LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -

Page created by Katie Wright
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -

The Interview That
Shook the Royal Family
Transgenderism and the
Pursuit of Happiness

                         THE MARS
                          and YOUR
Why Are the
Wealthy ‘Woke’?
The Economy of
Tomorrow’s World
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
cover  Artist’s rendering of the
                                                                                                                      Perseverance rover on Mars
                                                                                                                 this page Artist’s rendering of the
                                                                                                                Perseverance rover casting off its
                                                                                                                spacecraft’s cruise stage minutes
                                                                                                                       before entering the Martian
                                                                                                                       atmosphere (NASA/JPL-CALTECH)
MAY–JUNE 2021 | VOL. 32, NO. 5 | CIRC. 243,028

Mars Landing: A Preview of
Your Incredible Potential!
There’s Intelligent Life Alright 2
Intelligence Can’t Solve Man’s Problems 4

Why Are the Wealthy ‘Woke’? 5

The Economy of Tomorrow’s World 9

Transgenderism and
the Pursuit of Happiness 11

Putin and the ‘Greatest Catastrophe’ 15

INFOGRAPHIC Vladimir Putin:
Forging the Empire Back Together 18

The Interview That
Shook the Royal Family 20

Biden Middle East Policy: Pushing
the World Toward Christ’s Return 22

Revealing the Two Witnesses 26



Are You Laughing at Things You Shouldn’t?

                                                                                             here is something
Fake History Does Real Damage
                                                                                          cosmically inspiring:
THE KEY OF DAVID TELEVISION LOG 36                                                         That war is the very
                                                                                      reason you were created!

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s    Trumpet executive editor Stephen   Regular news updates and alerts   News and analysis
weekly television program                  Flurry’s television program        from our website to your inbox    updated daily         
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -

Mars Landing:
A Preview of Your
Incredible Potential!

See images from Mars for what they truly are: a preview of your future mission.

                he world has been dazzled by images from Mars.             This history can be proved from the Bible. Herbert
               America’s Perseverance rover is traveling across          W. Armstrong explained all this clearly in his book The Incred-
                the Martian surface and sending back some of             ible Human Potential (request your free copy). In that book,
                the best pictures, video and even audio that we          he wrote, “Apparently all such planets in the entire universe
                have ever had from that planet. The mission also         now are waste and empty—decayed (tohu and bohu)—like the
                includes test-flying a remote helicopter and gath-       Earth was, as described in Genesis 1:2. But God did not create
                ering rock and soil samples that scientists hope to      them in such conditions of decay—like our moon. Decay is not
bring back to Earth later this decade. This truly is an amazing          an original created condition—it is a condition resulting from
and stunning achievement!                                                a process of deterioration. Evidently if the now-fallen angels
   These scientists are searching for signs of past life on Mars.        had maintained the Earth in its original beautiful condition,
But the overwhelming reality, confirmed by the work of this              improved it, carried out God’s instructions, and obeyed His gov-
rover, is that this planet is dead and in a state of decay.              ernment, they would have been offered the awesome potential
   The contrast with the planet we inhabit is unmistakable: Earth        of populating and carrying out a tremendous creative program
is full of life! Mars and every other planet are decayed wastelands.     throughout the entire universe. When they turned traitor on
   Here is a most exciting truth, revealed in your Bible: The            Earth, their sin must have also brought simultaneously physical
condition of these planets is closely linked with your incredi-          destruction to the other planets throughout the universe, which
ble human potential!                                                     were potentially and conditionally put in subjection to them.”
   As impressive and inspiring as the Mars landing is, this bibli-         Now here is something cosmically inspiring: That war is
cal truth makes it a million times more so. Let me tell you why.         the very reason you were created!
                                                                           Mr. Armstrong continued: “As God surveyed this cataclysmic
Cause of Decay                                                           tragedy, He must have realized that since the highest, most
What caused the state of decay on Mars and the other planets?            perfect being within His almighty power to create had turned
The Bible tells us.                                                      to rebellion, it left God Himself as the only being who would
   God created angels, and they were present when He created             not and cannot sin.” This is a profound statement. God realized
the Earth and the universe. These “sons of God shouted for joy”          that only beings with His own perfect character could rule this
over this creation (Job 38:4-7). God sent Lucifer and one third          planet and the universe. So He decided on a different plan—a
of the angels to Earth to administer His law and beautify and            spectacular plan to re-create Himself.
build. This planet was to be a training ground for far greater             That was the basis of His creating human beings. You
future projects.                                                         need to study this book to fully understand. It will show you that
   But some time later—unrevealed in Scripture but perhaps               these statements fit perfectly into the master plan of the Bible.
millions of years—a great many angels, led by the greatest angel           The angels had destroyed the surface of the Earth, so God
of all, Lucifer, rebelled against their Creator and launched a war       renewed it (Psalm 104:30; Genesis 1:2-25) to prepare it for His
against Him (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-17; Luke 10:18; Revela-      new creation. Then He made human beings—in His own image
tion 12:7-9). It was the most destructive war ever, and it left Earth,   and likeness (verse 26)—and put the material creation under
the moon, Mars, the other planets and apparently the rest of the         our subjection (verses 27-31). It was a means of preparing us for
universe that God had created perfect in a state of desolation!          much more ambitious plans to come.
                                                                                                                           MAY–JUNE 2021 1
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
Yes, God created mankind with the destiny to remove the                 needs desperately to be set free. God created life on Earth—
decay from Mars and the universe. You have a direct connec-               human beings—for that purpose,
tion to the universe! He wants us to help make the universe               to make it flourish with new
look like Earth, like the beautiful Garden of Eden! That is man’s         beauty and life!                             Request your free
                                                                                                                     copy of Our Awesome
destiny, and you can prove it from the Bible.                               “ We k n o w t h at t h e w h o l e       Universe Potential.
                                                                          creation has been groaning in
A Coming Birth!                                                           travail together until now; and not
The Apostle Paul understood this truth. Notice what he wrote              only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of
in Romans 8:18-19: “I consider that the sufferings of this pres-          the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the
ent time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be             redemption of our bodies” (verses 22-23; rsv).
revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the            God personifies the Earth and universe as in a state of “labor
revealing of the sons of God” (Revised Standard Version).                 pains” just before God gives birth to the sons of God! The word
  Why would the creation wait for the sons of God—here refer-             adoption is an absolutely wrong translation. The translators
ring to human beings—to be glorified? “For the creation was               couldn’t believe that mankind is to be born into the Family of
subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who     God—of which human birth is a type. This truth is so incredible
                                      subjected it in hope; because       that men refuse to believe God! We will not be adopted by God—
                                      the creation itself will be         we are going to be born into His Family, and you can prove it.
                                      set free from its bondage              No wonder the word hope is used five times in verses 24-25!
                                      to decay and obtain the glo-        How awesome this truth is! And God is inviting you to be part
                                      rious liberty of the children       of this magnificent universe-building program. Can you believe
                                      [sons] of God” (verses 20-21;       your Bible? You can if you study The Incredible Human Potential
                                      rsv). The Earth and universe        with it and let God build your faith.
                                      must be “set free from its
                                      bondage to decay.”                  Focus on the Creator
                                         When we see pictures of          Why do scientists want to reach Mars? It gets back to one over-
                                      the moon and Mars, we see           all question: Is there life there?
                                      this “bondage to decay.” It            But they are asking the wrong question! They should ask, “Why
                                      is obvious that the universe        are Mars and the rest of the universe there?” This question

