Le Grand Bal de l'Europe 2019 - Gennetines

Page created by Thelma Jordan
Le Grand Bal de l’Europe 2019
    From Friday 19th 9.30 pm to Friday 2nd August
                                                                                  For a fortnight, the strength, richness,
                                                                                  diversity and magic of dance and music
                                                                                  allow everyone to create their own Grand
                                                                                  Bal in a spirit of freedom based on respect
                                                                                  and consideration for others. The festivals
                                                                                  are supported by regulation to ensure, in
                                                                                  particular, collective security and respect for
                                                                                  the neighbourhood.
                                                                                  In this six-page document we summarize in
                                                                                  part the philosophy and development of the
                                                                                  Grand Bal de l’Europe. Read the entire
                                                                                  leaflet and its supplements on our website
                                                                                  www.gennetines.org. Register if you want
                                                                                  to participate in our meetings : this is
                                                                                  obligatory, with presentation of your
                                                                                  ID upon arrival.
                                                                                  We warmly thank the artists, organizers and
                                                                                  participants who have built the Grand Bal
                                                                                  de l’Europe and invite you to bring to life
                                                                                  and share the 2019 festival with us.
                                                                                                       Bernard et Julie Coclet

Registration before 1 July is obligatory
Registration before July 1st allows better organisation and the best              Festival Charter
set-up.                                                                           The Association’s aim is that everyone should
You can register either online from the home page of www.gennetines.org           be able to express their own music and dance
or by mail by returning the registration form (see pages 4 and 5).                with passion and pleasure, and enjoy their
                                                                                  own special moments. Respect for and
Length of stay
                                                                                  understanding of others are the founda-
We advise against short stays. A short visit will not allow you to benefit        tions of Grand Bal de l’Europe.
fully from the festival community, or participate in its organisation, or fully   Dancing with others involves the considera-
understand its philosophy.                                                        tion of real issues, as well as experiencing
You choose the duration and the dates of your visit, the only constraint is       the irrationality of dance without holding
respect for our organization.                                                     back. The issues to be considered are artis-
No propaganda, no commerce                                                        tic ownership (always asking artists for
                                                                                  permission to record or film), reflections
We are delighted to welcome the many dancers and musicians who                    about sources, modes and practices used to
accept the festival’s organisational structure and who participate at our         transmit dance. It is about allowing oneself
invitation in return for their expenses – but we do not accept any form of        to be transported by the music and the
commerce, propaganda or recruitment on the festival site, on the                  dance, adopting a universal language of
campsites or in the parking areas. The sole exception is that of local            smile and gesture. It is to attempt to tame
traders who provide a service in the campsite at set times.                       the dance.
Timetable                                                                         All our members have the same rights and
For efficiency and fairness to artists, organisers and participants, we           the same obligations. In creating Bal de
must respect all timetables.                                                      l’Europe and setting the essential bounda-
                                                                                  ries, the group’s interest will always come
Constraints                                                                       first.
Our organisation is simple and transparent, easy to operate for our team          Respecting the codes of conduct and festi-
of volunteers. It is rigorous for reasons of security and fairness. Please        val regulations is implicit in respecting the
don’t come to Gennetines if you are not in agreement with our operational         work of the Association and all those who
principle as described below.                                                     carry it out.
The festival opens                                        Planning a day                         Planning a day
on Friday 19 July at 9.30 pm                              ●D
                                                            ance workshops                9
                                                          On 7 dance floors you will
                                                                                         : 30
                                                          be able to discover, dance,
Opening of Reception                                      learn or practice many         10
                                                                                                       9.45 am - 10.30 am
                                                          European dances. (There                      Dance preparation
QOpening on Friday 19 July from 11 am to 11 pm.          may be between 50 and          : 30
QFrom July 20 to August 2, Reception will be             300 participants in a
  open from 9 am to 11 pm.                                workshop).                     11
You can only buy your bracelet to enter the site or the   The stars on the                                    10 .45 am
campsites, or your meal and drink tickets, during this    programme give an indica-
                                                                                         : 30
                                                                                                   Dance workshops
time slot.                                                tion of the level of the       12                    12.45 pm
                                                          workshop (* : easy, ** :
                                                          intermediate, *** :
Gennetines 2019                                           advanced).
                                                                                         : 30

