Leadership Resources Practical Information for Grand Knights, District Deputies and Financial Secretaries - Knights of Columbus

Page created by Joe May
Leadership Resources Practical Information for Grand Knights, District Deputies and Financial Secretaries - Knights of Columbus
Leadership Resources
Practical Information for Grand Knights, District Deputies and Financial Secretaries
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                            Standing Council Committees................................... 20
                                                                                                                     Admission Committee ................................. 20
                                                                                                                     Recruitment Committee............................... 20
General Section
                                                                                                                     Retention Committee ................................... 21
       Knights of Columbus Organizational Chart ............. 2
                                                                                                             Council By-laws............................................................. 21
       Supreme Council Headquarters
                                                                                                             Ceremonial Guidelines ............................................... 21
            Contact Directory ..................................................... 3
                                                                                                             Financial Secretary Evaluation.................................. 22
       Forms and Reports ......................................................... 3
       Qualifications for Membership .................................... 4
                                                                                                District Deputy Section
       Initiation Fees and Council Dues................................ 4
                                                                                                         Introduction .................................................................... 23
       Star Council Award ....................................................... 5
                                                                                                         Ceremonial Work Within Your District ..................... 23
                 Father McGivney Award................................ 5
                                                                                                         District Deputy Expense Form .................................. 23
                 Founders’ Award ............................................. 5
                                                                                                         Official Council Visits ................................................... 23
                 Columbian Award............................................ 5
                                                                                                         New Council Development........................................ 24
       Other Awards ................................................................. 6
                                                                                                         Council Reactivation .................................................... 24
                 International Service Award ......................... 6
                                                                                                         Council Retention ......................................................... 24
                 Contest of Champions Award...................... 6
                                                                                                         District Meetings ........................................................... 25
       District Awards ............................................................... 6
                                                                                                         Strategy Sessions ......................................................... 25
                 New Council Award ........................................ 6
                                                                                                         Officers Online — District Deputy Section ............. 26
                 Star District Award .......................................... 6
                                                                                                         Miscellaneous — District Deputy Section .............. 26
                 All Star District Award .................................... 6
                                                                                                Financial Secretary Section
       Investments...................................................................... 6
                                                                                                         Introduction .................................................................... 27
       Duties of Council Officers ........................................... 8
                                                                                                         Financial Secretary Compensation .......................... 27
                 Chaplain ............................................................. 8
                                                                                                         Income Tax Requirements.......................................... 28
                 Grand Knight..................................................... 8
                 Deputy Grand Knight ...................................... 8                            Bonding ........................................................................... 28
                 Chancellor ......................................................... 8                  Annual Federal Information Return — Form 990
                 Financial Secretary.......................................... 8                               (U.S. Councils) ........................................................ 28
                 Recorder ............................................................ 9                 Officers Online — Financial Secretary Section ..... 29
                 Treasurer............................................................ 9                 The Member Billing Application ............................... 29
                 Lecturer .............................................................. 9               Initial Setup for First-Time Users .............................. 29
                 Advocate............................................................ 9                  Billing Members ............................................................ 31
                 Warden ............................................................... 9                Generating Notices ...................................................... 32
                 Inside/Outside Guards ................................... 9                             Examples of Billing Dates........................................... 33
                 Board of Trustees ............................................ 9                        Processing Payments from Members ..................... 33
                 Membership Director...................................... 9                             Processing Receipts from Other Sources .............. 33
                 Program Director ............................................. 9                        Generating Membership Cards ................................ 33
                 Faith Director ................................................. 10                     Institution of Payment.................................................. 34
                 Family Director............................................... 10                       Order on Treasurer (Vouchers) ................................. 34
                 Community Director ..................................... 10                             Suspension of Council ................................................ 34
                 Life Director .................................................... 10                   Record Retention .......................................................... 34
       Protocol .......................................................................... 10            Report of Officer Elections ......................................... 35
Grand Knight Section                                                                                     Monthly Statement ....................................................... 35
       Introduction .................................................................... 11              Member Data Change................................................. 36
       Council Audit ................................................................. 11                Death of a Member ...................................................... 36
       Council Budget.............................................................. 14
       Membership Procedures ............................................ 14
       Membership Procedures — Transferring Online
                Members .......................................................... 17
       Candidate Tab — Entering Member
                Information Online ......................................... 17
       Officers Online — Grand Knight Section ................ 17
       Honorary and Honorary Life Membership
                 Honorary Membership................................. 18
                 Honorary Life Membership......................... 18
                 Honorary (Honorary Life) Membership
                      Ceremonial ............................................. 19
Knights of Columbus
                    ORGANIZATIONAL CHART

