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Ketogenic Therapy in Serious Mental Illness: Emerging Evidence - Oxford ...
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (2020) 23(7): 434–439

                                                                             Advance Access Publication: 23 June 2020

Ketogenic Therapy in Serious Mental Illness:

                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 22 September 2020
Emerging Evidence
Zoltán Sarnyai, Christopher M. Palmer
Laboratory of Psychiatric Neuroscience, Centre for Molecular Therapeutics, Australian Institute of Tropical
Health and Medicine (Dr Sarnyai), and College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Science (Dr Sarnyai),
James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; Department of Postgraduate and Continuing
Education, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, Massachusetts (Dr Palmer).
Correspondence: Christopher M. Palmer, MD, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478 (

Key Words: Ketogenic therapy, psychosis, preclinical, case studies

We have read the recent review article on the potential appli-               et al., 2012), pharmacological inhibition of the NMDA-type glu-
cation of induced ketosis in psychiatry by Morris et al. (Morris             tamate receptors by dizocilpine (MK-810) was used to induce a
et al., 2020) with great interest and shared enthusiasm. It is quite         behavioral profile in rodents that captures a wide spectrum of
encouraging to see that others are recognizing the exciting po-              the schizophrenia-like phenotype (Neill et al., 2014; Cadinu et al.,
tential of the ketogenic diet and other ketogenic therapies in               2018). A high-fat, very low–carbohydrate ketogenic diet was pro-
the treatment of serious mental disorders. As with all research,             vided for 3 weeks, which resulted in metabolic features, such as
however, it is important to be aware of what existing evidence               elevated beta-hydroxybutyrate and decreased glucose levels in
is already accumulated. This is particularly pertinent as such               the plasma and decreased body weight, that correspond with
published evidence further strengthens the case for induced ke-              nutritional ketosis (Kraeuter et al., 2015). The ketogenic diet pre-
tosis in psychiatry proposed as “food for thought” (Morris et al.,           vented the schizophrenia-like abnormal behaviors induced by
2020). In this Commentary, we aim to fill this gap by providing a            acute MK-801 administration, including hyperactivity, stereo-
brief overview of the published preclinical and clinical evidence            typed behavior, decreased sociability, working memory def-
that clearly supports the advancement of ketogenic therapies                 icit, and impaired pre-pulse inhibition of startle in male mice
in a variety of psychiatric disorders, especially in psychosis               (Kraeuter et al., 2015, 2019c). Further evidence has been provided
(Figure 1).                                                                  by the use of the DBA/2 mice, an inbred mouse strain, that have
    The ketogenic diet is typically a high-fat, moderate-protein,            been proposed to exhibit a variety of behavioral and metabolic
and very low–carbohydrate diet. Ratios of fats to protein and                features that resemble those of schizophrenia (Olivier et al., 2001;
carbohydrate are sometimes prescribed, typically in a 3:1 or 4:1             Sarnyai et al., 2015). The effect of ketogenic diet was investigated
ratio. This results in 3 or 4 g of fat being consumed for every 1 g          on hippocampal P20/N40 gating in DBA/2 mice, a translational
of carbohydrate or protein. Exogenous ketone supplements are                 endophenotype that mirrors inhibitory deficits in P50 sensory
also being studied to determine if these can mimic some of the               gating in schizophrenia patients (Tregellas et al., 2015). Animals
effects of the ketogenic diet without requiring strict adherence             with the highest blood ketone levels showed the lowest P20/
to the diet.                                                                 N40 gating ratios, indicating that a ketogenic diet normalizes
    Although preclinical animal models are unable to capture the             sensory gating deficits (Tregellas et al., 2015), which are concep-
full pathophysiology and symptomatology of psychotic disorders,              tualized as fundamental in the development of hallucinatory
converging evidence from pharmacological and genetic models                  episodes in persons with schizophrenia (Javitt and Freedman,
have provided proof-of-concept level results supporting the po-              2015). Furthermore, it was recently shown that the therapeutic
tential therapeutic utility of ketogenic diet (Table 1). Taking ad-          effects of a ketogenic diet in the context of the NMDA-receptor
vantage of the leading mechanistic hypothesis of schizophrenia,              hypofunction model can be generalized to female mice, and they
the NMDA receptor hypofunction (Jentsch and Roth, 1999; Coyle                are similar but nonadditive to the effect of olanzapine (Kraeuter

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Sarnyai and Palmer      | 435

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Figure 1. Development of the use of ketogenic therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia: timeline.

