Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy

Page created by Wallace Patel
Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy
Ko te
mea nui
for our customers
for our economy
for our future
                      To keep
                      New Zealand

                            Z ENERGY INVESTOR LETTER
            For the six months ended 30 September 2020
Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy
Financial and Operating Highlights

Half Year results comparison
                                                  Total marketing fuel volume (litres)
                                                                                         litres    -$19m
                                                                                                   Replacement cost net profit after tax
FY20                                              1,921 million litres                             $22m

-1.38cpl 22.4m
Replacement cost net profit after tax per litre   Total transactions on Z-branded retail sites
                                                                                                   Safety and wellbeing actions complete rate
1.15cpl                                           27.5m                                            94%

Historical cost net profit after tax
                                                  Total dividend per share
                                                                                                   Replacement cost net profit after tax per share
$28m                                              16.5c                                            5.5c

Replacement Cost EBITDAF
                                                  Employee net promoter score
                                                                                                   Business net promoter score
$182m                                             +23                                              +17
Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy
An unparalleled six month period
Over the first half of our financial    of recurring, sustainable dividends        We also have the flexibility to rapidly
year Z Energy continued to              and potentially a share buy-back           tailor offers as customer preferences
build a leaner, more flexible and       programme if the Board believes            evolve. With digital technology
customer focused company, while         this is the best use of capital.           providing more customer benefit,
contributing to New Zealand’s                                                      we took the decision to remove our
                                        We are also continuing to reduce
response to the COVID-19                                                           forecourt concierge service this
                                        debt and have a balance sheet
pandemic.                                                                          year to reflect changes in customer
                                        that provides us flexibility as the
Given the uncertainty across the        transformation of the New Zealand
economy, our focus is not on a ‘post    fuel industry continues.                   The retail market has been
COVID-19’ world, as nobody really                                                  characterised over the last six years
knows what that means. Rather, we       Trading conditions                         by the entrance of fuel retailers
are focused on the core business                                                   competing on the Price Board. Almost
                                        Our first half result is all-the
ensuring we operate reliably and                                                   all of these operators entered the
                                        more encouraging given both the
profitably under a wide range of                                                   market during periods of growing
                                        operational complexity we managed,
operating and market conditions.                                                   or relatively high retail margins
                                        and how challenging the market
                                                                                   and we expect consolidation in
Over the six months to the end of       conditions remain. Z is increasingly
                                                                                   the competitor landscape over the
September 2020, Z has made good         willing and able to compete hard
                                                                                   coming months and years.
progress. Execution of our strategy     under a wide range of market and
has been robust, we have retained       margin conditions.                         The Commercial markets declined
the talented people we need for our                                                over the period, as the Auckland
future and we are running a tight       Through previous phases of our             lockdown impacted Commercial
and efficient operation.                strategy we have invested in the real      demand and the ongoing closure of
                                        estate, the assets, the customer offers    our borders saw Jet fuel sales of only
Financial performance                   and the capability to deliver customer     27 per cent of what they were for
                                        value and profitability even with the      the same six month period last year.
Over the six month period we            current low retail fuel margins.
have delivered Replacement Cost                                                    Nobody knows when our borders will
Earnings Before Interest, Tax,                                                     begin to reopen, but this six month
Depreciation, Amortisation and Fair                                                result has been delivered with next
Value Movements (RC EBITDAF)                                                       to no Jet fuel sales.
of $95 million. At the same time,                                                  Although Jet fuel remains amongst
we have removed $35 million of                                                     the lowest margin product we sell,
operating costs compared to                                                        the recovery of Jet volume when
1HFY20 and are on track for $48                                                    borders reopen will further support
million of structural operating                                                    increased earnings.
costs reductions in FY21.
                                                                                   Cost reductions
This result, under these COVID-19
conditions, points to the potential                                                While managing the complexities of
in our business to grow profits and                                                safely and securely delivering fuel
return cash to shareholders. During                                                during a global pandemic, Z has also
the successful capital raise during                                                driven significant changes in the
the national lockdown we agreed                                                    business which reduce costs and
with our banks and debt providers                                                  will deliver increasing value.
that no distributions – in the form
                                                                                   Z has removed its Nelson bulk
of dividends or buyback – will be
                                                                                   fuel storage terminal from the fuel
declared until this time next year.
                                        We are seeing our retail fuel market       industry’s traditional terminal sharing
Based on current performance            share stabilising as we compete            arrangement in favour of operating it
and what we know now about the          hard for volume. Investment in our         outright and charging competitors
Government’s response to regional       capabilities to deliver outstanding        for access to it on commercial terms.
