand for              about the steps involved in          information about how you -
  innovative, attainable              buying or renting a home –           our partners in the construction
  housing solutions, whilst           giving people the knowledge          and development industry – can
  supporting industry                 and confidence to find their         access these opportunities and
  capability and capacity to          next home.                           be a part of HomeSeeker SA.
  deliver cleverly designed
                                      HomeSeeker SA provides               We look forward to working
  homes that enhance our
                                      exclusive property listings and      with you to help more
  communities and back
                                      information on incentives that       South Australians find
  the delivery of 20,000
                                      assist people to rent and buy        their next home!
  affordable housing
                                      an affordable home.
  outcomes by 2030.
                                      The program is creating
The program connects eligible
                                      opportunities for the construction
South Australians with exclusive
                                      and development industry by
affordable home listings, helping
                                      boosting affordable housing
them to avoid competing with
                                      builds and preparing a market
property investors when buying
                                      of ready buyers.
a home.
2 HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Message from the Minister
                                     Michelle Lensink MLC, Minister for Human Services

In December 2019, the Marshall       It helps give them the                 To build a better housing future
Liberal Government released the      knowledge, confidence and              for South Australia, we need
Our Housing Future 2020-2030         opportunity to enter the market        successful partnerships between
housing and homelessness             when they are ready.                   all parts of the construction and
strategy – a once in a generation                                           development industry, to bring
plan to build a better housing       The program gives eligible
                                                                            together a range of levers and
future for South Australia.          buyers exclusive access to
                                                                            opportunities for both customers
                                     affordable properties when
                                                                            and industry. HomeSeeker SA
The $550 million strategy, is a      they come onto the market.
                                                                            is just one of the ways we are
whole-of-system strategy for all     Importantly, it also provides
                                                                            building these partnerships.
partners involved in the planning,   information about the steps
financing and delivery of housing    and processes involved in              There are many other projects
and related services. The strategy   buying or renting a home, helping      and initiatives under Our
creates a foundation for change      to prepare a pool of potential         Housing Future 2020-2030
by setting the conditions and        buyers. The program supports           that together will support the
creating opportunities to            the collection of data, so we are      delivery of 20,000 affordable
engage, partner and pilot            better placed to understand            housing solutions by 2030. You
projects with the construction       what is important to these             can learn more about these by
and development industry.            buyers, and in turn, supports          visiting
                                     the supply of affordable housing       ourhousingfuture.
One of the key focus areas of
                                     into the market.
the Marshall Liberal Government                                             I encourage you to learn more
is to reduce housing stress          The State Government is                about HomeSeeker SA by reading
by increasing the supply of          committed to sustaining                this prospectus and visiting
affordable housing. HomeSeeker       demand in the housing sector , and
SA is a key initiative supporting    to boost the economy and               getting involved as a partner in
this increase in affordable          create more South Australian           the program. Together, we can
housing for low to moderate          jobs that will last into the future.   boost the construction and
income households.                                                          development industry and
                                     HomeSeeker SA provides exciting
                                                                            help more South Australians
HomeSeeker SA is all about           opportunities for the construction
                                                                            find their next home.
helping more South Australians       and development industry to be a
to realise their housing             part of growing and strengthening
aspirations, whether that is the     the affordable housing market.
dream of home-ownership, or
moving into private rental.                                                 Michelle Lensink MLC
                                                                            Minister for Human Services

                                                                              HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus 3
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Why we developed                                                                Barriers to buying
                                                                                a house

