Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank)

Page created by Floyd Blake
Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank
Primary Credit Analyst:
Anna Lozmann, Frankfurt (49) 69-33-999-166;

Secondary Contact:
Thomas F Fischinger, Frankfurt (49) 69-33-999-243;

Table Of Contents

Major Rating Factors



Related Criteria and Research

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Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg -
Foerderbank (L-Bank)
Major Rating Factors
Strengths:                                                                                Counterparty Credit Rating
• "Almost certain" likelihood of support from the sole owner, the State of                AAA/Stable/A-1+
• Role as sole state development bank and benefits from a threefold state
• Stable legal framework for operations.
• Comfortable liquidity and funding.

• Business model set by public policy mandate.
• Low lending margins in core business, reflecting the bank's developmental role.

The ratings on Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) are equalized with the ratings on the
bank's owner and guarantor, the German State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. This reflects Standard & Poor's Ratings
Services' opinion that there is an "almost certain" likelihood that Baden-Wuerttemberg would provide timely and
sufficient extraordinary support to L-Bank in the event of financial distress. We have not assessed a stand-alone credit
profile for L-Bank in view of its close link to the state and its business model, which is based entirely on state

L-Bank is the sole development bank in Baden-Wuerttemberg and has a mandate to implement the state government's
economic and social development policies. The bank is the second-largest of Germany's 18 regional state development
banks and had about €71 billion in assets at year-end 2013. L-Bank's business model is based on its public policy
mandate. The regional focus of the bank's development activities is Baden-Wuerttemberg.

L-Bank's business profile is oriented toward residential mortgage lending, lending to small and midsize enterprises,
infrastructure finance, and public-sector lending. The bank's promotional activities take the form of subsidized loans
and grants, which are generally determined by state subsidies and contributions from its own profits.

L-Bank does not take customer deposits and relies on wholesale funding. However, because of state guarantees and its
ownership structure, the bank has a comfortable funding and liquidity position, which is key to its ability to generate

External support
We regard L-Bank as a government-related entity (GRE). In accordance with our criteria for GREs, our view of an
"almost certain" likelihood of government support for L-Bank is based on our assessment of the bank's:

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Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank)

• "Critical" role for the government of Baden-Wuerttemberg as the state's only development bank with a mandate to
  support regional economic and social objectives; and
• "Integral" link with the state government. L-Bank essentially acts as an arm of the state and benefits from an explicit
  guarantee of all its liabilities from Baden-Wuerttemberg, a maintenance obligation ("Anstaltslast"), and a statutory
  guarantee of its liabilities ("Gewaehrtraegerhaftung").

We expect L-Bank to continue to play a prominent public policy role as the state's development bank. Accordingly, we
do not expect the bank's ownership status or the guarantee mechanism to change over the medium term.

Our 'AAA' issue ratings on L-Bank's nondeferrable senior subordinated debt are the same as the ratings on the bank's
senior unsecured debt. This reflects our assessment that the likelihood of state support in the event of stress is "almost
certain" for both subordinated liabilities and senior unsecured debt.

The stable outlook reflects the outlook on the long-term rating on the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

All other things being equal, any rating action on Baden-Wuerttemberg would be reflected in a similar rating action on
L-Bank. We believe that the state's guarantees and L-Bank's current GRE status will be maintained over the medium
term, since the bank is likely to remain an integral part of the state's economic development activities. This assessment
is consistent with an agreement between Germany and the European Commission in March 2002 on state support for
German development banks.

A material weakening of L-Bank's role for, or link to, the state, including changes to the guarantee or ownership
structure, could have negative rating implications for the bank. We currently consider such a scenario unlikely.

Related Criteria and Research
• Baden-Wuerttemberg (State of), March 25, 2014
• Banks: Rating Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 9, 2011
• Rating Government-Related Entities: Methodology And Assumptions, Dec. 9, 2010

Table 1
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Key Figures
                                                        --Year-ended Dec. 31--

(Mil. €)                            2013             2012              2011         2010        2009
Adjusted assets                  70,672.9         70,621.6          67,982.0     60,993.3    59,709.1
Customer loans                   23,773.5         24,288.4          22,786.4     22,544.6    22,427.1
Adjusted common equity            3,007.7           2,858.0          2,662.8      2,023.8     2,010.9
Operating revenues                  357.4            373.1             803.9       339.7       436.1
Noninterest expenses                173.4            152.7             143.6       130.5       140.9
Core earnings                       102.1            166.7             659.4       166.8       230.6

N.A.--Not available. N/A--Not applicable. N.M.--Not meaningful.

