Knox Presbyterian Church - June 3, 2018 Listowel, Ontario

Knox Presbyterian Church - June 3, 2018 Listowel, Ontario
             Listowel, Ontario
             June 3, 2018

“…a welcoming family of God’s people, committed to
worshipping Jesus Christ, sharing our faith and doing His
work in the world.”
Knox Presbyterian Church - June 3, 2018 Listowel, Ontario
June 3, 2018 10:30 am
                     Communion Sunday
Entrance of Bible, Choir, Worship Leader & Minister
Gathering Song: “As the Deer”
Welcome & Announcements
Responsive Call to Worship
Prayers of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Greeting One Another
Children’s Time and Prayer Ending with The Lord’s
Prayer (debts/debtors) (Children may leave for Sunday School,
youth Grade 7 and up remain in Sanctuary)

Hymn: “Speak O Lord”
Scripture Lesson:
Responsive Reading (Psalm 143:1-11)                        # 665
Old Testament: 1 Samuel 3:1-10                        (page 423)

Offering & Anthem: “In Communion”
Doxology: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving and
Prayer for Illumination
Sermon: “Discerning the Voice of God”
                                            (Rev. Don McCallum)

The Invitation to the Lord’s Table
Hymn: “Come Share the Lord”
Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
The Apostles’ Creed                                  # 616
The Institution and Eucharistic Prayer
The Breaking and Distribution of the Bread
                    (All Partake Together)
The Lifting and Sharing of the Cup
                    (All Partake Together)
Post-Communion Prayer
Hymn: “For the Bread Which Thou Hast Broken” # 357
Choral “Amen”
Quote of the Week:
“The will of God is not something you add to your life. It’s
a course you choose. You either line yourself up with the
Son of God…or you capitulate to the principle which
governs the rest of the world.” ― Elisabeth Elliot
 Please see our bulletin boards for upcoming events!
Our Worship Leader this morning is Laura Tryssenaar
June Ushers: Sharon Clarke (Captain), Chandra Martin,
John McLeod, Jack Gabel, Tom Linstead, Laurie Linstead,
        Jim Robinson, David Leasa, Jim Spence
        Please Join Us for Coffee, Cold Drinks and
         Served in the Main Hall following the service.
      Hosted by: Phyllis Thompson and Joan Toman
We welcome everyone here today. We hope
that you feel comforted by our worship, and
that you will leave here refreshed and inspired
in your personal life. If you are a visitor today, thank you
for joining us and we ask that you would please sign the
Guest Register in the front foyer. We hope that you visit us
again soon!
Nursery & Sunday School: A supervised nursery, located
upstairs, is available for your children ages birth to 2 years.
Our Sunday School program for children and youth from
JK to Grade 6 will be dismissed during the service.
We need to know you spent this time with us! Please
mark your attendance today by either
signing the sheets found at the exits or filling
in a Communion Card from the back of the pew
and putting it in the collection plate. Thank you
I am looking for another person to join the Counting
Team. I would need you to prepare deposits slips and
          balance envelopes after church, 3 weeks in a
          row, usually once every four months. This
          process should take about ½ hour. Please speak
to Pam in the office if you are able to help out.

The Opportunity Sale Proceeds of $5001.23 have been
divided as follows: $1,000.00 to Camp Kintail, $500.00 to
North Perth Community Hospice, $500.00 to the Salvation
Army, $350.00 to Youth for Christ, $250.00 for the Knox
Flowerbeds and the remainder going to the general fund.
Please note that on Thursday June 7 (Election Day –
please get out and vote) Pam is not in the office and the
building will be locked.
           Youth News
           Our giving’s to the Campership Fund totals
$782.00 to date. We have 14 Campers going to camp this
summer, which means we will be sending a cheque for
$4,090.00 for Camperships. If you wish to donate towards
this fund, mark “Camp Kintail – Campership” on the
3rd portion of your envelope. If you simply
mark “Camp Kintail” on your envelope, it will
be sent to the Camp to be used for general
VBS will be held July 16 – 20 this year. Kids will be led
             on an action-packed Rolling River Rampage
             Adventure. Along the river, children discover
             that life with God is an adventure full of
             wonder and surprise, and that they can trust
God to be with them through anything. Watch for signup
sheets going up on the bulletin board in the main hall. Lots
of volunteers are needed to make another successful year.
Registration forms are available in the office or on the
Knox website
         Board of Managers’ – Financial Report
     Attendees May 27, 2017: 150 adults
                     29 children & youth
     General Contributions: $ 2,604.90
     Presbyterians Sharing $ 607.00
     Other Missions          $ 685.00

Wednesday:     7:30 pm Session
Thursday: Pam off – Office Closed
Sunday:    10:30 am Worship & Sunday School Wrap Up
Knox Presbyterian Church
220 Livingstone Avenue North Listowel, Ontario N4W 1P9
  Minister: Rev. Donald P. J. McCallum
            Cell #519-444-8434
    Youth & Family Coordinator: Nicole Kaufman
     Director of Music: Agnes-Marie Henderson
       Office Administrator: Pamela Coleman
  CCLI # 1209835  CRL # 134937  CVLI # 50160573
     Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
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