Lakeside Office Re-Opening Plan June 2020 - Keepmoat ...

Page created by Neil Montgomery
Lakeside Office Re-Opening Plan June 2020 - Keepmoat ...
Lakeside Office
Re-Opening Plan
   June 2020

 We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work
 We have enhanced cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
 We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
 We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
 Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk

 A Covid-19 specific risk assessment has been undertaken for the office including reception, all floors, toilets and
  rest areas.
 The risk assessment will look at the requirement for people working in the office and especially those vulnerable
  to Covid-19.
 The Covid-19 risk assessment will be communicated with everyone and if there is any feedback it will be amend
  to suit. Once completed, communicate it to all office staff for understanding and implementation.
 The first consideration is for everyone to work from home. If you can’t, then arrangements will be made for you to
  work in the office safely.
 Take all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the office.
 Where people cannot be 2m apart, do everything practical to manage transmission risk.
 Seek confirmation from the HVAC engineers who provide the Legionella testing and HVAC maintenance that the
  office’s HVAC water system has been tested and is safe to resume office working.
 Staff should work from home if possible and must not feel pressured or obliged to work from the office.
 Monitor the wellbeing of people who are working from home and helping them stay connected to the rest of the staff working in the office.
 Keep in touch with those working from home on their working arrangements including their welfare, mental and physical health and personal
 Provide equipment for people to work at home safely and effectively inc foot rests, wrist support, laptop stands, wireless keyboards and mouse and
  back rest.
 Provide support for workers around mental health and wellbeing. This could include advice or telephone support.
 Employee Assistance Programme – 0800 0305182 or Lighthouse Club – 0345 6051956
 Identify those who may be clinically extremely vulnerable, clinically vulnerable or disabled and if required put extra measures in place to reduce the
  risks directly affecting them.
 Understand and consider the circumstances of those with different protected characteristics.
 Involve and communicate appropriately with workers whose protected characteristics might either expose them to a different degree of risk or
  might make any steps you are thinking about inappropriate or challenging for them.
 Make reasonable adjustments to avoid disabled workers being put at a disadvantage and assessing the health and safety risks for new or expectant
 Make sure that the steps you take do not have an unjustifiable negative impact on some groups compared to others, for example, those with caring
  responsibilities or those with religious commitments.

 Minimise unnecessary travel between other offices and sites so that infection transfer is avoided and minimised.
 Consider remote options first such as telephone calls, Teams and Skype calls.
 For work related travel, don’t allow people to travel in the same car together unless they must. Where this occurs, the vehicle
  should be cleaned afterwards.
 Provide clear, consistent and regular communication to improve understanding and consistency of ways of working.
 Engage with workers through existing communication routes to explain and agree any changes in working arrangements.
 Developing communication and training materials for workers prior to returning to site, especially around new procedures for
  arrival at work.
 Consider ongoing engagement with staff to monitor and understand any unforeseen impacts of changes to working
 Be aware and focus on the importance of mental health at times of uncertainty. Refer to the UK Governments guidance on the
  mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus (COVID-19).
 When communicating, use simple, clear messaging to explain guidelines using images and clear language.
 Using visual communications, for example, whiteboards or signage, to explain any changes to reduce the need for face-to-face

 Where kitchen appliances, door handles, push plates, hand rails, key boards, screens, telephones, photocopiers, office
  equipment and toilet facilities are used, all touch points and surfaces must be cleaned by staff using anti-bacterial wipes on a
  clean before you start and when you leave policy.
 A system is required to manage the entry of one person at a time in to toilets and small kitchen areas.
 Ensure anti-bacterial wipes are available to wipe down shared equipment (e.g. printers) before/after use.
 Where possible, reduce movement by discouraging non-essential meetings and trips within the office for example, restricting
  access to some areas, encouraging the use of telephones, Skype or Teams calls.
 Restricting access between different areas of a building.
 Introduce a more one-way flow through the office.
 Reducing maximum occupancy for lifts, provide hand sanitiser for the operation of lifts and encouraging use of stairs wherever
 Make sure that people with disabilities can access lifts.
 Regulating use of high traffic areas including corridors, lifts, reception and walkways to maintain social distancing.
 For people who work in one place, workstations should allow them to maintain social distancing wherever possible.
 Workstations should be assigned to an individual and not shared.
 If it is not possible to keep workstations 2m apart then businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for
  the business to operate and if so, take all mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission.