Table 1. Preclinical Studies on the Effects of KD on Animal Models of Schizophrenia

Reference (author and                                                               Schizophrenia-like
journal)                      Animals            Model                              behaviors/endophenotype      Findings

Kraeuter et al., 2015         C57Bl/6 mice       Std and KDa (3 wk)         Locomotor hyperactivity     KD prevented MK-801–induced
  Schizophrenia Res.            (males)          MK-801–induced (0.1, 0.2,  Stereotyped behaviors         behavioral abnormalities
                                                   and 0.4 mg/kg)           Ataxia
                                                   hypo-glutamatergic       Decreased sociability
                                                   state                    Spatial working-memory
Tregellas et al., 2015        DBA/2 mice         KDb only                   Hippocampal P20/N40 gating Animals with highest blood ketone
  Schizophrenia Res.                             Auditory gating deficit in   in DBA/2 mice               levels showed lowest P20/N40 gating
                                                   DBA/2 mice                                             ratios
Kraeuter et al., 2019c        C57Bl/6 mice       Std and KDa (7 wk)         Sensorimotor gating deficit KD prevented MK-801–induced
  Schizophrenia Res.            (males)          MK-801–induced (0.25 mg/     (prepulse inhibition of     sensorimotor gating deficit
                                                   kg) hypo-glutamatergic     startle)                    (independent of decreased caloric
                                                   state                                                  intake related to KD)
Kraeuter et al., 2019b        C57Bl/6 mice       SD and KDa (6 mo)          Sensorimotor gating deficit Long-term KD and chronic olanzapine
  Schizophrenia Res.            (females)        Olanzapine (2 mg/kg, 8 wk)   (prepulse inhibition of     prevented MK-801–induced
                                                 MK-801–induced (0.25 mg/     startle)                    sensorimotor gating deficit in female
                                                   kg) hypo-glutamatergic                                 mice
                                                   state                                                No interaction between KD and
Kraeuter et al., 2020         C57Bl/6 mice       BHB (3 wk)                 Sensorimotor gating deficit BHB prevented MK-801–induced
  Psychopharmacology            (males)          MK-801–induced (0.25 mg/     (prepulse inhibition of     sensorimotor gating deficit
                                                   kg) hypo-glutamatergic     startle)

Abbreviations: BHB, beta-hydroxybutyrate; KD, ketogenic diet; Std, standard diet.
  Ketogenic diet composition: carbohydrates: 9.4%, protein: 9.5%, fat: 77.6%.
  KD composition: carbohydrates: 0.6%, protein: 22.4%, fat: 77%.

et al., 2019b) and can be mimicked by chronic administration                             The first suggestive clinical evidence for the potential efficacy
of the main circulating ketone body, beta-hydroxybutyrate                            of the ketogenic diet in psychotic disorders emerged 55 years
(Kraeuter et al., 2020). The above strong, converging evidence for                   ago in a small, open-label, uncontrolled trial in 10 women hos-
the efficacy of ketogenic therapies from pharmacological and                         pitalized with schizophrenia. The ketogenic diet was added to
genetic animal models paves the way for the introduction of this                     their existing treatment for 4 weeks. The researchers reported
nutritional/metabolic approach to the clinical management of                         a significant decrease in symptoms after 2 weeks on the diet
psychiatric disorders (Kraeuter et al., 2019a; Palmer, 2019a).                       (Pacheco et al., 1965).
Table 2. Summary of Case Studies With KD in Schizophrenia


         Gender and                         psychiatric                                                                   Psychiatric

Case     age            Primary diagnosis   diagnoses        Medication                    KD                             symptoms (PANSS)     Metabolic features        Comments

