KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science

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KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
Research Newsletter of
     the Indian Institute of Science                                   Issue 7, 2021

    Editorial                      TAKING THE QUANTUM LEAP

Quantum technologies have
already leaped into our lives,
powering the appliances,
digital cameras, computers
and GPS we use everyday.
At IISc, diverse researchers
are coming together to help
nudge India’s quantum
ambitions forward. Read                                                Cartoon of a device used for single photon detection with 2D materials (Image: Arindam Ghosh)

more about their efforts in                A NEW INITIATIVE AT IISc ENVISIONS A CRUCIAL ROLE IN
this issue of Kernel.                                           INDIA’S QUANTUM QUEST
                                  Quantum mechanics – the physics of                           witnessed what is now called the first
Our lab feature uncovers the      subatomic particles – underlies all that we                  quantum revolution – technological
work that goes into building      currently know about atoms, what they are                    breakthroughs such as semiconductors,
                                  made of and why they behave the way they                     MRI imaging, lasers and so on.
drones for healthcare and         do. But it is not just a physicist’s tool to try
other applications. We also       and understand the universe at extremely                     Many believe that we are presently
include stories on a blood        small scales. The devices that you are most                  living through the second quantum
                                  likely using to read this article – computers                revolution. The era of ‘quantum
biomarker for differentiating     and smartphones – also rely on technologies                  technologies’ has arrived with many
bacterial from viral infections   that operate on quantum mechanical                           promises – sensors and measurement
and the discovery of electron     phenomena.                                                   devices with unprecedented precision,
                                                                                               secure communications via what is
species that could provide        The modern semiconductor-based electronics                   called the “quantum internet”, and
interesting insights into         industry is entirely dependent on our                        quantum computers capable of solving
material properties.              understanding of the quantum nature of                       problems far beyond the scope of existing
                                  matter. The second half of the 20th century                  supercomputers.
                                                                                                                                               Continued on page 2
KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
Refrigerator to protect superconducting qubits from thermal and ambient noise. L: Students preparing system for cooldown, R: Inside of fridge with microwave cables
 Continued from page 1                                                                                                                                                                    (Photos courtesy: Vibhor Singh)

