KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc

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KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Research Newsletter of
     the Indian Institute of Science                                    Issue 6, 2021

     Editorial                   MODELLING A PANDEMIC
Despite their limitations,
models and simulations are
useful for tracking the spread
of a pandemic like COVID-19.
In this issue of Kernel,
read more about such tools
developed by IISc researchers
to gain deeper insights into
disease transmission.
                                                          Aerosol cloud formed between two people after 70 seconds of conversation (Image courtesy: Sourabh S Diwan)

We also feature stories
on how scientists have
visualised ferroelectricity in
nanomaterials and gauged         In January 2020, India reported its first                     of disease spread. Factors such as the
how machine learning             cases of COVID-19 caused by the now                           pathogen’s virulence, the number of
                                 infamous SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was declared a                  people affected so far, the severity of
models match up to humans        pandemic by the World Health Organisation                     infection, the mode of infection spread
in “seeing” objects. Finally,    on 11 March 2020. A year and a half later,                    and so on are typically considered while
our lab feature focuses          India is still struggling to escape from                      building a model. Policy makers have
                                 the clutches of this deadly disease. With                     relied on such models to devise suitable
on research in flexible          a potential third wave lurking around the                     interventions that can prevent or reduce
electronics that can pave        corner, how do we prepare for what’s coming?                  dangerous outcomes.
the way for novel materials
                                 In this quest for better preparedness,                        Many IISc researchers have also been
capable of bending and           modelling and simulations continue to                         involved in developing such models,
folding.                         play an important role. These models are                      simulations, and analysis tools for
                                 built based on the current understanding                      managing the response to COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                               Continued on page 2
KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Continued from page 1                                                                                                 Modelling vaccination strategies (Image: Nihesh Rathod)