                                  SUPREME COUNCIL
              State Deputy, last living Past State Deputy, Territorial Deputy,
              delegates to the Supreme Council, Supreme Council Officers,
                      Board of Directors and Past Supreme Knight

                                    BOARD OF DIRECTORS/
                                  SUPREME COUNCIL OFFICERS

                                          STATE COUNCIL
                          Grand Knights, Immediate Past Grand Knights,
                          State Officers and last living Past State Deputy

                                        DISTRICT DEPUTY

                                        ASSIGNED COUNCILS                 CHAPTERS

                                            Grand Knight

                  Deputy Grand Knight                          Chaplain

                           Chancellor                          Financial Secretary

                            Recorder                           Membership Director

                            Treasurer                          Program Director

                            Advocate                           Faith Director

                              Warden                           Family Director
    Elected                   Guards                           Community Director
    Appointed                Trustees                          Life Director


Main Number .....................................................203-752-4000
Customer Service .........................................1-800-380-9995
KnightsGear....................................................1-855-432-7562         knightsgear@kofc.org
Supplies Online ..............................................1-833-591-7770          customersupport@webbmason.com
Fraternal Mission...............................................203-752-4270                     fraternalmission@kofc.org
Catholic Information Service .........................203-752-4574                               cis@kofc.org
Ceremonials .......................................................203-752-4346                  ceremonials@kofc.org
Chaplains Programs and Development .....203-752-4267                                             chaplains@kofc.org
Columbia Magazine .........................................203-752-4398                          columbia@kofc.org
Council Accounts .............................................203-752-4392                       council.accounts@kofc.org
Financial Secretary Appointments ...............203-752-4285                                     financial.secretary@kofc.org
Membership Growth ........................................203-752-4473                           councilgrowth@kofc.org
Membership Records.......................................203-752-4210                            membership@kofc.org
Member Management/Member Billing .......203-752-4210                                             expertfs@kofc.org
Scholarships .......................................................203-752-4332                 scholarships@kofc.org
For general inquiries, email.....................................................................info@kofc.org

Due Date                             Form/Report
June 30                              Report of Chosen Officers for the Term (#185)
                                             OR the Officers Screen on Member Management
August 1                             Service Program Personnel Report (#365)*
                                             OR the Service Personnel Screen on Member Management
August 15                            Semiannual Council Audit (#1295)
December 31                          District Deputy Semiannual Report (#944A)
January 31                           Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728)*
February 15                          Semiannual Council Audit (#1295)
June 30                              Columbian Award Application (#SP-7)*
June 30                              District Deputy Semiannual Report (#944B)
Immediately                          Membership Document (#100)
If Required                          Notice of Intent to Retain (#1845)
As Required                          Entries for the State Council Service Program Awards Contest (#STSP)
                                             and Family of the Year Contest to your state council
Monthly                              Exemplification Report (#450)
Monthly                              Family of the Month (#1993)

