Hypertension: A discussion of the guidelines - Women's Healthcare

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Hypertension: A discussion of the guidelines - Women's Healthcare
A discussion of the guidelines

By Daria Napierkowski, DNP, APN, RN, CNE,                                           ardiovascular disease (CVD)
and Kimberly Buff Prado, DNP, APN, RN                                               is the leading cause of mor-
                                                                                    tality in the United States
                                                                          and is attributed to 1 in 4 deaths
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association             across all races and ethnicities.1,2 The
Task Force published their clinical practice guidelines on                economic burden for CVD is up to
                                                                          200 billion dollars each year.2 Hyper-
hypertension in 2017. These guidelines hold important implications        tension is linked to cardiovascular
for nurse practitioners as they care for these patients. Definitions of   events and is the leading risk factor
hypertension, as well as related lifestyle changes, pharmacologic         for conditions such as heart failure,
                                                                          myocardial infarction, stroke, and
treatment, and financial implications to access to care, are
                                                                          chronic kidney disease. Prevention
discussed. Differences in treatment modalities for women versus           and effective treatment of hyperten-
men are also reviewed.                                                    sion have a significant impact on the
                                                                          reduction of CVD mortality.
Key words: hypertension, DASH diet, pharmacologic treatment,                 Blood pressure increases with
financial implications                                                    age in men and women, having a
                                                                          similar prevalence of hypertension
                                                                          in both genders as they reach early
                                                                          and middle adulthood. Women are
                                                                          most likely to develop hypertension
                                                                          after the fifth decade of life and have
                                                                          higher rates than men later in life.3,4
                                                                          This condition, however, is not lim-
                                                                          ited to middle and late adulthood.
                                                                          In fact, an estimated 45 million
                                                                          women older than age 20 years have
                                                                          hypertension.4 This has additional
                                                                          importance for reproductive-aged
                                                                          women, considering that 1% to 1.5%
                                                                          of pregnant women present with
                                                                          chronic hypertension that when un-
                                                                          controlled may result in significant
                                                                          maternal, fetal, and neonatal mor-
                                                                          bidity and mortality.5

                                                                          Updated definitions of
                                                                          Hypertension traditionally has
                                                                          been defined as a blood pressure of

36    June 2020       Women’s Healthcare                                             NPWomensHealthcare.com
greater than or equal to 140/90 mm
Hg. In 2017, however, the American         Table 1. Updated definitions of hypertension3
College of Cardiology (ACC) and the
                                           Blood pressure category                  SBP and DBP
American Heart Association (AHA)
jointly issued updated clinical prac-      Normal blood pressure                    SBP < 120 mm Hg and DBP < 80 mm Hg
tice guidelines and changed the            Elevated blood pressure (EBP)            SBP 120–129 mm Hg and DBP < 80 mm Hg
standard definition for hypertension
                                           Stage I hypertension                     SBP 130-139 mm Hg and DBP 80-89 mm Hg
by lowering the blood pressure
parameters. The term “prehyperten-         Stage II hypertension                    SBP < 140 mm Hg and DBP < 90 mm Hg
sion” has also been replaced by ele-        DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
vated blood pressure (EBP), which is
now delineated as a systolic blood
pressure (SBP) of 120 to 129 mm Hg         Table 2. Antihypertensive medication classifications3
and a diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
                                           Medication classification                Examples                     Usual dosage
of less than 80 mm Hg.3 See Table
1 for the updated categories.3 The         Thiazide-type diuretics                  Hydrochlorothiazide          25–50 mg daily
                                                                                    Chlorthalidone               12.5–25 mg daily
ACC and AHA based the decision to
lower blood pressure parameters            ACE inhibitors                           Captopril                    12.5–150 mg twice a day
for the definition of hypertension                                                  Lisinopril                   10–40 mg daily
on the knowledge that earlier treat-       ARB                                      Azilsartan                   40–80 mg daily
ment with lifestyle changes and,                                                    Valsartan                    80–320 mg daily
in some patients, medication can           CCB                                      Amlodipine                   2.5–10 mg daily
reduce complications. Although                                                      Nifedipine LA                30–90 mg daily
the new definition is resulting in a
larger number of individuals being          ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blockers; CCB, calcium channel blocker; LA,
                                            long acting.
