Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council

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Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Events — Activities — Attractions

             Explore the parks and
             countryside of Leeds

Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
      Welcome to the spring-summer edition of
      Out and About. This leaflet is produced by
      Leeds City Council’s Parks and Countryside
      Service and provides a taste of what’s going
      on at our sites from April – September 2019.
The events and activities             Because there isn’t much room
featured in the leaflet provide       in the leaflet, we can’t list every
a range of entertainment              event that’s taking place so,
designed to help you make the         to keep in touch, follow us on
most of the great outdoors            twitter @leedsparks or facebook
this spring and summer. From          ‘Leeds Parks’. There’s also some
music to history and wildlife to      great local events featured at
fantasy, it’s all there in events     www.leedsinspired.co.uk and
as diverse as brass bands, bat        www.heritageopendays.org.uk.
walks, history exhibitions,
discovering the dawn chorus           Also due to lack of space, only
and even fairy-themed fun!            our most popular sites are
No matter what your interest          featured, but we look after lots
and background, there’s               of other parks and green spaces
something for everyone here.          across the city. To find out
                                      more visit; www.leeds.gov.uk/

Look out for these icons...
    Booking required          Charges apply

    Accessible                Car park                  Specialist
    footpaths                                           gardens
    Accessible WC                                       Steam Train
                              Golf course
    Animal                                              Tennis courts
    attraction                Motorised
                              scooter available         Toilets
    Baby change
                              Museum                    Water feature
    Bike trails
                              Playground                Woodland
    Bowling green

E - Email | T - Telephone | W - Web address | F - Facebook | Tw - Twitter
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Temple Newsam
At 1500 acres, Temple Newsam
is one of Europe’s largest parks.
As well as the impressive Tudor
Jacobean mansion, the estate
offers formal and informal
gardens, two playgrounds,
extensive woodlands, lakes, a golf
course and even its own farm!

House and farm admissions            More info
There is an entrance fee for the     W leeds.gov.uk/templenewsam
House and Farm, check the            F templenewsamestate
website for details.
                                     T House: 0113 3367461
Summer Opening Hours                 T Estate: 0113 3367560
Farm                                 E temple.newsam@leeds.gov.uk
Tues – Sun, 10am – 5pm               SatNav: LS15 0AD
(closed Mondays, except bank
holidays & during school holidays)   Volunteering
                                     Friends of Temple Newsam
Tea Rooms                            T 0113 345 5798
Mon – Friday, 10am – 4.30pm;         E juliecaslin@googlemail.com
Sat – Sun, 10am – 5.30pm             Volunteer groups
                                     T 0113 336 7564
House                                E dave.thorpe@leeds.gov.uk
Tues – Sunday, 10.30am – 5pm

                  Pudsey Park
                                     Pudsey Park is a small but very
                                     popular community park with a
                                     playground, skate-park, stunning
                                     flower beds and a bowling green.
                                     The West Leeds Country Park
                                     visitor centre is based in the park –
                                     so check out our animal collection
                                     to see the wildlife of Leeds
                                     (including rabbits, fish,
                                     mice & rats!) up close.

Visitor Centre                       More info
Summer Opening Hours                 T 0113 3786002
10am – 3pm, most days.               W leeds.gov.uk/pudseypark
                                     E parks@leeds.gov.uk
                                     SatNav: LS28 7RR
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Chevin Forest Park
Covering 450 acres, Chevin Forest Park is made up of
woodland, moorland, heathland, and rocky crags. It was
declared a Local Nature Reserve in 1989 for its variety
of wildlife and its many paths and bridleways offer
scenic views over the Wharfe Valley.

White House Café                       Volunteering
Opening Hours:                         Friends of Chevin Forest Park
10am – 2pm (Mon-Fri,                   W chevinforest.co.uk
excluding Tuesdays)                    T 0113 3367552
11am – 3pm (Weekends)                  E countrysiderangers@leeds.gov.uk

More info
T 0113 3786002
E parks@leeds.gov.uk
SatNav: LS21 3DD

            ROUNDHAY PARK
Roundhay Park encompasses over 700 acres of rolling parkland including
specialist gardens, lakes, woodland and outdoor sports facilities. It also
boasts two playgrounds, two cafes, and the nationally renowned Tropical
World visitor attraction.

