HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online

Page created by Roger Carpenter
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
                 ALL ARE WELCOME

                                         JULY 11, 2021
                                     FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN
                                        ORDINARY TIME

                                    OUR MISSION
                                    SACRAMENTAL LIFE,
                                    OUTREACH AND SERVICE &
                                    CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN THE
                                    VINCENTIAN TRADITION

                                    CONFESSION SCHEDULE
                                    MONDAY - FRIDAY
                                    11:30 AM

                                    3:30 PM

                                    WEEKDAY MASS
                                    MONDAY - FRIDAY
                                    12:10 PM

                                    WEEKEND MASSES*
                                    5:00 PM

                                    8:30 AM
                                    11:00 AM
                                    1:00 PM (SPANISH)
                                    5:00 PM
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                                                        July 11, 2021

                 PARISH STAFF                            Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Church!
                                                         We extend a warm welcome to those who are visiting
PASTORAL CENTER & PARISH MAILING                         our parish for the first time. If you are new to the area
ADDRESS                                                  and are looking for a parish to call home, we welcome
3826 Gilbert Ave. | Dallas, TX 75219                     you! If you have been worshipping with us for a while
214-526-8555 | FAX 214-526-3477 | www.htccd.org          but have not yet registered, we invite you to register
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am- 5pm
                                                         so we can better serve you. There are several ways
Evening/Weekend Emergency Voicemail | 214-526-
                                                         you can sign up: find the Welcome Card located in
Parish Pastoral Care | 214-526-6356                      the pews, fill out the information, and drop it into the
Holy Trinity Center | 214-521-3719                       collection basket, register online at www.htccd.org/
                                                         parishioner-registration, or contact the parish office at
DIOCESE OF DALLAS INFORMATION                            214-526-8555. A Welcome Ministry committee member
214-528-2240 | www.cathdal.org
                                                         will be in contact with you in the near future. We hope
PARISH STAFF • 214-526-8555                              you have enjoyed worshipping with us today. For more
Pastor | Fr. Milton Ryan, C.M.                           information, you can also email welcome@htccd.org.
Parochial Vicar | Fr. Michael Walsh, C.M., Ext. 226
                                                         Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Catolica Santisma Trinidad!
Diaconal Ministry | Deacon Roberto Loera
                                                         Damos una cálida bienvenida a los que visitan nuestra
Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care                     parroquia por primera vez. Si usted es nuevo en esta
Elia Meyers, Ext.223
                                                         área y está buscando una parroquia para llamar
Pastoral Associate for Parish Life, Mission &            su hogar, le damos la bienvenida! Si usted ha estado
Communications                                           adorando a nuestro Señor con nosotros por un tiempo
Erin Cooper, Ext. 233                                    pero aún no se ha registrado, ¡le damos la bienvenida
Administrator of Operations | Darrell Somers, Ext. 227   también! Por favor regístrese para poder servirle
Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation                mejor. Hay varias maneras de registrarse: Puede
Elizabeth Delgado, Ext. 239                              encontrar las tarjetas de bienvenida ubicadas en las
Parish Liturgist | Benny Ruiz, Jr., Ext. 237             bancas, llene la información y déjela en la canasta
                                                         de la colecta, también puede registrarse en nuestra
Music Ministry | Jay Terpstra, Ext. 240
                                                         página web: www.htccd.org/parishioner-registration,
Parish Business Manager | Thecla Tybor, Ext. 235         o puede comunicarse a la oficina parroquial al: 214-
Parish Accountant | Vanessa Breland, Ext. 272            526-8555. Esperamos que haya disfrutado adorar a
Parish Sacramental Secretary | Alejandra Faz, Ext. 234   nuestro Señor con nos otros hoy.
Parish Receptionist | Diana Macias, Ext. 221
Safe Environment |Alejandra Faz, Ext. 234
Society of St. Vincent de Paul | Elise Healy                                             Campus Map
214-559-0276                                               Our campus map is included for your
RCIA | HTRCIA@htccd.org
                                                           convenience. Most of our meetings are held in
                                                           the Community Life Center on the second floor.
Beyond Sunday -Young Adults Young Adults
                                                           Parking is located behind the Pastoral Center
(Parishioners in their 20s and 30s)
beyondsunday@gmail.com                                     offices and the Seton Center.
Interested in Adult Faith Formation?                                                       IRVING AVE.
Email HTAdultFF@htccd.org
                                                                                                                                     EARLY CHILDHOOD
                                                                                                                                     ASSEMBLY ROOM &

Questions about Holy Trinity?                                                                                       TOWER
                                                                                                                                       SETON CENTER

