Page created by Janet Rodgers
  2019 International Prospectus
Principal’s Message                                                                                                     School Overview
Welcome to Hutt Valley High School.                                                                                     Founded in 1926, Hutt Valley High School has been at                            Facilities
                                                                                                                        the forefront of secondary education in Lower Hutt for
Since 1926 Hutt Valley High School has been providing                                                                                                                                                   The school is a wireless campus, with free Wifi and
                                                                                                                        90 years. We are proud to be the guardians of this spirit
a quality state education that ensures every one of our                                                                                                                                                 data projectors in all classrooms, plus a wide range
                                                                                                                        of achievement and our aim today is to develop it even
students has the best possible chance to develop their                                                                                                                                                  of facilities including a library and information centre,
                                                                                                                        further within the digital age. We provide a quality state
talent and to achieve success in a way that provides                                                                                                                                                    modern computer suites, three gymnasiums, school
                                                                                                                        education that ensures that every one of our students
them with a purposeful and rewarding future life.                                                                                                                                                       marae, year 13 common room, student centre,
                                                                                                                        has the best possible chance to develop their talent and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        recording studio, science laboratories, careers library,
                                                                                                                        to achieve success in a way that provides them with a
Our school reflects the richness and diversity of modern                                                                                                                                                canteen, medical facilities, modern art block with
                                                                                                                        purposeful and rewarding future life.
New Zealand and in this community there is ample                                                                                                                                                        dedicated computer design facilities, modern dance
opportunity for all students to find like minds and so                                                                                                                                                  and drama facilities and a horticultural unit.
                                                                                                                        Hutt Valley High School is the largest secondary school
develop the lasting friendships which contribute to
                                                                                                                        in the Wellington region and is able to offer a wide
student happiness and well-being.
                                                                                                                        range of subjects, including specialist classes taught                          Alumni
                                                                                                                        by specialist teachers. The pursuit of excellence is
In its strategic plan the school is focussed on Heart,                                                                                                                                                  The school has many distinguished alumni, including
                                                                                                                        reflected in the school’s continued success in local and
Body and Mind as the core elements of its activity.                                                                                                                                                     Commonwealth Games Gold and Olympic Silver
                                                                                                                        national scholarships and awards and we also take
These elements summarise the aspiration to produce              We welcome the opportunity to further outline the                                                                                       medallist Nick Willis and Nobel Prize winner Professor
                                                                                                                        pride in the range of sporting and cultural opportunities
healthy, active, happy and engaged young people who             benefits that an education at Hutt Valley High School                                                                                   Alan MacDiarmid. Professor MacDiarmid and his
                                                                                                                        offered to our students. Our goal is to produce creative,
participate in a vast array of activities and who enjoy         can offer.                                                                                                                              colleagues received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
                                                                                                                        well-qualified, confident and engaged students who
tremendous success academically while serving others.                                                                                                                                                   in 2000, for their work on conductive polymers. The
                                                                                                                        understand the rights and responsibilities of good
                                                                Ross Sinclair                                                                                                                           MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and
                                                                                                                        citizenship in a modern society.
At Hutt Valley High School we encourage high                    Principal, Hutt Valley High School                                                                                                      Nanotechnology is a NZ Centre of Research Excellence,
standards of endeavour and achievement, reinforcing                                                                                                                                                     located at Victoria University of Wellington and is
this with thorough programmes covering the skill of                                                                                                                                                     named after Professor MacDiarmid.
social responsibility, self-discipline and self-reliance that                                                                                                                                 
students need as they approach adult life. We help to
create young adults of whom we can be proud and who
live up to the school vision to “be the best you can be”.

                                                                                                                        Cover image - front row from left: Lynette Kerenga (Papua New Guinea), Ketsia Velaphi (South Africa), Beatriz Ramalho (Brazil), Ivy Nguyen (Vietnam).
                                                                                                                        Second row: Ken Jiang (China), Sam Zhu (China), Anna Heinemann (Germany), Koki Endo (Japan).
                                                                                                                        Back: Leo Yang (Germany).
                                                                                                                        Photography - (cover and student profiles): Jiayi Tang (China), Year 13 HVHS student.
Our Values
At Hutt Valley High School, our mission is to provide a
stimulating environment that offers opportunity, diversity and a
strong sense of community for our students and staff.

The school motto is Ad Alta, meaning ‘be the best that you can
be’, and we instil this philosophy through the following values.