HomeSeeker SA                                                                   As at December 2020,
                                                                                the average price of a home
                                                                                in Adelaide was $510,000,
                                                                                requiring around 8 years for
Secure housing, including home            Housing stress
ownership, provides a vital base                                                homes buyers to save for
                                          in South Australia
for South Australians to live a                                                 the average 20% deposit.
successful life. Having affordable        An estimated 19,000 low               This puts home ownership
and appropriate housing can               income South Australians are          out of reach for many
help prevent people from living           paying more than 50% of their         South Australians on low
in housing stress.                        household income on private           to moderate incomes.
                                          rental costs. Over 100,000            Prospective buyers face
SA Housing Authority is                   households require some form of
committed to supporting low                                                     five major barriers to buying
                                          assistance for affordable housing.    a home:
to moderate households into
affordable housing and to working         In South Australia, it is estimated
                                                                                     Not being able to
with our partners to increase             that an additional 20,000
                                                                                     save enough money
the supply of affordable housing          affordable housing outcomes
                                                                                     for a deposit
across the state. That’s why we’ve        are required to overcome current
developed HomeSeeker SA.                  levels of extreme housing stress.         	
                                                                                     Cannot find a home
                                                                                     in a location and at a
What is affordable housing?               What is low and                            price they can afford
                                          moderate income?
Affordable housing is housing                                                       	
                                                                                     Not sure of where
that is appropriate for the needs         In South Australia, low income             to start researching
of lower income households                households earn up to $58,000              the housing market
and enables them to meet other            a year before tax and typically
basic living costs.                       can afford to buy a home up               	
                                                                                     Lack of easy to
                                          to $250,000.                               understand and
Affordable housing costs should                                                      independent
be no more than 30% of gross              Moderate income households                 information about
household income for low to               earn up to $85,000 a year before           the many steps
moderate income households.               tax, and can typically afford to           involved in home
                                          buy a home up to $365,000.                 purchase.

                                                                                     Purchasers often
                            Low income                                               have to compete with
  $350,000                  Moderate income                                          private investors, or
                            Purchase capacity                                        are first home buyers
                                                                                     who lack knowledge
  $250,000                                                                           around buying a home
                                                                                     and require information
                                                                                     that is independent
  $150,000                                                                           and easily accessible.

                                                                                 HomeSeeker SA will help
   $50,000                                                                         South Australians to
                                                                                 overcome these barriers.
                     Low Income Household          Median Income Household

4 HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Shaping the Future
A new approach                      • individual buyers tend to
                                      be more mature and prefer
Our Housing Future will deliver       smaller homes close to public
20,000 affordable housing             transport and shops
solutions over the next decade,
                                    • a majority of people in private
targeted to eligible low and
                                      rental say that they can’t
moderate income earners.
                                      afford to pay rent and save
New supply will come from:            for a house deposit.
• New build activities by           Driving Innovation
  government agencies
  including the Authority and       As part of its long-term
  Renewal SA including the          commitment to affordable
  1000 homes program.               housing, SA Housing Authority
• New build construction            is supporting innovative housing
  by private industry through       to be targeted at lower income
  the 15% Affordable Housing        households by:
  Planning Policy partnering        • encouraging the construction
  with industry to pilot              and financing industry to
  innovation in finance, planning     develop innovative new
  and supply solutions.               housing and finance products
Delivering this commitment            at affordable price points
will need a new and innovative      • informing and assisting
approach to cater for purchasing      lower income households
needs and patterns as well            to understand and access
as changes in technology,             alternative options, such as
consumer confidence and               shared equity and build to rent.
market conditions.
                                    Strategic Partnerships
What we have heard
                                    SA Housing Authority is
Market research into the            committed to developing
affordable housing market shows:    strategic partnerships with
• most people are buying as         a range of key stakeholder
  an individual, not as a couple    in the affordable housing
                                    sector including:
• about two-thirds are first
  home buyers                       • developers
• people looking to buy             • financiers
  with a partner are more likely    • peak industry organisations
  to be younger, first home
                                    • community housing
  buyers, and looking for
  family friendly properties        • sector
                                    • councils.

                                                                         HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus 5
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Homeseeker SA
Program overview                      The program is a trusted source     For developers and the
HomeSeeker SA is a                    of home ownership and rental        construction industry, the
Government of South Australia         information, providing home-        program will grow the affordable
program to help more South            seekers with all the information    housing sector by increasing
Australians buy or rent a home.       they need to help them secure       opportunities to build affordable
                                      their new home. It will provide     properties, and making more
HomeSeeker SA connects                exclusive offers and government     South Australians ‘buyer ready’
eligible South Australians with       incentives as they are developed.   and confident to buy an
exclusive affordable home                                                 affordable home.
listings, helping them to avoid       HomeSeeker SA gives
competing with property               South Australians the tools
investors when buying a home.         and knowledge they need to
                                      control their housing future.