Case     Male, 33 y     Schizoaffective     ADHD, MDD        History:                     Coffee with MCT oil and      Before KD:              Before KD:                Completed
  #1                      disorder                           methylphenidate,               butter (“bulletproof       Total = 98              146 kg                      certification course,
  (63)                                                         amphetamine salts,           coffee”), eggs, meat, fish,Positive = 27           After KD:                   successfully
                                                               dextroamphetamine,         poultry, spinach, kale, and  Negative = 25           98.9 kg                     participates in
                                                               bupropion, sertraline,       olive oil for 3 wk; ketosisGeneral = 46            [Weight loss of 47.2 kg     online college
                                                               paroxetine, buspirone,       measured by urine strips   After KD:                 after 1 y]                program, has
                                                               lamotrigine, lorazepam,                                 Total = 49                                          friends, began
                                                               clonazepam,                                             Positive = 13                                       dating, lives
                                                               gabapentin, haloperidol,                                Negative = 8                                        independently
                                                               perphenazine,                                           General = 28
                                                               aripiprazole, olanzapine,                               Symptoms worsened
                                                               quetiapine, and clozapine;                                within 1–2 d after
                                                               lack of symptom control                                   breaking KD
Case     Female, 31 y Schizoaffective       MDD, anorexia    History:                     Coffee, eggs, poultry, and   Before KD:              Weight loss of 13.6 kg    Symptom control
  #2                    disorder             nervosa         sertraline, bupropion,         lettuce for 4 mo           Total = 107              after 4 mo                 on previously
  (63)                                                         amphetamine salts,                                      Positive = 24                                       insufficient dose of
                                                               lorazepam, lamotrigine,                                 Negative = 29                                       aripiprazole
                                                               divalproex, topiramate,                                 General = 54
                                                                                                                                                                                                   International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020

                                                               risperidone, aripiprazole,                              After KD:
                                                               quetiapine, olanzapine,                                 Total = 70
                                                               and clozapine;                                          Positive = 15
                                                             23 ECT; lack of symptom                                   Negative = 18
                                                               control                                                 General = 38
                                                                                                                       Severe paranoia and
                                                                                                                         delusion after
                                                                                                                         breaking KD but
                                                                                                                         improvement after a
                                                                                                                         3-d fast
Case     Female, 22     Schizophrenia       None             For 5 mo before study:        3:1 ratio KD plan set to    Before KD:              Before KD:                Blood clinical
  #3       y (twin of     (diagnosed at                      clozapine (300 mg),              standard 2000 kcal/d     Total = 101             BMI = 21.3 kg/m2            analysis remained
  (64)     case #4)       age 14)                              risperidone (6 mg),            and mainly consisted of  Positive = 28           Body fat = 24.5%            unremarkable after
                                                             clonazepam (3 mg), and           avocado, olive           Negative = 16           After KD:                   KD
                                                             biperiden (6 mg)              oil, butter, eggs, cheese,  General = 57            BMI = 19.8 kg/m2
                                                                                              meat, spinach, and       After KD:               Body fat = 19.8%
                                                                                              broccoli; for 15 d       Total = 91
                                                                                           Ketosis determined by daily Positive = 26
                                                                                              urine analysis           Negative = 15
                                                                                                                       General = 50

                                            Downloaded from by guest on 22 September 2020
Table 2. Continued

          Gender and                               psychiatric                                                                               Psychiatric
Case      age             Primary diagnosis        diagnoses            Medication                         KD                                symptoms (PANSS)             Metabolic features           Comments

