SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education

SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education
Continuing Education

Student and Parent Handbook

SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education
                                                                                                        Continuing Education

                                                                                                        SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM
                                                                                                        Student and Parent Handbook
                                                                                                        Welcome to College of DuPage

                                                                                                        We are pleased that you have chosen to catch up, keep up or accelerate your          REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                        academic career by participating in the COD High School and Junior High              Student Eligibility.................................................4
                                                                                                        Achiever Program. There are multiple options available at College of DuPage for      Tuition and Refunds.............................................4
                                                                                                        high school and Junior High Achievers students, whether you take one summer          Student Accommodations...................................4
                                                                                                        course, participate in a career program or continue your education at the College.
                                                                                                        All students are asked to read and understand the information outlined in this       Attendance Policy...............................................4

Summer High School and Junior High Achievers                                                            handbook. We also ask for parents/guardians to be familiar with the information
                                                                                                        in this document, as partners in their student’s educational experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                             STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND

                                                                                                                                                                                             Student Code of Conduct...................................5
                                                                                                        In addition to credit programs, COD offers summer enrichment classes, test
                                                                                                                                                                                             Responsible Use of Computer Equipment
                                                                                                        preparation courses, career camps and tutoring. For more information on any of
                                                                                                                                                                                               and Internet Access.........................................5
                                                                                                        these programs, call (630) 942-2208.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Electronics Policy................................................6
                                                                                                                                                                                             Student Responsibility........................................6
                                                                                                        Have a happy and productive summer!
                                                                                                                                                                                             Student Issues.....................................................6

                                                                                                        College of DuPage Continuing Education                                               IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                                                                        (630) 942-2208                                                                       Important Dates...................................................6
Register at                                                                                                                                         Class Locations...................................................6
                                                                                                                                                                                             Contact Information............................................6
All students registered for both the 2020 high school        The option of an in-person orientation                                                                                          Summer 2020 Textbook List...............................7
summer program and Junior High Achievers program             session is also available only for                                                                                              FORMS
are required to complete an in-person or online              students registered at District 204 High                                                                                        Release of Grade Form.......................................9
                                                             School programs on the following date:     Vision
orientation session with a parent or guardian. Students                                                 College of DuPage will be the primary college district residents
                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo and Video Release....................................9
                                                                                                                                                                                             Parent/Student Handbook Signature Form.........9
and parents review and sign required documents as            Wednesday, May 13, 7 to 8 p.m.             choose for high quality education.                                                   Emergency Contact Form.................................10
part of the session. Details of this presentation include:   Neuqua Valley High School, Naperville                                                                                           Waiver of Liability and Emergency
                                                                                                                                                                                              Medical Release.............................................10
                                                                                                        The mission of College of DuPage is to be a center for excellence
•   Program Policies                                         Visit for             in teaching, learning and cultural experiences by providing
•   Grading                                                  registration details and call              accessible, affordable and comprehensive education.
•   Student/Parent Handbook                                  (630) 942-2208 or email for
•   Required Paperwork                                       more information.
•   Grade Release Authorization Forms                                                                                                                                                        Follow us!
•   Hard Copies of the Student and Parent Handbook                                                        SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL MANDATORY ORIENTATION SESSIONS                        