Tropical World Admissions:             More info
There is an entrance fee for           W www.leeds.gov.uk/roundhaypark
Tropical World, check the website      W www.tropicalworldleeds.co.uk
for details.                           Tw @tropworldleeds
                                       F tropicalworldleeds
Tropical World Summer                  T 0113 2370754 (Mon – Fri)
Opening Hours                          E parks@leeds.gov.uk
10am – 6pm                             SatNav: LS8 2HH
(last admission: 5.30pm)
Tropical World Café Summer             Friends of Roundhay Park
Opening Hours                          W www.forp.org
Monday to Friday:                      E secretary@forp.org
10.30am to 4.30pm                      Tw @forpleeds
Saturday and Sunday:                   F friendsofroundhaypark
 10.30am to 5pm
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Middleton Park
The 470 acres that make up
Middleton Park include a wildlife
rich, ancient woodland, formal
parkland, lots of interesting
heritage trails, a children’s
playground, fishing pond, bowling
green, café and visitor centre.

Café & Visitor Centre Hours                Volunteering
29 April – 27 September                    Friends of Middleton Park
10.15am – 4.30pm (Mon – Fri)               W fomp.co.uk
9am – 3pm (Weekends)                       E info@fomp.co.uk
                                           T 0774 709 2459
More info                                  Middleton Park Estate Volunteers
T 0113 3781142                             E Graeme.ashton@leeds.gov.uk
W leeds.gov.uk/middletonpark               T 0113 378 1142
E parks@leeds.gov.uk
SatNav: LS10 3SH

Lotherton is a country estate and there’s plenty to see and do within its grounds
including; a fantastic zoo called Wildlife World, an historic Edwardian hall, a
deer park, two children’s playgrounds, gardens and woodland.

Summer opening times                       More info
House, café, shop and bird garden:         T 0113 378 2959
10pm - 5pm with last entry at 4:15pm       W leeds.gov.uk/lothertonhall
Estate gates (April to September)          Tw @lothertonhall
7am - 8pm                                  F lotherton
                                           SatNav: LS25 3EB
Lotherton Estate Amission
There is a fee for entry to the            Volunteering
Lotherton estate, check the                Lotherton Estate Volunteers
website for details.                       T 0113 3782972
                                           E Thomas.harrison@leeds.gov.uk
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
  It’s Your Big


Join us in a year of
celebrations as we
mark 50 years of
public ownership
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Consisting of around 137 acres of botanic gardens and woodland,
surrounding an attractive lake which is popular with birds, Golden
Acre has been a huge attraction since first opening to the public as an
amusements park in 1932.

Bakery Coffee House                         More info
Opening Hours:                              T 0113 261 3064
10am - 4:30pm (Mon – Fri)		                 W leeds.gov.uk/goldenacrepark
10am - 5pm (Sat – Sun)                      SatNav: LS16 8BQ

                                            Golden Acre Park Volunteers
                                            E dean.lockwood@leeds.gov.uk
                                            T 0113 261 0374

One of the best preserved Cistercian abbeys in the
country stands at the heart of this lovely park where
historic grounds and landscaped walks border the River
Aire. The visitor centre maps the history of the park
and abbey, whilst the popular museum houses displays
and a café. The park offers activities such as tennis and
there’s also a popular children’s playground.

Museums summer opening hours:              More info
10am – 4.30pm (Tues – Sun);                T 0113 3784079
last admission 4pm.                        W leeds.gov.uk/kirkstallabbey
Closed Mondays, except                     SatNav: LS5 3EH
bank holidays.

Museum admissions.
Entry to the abbey is free.
There is an entrance fee for the
Abbey House museum, check the
website for details.

Other                         Due to limited space this leaflet only features
                              our major parks and visitor attractions but there
parks                         are literally hundreds more parks and green
                              spaces in Leeds to enjoy. To find out more visit
in Leeds                      www.leeds.gov.uk/parksandcountryside
Explore the parks and countryside of Leeds - Events - Activities - Attractions - Spring/Summer - Leeds City Council
Entertainment from the region’s brass,
        jazz and concert bands

                                           to all
                                        concerts is
Sundays at 2.30pm                       FREE

To request a brochure listing the full
season of concerts call 0113 378 6600 or email
music@leeds.gov.uk or view the concerts online at

   Leeds International Concert Season
          Children must be accompanied by a
            responsible adult at all events.