 Managing risks relating to the spread of Covid-19 infection should be done using social distancing and following good hygiene practices such as
  regular cleaning and hand washing. This includes working from home and staying 2m away from each other in the office if possible.
 There are some circumstances when wearing a face covering may be marginally beneficial as a precautionary measure. The evidence suggests that
  wearing a face covering does not protect the individual wearing the face covering, but it may protect others if the wearer of the face covering is
  infected but hasn’t developed symptoms.
 Where individuals choose to wear a face covering for reassurance purposes, it is important that they know that the evidence of the benefit of using
  a face covering to protect others is weak and the effect is likely to be small, therefore face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of
  managing risk, such as social distancing and increasing hand and surface washing.
 Wearing a face covering is optional and is not required by law, including in the workplace. If someone chooses to wear one, it is important that we
  support them and that they know how to use face coverings properly and wash their hands before putting them on and taking them off. Therefore,
  advise those who want to wear a face covering to:
   Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it.
   When wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands.
   Change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it.
   Continue to wash your hands regularly.
   Change and wash your face covering daily.
   If the material is washable, wash in line with manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not washable, dispose of it carefully in your usual waste.
   Practise social distancing wherever possible.
 Before re-opening the office, make arrangements for the office to be thoroughly cleaned.
 Use signs and posters to build awareness of good handwashing technique, the need to increase handwashing frequency, avoid touching your face
  and to cough or sneeze into a tissue which is binned safely, or into your arm if a tissue is not available.
 Provide regular reminders and signage to maintain personal hygiene standards.
 Provide hand sanitiser in multiple locations particularly in common/public areas.
 Provide hand drying facilities – either paper towels
 Enhanced cleaning procedures will be in place across the office and carried out by the cleaners and particularly attention will be in communal areas
  and at touch points including:
 Taps and washing facilities
 Toilet flush and seats
 Door handles and push plates
 Hand rails on staircases and corridors
 Lift controls
 All areas used for eating must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break and shift, including chairs, door handles, vending machines and
  payment devices.
 Telephone equipment
 Key boards, photocopiers and other office equipment
 Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day.
   Only critical meetings are allowed in the office.
   Use remote working tools such as phone, Skype, Teams meetings to avoid in-person meetings where possible.
   Only necessary participants should attend meetings and should maintain 2m separation throughout.
   Avoiding transmission during meetings, for example avoiding sharing pens and other objects
   Provide hand sanitiser in meeting rooms.
   Hold meetings in well-ventilated rooms where possible.
   Limit or restrict occupancy in group interaction spaces
   Avoid ‘hot desking’ for visiting staff. Where it is unavoidable, a ‘clean before you start and when you leave policy’ must be in place.
   For areas where regular meetings take place, use signage to help people maintain social distancing.
   Develop a ‘safe system of work’ to enable maintenance contractors to undertake essential maintenance works safely and without risk to KMH
   Where KMH staff visits are required, site guidance on social distancing and hygiene should be explained to visitors on or before arrival.
   No external visitors are to be allowed to visit the office.
   Maintain a record of all KMH staff visitors.
   Review KMH staff visitor arrangements to ensure social distancing and hygiene, for example, where someone physically signs in with the same
    pen in receptions. Consider a system where KMH staff sign themselves in and out of the office.
   Provide clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to people on arrival, for example, signage or visual aids and before arrival, for example,
    by phone, on the website, by email or video.
   Review entry and exit routes for visitors and contractors to minimise contact with other people.

 Please gain your line managers approval and ensure that you email to request access to the office so we can minimise the
  amount of staff in the office at any one time and ensure Social Distancing is achieved.
 Please also advise of any specific equipment you require and whether you would require a
  meeting room.

 Maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible, including while arriving at and departing from work, while in
  work and when travelling between locations.
 Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to an activity, consider whether that
  activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce
  the risk of transmission between staff. Note: The objective is to have the minimum necessary amount of staff in
  the office, so it is important that office layouts and physical changes of workstations etc are avoided, so that risks
  are managed this way and over occupancy avoided.
 Hand sanitiser units have been provided at the entrance and exit of all offices, lifts, floors and kitchen areas for
  use by employees.
 Ensure adequate supplies of liquid soap, paper towels and cleaning products are readily available and kept topped
  up at all times. Cleaners to be on site Monday to Friday from 5pm to 8pm and will clean all three floors.
 Occupancy numbers will be controlled initially and cleaning arrangements required for the toilet, kitchen and
  workstations with particular focus on communal touch points. Note: Anti-bacterial wipes will be present on all
  workstations, toilet areas, kitchens and meeting rooms and implement and ‘clean before you start and when you
  leave’ policy. Wash hands regularly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.

 The barrier to the car park will remain open during the day, therefore you should not need to use the
  barrier buzzer for access to the car park.
 Until the office at Lakeside is reoccupied fully, all members of staff will be given access to the Lakeside
  office car park, there will be no need to park at the Keepmoat Stadium
 Car parking is to be ‘Reverse Only’ parking. When parking has been completed, ensure 2m social
  distancing before exiting the vehicle.

 Maintain 2m social distancing at all times, including while arriving at and departing the office, while in
  the office and when moving around the office. Priority should be given to anyone entering the
  building, please wait if you are attempting to exit. Where it is not possible to maintain the 2m distance
  you should face away from each other, rather than face to face and keep the time spent together to a
 The area in front of the reception desk will be roped off so visitors can’t access this area
 All deliveries/post to be placed to the left hand side of the reception area
 2m signs will be placed on the floor to take staff away from the reception desk if accessing the stairs
 2-meter spots/lines throughout reception area to control arrival and departure plus lift and toilet
  queue area
 One way system for stairs – up from reception down from rear staircase
 Doors will be opened by push in and out with always use the left door.

 There will be no signing in sheets on the reception desk, names will logged by reception along with the
  time you arrive in the office, please ensure you let reception know when you are leaving the office.
 You must use Hand Sanitiser in reception before entering the main office areas (if you choose to wear
  masks and gloves they are available if you require them for).

 Please follow the One Way systems on the stairs (main stairs up and back stairs down)and follow social
  distancing when walking around the office.
 Main office access doors – please always use the left hand door only to enter and leave the office space
  on each floor.
 Stairs – maintain a one flight distance between other colleagues at all times.

 Sanitising stations or wipes will be available at all doors, toilets, kitchens, allocated work stations, meeting rooms, lifts and
 Please let reception know the desk number that you have been sat at for traceability
Ground Floor
 A desk which has been allocated for use will be indicated with a green marker, any desk with a red marker cannot be used.
 One person at a time in the kitchen area
First Floor
 A desk which has been allocated for use will be indicated with a green marker, any desk with a red marker cannot be used.
 One person at a time in the kitchen area
 Meeting rooms have to be booked via and have occupancy restricted numbers.
 The Lakeside Lounge will be available with a reduced capacity for you to eat lunch or take a break away from the computer.
Second Floor
 Desks are overall set out to follow social distancing - a desk that cannot be used will be marked with a red marker.
 Meeting rooms have to be booked via and have occupancy restricted numbers.

 Chairs will be removed/taped off from meeting rooms to limit the number of people using it at any one
  time and allow for social distancing:-
  Meeting Room 4 x (ground floor) – maximum 3 people at any one time
  Board Room 2 (1st floor) – maximum 6 people at any one time
  Meeting Room 2 (2nd floor) – maximum 1 people at any one time
  Meeting Room 3 (2nd floor) – maximum 1 people at any one time
  Meeting Room 1 (2nd floor) – maximum 3 people at any one time
  Boardroom (2nd floor) – maximum 6 people at any one time
 No visitors to be allowed in the office, all external meetings to be done on line via Teams.
 Meetings will not be serviced – all drinks will be made on a DIY basis, individual sachets of tea, coffee,
  sugar and milk will be available along with disposable cups.