Email HTinfo@htccd.org                                                                         COMMUNITY
                                                                                               LIFE CENTER

Would you like to Volunteer?                                                                   GYMNASIUM

Email HTvolunteer@htccd.org                                                                      MEETING
                                                                                                                                                 CATHOLIC SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                                   HOLY TRINITY

                                                                              O R                 Y
                                                                            ST TE ES
                                                                          PA CEN FIC            IT
214-526-5113 | www.htcsdallas.org                                             O
                                                                                F            IN
                                                                                           TR ER
                                                                                         LY T
                                                                                        O EN                               RECTORY
School Principal | Marian Davis 214-526-5113                                           H C
                                                                                                              A T (BA
                                                                                                               H OL NIT EM
                                                                                                                TH R S
                                                                                                                O IC Y EN

Dir. Of Development | Karen Johnson 214-526-5113                         GI

                                                                                                                     TR CH AL )


                                                                                                                        IN UR L

                                                                                                                          IT CH

School Accountant | Maryanne Odom Ext. 230                                        VE
                                                                                                                            H T

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HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                               July 11, 2021


                                                               July 4
                                                               Ex 2:2-5; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6
                                                               8:30 Holy Caravaca Cross
                                                               11 Holy Trinity Community
                                                               1 Misa Comunitaria
                                                               5 Diedier Dangien

                                                               July 5
                                                               Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
                                                               Josephine Mikamona

                                                               July 6
                                                               Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
                                                               For Our Priests

                                                               July 7
                                                               Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
                                                               For Newly Married Couples

                                                               July 8
                                                               Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Second Collection on July 18th                                 Billy & Earline Sandfur +
  Next week our parish will take up a collection to
support the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa.          July 9
Although the Church in Africa is growing, many still lack      Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
access to basic resources and pastoral care. The Solidarity    For Essential Workers
Fund supports pastoral projects to build the capacity of
the church and foster lasting peace and reconciliation
                                                               July 10
in a continent often marked by division and tension. To
                                                               Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
learn more, visit www.usccb.org/africa.
                                                               Bishop Edward Burns

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Returning on July 21st           ______________
  The Wednesday morning bible study will be starting
on Wednesday, July 21 at 10:00 am in room 201 /202 of the      Do you have a Mass intention or
Community Life Center. Father Mike has generously agreed       prayer request?
to lead the study. The study should end by noon. Coffee will   Mass intentions are included in dai-
be provided along with snacks provided by the participants.    ly Masses celebrated by our priests.
  We have two choices to pick from for our first study.        To place a Mass intentions, call
Romans – the Gospel of Salvation (https://ascensionpress.      214.526.8555. During this time of quar-
com/collections/romans-the-gospel-of-salvation) or Racial      antine, we’d like to pray for your inten-
Justice in the Catholic Church. Just go to google and put in   tions. If you have a specific prayer inten-
Racial Justice in the Catholic Church by Bryan Massingale.     tion, please email it to alexf@htccd.org.
Please email Nancy Allen at nancy.allen@swbell.net to
sign up and also give your vote for our first study; Romans
or Racial Justice. When you sign up, please provide your
mailing address, phone number and email address.
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                          July 11, 2021

                             PARISH NEWS | NOTICIAS PARROQUIAL

                                         Your Holy Trinity Legacy
                                           Making a gift for the benefit of Holy Trinity Catholic
                                         Church after you are gone is a wonderful way to create
                                         a lasting legacy and ensure that the faith life you and
                                         your family have received will be there for generations to
                                         come. For more information or to answer your questions
                                         about a possible gift, please phone or email Thecla Tybor
                                         at 214.526.8555 x 235 or theclat@htccd.org.

                                         Sponsor Couples Needed
                                           Have you ever been told that you and your spouse
                                         “have a great marriage” or that you two are so
                                         “sensitive and attentive to each other?” Are you
                                         a practicing Catholic couple, married at least five
                                         years, and working hard at building a healthy,
                                         promising marriage? Holy Trinity parish is seeking
                                         you, couples in healthy and strong marriages to work
                                         with those preparing for marriage in the Church
                                         through our Engaged Couple Sponsor Program. We
                                         would love to visit with you. If interested and would
                                         like more information, please contact Anna Quigley
                                         at annaquigley.htc@gmail.com.