                                                                                                     12.50 pm - 1.20 pm
Festival planning…                                        Everyone will have their
                                                          own approach, background,
                                                                                                  Express dance workshops
                                                                                         : 30
More than 105 groups will take part in the festival.      priorities and dreams ;
                                                          everyone should be able to     14
Dance workshops or dance-express sessions                 find an appropriate level at          2 pm - 2.30 pm Planning session
                                                          which to participate.
The following dance themes will be covered by one or                                     : 30
                                                                                                2.30 pm        2.30 pm          2.30 pm
more groups, one or several times. Some changes are                                                                            Exchange
                                                          ● Express
                                                                  dance                15
possible, we will update this list on our website and       work-shops                            Dance        Bal-             of ideas
we will notify you with our newsletter.                                                                                        Discovery
                                                          Shorter workshops to intro-    : 30   workshops     Concert            music
                                                          duce a particular dance,       16                                    workshops
             Alsace                  Gascogne             region or group of dancers            4.30 pm        4.30 pm          4.30 pm
       American Tapdance                 Grèce            in about 30 minutes.           : 30
           Angleterre                   Irlande
             Ariège                      Israël           ●E
                                                            xchange of ideas            17
                                                                                                         5 pm                     5 pm
           Auvergne                    Lettonie           For increased understan-
                                                                                         : 30
                                                          ding of dance - researchers,              Dance                      Discovery
          Avant-deux                  Limousin                                                                                   music
                                                          musicians and dancers can
            Baroque                   Mazurkas            share their experiences,
                                                                                         18       workshops                    workshops
             Béarn                     Morvan             reflections, conduct a         : 30
        Bourrées 2 temps               Musette            debate or discuss a film or                    7 pm          7 pm
        Bourrées 3 temps              Nivernais           an exhibition.                 19
                                                                                                      7.05 pm - 7.35 pm
              Berry                 Pays Basque                                                   Express dance workshops
                                                          ● « Discovery » music         : 30
           Bretagne           Playford (danse anglaise)     workshops                           7.30 pm
             Cajun                      Poitou            Musicians or singers
            Cap-Vert                  Portugal            present a technique, an        : 30 Concert
           Catalogne                  Provence            instrument, a way to play               9 pm
         Centre France                   Rock             together.                      21
                                                                                                        9 pm Presentation
         Contemporain                    Salsa            ● Presentations                : 30
         Contredanses              Sauts basques                                                               9.30 pm
                                                          Some evenings, at 9 pm, a
       Danses collectives             Scottish                                           22
                                                          short presentation to show
        Danses débutants                Suède             some dances and inspire        : 30
        Danses de couple                 Tango            you to try them.
           Fandango             Valses (asymétriques)                                    23
                                                          ● Bals - Concerts
            Flandres                   Vendée                                            : 30
                                                          Seven bals at the same time
              Forro                   Wallonie            starting at 9.30 pm or

                                                                                                      Bals -
                                                          10 pm. Then seven new bals
                                                          to replace them between        : 30
Bals - Concert                                            11.30 pm and 0.45 am. To
The groups will play the dances taught in their
workshops during their sessions at the bals, as well as
                                                          finish, there may be several
                                                          acoustic jam sessions to
                                                          dance through the night.       : 30
a more general repertoire.
                                                            aily adjustments            02
                                                            to the Programme
    The detailed programme of the workshops                                              : 30
    will be available in Gennetines on July 19th          A planning session will be
                                                          held each day between 2.00     03
    and on our website www.gennetines.org in              – 2.30 pm at the event
    April (we will tell you exactly when in our           office. You will be able to    : 30
                                                                                                               3.15 am
    newsletter).                                          propose other events.