              REGULAR EVENTS
Armley park, Bramley park,                Middleton Park
Cross Flatts park, Middleton park,        Every third Saturday - 10am – 12pm
Roundhay park, Springhead park,
Temple Newsam, Woodhouse Moor             Leeds Young Archaeologists’ Club
Every Saturday from 9am                   We are looking for budding
                                          archaeologists aged 8 – 16 to join
                                          us to search for clues about the
Join thousands of others across the       history of Middleton Park & beyond.
globe for a 5km run around your           Activities will be both inside and out
local park!                               so come prepared for the weather.
W parkrun.org.uk/leeds                    T 07718 570386
                                          E leedsyac@gmail.com
                                          W yac-uk.org/clubs/leeds
Middleton Park
Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 28 May,
29 May, 31 July, 6 August, 7 August,      RSPB St Aidan’s, LS26 8AL
13 August, 14 August, 20 August, 21       Wednesdays 24 April, 29 May,
August, 27 August, 28 August 2019 -       26 June, 31 July - 11 am
1pm – 3pm
                                          Wellbeing Walk
Children’s School Holiday
                                          These monthly walks are no more
Play Activities
                                          than a mile long and last for about an
For children up to 16 – could include     hour. Everyone is welcome, especially
any one of den making, woodland           older people, and the walks are
play, life aquatic, outdoor play,         dementia friendly. A gentle sociable
junior bushcraft, mud play! For more      stroll, aimed at those wanting to be
details visit our our website or follow   outside and improve their physical
us on Facebook.                           and mental wellbeing.
Meeting Place: Visitor Centre             Meet at the Visitor Centre
T 07747 092459                            W rspb.org.uk/staidans
E info@fomp.co.uk                         T 0113 2320529
W fomp.co.uk                              F RSPB West Yorkshire
F friendsofmiddletonpark
                                          Temple Newsam
                                          Every Tuesday from 2pm
                                          Friends of Temple Newsam
                                          park walks
                                          Enjoy some fresh air and exercise
                                          whilst discovering the in the
                                          wonderful countryside of Temple
                                          Newsam. Walks last about 90
                                          minutes and end in the café!
          12 - 21 July                    Meet at Stables Courtyard.
                                          E howardmwood@yahoo.com
               at Temple Newsam
              and Roundhay Park!
                Junior ‘Pitch and Putt’
              and ‘Foot-golf’ available at
             Temple Newsam throughout
                     the summer.
             Beginners Welcome
                    W leeds.gov.uk/golf
            T 0113 264 7362 (Temple Newsam)
               T 0113 266 1686 (Roundhay)
                     Tw @LeedsParks

Friday 1 March – Tuesday 30 April
           10am - 3pm


Armley Ridge Road, Leeds LS12 2QX
Gotts Park, LS12 2QX                      Pudsey Park
Friday 1 March – Tuesday 30 April         Thursday 4 April | 10am – 3pm
Humphrey Repton Exhibition                Springtime fun
Come and find out about this famous       Fun- filled spring time activities
landscape architect who designed          including seed planting and bug
Gotts Park at this free exhibition        hunting. £2 per child for crafts.
in the Mansion, sponsored by the          Meeting Place: West Leeds
Harrogate Flower Show.                    Visitor Centre
Wwadescharity.org/repton.php              T 0113 3367553
F Wades Ranger                            E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk

Temple Newsam                             Middleton Park
Saturday 30 March –                       Sunday 7 April | 11am – 12.30pm
Sunday 28 April | 10am – 4pm              Themed Walk – Historic Owners
Springtime Babies at Easter & Egg Trail   Discover some of the signs of the
Come along and meet our newborn           historic owners of Middleton Park.
animals at Home Farm! Handling            Includes some off-path walking.
sessions on weekends. PLUS Hidden         Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
in the House and Farm are some
                                          T 07747092459
weirdly fantastic eggs to discover.
                                          E info@fomp.co.uk
Additional activities over Easter
                                          W fomp.co.uk
Bank Holiday weekend.
                                          F friendsofmiddletonpark
Normal entry charges apply.
                                          Gotts Park, LS12 2QX
Lotherton                                 Sunday 7 April | 12pm – 3pm
Saturday 30 March – Sunday 28 April       Watercolour Challenge
11am – 3pm
                                          Local artists will take part in a
It’s A Mad Hatter of an Easter            watercolour challenge to tie in with
Fall down the rabbit hole this Easter     the Humphrey Repton exhibition.
with four weeks of family fun.            Interested artists should get in touch.
Check the website and Facebook            Meeting Place: Gott’s Mansion
page for updates.
                                          E armleyparkfriends@gmail.com
Normal entry charges apply.
                                          F FofArmleyandGottsPark
Tropical World, Roundhay Park
                                          Middleton Park
Saturday March 30 March - Sunday
14 April                                  Wednesday 10 April | 7am – 9am
Eggtastic adventure                       Bird Survey
Come along and explore Tropical           Learn about birds and help survey
World and see if you can find all         those found in the park and wood.
of the hidden eggs. Plus crafts and       We will be walking mainly on paths
activities in the party room. For         so wear suitable shoes for undulating
full details visit our Facebook page.     and sloping ground..
Normal entrance charges apply.            T 0113 3781142
T 0113 336 7553                           E Graeme.ashton@leeds.gov.uk
E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
F TropicalWorldLeeds
Tw @tropworldleeds
Hunslet Cemetery, LS10 3BN             Gott’s Park, LS12 2QX
Saturday 13 April | 8am                Sunday 14 April | 2pm – 3.30pm
Dawn Chorus Walk                       Guided Walk: Humphry Repton
Learn to identify birds from their     ‘The original Landscape Gardener’
song – all welcome! Children should    Join Exhibition Curator, Peter
be accompanied.                        Goodchild, for a walk and talk about
Meet at the entrance to the            this celebrated historical landscape
cemetery on Middleton Road             gardener’s work in Armley.
T 07562 439631                         Meeting at Gotts Park Mansion
E heather.wagstaff@leeds.gov.uk        W wadescharity/repton.php
W facebook.com/leedsparks
                                       Meanwood Valley
Temple Newsam                          Saturday 27 April | 7am – 9am
Saturday 13 April | 6am – 10am         Dawn Chorus
Dawn Chorus                            Join resident expert on an early
Learn how to identify birds through    morning walk around Meanwood
their songs, followed by a farmhouse   Park and Woods to learn how to
breakfast. Adults £8.50, Child £5.     identify local birds by their song.
Meeting Place: Stable Courtyard        Parking limited on site.
                                       Meeting Place: Meanwood Park
                                       car park, near the Rangers Hut off
Meanwood Valley
                                       Green Road, LS6 4LT
Sunday 14 April | 10am – 12.30pm
                                       T 0113 2375317
Bluebell Walk                          E steve.joul@leeds.gov.uk
Discover the spring flowers of the     F Meanwood Valley
Meanwood Valley. Meeting Place:
Ridge Terrace, Woodhouse Ridge,
                                       Armley Park, LS12 2DL
                                       Sunday 28 April | 12pm – 3pm
T 0113 3367554
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk   Cherry Blossom Festival
F Meanwood Valley                      Come and celebrate the beautiful
                                       cherry blossom in Armley Park with
                                       face painting, den building and a Bake-
                                       Off competition! There will also be a
                                       Watercolour Challenge, Part 2.
                                       E armleyparkfriends@gmail.com
                                       F FofArmleyandGottsPark
Meanwood Valley                          Meanwood Valley
Saturday 4 May | 10am – 1pm              Saturday 11 May | 10am – 1pm
Meanwood Valley Trail Loop 1             Meanwood Valley Trail Loop 2
Guided walk, all welcome.                Join your Ranger on a guided walk of
Meeting Place: Entrance on Ridge         the valley.
Terrace, Woodhouse Ridge, LS6 2DA        Meeting Place: Meanwood Park
T 0113 3367554                           car park, near the Rangers Hut off
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk     Green Road, LS6 4LT
F Meanwood Valley                        T 0113 3367554
                                         E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk
Middleton Park                           F Meanwood Valley
Sunday 5 May – Monday 6 May
11am – 4pm                               Beckett Street Cemetery
Bluebell Walks                           Saturday 11 May | 2pm – 3pm
The Friends will be meeting the 11:00,   Spring Walkabout
13:00, and 14:40 trains from Moor        Celebrate National Cemeteries
Rd at Park Halt and conducting walks     Week by joining this general
through the park to the Visitor Centre   walkabout to learn more about the
and café where there will be some soft   history and wildlife of this Grade
jazz from 2- 4pm.                        2 – listed site. Parking available at
Meeting Place: Moor Road at Park         the Museum opposite. Unsuitable
Halt                                     for people with limited mobility due
T 07747 092459                           to cobbled walkways – contact us to
E info@fomp.co.uk                        arrange a tailored visit.
W fomp.co.uk                             Meet at noticeboard by the main gate
F friendsofmiddletonpark                 E a.pugh@ntlworld.com
                                         W beckettstreetcemetery.org.uk
Middleton Park
Wednesday 8 May | 7am – 9am              Gott’s Park, LS12 2QX
Bird Survey                              Saturday 11 May | 5.30am – 7.30am
Learn about birds and help survey        Dawn Chorus Walk
those found in the park and wood.        Tune your ears to the wide variety
We will be walking mainly on paths       of birds that make up the Dawn
so wear suitable shoes for undulating    Chorus. All welcome on this short
and sloping ground.                      walk (approximately 1 mile).
T 0113 3781142                           Booking essential.
E Graeme.ashton@leeds.gov.uk             T 07891 277006
                                         E claire.rogers@leeds.gov.uk
Hawksworth Wood, LS18 4HN                F wade’sranger
Saturday 11 May |10am – 12.30pm
Hawks worth Wood Spring                  Hunslet Cemetery, LS10 3BN
Nature Ramble                            Tuesday 14 May | 11am
Join the Friends of Hawksworth           History Walk
Wood for a family friendly nature
                                         Join Countryside Ranger Heather to
ramble around the site.
                                         find out about the rich history of the
Meeting Place: Butcher Hill              oldest municipal cemetery in Leeds.
entrance to the site
                                         T 07562 439631
T 0113 3367552                           E heather.wagstaff@leeds.gov.uk
E jonathan.dunster@leeds.gov.uk          W facebook.com/leedsparks
Middleton Park                            Pudsey Park
Sunday 19 May | 1.30pm – 3.30pm           Thursday 30 May | 10am – 3pm
Themed Walk – Around the Park             Brilliant Birds
A longer walk (up to 2 hours) around      Learn about brilliant birds and make a
the whole park, taking in views           bird feeder to take home. £2 per feeder.
over the city and learning about its      Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
fascinating history. Please wear good
                                          T 0113 3367553
walking shoes.
                                          E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
T 07747 092459
E info@fomp.co.uk
W fomp.co.uk
F friendsofmiddletonpark