Case #4 Male, 22 y        Schizophrenia            None                 For 23 mo before study:            Same as case #3                   Before KD:                  Before KD:                    Blood clinical
  (64)   (twin of           (diagnosed at                               levomepromazine (150                                                 Total = 82                  BMI = 25.1 kg/m2                analysis remained
         case #4)           age 18)                                       mg), quetiapine (100 mg),                                          Positive = 19               Body fat = 21.7%                unremarkable after
                                                                          valproic acid (1000                                                Negative = 18               After KD:                       KD
                                                                        mg), biperiden (6 mg), and                                           General = 45                BMI = 22.9 kg/m2
                                                                          risperidone (4 mg)                                                 After KD:                   Body fat = 16.8%
                                                                                                                                             Total = 75
                                                                                                                                             Positive = 16
                                                                                                                                             Negative = 17
                                                                                                                                             General = 42
Case #5 Female, 82 y Schizophrenia                 None                 Before start of KD in              Patient-directed KD               Before KD:                  Before KD:                    Regained her
  (65)    (same as     (diagnosed at                                      2008: haldol-decanoate,            initiated in 2008,              Chronic paranoia,           150 kg                          independence,
          in Ref. 62)  age 17)                                            risperidone, atenolol,             maintains KD until today          disorganized              After KD:                       no longer need a
                                                                          furosemide, trazodone,                                               speech, and both          82 kg                           guardian
                                                                          and sertraline                                                       visual and auditory       [Weight loss of 68 kg]
                                                                        [Before 2008: lithium,                                                 hallucinations,
                                                                          olanzapine, ziprasidone,                                             suicide attempts
                                                                          aripiprazole, lamotrigine,                                         After KD:
                                                                          quetiapine, haloperidol,                                           Marked reduction
                                                                          perphenazine, and                                                    in psychotic
                                                                          risperidone]                                                         symptoms;
                                                                                                                                               stopped taking
                                                                                                                                               all medication,
                                                                                                                                               and paranoia
                                                                                                                                               remitted completely,
                                                                                                                                               improved mood, no
                                                                                                                                               suicidal ideations
Case #6 Female, 39 y Schizophrenia                 MDD, anxiety,        Haloperidol, clozapine,            KD started in 2003 by             Remained free               Weight loss of 32 kg,  Finished graduate
  (65)                 (hallucinations              anorexia              ziprasidone, risperidone,         functional medicine                of psychotic               anorexia exacerbated,   school and works
                       and paranoia                 nervosa               quetiapine, aripiprazole,         practitioner for                   symptoms for past          regained 13.6 kg,       full time
                       started at age                                     olanzapine, sertraline,           symptoms of chronic                5 y off antipsychotic      currently at normal
                       14; diagnosed at                                   paroxetine, citalopram,           gastrointestinal distress          medications                body weight
                       age 24)                                            fluoxetine, duloxetine,
                                                                          and venlafaxine

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ECT, electroconvulsive therapy; KD, ketogenic diet; MCT, medium chain triglyceride; MDD, major depressive disorder; PANSS, Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale.
Summary of case studies with ketogenic diet in schizophrenia. Reprinted with permission by Wolters Kluwer from Sarnyai et al., 2019.
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    In 2009, a 70-year-old woman with chronic schizophrenia            demonstrate the efficacy as well as the safety of this proposed
since her teens was reported to have improved significantly after      novel treatment approach.
starting a ketogenic diet for weight loss (Kraft and Westman,
2009). Within 8 days of starting the diet, she reported no hallu-
cinations and improved energy. After 1 year, she lost 5 kg and
remained free of hallucinations.                                       None.
    More rigorous and longer term case studies have been con-
ducted (Table 2) in different populations by one of us (C.M.P.) and
have provided encouraging results both in terms of symptom
                                                                       Statement of Interest
control and safety/tolerability (Palmer, 2017, 2019b; Gilbert-         None.
Jaramillo et al., 2018), which we summarized recently (Sarnyai
et al., 2019).
    In the first case studies (Palmer, 2017), 2 patients with          References
longstanding, treatment-resistant schizoaffective disorder             Ben-Shachar D (2017) Mitochondrial multifaceted dysfunction