2                                                                                                  Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - JULY-AUGUST 2019
Planning a day                                                                                                  The Information Point                           Meals
                                                                                                                                      A place at the center of the site that          The association serves self-service meals on

                                                                                                                                      houses :                                        the festival site. The organisation offers

                                                                                                                                      S the schedule for the dance floors,           choice, quantity and caters for vegetarians.
                                                                                           9 am to 10.30 am
                                                                                                                                      S organizational information,                  You can bring your cutlery.
                                                                                                                                      S a message and car-pool space.                Local traders keep regular hours on the

                                                                                                                                      We highly recommend a daily visit.              campsite for those who wish to self-cater.
                                                                                                                                      The Music Kiosk                                 Practical details
                                                                                                                                      A space with a dance floor for :
                                                                                                                                      S music workshops,                             Identification
                                                                                                                                      S chatting: about dance,                       Everyone on the festival site or campsites
11.30                                                                                                                                 S presenting productions,                      or parking areas must wear a festival
                                                                                                                                      S playing music and dancing at free            identification wrist bracelet. Entry will be
                                                                                                                                         times.                                       monitored 24 hours a day, on all parts of
                                                                                                                                                                                      the festival sites. You are requested to show
                                                                                                                                      The Cabaret                                     the bracelet to the gate personnel each
                                                                                           12.30 ­­am to 2 pm

                                                                                                                                                                                      time you enter any part of the festival site
                                                                                                                                      In the center of the site, a space with a

                                                                                                                                                                                      and to any of the festival personnel on
                                                                                                                                      dance floor for :
1.30                                                                                                                                                                                  request.
                                                                                                                                      S having a break,
02                                                                                                                                    S meeting people,                              Smokers
                                                                                                                                      S the promotion of dance and music,            Be watchful, take care of others, do not
                                                                                                                                      S the sale of dance and music recordings       smoke or vape near dance or meal places.
        9 am to 11 pm - RECEPTION

                                                                                                                                         and books,
                                                                                                                                      S jamming and ... more dancing.                Instrument security
3.30                                                                                                                                  Out of respect for the other participants       The “consigne” is a free safe-keeping
                                                                                                                                      and for the neighbours, we can not allow        service for instruments available from 9.30
                                    9.30 am to 4 am - WATCH-OVER SERVICE FOR INSTRUMENTS

                                                                                                                                      musical instruments that are too loud.          am in the centre of the festival site. We
                                                                                                                                                                                      recommend that you personalise the cases
4.30                                                                                                                                                                                  on the outside and put your name and
                                                                                                                                                                                      address inside.

5.30                                                                                                                                 Geographical location
                                                                                                                                                                                      Do not leave any valuable item in your
06                                                                                                                                   Gennetines is                                    bags or clothes when you put them down
                                                                                                                                     situated 300 km                                  to dance. Moreover, personalise them.
6.30                                                                                                                                 south of Paris
                                                                                                                                     and 10 km north                                  Children
                                                                                                                                     of Moulins, in the                               The festival site is not designed for the
                                                                                           7 pm to 8.30 pm

                                                                                                                                     Allier Department.                               particular needs of children. We therefore
                                                                                                                10 am - 3 am - BAR

