Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today

Page created by Patricia Fletcher
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Pullout        IRON
Section!     COUNTY
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Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Vol. 13 No. 39                                                 ironcountytoday.com                                        Wednesday, August 25, 2021

   4   Opinion                 Rams
  11   Showcase               grounded
                              by Eagles,
                              fall to 0-2 to                              IRON
                               begin season
       BLM proposes local habitat restoration
from Christian Venhuizen                                                                                                  native vegetation, increased habitat
 Color Country District BLM                      Cooperative plan designed to help                                        for big game and sagebrush-depen-
                                                                                                                          dent wildlife, as well as reductions in
    CEDAR CITY — In order to                       prevent catastrophic wildfire                                          hazardous fuel.
restore key wildlife habitat and                                                                                              “Vegetation management is
reduce hazardous wildfire fuels, the           Decades of fire suppression        flowering shrubs and plants that the    needed in this area to help the BLM
Bureau of Land Management’s Cedar          resulted in increased pinyon and       encroaching trees outcompete.           return a portion of the valley to
City Field Office proposes habitat         juniper density in sagebrush grass-        This plan is designed in coop-      its historic condition and to help
restoration for portions of Bear Valley    land and mountain brush vegetation.    eration with local property owners      prevent catastrophic wildfires. We
in southwest Utah.                         The proposal is needed to return the   and local governments, along with       are encouraging comments from the
    Specifically, the projects will help   habitat to a shrub and grass-domi-     partners in Utah’s Watershed            public to further inform the analysis
improve habitat in the Panguitch           nated state, which will help prevent   Restoration Initiative that focus on    of the proposed action,” said Paul
Greater Sage-grouse priority habitat       larger, catastrophic fires from dam-   improving high-priority watersheds      Briggs, Cedar City Field Manager.
management area and a stand of             aging more habitat and threatening     throughout the state. Earlier efforts
Ponderosa Pine trees.                      lives. It also provides habitat for    in this area resulted in increases in                see restoration » 2

            Gettin' Muddy
                                                     Story, photos in Life                                                                         corey baumgartner
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
2 Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                              news                                                         Iron County Today

                                                                                                                                 « Continued from page 1

                                                                                                                                     Written comments will
                                                                                                                                 be accepted until Sept. 20,
                                                                                                                                 2021. Please note that the
                                                                                                                                 most useful comments
                                                                                                                                 are specific and contain
                                                                                                                                 new technical or scientific
                                                                                                                                 information relevant to the
                                                                                                                                 proposed action. Comments
                                                                                                                                 which contain only opinions
                                                                                                                                 or preferences will not
                                                                                                                                 receive a formal response
                                                                                                                                 but may be considered in
                                                                                                                                 the BLM decision-making
                                                                                                                                 process. Please reference
                                                                                                                                 “Bear Valley Wildlife Habitat
                                                                                                                                 Restoration” when submit-
                                                                                                                                 ting comments.
                                                                                                                                     Written comments may
 The Lake at the                                                                                                                 be mailed or submitted
Hills in Cedar City                                                                                                              through ePlanning.
 is a great place for
 family fishing with                                                                                                             »»Mail: 176 East D.L. Sargent
Rainbow Trout, Bass                                                                                                               Drive, Cedar City, UT 8472
     and Catfish.
                                                                                                                                 »»ePlanning: https://eplan-
                                                                                                                                     Before including an
                                                                                                                                 address, phone number,
                                                                                                                                 email address, or other
                                                                                                                                 personally identifiable
                                                                                                                                 information in any com-
                                                                                                                                 ments, be aware that the
                                                                                                                                 entire comment—including
                                                                                                                                 personal identifying
                                                                                                                                 information—may be made
                                                                                                                    file photo   publicly available at any

 Cedar City named one of Labor
                                                                                                                                 time. Requests to withhold
                                                                                                                                 personal identifying infor-
                                                                                                                                 mation from public review

Day 2021’s top fishing destinations
                                                                                                                                 can be submitted, but the
                                                                                                                                 BLM cannot guarantee that it
                                                                                                                                 will be able to do so.
                                                                                                                                     For additional infor-
                                                                                                                                 mation, please contact
from Katie Higgins                      platform for booking fishing trips, has     at the Hills, an urban fishery boasting      Dan Fletcher, Cedar City
                                        compiled a list of the US’s top Labor       Rainbow Trout, Bass varieties, and           Field Office assistant field
For Iron Count y Today
                                        Day fishing destinations for 2021 and       Catfish.                                     manager, at 435-865-
    Fishing and Labor Day weekend go    Cedar City has been featured on the             When you’re all fished out, you          3000. Persons who use a
hand-in-hand. What could be better      list.                                       can catch Cedar City’s very own              telecommunications device
than using this time to connect with        Why did Cedar City make the list?       Iron County Fair, attend the Utah            for the deaf may call the
friends and family, away from the       You really couldn’t pick a better time to   Shakespeare Festival, visit the Cedar        Federal Relay Service (FRS)
hustle and bustle of everyday life,     visit Cedar City than Labor Day. Fall is    City Festival of Homes, and do some          at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a
among some beautiful natural scen-      in full swing and the fishing opportu-      taste-testing at the Utah Wine Festival.     message or question for the
ery? After the stresses and strains     nities are truly excellent! Navajo Lake,    If you’re more of a nature lover, you’ll     above individual. The FRS
of the past year, it’s no surprise      located just over 30 minutes away by        find plenty of outdoor recreational          is available 24 hours a day,
that we’re all looking forward to       car, is bustling with Rainbow Trout,        activities taking place at Brian Head        seven days a week. Replies
spending some time outside this fall.   Brook Trout, and the more unusual           Resort and throughout Dixie National         are provided during normal
FishingBooker, the nation’s largest     Splake. In Cedar City itself there’s Lake   Forest.                                      business hours.
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today   news   Wednesday, August 25, 2021   3
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
4 Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                                                                  news                                                                                     Iron County Today

To the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                        Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the
Noisy but caring, courteous                                                                                                                                                                          week
    I’m new to Cedar, but not Utah. I have met
                                                                                                                                                                                                     "Many of life’s
a few great people here and seen people work                                                                                                                                                         failures are
their buts off during a crisis. However, I did                                                                                                                                                       people who did
notice something in my neighborhood I thought
I would mention.                                                                                                                                                                                     not realize how
    In 2021 not all jobs are worked during                                                                                                                                                           close they were
daylight hours. In fact with COVID I would
gamble some jobs are worked more from home                                                                                                                                                           to success when
since tech does not necessarily mean a 9-5                                                                                                                                                           they gave up."
job. So, from a sleep deprived neighbor—when
did it become ok or standard to start on major                                                                                                                                                       Thomas A. Edison
projects (not talking about emergencies) and
not inform your neighbors?
    Don't get me twisted. I’m not talking about
asking permission but just simple information
such as letting one’s neighbors know that
they are going to be doing X and it’s going to
be amazingly loud on this day, etc. That kind
of simple communication between neighbors
would be both caring and courteous.                                          From the Editor
    Or is this not a common courtesy here in

                                                                                    An editor
Cedar City, Utah? If not, I hope this will be a
friendly reminder that maybe it should be.
Thank you!