Middleton Park                            June
Saturday 25 May – Sunday 26 May
11am – 4pm                                Lawnswood Cemetery, LS16 6AH
Middleton Park Kite Festival              Saturday 1 June | 10am – 2pm
Join the Northern Kite Group for          Family Day
our fabulous, annual kite festival.       Join the Friends of Lawnswood
Meeting Place: The Clearings              Cemetery for their summer family
                                          and volunteer day including nest box
T 07747 092459                            building. Refreshment provided.
E info@fomp.co.uk
W fomp.co.uk                              Meet at Car Park on Otley Road,
F friendsofmiddletonpark                  opposite cemetery
                                          T 0113 3788102
                                          E Nicholas.Denman@leeds.gov.uk
                                          F Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery
Saturday 25 May – Sunday 2 June
11am – 3pm
                                          Lawnswood Cemetery, LS16 6AH
Fairies, Fables and Wild Things
                                          Saturday 1 June | 7.30pm – 9pm
Fairy tale themed fun for May half
term. Dressing up, Traditional Tales      Night Time Safari
Trail, magical crafts and Fairy Tale      An evening stroll around the
Picnic on Thursday with storytelling,     Cemetery searching for nocturnal
games, face painting, and more.           animals like bats, foxes, tawny owls
Normal entry charges apply.               and hedgehogs, and including moth
                                          trapping. Refreshments provided,
                                          attendees should dress for the
Tropical World                            outdoors including sturdy shoes.
Saturday 25 May – Sunday 2 June           Further details on booking.
Love Your Zoo Week                        T 0113 3788102
Celebration of all of our animals great   E Nicholas.Denman@leeds.gov.uk
and small including keeper talks, arts,   F Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery
crafts and more - check Facebook for
details. Normal entrance charges apply.
                                          Gott’s Park, LS12 2QX
T 0113 336 7553
                                          Saturday 8 June | 9am – 11am
E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
F TropicalWorldLeeds                      Small Mammals of Armley
Tw @tropworldleeds                        We will take a walk to discover the
                                          small mammals (e.g. mice and voles)
                                          of Gotts Park. Suitable for people
                                          aged over 7 years.
                                          T 07891 277006
                                          E claire.rogers@leeds.gov.uk
                                          F wade’sranger
Middleton Park                               Meanwood Valley
Wednesday 12 June | 7am – 9am                Wednesday 26 June | 10am – 12.30pm
Bird Survey                                  Life in the Undergrowth
Learn about birds and help survey            Help us record invertebrate species
those found in the park and wood.            on this BioBlitz at Adel Moor,
We will be walking mainly on paths           identifying and recording as many
but recommend footwear suitable for          minibeast species as possible on this
undulating and sloping ground.               fun packed event for all age groups.
T 0113 3781142                               Meeting Place: Entrance on Buckstone
E Graeme.ashton@leeds.gov.uk                 Mount, Alwoodley, LS17 5HS
                                             T 01133367554
Lotherton                                    E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk
Saturday 15 June – Sunday 16 June            F Meanwood Valley
11am – 3pm
Wartime Weekend                              Chevin Forest Park
Party like it’s 1939 at this popular         Saturday 29, June | 10.30am – 1pm
event, where we transport you back           Chevin Historical Trail
to an era of Blitz spirit. Fun for all the   A 3 mile walk visiting key historical
family, dressing up is encouraged.           features on West Chevin. Walk
Normal entry charges apply.                  finishes at The White House with
                                             accompanying exhibition. (Moderate
Middleton Park                               walk with some steep slopes).
Tuesday 18 June | 6.30pm – 7.30pm            Meet at Buttercross, Kirkgate,
Request Walk                                 Otley, LS21 3AQ
A short evening ‘request walk’. Turn         E chevinforest@gmail.com
up and tell the Friends of Middleton         W chevinforest.co.uk
Park what you’d like to see – we’ll try
to meet all requests (within reason!).       Golden Acre Park
Meeting Place: Visitor Centre                Sunday 30 June | 10am – 2pm
T 07747 092459                               Golden Acre Park Plant Sale
E info@fomp.co.uk                            Your chance to select from a range
W fomp.co.uk                                 of exciting plants not available in
F friendsofmiddletonpark                     most garden centres. Sourced from
                                             our very own displays and national
Golden Acre Park                             collections. All proceeds go back into
Saturday 22 June | 10am – 12.30pm            our plant collection.
Great British Bee Count                      Meeting Place: Courtyard
Learn about bees and contribute to           T 0113 2610374
the National Pollinator Monitoring           E dean.lockwood@leeds.gov.uk
Scheme to help protect this
threatened species for the future.           Middleton Park
All welcome.                                 Sunday 30 June | 1pm – 4pm
Meeting Place: Golden Acre Park,             People’s Picnic
Car Park, Otley Road                         Come on down, bring your picnic, enjoy
T 0113 3367554                               music, fun, and children’s games.
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk         Meet at Visitor Centre
F Meanwood Valley                            T 07747 092459
                                             E info@fomp.co.uk
                                             W fomp.co.uk
                                             F friendsofmiddletonpark
Helping our
city flourish
Donate today to
help our parks grow.