   “The new term ‘quantum technology’ is              Measuring magnetic fields with greater                                                qubits – platforms that are being
   connected to unique applications of quantum        precision, for example, can lead to smaller                                           explored worldwide to build large-
   mechanics or of quantum mechanical principles,     MRI machines that will produce images with                                            scale quantum computers. Qubits or
   which were by and large ignored in our             better clarity while using lower radiation                                            quantum bits are the basic data units
   technological advances during the last 100         doses.                                                                                of a quantum computer, analogous to
   years,” says Arindam Ghosh, Professor in the                                                                                             bits in its digital counterparts. Although
   Department of Physics, IISc.                       Research related to such quantum                                                      companies like Google and IBM have
                                                      technologies has been going on at IISc for                                            managed to create superfast devices
   In recent years, research on quantum technology    a long time but in a disconnected manner,                                             having 53-54 qubits, Singh points out
   has received a massive boost worldwide. A USD      in individual laboratories. In 2019, Patel                                            that the more fundamental problems,
   1.13 billion quantum technologies project was      along with several others received generous                                           like finding the best strategy to scale
   announced by the EU in 2016 and a national         funding from the Ministry of Electronics                                              up qubits, remain unsolved. His team is
   quantum initiative worth USD 1.2 billion was       and Information Technology (MeitY),                                                   trying to come up with small prototype
   launched by the US in 2018. Russia followed suit   Government of India, to establish the Center                                          systems – working at the level of
   in 2019 by committing USD 790 million towards      for Excellence in Quantum Technology at                                               single or two qubit devices – which,
   basic and applied quantum technology research.     IISc, partnering with the Raman Research                                              if successful, might help in scaling up
                                                      Institute (RRI) and Center for Development                                            the number of qubits faster and in a
   India is not too far behind. The Government        of Advanced Computing (CDAC). IQTI, which                                             more straightforward manner. In fact,
   of India announced the National Mission on         will now consolidate all quantum technology-                                          building an 8-qubit quantum processor
   Quantum Technologies and Applications (NM-         related research in the Institute, is the first                                       is something IQTI hopes to achieve in
   QTA) in 2020 – to encourage both fundamental       such large-scale initiative in the country,                                           the near future.
   and applied research in the country – and has      according to Patel and Ghosh, with well
   proposed to allocate Rs 8000 crore over a span     defined short- and long-term goals.                                                   Patel and his team also played a crucial
   of five years. IISc too has taken a step forward                                                                                         role in developing QSim, a Quantum
   in this direction. The IISc Quantum Technology     IQTI aims to establish a framework which will                                         Computer Simulator Toolkit, which was
   Initiative (IQTI), launched in November 2020,      promote collaborations between physicists,                                            launched by MeitY in August 2021. A
   aspires to lay a solid foundation for quantum      computer scientists, material scientists and                                          collaborative effort by IISc, IIT Roorkee,
   technology within the Institute, and contribute    engineers. Currently, more than 40 faculty                                            and CDAC, this educational toolkit seeks
   to the country’s R&D efforts.                      members from diverse departments are                                                  to help students and researchers in
                                                      part of the initiative. “This also involves                                           the country write and debug quantum
   If you are wondering why governments               people who are not necessarily connected                                              code, which is essential for developing
   worldwide have taken such an interest in           to quantum [research], but they may have                                              quantum algorithms.
   quantum technologies, the answer lies in the       technology or materials which can be
   outcomes that they promise. The anticipated        immediately utilised in the development of                                            Another highlight of IQTI is a two-year
   technological advances can impact many socio-      quantum technologies,” says Ghosh. IQTI will                                          MTech degree programme in Quantum
   economic sectors – molecular and material          focus on four broad areas: quantum sensing                                            Technology – the first of its kind in
   design can transform sensors, healthcare,          and metrology, quantum communications                                                 India – which admitted its first batch of
   pharmaceuticals, agriculture and engineering;      and cryptography, quantum materials and                                               students in August 2021.
   secure communications can benefit finance and      devices, and quantum computation and
   defense services, and so on.                       simulations.                                                                          Patel points out how the country’s
                                                                                                                                            nuclear and space programmes were
   “Simple examples which are already in place        One goal is to establish a campus-wide                                                conceived and nurtured at IISc decades
   include the atomic clock which, by using           quantum-secured communication network                                                 ago. “However, to develop them from
   quantum technology, has improved by orders of      within the next 4-6 years. “Quantum theory                                            scratch to a level that is comparable
   magnitude in precision and accuracy – its direct   allows you to transmit signals in a way that is                                       to the best in the world, it took India
   consequence being a significant improvement        protected from eavesdroppers or interceptors                                          almost 50 years. Huge efforts are
   in the GPS resolution,” explains Apoorva Patel,    in the middle, by a process where – if there is                                       required both in terms of manpower as
   Professor at the Center for High Energy Physics    any interception – the receiver will know that                                        well as towards building infrastructure.
   (CHEP), IISc, who is one of the faculty members    the signal has been compromised,” explains                                            The long-term vision for IQTI is to do
   leading IQTI.                                      Patel.                                                                                something similar for India in quantum
   Another advancement that is likely to happen       Research related to quantum computing is
   soon, he adds, is improved precision in the        also happening in the lab of Vibhor Singh,
   measurement of magnetic and electric fields,       Assistant Professor in the Department of                                              - Sritama Bose
   giving rise to many practical applications.        Physics, who works with superconducting

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KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
Image: Sathyabaarathi Ravichandran