Shane Larson                                                                       never sleeps
RINO vote on senate
infrastructure bill
    I do not know how many citizens of Utah
                                                                                                              This statement is
                                                                                                               truer than I’d like
                                                                                                               it be, but I have no
                                                                                                         regrets about the time
                                                                                                         and effort involved in this
noticed that the Junior Senator for the State of                                                         literary lifestyle—it’s not
Utah along with 18 other Republican Senators                                                             considered a “job” if I can
voted for the so-called Infrastructure Plan on                                                          never clock out, right? The
Tuesday, 17 Aug 2021.                                                                 Corey            timeclock doesn’t care if I’m
    The "Plan" is a precursor to the 3.5 trillion                                Baumgartner           out taking pictures, writing
dollar massive spending plan proposed by the                                      Managing Editor
                                                                                                       articles, or answering emails
Democratic party. I do not know how they plan                                                          and phone calls.
to pay for this massive spending plan. We are so                                  Nevertheless, each week I try to attend as many
far in debt that we will never get out of debt.                              events as I can and hope to continue to meet new
    To justify his time as a Senator for the State                           people and make new friends. I am always grateful
of Utah, the Junior Senator for the State of Utah                            when I can get away from my desk (at work and at
has released a radio spot about him voting for this                          home) and cover events and meet the great people
tragedy. Unbeknownst to him he is letting us know                            in our Iron County communities. I wish I could get to
that he has, once again, failed to represent the will                        everyone and everything, but last time I checked, I’m
of the voters who sent him to the U.S. Senate.                               still just one person. And while we are still looking for
    The voters of the State need to reexamine                                reporters to fill certain vacancies, we are striving to
who should be sent to Washington, D.C. as                                    improve each week, with each newspaper.
one of our senators. I, for one, will seek to find                                So, with that being said, you can imagine that I
a candidate the will support our values and                                  can be pretty worn out some weeks. I know some
wishes. We do not need to send the current                                   of you are, too! And I’m not tooting my own horn…
Junior Senator back to Washington, D.C.                                      it’s too tired to toot, but rather to reinforce the
    Sincerely,                                                               rhetoric that with all I have and have yet to do as
                                                                             your editor, I want to know if there’s anything I
                                                                             have left undone? If I could do only one more thing
Raymond F. Trautwein Jr.                                                     more thing for this newspaper—you, the readers
Parowan, UT.                                                                 and community, what would you want it to be?

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                         Stormee Anderson
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                                            Elise Obermire                                                                                                    Circulation
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       Fax: 435-867-1866                    officemanager@                        Sales Representative                  Sports reporter                       Stephanie Millett                    Parowan/Paragonah
     IronCountyToday.com                    ironcountytoday.com                   patti@ironcountytoday.com             tominator19@yahoo.com                 S. Cedar City                        wendy@ironcountytoday.com
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  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                        news                            Wednesday, August 25, 2021   5

 The dance between supply and demand
                                                                   the shipping containers are finally loaded off on
                                                                   the docks, there are fewer truck drivers to trans-

  cyclops                                                          port the goods to stores and warehouses. It’s
                                                                   not Joe Biden’s fault that trucking has an older
                                                                   labor force with fewer young people wanting to
                                                                   replace the retiring drivers.
  Bryan Gray                                                           Then throw in the higher gasoline prices due
  Columnist                                                        to more people driving…You have rising costs
                                                                   which will be passed on to consumers.
The opinions stated in this article are solely those of the            If demand goes down due to rising prices
author and not the Iron County Today.                              or manufacturers increasing output to reduce

                                                                   shortages, inflation will be tamed. We have seen
    t is human nature: If you tell yourself some-                  it lately with slightly lower lumber prices. (As far
    thing over and over, you will strongly believe                 as gasoline is concerned, I’m still pondering why
    it – and that belief will soon become a “fact”                 prices in Utah are a dollar more per gallon than
even if there is little evidence of its accuracy.                  in many states, but a dollar less than in some.)
   In some circles, we are seeing the same                             Most government economists insist inflation

 “My breakfast restaurant is once again serving bacon and
  to be fair, Joe Biden should not get credit for that either.”
thing today. The belief that current inflation can                 will decrease by this Fall as suppliers ramp up
be solely traced to government spending is a                       production and employees trickle back to work.
spawn of talk radio. Hey, Joe Biden is not perfect,                Customers will have the final word by deciding
but he’s not the villain jacking up the price on                   how to spend their money. Cut back on coffee
gasoline or causing a shortage of khaki pants at                   and the price at Starbucks will drop due to low
the department store.                                              demand.
    Shortages exist. There is a lag time on pro-                      There’s good news too. My breakfast restau-
duction of paint and glass and new automobiles                     rant is once again serving bacon and to be fair,
and air conditioning units. The restaurant I visit                 Joe Biden should not get credit for that either.
most weekdays is having difficulty sourcing
bacon; a high-end dinner restaurant in my
neighborhood eliminated halibut from its menu
due to supply problems.
    When shortages exist, inflation rears its head.
It is simple economics of demand sprinting
faster then the supply. Granted, the government
stimulus checks placed a bundle of money in
American wallets, but some 60% of that money
went to paying bills or padding bank accounts,
not for purchases. The increased unemployment
benefits had obviously led to a shortage of
workers, but labor costs can only be attributed
to a partial part of inflation.
    The major cause of our recent inflation is
directly related to the pandemic. With fewer
people traveling, for instance, airline fares
dropped like a rock and employees were fur-
loughed. With the vaccine, people have flooded
the reservation lines and the airlines scrambled
to get the pilots, flight attendants, and baggage
handlers back to work. The result was a doubling
(and sometimes tripling) of prices. Don’t blame
Joe Biden if it costs more to fly to Hawaii.
    Increased demand is not the only factor in
current inflation. A major hurdle is that it is
taking longer to get products (computer chips,
aluminum, apparel, etc.) from overseas factories.
We have seen photos of ships lined up in our
harbors, the freight stacked up like Utahns
attending a Garth Brooks concert. Then, when

          Submit your letter to the Editor on our website
        ironcountytoday.com, or by emailing it to news@
   ironcountytoday.com or bring/mail them to 389 N 100 W,
   Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must be signed, be brief
  (generally under 300 words in length), list the author’s city
    and give the writer’s telephone number (phone number
  will not be printed). We reserve the right to edit all letters
  for length or content. For letters arriving electronically, we
   will use the author’s e-mail address in lieu of a signature.
Special pullout Section! - InsIde... Wednesday, august 25, 2021 - Iron County Today
6 Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                                  news   Iron County Today