                                                                                                                                               Register online at | For more information, call (630) 942-2208 | 3
SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education
HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES                                                                                                                                        Grades and Grade Release Form
                                                                                                                                                                  High school summer school grades are available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AND EXPECTATIONS
High School Credit courses are taught by high          grade 9 in fall 2020 will not be eligible to          request you follow the provided deadlines:           on myACCESS. Grades are not mailed home.
                                                       receive high school math credit through this                                                               A final exam will be given on the last day of         Student Code of Conduct
school instructors using high school textbooks                                                               Semester 1: Friday, May 1                                                                                  The opportunity to study at College of DuPage is
and following the syllabi of high school courses.      programming.                                          Semester 2: Friday, May 29                           the session. Privacy laws dictate that a signed
                                                                                                                                                                  and dated Release of Grade form must be               a privilege and students are accountable for their
Students enrolled in these classes must comply                                                                                                                                                                          own conduct. The condensed summer schedule
with the expectations and policies provided in         Please be sure to work with your counselor            Students notifying the Center after this deadline    completed in order for College of DuPage
                                                                                                                                                                  to release and/or send your grade to any              warrants the institution of a strict behavior
this Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook,             before registering. All students must meet            may have a delay in receiving services.
                                                                                                                                                                  school. Please print clearly and indicate the         policy. Disciplinary procedures often instituted                       SUMMER
in addition to the policies of the site location for   with their high school guidance counselors to
                                                                                                                                                                  contact person at the high school. A release of       during the academic school year may not apply                        HIGH SCHOOL
their course(s).                                       determine credit eligibility.                         To request accommodations, please contact:
                                                                                                                                                                  grade form is needed for each course completed        to this summer school program. When a student
                                                                                                             Center for Access and Accommodations                                                                       is found to be in violation of the Student Code of                   MANDATORY
Please note: Both student and guardian/                Keep Your Contact Information                         Student Services Center (SSC), Room 3249             by the student, including semester courses.
                                                                                                                                                                  Grades issued by College of DuPage for high           Conduct or the Appropriate Use of Computers,                         ORIENTATION
parent must participate in an online or in-            Up-to-Date                                            Email:                                                                                      the site supervisor or high school program
person orientation session for all high school                                                               Phone: (630) 942-2154; TDD: (630) 858-9692;          school summer classes are final. Parents                                                                                     SESSIONS
                                                       Help us stay in touch to provide you with any                                                                                                                    coordinator, in conjunction with the dean of
and Junior High Achievers credit classes.              program updates or room changes. Ensure we            Fax: (630) 942-2071                                  must complete, sign and return the Release                                                                                       Register at
                                                                                                                                                                  of Grade form for College of DuPage to                Continuing Education, will assess the situation
                                                       have your current email address and phone                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                  request their grade information be sent to            and make an irrevocable decision.
Junior High Achievers                                  numbers, so we have multiple ways to reach
                                                                                                             ATTENDANCE                                           the appropriate high school. This policy is
A High School Preview Experience                       you. Please call (630) 942-2208 to update or                                                                                                                     The following types of conduct are examples
                                                       stop by our office.                                   Attendance Policy                                    designed to maintain the grade/transcript as an
                                                                                                                                                                  accurate and complete record of meeting course        that shall result in removal from the program:
Students entering grades 7 and 8 can explore                                                                 College of DuPage offers a two-semester
                                                                                                                                                                  requirements. Contact Continuing Education            • Assaulting, threatening, harassing or
their interests in non-credit academic courses         Cancellations and class capacity                      summer High School Credit program. This
                                                                                                                                                                  for future Grade Release inquiries. Continuing          endangering the health or safety of students,
among a group of peers. Classes are modeled            We require a minimum number of enrolled               program is an extension of the academic
                                                                                                                                                                  Education keeps grades on file for five years.          College/school personnel or anyone else
after high school credit courses and held to the       students in order to run a class. To avoid            curriculum designed to provide students with                                                                 within College/school facilities.
same academic standards, policies and rigor you        inconvenience to students, staff will cancel a        opportunities to gain academic credit or to
expect from our COD Youth Academy.                                                                           explore interests by auditing a class. Please        Set Up Your myACCESS Account and                      • Verbally abusing College/school personnel
                                                       class three to five business days in advance of
All classes require parents/guardians to walk                                                                note, however, the level of commitment needed:       Student Email                                           or students.
                                                       the start date and offer participants alternative
