St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School

Page created by Glen Perry
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
St Peter Apostle
                                                    Catholic Primary School

                                    Term 2 - Week 10A                                         24th June 2021

                                    Dear Parents

                                    St Peter’s Day will be celebrated by the school on Friday the 25th June. This
                                    day will include a special lunch order for those students who returned their note
          Mrs Karen Wilson          and a school disco. Please note that take away food from other venues will
                                    NOT be allowed. If your child has not ordered this special lunch, you will need
                      Principal     to send a packed lunch with your child as usual, as the Canteen will also be
                                    closed. Students are encouraged to wear disco, or casual clothes for this day.
    16-38 Guinane Avenue,           We are all looking forward to celebrating this special day as a school, starting
                                    with a reflection on St Peter led by the school Liturgy Leaders.
  Hoppers Crossing, 3029
                                    Today your child’s school report will be available for you to access through the
                        Phone:      nForma Parent Portal. The portal is accessible via the link at the bottom of the
                                    school website. Please take the time to read these reports as they are a way for
                   9749 1055
                                    you to gauge how your child is developing academically and the areas that they
                                    are showing improvement. Due to the recent lockdown, there has been a delay
                            Fax:    in the preparation of learning journeys so these will now be available at the end
                  9748 8434
                                    of week two next term.

                                    Over the past two weeks, students have been showcasing their hard work
                         Email:     during their Performing Arts classes. Each year level has performed a play and   these have been watched by other year levels and teachers within the school.
                                    The performances have been fantastic and it has been wonderful to see the
                                    many talented students we have at our school. A special thanks to Miss Joyce
                                    who has worked hard to ensure that everything ran smoothly.
                                    Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day of Term Two and school finishes
                                    at 1.00pm.

                                    On behalf of all the staff at St Peter’s I would like to thank you for your
                                    continued support throughout this term. Although we have had a somewhat
                                    disrupted time with the lockdown, it has been reassuring to see how quickly the
                                    students and community readjusted to distance learning and did the best that
                                    they could in the circumstances.

                                    I hope you have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term


                                    Karen Wilson

St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Page 2                                                                    Term 2 - Week 10A

Dates to Remember
Dates are subject to change

                                 Last Day of Term 2- Children wear casual clothes
Friday          25th June
                                 SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1.00PM

Monday          12th July        Term 3 Commences at 8.45am

Friday          16th July        2nd Hand Uniform Shoppe opened from 8.15am - 9.30am

                                 SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
Tuesday         27th July
                                 No School for the Children

Friday          30th July        2nd Hand Uniform Shoppe opened from 8.15am - 9.30am

Friday          27th August      2nd Hand Uniform Shoppe opened from 8.15am - 9.30am

Friday          10th September   2nd Hand Uniform Shoppe opened from 8.15am - 9.30am

                                 SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
Monday          1st November
                                 No School for the Children
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                           Page 3

Parent/ Student night - Thursday 11th March - 7pm
Reflection day - students only - Friday 12th March
First Reconciliation - Tuesday 16th March - 7pm
First Reconciliation - Thursday 18th March - 7pm

Parent/ Student night - Tuesday 11th May - 7pm
Reflection Day - students only - Friday 14th May
Eucharist masses -
Saturday 15th May 6pm, Sunday 16th May 10.30am
Saturday 29th May 6pm, Sunday 30th May 10.30am

Parent/ Student night - Tuesday 1st June - 7pm
Reflection Day - students only - Friday 11th June
Eucharist masses -
Saturday 12th June 6pm, Sunday 13th June 10.30am
Saturday 19th June 6pm, Sunday 20th June 10.30am

Reflection Day Monday 22nd February - Thomas Carr College -
students only - 9.30am - 2pm
Confirmation - Thursday 25th February - St Peter’s - 7pm

Parent/ student night - Thursday 26th August - 7pm
Reflection Day - students only - Wednesday 8th September
Confirmation - Thursday 9th September - St Peter’s - 7pm
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                  Page 4