    Looking on the bright side
   Finding positive Educational changes
      following the COVID-19 pandemic

W           ith the country-wide
            COVID-19 shut downs
            coming to an end, there’s a
lot of catching up to do. Schools and
stores have opened back up, meaning
                                          agency in the learning process, while
                                          easing learning loss.
                                          4. Parents and guardians
                                          are becoming more actively
less isolation and more social time.      involved in their kids’
    Despite the fact that most            education.
students have been learning virtually         Prior to the pandemic, kids had a
for the past year, the pandemic has       way of talking themselves out of con-
exposed issues that have never been       versations surrounding their grades
thought of, let alone addressed.          and education to their guardians.
    Patrick Quinn—a parenting             With students now learning from
expert at online learning platform        their homes, parents and guardians
Brainly, father of three school-age       have no choice but to be more attune
kids, and former teacher— has                to what they’re learning and how
outlined five silver linings for                they’re performing. Virtual
the US education system that
have come out of one of the        op/           learning led to an increase
                                                  in parent’s using Brainly, and
most turbulent times for
students and teachers alike.
    Here are five positive lasting
                                   Ed             Brainly followed suit with the
                                                 creation of Brainly for Parents.
                                               This platform allows parents
effects and emerging trends in            to find deeper answers, for better
education that the pandemic acted as      understanding and explanations for
a catalyst for.                           their children. This allows students
                                          and parents to learn together.
1. Internet and online
education brings equal                    5. Students are learning
opportunity to everyone, no               better time management and
matter your economic status.              taking control of their own
    Over the past year, the economic      educational outcomes.
inequality impacting education has            Students are learning that it’s
come to the forefront on people’s         their responsibility (and theirs
minds. This year, policymakers at         alone) to find the time and energy to
both the state and federal levels are     finish their school assignments on
working together to make broadband        time, without being micromanaged.
ubiquitous. As we look ahead, posi-       Virtual learning requires teachers to
tive change is on the horizon as we       trust their students, and it requires
work as a society to address these        students to follow through on their
types of challenges and problems.         own. While this may require a great
                                          amount of self-discipline for anyone,
2. Schools are prioritizing               let alone an adolescent child, many
social-emotional learning.                students are not only proving
    The past year has been an             themselves capable but actually
extended period of collective trauma      starting to thrive in this new self-di-
and isolation that may be during          rected learning environment. Thanks
extremely formative years. We don’t       to Brainly’s peer to peer learning
know the lasting impacts it will have,    community that provides 24/7 help,
but we do know that students need         along with the recent addition of
support from their teachers, teachers     new products to its suite of online
need support from their adminis-          learning tools like Brainly Tutor and
trators, and so on. Social-emotional      the AI-powered Math Solver app, it’s
learning will rise to the forefront as    now easier than ever for students
key to academic recovery, for both        to find all the help they need online
students and teachers.                    so they can become self-directed
3. Educators are embracing                    Though the pandemic made
formative learning and                    everything seemingly more chal-
assessment models.                        lenging, it exposed many flaws that
   After the pandemic occurred            occur throughout our public edu-
in March of 2020, the last few            cation system on a daily basis. Many
months of the academic year were          improvements can be made system-
basically put on hold. Learning,          ically, improvements that would not
testing, assessments, and more were       have been brought to the public’s
cancelled which led us to a unique        attention without the pandemic
opportunity to rethink learning           occurring. The silver lining that is
models. Over the past year, we saw        COVID-19 acted as a catalyst for
a move toward competency-based,           positive change and has challenged
student-centered models that              Americans to care about the flaws in
promote student engagement and            educational equity.
Iron County Today                                                             news                                               Wednesday, August 25, 2021      7

  State leaders comment on crisis in Afghanistan
                                                        responsibility for one’s mistakes and charting a
     Sen. Romney calls                                  new path forward.                                        Rep. Stewart calls crisis
                                                            The most fundamental duty of our command-
  Biden's decision a ' stain                            er-in-chief is to protect and defend the American       'avoidable' and 'a blatant
  on America’s reputation'                              people. President Biden is failing to uphold this         failure of leadership'
                                                        sacred duty. Right now, thousands of American
                                                        citizens and partners are in hostile territory with
    WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Mitt Romney               no guarantee of safety. Meanwhile, our president       of leadership – both by President Biden and
(R-UT) today issued the following statement on          is just now starting to take questions on the issue.   the Pentagon. Allowing weapons, helicopters,
Afghanistan:                                            This crisis will not solve itself – President Biden    ammunition, and classified documents to fall into
    “The President’s failure to acknowledge his         needs to take responsibility for the situation and     the hands of the Taliban is inexcusable. Not being
disastrous withdrawal provides no comfort to            start operating with a supreme sense of urgency.”      able to defend our own embassy is a disgrace.
Americans or our Afghan partners whose lives hang           These two things are not mutually exclusive,       Leaving the Afghani soldiers and interpreters who
in the balance. Contrary to his claims, our choice                                                             fought beside us to fend for themselves is incom-
was not between a hasty and ill-prepared retreat                                                               prehensible. Competent military leadership could
                                                                                                               have withdrawn our forces in an orderly fashion,
or staying forever. The decision to place a higher         Utah Democratic Party                               creating benchmarks and priorities that would
priority on a political promise than on the lives of
innocent men, women, and children is a stain on           Veterans’ caucus: 'please                            have prevented the current situation. Neither the
                                                                                                               President nor the Pentagon did any of that.
America’s reputation and undermines our credibil-         know you are not alone'                                  The president assured the American people
ity around the world.”
                                                                                                               that the withdraw was going as planned, and that
                                                        and in fact are both true: First, withdrawing our      the Afghan army was well equipped, prepared, and
    The Utah Democratic Party’s Veterans’ Caucus,       combat troops from Afghanistan was the right           able to defend their country. We now know that
in conjunction with Party leadership, has released      policy and, two, organizing an orderly withdrawal      everything he said was untrue. Did the generals
the following statement on the present develop-         could have been achieved by competent leadership.      mislead the president and the American people, or
ments in the nation of Afghanistan:                         Overwhelming evidence that it’s time to            were they simply - and historically - incompetent?
    “As we see the horrific news and images coming      withdraw is found in the fact that after more than         As someone who served in the armed forces for
from Afghanistan, it’s critical to recognize that       20 years, and two trillion dollars, we were not able   fourteen years, watching our military leaders express
there are many within our military & veteran            to train or prepare an Afghan force that could fight   more concern about the ‘existential threats’ of white
communities who are grieving, dealing with a flood      for even 90 hours before losing control of their       rage and climate change than the combat mission
of emotions while trying to process the events of       entire nation. After 20 years of sacrificing blood     they were responsible for feels nothing but tragic.
the last few days against the last two decades of       and treasure toward a mission in which we no               It pains me to see a mistake of this magnitude,
operations in that country. For many, this pain is      longer know what success even looks like, we built     but I could not in good conscious witness this
only compounded by painful memories of sacrifice        a government that collapsed in mere days.              level of failure without demanding accountability.
and loss within our community.                              But the ongoing catastrophe in Afghanistan         Both Secretary of Defense Austin and the chairman
    We are pleased to see Governor Cox renewing         was entirely avoidable and is a blatant failure        of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley should
his commitment to welcome refugees from                                                                        acknowledge their failure and resign.
Afghanistan to Utah, especially those who valiantly
helped our troops serving as translators and
guides, and those who offered invaluable assistance
that saved lives - including many members of the
Utah National Guard.
    It is important that we check in on our Veterans
and members of the military community who may
be struggling — and for those who are hurting
right now, please know you are not alone, your sac-
rifices and efforts do matter, and are not wasted.
What you are experiencing is legitimate. The grief
is real, but you do not have to deal with it alone.
    If you are a Veteran or Service Member in crisis,
or you are concerned about one, please call the
National Veterans Crisis Line 800-273-8255 and
select 1. Chat options at veteranscrisisline.net are
also available.”