                                    surface of another planet using a     to New York in just over 15          had hit the atmosphere until
                                    sky crane. It sounds like science     minutes. Entering the Martian        four minutes after it had already
                                    fiction. It’s actually science        atmosphere, its heat shield was      touched down—or crashed.
                                    history. It happened for the first    blasted with temperatures higher        The atmosphere slowed the
                                    time in 2012, and then again on       than 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit.       rover down to “only” 1,000 miles
                                    February 18 this year. This kind         To land safely, Perseverance      per hour. Then the craft deployed

There’s                             of mission is almost becoming
                                    routine. And the most recent one
                                                                          had to decelerate from 12,500
                                                                          miles an hour to a standstill
                                                                                                               its parachute. Still traveling
                                                                                                               faster than the speed of sound,

Intelligent                         carried a helicopter.
                                        There is intelligent life after
                                                                          in seven minutes—without
                                                                          damaging its robotic arm,
                                                                                                               the 70-foot-wide chute deployed,
                                                                                                               slowing the streaking craft down

Life Alright                        all—it’s here on Earth.
                                        NASA’s Perseverance traveled
                                                                          spectrometer, cameras, weather
                                                                          station, ground-penetrating
                                                                                                               to 200 miles per hour.
                                                                                                                  The Perseverance rover also

C  uriosity, NASA’s miraculous
   Mars rover, has already
revealed a remarkable discovery.
                                    293 million miles, the equivalent
                                    of driving around the Earth’s
                                    equator nearly 12,000 times. As
                                                                          radar, laser or other equipment.
                                                                          Radio signals from Perseverance
                                                                          take 11 minutes to reach Earth, so
                                                                                                               had to select its own landing
                                                                                                               site—with no time to get any input
                                                                                                               from humans. Its target, the
  NASA landed a nuclear-            it neared Mars, it was traveling      the landing had to be completely     Jezero crater, has not hosted a
powered robot car with a            at 12,500 miles an hour—fast          automated. Scientists wouldn’t       Mars rover before—it’s too rocky
rock-zapping laser on the           enough to fly from London             even know that Perseverance          for one to land. As Perseverance
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
A composited panoramic
                                                                                                                                                 image of Mars captured
                                                                                                                                              by the Perseverance rover

                       leads us to the Creator! Scientists
                       are focused on the creation, not the         Scientists can see that Mars and the
                       Creator. And though it may be done in
                       ignorance, it amounts to an exercise in
                                                                    universe are waste and in a state of decay.
                       futility and rebellion against God.
                          The Apostle Paul encountered scholars who were asking the                 Scientists are looking for life on Mars. They ought to
                       wrong question and whose focus was warped. He wrote about                 be learning how to save life on Earth! Our number one
                       them in Romans 1:24-25: “Therefore God gave them up in the                problem is human survival!
                       lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their               We have done to Earth what Satan did to the universe—only
                       bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth                 worse! Why is that the case? Because he is “the god of this
                       about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature                 world” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
                       rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen” (rsv).               We can only make Mars flourish with beauty and life if we
                          The word creature means things or beings. Those ancient                first allow God to change our human nature!
                       scholars and our modern scientists do not worship God, so
                       they worship themselves or other human beings and the rest                Sons of God
                       of God’s creation, like Mars. Most people—including most                  Angels have a fiery splendor that would make us faint if we
                       religious people—worship science, scientists and the universe,            saw them. Yet God never said to any of the angels, “You are my
                       not God. How disgusting and shallow men are when they wor-                son” (Hebrews 1:5). They are not on the God level. God never
                       ship things and beings—the creation—and not the Creator of                intended that they be born sons of God.
                       those things and beings. We ask, “Is there life on Mars?” But we            Your potential is so much greater than that of the dazzling
                       should ask, “Is there a Creator of Mars?”                                 angels! Are you grateful for that?
                          Scientists can see that Mars and the universe are waste and              “For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world
                       in a state of decay. Some dream of somehow escaping Earth                 to come, whereof we speak” (Hebrews 2:5). God is going to
                       and introducing life to Mars. Can they do that? Look at what              remake the Earth and universe. He isn’t putting that “world to
                       human beings have done to this planet. We are about to destroy            come” under the angels—but He is putting it in subjection to
                       all human life on Earth! Even if we “escaped,” we would bring             men and women who enter His Family! This shows that God is
                       rebellious, destructive human nature with us! Even if we found            working to build His very character—which alone can rule the
                       life on Mars, we would just destroy it in the end!                        universe—in human beings.

                                                                     The spacecraft carrying
                                                                     Perseverance slows down as
                                                                     it enters Mars’s atmosphere.