COVID-19 outbreaks, we believe we                                                  We believe this is similar to the
                                        customer experiences, especially
will be in a good position to resume                                               Terminal Gate Pricing (TGP)
                                        through the use of digital technology,
distributions to shareholders after                                                arrangements that will be introduced
                                        is giving Z a competitive edge. For
1HFY22.                                                                            following the passing of the Fuel
                                        example, over the six month period,
                                                                                   Industry Act in July 2020.
Longer-term, we remain committed to     we sold 2.7 million cups of coffee, with
shareholder distributions in the form   0.5 million sold via our pre-order App.
Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy
If the Refinery is no longer producing        In a year characterised by uncertainty,
                                           Jet fuel and Marine fuel oil as a             Z has worked hard to look after and
                                           consequence of processing crude oil,          support our people. From a people
                                           we will no longer be forced to sell fuel      and talent perspective we approach
                                           oil at a loss. Jet fuel will also be priced   the end of the 2020 calendar year in
                                           on an import basis, rather than as            good shape – our staff engagement
                                           a fuel that must be produced and              scores are at all time highs and the
                                           sold on the buyers’ terms.                    commitment of our team to delivering
                                                                                         for our customers and shareholders
                                           The move to an import terminal
                                                                                         is strong.
                                           model will deliver significant cost
                                           savings while protecting security
                                                                                         Well positioned for the future
                                           of fuel supply to New Zealand.
                                                                                         Z has weathered a storm unlike
                                           Moving our fuel storage terminals to
                                                                                         anything in our history – even going
                                           a commercial model also provides Z
                                                                                         back to the origins of our company
                                           with the ability to offer new products
                                                                                         more than 100 years ago.
                                           and services over time – for example,
                                           future biofuels and fuel additives that       We have managed this period in
                                           can cut emissions and contribute              a deliberate and careful way that
                                           to New Zealand’s climate change               protects the foundations of our
                                           objectives.                                   company – our assets and our
                                                                                         people. We have made an important
Z has invested heavily in strategic        Our people                                    contribution to New Zealand during
bulk fuel storage facilities located                                                     the COVID-19 crisis and we are well
                                           Even after the significant and
in major ports across the country.                                                       positioned to directly benefit from
                                           sharp impact of COVID-19. We have
We are able to use our national fuel                                                     the country’s economic recovery.
                                           had only three redundancies, one in
storage footprint to participate in
                                           the company’s recruitment function            We have a clear strategy and the
fuel wholesaling as well as retailing;
                                           as a consequence of a hiring freeze           capabilities we need to execute it.
this is another commercial revenue
                                           to reduce costs, and two in our               Our industry is now going through
stream that we are starting to realise.
                                           Airport fueling operations.                   a period of significant change, which
We also strongly support the                                                             we welcome. We have the scale,
                                           We continue to target cost reductions,
strategic review carried out by                                                          flexibility, resilience and options to
                                           including not replacing people who
Refining NZ into the optimal                                                             ensure we can continue to deliver for
                                           are leaving Z. However, we are also
configuration of New Zealand’s                                                           our customers under a wide range of
                                           working to retain the most capable
sole oil refinery at Marsden Point.                                                      market conditions.
                                           people in our industry to ensure
The outlook for refining margins           we continue to execute strategy               Given the six months New Zealand
remains poor, particularly for a very      to the highest standards and offer            has had, there is much that is positive
small, geographically-isolated refinery.   customers what they want and need.            about our half year result and the
                                                                                         preparedness of your company
Since December last year, refining
                                                                                         for the future. The results we have
margins continue to be at levels which
                                                                                         reported are materially different
generate margins that are insufficient
                                                                                         to what we thought possible in
to cover the costs of refining and
                                                                                         the Alert Level 4 and 3 lockdown,
coastal distribution. As such our
                                                                                         during which we raised equity as a
exposure to refining has been a drag
                                                                                         contingency against an extended
on earnings, with Z contributing
                                                                                         period of social and economic
$19 million in fee floor payments to
Refining NZ in the first half. This is
not sustainable given the medium                                                         We are grateful to you for your
term outlook for refining margins.                                                       support of Z during a challenging