    WASHINGTON — Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT)
released the following statement regarding the
ongoing crisis in Afghanistan.
    “President Biden did not just allow this crisis –
he constructed it. In a stunning display of denial,
he claimed there were no mistakes made in this
demonstration of inept leadership. We need strong
leadership to fix this mess. That starts with taking

     visit us
    online at
8 Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                                 news                                                       Iron County Today

                                          Southern Utah University
   SUU first Utah university to be featured on
     'The College Tour' national TV series
from David Bishop                      on this incredible opportunity.               All ten student participants were   TV series came to me from my
SUU Director of Public Rel ations      The 30-minute program not only            excited to share their SUU experi-      16-year-old niece. Because of the
                                       tells the story of SUU through the        ence on the program. “There is no       pandemic and finances, she wasn’t
   CEDAR CITY — Ten Southern           lens of ten remarkable students, it       other school where you will feel        able to travel to tour colleges,” said
Utah University students share their   highlights the very best aspects of       like you have a second home,” said      Alex Boylan. “So using our skills as
unique stories of success on the       our university - our faculty, staff,      SUU student Hadley Cowan. “I’ve         executive producers we created a
The College Tour, a new national TV    administration and the absolute           talked to so many people who felt       series inspired by her and millions
series created by Emmy-nominated       beauty of our campus.”                    uncertain about college but as soon     of other young people who are
and multi-award-winning pro-               The program features segments         as they walked in and they talked       interested in attending college. This
ducers. The episode featuring SUU      hosted by SUU students Tiffany            to a professor or student, they felt    series is so fun to produce!"

                                                                        The College
                                                                         Tour will
                                                                       showcase the
                                                                      unique stories of
                                                                      ten SUU students.
                                                                      Watch it on SUU's
                                                                        YouTube page.

                                                                                                                                                photos Courtesy SUU

debuts this week through streaming     Chin, Skyler Clark, Hadley Cowan,         like there was someone who cared           SUU is the first university in
platforms and on the university’s      Jessica Eddington, Dominique              about them. They weren’t just a         Utah to be featured on the program
YouTube page.                          Erwin, Daviann Kauweloa, Nouman           number, they were a student with a      and the tenth college highlighted
   “With the impact of COVID-19        Kante, Sam Nelson, Preston Rivera,        background, goals, and potential.       from across the country. The
restricting prospective students'      and Jordan Simmons. Each student              The program is hosted by Alex       College Tour SUU episode debuted
ability to visit our campus, we        shares their path to and time at          Boylan, an Emmy-nominated televi-       Wednesday during an on-campus
decided to bring SUU to them,”         SUU from Tiffany Chin’s experi-           sion personality and producer, most     watch party and then a virtual
said Nikki Koontz, associate           ence as a first generation college        recognizable as a past winner of        event later that night.
vice president for Marketing           student, Preston Rivera’s transition      "The Amazing Race." Boylan created         The program can be seen in a
Communications. “When we               from U.S. Army explosive ordnance         The College Tour after witnessing       variety of locations including SUU’s
were approached by the series          technician to student and Nouman          a young relative’s experience in        YouTube page, The College Tour
producers to do an episode, I          Kante’s journey from Mali West            deciding which university to attend.    Roku channel and later this fall on
immediately knew we had to jump        Africa to Cedar City, Utah.                   “The idea for The College Tour      Amazon Prime.
Iron County Today   news   Wednesday, August 25, 2021   9
10 Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                                                         news                                                           Iron County Today

Bookings                                                                           It’s hot…but you’re not with these American Red
                                                                                      Cross safety tips for HOT WEATHER safety:
  Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s
  Department and Cedar City Police Department. Those arrested are
  innocent until proven guilty.