students to their class as well as participate in an   classes (if applicable) or a full refund. Avoid       one day in the summer program equals one             After registration, your student will automatically   • Willfully impeding, obstructing, interfering with   Responsible Use of Computer
online orientation session. Junior High Achiever       disappointment and register early.                    week of a regular school year. Prompt and            receive a “” email account. You               or disrupting the performance of the College/       Equipment and Internet Access
courses are on the main campus in Glen Ellyn.                                                                consistent attendance is mandatory to ensure         are responsible for knowing your student ID             school education function.                          All use of the internet must be in support of the
                                                       Tuition and Refunds                                   the same contact hours and teaching and              number and myACCESS/Email username. This              • Failing to cooperate with College of DuPage         curriculum set forth in the class. Students shall
While COD does not offer High School                                                                         learning opportunities as during the school          information can be found in your registration                                                               not use computers for non-academic related
                                                       General credit courses are priced at $349 per                                                                                                                      Police personnel in the lawful performance of
Credit for these courses, be sure to contact                                                                 year. Students should not register for classes       letter or you can call the Continuing Education                                                             activities unless given specific permission by
                                                       semester. Science credit courses include a lab                                                                                                                     their duties.
your student’s school before registration to                                                                 for high school credit if they have vacation         office to confirm your student’s ID number.                                                                 the instructor. Students will be allowed internet
                                                       fee of $369 per semester. Course textbooks can                                                                                                                   • Illegal or unauthorized use of computers and
determine if credit or advanced placement                                                                    plans, athletic camps/competitions, or other                                                                                                                     access when it relates to classroom work and
                                                       be rented or purchased by the student.                                                                                                                             the internet as detailed below in regard to the
can be awarded. COD can provide course                                                                       obligations that will prevent them from              Final Exams: If a student is enrolled in a class                                                            are restricted to use the software that pertains to
outlines upon request. Grades are sent home                                                                  attending class. The latest possible time to         that requires a final exam, the final will be given     Responsible Use of Computer Equipment and
                                                       A full refund is issued if a student withdraws from                                                                                                                                                                    their specific coursework.
with students on a grade sheet and are not                                                                   receive a refund is 24 business hours prior to the   on the last day of class in the semester. If a          Internet Access.
                                                       first semester classes by Friday, June 5 by 5 p.m.
eligible for official transcripts or to be viewed                                                            start of your class.                                 student is absent for the final exam, COD                                                                   Ethical Use
                                                       Withdrawals for second semester must occur
through myACCESS.                                                                                                                                                 cannot and will not provide an opportunity for        Cheating, plagiarizing, forgery or any other          If a class requires online access, students should
                                                       prior to Thursday, July 2 by 5 p.m. Full refunds
                                                       will be provided for classes that do not meet         Absences: Summer school is a condensed               any make-up exam, nor will COD administer             form of academic dishonesty shall result in the       only upload or mail material that is accurate,
All program policies and procedures outlined in                                                              school experience. However, illness and              the final exam early or proctor the exam at a         following:                                            inoffensive, non-threatening and legal. If, at any
                                                       a minimum enrollment one week prior to the
this handbook apply to students enrolled in the                                                              emergencies do occur. Students are allowed           later time. The grades the student will receive for   • Students caught in any form of cheating will        time, the classroom instructor or other students
                                                       scheduled start.
Junior High Achievers programs.                                                                              two (2) absences per semester course; more           the final exam in these cases will be recorded as        receive an automatic zero on the assignment.       find a student online viewing/writing material that
                                                       No refunds will be issued for the                     than two absences per semester course will           an “F” (zero points) and will be factored into the       Parents will be notified.                          is threatening or offensive, that student will have
Parent/Guardian Note                                   following reasons:                                    result in a “Withdraw” grade being issued for no     semester grade.                                       • A repetition of such an offense shall result in     online access revoked and will be removed from
You are the first and most important teacher your      • If the student registers for class and does         credit, without a refund. All absences are treated                                                           an “F” for the semester grade and removal           the program, as this practice is in violation of the
child will ever have. The opportunity to work with        not attend.                                        equally; there are no “excused” or “unexcused”       Textbooks: Most classes require a textbook.             from the program.                                   Continuing Education Student Code of Conduct.
you and your child as a team is important to all of                                                          absences for summer classes.                         Textbooks are not included in the course                                                                    Students must inform the classroom instructor
us. This handbook is issued to help students and       • If the student withdraws after the above-                                                                fee for Continuing Education summer high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The respective townships shall impose police          immediately if they accidentally encounter any
parents become familiar with the general policies        mentioned withdrawal dates for any reason.          Tardies: Students are expected to arrive to class    school courses. Course textbook information is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        action for violation of smoking ordinances. This      inappropriate material. The College cannot be
of the high school program at College of DuPage        • If the student is dropped for violation of the      and return from breaks on time. Four (4) tardies     provided online and in the High School Schedule                                                             held accountable for the materials found on the
and the College itself. Please read the information      Student Code of Conduct and/or Appropriate                                                               of Classes, including the ISBN numbers, at cod.       applies to all students on and off campus, under