      For example, during the first wave, a model and     explains Diwan. He warns, however, that        this model incorporates seroprevalence
      dashboard that projected the requirement of         such scenarios are more complex in real        (the extent of population exposed to the
      medical inventory like oxygen supply, masks,        life, where factors like the exact phrases     virus) and seroreversion (the extent of
      PPE kits and ventilators was developed.             used during speaking, cross ventilation,       previously infected population which is
      Other models studied the effectiveness of           and ambient humidity can also have a direct    now susceptible) while making decisions on
      random testing, contact tracing, lockdown-like      impact on disease spread.                      different vaccination strategies. It evaluates
      restrictions, and isolation on the spread of the                                                   the vaccination requirement and proposes
      disease.                                            Another model that has proved useful           three different roll-out plans, based on
                                                          in policymaking is a partial differential      population size, seroprevalence, and number
      One of these simulations looks at air flow          equation (PDE)-based model developed           of cases – including active or recently
      patterns to understand how COVID-19 can             by Sashikumar Ganesan, Professor at the        recovered infections in a state or district.
      spread from one person to another. Scientists       Department of Computational and Data
      have shown that COVID-19 is primarily               Sciences (CDS) and Deepak Subramani,           Their model shows, for example, that by
      transmitted via droplets from an infected           Assistant Professor at CDS. Their model        increasing the number of vaccine doses
      individual. A research group led by Sourabh S       projects the potential number of infections    to about 4 lakh per day in Karnataka
      Diwan, Assistant Professor at the Department        in the medium-term (>6 weeks) based            (assuming an average of 1 lakh doses per
      of Aerospace Engineering (in collaboration          on the current caseload and multiple           day as the baseline), by 31 August 2021, the
      with International Centre for Theoretical           scenarios.                                     case load could be reduced by about 55%,
      Sciences, Bengaluru and NORDITA, Sweden)                                                           when relatively strict non-pharmaceutical
      has been studying the patterns of air ejected       An important parameter it incorporates         interventions (NPI), like lockdowns, are
      when a person coughs, sneezes or even speaks,       is the age distribution of the population,     followed. On the other hand, when the NPIs
      using insights from the analysis of cumulus         specifically the age distribution of the       are slightly relaxed, the case load could
      cloud evolution.                                    infected people, which largely determines      reduce only by 37%, and when there are
                                                          the preparedness required from healthcare      no interventions at all, by 13.5%. “[This
      Over the past few months, the team has              systems. It also includes parameters such      model] can help policy makers determine the
      performed simulations on the SahasraT (CRAY         as rate of testing, the loss of protective     level of non-pharmaceutical interventions
      XC40) supercomputer to examine COVID-19             antibodies over time, and extent of            needed to not overburden the healthcare
      transmission through transport of aerosols,         interaction between individuals. The model     system and come up with good strategies to
      which are tiny droplets that largely follow         then uses this information to predict the      prioritise vaccination across districts,” says
      the air flow generated during speaking and          disease spread and its severity. Crucially,    Sundaresan.
      can remain suspended in the air for hours           the model predicts how cases will rise or
      even after the speech flow has died out. For        fall under different scenarios, such as no     But with any model, there are several
      instance, their simulations show that when          lockdown, complete lockdown, night or          challenges. A pandemic like COVID-19 is
      two people of the same height are engaged           weekend curfew in some areas and so on.        laden with uncertainties, partly driven
      in a short conversation, the jets coming out        This capability is important for science-      by new variants and mutants. Any model
      of their mouths face mutual opposition after        informed, data-driven policymaking. “The       should try to include the many underlying
      travelling a certain distance, and therefore only   projections are good for the next 4-6 weeks,   uncertainties at every step, points out
      a small fraction of aerosols released by one        and once every 4-6 weeks, we update the        Vishwesha Guttal, Associate Professor at
      person reaches the other person’s face. This        parameters, introduce new scenarios and        the Centre for Ecological Sciences. He also
      considerably lowers the risk of infection. But if   evaluate our model’s performance since the     says that incorporating the most recent data
      there is a certain height difference between the    last update,” says Subramani.                  on disease spread, infectivity rates, target
      two people, the speech jets can slide over each                                                    population, and so on, as well as genomic
      other and reach the other person more easily,       Ganesan adds that they have discussed and      surveillance data – which could hint at the
      and therefore carry a higher risk.                  shared their projections with authorities      emergence of a new strain or variant – are
                                                          involved in COVID-19 management at both        crucial.
      Another way of decreasing risk of transmission,     the local and national level.
      the team found, is lateral separation, where                                                       The time frame is also important, he says.
      two individuals are not directly face-to-face.      Yet another recently developed model           “One must avoid long-term projections
      “[Tilting the] head away by about nine degrees      provides suggestions on how to manage          because, at the end of the day, there are
      can ensure that even when you’re not wearing        vaccination strategies. Led by Rajesh          many aspects of infectious diseases that are
      a mask, you are generally at a lower risk of        Sundaresan from the Department of              dependent on human behaviour, which in
      infection than when you are looking directly        Electrical Communication Engineering, in       turn can be affected by policies.”
      in each other’s faces, especially when you are      collaboration with the Indian Statistical
      separated by a distance shorter than six feet,”     Institute and University of Virginia,          - Sangeetha Devi Kumar

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KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Image: Pavan Nukala