diagnosed with hypertension, the
expectation is that more individuals      measurement of blood pressure.                               office measurements may be rec-
can be successfully treated with          Step 1 advises that the patient rests                        ommended to confirm a diagnosis
lifestyle interventions and will not      for 5 minutes in a chair and avoids                          of EBP or hypertension.3 The patient
require antihypertensive medica-          caffeine, smoking, and exercise at                           should be provided with specific
tion. The new guidelines also place       least 30 minutes prior to taking the                         instructions on how to correctly ob-
hypertensive crisis into the catego-      blood pressure.3 Step 2 advises that                         tain an accurate reading. Decisions
ries of hypertensive urgency and hy-      all equipment be calibrated for ac-                          regarding treatment should be based
pertensive emergency. Hypertensive        curacy and that the blood pressure                           on more than two readings in the
urgency is an SBP of greater than         cuff encircle 80% of the arm.3 Step 3                        healthcare provider’s office as well as
180 mm Hg and a DBP of greater            warrants that blood pressure is mea-                         home blood pressure records.
than 120 mm Hg.3 A hypertensive           sured in both arms with the first visit
emergency is a blood pressure of          and the healthcare provider records                          Management
systolic greater than 180 mm Hg           the arm with the higher reading to                           Initial evaluation
and diastolic greater than 120 mm         be used in subsequent visits.3 Step                          The initial evaluation of a patient
Hg with the presence of new, pro-         4 describes the correct technique of                         with newly diagnosed hyperten-
gressive, or worsening target organ       taking blood pressure if using the                           sion has three primary objectives:
damage (TOD).3                            auscultatory method, and step 5 sug-                         identify other CVD risk factors or
                                          gests using an average of more than                          concomitant health conditions that
Proper measurement of                     two readings. Step 6 advises giving                          may define prognosis and guide
blood pressure                            the patient the reading verbally and                         treatment, assess for TOD (eg, eyes,
All staff who measure blood pressure      in writing.3 White coat hypertension                         brain, blood vessels, heart, kidneys),
in the clinical setting should be in-     is a phenomenon in which the blood                           and identify signs/symptoms of po-
structed on and follow proper tech-       pressure in the healthcare provider’s                        tential secondary causes. The initial
nique. The ACC/AHA guidelines out-        office is elevated but is normal when                        evaluation should include a com-
line six essential steps for the proper   taken in another setting. Out-of-                            plete history to assess current health

NPWomensHealthcare.com                                                                             June 2020       Women’s Healthcare                      37
conditions, current health behaviors       follow healthy lifestyle behaviors to    pressure. The DASH diet is rich in
(eg, diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol,     reduce their risk for hypertension. If   vegetables, fruit, whole grains,
drug use), current prescription and        blood pressure is elevated, healthy      low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry,
over-the-counter medications, fam-         lifestyle changes should be recom-       beans, nuts, and vegetable oils. It
ily history for hypertension and CVD,      mended with a re-check of blood          limits foods high in saturated fats
and symptoms of TOD. The physi-            pressure in 3 to 6 months.3 The          such as red meat and full-fat dairy
cal examination needs to include           lifestyle changes recommended are:       products, and in calories such as
height, weight, and body mass index        weight loss if overweight or obese,      sugar-sweetened beverages.7 Other
(BMI).6 Other components of the            following the Dietary Approaches         diets including the Mediterranean
physical examination should focus          to Stop Hypertension (DASH) or           dietary pattern have also been
on evaluation for signs of TOD, other      similar diet, sodium reduction,          shown to decrease blood pressure.3
complications, and indicators of po-       exercise, smoking cessation, and al-     Patients with hypertension can be
tential secondary causes for hyper-        cohol moderation.3,7 The healthcare      instructed about several options in
tension. This includes assessment of       provider can use patient-centered        dietary guidelines to reduce hyper-
the neck for carotid artery bruits and     behavioral change strategies that in-    tension and therefore reduce cardio-
jugular venous distention, heart for       clude motivational interviewing and      vascular mortality risk. Reduction of
abnormal sounds or rhythm, lower           shared decision making to facilitate     sodium should be discussed with an
extremities for edema, and eyes for        success in modifying lifestyle behav-    optimal goal of no more than 1,500
retinal hemorrhages. Basic labo-           iors. Group education/counseling         mg a day but an aim to reduce in-
ratory and diagnostic tests should         can be helpful for some patients. To     take by at least 1,000 mg a day.3 It is
include fasting glucose, complete          promote maintenance of healthy           essential to teach the patient how to
blood count, lipid profile, serum          behaviors and monitor blood pres-        read food labels and to avoid foods
sodium, potassium, and calcium,            sure, the healthcare provider or         high in sodium such as condiments,
creatinine or an estimated glomeru-        appropriate staff should follow up       canned products, and fast food.