                                                                                                             from either the start of class or from a scheduled                                                                                                               internet, although every attempt will be made
and contact Continuing Education regarding any           Use of Computer/Internet and/or the High                                                                 edu/cehighschool. Textbooks, when needed,             the age of 18.
                                                                                                             break equals an absence. Tardiness exceeding                                                                                                                     by College of DuPage employees to prevent
questions about the information enclosed.                School/Attendance Policy.                           15 minutes will be considered an absence. Four       are available for purchase or rent from the Follett                                                         students from viewing inappropriate materials.
                                                                                                                                                                  College of DuPage Bookstore. The Bookstore            The following types of conduct are examples
                                                                                                             tardies, whether for late arrival time to class
                                                                                                                                                                  is located on campus in Glen Ellyn, Monday to         for which police action and removal from the
                                                       Accommodations for Student with                       or not turning in handbook pages, equals                                                                                                                         Unacceptable Use
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS                                                                                    an absence.                                          Thursday, 7:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. Visit codbooks.         program shall be enforced:
                                                       Disabilities                                                                                                                                                     • Possessing, using, distributing, attempting to      The following list, although not inclusive, cites
Student Eligibility                                                                                                                                               com to rent or purchase the course textbook.                                                                examples of unacceptable use of the internet:
                                                       In accordance with the Americans with                                                                                                                               use or distribute weapons, illegal or controlled
COD high school programs are open to students                                                                Forms: The Student and Parent Handbook forms         Participants may also purchase textbooks                                                                    • Violation of copyright.
                                                       Disabilities Act (ADA) and amendments,                                                                                                                              substances or look-alikes, including drugs,
entering or currently enrolled in high school,                                                               must be returned on or before the first day of       through any online book vendor. See the
                                                       College of DuPage Continuing Education                                                                                                                              alcoholic beverages and fireworks.                 • Downloading of any type of software, plug-in,
while, the junior high achievers program accepts                                                             class. Please see the forms at the conclusion        textbook list on page seven.
                                                       provides the opportunity for students to                                                                                                                         • Intentionally damaging, destroying College/           etc., to a computer on the College of DuPage
incoming seventh- and eighth-grade students.                                                                 of the handbook for signature pages. Lack of
                                                       succeed. Accommodations will be determined                                                                                                                         school property (including graffiti); attempting      campus or at any of its off-campus sites.
The summer high school credit program is an                                                                  compliance will result in the student remaining in   Note: Students who do not bring their
                                                       based on the documentation provided by the                                                                                                                         to damage or destroy College/school
extension of the regular academic program                                                                    class but being marked tardy for the day and         textbooks with them to class by the second                                                                  • Online purchase or advertising of materials
                                                       student or parent. The College is not responsible                                                                                                                  property; or theft of College/school property,
designed to provide students with opportunities                                                              subsequent days until forms are returned.            day will be issued a tardy. Additional days                                                                   or services.
                                                       for communicating with your student’s                                                                                                                              property of College/school personnel or other
to gain academic credit or to explore interests                                                                                                                   without the course textbook will result in                                                                  • Posting material created by someone else
                                                       counselor; you must ensure you are providing                                                                                                                       students. Students engaging in such activity
by auditing a class. It is an excellent occasion for                                                         Any combination of absences and tardies that         additional tardies assigned.                                                                                  without his/her consent.
                                                       our team with the appropriate documentation. If                                                                                                                    shall be liable for any and all costs incurred.
incoming freshmen to become more familiar with                                                               exceed two (2) “days” will result in a “Withdraw”
                                                       requesting accommodations, please notify the                                                                                                                                                                           • Wasting of supplies such as paper or toner
high school expectations. These summer courses                                                               grade being issued for no credit, without a
                                                       Center for Access and Accommodations at least                                                                                                                                                                            cartridges.
are used by District 204 to inform placement for                                                             refund. Every effort will be made to notify the
                                                       30 days prior to the start of the first class. We                                                                                                                                                                      • Providing personal information about
2020-21. District 204 students entering                                                                      parent/guardian of absences or tardies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                themselves or others while online.