* Indicates Star Council Award Requirement

                                                            If questions regarding the practical
The qualifications for Knights of Columbus                  Catholicity of an applicant or member
membership, as contained in Section 101 of the
                                                            arise, the pastor of the applicant or
Laws of the Order, are:
                                                            member should be consulted before
    l   Only practical Catholics in union with the          any action is taken.
        Holy See shall be eligible and entitled to
        continue membership in the Order.
    l   An applicant for membership shall not be
        less than 18 years of age on his last
        birthday.                                       INITIATION FEES AND COUNCIL
                                                        The Laws of the Order prescribe that the initiation
Guidelines have been established to assist in           fee shall be fixed by the council, provided,
determining the practical Catholicity of an             however, no initiation fee shall be required of any
applicant or member. These guidelines will assist       priest or member of a religious community who
the grand knight in performing his duties when          applies for membership. The rules also provide
serving on the council’s admission committee.           that for those entering under 26 years of age, the
These guidelines include:                               initiation fee shall not exceed $10. In cases of
                                                        Juvenile to Adult transactions, the maximum
    l   A practical Catholic accepts the teaching       initiation fee is $5, provided application is made
        authority of the Catholic Church on matters     prior to the applicant’s 19th birthday.
        of faith and morals, aspires to live in
        accordance with the precepts of the             The Laws of the Order set forth specific provisions
        Catholic Church, and is in good standing        regarding dues payable by each member. Dues
        with the Catholic Church.                       shall be levied in advance in an amount as fixed
    l   A practical Catholic strives to have a          by the council. The dues for all associated and
        greater knowledge of the teaching of            insurance members shall be the same, and they
        Christ and his Church, and to accept,           must not be less than $5 per year. However,
        respect and defend the Church’s authority       councils may fix a different rate of dues for
        (vested in the Supreme Pontiff, the             insured members under 26 years of age, but the
        hierarchy and clergy united with him) to        same shall not be less than $3 per year.
        teach, govern and sanctify the faithful.
    l   A practical Catholic gives material and moral
        support to the Church and her works on all
        levels, promoting the programs of the parish
        and diocese and coming to the aid of the
        missions, the needy and the under-
        privileged; supports and advances the just
        causes of minority groups; endeavors to
        eliminate unjust discrimination, prejudice,
        etc.; and supports the Church in her
        defense of marriage and family life.
STAR COUNCIL AWARD                                   The Founders’ Award recognizes excellence in
                                                     the promotion of our insurance and fraternal
In order for your council to earn the Star Council   benefits. The 2020-2021 Fraternal Year introduces
Award, it must:                                      a new method for achieving the Founders' Award.
                                                     Councils can now fulfill all requirements towards
 l     Earn the Father McGivney Award for            this award by hosting two Fraternal Benefit
       membership growth;                            Seminars. These events are coordinated in
 l     Earn the Founders’ Award for insurance        conjunction with your local field agent who will
       growth;                                       report your council's participation to the Supreme
 l     Earn the Columbian Award for well-            Council. There is no application for the Founders’
       rounded council programs by submitting        Award as eligibility is automatically determined by
       the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7);      the Supreme Council.
 l     Submit the Service Program Personnel
       Report (#365);                                The Columbian Award recognizes your council’s
 l     Submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal         charitable service activities and fraternal programs.
       Activity (#1728); and                         In order to earn the Columbian Award, your council
 l     Remain in good standing with the              must earn four program credits in each of the four
       Supreme Council (including youth              categories of the Faith in Action program model, for
       protection compliance)                        a total of 16 program credits. Programs conducted
       (In the U.S. and Canada, this includes        by your council, whether they be Supreme Council-
       being fully compliant with applicable Safe    sponsored programs or unique activities
       Environment requirements.)                    coordinated locally, count for one program credit.
                                                     Additionally, half of the Faith in Action programs are
The Father McGivney Award recognizes                 Featured Programs. Featured Programs count as
excellence in council membership growth.             two program credits towards the Columbian
Each year, your council is assigned a membership     Award.The following is a list of Faith in Action
quota from the Supreme Council. For the award,       Featured Programs:
growth is considered to be net increase over
losses through suspension or withdrawal. Deaths       Faith                      Community
                                                      RSVP                       Coats for Kids
do not count against your quota, and transfers in
                                                      Into the Breach            Global Wheelchair Mission
or out of your council do not count for or against
                                                      Spiritual Reflection        Habitat for Humanity
your quota. Your council quota can be found           Holy Hour                  Leave No Neighbor Behind
under the Membership tab in Officers Online,          Family                     Life
which is updated daily. Eligibility for the Father    Food for Families          March for Life
McGivney Award is automatically determined by         Family of the Month/Year   Special Olympics
the Supreme Council and there is no application.      Family Fully Alive         Ultrasound Program
                                                      Family Prayer Night        Pregnancy Center Support

                                                     When your council conducts one of the above
                                                     featured programs and fulfills its requirements, it
                                                     will receive two credits for that particular program