lar filtration rate, thyroid stimulating   with the patient on a regular basis      The guidelines also recommend
hormone, urinalysis, and electrocar-       through office visits, phone, elec-      adequate potassium in the diet, as a
diogram.3                                  tronic messaging, and/or telehealth      higher level of potassium appears to
    A referral for further evaluation      technology.                              dull the effect of excess intake of so-
of potential secondary causes is in-                                                dium on blood pressure.8 The DASH
dicated when a patient with newly          Weight loss                              diet and Mediterranean diet include
diagnosed hypertension has an              For the overweight patient (BMI >        intake of foods that are high in po-
abrupt onset, onset at younger than        25) or obese patient (BMI > 30), 1 kg    tassium.3 Referral to a dietician and
age 30 years, disproportionate signs       of weight loss leads to a reduction of   inclusion of family members who
of TOD for severity of the hyperten-       blood pressure of about 1 mm Hg.3        prepare meals can be helpful.
sion, new onset of diastolic hyper-        This makes strategies for weight loss
tension in a patient age 65 years or       a primary goal, with counseling to       Physical activity
older, or severe hypokalemia.3             increase physical activity and reduce    Blood pressure has been shown to
    Common causes of secondary             caloric consumption.3                    be lowered with both low- and
hypertension are: renal parenchy-             Weight should be assessed with        high-intensity exercise, interval and
mal disease, renovascular disease,         each office visit and the importance     continuous training, and isometric
primary aldosteronism, obstructive         of diet and physical activity rein-      exercise.3 Low aerobic capacity is a
sleep apnea, and drug- and alco-           forced. Patients with hypertension       significant risk factor for hypertension
hol-induced hypertension.3                 and a BMI of 35 or greater who are       even among patients with a normal
                                           unable to lose weight with diet and      BMI.9 The goal for physical activity is
Nonpharmacologic lifestyle                 exercise may be candidates for bar-      aerobic exercise, including dynamic
changes                                    iatric surgery.6                         resistance of 90 to 150 minutes per
The ACC/AHA guidelines recom-                                                       week and three sessions a week of
mend lifestyle changes and medica-         DASH diet                                isometric resistance exercises.3 A dis-
tions that lower blood pressure. Pa-       The DASH diet has been recom-            cussion of interventions to promote
tients within normal range (< 120/80       mended since 1992 and is sup-            physical activity should be discussed
mm Hg) should be encouraged to             ported by evidence to lower blood        with each blood pressure check.