       A new study by an international team            But in 2011, scientists showed that          (as the device is made smaller), oxygen
       of researchers, including those from            hafnia-based oxides could exhibit            conduction became more robust. These
       IISc, reveals how an unusual form of            ferroelectricity even when they are          findings were also confirmed by X-ray
       ferroelectricity arises in certain nano-sized   nano-sized, and that this ferroelectricity   diffraction studies carried out in Sweden.
       materials. The team includes Pavan Nukala,      in fact grows stronger as the material
       Assistant Professor at the Centre for Nano      size gets smaller, opening up numerous       Oxygen migration occurs due to imperfections
       Science and Engineering (CeNSE), IISc,          opportunities for microelectronics.          or “vacancies” in the crystal structure,
       and former Marie Curie Research Fellow at       However, it wasn’t clear how                 explains Nukala. “These structural defects are
       the University of Groningen, Netherlands –      ferroelectricity happens in these nano-      the key to the ferroelectric behaviour, and in
       where a large part of the work was carried      sized materials. Some scientists have        general give novel functions to materials.”
       out – as well as Tuhin Chakrabortty, PhD        proposed compelling theories about why
       student at CeNSE.                               and how these materials switch, but they     Directly imaging the dynamics of light
                                                       have not been experimentally proven so       elements using electron microscopy has not
       Using state-of-the-art atomic resolution        far.                                         been attempted until recently. Among the
       microscopy, the researchers show                                                             many challenges was fabricating electron
       experimentally for the first time how           Nukala and colleagues used an advanced       microscope-compatible capacitors made
       ferroelectricity emerges in materials called    electron microscopy technique that had       of hafnia. The task of designing these was
       hafnia-based oxides. It arises from the         recently been developed and earlier used     successfully led by Nukala, who believes that
       displacement and reversible movement of         by a research team at the University of      the protocols they have developed could help
       negatively charged oxygen atoms when an         Groningen to visualise a hydrogen atom,      researchers perform similar experiments on
       electric field is applied. Such materials are   the lightest chemical element. In the new    other materials.
       useful for low-power memory applications,       study, they imaged thin films of hafnium-
       according to Nukala, who is one of the          zirconium oxide sandwiched between           Another challenge was accurate statistical
       corresponding authors of the study published    two electrodes. They were also able to       analysis of the microscopy data. Nukala’s
       in Science. “Hafnia-based ferroelectric         track the movement of atoms, including       student Chakrabortty, who has been working
       memory devices are already in production,       oxygen, in real time when an electric        on statistical inference in biological systems,
       even though the mechanism behind their          field was applied.                           used image processing tools to establish that
       behaviour was not known,” he says.                                                           the reversible oxygen migration is indeed
                                                       The researchers found that charged           statistically significant.
       Like magnets, ferroelectric materials show      oxygen atoms move from one electrode
       spontaneous polarisation – the separation       to another with the hafnia layer acting      The insights offered by the study open up
       of positive and negative charges – which can    as a conduit. When the electric field        new avenues for designing oxygen-conducting
       be reversed or switched using an electric       was reversed, the direction of migration     ferroelectric materials that could be used for
       field. However, they are generally unsuitable   was also reversed. It was this migration     miniature memory and logic devices.
       for miniaturisation because they lose their     that contributed significantly to the
       ferroelectric properties when the crystal is    material’s ferroelectricity, they found.
       made smaller than a particular size.            When the conduit size was reduced            - Ranjini Raghunath

                                                                                                                                KERNEL | ISSUE 6, 2021 | Pg 3
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Tracking the Thatcher effect in deep networks trained on objects vs trained on faces (Image: Adapted from Jacob et al./Nature Communications)

                                DO DEEP NETWORKS “SEE”
                                  AS WELL AS HUMANS?

       A new study from the Centre for                attempted to understand which visual                                     Similarly, when presented with an image
       Neuroscience (CNS) at IISc explores how        tasks can be performed by these networks                                 of a face, humans first look at the face as
       well deep neural networks compare to           naturally by virtue of their architecture,                               a whole, and then focus on finer details
       the human brain when it comes to visual        and which require further training.                                      like the eyes, nose, mouth and so on,
       perception.                                                                                                             explains Georgin Jacob, first author and
                                                      The team tested 13 different perceptual                                  PhD student at CNS. “Surprisingly, neural
       Deep neural networks are machine               effects on the deep networks. An example                                 networks showed a local advantage,” he
       learning systems inspired by the network       is the Thatcher effect, a phenomenon where                               says. This means that unlike the brain, the
       of brain cells or neurons in the human         humans find it easier to recognise local                                 networks focus on the finer details of an
       brain, which can be trained to perform         feature changes in an upright image, but                                 image first. Therefore, even though these
       specific tasks. These networks have            more challenging when the image is flipped                               neural networks and the human brain
       played a pivotal role in helping scientists    upside-down. Deep networks trained to                                    carry out the same object recognition
       understand how our brains perceive             recognise upright faces showed a Thatcher                                tasks, the steps followed by the two are
       the things that we see. Although deep          effect when compared with networks                                       very different.
       networks have evolved significantly over       trained to recognise objects. Another
       the past decade, they are still nowhere        visual property of the human brain, called                               “Lots of studies have been showing
       close to performing as well as the human       mirror confusion, was tested on these                                    similarities between deep networks and
       brain in perceiving visual cues. In a recent   networks. To humans, mirror reflections                                  brains, but no one has really looked at
       study, SP Arun, Associate Professor at         along the vertical axis appear more similar                              systematic differences,” says Arun, who is
       CNS, and his team have compared various        than those along the horizontal axis. The                                the senior author of the study. Identifying
       qualitative properties of these deep           researchers found that deep networks                                     these differences can push us closer to
       networks with those of the human brain.        also show stronger mirror confusion for                                  making these networks more brain-like.
                                                      vertically-reflected images as compared to
       Deep networks, although a good model           horizontally-reflected images.                                           Such analyses can also help researchers
       for understanding how the human brain                                                                                   build more robust neural networks that
       visualises objects, work differently from      Another feature peculiar to the human                                    not only perform better but are also
       the latter. While complex computation          brain is that it first focuses on coarser                                immune to adversarial attacks that aim to
       is trivial for them, certain tasks that        details. This is known as the global                                     derail them.
       are relatively easy for humans can be          advantage effect. For example, when we
       difficult for these networks to complete.      are shown an image of a tree, our brains                                 - Sangeetha Devi Kumar
       In the current study, published in Nature      would first see the tree as a whole before
       Communications, Arun and his team              noticing the details of the leaves in it.