We value citizenship because we believe that living in a
community imposes an obligation to serve it.

We value excellence in all we do because we believe that every
student deserves the best.

We value diversity because we believe our school represents an
inclusive New Zealand.

We value innovation because we believe that creativity and
curiosity are fundamental to a life lived well.

We value respect because we believe it is the bedrock upon
which human interaction thrives.
Lower Hutt, Wellington
New Zealand
Hutt Valley High School is located in Lower Hutt, Wellington. The
greater Wellington City area provides an outstanding lifestyle and
environment and recently Wellington was ranked by Deutsche
Bank as the best city in the world to live in.

Lower Hutt is part of the Wellington metropolitan area and is
only 9 minutes by car from downtown Wellington. The city has a
population of 103,000 and is centrally located in the Hutt Valley,
which is dominated by the meandering Hutt River and densely
forested hills on the eastern and western flanks of the valley.

Lower Hutt offers an enviable lifestyle, with beaches, rivers,
mountains and forests providing opportunities for adventure
activities such as fishing, kayaking, mountain biking, surfing and
hiking within minutes of the city centre. The city centre also has
many parks and recreational facilities such as swimming pools
and sports fields, plus art galleries, restaurants, cafes, museums,
community spaces and performing arts venues.
Academic Programmes
OVERVIEW                                                    Study Abroad Programme
Hutt Valley High school teaches the New Zealand             Studying abroad for 1-2 terms, or up to one year, is
national high school qualification-NCEA (National           a great way to add an extra dimension to your high
Certificate of Educational Achievement), from year          school qualification. Studying abroad gives you the
9-13. NCEA is a direct pathway into tertiary studies        opportunity to try subjects that you may not be able
and is recognised worldwide. Students can enrol in          to take in your home country. In addition to this, it is
programmes with a duration of 1-term to 1-year, or          a great way to make new friends, travel abroad and
longer. The school year has four terms, starting at the     expand your cultural horizons by taking advantage of
beginning of February, beginning of May, late July and      the vast co-curricular sports and cultural programme
mid-October. Students have a large range of subjects to     available at Hutt Valley High School.
choose from.

NCEA Programme                                              Hutt Valley High School is a leader in providing high
The NCEA programme is for students who want to              quality ESOL programmes, taught by highly qualified,
complete the national curriculum in New Zealand.            experienced staff. Students can enrol in as many as
Successful completion of NCEA at level 3 gives              3 ESOL classes as a part of their academic pathway.
students direct entry to all New Zealand universities       All students have an ESOL placement test during their
and tertiary institutions. Each student has an individual   enrolment and orientation.
programme set up by the academic dean, and
                                                            The junior programme aims at extending students’
depending on the year (i.e. year 11, 12, 13) students
                                                            English language skills for social and academic
will be able to choose between a range of compulsory
                                                            purposes, with speaking, reading, writing and listening
subjects and optional subjects. Hutt Valley High School
                                                            skills assessed throughout the year.
provides support for all students seeking pathways into
university and tertiary institutions.                       The senior programme offers English Language
                                                            NCEA credits at Level 1, 2 and 3 and supports
                                                            students with academic study as well as developing
                                                            their literacy skills.