                                                                                                                                                                                      ask that all children under 12 should be
                                                                                                                                     The Bal de l’Eu-                                 accompanied by an adult at all times.
                                                                                                                                     rope takes place                                 Children under 18 remain the
                                                                                                                                     on an old Bour-                                  responsibility of their parents who will be
                                                                                                                                     bonnais farm,                                    expected to introduce them to the
09                                                                                                                                   Les Gauthiers, situated on the D288,             responsibilities of group living and to
                                                                                                                                     halfway between the villages of Gennetines       ensure that they respect the code of
9.30                                                                                                                                 and Trevol. By train, the nearest station is     conduct of the Bal de l’Europe. They may,
                                                                                                                                     10 km away at Moulins-sur-Allier ; there is      if they wish, join the Association.
10                                                                                                                                   no regular transport to the festival site. If
                                                                                                                                     you take a taxi, tell the driver you are going   First Aid Booth
                                                                                                                                     to the Bal de l’Europe, « aux Gauthiers », at    It only provides first aid in case of medical
                                                                                                                                     Gennetines, on the D288.                         emergencies. A list of pharmacies, doctors
                                                                                                                                     The GPS coordinates are :                        and hospitals is available. Bring along your
                                                                                                                                     • in DD :                                        first-aid kit.
00                                                                                                                                    - Latitude : 46.63053447564956                  Animals
                                                                                                                                      - Longitude : 3.3647292852401733                We are not able to accommodate pets at
                                                                                                                                     • in DMS :                                       the festival for reasons of noise, hygiene
01                                                                                                                                    - Latitude : N 46° 37’ 49.924’’                 and responsibility. Animals are therefore
                                                                                                                                      - Longitude : E 3° 21’ 53.025’’                 prohibited on the festival site, the parking
1.30                                                                                                                                                                                  lots and the campsites.
02                                                                                                                                   Car Pooling                                      Medical certificate and insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                      We suggest that you consult a doctor to
2.30                                                                                                                                 We invite you to visit this website : www.       know if you are able to practice dance
                                                                                                                                     covoiturageauvergne.net. Just fill in the        during the festival.
                                                                                                                                     arrival or departure town : Gennetines           We also strongly recommend that you take
                                                                                                                                     (03400). This site is supported by the           an insurance policy to cover the physical
                                                                                                                                     Regional Council Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes            injuries you are exposed to during your
04                                                                                                                                   and the Allier Departmental Council.             activities.
3                                                                                                                                                                                                           Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - JULY-AUGUST 2019
Registration + Membership Card for the Grand Bal de l’Europe 2019
Internet registration : You can register on line on the association’s website : www.gennetines.org
Country :                                                                                     - To participate in the Grand Bal, one card must be filled for each adult or child.
                                                                                              - Please use capital letters, write carefully and fill in both sides.
                                                                                              - Payment is made on arrival.
Surname :
                                                                                                                                                                                            participates in
First name :                                                                                                                                                                              the organisation
Address :                                                                                                                                                                                 To help our team of
                                                                                                                                                                                          voluntary organisers,
Postcode :                                                         Town :                                                                                                                 each participant will
Country :		Tel :                                                                                                                                                                          help out for several
                                                                                                                                                                                          minutes or several
E-mail :                                                                                                                                                                                  hours during the
    I wish to join the AEADT, sharing my experience and efforts, and I will pay at Gennetines (membership for                                                                            fortnight.
     2019-2020).                                                                                                                                                                          You can help us in
     I have read the whole of the festival programm. I accept your organization and its regulations.                                                                                     tidying the dance
      I wish to take part in the Grand Bal de l’Europe in Gennetines.                                                                                                                    floors, clearing and
    Please note your age : under 10 years ; 10-17 years ; 18-24 years ; over 24 years.                                                                                                    cl e a n i n g t a b l e s ,
       Under 18 years, parents must fill in the authorization on the other side.
                                                                                                                                                                                          washing up, and in
                                                  OFFICE USE ONLY                                                                                                                         filling any other need
• Réception de la fiche :....................................................... Date de paiement :.................................................................................      that arises.
Registration + Membership Card for the Grand Bal de l’Europe 2019
Internet registration : You can register on line on the association’s website : www.gennetines.org
Country :                                                                                     - To participate in the Grand Bal, one card must be filled for each adult or child.
                                                                                              - Please use capital letters, write carefully and fill in both sides.
                                                                                              - Payment is made on arrival.
Surname :
                                                                                                                                                                                            participates in
First name :                                                                                                                                                                              the organisation
Address :                                                                                                                                                                                 To help our team of
                                                                                                                                                                                          voluntary organisers,
Postcode :                                                         Town :                                                                                                                 each participant will
Country :		Tel :                                                                                                                                                                          help out for several
                                                                                                                                                                                          minutes or several
E-mail :                                                                                                                                                                                  hours during the
    I wish to join the AEADT, sharing my experience and efforts, and I will pay at Gennetines (membership for                                                                            fortnight.
     2019-2020).                                                                                                                                                                          You can help us in
     I have read the whole of the festival programm. I accept your organization and its regulations.                                                                                     tidying the dance
      I wish to take part in the Grand Bal de l’Europe in Gennetines.                                                                                                                    floors, clearing and
    Please note your age : under 10 years ; 10-17 years ; 18-24 years ; over 24 years.                                                                                                    cl e a n i n g t a b l e s ,
       Under 18 years, parents must fill in the authorization on the other side.
                                                                                                                                                                                          washing up, and in
                                                  OFFICE USE ONLY                                                                                                                         filling any other need
• Réception de la fiche :....................................................... Date de paiement :.................................................................................      that arises.
           Meetings during the Grand Bal de l’Europe                                                                                        Ordinary general meeting