                       got closer to the ground for the
                       boulders and cliffs to become
                       visible, computers scanned and
                       found a patch of ground smooth
                       enough for it land.
                          Once the rover was 6,900 feet
                       above its selected landing zone, it
                       jettisoned, and then dodged, the
                       parachute and fired up its eight
                       rockets—slowing its descent
                       further. But the rover couldn’t
                       land using the rockets: The dust
                       cloud would have damaged its
                       instruments. Instead, a sky crane
                       held aloft by rockets floated

                       above the ground and lowered
                                                                     Perseverance deploys a                          An illustration of
                       Perseverance down by tethers                  parachute to slow it down                       Perseverance rover
                                                                     before landing.                                 landing safely on Mars
                       onto the Martian surface.       n
                                                                                                                                                   MAY–JUNE 2021 3
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
“But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that              over the works of thy hands: Thou hast put all things [Moffatt
thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest                 translates the Hebrew word for ‘all things’ as the universe in
him?” (verse 6). This quotes Psalm 8:4-6, where David looked                   Hebrews 1:3] in subjection under his feet. For in that he put
up at what he could see of the universe and asked God why He                   all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put
was so mindful of human beings.                                                under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him”
   Most of us don’t grasp the deep meaning of this verse. God                  (Hebrews 2:7-8). God is going to put Mars and the universe
is obviously concerned about the universe. But His main focus                  under man’s rule—He just hasn’t done so yet. What jaw-drop-
is on His masterpiece of creation: man! God is “mindful”—His                   ping potential—higher than angels!
mind is full—of mankind and our potential! The universe                          “For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom
would be of little value to God without His Family to rule it.                 are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the
  “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou                         captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings” (verse 10).
crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him                         God perfects us through suffering. We experience trials to help
                                                                                                    change our human nature, to help prepare
                                                                                                    us for our mind-boggling future. The Cre-
                                                                                                    ator became a human being and conquered
                                                                                                    human nature, never sinning even once.
Intelligence Can’t Solve Man’s Problems                                                             And He will empower you and me to conquer
                                                                                                    sinful human nature as well.

T   he Mars mission brings to mind both
    the dramatic strengths and the tragic
weaknesses of our human minds.
                                               But God had to stop mankind at
                                            Babel. He effectively jammed their
                                            communications and decentralized
                                                                                                       Verse 11 says that He is not ashamed to
                                                                                                    call human beings who do so His brothers!
                                                                                                    The angels were never called the brothers of
    Consider the paradox here: The          them. Why? Because when man uses                        Christ in this way, because they were never
human mind can surmount thousands of        his brilliant mind and his five senses, he              sons in God’s Family.
technical problems and land a perfectly     only brings himself closer to destroying
functioning, high-tech, remotely            others and himself. Without the vital                   Our Universe Dream
controlled robot on another planet.         spiritual dimension of knowledge, man                   This world is about to enter a very dark age.
    Why, then, cannot humanity’s best       can build towers and rockets—but he                     Actually, you could say Earth has been in the
minds solve poverty? And end war?           cannot bring peace. He cannot stop                      dark ages throughout man’s history. God is
Surely getting along with one another       crime, hatred, perversion or hopeless-                  letting the trauma intensify until we finally
can’t be much more complicated than         ness. He hasn’t even really gotten a                    realize how inept we really are.
vaporizing Martian rocks with lasers?       handle on famine, epidemics or poverty.                    In this convulsing world, we need our uni-
    Actually it is.                            With that spiritual dimension missing,               verse dream. We need to see the stupendous
    Man “is limited in knowledge to         mankind’s amazing physical accom-                       possibility and the eternal majesty God is
that which may be transmitted into          plishments have just meant more wars                    offering human beings.
the brain through the physical senses       with increasingly destructive weapons.                     People are intrigued and inspired by the
of sight, hearing, tasting, smelling           The wonderful news is that human                     Mars landings. But most will have only a few
and feeling,” Herbert W. Armstrong          nature will change!                                     fleeting moments of inspiration, then the
wrote in his magazine the Plain Truth,         First, man will need to learn just how               hope will fade. Please don’t let this happen
predecessor of the Trumpet. “Man’s          deficient, how incomplete, his mind is                  to you. Your potential beyond those pictures
most serious problems are spiritual in      without the spiritual dimension from                    is breathtaking and inspiring beyond any-
nature. But man is naturally confined to    God. Then God will make it so that “the                 thing you have ever known. See those Mars
thinking solely in terms of the physical    earth shall be full of the knowledge of                 pictures for what they truly are: a window
and material. He cannot grasp or            the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”                  into the greatest hope you can ever imagine!
comprehend spiritual problems or            (Isaiah 11:9).                                          Nothing can stimulate our imagination like
spiritual knowledge” (September 1980).         When mankind is willing to listen,                   comprehending our universe potential! n
    On a physical level, man has “a         God will show the world the way to
God-type mind,” Trumpet editor in chief     peace. He will give us the spiritual

                                                                                                To Mars and beyond!
Gerald Flurry said in October 2004.         answers to our problems and the
It’s a “mind power that ought to just       will to provide the crucial component
stagger us in wonder and awe.”              that is so conspicuously absent from
    Mr. Armstrong wrote, “The               intelligent life here on Earth: His Holy                Humans are fascinated with the
human mind’s capacity for material          Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:11-14).                         heavens because we are destined
accomplishment seems unlimited.”               Man already has a God-type mind on                   to go there—just not in the way
As God looked down on mankind               the physical level. God plans on adding                 most think. To read the logical,
working together at the tower of Babel      to that, giving man a God-type mind on                  biblical, thrilling purpose for the
in antiquity, He said, “nothing will be     the spiritual level, as well. He wants to               universe, request your free copy of
restrained from them, which they have       create His perfect mind in mankind!                     The Incredible Human Potential,
imagined to do.”                                                  RICHARD PALMER                    by Herbert W. Armstrong.
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -

                                                                                                        Big business backs Biden, the
                                                                                                        super-rich support socialism, and
                                                                                                        CEOs want to change the world.
                                                                                                        BY RICHARD PALMER


                                                                                                                         hat do Nike, Pepsi,            Billionaires donate to radical politicians    that it also has a lot to say about our

                                                                                                                         Lego, Disney, L’Oreal,         like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.                modern businessmen.
                                                                                                                         kfc, Pfizer, Comcast,             If you want to avoid giving your dollars
                                                                                                                         FedEx, Home Depot,             to companies that support radical-left        Money
                                                                                                                         Ve r i z o n , G o o g l e ,   causes, good luck. More and more big          Part of the reason for this political
                                                                                                        Starbucks, Papa Johns, Coca-Cola,               businesses and big businessmen are            shift left in the business realm is
                                                                                                        Morgan Stanley and Deloitte all have            pushing the woke agenda.                      self-interest. In general, businesses
                                                                                                        in common? They are giant, hard-to-                Aren’t corporations supposedly             try to appeal to the relatively young.
                                                                                                        ignore businesses. What’s more: They            right wing? Why have so many moved            If young people have a job, they likely
                                                                                                        have all supported Black Lives Matter,          so far left?                                  have more disposable income than a
                                                                                                        the lgbt movement or the racial justice            The impact of big business and big         pensioner, and if they become loyal
                                                                                                        movement—or all three.                          businessmen on our society is enor-           to your brand at age 20, they have
                                                                                                          Meanwhile, their executives travel the        mous. They are playing a leading role in      many years of purchasing ahead. The
                                                                                                        world in private jets, lecturing people         driving the world down this road.             2020 Pew Party Identification Survey
                                                                                                        about the dangers of climate change.               The Bible has a lot to say about the       of 12,000 registered voters found that
                                                                                                        Organizations such as Davos and the             decline in modern society’s moral             54 percent of millennials (ages 24
                                                                                                        World Economic Forum promote pro-               standards. It discusses our politics and      to 39) lean Democrat, whereas only
                                                                                                        grams of thinly disguised communism.            politicians. Thus, it is unsurprising         38 percent lean Republican.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MAY–JUNE 2021 5
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
Protesters from Boston Socialist Alternative,
 Freedom Fighters Coalition and Sunrise
 Movement–Boston march on election night.