38     June 2020          Women’s Healthcare                                                   NPWomensHealthcare.com
Smoking cessation
Prior evidence revealed that blood
                                                The healthcare
                                                             provider can
                                         use patient-centered behavioral
pressure was not always reduced
after smoking cessation, but that
it is known that smoking tobacco
leads to arterial stiffness and possi-        change strategies that include
bly raises central blood pressure.10
Current evidence, however, reveals
that smoking 10 cigarettes a day is
                                             motivational interviewing and
a risk factor for developing hyper-
tension as well as respiratory disease
                                              shared decision making to
and myocardial infarction.10,11 Being
exposed to secondhand smoke for
                                            facilitate success in modifying
longer than 2 hours a day has also
been associated with the develop-
                                                                 lifestyle behaviors.
ment of hypertension in women
who have never smoked.12 Smoking         duction (2–3 mm Hg) of blood pres-         greater systolic and 90 mm Hg or
cessation interventions should be        sure with continuous positive airway       greater diastolic.3 Along with lifestyle
individualized in relation to the pa-    pressure (CPAP).3,15                       changes, two antihypertensive med-
tient’s physical and psychological                                                  ications are recommended from two
dependence and stage of readiness        Pharmacologic treatment                    different classes, with reassessment
to quit. Self-help materials (written    Stage I hypertension                       of the patient in 1 month, and if the
and online), smoking cessation           Stage I hypertension is a blood pres-      goal is met, again in 3 to 6 months.3
classes, and pharmacologic aids may      sure of 130 to 139 mm Hg systolic          Hypertensive crisis (blood pressure >
be appropriate.                          or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic. For pa-       180/120 mm Hg) should be treated
                                         tients with stage I hypertension and       promptly, with the patient admit-
Alcohol moderation                       a calculated 10-year risk for athero-      ted to the intensive care unit of the
The effect of alcohol intake on blood    sclerotic CVD (ASCVD) of less than         hospital to prevent organ damage.3
pressure is directly related to the      10%, lifestyle recommendations are         Antihypertensive classifications and
amount ingested. Women should            the first line of therapy.3 If the 10-     examples are provided in Table 2.
limit alcohol intake to no more than     year risk for ASCVD is 10% or greater         Aspirin is not routinely recom-
one drink a day or not consume           or if the patient has CVD, diabetes,       mended for the primary prevention
any alcoholic beverages.3 Men can        or chronic kidney disease, then one        of hypertension. In a recent study,
consume two or less alcoholic drinks     antihypertensive medication is rec-        the efficacy of low-dose aspirin at
a day.3 Research has shown that for      ommended.16 Agents that should             100 mg was found to have no effect
women with systolic blood pressure       be considered first are thiazide           on the incidence of death from a
greater than 140 mm Hg, a decrease       diuretics, calcium channel blockers,       cardiovascular event, but it was
in alcohol consumption leads to a        and angiotensin-converting enzyme          associated with an increased risk of
1% to 2% reduction in blood pres-        (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II         hemorrhagic stroke.16
sure.13                                  receptor blockers (ARB), with a fol-
                                         low-up appointment to check blood          Special considerations for
Sleep hygiene                            pressure in 1 month.3 Common side          reproductive-aged women
Lack of sleep or excessive sleep has     effects of antihypertensive medi-          Women of all ages with hyper-
been associated with hypertension        cation including cough with use of         tension should be evaluated and
in women. Sleep length of less or        ACE inhibitors and edema with use          in general treated as previously
more than 7 hours has been shown         of calcium antagonists are observed        described. Because hypertension,
to be a risk factor for higher blood     more often in women than men.3             especially when uncontrolled, can
pressure.14 The ACC/AHA guidelines                                                  lead to increased risks for maternal,
do not specifically mention sleep        Stage II hypertension                      fetal, and neonatal morbidity and
amount but recommend treatment           Stage II hypertension is defined as        mortality, additional considerations
for sleep apnea with only a small re-    blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or             are critical.5,17

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Reproductive-aged women with           realistic plan of care.                      Conclusion
hypertension who could become                  The healthcare provider needs to         Hypertension is one of the leading
pregnant should be counseled               stress the importance of adherence           causes of CVD and mortality. It is es-
regarding the risks of uncontrolled        to all treatments, especially medica-        sential that healthcare providers are
hypertension in pregnancy.5 In this        tions. The provider must emphasize           proficient in screening for EBP and
context, any antihypertensive med-         that the patient cannot stop the             hypertension, thorough assessment,
ications being taken should be re-         medication abruptly, because this            and initiation of interventions that
viewed. ACE inhibitors and ARBs are        may inadvertently lead to an ad-             include lifestyle behavioral changes.