       Consultative meetings Sunday 28th July 2019                                                                       unday 29 December 2019 at 6 pm at « Les
       at 2.30 pm, to allow a maximum of members                                                                        Gauthiers » in Gennetines (this is the
       to take part in the democratic life of the                                                                       notification to attend for the members).
       association. On the agenda : first
                                                                                                                        On the agenda :
       assessments of the 2019 festival, any
       improvements possible before the end of the                                                                      SApproval of the accounts for the previous
       festival, management and philosophy of the                                                                        accounting period (1st July 2018 to 30th June
       association.                                                                                                       2019­) ;
                                                                                                                        SActivity programme for 2019-2020 ;
                                                                                                                        SE lection of the members of the board of
                                                                                                                             Bernard Coclet, président of the association

4                                                                                                                                                                               Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - JULY-AUGUST 2019
Registration + Membership Card Grand Bal de l’Europe 2019 (also fill out page 4)
➜ In
   principle, I am planning to attend the Grand Bal on :                                         ➜ I participated           in Gennetines in          : 1990 , 1991 , 1992                        ,
     19   20   , 21   , 22   , 23   , 24   , 25   , 26   , 27   , 28   ,                             1993 , 1994                , 1995 , 1996             , 1997 , 1998 , 1999                      ,
     29   , 30   , 31   july, 1st , 2   august.                                                      2000 , 2001                , 2002 , 2003             , 2004 , 2005 , 2006                      ,
                                                                                                     2007 , 2008                , 2009 , 2010             , 2011 , 2012 , 2013                      ,
➜ I am planning to eat the catered meals :                                                          2014 , 2015                , 2016 , 2017            , 2018 .
     everyday , occasionally , never , vegetarians .                                               ➜ I participated in Saint-Gervais in :
                                                                                                     2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 ,
➜ I am planning to use the festival campsite , another .                                            2015 , 2016 .

For the children : I, the undersigned ........................................................................................................................................ the legal guardian
for the child named on the back, have taken note of the entire information leaflet and I authorise him/her to take part in the Grand Bal de l’Europe.
 I shall accompany him/her.  He/She will be under the responsibility of ................................................................................................................
who will take any necessary educational/health related decisions. Phone in case of emergency : ...............................................................................
Legal Guardian’s                                                 Child’s                                                           Accompanying
Signature                                                        Signature                                                         adult

                                   Return one card per person to : Bal de l’Europe - Les Gauthiers - 03400 GENNETINES - FRANCE