   It’s no coincidence, then, that busi-          in persecuting businesses. So for busi-       business supports. When did you last see
nesses that have shifted furthest to the          nesses, it’s the left they need to appease.   one of these companies stand up for lgbt
left have the youngest customers. For             They aren’t so keen on left-wing ideas        rights in Iran? Or to speak out against
example, people under age 34 make up              such as high taxation—so they promote         slavery in China? Doing the latter would
43 percent of Nike’s business; 89 percent         the ideas that hurt them little.              hurt their supply chains. So Nike, Apple
of Starbucks customers are under age 40.            “Corporate activism on social issues        and Coca-Cola lobbied Congress to allow
   Businesses also tend to appeal to urban        isn’t in tension with corporate self-in-      them to continue to use Chinese concen-
consumers. Those in big cities visit              terest on tax policy and corporate stingi-    tration camp inmates. Pharmaceutical
Starbucks more often. And 62 percent of           ness in paychecks,” wrote Ross Douthat        giant Gilead sponsors homosexual pride
urban-registered voters lean Democrat,            in the New York Times. “Rather, the           parades—while charging over $2,000
compared to just 31 percent Republican.           activism increasingly exists to protect       a month for an anti-hiv drug. Signaling
The New Republic wrote that businesses            the self-interest and the stinginess—to       their support for the lgbt movement is
shifting left are “just opening their eyes        justify the ways of ceos to cultural power    much cheaper than lowering the price
to how important political involvement is         brokers, so that those same power bro-        of a drug that would predominantly help
to their profits” (April 30, 2018).               kers will leave them alone (and forgive       those in that community.
  Young, urban workers are not just               their support for Trump’s economic               Look at just how targeted these sup-
target customers, they are also target            agenda) in realms that matter more to         posedly altruistic social efforts are, and
employees. Businesses competing to hire           the corporate bottom line” (Feb. 28, 2018).   it’s not hard to recognize the monetary
young people entering the workforce shift            Douthat called the new state of affairs    motivation behind them.
politically left to increase their appeal.       “the Peace of Palo Alto, in which a certain
   But some brands, like Gillette, have           kind of virtue-signaling on progressive       Big Regulation
moved left even against the preferences           social causes, a certain degree of perfor-    There’s another reason for big business
of their target consumers. Why?                   mative wokeness, is offered to liberalism     to support radical-leftist causes: Big
                                                                                                                                             ERIN CLARK/BOSTON GLOBE/ GETTY IMAGES