4 | Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education Summer High School Program |                                                                                                         Register online at | For more information, call (630) 942-2208 | 5
SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education
Electronics Policy:                                     Important Dates                                    Audit Grade
The use and possession of electronic devices            College of DuPage offers a two-semester            Students who are looking for enrichment only
will be permitted in approved areas only. These         High School Summer and Junior High                 would benefit from auditing a course. An “X” is
devices may include, but are not limited to,            Achievers program. Classes are offered             recorded on the grade report and sent home.
cell phones, smart phones, personal listening           Monday through Friday at a variety of times.       Tests and quizzes are not mandatory and grades
devices, personal digital assistants, portable          Check our schedule of classes for more details.    are not recorded. Attendance is recorded and
gaming systems, electronic computing devices,           The first semester runs from Monday, June          students must adhere to all summer school
etc. Use of these devices will be allowed only in       8 to Monday, June 29 at College of DuPage          policies and procedures. Audit grades are
non-instructional areas. Use of electronic devices      and at our centers. The second semester            not reported to high schools, and audits are
for instructional purposes will be permitted only       runs from Monday, July 6 to Monday, July 27.       irrevocable. Please indicate on the Grade
in classrooms where the teacher has designated          These courses take place from Monday to            Release Form if you want to audit the course;
the use for educational purposes. Digital               Friday and are offered at a variety of times.      this decision is irrevocable.
textbooks are allowed and will be monitored by          There are no classes June 30 to July 3.
the instructor to ensure participants are on task.                                                         Withdrawal for High School Credit
The classroom teacher has the sole discretion           District 204 (Metea Valley, Neuqua Valley)         “W” is received from the instructor when the
to allow this in his or her instructional setting. In   classes are scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to            student has more than two absences (four
areas where there is a reasonable expectation           12:50 p.m., Monday to Thursday. First              tardies = one absence) per semester course
of privacy, such as the restrooms, locker rooms,        semester runs from Monday, June 8 to               or for any violation listed in the High School
nurse’s office, etc. the use of electronic devices      Thursday, June 25. Second semester runs            Attendance Policy or the Student Code of
is prohibited at all times.                             from Monday, July 6 to Thursday, July 23.          Conduct – Appropriate Use of Computer/Online
                                                        There are no classes June 29 to July 3.            Resources Contract. If a student voluntarily
Use of any electronic device to engage in any of                                                           withdraws from a course, he/she should contact
                                                                                                                                                               SUMMER 2020 TEXTBOOK LIST
the following is strictly prohibited:                   Class Locations                                    the High School program coordinator to officially                                                                                    IMPORTANT CAMPUS
• Failure to comply with an instructor’s directive                                                                                                             Algebra 1 (Sem 1 and 2)                 Spanish 2 (Sem 1 and 2)
                                                        Glen Ellyn classes will be held on campus at:      change the Grade Release Form to ensure that
  for use in an instructional setting                   College of DuPage                                  no grade report is generated.                       Common Core Algebra 1                   Avancemos!                               CONTACT INFORMATION
• Academic dishonesty                                   425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599                                                            Pearson High School Math, ©2015         Holt McDougal, Level 2, ©2010
                                                                                                           Progress Reports for High School Credit             ISBN: 9780133281149                     ISBN: 9780554025322                      Follett COD Bookstore
• Planning inappropriate behavior that would            Buildings
                                                                                                           Student progress reports will be sent home with                                                                                      (630) 942-2360
  impact the orderly process of the class or the        Berg Instructional Center (BIC)
                                                                                                           the student at least once during each semester.     Algebra 2 with Trigonometry             Spanish 3 (Sem 1 and 2)
  educational process                                   Homeland Security Education Center (HEC)
                                                                                                           The report includes student attendance as well      (Sem 1 and 2)                                                                    Cafeteria/Dining Services
• Sending, receiving or possessing sexually             McAninch Arts Center (MAC)                                                                                                                     Avancemos!
                                                                                                           as the current grade. Please look for those                                                                                
  explicit or otherwise inappropriate pictures,         Seaton Computing Center (SCC)                                                                          Common Core Algebra 2                   Holt McDougal, Level 3, ©2010
                                                                                                           reports and contact Continuing Education if you
  images or statements                                  Student Resource Center (SRC)                                                                          Pearson High School Math, ©2015         ISBN: 9780554025339
                                                                                                           haven’t received them at (630) 942-2208.
                                                        Health and Science Center (HSC)                                                                        ISBN: 9780133281163                                                              Campus Central
• Talking and/or transmitting pictures, videos,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCIENCES                                 (630) 942-3000
  or audio recording of another, without that                                                              Should a parent need to contact an instructor for   Geometry (Sem 1 and 2)
  person’s consent                                      Additional Locations                               any reason, all instructors provide a telephone                                             Biology (Sem 1 and 2)
                                                        Metea Valley High School                                                                                                                                                                Campus Police
• Bullying, intimidating, threatening, or                                                                  number and/or email address on his/her syllabus.    Common Core Geometry
                                                        1801 N. Eola Road, Aurora, IL 60502                                                                                                            Biology for a Changing World with        Police Department Dispatch