      AUG 16             Paraphernalia                Paraphernalia               DRIVING SAFETY                       »»Find out what is allowed            has heat stroke, take their
                         Malik A Drye                 Shaine E Stegan                                                    when it comes to items such         temperature rectally. If the
Lori M Cox
Cedar City, UT           Cedar City, UT               Ogden, UT                   »»Be well rested and alert, use
City Park, No Alcohol    Theft, Escape, Intoxica-     DRUG – Poss/Use of C/S        seat belts, observe speed limits     as coolers, backpacks etc., to      temperature is above 105
                         tion, DUI, Weapon While
Consumption                                                                         and follow the rules of the          avoid having to throw them          degrees, cool the animal down
                         Under the Influence,               AUG 21
Michael L Dalton         Resist/Interfere w/Arrest,                                 road. Clean your headlights          away.                               by using the water hose. Stop
Homeless, Cedar
City, UT
                         Purch/Poss/Consume by
                         Minor, DRUG – Poss C/S
                                                      Marlena K Kanosh
                                                      Cedar City, UT                and turn them on as dusk           »»Dress appropriately and in lay-     cooling the animal when their
City Park, No Alcohol
                         Timothy M Harris             Open Container in Veh,        approaches or in inclement           ers to be ready for any change      temperature reaches 103
                         Cedar City, UT
                                                      DUI with BAC at/over .08
                                                                                    weather.                             in the weather. Stay hydrated.      degrees.
Samuel J Hall
Cedar City, UT
                         Criminal Mischief,           Aaron P Young
                                                                                  »»Don’t drink and drive. Have a        Apply sunscreen regularly.        »»Bring your pet to the veterinar-
                         Protective Order             Cedar City, UT
DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug    Violation                    Open Container in Veh         designated driver available.       »»Watch the weather and seek          ian as soon as possible as heat
Paraphernalia, Retail
Theft                                                 Bradley C Lopez             »»Give your full attention to the      shelter if any severe weather       stroke can lead to severe organ
                               AUG 18                                                                                    warnings are issued. Know           dysfunction and damage.
Richard K Huff
                                                      Cedar City, UT
                                                      DUI w/BAC at/over .08
                                                                                    road. Avoid distractions such
Elsinore, UT             Justin M Schaupp                                           as cell phones.                      where the exits and shelters
DRUG – C/S, Drug         Enoch, UT
                         Retail Theft                       AUG 22                »»Use caution in work zones,           are.                              Free Red Cross Apps:
Marlena K Kanosh                                      Michael J Lordan              especially in the summer           »»Be on the lookout for suspi-          The Red Cross app
                               AUG 19                                                                                    cious activity and don’t be       “Emergency” puts vital informa-
Cedar City, UT                                        Cedar City, UT
                                                      Open Container in Veh,
                                                                                    when highway construction is
Reckless Endangerment,   Shelby K
                                                      DUI w/BAC at/over .08,        underway.                            afraid to report suspicious       tion in your hand for more than
Intoxication, Resist/    Hatch-Brown
Interfere w/arrest,      Cedar City, UT               Drive w/o Ins, Speed        »»Don’t follow other vehicles too      people or packages.               35 different severe weather and
                                                      Reg, DRUG – Poss C/S,
Assault on Police/       Prob/Parole Violation
                                                                                    closely.                                                               emergency alerts. The Red Cross
Military in Uniform
                         Haley M Swany
                                                      Drug Paraphernalia
                                                      Robert A
                                                                                                                       PETS                                Swim App promotes water safety
William J Magnum
Cedar City, UT
                         Cedar City, UT
                         DRUG – Poss Drug             Richardson                  CROWD SAFETY                         »»Check on animals frequently       education and helps parents
                                                      Prob/Parole Violation,
City Park, No Alcohol    Paraphernalia, Fail to
                                                      Poss Stolen Credit Cards,   »»Incorporate CDC guidelines           to ensure that they are not       and caregivers of young people
Consumption, Criminal    Remain at Accident
Trespass                 (Damage Only), Retail        Forged Writing Devices,       into your activities. Have face      suffering from the heat. Make     learning how to swim. The Red
                                                      Reckless Driving, DUI,
Matthew A Pearce         Theft.
                                                      DRUG – Possess C/S,           masks and continue to practice       sure they have plenty of cool     Cross First Aid App puts instant
Cedar City, UT
                               AUG 20                 Drug Paraphernalia, Fail      social distancing if needed.         water and shade.                  access to information on han-
DUI – BAC at/over .08                                 to Stop on Command.
                                                                                  »»Have a few different methods       »»Animals can suffer heat stroke,   dling the most common first aid
Jeffrey A Thompson       Emery D Riddle                                                                                  a common problem for pets         emergencies at your fingertips.
DUI, Open Container      Homeless, Cedar                    AUG 23                  to communicate-cell phone,
in Veh                   City, UT
                                                      Jacob P Jordan                tablet, calling card for a           in the warmer weather. Some       Download these apps for free
                         Intoxication, Disorderly
Aaron P Young            Conduct                      Cedar City, UT                landline phone. Stay with the        of the signs of heat stroke in    by searching for ‘American Red
Cedar City, UT
City Park, No Alcohol    Roberto C Mendez
                                                      Revoke/Susp Reg
                                                                                    group-don’t go off alone. All        your pet are: • Heavy panting     Cross’ in your app store or at
                         Coleote                      Rosendo                                                            and unable to calm down, even     redcross.org/apps. Learn First Aid
                         Los Angeles, CA              Rodriguez-                    adults should have a cell phone
                         Speed Reg, No Valid          Villanueva                    and exchange numbers with            when lying down. • Brick red      and CPR/AED skills http://www.
      AUG 17                                          Springville, UT                                                    gum color • Fast pulse rate •     redcross.org/takeaclass or First
                         DL, No Proof of Ins,
                         Window Tint Violation,       DUI w/BAC at/over .08,        the others in the group. Plan to
Kaylee M Worley                                                                                                          Unable to get up.                 Aid Skill for Amazon Alexa-
Enoch, UT                DUI, DRUG – Poss C/S         No Valid Dl, WARN –           meet, should someone become
DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug    w/intent to Dist, Drug       Ignition Interlock Restr,
                                                      Unsafe Lane Change            separated.                         »»If you suspect your pet           enabled devices.
  Wednesday, August 25, 2021                                                                                                                                                             11

   Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

                                                                                                               a family
   Stierle (left) as
 The Little Girl and
  Aaron Galligan-
 Stierle as Tateh in
the Utah Shakespeare
    Festival’s 2021
    production of

                                                                                                                           All four members of the
                                                                                                                           Galligan-Stierle family
                                                                                                                           perform in USF's Ragtime

Photo by Karl Hugh. Copyright Utah Shakespeare Festival 2021

By Liz Armstrong                                               looking for, but it was a no-brainer
 For Utah Shakespeare Festival                                 when the opportunity came our way.”
                                                                   Aaron and Shannon started acting
    Family is definitely one of the major                      as children. Shannon began acting pro-
themes of the musical Ragtime playing                          fessionally with her parents and sister
this summer at the Utah Shakespeare                            at the age of three, and she continued
Festival. All three intertwined story                          in theatre and met Aaron when they
lines feature families: the upper-class                        performed in The Lost Colony together
white New Rochelle family of Father,                           in 2002.
Mother, The Little Boy, Younger Brother,                           Aaron began working at the
and Grandfather; the Jewish immigrant                          Festival in 2004, when he was cast in
family of Tateh and his daughter, The                          Forever Plaid and My Fair Lady, while
Little Girl; and the black Harlem family                       completing graduate school studies at                                                                Devin Galligan
                                                                                                                                                                    -Stierle (bottom
of ragtime musician Coalhouse Walker                           Pennsylvania State University.                                                                        center) joins the
                                                                                                                                                                    family cast as The
“It wasn’t something we were looking for, but it was                                                                                                                    Little Boy

a no-brainer when the opportunity came our way.”
Shannon Galligan-Stierle
                                                                                                                                                    City and the Festival.
Jr., Sarah, and their baby boy.                                    “It was a been a dream working for     Festival because we had a season that         “It is so meaningful to have this
     But there is also family behind                           the Festival, where I played supporting    we were dating, the next that we were     experience and give the children
the scenes—literally. All four family                          roles, and slowly over the years got to    engaged, the following that we were       an opportunity to work alongside a
members of the Galligan-Stierle family                         play these larger roles like Dromio of     married, and all the years we’ve been     company of people who are commit-
are acting in Ragtime. Father Aaron                            Syracuse in The Comedy of Errors and       here since with kids at various ages,”    ted, collaborative and compassionate,”
Galligan-Stierle plays Tateh, Mother                           Tateh in Ragtime,” Aaron said.             Shannon said.                             Shannon said. “This cast, creative
Shannon is in the ensemble, their                                  Shannon and Aaron consider the             They even planned their wedding in    team, and crew lead with empathy and
nine-year-old son Devin is The Little                          Festival their artistic home, with         Cedar City, purchasing their wedding      a passion for putting themselves in
Boy, and seven-year-old Zoe is The                             Aaron acting in eight seasons over         rings from a jewelry store on Main        other’s shoes in an amazing way.”
Little Girl.                                                   the course of seventeen years during       Street, just a block away from the            Their journey became even more
     “This was a pleasant surprise for all                     which Shannon worked in house              Festival grounds. They were married       special when Brian Vaughn, the artistic
of us. That we could act together as a                         management, the box office, and now        in September 2005. Both Aaron and         director at the Festival, called and
family and get back on stage,” Shannon                         as an actress.                             Shannon agreed that they have a
said. “It wasn’t something we were                                 “We’ve had a lovely journey with the   special place in their hearts for Cedar                        see family » 13
12   Wednesday, August 25, 2021                           showcase                             Iron County Today

