L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust

Page created by Kathy Rivera
L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust
by Pascale Bougeault

                       Registered charity no. 1101304

L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust

Language           French
Synopsis           L’Ouragan (The Hurricane) is one of a series of
                   picture books about Lucette, a young girl living in the
                   French Caribbean with her family. In this book,
                   Lucette’s family are preparing for the arrival of
                   Hurricane Octave. The preparations done, they enter
                   their shelter and wait for it to pass. As the rain and
                   wind beat against the building, Lucette realises they
                   have left the dog, Cacahouète, outside. Worried, she
                   waits for the adults to sleep and escapes with her pig,
                   Augustin. Braving the storm, they find that the dog
                   has given birth to puppies, and was safely hiding
                   elsewhere. They bring the mother and her puppies to
                   the shelter. When her parents wake up, they find
                   Lucette, the pig, the dog and her puppies all asleep.
                   In the sample pages, we see Lucette’s family
                   preparing for the hurricane.
Author             Pascale Bouegeault was born in Bourges, France in
Information        1958 and has been writing and illustrating books since
                   her first publication in 1991. In addition, she has had
                   several exhibitions of her work shown in France and
Publisher          L’ecole des loisirs, Paris. Rights granted for
Information        reproduction of sample pages.
Where to Buy       When using our resources, we always encourage you
                   to buy a copy of the book. We advise contacting your
                   local independent bookshop to see if they can order a
                   copy or check whether it is available on bookshop.org.
Learn More         L'Ouragan - A Video Guide for Teachers and

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L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust

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L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust
Take a Look Inside

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L'Ouragan by Pascale Bougeault - Registered charity no. 1101304 - Stephen Spender Trust
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Partial Glossary

French             English           Dans              In
L’Ouragan          The hurricane     La maison         The house
Octave             The hurricane’s   Bien              Well
                   name              S’enfermer        Stay inside
Est                Is                La nuit           The night
Méchant            Mean/nasty        Va                Is going
Violent            Violent           Être              To be
Un                 A/an              Longue            Long
Il’s approche de   He/it is          Et                And
                   approaching       Pour              To
Notre              Our               Patienter         Sit patiently/wait
Île                Island                              out
C’est              It is             En Famille        As a family
La radio           The radio         Vient             Comes
qui                Which/who         Avec              With
Le                 It                Son               His
Dit                Says              Cochon            Pig
Alors              So                Sa                Her
Maman              Mum/Mother        Précieuse         Precious
Cloue              Nails down        Soupière          Soup pot
Les volets         The shutters      Qui appartenait   Which used to
Papa               Dad/father                          belong
Rentre             Takes away        Dejá              Before/already
Ses                His               À                 To
Cactus             Cactuses          Sa grand-mère     Her grandmother
Adorés             Beloved           Si jamais         In case
Il faut            One must          Ça souffle        It blows
Se protéger        Protect oneself   À tout casser     And breaks
Se calfeutrer      Shut oneself                        everything
                   away              Dit-elle          She says

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Remplit            Fills            Il est              It is
Des bassines       Some             Trop                Too
                   bowls/buckets    Tard                Late
L’eau              The water        On ferme            We are shutting
Était              Gets             Décide              Decides
Coupée             Cut off          Le confirme         Confirms it
Explique           Explains         On l’entend         We hear it
Prepare            Prepares         Faire               Making
Les bougies        The candles      Doit                Must
Serviront          Will be useful   Ce sont             These are
                   for              Les consignes       The advice
S’éclairer         Making light     De                  Of
Quand              When             Securité            Security
Il n’y aura pas    There is no      Court               Runs
D’électricité      Electricity      Un grand            A great danger
Tout               All              danger
Prêt               Ready            Gemit               Shouts
Bien               Nicely           S’enfermer          Close up
Rangé              Tidied away      Ne t’inquiète pas   Don’t worry
Il est temps de    It’s time to     Mon t’I couer       My little darling
Tout le monde      Everyone         Trouvera            She will find
À l’intérieur      Inside           Où s’abriter        Somewhere to
Déclare            Declares                             hide
Mais               But              Ce n’est pas        It’s not
N’est pas là       Isn’t there      Son premier         Her first
S’écrie            She cries        Raconte             Tells
La chienne         The dog          Les siens           His family
N’est pas          Hasn’t come      Des ouragans        Hurricanes
rentrée            back             nommés              called…
Embêtant           Annoying         Les maisons         Houses torn
Je cours           I will run       arrachées           away

La chercher        To find her      La baleine          The whale

Pas question       No way!          Là                  There

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Echouée            Washed             Au secours         To the rescue
                   up/stranded        Crie               Cries/shouts
Juste              Just               À l’aide           Mayday!
Sous               Under              Personne ne        No one can
Son nez            His nose           peut les           hear them
Le genie           The genie          entendre

Du morne-de-       From the hill on   Gronde             Rumbles
l’autre-côté       the other side     Rugit              Roars
Tant et si bien    So well that       Ça décoiffe        It messes up
que                                                      your hear/blows
À la fin           In the end                            your hat off

S’endort           Falls asleep       Ça décolle         It lifts things off

Sauf Lucette,      Except for                            the ground
qui ne pense       Lucette, who       Accroche-toi       Hold on
qu’à               can’t stop think   Quelque chose      Something
                   about              J’ai peur          I’m scared
Et si j’allais     What if I went     Je n’y arrive      I can’t reach
La porte de        The back door      pas
derrière                              Ça fait            It goes
Est-elle           Is it              Attrape            Grab
Bien fermée        Shut tight         Une branche        A branch
Non                Non                Cramponne-toi      Hang on tight
A oublié de        Forgot to          Mugit              Howls
La clouer          Nail it shut       Hurle              Wails
Viens              Come               Et tout à coup     And all of a
Moi                Me                                    sudden
À deux             Together           Plus rien          Nothing
On est             We are             Se tait            Goes quiet
Plus               More               Plus de vent       No more wind
Courageux          Brave              Plus un bruit      No more noise
Allons             Let’s go           Une accalmie       A lull/respite
Fait               Is making          Tiens bon          Hold on
Grosse             Big                Je viens t’aider   I’m coming to
Bêtise             Mistake                               help

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Vite               Quick(ly)        Tes bébés          Your babies
Trouver            Find             Sont nés           Have been born
Une échelle        A ladder         Cette nuit         Tonight
Bientôt            Soon             Dans tout ce       In all this noise
Revenir            Come back        bruit

Plus féroce        Even more        C’est pour cela    That’s why
encore             ferocious        que

La cabane de       The garden       Tu n’es pas        You didn’t come
jardin             shed             rentrée            back in

Prendre            Take             Quand              When

Descendre          Go down          Il le fallait      It was necessary
Toi                You              Revient            Is back

Ta cachette        Your hiding      Je sens            I feel
                   place            Le vent souffler   The wind puffing
Tu as l’air        You look         Epuisée            Worn out
apeuré             frightened       Dedans             Indoors
Qu’est-ce que je   What do I see?   Ron… Pich          Snoring noises!

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