Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division

Page created by Michael Lee
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
Lake Lenore School
525 Lake Ave.
Lake Lenore SK
S0K 2J0
PH: (306) 368-2333

     May 2021                                                Silzer, and Kim Shaw as parent representative. Petra
                                                             Hogemann continue represent our staff along with
                                                             students Sydney Kolbeck and Jace Collins. As Jace is one
                                                             of our graduates this year I want to thank him for
                                                             representing our students at all our meetings and
Although it’s officially been spring for a while now (on     reporting on all the student activities that happen in our
the calendar anyway) – we have all been enjoying the         building over the last two years!! Thank you Jace and
awesome weather. With that, many classes are                 best of luck on all your future plans!!
spending more time outdoors for regularly scheduled
                                                                     Congrats to Mrs. Hauser and her husband Riley
classes like PE, but also other classes as – sometimes for
                                                             on the arrival of their baby. Nixon Murray Hauser was
curricular related activities or just to take a break from
                                                             born on April 15th and by all report’s mom, dad and
being indoors and taking an opportunity to soak up
                                                             baby are all doing well!!
some sunshine and fresh air!!
                                                             This week we welcomed two student teachers from the
         Earlier in April Gr 6-12 reports cards were sent
                                                             U of S. Brooklyn Boklaschuk and Julia Fillinger will be
home and followed up with phone interviews on the
                                                             with us until May 14th. Both are in their second year of
evening of April 20th. Although not ideal, phone
                                                             the College of Education and this is their first field
interviews were well received by all our families and
                                                             experience. Over the two weeks they will be observing
most were able to connect with their child’s homeroom
                                                             and assisting in a wide range of classrooms and subject
or subject teachers. Thanks so much for making this all
                                                             areas. Nearer to the end of their stay they will each get
work, we are anxiously waiting for the day when we can
                                                             an opportunity to teach a lesson or two. Welcome
welcome all our families back into the school for events
                                                             Brooklyn and Julia, and best of luck in your future
that celebrate our students’ successes!! Thanks so much
                                                             studies and teaching careers!!
to our SCC for providing supper for our staff on the
night of interviews, it was very much appreciated!! And               Starting on Wednesday this week, and for the
you can never go wrong with Barb’s cooking – it was          following Wednesdays in May our Gr 9/10 class will be
awesome.                                                     participating in the PARTY program. PARTY or Prevent
                                                             Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth is present
         Our SCC held their virtual AGM on the evening
                                                             yearly by Safe Communities Humboldt, although this
of April 13th. Aaron Politeski’s term was up in February
                                                             year they have gone online with the program. Students
and she decided to pass on letting her name stand for a
                                                             learn about the consequences of decisions made
subsequent term. Thank you, Aaron, for your years of
                                                             around the topics of impaired driving and high-risk
service to the committee and dedication to our
                                                             activities. The program, presented throughout many
students and school!! All other members will be
                                                             parts of North America has proven to be valuable and
returning and we also added a new member, Kim Shaw
                                                             worthwhile education for all our young drivers and
volunteered to join our SCC as a parent representative!!
                                                             drivers to be.
Welcome Kim!! Our SCC now consists of Sharon
Cleveland- Chair; Alicia Folden – Vice Chair; Leanne                 Grad preparations are in the works with the
Moorman – Secretary; and Robyn Yeager, Shanelle              recently released graduation ceremonies guidelines set
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
out by the province. We will be holding our ceremonies
outdoors again this year on Friday, June 4th. Our four         *Update to Phone System*
graduates this year are Trista Weber, Jace Collins,
Ashtin Harder and Carson Gerwing – a small but mighty
group!! We are excited to celebrate not only their
                                                              Please note our phone system has been
completion of high school but also all their                   upgraded recently and callers are how
accomplishments along the way!! Congrats guys!!                    able to leave a voice message
         Last year our school joined a group of like-                       if necessary.
minded students across the school division to form our
very own HeadStrong group. HeadStrong, was initiated          We are asking parents to use our main
in our school division by Carla Jule, who at the time was
our school counsellor, and even though Carla has been
                                                                  line to contact the school at
reassigned to other schools she continues to head up                     306-368-2333.
the various HeadStrong groups across the division.
HeadStrong’s goal is to help reduce the stigma around
                                                              In the event of a power outage we can
mental health and to promote kindness and positive-
thinking for all!! Our Gr 6/7/8 students have taken on             be reached at 306-368-2400.
the role of leadership for our group along with guidance                    Thank you!
from Mrs. Korte. A major project of theirs this spring is
the Better Together Campaign. The group was able to
secure a grant from SaskTel’s Be Kind Online project,
and along with some assistance from our SRC and
community businesses will be purchasing Better
                                                                       Dates to Remember
Together t-shirts for all our student and staff. The Better
Together message is just that, we are better when we
work together and stay positive!! Awesome work Gr
                                                                 PARTY Program Presentation – Gr 9/10
6/7/8 and Mrs. Korte!!                                              May 5th – 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
                                                                    May 12th – 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
         One last reminder; with the nice weather many
of our younger students are back biking, walking, etc. to
                                                                    May 19th – 11:00 to 1:00 p.m.
school. So please keep on the look out for our little ones              (Please bring a lunch)
near and adjacent to the school both in the morning                 May 26th - 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
and after school. Also, please if you are picking
up/dropping off your child or children before/after                         Friday, May 21st
school, be reminded that drivers may not pass parked
                                                                      Day in Lieu of P-T Interviews
buses with their stop arm or flashing lights on. A good
alternative is to drop off or have your child meet you in
                                                                                No School
the church parking lot very near the school and avoid
the area where students are unloading or onto the                          Monday, May 24th
buses at the beginning or end of the day. Please help                        Victoria Day
keep all our students safe!!                                                  No School