Registration + Membership Card Grand Bal de l’Europe 2019 (also fill out page 4)
➜ In principle, I am planning to attend the Grand Bal on :                                       ➜ I participated           in Gennetines in          : 1990 , 1991 , 1992                        ,
     19   20   , 21   , 22   , 23   , 24   , 25   , 26   , 27   , 28   ,                             1993 , 1994                , 1995 , 1996             , 1997 , 1998 , 1999                      ,
     29   , 30   , 31   july, 1st , 2   august.                                                      2000 , 2001                , 2002 , 2003             , 2004 , 2005 , 2006                      ,
                                                                                                     2007 , 2008                , 2009 , 2010             , 2011 , 2012 , 2013                      ,
➜ I am planning to eat the catered meals :                                                          2014 , 2015                , 2016 , 2017            , 2018 .
     everyday , occasionally , never , vegetarians .                                               ➜ I participated in Saint-Gervais in :
                                                                                                     2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 ,
➜ I am planning to use the festival campsite , another .                                            2015 , 2016 .

For the children : I, the undersigned ........................................................................................................................................ the legal guardian
for the child named on the back, have taken note of the entire information leaflet and I authorise him/her to take part in the Grand Bal de l’Europe.
 I shall accompany him/her.  He/She will be under the responsibility of ................................................................................................................
who will take any necessary educational/health related decisions. Phone in case of emergency : ...............................................................................
Legal Guardian’s                                                 Child’s                                                           Accompanying
Signature                                                        Signature                                                         adult

                                   Return one card per person to : Bal de l’Europe - Les Gauthiers - 03400 GENNETINES - FRANCE

           The official website of the Grand Bal de l’Europe is www.gennetines.org

                          To follow and understand the life and working of the association and Le Grand Bal de l’Europe.

                                        Grand Bal 2019                                                              The association                          Shared Emotions
    The daily schedule (the current year goes online in April, the archives
                                                                            News                                                                        Dancer’s quotes
    of previous years are available)

    The list of groups with a link to their website or blog                                                   Bulletins                                 Photos

    Practical Information (Prices, Registration, Comic Counsel of the
                                                                      Information letters                                                               Videos
    wise, ...)