Registered Charity 1096892
Middleton Park                            Middleton Park
Tuesday 2 July | 7pm – 9.30pm             Sunday 7 July | 1.30pm – 3pm
Oddsocks production of                    Themed Walk: Coal Mining Through
‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’                the Ages
Shakespeare as only the Oddsocks          Some off-path walking - please wear
Theatre Company can! Music,               suitable shoes.
mayhem, and majesty. Outdoor show         Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
(whatever the weather!) for all the       T 07747 092459
family. Bring something to sit on.        E info@fomp.co.uk
Meeting Place: Visitor Centre             W fomp.co.uk
T 07747 092459                            F friendsofmiddletonpark
E info@fomp.co.uk
W fomp.co.uk                              Beckett Park, LS6 3PW
F friendsofmiddletonpark
                                          Sunday 7 July
                                          Community Picnic & Band Concert
Temple Newsam
                                          Our fourth Community Picnic
Saturday 6 July – Sunday 7 July           combined with Summer Band
10am – 4pm                                concert. Cake stall, tombola, cold
Time Travellers                           drinks, Headingley Woodchips,
A hands on history event including        etc. Bring your picnic and join this
demonstrations, dancing and arts          popular community event.
and crafts in the House and Farm.         E friendsofbeckettpark@gmail.com
Meeting Place: Farm and House             W beckettpark.org.uk
T 0113 3367559
E Julia.w.thorpe@leeds.gov.uk             Lotherton
                                          Saturday 13 July –
Gotts Park, LS12 2QX                      Sunday 14 July
Sunday 7 July | 12pm – 3pm                11am – 3pm
Teddy Bears Picnic                        Celebrating the Sixties Weekend
All teddy bears and children are          Let us take you back to the sounds of
invited to the Teddy Bears’ picnic        the swinging sixties as we celebrate
in Armley Park. There will be a           the decade when Lotherton became
children’s storyteller and entertainer,   a museum. Live music, flower power
face painting, games and food.            activities, retro games and crafts,
Updates on Facebook.                      dressing up, jukebox music and family
                                          entertainment. Don’t forget your
E armleyparkfriends@gmail.com             picnic! Normal entry charges apply.
F FofArmleyandGottsPark