                                                  and the activist left preemptively, in the    business and the radical left both love
Appeasement                                       hopes that having corporate America           big government.
Leftists are working hard to politicize           take their side in the culture wars will        Left-wing politicians continually
the marketplace, aggressively target-             blunt efforts to tax or regulate our new      publicize the fiction that business hates
ing businesses that transgress their              monopolies too heavily.”                      regulation. True, your local accountant,
standards. In today’s political climate,             Does all this sound a bit too cynical?     baker, electrician, hardware store owner
those on the right have little interest           Consider the left-wing causes big             and restaurateur all hate regulation. But
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
not big business. Why? Big businesses               a huge network of nonprofits, none of             incredibly fake. The youthful partici-
can afford to hire lobbyists to shape reg-          which give any clear indication of being          pants aren’t so much being empowered
ulations. They can hire experts that help           related to Omidyar or to each other.              as instrumentalized. After all, they are
them ensure compliance with the most                They have names like the Democracy                part of the portfolio of an investment
complex and labyrinthine of red tape.               Fund, Healthy Democracy and the                   fund that is using them to ‘shift power,’
And if a government regulator comes                 MacArthur Foundation.                             with part of the strategy being to shame
after them, they can hire lawyers and                 Fuller wrote, “If one accepts what ‘giv-        politicians for not being nice enough to
buy influence to push back. But all these           ers,’ like Omidyar et al, say, it becomes         hysterical children.”
options are far out of reach for small busi-                                                             But Omidyar doesn’t just fund activist
nesses. Regulation also stops potential
competitors before they ever get started.
                                                    “On one level, it is                              groups. He funnels money into “research
                                                                                                      organizations” that describe themselves
   The upshot is, the more regulation,               great that young                                 as “independent” or “nonprofit.” You
t h e l e s s c o m p e t i t ive t h e m a rke t
becomes for the corporate giants. So
                                                     people are taking                                presume them to be groups of scientists
                                                                                                      doing studies, but look deeper and you
even in countries known for being “free              part in politics.                                find that they are firms full of public rela-
market” and “free enterprise,” big busi-
ness is devoted to big government.
                                                     But on another level                             tions managers and strategy directors.
                                                                                                         Some of these “research organiza-
   The total money spent by registered               it is incredibly fake.                           tions” produce “sample op-eds” that you
lobbyists rose from $2.4 billion in 1988
to a peak of $3.5 billion in 2009 during
                                                     The youthful                                     can use to write your own, complete
                                                                                                      with facts and stats backing up the point
Barack Obama’s first year in office                  participants aren’t                              you want to make. No wonder so much
(figures adjusted for inflation). And this
was just the official, registered spending.
                                                     so much being                                    of the media sounds the same.
                                                                                                         In addition to this, these different
   On average, an estimated $3.7 million             empowered as                                     groups work together. For example,
is spent lobbying each member of Con-
gress each year.
                                                     instrumentalized.”                               a billionaire-funded “independent
                                                                                                      research institute” publishes a study on
   This lobbying creates a lucrative                   Roslyn Fuller                                 “fake news.” The study recommends an
revolving door. Ex-political advisers can                                                            “independent” fact-checking group. It
make a lot of money selling their services           apparent that rather than participating          turns out that the fact-checker is funded
to businesses, helping them navigate the             in traditional acts of charity, like             by the same billionaire—a fact it does
laws they just created. Here’s one case              founding a hospital for the needy, they          not disclose.
in point: Jake Sullivan helped President             are attempting to engage in ‘social engi-           The desire to reshape society is now
Obama negotiate the Iran deal. He then               neering’—that is, using their resources          commonly talked about by the super-rich.
got a job helping big business trade with            to artificially change the structure of          The World Economic Forum famously
Iran, using his intimate knowledge of                society to what they think it should be.         started talking about the “Great Reset.”
the deal he helped craft. Now, Sullivan is           If successful, this would amount to an           Klaus Schwab, one man pushing hard
back in politics as President Joe Biden’s            extreme circumvention of democracy,              for this “reset,” writes in COVID-19: The
national security adviser.                           utilizing money not just to win elections,       Great Reset: “At the time of writing (June
   At times, industries lobby to have                but to substitute paid or subsidized             2020), the pandemic continues to worsen
regulations put in place that serve no               content for actual support, and thereby          globally. Many of us are pondering when
benefit to customers, but which earn                 flip an entire political culture on to a dif-    things will return to normal. The short
businesses tremendous profit. As the                 ferent track by amplifying some voices           response is: never. Nothing will ever
government encroaches deeper into                    and drowning out others.”                        return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy
more and more areas of our lives, more                  One group that receives funding               that prevailed prior to the crisis because
of these businesses stand to benefit.                from Omidyar, the Sunrise Movement,              the coronavirus pandemic marks a fun-
                                                     describes its plan to “take over the             damental inflection point in our global
Faking a Popular Movement                            entire United States and all the insti-          trajectory.” This man sees the disruption
But not all business support for the leftist         tutions in it.” It “moved activists into         to all of our lives this past year as prog-
agenda comes from cynical self-interest.            ‘dorm-style Sunrise Movement Houses               ress toward some twisted socialist utopia.
Many, especially among the super-rich,               for three to six months’ in order to
appear to be true believers. So they bring           create leaders who had a deep level of          Backing Biden
to bear their wealth, influence and expe-            commitment ‘for everything that would           It’s no surprise to see many in business
rience in shaping governmental policy.               come afterwards’” (ibid). These leaders         acting on their commitment to reshaping
  Roslyn Fuller tracked how this works               are trained to turn more people to the          society by backing Joe Biden for United
for her article “The Billionaire Takeover            cause until they reach a critical mass.         States president. In October 2020, cnbc
of Civil Society” (Spiked, January 29).                “On one level, it is great that young         wrote that the Democrats had “crushed”
She zoomed in on one individual: Ebay                people are taking part in politics,”            Republicans in fund-raising, “fueled, at
billionaire Pierre Omidyar. He funds                 Fuller wrote. “But on another level it is       least in part, by Wall Street executives.”
                                                                                                                                MAY–JUNE 2021 7
LANDING THE MARS The Interview That Shook the Royal Family Transgenderism and the Pursuit of Happiness -
In Time’s shocking admission of           insider reported that Goldman Sachs         has. “BlackRock needs to be broken up
election interference, “The Secret          had a similar, but quieter, policy. Deut-   and regulated,” director of research
History of the Shadow Campaign That         sche Bank announced plans to distance       at the American Economic Liberties
Saved the 2020 Election,” the author        itself from President Trump.                Project Matt Stoller said. “BlackRock
described the role big business played in      Then, as Biden chose his administra-     ceo Larry Fink knows this, so he’s been
the most recent elections: “There was a     tion, his links with the radical left and   storing hack Democrats on ice so they
conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes,     big business became even clearer.           can go into the Biden administration
one that both curtailed the protests           BlackRock manages more assets than       and make sure that doesn’t happen.”
and coordinated the resistance from         anyone in the world: the equivalent of        BlackRock chairman Larry Fink is
ceos. Both surprises were the result of     $8.7 trillion. Bloomberg characterizes      an enthusiastic Democrat. In January
an informal alliance between left-wing      it as the “fourth branch of government.”    2017, he sent an open letter to over 1,000
activists and business titans. The pact     As the government prints money to keep      ceos urging them to “respond to broader
was formalized in a terse, little-noticed   the economy afloat, BlackRock is an         social challenges.” He encouraged them
joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of      essential partner, managing that cash.      to follow the examples of businesses
Commerce and afl-cio published on              The company has a revolving door         that cut ties with the National Rifle
Election Day. Both sides would come         relationship with the Obama-Biden           Association and praised examples like
                                                                                        Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods,
                                                                                        which responded to a mass shooting

   BlackRock chairman                                                                   by quickly announcing policies against
                                                                                        selling guns to customers under 21.
   Larry Fink is an                                                                       As a business, BlackRock will support

   enthusiastic Democrat.                                                               radical-left projects when it suits them.
                                                                                        They made a big show of their plan to
   In January 2017,                                                                     stop investing in any company that makes

   he sent an open                                                                      more than 25 percent of its revenue from
                                                                                        coal. They are less proud of the fact they
   letter to over 1,000                                                                 are the world’s largest investor in fossil

   CEOs urging them to                                                                  fuels—due to their heavy investment in
                                                                                        the oil industry (though, interestingly
  “respond to broader                                                                   enough, not in the Keystone Pipeline).

   social challenges.”                                                                    But these close ties to government
                                                                                        have also brought Fink great returns.
                                                                                        Since 2004, his company has hired at
                                                                                        least 84 former government or central
                                                                                        bank officials. That is how you become
                                                                                        the fourth branch of government.
                                                                                          And once you’re in, all kinds of doors
 to see it as a sort of implicit bargain—   administration. BlackRock investment        open up. Ex-BlackRock executives are
 inspired by the summer’s massive,          executive Brian Deese was a senior          big fans of trade with China. And with
 sometimes destructive racial-justice       adviser to President Obama. He now          Biden in office, BlackRock is readying
 protests—in which the forces of labor      leads the National Economic Council         some major deals with Beijing.
 came together with the forces of capital   under Mr. Biden. Adewale Adeyemo
 to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s       was Obama’s senior international            All Forecast
 assault on democracy” (February 4).        economics adviser, then chief of staff to   The radical left has the support of big
   Business leaders were worried about      BlackRock’s chief executive and is now      government, big media, Big Tech and
“economy-disrupting civil disorder,”        deputy treasury secretary for Mr. Biden.    also big business. The Trumpet has
 wrote Time. They reached out to radical    Michael Pyle who worked in the Obama        written extensively about how the Bible
 left-wing groups to ensure the mob got     administration, has become BlackRock’s      prophesied the rise of the radical left. So
 what it wanted.                            global chief investment strategist and      it’s not surprising that these same scrip-
   This approach kicked into overdrive      will now be chief economic adviser to       tures have a lot to say about the wealthy.
 after the January 6 “insurrection.”        Vice President Kamala Harris. More             Many of these prophecies are in the
 Stripe stopped processing payments         than a dozen people went from the           book of Amos, which is an end-time book
                                                                                                                                      FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