  harassing others                                                                                         Instructors cannot be reached during class hours    Pearson High School Math, ©2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Physiology, 2nd edition, ©2014
                                                                                                           or interrupted during instruction time.             ISBN: 9780133281156                                                              Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
• Identity theft                                        Neuqua Valley High School                                                                                                                      W H Freeman & CO
                                                        2360 95th St., Naperville, IL 60564                                                                                                            ISBN:9781464151132                       Student Resource Center (SRC)
• Interfering with a school investigation                                                                                                                      Pre-Calculus (Sem 1 and 2)                                                       Room 2100
                                                                                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
• Creating a disruption to the                          COD Carol Stream Center                                                                                                                        Chemistry (Sem 1 and 2)                  (630) 942-2000
                                                                                                           College of DuPage                                   Pre-Calculus with Limits
  educational process                                   500 Kuhn Road, Carol Stream, IL 60188              Continuing Education High School Programs           Houghton Mifflin, ©2004                 Living By Chemistry, 2nd Edition
                                                                                                           (630) 942-2208 phone                                ISBN: 0618394788                        Angelica M. Stacy, ©2010                 Center for Access and
College and school policies, as well as                 COD Naperville Center                              (630) 942-3785 fax                                                                                                                   Accommodations
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ISBN: 9781464142314
classroom guidelines must be followed. Violators        1223 Rickert Drive, Naperville, IL 60540                                 LANGUAGE ARTS                                                                    (630) 942-2154
will be subject to disciplinary action, which                                                                                                                                                          Physics (Sem 1 and 2)
include the confiscation of the device and              COD Westmont Center
                                                                                                                                                               English 9 (Sem 1 and 2)
removal from the program without a refund.              650 Pasquinelli Drive, Westmont, IL 60559                                                                                                      Conceptual Physics                       Continuing Education Department
                                                                                                                                                               Elements of Literature
The College is not responsible for lost or stolen                                                                                                              Rinehart, & Winston Inc.                Prentice Hall, ©2006                     General program information and
electronic devices                                      Grading                                                                                                Third Course, ©2007                     ISBN: 9780131663015                      questions about grades or attendance
                                                        Upon completion of a summer school course,                                                             ISBN: 9780030424144                                                              Student Resource Center (SRC)
Student Responsibility                                  grades will be sent to the high school. Grades                                                                                                 SOCIAL STUDIES                           Room 1110
The instructor is available to answer questions         will be viewable on myACCESS as well. A                                                                FOREIGN LANGUAGE                        American Government                      Phone: (630) 942-2208
about course materials or class policies. If students   Release of Grade form must be completed and                  SUMMER                                                                                                                     Fax: (630) 942-3785
                                                                                                                                                               French 1, Sem I and II
have any concerns about their performance in            signed before the grade is forwarded. The letter           HIGH SCHOOL                                                                         U.S. Government: Democracy in Action
the course or are not sure of an assignment, the        grades are A, B, C, D, F, X or W. Participants                                                                                                 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, ©2010
                                                                                                                   MANDATORY                                   Bon Voyage, Level 1                                                              myACCESS Support
student should speak with the instructor.               taking classes for enrichment purposes only                                                            Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, ©2008              ISBN: 9780078799822
                                                        must note this on the Release of Grades form.              ORIENTATION                                                                                                                  (630) 942-2999
Student Issues                                                                                                       SESSIONS                                                                          U.S. History (Sem 1 and 2)
If there are issues or concerns about a course          Letter Grade                                                    Register at                            Spanish 1 (Sem 1 and 2)                                                          COD Library Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Americans
or an instructor, the student should attempt            A = 90 to 100 percent                                                                                            McDougal-Littell, ©2012                  (630) 942-2597
to resolve the issue with the instructor. If the        B = 80 to 89 percent                                                                                   Avancemos!
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ISBN: 9780547491158
student and instructor are unable to resolve the        C = 70 to 79 percent                                                                                   Holt McDougal, Level 1, ©2010
matter, the student should report this to the site      D = 60 to 69 percent                                                                                   ISBN: 9780554025315
supervisor. If the matter cannot be resolved at         F = 59 percent and below
                                                                                                                                                                                                       No textbook for Consumer
this level, the student should make an appeal           X = Audit Course (no grade awarded)
                                                        W = Withdrawal (no grade awarded)                                                                                                              Education or Speech
to the High School Program coordinator and
then may be reviewed by the College of DuPage           P/F (Pass/Fail) is for the Illinois and U.S.
Continuing Education dean.                              Constitution Tests only