                                                                                                                       leo yang
                                                                                                                       Age: 17
                                                                                                                       City/Country: Braunschweig, Germany
                                                                                                                       Current study programme: Study Abroad-6 months
                                                                                                                       Favourite part of school: Drama
                                                                                                                       Cross-cultural learning: There’s wi-fi everywhere in NZ
                                                                                                                       Hobbies: Badminton, gym
                                                                                                                       Favourite food: Butter Chicken
                                                                                                                       Future plans: Study at University in Germany
                                                                                                                       Best NZ experience: Everything.
Beatriz Ramalho
                                                                                                                                                 Age: 15
                                               HUTT VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL                                                                           City/Country: Vitoria, Brazil
                                                                                                                                                 Current study programme: Study Abroad-6 months
                                   CURRICULUM FLOW CHART 2019                                                                                    Favourite part of school: Art and dance classes
Year 9                       Year 10
                                                            Year 11                       Year 12                   Year 13                      Cross-cultural learning: Different food and understanding kiwi culture
                                                            NCEA Level 1                  NCEA Level 2              NCEA Level 3                 Hobbies: Dance, going into Wellington City with my friends
English1                     English1                       English1 or                   English                   English                      Favourite food: Everything
                                                            English Modified              English Modified
                                                            Media Studies                 Media Studies             Media Studies                Future plans: Back to high school in Brazil
                                                                                          Te Awakairangi            Te Awakairangi               Best NZ experience: All new experiences.
Mathematics1                 Mathematics1                   Pāngarau Waenganui1 or        Pāngarau Waenganui        Calculus
                                                            Numeracy (Mathematics)                                  Mathematics with
                                                                                                                    Statistics and Probability
Science1                     Science1                       Science                       Biology                   Biology
                                                            Science Internal              Chemistry                 Chemistry
                                                                                          Physics                   Physics
                                                                                          Electronics               Electronics
                                                                                          Senior Horticulture       Senior Horticulture
Social Studies1              Social Studies1                History                       History                   History
                                                            Geography                     Geography                 Geography
                                                            Classical Studies             Classical Studies         Classical Studies
                                                                                          Tourism                   Tourism
                                                            Economics                     Economics                 Economics
                                                            Accounting                    Accounting                Accounting
                                                            Business Studies              Business Studies          Business Studies
Physical Education &         Physical Education &           Physical Education            Physical Education        Physical Education
Health1                      Health1
Sport                        Sport                          Sport Education
Art                          Art                            Art                           Art Painting              Art Painting
                                                            Art with Photographic &       Art Design                Art Design
                                                            Digital Media                 Art Photography           Art Photography
                                                                                          Art History               Art History
Dance                        Dance                          Dance                         Dance                     Dance
Design and Visual            Design and Visual              Design and Visual             Design and Visual         Design and Visual
Communication                Communication                  Communication                 Communication             Communication
Drama                        Drama                          Drama                         Drama                     Drama
Music                        Music                          Music                         Music                     Music
Music Band                   Music Band                     Music Performance             Music Performance
Digital Technology           Digital Technology             Digital Technology            Digital Technology        Digital Technology
                                                                                          Computer Science          Computer Science
Product Design               Product Design                 Product Design                Product Design            Product Design
Technology                   Technology                     Technology                    Technology                Technology
                                                            Furniture ITO                 Furniture ITO             Furniture ITO
                                                            Mechanical Engineering        Mechanical Engineering
French                       French                         French                        French                    French
Japanese                     Japanese                       Japanese                      Japanese                  Japanese
Spanish                      Spanish                        Spanish                       Spanish                   Spanish
Te Reo Māori                 Te Reo Māori                   Te Reo Māori                  Te Reo Māori              Te Reo Māori
English Language             English Language               English Language              English Language          English Language
                                                            Foundation                    (Beginner/Intermediate)   Geography
                                                            English Language Senior
                                                            English Language              English Language          English Language
                                                            Academic                      Academic                  Academic Purposes
                                                            Employment Skills             Employment Skills         Employment Skills
                                                                                          Gateway                   Gateway
Food Technology              Food Technology                Practical Food & Nutrition    Hospitality               Hospitality
Literacy Support             Literacy Support
Numeracy Support
      = Compulsory
 Staffing and other forward planning may result in changes to the subjects scheduled above.
 For more detailed information, see relevant subject information booklets.
Anna Heinemann (LEFT)
                                                                                                                    Age: 15
                                                                                                                    City/Country: Hamburg, Germany
                                                                                                                    Current study programme: Study Abroad-9 months