Owning your home
doesn’t have to be
a dream anymore.
6 HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Join us to help more South Australians find their home - HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Creating housing pathways
HomeSeeker SA will stimulate the housing                      	Providing developers access to a large and
market and help provide more pathways for                       qualified database of prospective buyers,
people to find their home:                                      boosting confidence for the sector

      	Connecting eligible South Australians with            	Listing affordable housing properties
        exclusive affordable home listings, helping             for sale
        them to avoid competing with ‘cashed up’
        property investors when buying a home                 	Initiatives supporting home purchase and
                                                                rental opportunities such as shared equity,
     	A new ‘single point of contact’ website                 build to rent, and rent to buy
        with easy-to-understand information
        about Commonwealth and State                          	Targeted subsidies and grants for product
        assistance and initiatives; home buying                 listed through the program
        and renting processes; budgeting tips; and
        other information to educate and motivate
                                                              	Promoting the HomeSeeker SA program
        potential buyers and renters, creating
                                                                through a targeted advertising campaign.
        genuine pathways to secure a home

Through engaging, educating and
encouraging customers on every step
of their housing journey, we’re growing
confidence and creating aspirational
homeowners of the future.

                                                           Consideration     Intent       Purchase

                                            CONSUMER CONFIDENCE/ASPIRATIONS

      CRISIS         SUPPORTED            SOCIAL           PRIVATE                              HOME
                     HOUSING                               RENTAL                               OWNERSHIP

    ENGAGE                            EDUCATE                               ENCOURAGE
• General public                     • Housing options                     • Matching customers
• Cohort groups                      • Budgeting tips                        with supply

                                     • Grants and subsidies                • Facilitating options

                                                                              HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus 7
HomeSeeker SA website
A single online resource to find a home |
The HomeSeeker SA website (www.homeseeker.               Home-seekers can also subscribe to receive provides a single online resource for         updates about new initiatives and offers, and alerts
South Australians looking for their new home. As         when properties meeting their specified criteria
well as listing affordable properties currently for      become available. The website will also include case
sale, it also provides a wealth of information to give   studies and real-life success stories of people buying
potential buyers the knowledge and confidence to         a home through the program.
move into home ownership.

8 HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Find the home
                                       you’ve been
                                       looking for.

Promoting                            	Generating awareness of the new HomeSeeker SA initiative
Homeseeker SA
                                     	Educating buyers on the pathways to home ownership
SA Housing Authority is
undertaking an ongoing               	Targeted campaigns to drive enquiries on available
communications and marketing           stock (for our developer and builder partners)
campaign to promote                  	Single point of contact website to build a pool of ready
HomeSeeker SA – what it offers         buyers and facilitate product lead generation
and who is eligible. This includes
both above and below the line        	Lead nurturing communications to our 9000+ database
activity specifically targeted at
potential buyers of affordable       	Significant investment in paid marketing with a digital
homes, and those who may not be        focus, to best reach identified target audiences
ready to buy yet, but may be able    	Collaboration with our developer, builder and CHP
to in the near future.                 partners to promote and sell affordable product.

                                                                     HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus 9
Why you should
get involved with
HomeSeeker SA
As well as helping more South Australians to find
a home, HomeSeeker SA presents a range of
benefits and opportunities for the building and
construction industry.

      	New demand for affordable housing
	Over time, the program will make more
  people “buyer ready” and confident to buy an
  affordable home. This will create new demand
  and provide a stimulus to the construction
  sector in the medium term – building on the
  success of the HomeBuilder Grant.