contraindicated during pregnancy           verse event such as stroke. Medica-          Pharmacologic treatments if needed
because of known teratogenic and/          tions that can be taken daily instead        may be prescribed or the patient
or fetotoxic effects.5 Women taking        of 2 to 3 times a day will help the          referred for management. Early di-
these medications should be coun-          patient adhere to the protocol. Infor-       agnosis and treatment can prevent
seled regarding the use of effective       mation regarding local pharmacies            serious TOD and CVD. The healthcare
contraception.                             with the lowest price for a medica-          provider should remain up to date on
    Estrogen-containing contraceptive      tion should be provided to the pa-           and follow evidence-based guidelines
methods (eg, pills, patches, vaginal       tient. Several applications (apps) are       for assessment and treatment of EBP
rings) are contraindicated for women       available that can assist in finding         and hypertension. Those providers
with uncontrolled hypertension or          the lowest price of a medication.            who focus on women’s reproductive
vascular disease due to the increased          Both oral and written information        healthcare have a specific role in
risk for stroke, myocardial infarction,    provided should be appropriate to            counseling women with hyperten-
and peripheral artery disease. Estro-      the patient’s literacy level and lan-        sion who could become pregnant
gen-containing contraceptive meth-         guage. Medical interpreters should           about the importance of optimizing
ods are not recommended even for           be available as needed. The teach-           blood pressure and evaluating the
women with adequately controlled           back method can be used to assess            need for any antihypertensive med-
hypertension unless no other method        understanding.                               ication changes prior to pregnancy.
is available or acceptable. Long-acting        Patients in many inner cities may        Contraceptive counseling should in-
reversible contraceptive methods           not have access to fresh fruits and          clude attention to the use of the most
such as intrauterine devices and the       vegetables or have money to pay for          effective method of the patient’s
progestin implant as well as proges-       them. Particularly vulnerable are the        choice that is safe in regard to her
tin-only pills are options that are safe   elderly and those who are socioeco-          blood pressure status.               =
and effective for women with hyper-        nomically disadvantaged. Dieticians
tension. Unlike other progestin-only       may be able to assist the patient            Daria Napierkowski is Associate Pro-
methods, the use of depot medroxy-         regarding healthy food choices that          fessor and Adult Nurse Practitioner,
progesterone acetate by women with         are available. Transportation assis-         Counseling, Health & Wellness Cen-
uncontrolled hypertension is generally     tance may be needed.                         ter, at William Paterson University in
not recommended because of the                 Accessibility to locales and ser-        Wayne, New Jersey. Kimberly Buff
theoretical risk of unfavorable lipopro-   vices that can provide the patient           Prado is Assistant Professor at Rut-
tein changes that could contribute to      with the opportunity for regular             gers University, The State University
cardiovascular risk.18                     physical activity should also be as-         of New Jersey, and Adult Nurse Prac-
                                           sessed. Neighborhoods with a high            titioner at Summit Medical Group,
Adherence to treatment                     crime rate will discourage patients          Cardiology, in Summit, New Jersey.
Adherence to treatment for hyper-          to be physically active in simple            The authors state that they do not
tension is critical but can be chal-       ways like taking a walk.                     have a financial interest in or other
lenging both in terms of lifestyle             Family members and caregivers            relationship with any commercial
changes and medication regimens.           who assist the patient with instrumen-       product named in this article.
Assessment of and attention to so-         tal activities of daily living required to
cioeconomic determinants such as           prepare meals, shop for meals, and
                                                                                         A complete list of references
finances, health insurance, literacy,      prepare medication should be in-
                                                                                         cited in this article is available
living environment, transportation,        cluded in education by the healthcare
                                                                                         at npwomenshealthcare.
and access to healthy foods are crit-      provider on the plan of care.
ical to develop a patient-centered,

40     June 2020          Women’s Healthcare                                                       NPWomensHealthcare.com
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