6 | Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education Summer High School Program |                                                                                           Register online at | For more information, call (630) 942-2208 | 7
SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education

           COD Main Campus     Lab Attire
                           Chemistry Required Lab Attire
                                                                                                         Privacy laws dictate that the following form must be completed in order for College of DuPage to release and/or send your grade to any school.
                                                                                                         Please print clearly. Questions may be directed to Continuing Education at (630) 942-2208.

        Students who are not in the appropriate attire will be sent home and marked as absent.           STUDENT NAME                                                           STUDENT DATE OF BIRTH

                                                                                                         I authorize grades to be released to the following high school:

                                                                                                         NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL                                                      CITY                                               ZIP CODE

                                                                                                         NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR OR REGISTRAR

                                                                                                         PARENT SIGNATURE                                                          DATE
            (provided by COD)
                                                                                                         Release grades for the following 2020 summer courses:

                                                                                                         COURSE 	                                    CODE #

                                                                                                         q SEMESTER 1             q SEMESTER 2
                                                                                                         q I am auditing this course without a grade awarded (this decision is irrevocable)

                                                                                                         COURSE 	                                    CODE #

                                                                                                         q SEMESTER 1             q SEMESTER 2
                                                                                                         q I am auditing this course without a grade awarded (this decision is irrevocable)

                                                                                                         q I attend a homeschool or co-op. Co-op name______________________________________________________
                                                                                                         q I am taking this class for enrichment purposes.  q I do not want my grade sent to my high school.