R. Viczko
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
“Data Management”. They will explore and create
                                                          line plots, pictographs and bar graphs.
                                                          To keep the students engaged until the end of the

           Grade 2/3 News                                 year, our class will be participating in an A-Z
                                                          Summer Countdown beginning May 20th. I have

       Whew! It’s hard to believe it is May already!      included a schedule of our daily activities through to

Some of our highlights from April were painting           June 28! Let the countdown to summer begin!

Easter eggs, cracking raw eggs on my head, Earth
Day clean-up and planting (and eating) Sunflower                  Bonnie Kolbeck

       In Ela., we are
finishing up The Tale of
Despereaux by Kate
DiCamillo - an award-
winning tale about a
mouse’s quest to find
friendship, belonging and
hope. The students are
thoroughly enjoying the story and at the same time,
they are                                                                        Grade 2/3
utilizing a variety of reading strategies to respond to
the literature. We will conclude our unit by
watching the movie and nibbling on some cheesy
snacks! In addition to our novel study, we are in the
midst of our spring Fountas and Pinnell reading
assessments. I am thrilled with the students’ overall
results. Please keep encouraging your child(ren) to
read nightly at home – your support is much
       The Grade 2 students are currently wrapping
up their final unit on “Data Management”. The
students enjoyed conducting surveys, graphing data
and presenting their findings. We will spend the
remainder of the year reviewing core math skills.                     Kindergarten to Gr 5
The Grade 3 students have just begun their unit on                    Summer Bucket Lists
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
News from the Grade 4 & 5s
                         There has been a lot of changes     HAPPY MAY!
                       in the grade 4/5 classroom as of
                       late. Mrs. Hauser began her           The Grade 9 and 10 crew is
                       maternity leave after the Easter      happily welcoming the
                       Break, and has since then             sunshine and warmth! There
                       welcomed a beautiful baby boy,
                                                             is a renewed energy in the
                       Nixon. The students have been
                       very welcoming to their new           room as the countdown to
                       teacher, Mrs. Parras, and are         summer begins. At break
                       helping her out wherever they         times, the students can be
                       can! She is very grateful for all     found in the gym playing
                       the help!                             badminton or indoor soccer,
             In the grade 4/5 ELA class, the students have   and outside enjoying the nice
finished up their unit on fables. They each created a        weather tossing a football back and forth.
wonderful fable of their own, which are now posted
outside our classroom along with some comics that the        Driving training is wrapping up for this year’s
students made about their fables as well. They began a       participating students. The online lessons are
non-fiction unit and are working hard to research            complete and most are done their in-car driving
different animals. The students are preparing to create      lessons with the instructor. Students who will be
their reports on the animal of their choice and are loving   taking part next year were introduced the course
all the new information they are learning.
                                                             through a zoom meeting with Mrs. Griffin.
       Math has the grade 4s learning about the
measurement of time. Our grade 5s have been busy             For four Wednesdays in May, students in Grade 9
working on their measurement unit and are currently          and 10 will be participating- via zoom- in the
working with area, perimeter, and volume of objects.         P.A.R.T.Y ( Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related
         The students are finishing up their unit on
                                                             Trauma in Youth) program, presented by Safe
simple machines, levers, and pulleys! They are writing       Communities Humboldt. This is an injury
their test and are excited to see what’s next! In social     prevention program aimed at teens, to help
studies the students have just written their test on the     educate them about the consequences of poor
provinces and territories of Canada and are now working                              decision-making in relation
on learning all about the political government. The grade                            to risk-taking behaviours
4/5s have been very busy with creating some beautiful
                                                                                     such as drinking or texting
spring garden artwork that can be seen around the school
hallways!                                                                            and driving, taking drugs,
                                                                                     lack of seatbelt use, lack of
        The class has been working hard to learn about
                                                                                     helmet use, etc.
the importance of eating healthy in health class, which is
helping them finish off their badminton unit in phys.ed                          Hoping everyone is staying safe!
strong! They are hoping to get outside in the next while
to enjoy the sunshine.
                                                                                    Mrs. Korte
        Everyone is happy about the warmer weather
approaching, and are hoping that it sticks! It has been a
very busy month in grade 4/5, and everyone is looking
forward to the warmer months ahead!
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
Grade 6/7/8
                                                As I stated before, we have had mild
Hello all,                                      weather outside and the Grade 6/7/8s
First off, I would like to welcome Miss         have taken full advantage of it. They have
Fillinger and Miss Boklaschuk to our            been very active and eager to get outside
school. They are observing, preparing, and      and play some ball games, which has been
teaching a couple of lessons over the next      great to see!
two weeks as they are completing their
two-week student teaching required of           The students have remained incredibly
them by the College of Education at the         positive during this entire school year and
University of Saskatchewan!                     we are staying diligent with our
                                                procedures and policies here at school!
The Grade 6/7/8s have been busy in the          Every one of these students deserve a
classroom as of late as they as they final      huge pat on the back for their positive and
two months of the school year is upon us!       upbeat attitudes!