       A recent study has identified a set of            the rise of such antimicrobial resistance.      The authors suggest that the test could
       molecular biomarkers that can be used in          In their new study, published in the            be useful for differentiating COVID-19
       the differential diagnosis of acute bacterial     journal EBioMedicine, the researchers           infection from bacterial infections as well.
       and viral infections. The biomarkers are          have developed such a test using patient        In the study, they looked at various viral
       messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules found              blood transcriptomes and sophisticated          infections for which transcriptomic data
       in the blood; differences in their levels can     computational modelling.                        is publicly available. This allowed them
       predict with high probability if an infection                                                     to develop a generic VB10 test score for
       is viral or bacterial.                            A transcriptome is a full set of mRNA           viral infections. As soon as transcriptomic
                                                         molecules expressed by a biological cell,       data became available for COVID-19, the
       The human body responds to bacterial and          which is measured using Next-Generation         team tested their approach and found
       viral infections differently, by producing        Sequencing (NGS) technologies.                  that the test scores could differentiate
       specific types of molecules – such as             During an infection, specific genes are         between SARS-CoV-2 infection and common
       proteins and RNA – in the blood. While            turned on, leading to an increase in the        bacterial respiratory infections.
       antibiotics can treat bacterial infections,       production of specific mRNAs and their
       they are ineffective against viral infections.    corresponding proteins. The scientists          This work was done in collaboration with
       However, indiscriminate use of antibiotics        analysed transcriptomic data of patients        clinicians at MS Ramaiah Medical College
       to treat any kind of infection has given rise     (from publicly available databases, and         and researchers Amit Singh, Dipshikha
       to bacterial strains that are now resistant to    samples collected from MS Ramaiah               Chakravortty and KN Balaji at IISc. The
       our entire arsenal of antibiotics. “Antibiotics   Medical College in collaboration with a         team hopes to begin a trial study to
       are given even for viral infections in some       clinical team) and discovered a 10-gene         translate their research from the lab to
       cases because of misdiagnosis. With current       RNA signature in the patients’ blood that       the clinic. “This test can be done using
       methods, it can take a lot of time to test        is produced in varying quantities for viral     qRT-PCR. Given how common RT-PCR has
       for bacterial or viral infections,” explains      and bacterial infections.                       become due to the pandemic, getting this
       first author Sathyabaarathi Ravichandran,                                                         test off the ground should not pose a major
       Research Associate in the lab of Nagasuma         To enable it to be used in clinical practice,   challenge,” says Chandra. The researchers
       Chandra, Professor in the Department of           the researchers devised a standalone            expect it to be useful early on during the
       Biochemistry.                                     score called VB10, which could be used          infection, and work against any strain.
                                                         for diagnosis, monitoring the stage of          This can supplement the current COVID-19
       A quick method to detect acute viral and          recovery after infection, and estimating        diagnosis tests.
       bacterial infections and distinguish between      the severity of the infection. VB10
       them can be immensely useful in the clinic,       accurately indicated whether a given
       as accurate diagnosis will win half the           blood sample had a bacterial or viral           - Debayan Dasgupta
       battle and guide the clinician towards the        infection, across different bacteria and        (with input from authors)
       optimal treatment path. It will also prevent      viruses and across different age groups.

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Image: Neha Yadav

                   DISCOVERY OF FEW ELECTRON

       Researchers at IISc have experimentally      understanding how FEBs are formed          “FEBs form an interesting system that
       shown the existence of two species of        can also provide insights into the         has both electron-electron interaction
       few electron bubbles (FEBs) in superfluid    self-assembly of soft materials, which     and electron-surface interaction,”
       helium for the first time. These FEBs can    can be important for developing next-      Yadav explains.
       serve as a useful model to study how the     generation quantum materials. However,
       energy states of electrons as well as the    scientists have only theoretically         There are several phenomena that
       interactions between them in a material      predicted the existence of FEBs so far.    can be deciphered through FEBs, such
       influence its properties.                    “We have now experimentally observed       as turbulent flows in superfluids and
                                                    FEBs for the first time and understood     viscous fluids, or the flow of heat in
       The team included Neha Yadav, a former       how they are created,” Yadav says.         superfluid helium. In the same way
       PhD student at the Department of Physics,    “These are nice new objects with great     that current flows without resistance
       Prosenjit Sen, Associate Professor at the    implications if we can create and trap     in superconducting materials at very
       Centre for Nano Science and Engineering      them.”                                     low temperatures, superfluid helium
       (CeNSE) and Ambarish Ghosh, Professor                                                   also conducts heat efficiently at very
       at CeNSE. The study was published in         Yadav and colleagues were studying the     low temperatures. But defects in the
       Science Advances.                            stability of MEBs at nanometre sizes       system, called vortices, can lower its
                                                    when they serendipitously observed         thermal conductivity. Since FEBs are
       An electron injected into a superfluid       FEBs. “It took a large number of           present at the core of such vortices
       form of helium creates a single electron     experiments before we became sure that     – as the authors have found in this
       bubble (SEB) – a cavity that is free of      these objects were indeed FEBs. Then it    study – they can help in studying
       helium atoms and contains only the           was certainly a tremendously exciting      how the vortices interact with each
       electron. There are also MEBs – multiple     moment,” says Ghosh.                       other, and how heat flows through the
       electron bubbles that contain thousands                                                 superfluid helium.
       of electrons.                                The researchers first applied a voltage
                                                    pulse to a tungsten tip on the surface     “In the immediate future, we would
       FEBs, on the other hand, are nanometre-      of liquid helium. Then they generated a    like to know if there are any other
       sized cavities in liquid helium containing   pressure wave on the charged surface       species of FEBs, and understand
       just a handful of free electrons. The        using an ultrasonic transducer. This       the mechanisms by which some are
       number, state and interactions between       allowed them to create 8EBs and 6EBs,      more stable than the others,” Ghosh
       free electrons dictate the physical          two species of FEBs containing eight and   says. “In the long term, we would
       and chemical properties of materials.        six electrons respectively. These FEBs     like to use these FEBs as quantum
       Studying FEBs, therefore, could help         were found to be stable for at least 15    simulators, for which one needs to
       scientists better understand how some        milliseconds (quantum changes typically    develop new types of measurement
       of these properties emerge when a few        happen at much shorter time scales)        schemes.”
       electrons present in a material interact     which would enable researchers to trap
       with each other. According to the authors,   and study them.                            - Joel P Joseph