Utah Film Market opens today, includes new Jets film
from Matt Marxteyn
 For Iron Count y Today

    Red Rock Film Festival's sister festival the Utah
Film Market opened today at 1 pm and runs until
11 pm every day until Saturday in St. George. More
than 40 films will be presented from 12 countries,
including some Utah filmmakers such as former
BYU football player Langi Tuifua's "The Book", Sean
and Megan Slobodan's "not a Cowboy", and Kels
Goodman's "The Jets: Making It Real".
    "The Jets" is the new documentary behind
the 80's pop music sensation The Jets featuring
the Tongan-based family the Wolfgramms. After
several years in the spotlight and trying to make a
living with eight members in their band, the group
eventually made the difficult decision to split into
two groups.
    This film focuses on the band with the three                              Life
oldest Wolfgramm brothers who tell the story
of the rise of The Jets, and going on tour with
younger members of their family.
    In this new cut of the film, the journey takes the
viewer through health obstacles with the family
and the band earning a residency show in Las
    The independent event opens appropriately
enough with "We Want the Airwaves" which chron-
icles the journey of a trio of first time TV makers as
they set forth on a daring adventure: to change the
onslaught of reality TV and the dumbing down of
television. The group creates and films an activist
focused docuseries ("Manifesto!") in the year 2005,
with the goal of launching the first citizen’s plat-
form on network television.
    Other highlights include Paul Davis's "Cult
Cartel" a rescue mission story starring Don Most
of "Happy Days" and filmed with actual FLDS
survivors playing once on Wednesday at 8:15 pm
preceded by a seminar on human trafficking at 7:15       Christmas Freak                 The Jets
    Also included are Ramsey Denison's "Money
Machine" about the cover up of the 2017 Las Vegas
shooting, Amy Lerner and Richard Heeley's "One
More Win" about Rod Hall who was one of the
drivers in the first 1000 mile off-road race down
the Baja Peninsula in Mexico, Andrea Marcovicchio's
"Last of Us: The Last Fishermen of the Lake" about
the 25 remaining, professional fishermen on Lake
Maggiore Italy, Sean Brown's "Christmas Freak" a
broad comedy about a lonely man one celebrates
Christmas every day, and Sengedorj Janchivdorj's
Mongolian drama "Life" about a privileged woman,
who loses her child and her long journey of praying
and learning.
    "The Jets" documentary plays once on Thursday,
August 26th at 8:15 pm and all films and seminars
play at the Dixie Convention Center on 1835
Convention Center Dr, in St. George. Tickets are
$15 at the door or average just $5 when passes are
purchased at https://utahfilmmarket.eventive.org/
passes/buy.                                                                                           photos Courtesy RRFF
                                                                           Cult Cartel
Iron County Today                                                          showcase                                                Wednesday, August 25, 2021            13

 There are two                                     Enjoy the Final-Friday August Art Walk
kinds of people                                  from Sara Penny                                                   The Southern Utah Museum of Art will also have

  in the world                                     For Iron Count y Today

                                                     August 27 is the Cedar City Arts Council’s third Final
                                                                                                               a public  art activity as well as live music and their
                                                                                                               ongoing exhibits.
                                                                                                                   Remember that Arts Council mini-grant applica-
                                                 Friday Art Walk of the season. This Art Walk will feature tions are due Aug. 31. Individuals and groups may apply
by Mary Anne Andersen                            talented performing artists, including Cellomania,            for support for art projects, equipment, or activities.
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                        MB3 Jazz, Drew Danburry with Icarus Phoenix, Coyote           Emphasis is on community building exhibits and