                                         Donate to Holy Trinity Food Pantry
                                           Holy Trinity Center Food Pantry is in need of food
                                         donations. Donations of tuna, oatmeal, shampoo, ramen
                                         (beef or chicken), chicken soup and canned peaches can
                                         be dropped off Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am - 12
                                         pm or Saturdays from 10 am - 12 pm. You can also donate
                                         money by visiting htccd.weshareonline.org and clicking
                                         on Holy Trinity Center - Love Your Neighbor.
                                         Don’t get trapped in a cycle of debt
                                           lf you have a high-interest payday or auto title loan,
                                         SVDP may be able to help you escape the cycle of debt
                                         by converting those loans into a low- interest loan that
                                         can be paid off over 12 months. The program also offers
                                         loans between $500-$2500 for unexpected emergency
                                         expenses such as home or auto repair, apartment
                                         deposit, or medical expenses. If you lost your job due to
                                         Covid-19 and are back at work but need help catching up
                                         on monthly bills a Covid-19 mini relief loan may be able to
                                           Applicants must have a steady income and a checking
                                         account or qualifying debit card account with direct
                                           For more information to see if you qualify please
                                         call 214 520 0650 x 124.
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                             July 11, 2021

                             PARISH NEWS | NOTICIAS PARROQUIAL

                                      STEWARDSHIP REPORT
                                                       MONTH OF MAY                              YTD

   Actual contributions                                      113,556                           1,957,245
   Church Expenses                                          (160,112)                         (1,626,723)
   School Support (Avg. Monthly)                            (20,833)                           (229,167)
   Surplus/Deficit                                          (67,389)                            101,356

   Other Recurring Donations                                  300                               29,465
   Other Recurring Revenues                                  7,559                              78,561
   One-Time Gifts                                              33                                16,121
   Total Other Revenue                                       7,892                              124,147

   Net Revenue Overage/(Shortfall)                          (59,497)                           225,503

                 A collaborative reading intervention program by Readers 2 Leaders and Catholic Charities Dallas.

                 Support some of our youngest clients by volunteering as a reading tutor this
                 summer. Volunteers will spend 3-6 weeks working with a trained reading specialist
                 in tutoring students (1st - 4th grade) to build grade level reading skills. For more
                 information or to sign up, contact the volunteer office at volunteer@ccdallas.org.
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                        July 11, 2021


                                    GET YOUR FREE
                     COVID VACCINE!

              SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021 • 1-5 PM
                   Holy Trinity Catholic Church
              3826 Gilbert Avenue • Dallas, TX 75219
                   This FREE Vaccination Clinic is a partnership of
                             Baylor Scott & White Health
                 Dallas Area Interfaith • Holy Trinity Catholic Church
              For more information, visit htccd.org/vaccination-clinic
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                           July 11, 2021


                 ¡VACUNA DE COVID

                 SABADO, JULIO 17, 2021 • 1-5 PM
                   Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity
              3826 Gilbert Avenue • Dallas, TX 75219
                   Esta clínica es una colaboración de Baylor Scott &
                         White Health • Dallas Area Interfaith
                               Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity
                Para más informacion, visite htccd.org/vaccination-clinic
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                                           July 11, 2021


                                                           The Bishop's Golf Tournament was founded in
                                                           2011 as a charity benefit to make Catholic
                                                           education affordable and available to all who
                                                           may desire it within the Dallas Community.
              THE FOUR SEASONS
                The Players Course- TPC                      We are humbled and excited to support Catholic
                  Cottonwood Valley                          schools in the Diocese of Dallas as chairs of the 2021
                 7:30 am or 1:00 pm Shotgun Start            Bishop’s Invitational. There are few causes more
                                                             worthy than helping extend the extraordinary

                                                             opportunity of a faith-filled education to all

                                 million                     those wanting that chance for
                                                             their children. The values,
                                 raised                       the lessons, the friendships

                                                              – just to name a few of
                                                              the wonderful qualities
                                                             we’ve seen our own children
                                                             emerge with – are the seeds
                scholarships                                 nurtured by our Catholic

                   awarded                                   schools. These schools
                                                             are a true gift.
                                   since 2011

         TITLE SPONSOR                                                                                     - Caroline & Wyatt Maxwell
                                                                                                                     2021 Event Chairs

                                                                                                Many in our community have a deep desire
                                                                                              to educate their children in a Catholic school
                                                                                              but do not have the financial means to do so.
                                                                                                    I hope that you, like me, feel blessed in
                                                                                                   knowing that we can provide immediate
                                                                                                     tuition assistance that can truly change
                                                                                                                   the course of a child's life.
                                                                                                               - Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
                                                                                                                               Bishop of Dallas
                                                         Bishop Burns, Diocese of Dallas
                                                    Sidney Gainor, Mary Immaculate Graduate
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                                    July 11, 2021

                      Funds raised from The Bishop's Invitational support families with the greatest financial need within the
                      Diocese. The tournament was founded to make Catholic education a reality for anyone regardless of
                      their financial situation. Funds are distributed as direct, need-based tuition assistance.