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started the ketogenic diet for weight loss. Within 2 months of            in schizophrenia; complex I as a possible pathological target.
starting the diet, both patients experienced significant reduc-           Schizophr Res 187:3–10.
tions in psychotic symptoms as measured by the Positive and            Cadinu D, Grayson B, Podda G, Harte MK, Doostdar N, Neill JC
Negative Symptom Scale. Both patients either purposely or                 (2018) NMDA receptor antagonist rodent models for cognition
inadvertently stopped the ketogenic diet, and their psychotic             in schizophrenia and identification of novel drug treatments,
symptoms returned quickly. When they resumed the diet, the                an update. Neuropharmacology 142:41–62.
symptoms abated again, suggesting an “on/off” effect of this           Coyle JT, Basu A, Benneyworth M, Balu D, Konopaske G (2012)
dietary intervention similar to a medication. In addition to im-          Glutamatergic synaptic dysregulation in schizophrenia:
provements in psychotic symptoms, both patients lost signifi-             therapeutic implications. Handb Exp Pharmacol 213:267–295.
cant amounts of weight, with one losing 30 pounds in 4 months          Gilbert-Jaramillo J, Vargas-Pico D, Espinosa-Mendoza T, Falk S,
and the other losing 104 pounds over a 1-year period. Given the           Llanos-Fernandez K, Guerrero-Haro J, Orellana-Roman C,
high rates of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and pre-         Poveda-Loor C, Valdevila-Figueira J, Palmer C (2018) The ef-
mature death in people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective             fects of the ketogenic diet on psychiatric symptomatology,
disorder (Olfson et al., 2015), these weight loss effects add to the      weight and metabolic dysfunction in schizophrenia patients.
therapeutic value of the ketogenic diet.                                  Clin Nutr Metab 1: doi:10.15761/CNM.1000105.
    Two additional case studies (Palmer et al, 2019b) highlight        Javitt DC, Freedman R (2015) Sensory processing dysfunction in
the long-term potential of the ketogenic diet as a sustainable            the personal experience and neuronal machinery of schizo-
treatment that can induce full remission of psychotic symp-               phrenia. Am J Psychiatry 172:17–31.
toms, at least in some people. The first case was a 12-year            Jentsch JD, Roth RH (1999) The neuropsychopharmacology
follow-up of the 70-year-old woman first described by Kraft and           of phencyclidine: from NMDA receptor hypofunction
Westman (Kraft and Westman, 2009). At age 82, this woman                  to    the     dopamine      hypothesis     of   schizophrenia.
who suffered from treatment-resistant schizophrenia for                   Neuropsychopharmacology 20:201–225.
53 years remained alive and well on the ketogenic diet. She was        Kraeuter AK, Loxton H, Lima BC, Rudd D, Sarnyai Z (2015)
off all psychotropic medications for 11 years, including anti-            Ketogenic diet reverses behavioral abnormalities in an
psychotic medications, and remained free of psychotic symp-               acute NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia.
toms. She lost 150 pounds over this 12-year period. Additionally,         Schizophr Res 169:491–493.
she no longer needed a court-appointed guardian or Program of          Kraeuter AK, Guest PC, Sarnyai Z (2019a) The therapeutic po-
Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) team and was thriving                tential of ketogenic diet throughout life: focus on metabolic,
independently. The second case was a 39-year-old woman who                neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Adv
had suffered from treatment-resistant psychotic symptoms for              Exp Med Biol 1178:77–101.
20 years. She started the ketogenic diet at the instruction of         Kraeuter AK, Archambault N, Van Den Buuse M, Sarnyai Z (2019b)
a medical practitioner and, after several months on the diet,             Ketogenic diet and olanzapine treatment alone and in com-
experienced complete remission of her psychotic symptoms.                 bination reduce a pharmacologically-induced prepulse in-
She continued the diet and lost 70 pounds. She was also able              hibition deficit in female mice. Schizophr Res 212:221–224.
to stop antipsychotic medications and remain free of psych-            Kraeuter AK, Van Den Buuse M, Sarnyai Z (2019c) Ketogenic
otic symptoms for 5 years on the ketogenic diet. Her ability to           diet prevents impaired prepulse inhibition of startle in an
function in society has been greatly improved. She completed              acute NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia.
graduate school and now works full time while continuing the              Schizophr Res 206:244–250.
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    These encouraging preclinical data and the emerging evi-              Sarnyai Z (2020) Effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate adminis-
dence from recent case studies certainly support our enthu-               tration on MK-801-induced schizophrenia-like behaviour in
siasm about the application of ketogenic therapies in serious             mice. Psychopharmacology. doi: 10.1007/s00213-020-05467-2.
mental illness, including psychosis (Sarnyai et al., 2019). It         Kraft BD, Westman, EC (2009) Schizophrenia, gluten, and low-
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and the role of the gut microbiome (Olson et al., 2018; Zhu et al.,       orders: food for thought? Int J Neuropsychopharmacol pyaa008.
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However, randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to              Acute and chronic effects of NMDA receptor antagonists in
Sarnyai and Palmer     | 439

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