        A pool of prospective buyers
                                                       How to get
	The program will encourage prospective
  buyers to register their details to receive
  regular updates about the program and
                                                       There are a number of ways for participants
  properties suitable for them. This database
                                                       in the building and construction industry to
  will provide a pool of potential buyers that
                                                       get involved with HomeSeeker SA.
  can be targeted to promote properties
  and developments.                                    List your affordable properties
                                                       If you are in the process of developing and
      	Latest information about what buyers           have affordable homes ready to list contact the
        are looking for                                team at to assist in
                                                       promoting these on the government marketed
	HomeSeeker SA will also provide information
                                                       website at
  about the type of buyers looking to buy
  affordable housing, and their preference of
                                                       Bid for tenders
  locations and building types. This will enable you
                                                       From time to time the Authority may offer
  to design and build the type of housing that is in
                                                       developers / builders the opportunity to
  demand, resulting in more and faster sales.
                                                       compete in tenders relating to provision of
                                                       building services. If you are interested in these
      	Incentives and partnership opportunities       opportunities you should register your details
	Developers who build affordable homes under          at to be updated as
  the program will be able to access incentives        any new opportunities are released.
  and concessions, such as land use planning
  and land tax concessions. The program will           Contact us for help
  also help you meet 15% affordable housing            If you have an interest in undertaking a
  in developments.                                     development that involves affordable housing
                                                       and need assistance please email questions to
Learn more about the program at              

10 HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus
Other government affordable
housing initiatives
                                     	Reviewing and developing             	Delivering 5000 Affordable
 HomeSeeker SA is just                 underutilised government,              Housing outcomes through
 one of the ways that SA               private and not-for-profit             inclusionary, design and
 Housing Authority is working          land to drive innovation and           incentive provisions in the
 with its government and               supply of new affordable               planning system, including
 non-government partners               housing outcomes.                      the 15% Affordable
 to stimulate the supply of                                                   Housing Policy.
 affordable housing.                 Reviewing and developing
                                     under-utilised government              Expanding affordable housing
 More information about              land, existing government              by strengthening assessment
 these and other initiatives         projects and private and not-for-      processes, inclusionary zoning
 can be found in Our Housing         profit land to drive innovation        and incentives to encourage
 Future 2020-2030 – the              and supply of approximately            sustainable supply.
 state’s 10-year housing and         1100 new affordable housing
                                                                            	Continuing to support home
 homelessness strategy.              outcomes by 2030. Under-
                                                                              ownership through 10,000
 Learn more at housing.              utilised government, private
                                                                              HomeStart Finance loans          and not-for profit land is being
                                                                              targeted to low and moderate
                                     opened up to showcase
                                                                              income households and
                                     innovation for affordable
	Delivering 1000 new                                                         extending the HomeStart
                                     housing, especially in regard
  affordable houses by                                                        Starter Loan beyond June
                                     to design, construction and
  2025 for low and moderate-                                                  2021 by an additional 100
                                     financing opportunities
  income households through                                                   new outcomes per year for
                                     through contributions of
  a $398.7 million Affordable                                                 five years.
                                     property partnerships.
  Housing Initiative.
                                                                            Assisting more people who
                                     	Encouraging new
Creating new options in the                                                 qualify for a HomeStart Finance
                                       partnerships and
affordable housing market;                                                  loan to meet the upfront costs
                                       investment through pilots
designing and locating housing                                              of purchasing a home. From
                                       and further development
for affordable living; and                                                  2021-22, an additional $5 million
                                       of innovative financing,
supporting job creation and                                                 to the Affordable Housing Fund
                                       planning and supply
economic growth.                                                            over five years will provide for
                                       solutions including Build to
                                                                            an additional 100 HomeStart
	Delivering new social,               Rent, innovative design, and
                                                                            Finance Starter Loans each
  affordable and open market           shared equity products.
                                                                            year to 2026.
  homes through a $54 million
                                     Expanding choice and diversity
  neighbourhood renewal
                                     by partnering with industry to pilot
  program over five years.
                                     innovation in affordable housing,
SA Housing Authority is delivering   including for specific income and
new social, affordable and open      demographic groups.
market homes through a five-year
neighbourhood renewal program.
This will increase amenity, supply
and diversity of housing types
and local tenant mix through
renewal of locations with older,
low-density public housing.
                                                                              HomeSeeker SA Industry Prospectus 11
@ SAHousingAuthority
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