Sporting Activities                                                                                                 Favourite part of school: Variety of subjects available and fun community of international students
                                                                                                                    Cross-cultural learning: Some people in NZ go to the supermarket in bare feet
                                                                                                                    Hobbies: Playing Hockey, hanging out with friends
                                                                                                                    Favourite food: Ice Cream, meat balls
                                                                                                                    Future plans: Finish school back in Germany, then take a gap year and come back to NZ to travel
Sport                                                     Winter                                                    and visit friends
The Hutt Valley High School sport programme offers        Badminton, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby   Best NZ experience: Many experiences combined to make my time in NZ amazing. Travelling
a great opportunity for students to be inspired and       Union, Table Tennis, Rugby League, Underwater Hockey,     around the South Island and making lots of friends.
                                                          Waterpolo, Skiing, Snowboarding.
supported in their pursuit of personal excellence and
wellbeing and at the same time have fun through
                                                          All year/other                                            Ketsia Velaphi (RIGHT)
physical activity. In order to provide a full sports
                                                                                                                    Age: 18
programme, HVHS has a sports department which             Squash, multisport, AFL, Equestrian, Fencing,
                                                                                                                    City/Country: Pretoria, South Africa
manages the provision of all major codes as well as       Gymnastics, Cycling, Mountain Biking, Rowing,
                                                          Swimming, Orienteering, Handball, Taekwondo.              Current study programme: NCEA
whole school sports events, school exchanges and
                                                                                                                    Favourite part of school: Dramatic Arts, spending time with my friends
representative tournaments.
                                                                                                                    Cross-cultural learning: Surprised at how incredibly friendly kiwis are
                                                                                                                    Hobbies: Hockey, Netball, singing, dancing, writing poetry and short stories
Sporting activities include:
                                                                                                                    Favourite food: Pasta with mushroom sauce and chorizo
Summer                                                                                                              Future plans: Plan to study Law and International Relations at Rhodes University.
Athletics, Cricket, Cross Country, Dragon Boating,                                                                  Plan to become a political advocate
Futsal, Golf, Ki-o-rahi, Lawn Bowls, Sailing, Archery,                                                              Best NZ experience: Performing in the National Shakespeare Festival and touring
Softball,                                                                                                           the South Island.
Tennis, Touch Rugby, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Waka
Ama, Triathlon.
Arts and Culture

Music                                                      Clubs include:
Hutt Valley High School has a long and proud music         Anime, Board Games, Brainiacs, Creative Coding,
group tradition. The Music Department has some             Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Eco-fashion, Emergency
of the best instrumental tutors in the country and a       Support, Greenfingers Horticulture, New Kiwi, Origami,
                                                           Philosophy, Queer Straight Alliance, Robotics, Scribblers
wide variety of co-curricular groups on offer. There
                                                           Writing, Science Technicians, Steps Spelling, Student
are opportunities for the music groups to perform at
                                                           Librarian, World Vision, Art, Astronomy, Baking, Book,
a variety of concerts, festivals and competitions in the
                                                           Environment Group, Human Rights, Model UN, Nifty
school and the wider community, and also to attend         Knitters, Pacific Heart Culture Group, School Radio
professional musical performances.                         Station, Golf, Minecraft and Aurecon Bridge Builders.

Music groups include:
Barbershop, Chamber Music Ensembles, HVHS Class            Cultural Groups
(Choir), Concussion (Percussion Ensemble), Flute Choir,
                                                           Hutt Valley High School offers a broad programme
Guitar Orchestra, Jazz Ensembles, Orchestra, Pacifica
                                                           of performing arts, cultural groups, speech, debating,
Band, Rock Band, Stage Band, String Orchestra, Wind
                                                           drama and film. Students have an excellent opportunity
Ensemble and Ukulele Club.
                                                           to find a programme where they can grow and develop
                                                           confidence, as well as make new friends.
School Clubs
                                                           Cultural clubs include:
We encourage all students to join a club. Clubs range
                                                           Kapa Haka (Maori cultural group), Nga Mana Korero
from volunteer groups to interest and hobby groups.
                                                           (Maori speech competition), Debating, Speech
Students can also start their own club if they want to.
                                                           Competition, Pacific Heart Cultural Club, School
                                                           Talent Quest, Shakespeare competition, Musical
                                                           Theatre Production, Cheerleading, Hip Hop Dance and
                                                           Bollywood Dance.

                                                                                                                       Sam Zhu
                                                                                                                       Age: 17
                                                                                                                       City/Country: Beijing, China
                                                                                                                       Current study programme: NCEA
                                                                                                                       Favourite part of school: Teamwork in the school environment
                                                                                                                       Cross-cultural learning: Different food, understanding kiwi culture, communicating with people
                                                                                                                       Hobbies: Music, gym
                                                                                                                       Favourite food: Everything
                                                                                                                       Future plans: Performance music at the NZ School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington
                                                                                                                       Best NZ experience: Joining in many different bands and orchestras in NZ.
Student Support
At Hutt Valley High School we ensure that students are happy, successful and safe. We help each student get involved in
activities and assist them to do their very best at their studies. We listen carefully to the reasons for each student being
here in New Zealand and we do all we can to help them achieve their goals.
International students have a full time International Student Manager dedicated to caring for the student’s needs,
including homestay placement and support. We also have a 24/7 phone contact in case of emergencies, a free airport
pick up service and visa processing.