 for the campaign. American Express         Obama administration to BlackRock.          for the people descended from ancient
 and JPMorgan Chase said they would           No business has ever had this level of    Israel, most notably America. The Anchor
 no longer donate to candidates who         influence in the United States Treasury,    Bible Dictionary states, “Amos decried
 supported the “insurrection” or voted      not even Goldman Sachs.                     the social injustice, the oppression of the
 against confirming President Biden’s         Even some on the left are concerned       poor, and the lack of any moral or ethical
 victory in the Electoral College. An       with the level of power BlackRock now                             WEALTHY PAGE 32 u
entity gives as little as possible and takes
                                                                                                                       as much as possible. In fact, this funda-
                                                                                                                       mental attitude of selfishness saturates
                                                                                                                       the human nature of every person in
                                                                                                                       every sector of every economy in every
                                                                                                                       country of every era. Our very nature
                                                                                                                       is self-oriented, self-conscious, self-es-
                                                                                                                       teeming, self-serving, self-defending,
                                                                                                                       self-aggrandizing, self-enriching and,
                                                                                                                       ultimately, self-destructive. It is also
                                                                                                                       destructive toward others. Selfish nature
                                                                                                                       is in you and me, when we are building
                                                                                                                       a home, when we are inside our homes,
                                                                                                                       when we leave home. It is the foundation
                                                                                                                       of our finances, our commerce, our econ-
                                                                                                                       omies, our governments, our health, our
                                                                                                                       entertainments, our work and every part
                                                                                                                       of our everyday lives. The human condi-
                                                                                                                       tion is built on selfish human nature.

                        The Economy of
                                                                                                                          But why shouldn’t the same human
                                                                                                                       beings on the same land with the same
                                                                                                                       resources experience work, commerce

                        Tomorrow’s World
                                                                                                                       and life in a way that is positive, virtuous,
                                                                                                                       unoppressed, sharing and inspiring
                                                                                                                       rather than negative, bleak, pointless
                                                                                                                       and terminal?
                        Revolution is coming! BY PHILIP NICE                                                              We should. But it requires a change in
                                                                                                                       our spirit, our attitude, our motivation
                                                                                                                       and the nature that human beings have

                                                                                                                       had from the beginning.
                                 hrough the rafters, and where           for this family and to be part of what it        Changing human nature cannot be
                                 the rafters will be, daylight is fad-   represents in the larger sense: the hard      done by human government. It would
                                 ing. You chisel one last mortise,       work, discipline, fairness, generosity,       require a government with spectacular
                        then box up your saws, squares and drills        camaraderie and family that went into         power, power to not only construct the
                        to tidy up and protect against tomorrow’s        building the place where this family and      universe but to create the human body,
                        morning dew. No need to protect against          generations unborn will live most of their    the human brain, the human spirit, the
                        anything else. Good thing, since you’ve          lives and build most of their character.      human power of choice and human
                        never owned anything with a lock or key.            After the patriarch gives thanks and       relationships. It would require the very
                           From the other side of the walls, and         everyone says “Amen,” the buzz begins:        Creator of human beings ruling the
                        where the walls will be, comes the buzz of       spoons clinking on dishes, ice tinkling       creation directly and guiding, correcting
                        voices. The young family whose home you          in pitchers, bubbling voices, bursting        and helping human beings to choose to
                        are timber-framing is setting supper on a        laughter—talking about the day, talking       give instead of choosing to get.
                        stack of beams along with father, mother,        about people, talking about creation,            It would require replacing the very
                        brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and           talking about the Creator. It’s a starry      foundation of society with a new one:
                        cousins who have walked over from their          night. It’s a good meal. It’s good to be      the literal government of God on Earth.
                        homesteads to help build this one.               alive, here, doing this. You love this fam-
                          Your own homestead needs your atten-           ily. You love this work. Everyone loves       Laws
                        tion, so it is a sacrifice to be here instead.   home. And you are a home builder.             Human government is built on human
                        But there was a need, you could help, you                                                      nature. God’s government is built on
                        said you would, so here you are. In fact,        Foundation                                    God’s nature. God is love (1 John 4:8).
                        even though you could be done by now,            In a way, this jobsite is a fiction. Homes    Apart from God, human beings are
                        you are putting in extra time, effort and        are not built like this. They are built by    incapable of generating or even under-
                        materials just to give that roof a couple        development groups, bank stockholders,        standing real love. But God describes
                        more centuries of durability and a bit           investment funds, government agencies,        to human beings His loving nature and