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Photo: Stefan Greif

                    CRICKETS CALLING IN GROUPS
       In a new study, Harish Prakash and Rohini         The researchers also found that bats took       to target and capture an individual
       Balakrishnan from the Centre for Ecological       considerably longer to capture a katydid        when it is among many others.
       Sciences (CES), with collaborators from Tel       calling in a group of three than a lone
       Aviv University, explored whether calling         katydid. This delay gives the katydid an        Previous studies have looked at this
       in a group reduces risk for katydids (bush        opportunity to stop calling, and escape         only in visual predators like monkeys,
       crickets) against bats, which are their           from being eaten. Therefore, although a         geckos and fish. This study provides
       predators. They found that bats were more         chorus of katydids can attract bats, the        the first evidence of an auditory
       attracted to three speakers simultaneously        bats’ inefficiency in capturing them when       confusion effect in eavesdropping
       playing katydid calls than a single speaker.      they are in groups can benefit the prey.        predators such as bats.
       Does this mean calling together in a group
       might be riskier? Yes. But that is just one       A possible reason for the delay is the          - Harish Prakash
       part of the story.                                confusion effect: it is harder for a predator

Image courtesy: Raghavan Varadarajan

                            FIGHTING COVID-19 VIRAL VARIANTS WITH
                                  A HEAT-TOLERANT VACCINE
          A ‘warm’ COVID-19 vaccine candidate being         their neutralising ability against the       losing its shape, and withstand
          developed by an IISc and Mynvax team was          variants by researchers at CSIR-IMTech,      transient exposure to temperatures
          found to trigger a strong immune response         Chandigarh and the Australian Centre         as high as 100°C; this was also true
          and protection in mice and hamster                for Disease Preparedness, run by CSIRO,      of the current, improved versions.
          models, in results published recently             Australia’s national science agency.         Such vaccines are especially useful
          in ACS Infectious Diseases. Crucially,                                                         in countries like India where cold
          the vaccine formulation also triggered            The vaccine candidate has been designed      storage and transportation are
          neutralising antibodies – those that bind         by genetically engineering the Receptor      expensive and challenging. One
          to the virus and prevent infection – against      Binding Domain (RBD) of the surface          of the improved formulations is
          all four current SARS-CoV-2 variants of           spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.            being rapidly moved to clinical
          concern: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.                                                         development.
                                                            In previous reports, an earlier version
          The vaccinated sera (blood) samples               of the vaccine candidate was found to
          from animal models were tested for                be stable at 37°C for a month without

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KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
Image: Shikha Awasthi