                                                     For more information about Faith in Action and
                                                     Columbian Award requirements, visit
OTHER AWARDS                                             INVESTMENTS
    l   The International Service Award is               In order to accomplish the charitable mission of
        presented to councils for the best               the Knights of Columbus, councils routinely raise
        programs conducted in the areas of Faith,        money, which can then be donated to worthy
        Community, Family, and Life activities.          causes. This mission also calls our members to
        The international winners are selected           become personally involved in fundraising and
        from the winning entries submitted by            charitable activities.
        each jurisdiction. The first place winners
        are recognized at the annual Supreme             Although some councils maintain a large bank
        Council Convention. To be considered             account or investment portfolio, we recommend
        for the award, complete and submit the           that councils conduct their financial affairs and
        State Council Service Program Awards             charitable giving so that accumulated general
        Entry Form (#STSP). The form, along with         funds do not exceed $10,000. Larger and more
        supporting materials (newspaper articles,        active councils may maintain a larger balance in
        photographs, etc.), should be submitted          order to cover the expenses for their activities.
        to your state council.                           Also, some councils may exceed the
                                                         recommended $10,000 cap because of special
DISTRICT AWARDS                                          circumstances, such as the receipt of a restricted
                                                         legacy gift or proceeds from the sale of home
The New Council Award is presented to those              corporation property.
district deputies responsible for the development
of a new council.                                        The recommended $10,000 cap on a council’s
                                                         general fund is intended to avoid common
The Star District Award is presented to those
                                                         problems associated with the accumulation and
district deputies whose district excels in the
                                                         investment of money. For example:
areas of membership growth, insurance growth,
programming, and overall excellence.
                                                          l     Investing and managing funds frequently
                                                                causes discord and dissension among
To earn the Star District Award, the following
                                                                members who may disagree about
requirements must be completed:
                                                                investment decisions.
    l   Founders Award earned by every council            l     Conflicts of interest frequently arise when
        in the District                                         members (or friends/relatives of members)
    l   Reach 70% of combined council growth                    in the investment business seek to manage
        quotas                                                  the funds.
    l   At least one council in the district earns the    l     The accumulation of large sums of money
        Star Council Award                                      may lead members to handle those funds
    l   For each council in your district, submit two           unwisely, despite their good intentions.
        District Deputy Semiannual Reports (#944)         l     Having access to a large amount of funds
        – Due 12/31 & 6/30                                      may be a temptation to self-dealing on the
                                                                part of some members.
The All Star District Award is presented to those
district deputies who attain the Star District Award     Councils are authorized to receive funds into their
and have all of their active councils earn the Star      general account in the course of ordinary fraternal
Council Award. Must have a minimum of three              and charitable activities. To the extent that these
active councils to be All Star and only available in     funds are not immediately disbursed for
insurance territories.                                   necessary expenses and charitable donations,
they may be held in other bank and investment            l     Reputational risk to the Order if the
accounts. However, councils should never invest                investments profit from activities
or hold funds in brokerage accounts, stocks,                   inconsistent with Catholic teaching.
annuities, non-Catholic mutual funds (other than         l     Long-term commitment by members to
government money market mutual funds), bonds,                  select an appropriate investment advisor
or other investments, such as gold, silver or                  and manage the principal.
platinum. Except under the special circumstances         l     Risk that successor trustees may not honor
described above, the Supreme Council does not                  the original intention of the trust or have
advise, encourage, recommend, or permit                        sufficient experience and expertise to
councils to invest or hold funds in any type of                continue the investment program.
account other than the following:                        l     Separate tax-filing obligations, if the trust is
                                                               formed as a separate entity, which is
 l     Ordinary short term certificates of deposit             usually the case.
 l     Simple savings accounts                           l     Substantial legal obligations and risks for
 l     Simple checking accounts                                failure to comply.
 l     Simple money market accounts
 l     Government money market mutual funds             Rather than forming charitable trusts, councils
 l     Knights of Columbus Mutual Funds                 may consider other ways to distribute funds,
For example, councils may choose to place funds
in excess of $10,000 in a short-term certificate of      l     A donor-advised fund established with
deposit while waiting to disburse the excess funds             Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund in the
for an intended purpose. It is also acceptable for a           name of the council
council to hold excess funds in a certificate of         l     State council charitable foundations
deposit as a reserve to cover a known expense or         l     Local Catholic schools
liability that is coming due in the future. The funds    l     Other local faith-based organizations
should be held under the name and Tax
Identification Number of the council, and only the      Any individual member who expresses an interest
officers identified in the bylaws may have access       in making a donation to an organization that
to the account. The financial officers and trustees     promotes faith-based initiatives should be
are responsible for keeping the members                 encouraged to give to a donor-advised fund with
informed of where the funds are deposited. A
                                                        Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, his state
program or committee chairman may never mix             council’s foundation, or to the Supreme Council’s
Knights of Columbus funds with personal funds.          United in Charity program. These donations are
                                                        eligible for a tax deduction. Donations to a council
In the event that a council receives proceeds from      are not tax deductible.
the sale of home corporation property, the council
is encouraged to honor the legacy of the brother
Knights who acquired and maintained the
property over the long term. This can be done by
investing in a diversified portfolio of Catholic
values investments (e.g., Knights of Columbus
Mutual Funds) to pursue ongoing charitable
support in the name of the council.