                                                 Bluegrass, Jon Yerby, Wood family, Roice Nelson, and          performances. For example, Cellomania is a recent
        here are two kinds of people in the      Blake Duncan. Come and enjoy the artist displays and          recipient and will be presenting a performance at
        world: Those who make messes and         live music designed for the whole family. This is a free      the Heritage Center in October. Application available
        those who clean them up. I told you      event sponsored by the Cedar City Arts Council, from 5        at https://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/
about my civic-minded project to clean up        to 8 p.m. from Artisans to the Southern Utah Museum           quick-grants/
the roadside trash along a section of Cove       of Art. Stone Path and IG Winery also host musicians              For updates about featured artists and musicians
Drive just south of the temple. I thought it     and artists.                                                  visit the Cedar City Art Walk page at https://www.face-
would take me a couple of days to gather             The Art Walk includes artist demonstrations and           book.com/Cedar-City-Art-Walk-488202448044670.
up the paper cups, discarded masks, school       exhibits on the lawn at 100 West and Center, including        Remember to save the dates for the later Final Friday
papers, and pieces of styrofoam scattered        displays by Amalia Wells, Hanna Dawson, Jonna                       Art Walks! Celebrate our city’s arts and culture this
about. Well, it turned out to be five days,      Baruffi, Lydia Brescia, Frank & Marytliz Harris,                        summer by bringing your family and friends to
four plastic grocery bags, and one big           Nawtee Native, Sara Shaw, Larry Laskowski,                                the Art Walk; we hope to see you there.
trash bag before I felt that the job was         Karen Russell, Zazie's Crafts, and several            MB3 Jazz, at             More information: Sara Penny, CCAC
done. I pulled on some disposable gloves,        others. Joey Favino and Lauren Wood will            left, and Coyote        Vice President, cedarcityartscouncil@
climbed through the fence—making sure                                                               Bluegrass are just
                                                 be at Stone Path.                                  two of several acts      gmail.com or 586-2286.
no one was passing by to see that laughable                                                          set to perform on
process—and picked up trash left by other                                                                  Aug. 27.
people. I was very careful, as the footing was
sometimes treacherous, and I didn’t feel
that my commitment required my slipping
down to the bottom of the ravine. Score one
for the cleaner-uppers, I thought.
    Then this discouraging thought came to
mind: We never actually get rid of trash; we
                    just move it from one
                       place to another until
                         it reaches its final
                           resting place. At
                            that point, it is
                            a happy case of
                            of-mind. I can no
                           longer see it and                                                                                                              photos Courtesy CCAC
                         can leave the final
                       solution to Mother
                    Nature. Done!
    However, the resolution of two sisters
                                                 family                                   Aaron said.
                                                                                              Directly after completing the
                                                                                                                                         “I get to act with my family, and
                                                                                                                                    it’s nice being in the show with
                                                 « Continued from page 11                 season at the Festival, the Galligan-     them,” Devin said. “And since it’s my
sharing a bathroom—one messy, one
tidy—is not so neatly resolved. To avoid                                                  Stierle family will be moving to          first show ever, it’s really helpful
constant bickering, Miss Neatnik must            asked Aaron if he would be inter-        Pennsylvania, where Aaron recently        knowing that they’re doing the
choose between picking up after her sib or       ested in playing Tateh in Ragtime.       took the position as head of musical      same thing, and that I know they’re
being constantly annoyed. Same problem                 Aaron immediately said yes         theatre at Slippery Rock University.      nearby.”
with military-trained husband and relaxed        to the role, and the stars aligned           “It’s been so good to watch                Acting as a family comes with
wife. Not a happy outcome, often….               when both Brian (with a nudge            Shannon and the kids blossom and          its challenges, though, and Shannon
    There are two kinds of people in the         from Melinda Pfundstein) and             be joyful after a year of quarantine      and Aaron said getting ready
world: The mayonnaise contingent and the         Aaron realized that his children         and isolation,” Aaron said. “It’s been    to leave the house on time for
Miracle Whip devotees. This is relatively        were the perfect ages to play roles      awesome to be a part of a com-            shows and rehearsals is “absolute
easy to manage—just buy a jar of each            in Ragtime. Even more perfect?           munity, and our kids have grown           absurdity.”
spread. This solution requires the sandwich      Shannon was eager to participate in      exponentially fast.”                           However, the good far out-
maker—often mom—to remember who                  the acting company of the Festival,          Although it is Devin and              weighs the bad, and this talented
likes what. But then remembering things          and so the kids and Shannon              Zoe’s first ever show, they have          family has grown closer to each
like that is what moms do best.                  auditioned and were ecstatic when        impressed both their parents and          other because of the opportunity,
    There are two kinds of people in the         they heard back that they all had        audience members with their               saying there’s something special
world: Those who arrive early and those          roles in the play.                       performances.                             about watching each other shine.
who are always late. We all have friends               The process from auditioning           “They love the musical so much,            For us? We get to see how
who are late to church no matter what time       for the play, rehearsing, and now        they sing it around the house. Devin      powerful love between family
it begins, 9:00 or 1:00. Managing time is a      performing live on stage during          is showing how consistent and             members can be, and that warm
lifestyle; one person arrives with her hair      the 60th anniversary season went         committed he can be with things,          feeling projects from the char-
on fire with seconds to spare to see that        smoothly, things falling into place as   and Zoe stays in character, some-         acters onstage and right into the
infuriating individual who has been in his       if it were meant to be.                  times ad-libbing secretly to Aaron        hearts of the audience, adding just
seat for 20 minutes. In our family, after 58           With the pandemic giving their     on stage,” Shannon said.                  a little more goodness into the
years of marriage, we haven’t learned that       children the option to complete              Aaron said he didn’t teach Zoe        world.
when we agree to leave at 5:30, to one of us     the 2021 school year online, it          to ad-lib, but that he “lost his mind”
that means 5:15 and to the other it means        was possible for the children to         the first time she turned to him on
5:40. I’m not saying who is whom, but I will     complete school from 7 a.m. to           stage and added in a line, talking        The Festival’s 2021 season is June 21
observe that in all the scenarios mentioned      noon online and then rehearse in         to him completely in character at         to October 9. Plays will be Pericles,
above, one person from each side always          the afternoon and evening for the        seven years old.                          Richard III, The Comedy of Errors,
marries an individual from the other. Have       Festival.                                    When asked what the best part         The Pirates of Penzance, Ragtime,
you noticed?                                           “Their last day of school was      of acting in Ragtime with her family      Cymbeline, Intimate Apparel, and
    There are two kinds of people in the         the day before our first preview .       was, Zoe replied that she’s happy         The Comedy of Terrors. Tickets are
world: Wait! I’m not going there. It would       . . if we hadn’t had that option I’m     she gets to hold her dad’s hand           available by calling 800-PLAYTIX
make half of you mad.                            not sure if we could’ve been here,”      almost the entire show.                   or visiting www.bard.org.
14                                                             Wednesday, August 25, 2021

                                        Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

     at Iron County Fair

                              The annual Mud Bog competition kicked off this year’s
                           Iron County Fair in Parowan. Always a fan favorite, there
                           were plenty of cars, trucks, SxS’s, ATV’s and even a dirt
                           bike—which transformed into a mud bike—that raced
                           their way unscathed (and uncleansed) through the muddy
                           rut, all to the roar of the crowds in the grandstands.
                              More filthy fun kicked off before the drivers launched
                           themselves through the dirty landscape as brave
                           bystanders took the opportunity to race barefoot
                           through the bog, where no one who entered escaped
                           unmuddied by the furrow’s fury.
                                                                       photos by corey baumgartner
Let these Iron County
businesses take care of
     your home needs...
Everything under 1 roof

                       Highline Craftsman
 We started our company 1978 in Vernal Utah building custom homes
  and small commercial projects then moved to Rock Spring for the Oil
   BOOM. Our projects ranged for large steel buildings for Butler steel
  building company to custom homes and restaurants. After the boom
   we moved to Dallas TX where we started building High End homes to
 the scope of 60,000 sq ft for TV producers and Deer Valley developer,
and ski resort owner. We also worked with a California developer building
 track homes in Carrollton, Texas. When the Dallas market slowed down,
we took our company to Las Vegas, Nv. We became our own developer at
that time, buying lots in ” The Lakes “ as well as “Desert Shores” building
  spec custom homes, and selling though century 21 Realty. After the
2006 subprime mortgage crisis in Las Vegas, we decided to come home
 UTAH. We are now providing our 45 years expertise to our friends, and
  neighbors here in Southern Utah. With our extensive knowledge of big
  city building, we build to the 2021 IEBC Building codes, as well as the
new energy codes, that Iron County does “not “enforce YET. If you want a
 home built to the 21st century mindset ,and built to last generations,
   Then Highline Craftsman is your builder. We build friendships for life.