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KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Image: Santanu Mukherjee

                             NOVEL SYNTHESIS OF DIFFICULT-TO-MAKE
                                     INDOLE DERIVATIVES
       Indoles and compounds derived from                    two distinct forms whose 3D structures          Fischer indolization. Computational studies
       indoles are found in many natural                     are non-superimposable mirror images of         through Density Functional Theory (DFT)
       substances. These compounds have                      each other, called enantiomers. Often, only     calculations, led by Garima Jindal, helped
       extensive applications in pharmaceuticals             one enantiomer is biologically relevant,        in shedding light on the mechanism of this
       and agrochemicals.                                    but it is extremely difficult to selectively    reaction.
                                                             synthesise just one of them individually in
       A research team from the Department                   the lab – most existing methods produce a       Using this method, the team synthesised
       of Organic Chemistry led by Santanu                   mixture of both.                                a range of enantioenriched cyclopenta[b]
       Mukherjee has now developed an efficient                                                              indolones which are challenging to make.
       method to synthesise cyclopenta[b]                    The IISc team has overcome this hurdle          Their method, therefore, increases the
       indolones – an important class of indole              using a catalyst which is also chiral in        scope of making indole derivatives.
       derivatives. These molecules are ‘chiral’             nature, and by carrying out a modified
       in nature which means they can exist in               version of a century-old reaction called        - Sritama Bose

Image: Kaling Danggen, Shivangi Mishra and Varsha Singh

                                                          USING ROUNDWORMS TO
                                                           STUDY SKIN DISEASES
         Collagen proteins in our skin play an                 skin responds to environmental toxins.        were found to be more susceptible to
         important role in preventing environmental            Throughout its lifetime, it produces 177      herbicides and deworming drugs like
         toxins from entering our body. Defects in             different types of collagens and some         ivermectin. The loss of four out of the six
         this collagen barrier can cause several               of these are important for maintaining        crucial proteins led to physical changes
         diseases like Gaucher’s disease, atopic               its skin shape and structure. But little is   in the skin structure, making it look
         dermatitis and psoriasis.                             known about the function of a majority of     discontinuous and wrinkled under a high
                                                               these 177 proteins.                           resolution electron microscope. They
         A new study from Varsha Singh’s lab at the                                                          also found that when skin permeability
         Department of Molecular Reproduction,                 In the study, the researchers found that at   was compromised, it led to increased
         Development and Genetics proposes                     least six of these proteins are responsible   accumulation of toxins, greater tissue
         that Caenorhabditis elegans, a soil-                  for determining what can pass through         damage and accelerated death.
         dwelling roundworm, may be used as a                  the skin. Genetically modified worms
         model organism to understand how our                  lacking even one of these proteins            - Debayan Dasgupta

                                                                                                                                       KERNEL | ISSUE 6, 2021 | Pg 5
KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Photo: Roshan R Rao