                        more beautiful geometry. You are not             title companies, sales firms, roving work     how to apply it. These descriptions are
                        charging extra: In fact, you’re not even         crews and manufacturers, and inhabited        called laws. Like the laws of physics a
                        telling them. It’s enough satisfaction to        by a series of mortgage debtors in an         builder employs to build a solid house,
                        make this house everything it can be             impersonal process through which each         these spiritual laws come from the
                                                                                                                                               MAY–JUNE 2021 9
Creator, never change based on human         all their transactions, eliminating the        building, what would matter most to
ideas, and always produce good results.      enormous economic effects of lying.            you would be family, giving, character,
   In the government of God, the two         People would not covet. They would be          your relationships with others, your
main principles of that constitutional       free of that enslaving mentality, free of      relationship with your Creator.
law are love toward God and love toward      wasted time, free of lives that go unful-
fellow man (Matthew 22:36-40). These         filled even when a person gets what            Real Estate
two legal principles then subdivide          he coveted. People would care far less         Why should this be hypothetical? It
into 10 fundamental laws: the Ten Com-       about what they own and far more about         shouldn’t be—and it won’t be. This is
mandments (Exodus 20).                       who they are.                                  actually a nonfiction description of the
   Many people know about God, know             Under God’s government, the individ-        economy of the World Tomorrow!
about these laws and presume that they       ual would pay no income tax, business             The Bible prophesies that this will
are in general compliance with most of       tax, sales tax, property tax, health-care      be the basic picture of life on Earth not
them—or that Jesus Christ abolished          tax or death tax. Instead, he would pay        far from now. Jesus Christ will return,
them. They fail to understand that He        his first tithe (10 percent of his profits)    He will establish His government, and
did not abolish cause and effect, and        and offerings of his own determination         His subjects will learn to keep the laws
that the effect—our crumbling world—         (Deuteronomy 14:22; Exodus 23:14-16).          God has made in everything from land
is caused by people breaking these laws      This would produce the spiritual bless-        management to electromagnetism to
of “spiritual physics.”                      ing of developing humble, loving, giving       worship. No one will be left out: Each
   But what would happen if the Creator      character, which would facilitate fur-         person will have the same power of
took over all day-to-day executive,          ther blessings by God, the least of which      choice to receive these blessings and
legislative, judicial, local, national and   would be financial abundance.                  far more. Their selfish nature will begin
international governance and taught             Under God’s government, the individ-        changing, and scenes of sharing, giving,
and enforced these laws?                     ual would pay no interest and charge no        communing, obeying and building will
   People would truly obey the Ten           interest. This would limit much of the         be unfolding at farms, ranches, gardens,
Commandments, not only strictly by           power money would otherwise have.              barns, stables, workshops, harbors,
the letter but also in their spirit and      People would be free of credit card debt,      stores, libraries, parks and neighbor-
intent. They would learn to willingly        vehicle debt, student debt, commercial         hoods from mountainsides to hills to
choose to have no other gods, including      debt, mortgage debt and national debt.         river valleys to savannas to rainforests
their own will, before God. They would       Yet loans would still exist. They would        to canyons to shorelines, every man
make no idols, including money and           be interest-free; provided by family,          under his vine and under his fig tree,
goods. They would highly honor the very      friends and neighbors; and used for            having life, liberty and the pursuit of his
name and authority of God. They would        a loan’s actual purpose: to truly help         incredible human potential.
keep the day of the week God made for        someone who truly needs money and                 The ruler of this soon-coming govern-
worshiping Him. They would keep the          will truly do everything he can to repay       ment said in Luke 16:10: “He that is faith-
first four commandments of showing           (see Deuteronomy 15). Every seventh            ful in that which is least is faithful also in
love toward their Creator, along with        year would bring a year of release in          much.” The “least,” in this case, will be
the last six commandments of showing         which everyone cancels all short-term          incredible prosperity and meaningful
love toward other people. Each son           debts. Every 50th year, people would           lives. What is the “much”? Hebrews 2:8
and daughter would honor his or her          experience not a depression but a jubi-        reveals the answer: The Creator of all
father and mother, learning from them,       lee (Leviticus 25).                            material things wants to build the char-
living near them and caring for them.           These foundational laws of pros-            acter of human beings to the point that
Providing financially for them would         perity reveal an amazing truth about           He can give us all material things. Scenes
be a given. Surrounded by family and         the prosperous economy of God’s                of obedience, family, community, pro-
fulfilling the crucial teaching role of      government: It’s not about prosperity.         ductivity, generosity sacrifice, laughter,
an elder, old age would be perhaps the       Proverbs 3:9-10 describe abundance             meaning, purpose and love won’t be con-
best part of life! People would not kill:    that would be literally uncontainable.         fined to an otherworldly timber-frame
No fear or resources would be diverted       But for all your owning, earning, acquir-      residential construction site. In fact, they
toward preventing war, murder, harm          ing, creating, helping, beautifying and        will not be confined to this world.        n
or hatred. All spouses would devote
themselves completely to their husband
or wife. Among the benefits of these

                                             See the future.
safe, trusting, happy marriages would
be prosperity within families and in
society. People raised properly would
not steal. They would fear and scorn         Read a biblical, practical, surprisingly detailed description of the
the idea of even giving the buyer, seller,   government, economy, education, religion and culture that Jesus Christ
worker or employer less than 100 per-        will establish at His return. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet
cent. People would tell the full truth in    The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like.
                                                    and the Pursuit
                                                    of Happiness
                                                    Why are mental health problems so common among
                                                    gender-dysphoric people? Only by correctly
                                                    answering that question can we find a solution.
                                                    BY JOEL HILLIKER AND JOSUÉ MICHELS

                                                                oung people are growing              At Levine’s confirmation hearing in        surgical and hormonal treatments that
                                                                up in a society where              February, Sen. Rand Paul questioned          destroy healthy body parts? Mainstream
                                                                homosexuality, pansexuality,       Levine on whether children should            news executives and their journalists say
                                                                transgenderism and gender          be able to bypass their parents and,         you’re a bigot for asking the question!
                                                                fluidity not only have their       through medical professionals, inter-          This is just one example of a broad
                                                    place but are celebrated. And these            ventions and surgery, try to change their    effort to hide the ugly truth about trans-
                                                    young people are getting the message.          sex. Levine’s answer was an evasion that     genderism. There is a reason Levine
                                                      A Gallup poll in February reported           amounted to: Confirm me as assistant         wouldn’t answer that question. It’s
                                                    that of all American adults, 5.6 percent       secretary and then I’ll gladly answer.       because transgender activists know that
                                                    say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual            After follow-up questions, Levine            the less the public understands about
                                                    or transgender. That represents a              remained stubbornly elusive.                 these procedures, the better. The more
                                                    60 percent jump in less than a decade.           Yet in reporting on this exchange, main-   you know about these procedures, the
                                                    And the biggest part of that jump              stream media sources didn’t criticize        more appalled you will be.
                                                    happened in Generation Z. Among
                                                    those born between 1997 and 2002, a
                                                    jaw-dropping 16 percent categorize
                                                    themselves as not heterosexual. Among             Transgender activists know that the
                                                    these young adults, that’s 1 out of every 6.      less the public understands about
                                                      And if radicals get their way—and
                                                    they are getting their way—more and
                                                                                                      these procedures, the better.
                                                    more children far younger than their              The more you know about
                                                    20s will be asking about gender and               these procedures, the
                                                    considering surgical destruction of their
                                                    sex. They insist that this will make these
                                                                                                      more appalled you will be.
                                                                                                                                                                              Rachel Levine
                                                    children happier and more fulfilled.
                                                      One of these radicals could well be
                                                    President Joe Biden’s choice for assis-        Levine for his equivocating—they criti-      Trampling the Truth
                                                    tant secretary for the United States           cized Senator Paul for asking the ques-      Here are some facts. It is a scientific
                                                    Department of Health and Human Ser-            tion. For example, here’s how abc News,      fact that people are biologically male
                                                    vices, where the motto is “Improving the       the Daily Beast and the Washington Post      or female. It is a scientific fact that