                                                                                                              Old programs                              Meetings

                                                   Subscribe to the newsletter from the site’s homepage.
                                         Online registration available from the homepage of the site from February.
5                                                                                                                                                        Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - JULY-AUGUST 2019
Car park and campsite
Tarifs                                                                                        Car park and campsites are both situated on private
SIndividual membership of the association : 20 €                                             property and are only available to participants wearing
SAdministration costs : 20 € (free for those registering                                     a festival bracelet. They will be available from 18th July
  before 1st July).                                                                           and are free.
SParticipation costs : 30 € (free for members).                                              The campsite is on farm fields, near the festival site,
                                                                                              provided with hot showers, toilets, drinking water taps,
Entrance to the festival for the day (from 9 am to 11 pm)
                                                                                              sinks for washing, and electric outlets for razors and
SFull price : 21 € per day                                                                   hairdryers only.
SReduced rate : 15 € per day (from 18 to 24 years old)
                                                                                              Peace and Quiet and Safety on our campsites
SHalf-price : 10,5 € per day (from 10 to 17 years old)
                                                                                              Please drive slowly and use your vehicle as little as
SFriday 19 July from 9.30 pm : 10,5 € (5 € between 10                                        possible. Do not sleep in the car park. Speak softly and pay
  and 24 years old)                                                                           attention to your neighbours.
SChildren under 10 : require an identification bracelet                                      Our campsites are big enough to accommodate all the
  for 1 €                                                                                     participants. We do not reserve any spaces, you will need
Minors must present the authorization of their parent or                                      to find an available space when you arrive.
guardian (see page 5).                                                                        All of us must respect the legislation and the festival
Or a decreasing price after the first 5 consecutive                                           regulations, and the inhabitants of Gennetines, where we
days (the day of Friday July 19 is not included)                                              should be as quiet as possible.
               5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10 days 11 days 12 days 13 days 14 days
                                                                                              To ensure everyone’s safety, the following rules are
                                                                                              fundamental and must be obeyed without discussion. We
 Full Price 100        120    133     152 166,5 185 200,8 219                234      252     give on this page other lodging possibilities.
    Under 25 72,5      87      98     112 121,5 135 145,8 159                169      182     SSealed-off areas must be kept free for use by security or
    10 to 18    50     60     68,3    78     85,5    95    101,8 111         117      126        emergency workers.
                                                                                              SThere must be a reasonable space between tents in order
Refreshments                                                                                     to prevent the spreading of fires.
SMeals : 9 € ;                                                                              SN o dangerous or toxic products should be stored in
SDrink tickets : 1,20 € ;                                                                       tents.
SBreakfast: 2 drink tickets.                                                                 SOur campsites do not cater for smokers or gas cookers
                                                                                                 (we recommend extreme caution on the part of smokers
Useful information                                                                               and cookers - they should have a fire-extinguisher and
SIndividual membership in the association can be done                                           have a stock of water nearby their tent).
  either by using the enclosed reply coupon (page 4 and 5) or                                 SAvoid camping or parking areas under trees. If you are
  by registering online. Membership always covers the                                            beneath a tree, you must evacuate the area during
 festival year from 1 July to 30 June.                                                           stormy weather. The Association’s insurance will not
SWe do not accept bank cards.                                                                   cover you if you have a problem.
SD o not send cash or cheques. You will pay                                                  SP lease make sure your tent and other material are
 everything on arrival at Gennetines (membership,                                                securely fixed.
 entry, refreshment and possibly registration and                                             SThe grounds are bumpy and there is very little light or
 participation).                                                                                 none. We recommend bringing your own torch and
SWe require proof of Identity from all participants                                             taking care when walking.
 before we are able to issue their bracelets for entry onto                                   SThe Association will not be held responsible if our rules
 the site. Participants will also have to show the contents                                      are not respected (please check that you have personal
 of their bags and to label them.                                                                insurance).
                                                                                              In case of litigation, only the courts of the district of
Contact during the meetings                                                                   Moulins are competent, and in case of difference the
• During the festival, we do not answer the phone. In order                                  french text of this document will take precedence.
   to get through, please send an email.
• We have an information point at the center of the site and                                   Hotels, Bed & Breakfast, Campsites
   all participants should check the news and messages                                        The tourist information centre of Moulins and its
   several times per day.                                                                     region can help you with accommodation or in
                                                                                              discovering our region. Book your accommodation in good
    CONTACT                                                                                   time.
                                                                                              SOffice de Tourisme de Moulins et sa région
 SPost : Le Grand Bal de l’Europe                                                              11 rue François Péron - 03000 Moulins
  « Les Gauthiers » 03400 GENNETINES FRANCE                                                     Tel : +33 4 70 44 14 14 - www.moulins-tourisme.com
 S Phone : Please call during office hours :                                                 Gîtes de France
   +33 4 70 42 14 42 on Tuesdays between 8 pm and                                             Gîtes de France Relais for the Allier and Nièvre
   10 pm or on Wednesdays between 10 am and 4.30 pm                                           Departments can send you descriptions of houses or flats
   (except in July and August)                                                                to rent :
 SWebsite : www.gennetines.org                                                                SGîtes de France Allier - www.gites-de-france-allier.com
 SEmail : grandbal@gennetines.org                                                               Tel : +33 4 82 75 68 55
 SNewsletter (subscription on the website)                                                    SGîtes de France Nièvre - www.gites-de-france-bourgogne.
                                                                                                com/nievre.html – Tel : +33 3 80 45 97 15

6                                                                      Impression :         - 03 Moulins - 04 70 20 09 92      Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - JULY-AUGUST 2019
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