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Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank)

Table 2
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Business Position
                                                                                         --Year-ended Dec. 31--

(%)                                                           2013                 2012               2011             2010                    2009
Total revenues from business line (currency in               357.4                 373.1              803.9            339.7                   436.1
Return on equity                                                   3.4               5.3               26.5              7.0                     2.5

N.A.--Not available. N/A--Not applicable. N.M.--Not meaningful.

Table 3
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Capital And Earnings
                                                                                    --Year-ended Dec. 31--

(%)                                                         2013                  2012              2011              2010                   2009
Tier 1 capital ratio                                         15.7                 14.2                9.7              8.6                     8.1
S&P RAC ratio before diversification                         16.4                 17.9               11.5              8.2                     8.2
S&P RAC ratio after diversification                          15.9                 14.1               11.3              7.8                     7.8
Net interest income/operating revenues                       81.2                 79.2               40.4             93.8                    88.8
Fee income/operating revenues                                11.5                 10.5                5.3             11.9                     7.3
Noninterest expenses/operating revenues                      48.5                 40.9               17.9             38.4                    32.3
Preprovision operating income/average assets                  0.3                  0.3                1.0              0.3                     0.5
Core earnings/average managed assets                          0.1                  0.2                1.0              0.3                     0.4

N.A.--Not available. N/A--Not applicable. N.M.--Not meaningful.

Table 4
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Risk Position
                                                                                             --Year-ended Dec. 31--

(%)                                                                       2013             2012             2011        2010                  2009
Growth in customer loans                                                  (2.1)             6.6               1.1            0.5               (1.7)
Total diversification adjustment / S&P RWA before                          3.0             27.5               1.8            5.3                5.8
Total managed assets/adjusted common equity (x)                           23.5             24.7             25.5         30.1                  29.7
New loan loss provisions/average customer loans                            0.3              0.2             N.M.             0.2                0.3

N.A.--Not available. N/A--Not applicable. N.M.--Not meaningful.

Table 5
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Funding And Liquidity
                                                                                         --Year-ended Dec. 31--

(%)                                                               2013              2012              2011             2010                   2009
Core deposits/funding base                                         11.8             12.7               13.0            13.3                    12.3
Customer loans (net)/customer deposits                            301.2            282.8              264.1           282.5                   314.2
Long term funding ratio                                            64.9             71.1               71.6            72.6                    70.4
Stable funding ratio                                               93.1            102.9              103.4            97.3                    93.1
Short-term wholesale funding/funding base                          36.7             30.1               29.5            28.4                    30.7
Broad liquid assets/short-term wholesale funding                    1.0              1.2                1.1             1.0                      1.0

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Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank)

Table 5
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank) Funding And Liquidity (cont.)
Net broad liquid assets/short-term customer                       (36.6)             163.2               139.5                34.6              (45.3)
Short-term wholesale funding/total wholesale                       41.6                34.5               34.0                32.8               35.0
Narrow liquid assets/3-month wholesale funding                      1.4                 1.8                1.5                 1.5                   1.6

N.A.--Not available. N/A--Not applicable. N.M.--Not meaningful.

Ratings Detail (As Of January 28, 2015)
Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (L-Bank)
Counterparty Credit Rating                                                                       AAA/Stable/A-1+
Counterparty Credit Ratings History
07-Mar-2012                                                                                     AAA/Stable/A-1+
16-Dec-2010                                                                                     AA+/Positive/A-1+
20-Sep-2010                                                                                     AA+/Watch Pos/A-1+
Sovereign Rating
Germany (Federal Republic of) (Unsolicited Ratings)                                             AAA/Stable/A-1+
Related Entities
Baden-Wuerttemberg (State of)
Issuer Credit Rating                                                                            AAA/Stable/A-1+
Commercial Paper
  Local Currency                                                                                A-1+
Senior Unsecured
 Greater China Regional Scale                                                                   cnAAA
Senior Unsecured                                                                                AAA
Short-Term Debt                                                                                 A-1+
Subordinated                                                                                    AAA
 *Unless otherwise noted, all ratings in this report are global scale ratings. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on the global scale are comparable
across countries. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on a national scale are relative to obligors or obligations within that specific country.

Additional Contact:
Financial Institutions Ratings Europe;

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