                                                                                                         PHOTO AND VIDEO RELEASE
                                                                                                         I hereby give College of DuPage permission to use any photograph or video footage of my child for public relations purposes (i.e., flyers,
                                                                                                         catalogs, brochures). Please check appropriate box.

                                                                                                         q  Yes     q  No

                                                                                                         PARENT SIGNATURE                                                        DATE

                                                                                                         PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK SIGNATURE
                                                                                                         A parent/guardian signature for the Student/Parent Handbook constitutes an understanding and acceptance of policies/conditions set forth
                                                                                                         by College of DuPage Continuing Education.

                                                                                                         I acknowledge that I am fully aware of the consequences resulting from the violation of any of the policies listed above.
                                                                                                         I understand that disciplinary action shall be applied in a consistent and non-discriminatory manner by the site supervisors employed by
                                                                                                         College of DuPage at each of its locations. Their decisions involving disciplinary measures are binding and will not be overruled by College of
                                                                                                         DuPage. A full copy of this Student/Parent Handbook is available at or a paper copy can be obtained at the Continuing
                                                                                                         Education office, Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1110.

                                                                                                         I, the participant, and I, the parent/guardian, understand and agree to abide by the College of DuPage Continuing Education Summer
                                                                                                         2020 Student/Parent Handbook.

                                                                                                         PRINT STUDENT NAME                                                      STUDENT SIGNATURE                                        DATE

                                                                                                         PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE                                               DATE

                                                                                                         Return to College of DuPage Continuing Education prior to the first day of the semester.
                                                                                                         Signed forms can be sent to:  Continuing Education College of DuPage          OR     Fax (630) 942-3785
                                                                                                         		                            425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137		      

8 | Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education Summer High School Program |                                        Register online at | For more information, call (630) 942-2208 | 9
SUMMER 2020 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education
College of DuPage Continuing Education

   STUDENT NAME                                                                   STUDENT DATE OF BIRTH

   (Any medications necessary for your child should be taken at home before the student comes to class.)
   I authorize College of DuPage personnel to take appropriate action in the event of an emergency. Students with medical emergencies will be
   taken to the nearest hospital, and I understand that I am responsible for all costs incurred in relation to my child. I release College of DuPage
   and its directors, officers, trustees, employees and agents from all liability, in accordance with current state and federal law, arising from
   participation in the Continuing Education program. I also understand that if my son or daughter becomes ill or engages in destructive behavior,
   the emergency contact will be called to take him or her home.



   Please prioritize the following phone numbers. Please print all information legibly. Number them in the order which we are most likely to contact
   a parent or guardian. Only list persons authorized to pick up your child in the event of an emergency. Thank you!

   1ST CONTACT: NAME                                                       RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT

   (       )                                                               (        )
   PRIMARY PHONE                                                           WORK PHONE

   (       )
   SECONDARY PHONE                                                         EMAIL ADDRESS

   2ND CONTACT: NAME                                                       RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT

   (       )                                                               (        )
   PRIMARY PHONE                                                           WORK PHONE

   (       )
   SECONDARY PHONE                                                         EMAIL ADDRESS

10 | Student and Parent Handbook Continuing Education Summer High School Program |                                                Register online at | For more information, call (630) 942-2208 | 11
College of DuPage
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137-6599

                             © 2019 College of DuPage. All rights reserved. CE-19-96996(12/19)600
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