                                          Golden Acre Park
Meanwood Valley
                                          Thursday 18 July
Sunday 7 July | 10am – 12.30pm
                                          1pm – 3pm
                                          Love Parks Week Guided walk
Help us discover and record the           Explore the amazing plants and
wildlife of Meanwood Park at this         gardens of Golden Acre Park with
fun packed event for all age groups!      the Head Gardener.
Meeting Place: Meanwood Park Car
Park, near Rangers Hut, off Green         Meeting Place: Bottom of the
Road, LS6 4LT                             café patio area
T 0113 3367554                            T 0113 3786002
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk      E parks@leeds.gov.uk
F Meanwood Valley                         Love Parks Week
Meanwood Valley                         Tropical World
Saturday 20 July                        Saturday July 27- Sunday 1 September
10am – 12.30pm                          Summer holiday fun!
Reptile Walk                            Spend a day hanging out with our
Join your Ranger for a guided reptile   animals at Tropical World this summer.
hunt at Adel Moor. Parking limited.     Don’t forget we have over 700 acres of
Meeting Place: Entrance on Buckstone    parkland on our doorstep- the perfect
Mount, Alwoodley, LS17 5HS              playground to continue your adventure!
                                        Updates on facebook. Normal entrance
T 01133367554
                                        charges apply.
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk
F Meanwood Valley                       T 0113 336 7553
                                        E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
                                        F TropicalWorldLeeds
Middleton Park                          Tw @tropworldleeds
Sunday 21 July
12pm – 4pm
                                        Middleton Park
Rock and Folk Music Festival
                                        Sunday 28 July | 2pm – 4pm
Middleton’s own music festival
                                        Wildlife Day
celebrating local bands, organised in
conjunction with Leeds Music Trust      A chance to discover, meet and
and local businesses.                   celebrate some of the millions of wild
                                        residents in our park as well as some
Meet at Visitor Centre
                                        less local guest appearances. Music in
T 07747 092459                          the bandstand too!
E info@fomp.co.uk
W fomp.co.uk                            Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
F friendsofmiddletonpark                T 07747 092459
                                        E info@fomp.co.uk
                                        W fomp.co.uk
Meanwood Valley
                                        F friendsofmiddletonpark
Tuesday 23 July | 10am – 12.30pm
Small Mammal Morning                    Pudsey Park
Discover and meet some of the           Tuesday 30 July | 10am – 3pm
small furry creatures that inhabit
Woodhouse Ridge.                        Butterfly Day
Meeting Place: Entrance on Ridge        Learn all about our garden
Terrace, LS6 2DA                        butterflies and make a butterfly
                                        feeder. £2.50 per feeder.
T 0113 3367554
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk    Meeting Place: West Leeds
F Meanwood Valley                       Visitor Centre
                                        T 0113 3367553
                                        E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
Meanwood Valley
Saturday 27 July | 10am – 12.30pm
Big Butterfly Count
Take part in the UK’s annual Big
Butterfly Count. Help take the pulse
of nature by recording butterfly
species on this fun packed survey.
Meeting Place: Meanwood Valley
Urban Farm Car Park, LS7 2QG
T 0113 3367554
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk
F Meanwood Valley
Wednesday 24 July –
Monday 2 September | 11am – 3pm
A Summer of Sixties Fun
Sixties themed family fun to
celebrate our 50th anniversary of
being a museum. Week 1: Sixties
Summer week, Week 2: Flower
Power week, Week 3: Lotherton
Birthday week, Week 4: Fashion
Crafts week – from the 1960s to         Pudsey Park
Now, Week 5: Groovy Zoo week
                                        Thursday 8 August | 10am – 3pm
& Week 6: Love Lotherton week.
Normal entry charge applies.            Big Bug Bonanza
                                        Learn all about brilliant bugs in your
                                        garden, create a bug hotel and go on
Middleton Park
                                        a bug hunt in Pudsey Park. £2.50 per
Sunday 4 August | 11pm – 12.30pm        bug hotel.
Woodland Walk                           Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
A walk exploring the beauty of          T 0113 3367553
Middleton Park and Beeston Parkside     E parkseducation@leeds.gov.uk
Woods. Some off path walking – please
wear good walking shoes.
                                        Temple Newsam
Meet at Visitor Centre
                                        Saturday 10 August –
T 07747 092459
                                        Sunday 18 August | 10am – 4pm
E info@fomp.co.uk
W fomp.co.uk                            Amazing Animals
F friendsofmiddletonpark                A celebration of our fantastic
                                        rare-breed farm animals, native
                                        wildlife and animals from all over the
Meanwood Valley
                                        world! Hands-on activities, animal
Monday 5 August | 8pm – 10pm            encounters and more.
Guided Bat Walk                         Meet at Home Farm
Discover what bat species reside on
Woodhouse Ridge. Bat Detectors
supplied. Parking not available.
                                        Saturday 17 August –
Meeting Place: LS6 - Details
                                        Sunday 18 August | 11am – 3pm
provided on booking.
                                        Vintage Weekend
T 0113 3367554
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk    Re-live the fun of the swinging sixties in
F Meanwood Valley                       style, with vintage market stalls around
                                        the site in association with Rose &
                                        Brown Co. Live music from a Beatles
Meanwood Valley                         tribute band and outdoor games. Come
Wednesday 7 August | 10am – 12.30pm     dressed for the occasion! Normal entry
Freshwater BioBlitz – Pond Dipping      charge applies.
Help discover and record the
freshwater species on this site.
Meeting Place: Entrance on
Buckstone Mount, Alwoodley.
T 0113 3367554
E meanwoodvalley.ranger@leeds.gov.uk
F Meanwood Valley
    Have fun, improve the
    environment, get some exercise,
    learn new skills, – these are all
    reasons why people volunteer
    with the parks and countryside
    service - why not join them?