Health has seen them talking about peer         Mr. Strueby
pressure and societal pressure placed upon
our young people today. In PE they have
started a football unit outside as the
weather has co-operated in a big way! In
Career Guidance they are discussing
conflict resolution and in Computer
Literacy they are working with Google Docs
and Slides on a ‘Saskatchewan Bucket List’
assignment. In Math the Grade 7s and 8s                         Grade 9/10
are working on linear equations while the
Grade 6s learn all about the wonderful
world of geometry! They are all also
learning a lot about biodiversity in their
Science class. In ELA the class is working on                                  Grade 6/7/8
Short Stories dealing with myths. In Home
Ec they are making an attempt to sew and
in Art they are making music videos to the
song “I Want it That Way’ and
‘Centerfield.’ The end results of these two
videos should be interesting to say the
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
Library News
  Grade 11/12 Newsletter

                                            “Thank you” to all the students who cast
As the year winds down, there are 8
                                            their ballot for their favorite Willow Award
weeks of school left. During April, the
                                            book. We should hear which books get the
Grade 11/12s started off with cracking
                                            awards within a couple of weeks. I will be
eggs on teachers’ heads in order to raise
                                            sure to pass on the news as soon as I get the
money for Headstrong. Afterwards, the
Easter break followed and students had
                                            results. Our school library entered a book
time off to spend Easter with their
                                            draw for participating in the voting and, as a
families. After the break, classes          result, we were the lucky winner of eight
resumed. In ELA, the 11/12s began           new books for our stacks. So double “Thank
“Hamlet”, a famous Shakespearean play.      you” to all the students who participated.
In Math, the class completed several        I have spent a good deal of time this year
units followed by tests in which they all   loading and unloading the book cart. Of
did well. In Biology, they finished their   course, the cart only holds a small fraction of
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration     the books that are in the library. As a result,
unit. In Gym, the students started          much of our wonderful collection was
badminton. Finally, in history they         invisible to our students. It is my hope that
learned about Canada’s involvement in       next year, I will see all of you enjoying
WWI, Women’s Rights, and The Great          choosing your own books from our library
Depression.                                 shelves. It makes choosing a book so much
                                            more exciting. It also makes my job so much
                                            more enjoyable. I have missed seeing your
                                            faces in the library.
                                            Finally, I just received the books from my
                                            latest book order and am in the process of
                                            cataloguing them right now. If you get a
                                            chance, come in and have a peek at what is
                                            new. As always, I enjoy your visits. Until then
                                            Happy reading,
                                            Mrs. Brinkman
                Grade 4/5
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
Bicycle Safety Week
   May 16th to 22nd
Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division Lake Lenore School 525 Lake Ave. Lake Lenore SK - S0K 2J0 - Horizon School Division
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