                                                                                         half year and we look forward
Z is of the clear view that Refining
                                                                                         to updating you on our full year
NZ’s future is as an import terminal
                                                                                         performance in May 2021.
and distribution hub for refined fuels
rather than as a refiner of crude
oil. We are actively engaging with
Refining NZ to explore a potential
transition to an import terminal.
Ko te mea nui What matters most - for our customers for our economy for our future - Z Energy
Managing the COVID-19 crisis
As a company selling almost half of       drivers and fuel terminal operators          benefit of our customers and the
New Zealand’s total transport fuels,      who suddenly discovered they were            national economy.
we prepare and rehearse for when          ‘essential workers,’ through to the
                                                                                       We have kept our international and
things don’t go to plan.                  crews that staff the coastal shipping
                                                                                       domestic supply chains intact and
                                          vessels that deliver fuel around New
Z has a structured crisis management                                                   have used our resources carefully to
                                          Zealand, this crisis response was
plan, a dedicated crisis management                                                    ensure safe, continuous operation
                                          literally all hands to the pump.
team and clear protocols and                                                           of our business. While helping the
controls around how we operate and        At the same time, we maintained close        New Zealand economy through
communicate under a crisis.               communications with Government,              a national lockdown and various
                                          reconfigured how our service stations        response stages, we have also
The last time we operated under           operated under lockdown and rapidly          continued to future-proof our
crisis management conditions was          introduced a range of changes to our         business – cutting costs, making
during the Refinery-to-Auckland           operating procedures to keep our             structural changes to operations and
Pipeline outage in 2017.                  people and the public safe.                  responding to legislative changes.
We’ve never worked under crisis           For our office-based staff, including        We’ve also set new standards of
conditions for anything like the          our crisis management team, this was         transparency given the inherent
challenges COVID-19 has presented         almost exclusively done from home,           uncertainties over this year. Z has
this year. We formed our initial crisis   using the technology that we have            been widely recognised for the quality
management response in the last           invested in over recent years.               of our public disclosures, including
week of January 2020 and were ready
                                          Z’s experience of operating under            moving to weekly fuel volume
to respond quickly when COVID-19
                                          crisis conditions is that it can bring out   reporting to help stakeholders and
arrived in New Zealand and we moved
                                          the best in people. Coming together          shareholders understand changes in
into a national lockdown.
                                          around a clear and tangible set of           the market as fully as possible.
While we have a dedicated crisis          goals, a well-understood and rehearsed       Through all of this complexity and
management team coordinating              approach to crisis management can            uncertainty, the engagement of
communications, logistics and             deliver remarkable results.                  Z’s people has never been higher.
ensuring fuel is safely delivered,
                                          Crisis conditions are also when an           Through the biggest crisis of our time,
our frontline people have led this
                                          organisation’s culture is most tested.       we have kept New Zealand moving,
response for Z.
                                          While the COVID-19 crisis is not             done it quickly and safely, and made
Across the nationwide network of Z        over, Z has delivered a safe, efficient      material progress in building the Z
and Caltex service station staff, truck   and well-organised operation to the          of the future.
Profit and Loss for the six months ended 30 September 2020
                                                                    1H       1H
$m​                                                              FY21     FY20​     Change
Revenue                                                          1,496    2,461​     (39%)​
- Fuel margin​                                                    243​      314​     (23%)​
- Non Fuel margin​                                                  34​      36​      (6%)​
- Refining margin (after fee floor payments)​                     (14)​      33​    (142%)​
- RNZ Dividend and Flick                                             1​       2​     (50%)​
RC gross margin​                                                  264​     385​      (31%)​
Operating expenses​                                              (167)​   (202)​      (17%)​
RC Operating EBITDAF​                                               97​     183​     (47%)​
Share of (loss)/earnings of associate companies (net of tax)​      (2)​      (1)​   (100%)​
RC EBITDAF​                                                        95​      182​     (48%)​
Depreciation and amortisation​                                    (78)​    (74)​        5%​
Impairment​                                                          -​    (35)​    (100%)​
Net financing expense​                                            (19)​    (24)​      (21%)​
Other ​                                                            (4)​     (8)​     (50%)​
Taxation​                                                         (13)​    (19)​     (32%)​
RC NPAT​                                                          (19)​      22​    (186%)​
Reconciliation from RC NPAT to statutory NPAT​                       ​         ​          ​
Tax on COSA​                                                        27​     (5)​     640%​
COSA (difference between RC and HC Gross Margin and EBITDAF) ​    (96)​      18​    (633%)​
Foreign exchange and commodity gains​                              30​      (7)​    (529%)​
HC NPAT per the statutory financial statements​                   (58)​      28​    (307%)​
​                                                                    ​         ​          ​
HC gross margin​                                                   168​    403​      (58%)​
HC EBITDAF​                                                        29​      193​     (85%)​

Statement of Financial Position at 30 September 2020
                                                                   1H       1H
$m​                                                              FY21     FY20​     Change
Shareholders equity​                                              867​     832​         4%​
Total current assets​                                             976​    1,025​      (5%)​
Total non current assets​                                        1,847​    2,114​     (13%)​
Total assets​                                                    2,823​   3,139​     (10%)​
Total current liabilities​                                        669​      937​     (29%)​
Total non current liabilities​                                   1,287​   1,370​      (6%)​
Total liabilities​                                               1,956​   2,307​     (15%)​
Net assets​                                                       867​     832​         4%
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