Volunteer groups                   Corporate Volunteering
There are over 50 volunteer        For a team building day
groups working alongside           with a difference, why not
the Parks and Countryside          volunteer for the parks and
service ranging from the           countryside service? Tasks
Friends of Middleton park          range from tree planting to
to the Friends of Pudsey           painting playgrounds.
Cemetery. Volunteer
groups do all sorts –
gardening, organising
events, fundraising, nature
conservation etc.

They are friendly,
welcoming and always
looking for new members!
Contact us for a list of
groups, or for advice on
setting up your own.

For more information or to get involved visit
email countrysiderangers@leeds.gov.uk
or call 0113 3367548.
Hunslet Cemetery, LS10 3BN
Thursday 5 September
Bat Walk
An introduction to bats followed
by a walk and bat identification
through listening to their calls using
bat detectors. All welcome. Bring a
torch and wear sturdy shoes.
T 07562 439631
E heather.wagstaff@leeds.gov.uk
F leedsparks

Middleton Park
Sunday 8 September | 1pm – 6.30pm
The Great Middleton Park Show
Showcasing the skills and activities
of all in Middleton, including over
40 food and craft stalls, walking with
alpacas and music by a local band.
Submit your home grown veg or
handiwork in the competitions.
Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
T 07747 092459
E info@fomp.co.uk                         Middleton Park
W fomp.co.uk                              Wednesday 11 September
F friendsofmiddletonpark                  7.30pm – 9pm
                                          Bat Walk
Lotherton                                 Meet the batty residents of
Sunday 8 September | 11am – 3pm           Middleton Park! Guided walk using
                                          detectors to find out whose flying
Autumn Harvest
                                          tonight. Bring a torch and sensible
Harvest festival – apple fun in           outdoor footwear.
orchard, vegetable sculpture,
                                          Meeting Place: Middleton Park
garden games and a brass band.
                                          Visitor Centre
Normal entry charge applies.
                                          T 0113 3781142
                                          E Graeme.ashton@leeds.gov.uk
Armley Park, LS12 2DL
Sunday 8 September | 12pm – 3pm
                                          Middleton Park
Dog Show
                                          Sunday 15 September
Bring your pooch along to the 3rd         1.30pm – 3.00pm
Armley Dog show. There will be a
                                          Beeston Wood Walk
range of different categories and a dog
agility test too. Updates on Facebook,    A look specifically at the medieval
                                          boundary, Wood Pit, trams and the
E armleyparkfriends@gmail.com
                                          Ice House. Some off path walking -
F FofArmleyandGottsPark
                                          please wear good walking shoes.
                                          Meeting Place: Visitor Centre
                                          T 07747 092459
                                          E info@fomp.co.uk
                                          W fomp.co.uk
                                          F friendsofmiddletonpark
Sunday 15 September
Outdoor Cinema
Favourite films, shown on a giant
outdoor screen, with traditional
cinema food and drinks available.
Updates on facebook and website.
                                       Leeds City Council,
                                       Parks and Countryside
Gott’s Park, LS12 2QX
                                       T leeds.gov.uk/
Saturday 21 September
6.45pm – 8.45pm
                                       F LeedsParks
Family Bat Evening
                                       Tw @LeedsParks
Fun and informative evening learning
about bats and going into the park     T 0113 3786002
using bat detectors to see what we     E parks@leeds.gov.uk
can find. Please bring a torch and
wear suitable footwear.
T 07891 277006                         Mailing list
E claire.rogers@leeds.gov.uk           If you would like to be
W facebook.com/wadesranger
                                       added to our mailing list
                                       to receive information
Lawnswood Cemetery, LS16 6AH           about what’s on in Leeds
Friday 27 September                    parks, please send
7.30pm – 9pm                           your email address to
Bat Walk                               outandabout@leeds.gov.
Search for the different species       uk. Your information will
of bat that live and hunt in the
                                       not be passed on to any
cemetery using bat detectors. Bring
a torch and wear suitable shoes for    third party.
outdoor walking.
T 0113 3788102
E Nicholas.Denman@leeds.gov.uk
F Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery
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