                                       CARTILAGE REPAIR USING
                                     HIGH-STRENGTH HYDROGELS
       Cartilage is a type of connective               required mechanical strength and puncture      The study, designed by postdoctoral fellow
       tissue that acts as a shock absorber            resistance.                                    Shikha Awasthi, found that the most stable
       and deters abrasion between bones.                                                             composite hydrogel (PAM+TiO2+CNT)
       Although it is usually tough and flexible,      Researchers at the Departments of              had remarkable self-healing ability, high
       injuries, hormonal abnormalities or             Materials Engineering, Mechanical              mechanical strength, and compatibility with
       diseases can cause damage and make              Engineering and Inorganic and Physical         biological tissue. Its dense and compact
       it hard for the cartilage to heal. Recent       Chemistry in IISc have now developed           structure helps it withstand degradation.
       advances are focused on using polymers          hybrid hydrogels by combining PAM with         The researchers also used a method called
       called hydrogels to replace injured             either carbon nanotubes (CNTs) or titanium     needle insertion to show that the hybrid
       or diseased cartilage. Despite having           dioxide (TiO2) or both. They also carried      hydrogel is puncture-resistant. Such
       some properties needed for cartilage            out computational studies to understand        materials offer great promise for cartilage
       tissue repair, commonly-used hydrogels          the binding features and structure of these    repair applications.
       made of polyacrylamide (PAM) lack the           hybrid hydrogels.
                                                                                                      - Debraj Manna
                                                                                                                             Image: Navaneetha Krishnan Ravichandran

                              THERMAL PROPERTIES
       In crystalline electrical insulators, heat is     New research led by Navaneetha              with unusually weak rates of three-
       carried by phonons, which are quantised           Krishnan Ravichandran at the                phonon collisions. In the new study,
       vibrations of the crystal lattice. As these       Department of Mechanical Engineering        the researchers used these insights to
       phonons travel through the material, they         now provides a way to identify materials    predict an unusual pressure-dependence
       collide with each other, thereby limiting         that show intriguing temperature- and       of the k of a material called boron
       the material’s thermal conductivity (k).          pressure-dependencies of k, without         phosphide (BP) ‒ the material showed a
       Predicting how frequent and strong these          performing these full, expensive            sharp rise in k with pressure, with a peak
       collisions are (“collision rates”) for each       computations.                               and subsequent drop, in stark contrast to
       material under different experimental                                                         the linearly increasing trend seen in most
       conditions is computationally expensive.          In an earlier publication, Ravichandran     other materials.
       This can slow down the discovery of new           and collaborator David Broido at
       materials, with their k values and trends         Boston College, USA developed a set
       tailored to our needs.                            of guidelines to identify materials         - Navaneetha Krishnan Ravichandran

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KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
Photo courtesy: Ashwini Ratnoo

                                          EYE IN THE SKY
                                         HEALTHCARE, TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER SERVICES

         Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), popularly     it must be programmed with computer            the corridor. CORRIDRONE allows for
         known as drones, are small aircraft that fly   algorithms that make human-like decisions      safe point-to-point movement of multiple
         without a pilot. Drones can weigh anywhere     with precision. Ashwini’s team develops        drones without collision and can be set up
         from a few grams to over 100 kilograms,        algorithms that plan and control the           in any given airspace.
         depending on their use. They either have a     trajectories of UAVs, particularly in
         ground-based controller or are completely      complex and urban settings.                    Unmanned vehicles are not restricted to
         autonomous, with a built-in controller in                                                     the sky. Autonomous ground vehicles,
         the form of a computer program that guides     Here is an example: It is not easy to          considered the future of road travel, are
         them.                                          organise timely delivery of medicines or       also on Ashwini’s radar. With support from
                                                        organs for transplantation in a crowded        the Wipro IISc Research and Innovation
         UAVs have a wide range of applications         city. A lot of manpower is involved, and       Network (WIRIN), his team is involved in
         including surveillance, cargo transport,       elaborate traffic management is needed         trajectory planning for such vehicles. “In
         warfare, agriculture, journalism and           if they are transported by road. This is an    autonomous ground vehicles, perception
         recreation, to name a few. These vehicles      easy job for a drone, but flying one over      is slightly more challenging because there
         have also been of great help during the        a populous urban space comes with many         are a lot of occlusions [obstructions] to
         COVID-19 pandemic, in remote surveillance      safety concerns, explains Ashwini. That is     vision. For example, there’s a wall on the
         and disinfection of areas.                     why drones are still not being used to their   left, a tree on the right and so on. So, a lot
                                                        full capacity and potential.                   of effort goes into the perception side,”
         The controller of an autonomous vehicle                                                       says Ashwini. The specific challenges, be
         acts as its brain and has two functions:       To address this issue, his lab is working      it for aerial or ground vehicles, pertain to
         perception and planning. It must perceive      on developing ‘Drone Skyways’ in               the space used by an autonomous vehicle.
         its surroundings and execute a suitable plan   collaboration with the Robert Bosch            The trajectory must be compatible with
         on how to move in that situation. Ashwini      Centre for Cyber Physical Systems              the dynamics of the vehicle. For example,
         Ratnoo’s lab at the Department of Aerospace    (RBCCPS) and ARTPARK at IISc. They are         a path riddled with sharp turns is
         Engineering works on the planning part of      developing trajectory planning algorithms      difficult for the vehicle to manoeuvre if it
         this autonomous UAV brain.                     that create a corridor, a virtual road,        encounters an obstacle. Another challenge
                                                        for UAVs to travel safely. These drones        is the computational complexity of the
         Research on drones has been gaining            fly at an altitude designated as “Class        algorithm itself. A complex algorithm
         more prominence these days because             G” that is closest to the surface of the       takes longer to execute, making the
         they can fly beyond the visual line of         earth. Flying a drone in this airspace         vehicle inefficient.
         sight (BVLOS) of the person controlling        requires a lot of preparedness in terms
         them. They can provide visuals of even         of safety and security. Ashwini’s research     The algorithms that his team is
         the most inaccessible areas making them        group has participated in developing           developing are based on the theory of
         indispensable in disaster management           “CORRIDRONE”, a novel drone skyway             dynamical systems. “What we use is
         and warfare, among other fields. For a         framework with an efficient design that        something called bifurcation theory,
         drone to be able to function autonomously,     includes geo-fencing, a virtual fence along    which essentially generates a variety of

