ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

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ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
11 MAY 2020


  The impact of the National Credit                   Downgrade of South Africa’s
  Act on contracts of suretyship                      credit rating further into junk
  A notable feature of credit transactions is the     On 29 April 2020, Standard & Poor's Global
  inherent commercial risk to credit providers. Our   Ratings (S&P) lowered South Africa’s sovereign
  law, however, makes provision for the alleviation   credit rating further into non-investment grade,
  of such risks through, among others, the laws       otherwise known as junk status, citing the
  relating to security. In order to mitigate these    impact of COVID-19 on South Africa’s public
  risks, creditors have the option to require their   finances and economic growth as one of the
  debtors to provide them with security for the       reasons for its ratings action.
  fulfilment of their obligations.


ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                          The impact of the National Credit
                                          Act on contracts of suretyship
                                          A notable feature of credit transactions         third party in favour the creditor, or the
                                          is the inherent commercial risk to credit        conclusion of a contract of suretyship
A creditor who requires                   providers. Our law, however, makes               between the creditor and the third party.
                                          provision for the alleviation of such            In either case, the third party binds itself to
security for the fulfilment
                                          risks through, among others, the laws            the creditor and holds itself liable for the
of an obligation may                      relating to security. In order to mitigate       obligations of the debtor.
obtain such security in                   these risks, creditors have the option
                                                                                           A contract of suretyship is an agreement
various forms.                            to require their debtors to provide
                                                                                           in terms of which one assumes liability
                                          them with security for the fulfilment of
                                                                                           for the obligations of another, which
                                          their obligations.
                                                                                           obligations have arisen pursuant to a
                                          A creditor who requires security for the         lawful underlying causa. Put differently,
                                          fulfilment of an obligation may obtain such      it is an agreement, which is ancillary to a
                                          security in various forms. For instance, the     valid primary obligation, in terms of which
                                          creditor may require the debtor to provide       one (the surety) secures the obligations
                                          real security in the form of a pledge            of another (the principal debtor), by
                                          of its movable property, or a cession            binding themselves to the creditor. In
                                          in securitatem debiti of the debtor’s assets,    consequence, if the principal debtor
                                          in favour of the creditor. Alternatively, the    fails, without lawful reason, to fulfil its
                                          debtor may provide personal security by          obligations to the creditor, the surety
                                          procuring that a third party be bound to         will fulfil such obligations. The accessory
                                          the creditor, such that if the debtor fails to   nature of the contract of suretyship was
                                          fulfil its obligations to the creditor, such     emphasised by the Constitutional Court
                                          third party will be liable for the fulfilment    in Shabangu v Land and Agricultural
                                          of the debtor’s obligations. That personal       Development Bank of South Africa and
                                          security may be provided in a number of          Others 2020 (1) SA 305 (CC), which held
                                          ways including inter alia, the provision         that a suretyship cannot survive where
                                          of a guarantee and/or indemnity by the           the underlying obligation is invalid. It has
                                                                                           become the practice for sureties to bind