                      I DO NOT GOLF, HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED?
                      You do not need to be a golfer to participate! We are in need of donors at all levels to sponsor a student's
                      education. We are also actively seeking event sponsors and underwriters.

                     HOW MANY STUDENTS NEED SUPPORT?
                      The Catholic Schools Office currently estimates more than 1,500 students are in need of financial
                      assistance. The Bishop's Invitational Golf Tournament in partnership with The HALO Initiative and
                      DEET (Diocesan Education Endowment Trust) currently support approximately 800 students.
                      700 additional students still need our help!

                     WHERE CAN I DONATE?
                      Donate Online at BishopsGolf.org
                      Mail Checks to "Bishop’s Invitational"
                      PO Box 190507 Dallas, TX 75219

                      I AM NOT IN A POSITION TO CONTRIBUTE
                      FINANCIALLY, HOW CAN I HELP?
                      We humbly ask that you will keep us in your prayers as we work towards our fundraising
                      goal of $700,000. Please help spread the word.

                  2019 Scholarship Recipient                     Defending Tournament Champions: St. Jude Chapel
HOLY TRINITY - Parishes Online
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                               July 11, 2021

                                                       SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION

                                          Anointing of the Sick Celebrated on the first Saturday
                                          of the month at 6:00 pm. Please call the Dir. Of Pastoral
                                          Care, 214-526-6356 for hospital visitation, anointing and/or
                                          communion for parishioners confined to their homes.

                                          Baptisms Celebrated communally on the second
                                          Sunday of every month at 2:00 pm. Preparation classes
                                          are held on the first Saturday of the month. Parents and
                                          godparents must attend a class. Parents must register
                                          by visiting the Pastoral Center during normal business

   The Society of St. Vincent de Paul     Weddings Catholics wishing to be married at Holy
   SVDP is a group of parishioners        Trinity should contact the Pastoral Center to register for
   dedicated to serving those in need     marriage preparation sessions at least 6 months before
   in our parish. Your donations make     the desired wedding date.
   a DIRECT impact on families by
   allowing us to address an imme-        Wakes and Funerals Call the Pastoral Center or Director
   diate need resulting from a job        of Pastoral Care.
   loss, sickness or other unexpect-
   ed life event. Checks (payable to      Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday - Friday, 11:30 am -
   SVDP Holy Trinity) or cash can be      12:00 pm and Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the church. If you
   dropped into the collection basket     need an alternate time, please call the church office for
   anytime – please place your gift in    an appointment.
   an envelope with SVDP on the out-
   side. We meet Tuesdays at 6 PM in                INFORMACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS
   Room 203 of the CLC. Thank you!
                                          Unción de Enfermos: Se celebra el primer sábado de
                                          Unción de Enfermos: cada mes a las 6:00 p.m. Por favor
   La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul     llame a la directora de Cuidado Pastoral al 214-526-
   La Sociedad es un grupo de feli-       6356 para visitas a hospitales, unción o comunión para
   greses dedicados a servir a los más    feligreses confinados en sus casas.
   necesitados en nuestra parroquia.
   Sus donaciones van DIRECTA-            Bautismos: Se celebran en grupo el tercer domingo
   MENTE a familias necesitadas por       Bautismos: de cada mes, después de la Misa de 12:30 p.m.
   media de asistencia inmediata por      Los padres deberán inscribirse llamado al Centro Pastoral,
   resultado de una perdida de            214-526-8555, lunes - viernes, 9 am - 5 pm y asistir la
   trabajo, enfermedad o un evento        preparación el sábado antes del domingo de bautizo.
   inesperado. Cheques (pagables a
   SVDP Holy Trinity) o donaciones        Bodas: La persona católica que solicite matrimonio
   monetarias puede ser entregadas        Bodas: debe normalmente estar registrada en la
   durante el tiempo de la colecta-       parroquia por lo menos nueve meses. Seis meses antes
   por favor ponga su donación en un      de la boda propuesta, deberá comunicarse al Centro
   sobre con las letras SVDP afuera       Pastoral.
   del sobre. Nos reunimos cada mar-
   tes a las 6 pm en el Salón 203 en el   Velorios y Funerales: Llame al Centro Pastoral o a
   Centro Comunitario. Gracias.           Velorios y Funerales: la directora de Cuidado Pastoral

                                          Confesiones: Sacramento de Reconciliación: lunes a
                                          Confesiones: Viernes de 11:30 am a 12:00 pm y sábados de
                                          3:30 a 4:30 pm en la Iglesia. Si necesita venir en otro horario
                                          por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita.
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			                                      For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		   Holy Trinity, Dallas, TX                   A 4C 05-0477
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