Home Stay                                                         Uniform
Our international students are hosted by local families.          Hutt Valley High School is a uniform school. One of
Most of our home-stay families have had long term                 the most important ways the school can maintain
connections with the school. The families will either             its good reputation and image in the community is
have students currently attending, or recently finished           for its students to wear the school uniform correctly.
at Hutt Valley High School. New Zealand homes are                 The wearing of the uniform should be regarded as a
generally large and spacious with outdoor areas and               privilege for students and its enforcement by staff and
pets. Home stay accommodation includes 3 meals per                caregivers is a foundation on which to build respect
day and unlimited internet access.                                and pride.

                                                                  Details about the school uniform can be found at
Visa Processing                                         

We have a dedicated staff member who has extensive
experience in visa processing. Hutt Valley High School            BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
is also part of the Immigration New Zealand Pathway               Hutt Valley High School encourages all students to
Visa Pilot Programme. Full information can be found at            bring their own laptop, netbook or tablet PC to school.                                           For more information about this please go to

Buddy Programme
The best way to start your programme at Hutt valley               Code of Practice for
High School is to have a student buddy help you                   the Pastoral Care of
with your introduction to the school. Buddies are an              International Students
important part of student orientation as they can assist
you with all aspects of school life as well as providing          Hutt Valley High School has agreed to observe and be
mentoring and new social connections.                             bound by the Education (Pastoral Care of International
                                                                  Students) Code of Practice 2016. Copies are available        Ivy Nguyen
                                                                  from the NZQA Website
Medical and Travel Insurance                                                                                                   Age: 17
                                                                                                                               City/Country: Hanoi, Viet Nam
Insurance is compulsory for international students
                                                                                                                               Current study programme: NCEA
at Hutt Valley High School. Information about our
                                                                                                                               Favourite part of school: Music and Photography
insurance can be found at
                                                                                                                               Cross-cultural learning: First time to encounter Maori culture and learn about NZ culture and values
                                                                                                                               Hobbies: Photography, listening to music, reading, playing the Dan Tranh (Vietnamese Zither)
                                                                                                                               Favourite food: Ice Cream
                                                                                                                               Future plans: Look to study at university in New Zealand or another country
                                                                                                                               Best NZ experience: Attending the 3-day international student orientation camp at HVHS. I met
                                                                                                                               many friends, visited new places and learned many new things.
Koki Endo
                                                                                                                          Age: 15
                                                                                                                          City/Country: Kyoto, Japan
                                                                                                                          Current study programme: Study Abroad-1 year

Enrolment                                                                                                                 Favourite part of school: I can meet people from all over the world
                                                                                                                          Cross-cultural learning: Understanding and communicating in a new culture
                                                                                                                          Hobbies: Fencing, Japanese Manga cartoons, watching movies
                                                                                                                          Favourite food: Japanese
Hutt Valley High School teaches students from year 9-13 and each year we welcome 100 students from more than 15
                                                                                                                          Future plans: Study at university in Japan
countries. The school provides an excellent academic programme that helps international students understand and
                                                                                                                          Best NZ experience: Winning the Wellington Regional Fencing Championship,
thrive in the New Zealand educational system and prepares students well for the transition from high school to tertiary
                                                                                                                          competing at NZ National Fencing competition, visiting many beautiful places.
study. Our ESOL programme has specific classes that are designed to prepare students for higher studies with a focus
on English for Academic Purposes at year 13.
Students may enrol in a study abroad programme, ranging in length from one month up to a whole year, or can enrol
in the full NCEA programme. Students who are contemplating studying in NCEA as a pathway to tertiary study should
be targeting an IELTS of 5.0 at year 11, or 5.5 IELTS at year 12. All students will have an English Placement Test at
orientation and enrolment.

Application Process
Students can start in any of the four school terms. The school calendar can be found at
Prospective students should apply to the school using the International Application Form, which includes Home Stay
application and can be found at
Students need to supply the following:
 • Filled out International Student Application form
 • Certified Copy of Passport
 • Certified Copy of School Report from past 2 years

All applications should be mailed to the school or emailed to:

Hutt Valley High School | Private Bag 31909   +64 4 566 4584
Lower Hutt 5040 | Wellington | New Zealand
84-114 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt 5010 
Wellington, New Zealand
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