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ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                          The impact of the National Credit
                                          Act on contracts of suretyship...continued
                                          themselves to creditors as both surety             or credits extended by insurers only for
                                          and co-principal debtor. In such cases,            maintaining premiums on insurance
In light of the nature of                 although the surety will have bound                policies, leases of immovable property and
                                          themselves as a co-principal debtor, their         stokvel transactions from the definition of
contracts of suretyship,                  liability still emanates from the contract         credit agreements.
they have become an                       of suretyship. The effect of entering into
                                                                                             The court in Firstrand Bank Ltd
important means by which                  the contract as a co-principal debtor is
                                                                                             v Carl Beck Estates (Pty) Ltd and
credit providers manage                   that the surety renounces the common
                                                                                             Another 2009 (3) SA 384 (T) provided that
                                          law benefits of excussion and division,
the risks presented by                    and they become jointly and severally
                                                                                             “there is no doubt” that the obligations
credit transactions.                      liable for the obligations of the principal
                                                                                             of a surety constitute a credit agreement,
                                                                                             including a credit guarantee pursuant to
                                          debtor. Moreover, notwithstanding that
                                                                                             which one undertakes the obligations of
                                          their obligation remains ancillary, the
                                                                                             another pursuant to a credit facility or
                                          surety becomes entitled to the defences
                                                                                             credit transaction. The court further held
                                          attaching to the principal obligation itself
                                                                                             that although a contract of suretyship
                                          and defences available to the principal
                                                                                             constitutes a credit guarantee for purposes
                                          debtor, save for those personal to the
                                                                                             of the Act, it is only regarded as such if it
                                          principal debtor.
                                                                                             is provided pursuant to a credit facility or
                                          In light of the nature of contracts                transaction. In addition, the court provided
                                          of suretyship, they have become an                 that the contract of suretyship does not
                                          important means by which credit providers          create an independent obligation on the
                                          manage the risks presented by credit               part of the surety nor does it transform the
                                          transactions. It is therefore, necessary to        surety into a principal debtor. Moreover the
                                          determine whether or not the National              contract of suretyship does not constitute
                                          Credit Act (Act) applies to contracts of           a credit provided to the surety, neither
                                          suretyship and, if so, the consequences            does it make the surety a party to the
                                          thereof. Although the Act has been in              underlying agreement in respect of which
                                          force for a number of years, there are still       the suretyship contract is provided as
                                          uncertainties regarding its effect on certain      security. This is so, even where the surety
                                          types of contracts, one of which is the            has concluded the contract as both surety
                                          contract of suretyship. The Act provides           and co-principal debtor.
                                          that, subject to certain exceptions, it
                                                                                             Given that the definition of credit
                                          applies generally to all credit agreements
                                                                                             guarantees provided in the Act requires
                                          between parties dealing at arm’s-length,
                                                                                             such agreements to have been concluded
                                          which are concluded or have an effect
                                                                                             pursuant to a credit facility or credit
                                          in South Africa. In terms of the Act, an
                                                                                             transaction which is subject to the Act, it
                                          agreement constitutes a credit agreement
                                                                                             follows that for a contract of suretyship
                                          if it is a credit facility, a credit transaction
                                                                                             to be governed by the Act, the underlying
                                          or a credit guarantee as defined therein,
                                                                                             transaction must similarly be governed by
                                          or any combination thereof. However, the
                                                                                             the Act.
                                          Act specifically excludes insurance policies

ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                          The impact of the National Credit
                                          Act on contracts of suretyship...continued
                                          In light of the fact that under common          Having regard of the aforegoing
                                          law, a surety is entitled to the defences       discussion, it is clear that the provisions of
In light of the fact that                 available to the principal debtor, save for     the Act have had a significant impact on
                                          those personal to the principal debtor,         contracts of suretyship. As outlined above,
under common law, a                       it would follow that a surety would be          the Act categorises suretyship agreements
surety is entitled to the                 entitled to the protections which the           concluded pursuant to a credit agreement,
defences available to the                 Act avails to consumers. This would             as credit guarantees and accordingly
principal debtor, save                    include, without limitation, the defence        renders the Act applicable to them. It is
                                          of reckless credit lending by the creditor,     apparent that the effect of the Act on
for those personal to                     or unlawfulness of the underlying credit        contracts of suretyship is that enforcing
the principal debtor, it                  agreement. Moreover, before being               security granted under such contract has
would follow that a surety                able to hold the surety to its contractual      become more onerous on the creditor.
                                          obligations, the creditor would have to         Accordingly, it may have the consequence
would be entitled to the
                                          follow the process set out in the Act for       of alienating contracts of suretyship when
protections which the Act                 enforcing a credit agreement, including         it comes to securing credit facilities or
avails to consumers.                      the prescribed notices set out in the           transactions.
                                          Act. The creditor would have to follow
                                          the debt collection processes set out           Kuda Chimedza and
                                          in the Act, and if the surety were over         Mashudu Mphafudi
                                          indebted, it would be entitled to rely on the
                                          provisions of section 79 of the Act. All of
                                          the above implications render a contract
                                          of suretyship governed by the Act, weaker
                                          security than it was under common law. It
                                          is also more onerous on credit providers.