                      Southwest Appliance
  Located at 777 N. Airport Road, Southwest Appliance has been
serving Southern Utah builders and residents for 21 years. We offer
 major appliance lines, including: GE, GE Profile, GE Café, KitchenAid,
Maytag, Speed Queen Laundry, Wolf, Subzero and Asko. Our fireplace
offerings include Fireplace Extrordinair and Lopi Wood Stoves. We are
proud to be locally owned and residents of Iron County. We offer free
 timely estimates and specification sheets to subcontractors. We
also offer in-house service, so if you purchase your appliance from us
we can provide any necessary service. Whether it's new construction,
remodeling, replacement or property management we have the right
                            appliance for you.
Iron County Today

       Infuse Living Spaces
            with Color
    From experiences to surroundings,         how to apply color to a space, avoid
the past year has brought a renewed           boxing in your options. Think beyond
focus on feeding the soul. In an era          traditional wall space when planning
of overstimulation and information            ways to change the color in a space;
overload, many are finding a new              be thoughtful with color and highlight
appreciation for living life minimally        architectural details to elevate the
but with maximum experiences.                 interest and charm in your home.
    That mentality is increasingly            Take a 360-degree immersive color
evident in all aspects of life, espe-         approach, painting the same shade
cially with home design and decor.            from floor to ceiling and all around to
After all, spending more time at              create a mood-boosting lift to a room.
home means more time to discover                  To infuse more color and boldness
what truly evokes happiness.                  into your space, consider a timeless
    At the same time, as the focus            and elegant shade of red, like HGTV
on physical and mental wellness               Home by Sherwin-Williams' 2021
heightens, design experts see those           Color of the Year. This paint color,
trends reflected in a more considered         "Passionate," is a deeply saturated hue
approach to design inspired by color          that is daringly rich and invigorates the
therapy, which makes it possible to           senses. This bold and empowering red
create beautiful spaces filled with           is steeped in history, merging modern
healing color.                                design with traditional charm.

                                                                  Whether you're into
                                                              project pieces you can
                                                              transform into some-
                                                              thing new or simply
                                                              shopping for furnish-
                                                              ings that complement
                                                              your space, be sure
                                                              to consider how the
                                                              furniture fits into the
                                                              overall color scheme.
                                                              Selecting furniture that
                                                              fits with the design
                                                              brings a more cohesive
                                                              and stylized feel to the
                                                              room. For example, a
                                                              desk and bookshelves
                                                              in pale natural hues
                                                              can lend warmth to
                                                              an office with walls
                                                              painted a cool dynamic

                                                                      Painted cabinets are
                                                                   on-trend, and if you're
                                                                   bored with basic whites
                                     HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams and grays, you're not
                                                                   alone. Designers are
    With an expertly coordinated color            going bold in the kitchen and using
palette, like the Color Collections from          cabinetry as a showpiece. These
HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams,                    color palettes create inspiring spaces
colors work in perfect harmony in any             that invite you to get busy baking or
combination. Thoughtful use of color is           simply pull up a chair and linger over
among the most effective design tools             a cup of coffee.
for reveal-worthy style in your home.                  If you're concerned about how to
                                                  bring a color palette together, consider

Appliances                                        using a collection that has been
                                                  intentionally curated to mix and match
    In the past, appliances were                  shades for a perfect look no matter
meant to blend into the decor to                  which hues you choose. You can easily
be less obvious, albeit essential,                achieve a new look with an option like
elements of a kitchen. A more                     the Delightfully Daring Color Collection
contemporary approach: vibrant                    from HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams.
appliances that get noticed. You                  With earthy tones inspired by nature
can find major appliances in a wide               and a dose of vibrancy, the shades
range of colors, but if you're not sure           are simultaneously energizing and
about going that big and bold, many               calming. The palette makes it easy to
smaller countertop appliances, such               introduce statement colors in unex-
as stand mixers and toasters, come in             pected ways so you can feel confident
a range of colorful options, too.                 in your selections.
                                                       Get inspired to bring healing
Architecture                                      design elements into your own home
                                                  at hgtvhomebysherwinwilliams.com.
    When contemplating where and                       (Family Features)
Everything under 1 roof

                   5 Tips for Remodeling in Today's Market
    In the aftermath of the COVID-19
lockdown, labor shortages and access
to certain products affects numerous
industries, including remodeling. Even
so, after extra time at home and delays
caused by the pandemic, there is high
demand for home renovation projects.
    If you're planning a home remodel
or construction project, consider
these tips from professional remod-
elers to avoid frustration and ensure
your vision comes to life.

Do Research and Plan Ahead
    Mapping out your project early
and thoroughly can help you avoid
delays. This is especially important
when it comes to materials, said
John Brown of Bliffert Lumber and
    "The quicker a homeowner can
make selections, the sooner we can
get it on order and get it in," Bliffert
    Some contractors are adjusting
the way they approach planning to
offset delays. For example, selecting                                                                                                                       getty images
materials and finishes at the outset,
instead of as you progress through         to do this project and they're not       In this environment, project timelines   professionally and appropriately.
the project like you normally would,       doing it to compromise. Others have      are extremely tight and even minor       Brown encourages his teams to com-
may mean the materials are available       a time constraint for one reason or      changes can create significant           municate early and often, which helps
when you need them.                        another; they don't have the luxury of   disruptions, especially if there's a     homeowners understand and trust
    "The design process has really         waiting."                                delay in obtaining different materials   they're doing everything possible to
changed," said Robi Kirsic of TimeLine         It's a sentiment echoed by others,   or your new ideas require a different    keep the job on track.
Renovation and Design. "We're still        who caution that you may be able to      crew that wasn't already scheduled
designing based on homeowners'
wishes and dreams, but we're also
                                           get an item you have your heart set
                                           on, but you may need to be willing to
                                                                                    for your job.
                                                                                                                             Be Patient
modifying by providing options based
on what's available."
                                               "If you have your heart set on a     Choose a Trustworthy Partner                 Above all, understanding these
                                                                                                                             are unusual times can go a long way
                                           certain bathtub, it might be a 6- or         While these are unusual times,       toward a more successful project.
Know Where You're Willing to               8-month wait, but another one might
                                           be available sooner," said Jason
                                                                                    having a reliable contractor can make
                                                                                    the project run more smoothly and
                                                                                                                                 "Patience will help it go a lot
                                                                                                                             smoother," Hensler said. "That may
Compromise                                 Hensler of Marvin Windows and
                                                                                    help you feel more comfortable as the
                                                                                    project progresses.
                                                                                                                             mean accepting longer wait times
                                                                                                                             than you anticipated and a later
   Whether you're able or willing to
                                                                                        "Use someone you trust, someone      completion date than you hoped."
compromise often comes down to
why you're doing the renovation in
the first place.
                                           Avoid Making Changes                     who is part of a reputable group
                                                                                    like the National Association of the
                                                                                                                                 The sooner you get your project
                                                                                                                             started, the sooner your contractor
                                              Once your plans are set and your      Remodeling Industry," Brown said.        can start mapping out a project
   "Some homeowners are specific
                                           materials have been ordered, avoid           That way, if you encounter           timeline. Find contractors in your area
about what they want," Kirsic said.
                                           unnecessary delays by changing your      unexpected bumps along the way, you      at RemodelingDoneRight.com.
"They've been waiting for a long time
                                           project scope or material selection.     can be confident they will be handled        (Family Features)
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