Fees for Term 2 are now overdue.
Fee payment Consent Form 2021 click here
Fee payment options 2021 click here
Direct Debit from Credit Card form 2021 click here
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                                                            Page 5

Division Cross Country

On Wednesday 26th May, 7 students from St Peters progressed to the next level to participate in
the Division Cross Country Carnival at President’s Park. Our students really gave it their all in what
was a gruelling course. Congratulations to the following students who qualified for the Western
Metropolitan Region Cross Country Championships which will be held on the 17th of June at Brim-
bank Park. Tristan P who came 2nd in the U11 Boys, Jessica T and Alecia May who came 5th and
7th respectively in the U12/13 Girls.

A special mention goes to Maxwell B who upheld our school values by sacrificing his own result to
assist a fellow competitor who went down with an injury.

Thank you to Mr Foote who accompanied the students and a big congratulations to all of the
students who competed on the day - Ashley E, Tristan P, Jessica T, Alecia M, Milla E, Maxwell B
and Romeo M.
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                                          Page 6

                          LOST PROPERTY

  The Lost Property Box is located outside the Wellbeing Office.

The Canteen will be open during first break from Thursday, 6th May onwards.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen list.

The Quench drinks are now discontinued. On offer we have a new drink called
“Chill”. The flavours available are raspberry, watermelon, grape, lemonade and
apple cola and they are $1.80 each.
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                                                       Page 7

                        Click on any image below for more information.

  STUDENT ABSENCE                 TERM DATES                               CANTEEN /

                                                                         LUNCH ORDERS

    MOBILE PHONES         OPEROO (CAREMONKEY)                             SCHOOL APP

     AUTHORITY TO             SCHOOL UNIFORM                             STUDENT HEALTH


    LOST PROPERTY            2ND HAND UNIFORM                       OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS

                                     SHOPPE                               CARE (OSHC)
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Term 2 - Week 10A                                                                      Page 8

Late Arrivals &               Medications                         School Banking
Early Dismissals
Children late for school      It is the policy at St. Peter’s
(after 9.00am) must report    that staff members are
to the office for a LATE      unable to administer any
PASS.                         medication to a child
                              without the parent’s written
If you need to collect your
child/children early, you
must report first to the      No child is to carry
                              medication on them,               Commonwealth Bank
office to sign out your
                              unless it is for Asthma.          Dollarmite banking day is
child.                                                          Wednesday
                              If a child is to be given any
                              medication, parents must
                              report to the office to           Dollarmite Accounts
PLEASE AVOID                                                    want to get you involved in
                              complete a medical
COLLECTING YOUR               management consent form
                                                                School Banking Click here.
CHILD/CHILDREN                prior to commencement of          Dollarmite Banking
DURING THE                    administering medication.         recommences on
BREAK                         All medication will be            Wednesday, 1st September.
                              administered around
                              12 noon.
If you need to pick your
child up during the day
due to an appointment,
could you please send a
note with your child
stating the time he/she
will be picked up so that
your child can be ready at
the office when you
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
Enrolments for Year 7 2023 to Catholic High Schools are open
                   and Applications close on Friday 20 August 2021.

                   MacKillop College 2021 Open Day and College Tours have been cancelled due to
                   COVID-19. However, anyone can now view the College through a Virtual Tour.
                   Use this link for a short welcoming message from the Principal before embarking
                   on the tour. Also included, is a list of Frequently Asked Questions.


                   Should you require further information, please contact the College on 8734 5200.

                   Enrolments for Year 7 2023, Applications close on Friday 20 August 2021

                   Thomas Carr College is holding a Year 7 2023 Information night.
                   For more information Click here

                    Marian College Sunshine West
                    Enrolments for Year 7 2023, Applications close on Friday 20 August 2021

                    To book an Open Morning Tour go to
St Peter Apostle Catholic Primary School
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