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ALERT FINANCE & BANKING - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                          Downgrade of South Africa’s credit
                                          rating further into junk
                                          On 29 April 2020, Standard & Poor's               Clients need to know that there is a direct
                                          Global Ratings (S&P) lowered South                correlation between the level of long-term
The rating agency                         Africa’s sovereign credit rating further          interest rates and the depth of junk status.
                                          into non-investment grade, otherwise              This means the further South Africa falls
downgraded South
                                          known as junk status, citing the impact           into junk status, the more long-term
Africa’s long-term foreign                of COVID-19 on South Africa’s public              interest rates will tend to rise. Simply put,
currency credit rating                    finances and economic growth as one               investors will most likely demand a higher
from BB to BB-, being                     of the reasons for its ratings action.            rate of interest for lending, which will raise
                                                                                            borrowing costs. It should, however, be
three notches below                       The rating agency downgraded South
                                                                                            noted that in a recent briefing by National
investment-grade and its                  Africa’s long-term foreign currency credit
                                                                                            Treasury held on 30 April 2020, it was stated
                                          rating from BB to BB-, being three notches
long-term local currency                  below investment-grade and its long-term
                                                                                            that the monetary policy implemented is
                                                                                            helping to support the cost of borrowing by
credit rating from BB+ to                 local currency credit rating from BB+ to
                                                                                            providing liquidity in the bond market, and
BB, being two notches                     BB, being two notches below investment-
                                                                                            ultimately is reducing bond yields.
below investment-grade.                   grade. This decision comes weeks after
                                          Fitch Ratings downgraded South Africa’s           Generally speaking, clients should also
                                          ratings deeper into junk as a result of the       carefully consider provisions in facilities
                                          lack of “a clear path towards government          insofar as the rating of South African banks
                                          debt stabilisation”, which was preceded           and other financial institutions’ long-term
                                          by Moody’s decision to downgrade South            unsecured and non-credit enhanced debt
                                          Africa’s sovereign investment-grade credit        obligations are concerned.
                                          rating in March 2020.
                                                                                            Some other impacts expected from the
                                          S&P further said South Africa’s cost of           downgrade, include the deterioration of
                                          servicing public debt will climb to about         South Africa’s credit reputation, less access
                                          6.5% of GDP by 2023. S&P also predicts that       to conventional credit markets; deterioration
                                          South Africa’s GDP will shrink by 4.5% this       in consumer and business confidence
                                          year – better than the South African Reserve      leading to a potential contraction in private
                                          Bank’s forecast of 6.1%.                          investment and consumption demand;
                                                                                            South Africa losing its status in various bond
                                          Despite S&P’s decision to downgrade the
                                                                                            indices whereby some bond investors with
                                          country’s sovereign credit rating during
                                                                                            mandate limitations are prohibited from
                                          these challenging times, government
                                                                                            buying the country’s bonds; and a large
                                          welcomes S&P’s revised outlook from
                                                                                            forex outflow as foreign investors dump
                                          “negative” to “stable”, and in the very least
                                                                                            South African debt.
                                          considers this as an indication that the rating
                                          agency “recognises some of government’s           The future of the South African economy
                                          fiscal and monetary policy measures as            is faced with a lot of uncertainty, however,
                                          strong points”.                                   it seems that government is committed to
                                                                                            implementing structural reforms to move
                                          The downgrade casts further gloom on
                                                                                            South Africa onto a higher growth path
                                          South Africa, however, what impact does the
                                                                                            and to forge a new economy in light of this
                                          downgrade of the country’s sovereign credit
                                                                                            global reality.
                                          rating have on clients and investors in the
                                          near future?
                                                                                            Pierre Swart and Stephanie Goncalves

For more information about our Finance & Banking practice and services, please contact:

               Deon Wilken                                        Jacqueline King                                    Vusiwe Ngcobo
               National Practice Head                             Director                                           Senior Associate
               Director                                           T +27 (0)11 562 1554                               T +27 (0)11 562 1329
               T +27 (0)11 562 1096                               E                     E
                                                                                                                     Kuda Chimedza
               Stephen Boikanyo                                   Izak Lessing                                       Associate
               Director                                           Director                                           T +27 (0)11 562 1737
               T +27 (0)11 562 1860                               T +27 (0)21 405 6013                               E
               E                    E
                                                                                                                     Stephanie Goncalves
               Adnaan Kariem                                      Mashudu Mphafudi                                   T +27 (0)11 562 1448
               Director                                           Director                                           E
               T +27 (0)21 405 6102                               T +27 (0)11 562 1093
               E                       E                    Jordan Maze
                                                                                                                     T +27 (0)21 481 6361
               Bridget King                                       Preshan Singh Dhulam                               E
               Director                                           Director
               T +27 (0)11 562 1027                               T +27 (0)11 562 1192                               Andile Sangweni
               E                        E                       Associate
                                                                                                                     T +27 (0)11 562 1046
                                                                  Pierre Swart
                                                                  T +27 (0)11 562 1717


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This information is published for general information purposes and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Specialist legal advice should always be sought in
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1 Protea Place, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196. Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010, South Africa. Dx 154 Randburg and Dx 42 Johannesburg.
T +27 (0)11 562 1000 F +27 (0)11 562 1111 E

11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001. PO Box 695, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Dx 5 Cape Town.
T +27 (0)21 481 6300 F +27 (0)21 481 6388 E

14 Louw Street, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600.
T +27 (0)21 481 6400 E

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