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Indoor motion capture facility for UAVs (Photo courtesy: Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory)

     motion patterns for the drones based on        task. Work on drone recovery methods               from the same department in 2009, Ashwini
     the same control structure, but by varying     is underway in collaboration with IIT              went to Israel for his post-doctoral studies at
     just a certain parameter within that           Madras. Ashwini’s lab has also worked              the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
     control structure,” explains Ashwini.          closely with the Ministry of Defense in the        He returned to India in 2012 to join the
                                                    past. These projects were funded by DRDO           Department of Aerospace Engineering as an
     Trajectory plans are also created for the      and BrahMos Aerospace, via the Centre for          assistant professor.
     use of multiple UAVs in the same airspace      Excellence in Hypersonics at IISc.
     to perform tasks like surveillance. This                                                          With his work on drones, Ashwini hopes to
     effort is sponsored by the Ministry of         Ashwini’s tryst with science began during          make remote corners of the country more
     Education’s IMPRINT India Initiative.          his school days. “[The] more shaping               accessible. The applications of drones
                                                    element was in high school, where                  are endless, and no longer limited to
     Apart from his work with RBCCPS and            we got introduced to mechanics and I               surveillance and cargo movement. In the
     WIRIN, Ashwini has several other               was fascinated by particle mechanics;              future, drones will be one of the sought-
     collaborative projects. With IIIT Delhi, the   how points move in a plane, motion of              after modes of transport, according to him.
     team is working on landing trajectories        bodies, and so on,” he says. To pursue             “People are already talking about drone
     for drones, also called ‘vertical descent’.    his interest in the physical and system            taxis.”
     With the University of Cincinnati in the       sciences, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree
     US, they have worked on multi-drone            in engineering from MBM Engineering
     coordination known as ‘platooning’,            College in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, followed by         - Sangeetha Devi Kumar
     wherein a group of drones follows              a Master’s degree from the Department of
     a leader drone to perform a specific           Aerospace Engineering at IISc. After a PhD

                                                                                              UAV trajectory through multiple obstacles (Image courtesy: Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory)

       Office of Communications (OoC)                                                      EDITORIAL TEAM                                          DESIGN
       Indian Institute of Science (IISc)                                                  Deepika S                                     
                                                                                           Karthik Ramaswamy
       Bengaluru - 560012
                                                                                           Narmada Khare                                                               Ranjini Raghunath (Coordinator)                                                          Samira Agnihotri

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KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science KERNEL Issue 7, 2021 - Indian Institute of Science
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