                                TRADITIONAL DWELLINGS ARE BETTER
                                   SUITED FOR CHANGING CLIMATE
       Many people have gradually shifted             loggers, they recorded temperatures inside       climatic zone, traditional dwellings were
       from traditional houses – which rely           the houses every 30 minutes for almost a         warmer indoors, making them more
       on locally available building materials        year, and built a mathematical model to          suitable for residence. In the warm-humid
       and knowledge – to modern dwellings,           predict how indoor temperatures would            and temperate climatic zones, modern
       even in rural areas. Khadeeja Henna,           be in the future. The team then simulated        houses had relatively higher indoor
       Aysha Saifudeen and Monto Mani from            three future global warming scenarios with       temperatures. This would make them more
       the Centre for Sustainable Technologies        different levels of greenhouse gas emissions,    dependent on artificial air conditioning,
       recently studied which of the two were         and estimated how the houses fared.              fuelling global warming further. The study
       more resilient to climate change.                                                               suggests that traditional dwellings have
                                                      In all three climates, traditional houses        design solutions that can help adapt
       They evaluated houses in three different       – such as ones with timber walls or slate        better to climate change.
       Indian villages that had temperate,            roofing – were less affected by climate
       warm-humid and cold climates. Using data       change than modern houses. In the cold           - Joel P Joseph

                                                                                                                           Image: Ishika Pramanick and Nayanika Sengupta

                             SARS-CoV-2 SPIKE PROTEIN
       The SARS-CoV-2 S proteins, which appear          infects the host cells – remains poorly       conformation at physiological pH 7.4, but
       as crown-like spikes on the viral surface,       understood.                                   their proportion decreases when the pH
       mediate the entry of the virus into the                                                        is slightly higher or lower.
       host cell. They are also the site where          Researchers in the Molecular
       neutralising antibodies produced by the          Biophysics Unit led by Somnath Dutta          They also detected many intermediate
       host cells bind to the virus to inactivate       have now successfully visualised the          conformations between fully open and
       it. Understanding the protein’s detailed         different conformations or forms of the       closed, and showed that distinct states
       structure is therefore important.                S protein at physiological pH (7.4) and       of both conformations have different
                                                        near physiological pH (6.5 and 8.0)           binding affinities towards neutralising
       Most previous studies on the S protein           using a technique called single-particle      antibodies.
       structure have been carried out either at pH     cryo-electron microscopy.
       8.0 or pH 4.0 to pH 5.0. But the structure                                                     - Sritama Bose
       of the S protein at physiologically relevant     The team observed that around
       conditions – at which the virus actually         68% of the S proteins exist in open

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KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
Photo courtesy: Sanjiv Sambandan