 Desks will be allocated on a weekly/daily basis to ensure Social Distancing is observed.
 Please clean your desk before and after use with the wipes provided. Wipes to be disposed of in the
  pedal bins provided.
 The following sign will be on your desk to let the cleaner know your desk needs cleaning.

                         My desk has been                  My desk hasn’t been
                        used today, can you               used today so no clean
                       please give it a clean.                   required
                            Thank you!                         Thank you!
 Do not visit the office unless you have authorisation from your Line Manager and made a request via
 Work stations – please note that not all desks will be available for use, desk allocation has been set out to ensure
  social distancing:
     A desk which has been allocated for use will be indicated with a green marker, any desk with a red marker
        cannot be used.
     Any desk which has a black marker has been allocated to a ‘regular’ user and cannot be used.
     On all allocated work stations there will be a laminated blue and yellow circle which will be used to indicate
        that a work station has been used and therefore requires a full clean before being used again.
     Please wipe down your desk, chair and associated touch points in the work station vicinity using the wipes
        available before and after use.
     You must not occupy any other work station or office chair, throughout the day, do not wander to other
        desks or move your chair to another work station.
     The Lakeside Lounge will be available with a reduced capacity for you to eat lunch or take a break away from
        the computer.

 Only 1 person to approach the copier at any time
 Use a pen/pencil/stylus to enter your User Code and press the buttons on the keypad where
 If you touch the Keyboard, wipe it afterwards with an anti-bacterial wipe and dispose of the
  wipe in the pedal bin at the side of the machine
 If the photocopier is in use please wait using the 2m social distancing or come back later if the
  current print job will take some time to complete.
 Toilets – the multi occupancy toilets on the left hand side on each floor are currently out of use. The single occupancy toilets on each floor will
     now be one male and one female to minimise the amount of travel around the office. Please use the wipes provided before and after use.
 Showers are not to be used due to them being in a designated toilet.
 Kitchen – please do not use crockery or cutlery from the kitchen area or store food, drink or milk in the fridge. If you require drinks or food during
     the time you are in the office you must bring crockery, cutlery, food and drink from home and take all items away with you at the end of the day for
     cleaning. Please wipe down using the wipes provided after use of the kitchen appliances.
 Only one person in the kitchen area at any one time
 Make personal drinks only
 All office staff where possible are to bring their own food and drink to avoid travelling to local shops whilst at work and dispose of any waste in the
     waste bin provided.
 Seating areas have been established inside/outside and set out to observe social distancing.
 Once you have used something please wipe down with wipes provided and dispose in the bin.
 Only one person in the lift at any one time, please sanitise before entry and after use. Press buttons using your pen or stylus and sanitising stations
     are located to the side of the lift doors. Please stand on the marker outside the lift doors whilst waiting for it to arrive to allow anyone already
     occupying the lift to exit.

 The collection and drop off point is to the left of Reception behind the roped off area. Review and revise pick-
  up and drop-off collection points, procedures, signage and markings.
 Minimising unnecessary contact at reception areas. For example, non-contact deliveries where the nature of
  the product allows for use of electronic pre- booking.
 Consider methods to reduce frequency of deliveries, for example by ordering larger quantities less often.
 No personal deliveries will be allowed to the office.
 Where possible and safe, having single workers load or unload vehicles.
 Ensure delivery drivers sanitise their hands before and after deliveries.

 Inform your Line Manager
 Contact your HSS BP
 Whistleblowing on 0808 1640777 or
 Contact HSE online using their working safely enquiry form.
 Contact HSE by phone on 0300 790 6787.

 To complete the CV19 Initiafy induction
 To be made aware of KMH processes
 Provide CV19 specific RAMS
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