                                                    health, safety and well-being of Amer-         portrayed it: “First Transgender Nominee     biological sex comes with physiological
                                                    ica.” His name is Rachel Levine, and if        Deflects Inflammatory Questions From         and even mental and emotional pre-
                                                    confirmed he would be the first openly         GOP Senator,” “Rand Paul Launches            dispositions. But science can tell you
                                                    transgender person to be appointed to a        Into Transphobic Rant Against Trans          nothing about a man feeling that he is
                                                    president-nominated, Senate-confirmed          Nominee” and “Rand Paul’s Ignorant           actually a woman. There is no scientific
                                                    federal office in history. But we are not      Questioning of Rachel Levine Showed          explanation for that.
                                                    sure what he thinks about surgically           Why We Need Her in Government.”                 Transgender activists say gender
                                                    removing and altering the sex organs of           Should children be able to decide for     is an “artificial construct.” Yet at the
                                                    children—because he won’t say.                 themselves whether to have irreversible      same time, they say the entire society
                                                                                                                                                                        MAY–JUNE 2021 11
must pivot for someone who is exhib-          or whether you are free to live by the             Many individuals who undergo these
iting stereotypical and even cartoonish       dictates of your own conscience.                procedures often find themselves
expressions of his “authentic gender             Society can’t afford to accept this          requiring substantially more medical
identity”—if it is different from his         lightly. It needs answers.                      attention afterward. Many say the doc-
actual, scientific gender identity. They                                                      tors who advised them led them astray.
say a person’s “real self” is separate from   Diagnosing the Cause                            And rather than becoming happier, they
his or her physical body. Then they say       Prof. Miroslav Djordjevic is a leading          often become unhappier. In many cases
that the person’s body must be surgically     surgeon in an unusual field: genital            they become suicidal.
transformed to make the person “whole.”       reconstruction. For years he has                   Mental health problems among
They say that even children must take         been voicing his concern about rising           transgenders are already terribly com-
puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones          requests for surgeries to undo prior gen-       mon: Almost every second transgender
and surgical procedures to match the          der transition surgeries. He says people        person battles some anxiety disorder
physical body to the idea in the mind.        wishing to undergo the transformation           or depression, and suicide attempts are
   This thinking is obviously and bla-        should receive better counsel. He says          nearly nine times higher than among
tantly anti-science. But if you try to talk   these decisions are being driven by the        “cisgender” Americans. But those who
about scientific facts, you are labeled an    effort to be politically correct, rather        have had transition surgery are 19 times
intolerant, discriminating bigot.             than to be actually correct—to do what          likelier than the average person to die
   Here are more facts these activists        is in each individual’s best interest. He       by suicide! This alone shows that the
portray as “transphobic.” Science shows       says institutions must overcome fears of        problem goes far beyond simply needing
that among children who struggle with         political correctness and conduct more          better counsel regarding surgery. Some-
gender dysphoria, 80 percent of girls         research into the serious questions             thing is dangerously wrong.
and 95 percent of boys will reconcile         raised by gender-reassignment surgery.
with their biological sex if they are            Studies of this subject are rare, but       Is It Society’s Fault?
allowed to go through puberty. Puberty        stories of many unhappy transgender            Those promoting transgenderism will
blockers and cross-sex hormones have          people are out there. For example, Ryan        say that what is “dangerously wrong” is
been shown to damage cardiovascular           T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became           society’s hostility to transgenderism. For
health, bone density and reproductive         Sally—an important book on the subject         example, a 2016 Psychology Today article
functions. Nearly half of people who          that Amazon pulled from its offerings in       discussing transgenders’ mental health
identify as transgender experience            February with no explanation—has an            problems explained: “It has nearly every-
anxiety disorders or depression. An           entire chapter titled “Detransitioners         thing to do with the way they are treated”
estimated 41 percent have tried to kill       Tell Their Stories,” and it is heartbreak-     (emphasis added throughout).
themselves. And more and more people          ing. Many people describe growing up             The only solution, they say, is to
who suffer the misery of surgery come         dissatisfied or questioning their sexual       transform society. We must make
to regret having done so. Some even           orientation early in life. They tried dif-     society wholeheartedly embrace trans-
undergo surgery to undo that surgery          ferent forms of sexual experimentation,        gender people and any and all forms of
and try to un-destroy their sex. Becom-       but they did not find happiness.               gender dysphoria, so that everyone—no
ing transgender has not helped these             Then they were offered a more radical       matter how they view themselves, what
people “be who they really are,” and it       solution: surgically changing their gender.    they want to look like, which bathroom
certainly has not led to happiness. Yet          People have faith in the wonders of         or locker room they want to visit, which
these are voices this movement doesn’t        modern medicine. They think changing           sport they want to play—is universally
want you to hear.                             their sex is not only possible but fairly      considered perfectly healthy and nor-
   We can’t ignore such voices. We            straightforward. But the reality is, biolog-   mal. To suggest that the individual might
need to understand the truth about            ical differences between men and women         need to adjust his or her thinking is big-
transgenderism. This isn’t just a matter      are extensive and complex. Hormone             oted and unloving. If everyone in society
of accepting a handful of people whose        blockers can prevent a boy’s voice from        simply accepts everyone and everything,
thinking doesn’t match their biology.         getting deeper or a girl’s hips from getting   and loves everyone and everything, then
This has huge ramifications in every          wider; hormone treatment can shrink a          the mental health problems, depression
aspect of modern life. It raises not just     man’s testicles or cause a woman to grow       and suicidal tendencies experienced
economic questions in areas like public       facial hair. Surgery can remove body           by transgender individuals will vanish.
bathrooms, gym facilities, prisons            parts specific to male or female, and it       These people can only find happiness
and homeless shelters—not just edu-           can attach artificial body parts. But no       when society embraces this movement
cational questions like what the state        treatment or procedure can turn a man          and grants its every conceivable request.
is force-feeding your kindergartner’s         into a woman or a woman into a man.              Virtually overnight, the elites in
mind—but also questions about free-              The scientific fact is that your biologi-   American society—and British, and
dom of speech and freedom of religion,        cal sex is not “assigned at birth,” as trans   elsewhere—the politicians, media and
questions about whether you can be            activists insist. It is embedded into your     educators—have determined that this is
fined or jailed for being anything less       dna from conception, and it affects every      how we will solve this problem. This is
than fully supportive of this movement,       system in your body.                           the message we will send to individuals
You can also read