                                   WHEN ELECTRONICS
                                   FLEXES ITS MUSCLES

         During Sanjiv Sambandan’s undergraduate          on such flexible substrates hold enormous       questions led to the genesis of
         days as an electrical engineering student        promise: they have the potential to enable, a startup that
         at IIT Kharagpur, he was introduced to the       futuristic devices with rollable displays,      specialises in treating wastewater.
         world of flexible electronics, especially        e-paper, smart wearable sensors and             It employs a technology that builds
         the work being done at the University            transparent Radio-frequency ID tags.            on electrocoagulation, a well-known
         of Waterloo in Canada, where he would                                                            technique used to treat waste suspended
         eventually pursue his PhD. His research was      In the quest for flexible electronic systems,   in water. Electrocoagulation involves
         on flexible electronics on plastic substrates,   Sanjiv’s lab tries to take advantage of the     changing the particle surface charge,
         an idea that he thought was “very cool.”         impact of geometrical, mechanical and           causing the suspended particles
         Following his doctoral studies, he worked at     electrical stresses on thin film devices, a     to agglomerate, which can then be
         Xerox PARC in California, where he explored      phenomenon that other engineers usually         separated. Using insights from this
         a diverse range of research, paving the way      regard as a problem in flexible systems.        research, Sanjiv’s lab came up with
         for a genuinely interdisciplinary academic       He and his team have been exploring             a cost-effective process of enhancing
         career.                                          how this handicap can be turned into an         electrocoagulation, ensuring that
                                                          advantage. In this process, they have           agglomerates are formed more
         In 2010, he decided to return to academia        invented devices and circuit techniques for     aggressively and at lower power.
         and applied for a faculty position at IISc.      flexible electronics, including the adaptive
         “At some point, the academic bug begins          dielectric thin film transistor, corrugated     Since 2017,, supported by
         to bite,” recalls Sanjiv, who got the job and    thin-film transistor and self-compensating      grants from the Government of India’s
         returned to his hometown, Bangalore, as          circuits.                                       Department of Biotechnology, has been
         an Assistant Professor in the Department of                                                      able to build systems that treat up to
         Instrumentation and Applied Physics (IAP).       Another aspect of Sanjiv’s lab involves         10,000 L of wastewater per day. The
                                                          interdisciplinary research that studies the     startup is currently involved in several
         Sanjiv’s IAP lab attempts to solve               behaviour of dispersions in electric fields,    government projects and has plans to
         fundamental problems of flexible                 biodegradable electronic materials and so       set up several groundwater, industrial
         electronics and semiconductor physics.           on. This research has led to innovations        discharge and grey water treatment
         His group uses this research to build thin-      such as self-healing circuits and self-         plants across the country, including one
         film transistor-based integrated systems.        assembled sensors and actuators. Such           at Mavallipura that can generate 25,000
         Flexible electronics does not use wafers         interdisciplinary research has also led to      L of potable water per day. Although
         like silicon or gallium arsenide, commonly       technology translation. A shining testament is working exclusively
         employed in conventional electronics.            to this is the lab spinoff that aims to treat   with the government, several apartment
         Instead, the main focus here is to make          wastewater.                                     complexes have also sought the help of
         thin-film transistors by depositing a layer                                                      the startup to treat their grey water.
         of patterned semiconductor on flexible           One of Sanjiv’s students, Aswathi Nair,
         materials like textiles and plastics that can    explored how dispersions behave in an           Sanjiv’s research on flexible electronics
         bend and fold. Electronic circuits printed       electric field for her MTech thesis. These      has also received widespread attention,

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Waste water treatment unit developed by Openwater (Photo courtesy:

     particularly his recent work on developing       Another fascinating foray for Sanjiv’s lab has    Sanjiv, now Associate Professor, is delighted
     “self-healing” circuits. In flexible             been in, believe it or not, edible electronics.   with what he has achieved as a researcher
     materials, stretching causes circuits            Edible electronics uses benign, and often         at IISc. “I have been an electrical engineer
     to break, thus reducing the lifespan of          food-grade, materials like sugar, proteins        doing interdisciplinary work. All of it has
     wearable electronics. To help address the        and silver thin films to form circuits. His       been encouraged and taken positively here.”
     problem, he mooted the idea of electronic        team aims to use this technology to make
     circuits which repair themselves. The            edible pills that can perform diagnostic tests    A decade-long career as a researcher at IISc
     self-healing mechanism kicks in to repair        to yield a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer, without        has also seen Sanjiv mentor several students
     open circuit faults by using dispersions of      supervision from a doctor. Sanjiv believes        from all over India. Based on his experience
     oil and metallic microparticles smeared          that this will serve a niche area of diagnosis    as a mentor, he has a message for those just
     over connections between various                 between traditional invasive tests that need      starting their research careers: “Explore a
     circuit elements. If a fault occurs in the       a doctor’s precious time and wearable fitness     lot. Do not restrict yourselves. Be creative
     connections in the circuit, the electric field   gadgets that are often inaccurate in their        like a child.” He also urges students to go
     polarises the metallic particles and forces      diagnosis. However, the challenge for his         back to the basics of their subject of interest.
     them to bridge the gap. The particles are        lab in the coming years will be to integrate      “Focus strongly on the fundamentals.”
     fixed in place by sintering once the flow of     sub-systems and make these pills safe for
     current is restored.                             humans to ingest.                                 - Debayan Dasgupta

                                                                                                                                 Self healing circuits (Image courtesy: Sanjiv Sambandan)

       Office of Communications (OoC)                                                         EDITORIAL TEAM                                     DESIGN
       Indian Institute of Science (IISc)                                                     Deepika S                                
                                                                                              Karthik Ramaswamy
       Bengaluru - 560012
                                                                                              Narmada Khare                                                                  Ranjini Raghunath (Coordinator)                                                             Samira Agnihotri

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KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc KERNEL Issue 6, 2021 - IISc
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