Councils should not create charitable trusts.
These types of trusts pose several challenges and
risks, including:
 l    A priest chosen annually by the grand
      knight, deputy grand knight and trustees
 l    Serves as spiritual advisor to the brother
      Knights and families of that council
 l    Provides his message to members at the
      beginning of the meeting
 l    The chaplain should attend meetings of the
      council whenever his schedule allows, as
      his guidance is a great benefit
Grand Knight
 l    Presides over all meetings
 l    Appoints program and membership
 l    Appoints committees as needed
 l    Countersigns checks and orders for
 l    Responsible for the council’s Ceremonial
 l    Maintains working relationships with the
      council’s chaplain, district deputy,
      insurance agent, as well as with other local   l   The prospective financial secretary must
      service organizations (ie. food pantries,          also complete and submit the Application
      soup kitchens)                                     for Appointment as Financial Secretary
Deputy Grand Knight
                                                     l   Under Section 130 of the Laws of the
 l   Assists the grand knight with operation of
                                                         Order, the financial secretary is
     the council and any other duties assigned
                                                         automatically bonded in the amount of
     to him by the grand knight
                                                         $5,000. Additional bonding may be
 l   In the absence of the grand knight,
                                                         provided at a cost of $7 per thousand by
     presides at council meetings
                                                         contacting the supreme secretary’s office
 l   Recommended to serve on the council’s
                                                     l   Collects money, in the form of dues, from
     Retention Committee
                                                         members. Responsible for sending billing
Chancellor                                               notices and initiating retention measures
 l   Has the duty of strengthening the                   by providing a list of delinquent members
     members’ interest in council activities             to the grand knight to prevent members
 l   Assists the grand knight and deputy grand           from being suspended for nonpayment
     knight with their duties as assigned                of dues
 l   Recommended to serve on the council’s           l   Ensures that the council membership
     Admission Committee                                 records are updated and that new
Financial Secretary                                      members sign the constitutional roll
  l   Upon recommendation of the grand knight        l   Receives from the Supreme Council
      and the trustees, the financial secretary is       Headquarters honorary and honorary life
      appointed for a three-year term that is            membership cards for distribution to
      approved by the supreme knight                     qualified members
l    Files various reports and membership/          l     Sets up council chambers for meetings and
      insurance transactions with the Supreme              exemplifications
      Council Headquarters                           l     Oversees inside and outside guards
 l    Responsible for completing and submitting
                                                    Inside/Outside Guards
      the proper 990 for the council (U.S. only)
                                                      l    Attend the doors of the council chamber,
 l    Keeps the seal of the council and affixes
                                                           checking for current membership cards
      the same to membership cards, resolutions
                                                           and allowing entrance
      and other official documents as necessary
                                                    Board of Trustees
                                                     l    Consists of grand knight and three other
 l    Responsible for keeping and maintaining a
                                                          elected members
      true and permanent record of all actions of
                                                     l    Supervises all financial business of the
      the council and maintains all
                                                          council and conducts the semiannual audits
      correspondence of the council
                                                     l    Trustees are elected for terms of three
Treasurer                                                 years. At the first election of a new council,
  l   Handles council funds                               three trustees shall be elected, one to hold
  l   Receives money from financial secretary             office for one year or until the next regular
      and deposits it in the proper council               election, one for two years or until the
      accounts                                            second next regular election, and the other
  l   Responsible for paying all council                  for three years or until the third next
      expenses, including assessments from                regular election, as determined by lot
      the Supreme Council                                 among themselves. Thereafter, at each
  l   Under Section 130 of the Laws of the                succeeding election, one Trustee shall be
      Order, the treasurer is automatically               chosen for a term of three years
      bonded in the amount of $5,000 when
      reported on the Election of Officers form     Membership Director
      (#185). Additional bonding may be              l  Appointed by the grand knight
      provided at a cost of $7 per thousand by       l  Collaborates with the grand knight and
      contacting the supreme secretary’s office         council leaders on council membership
                                                        goals for the year
                                                     l  Manages the Recruitment Committee,
 l    Appointed by the grand knight
                                                        Retention Committee and Insurance
 l    Responsible for providing suitable
                                                        Promotion Committee chairmen as they
      educational and entertaining programs             implement the council’s membership
      under the “Good of the Order” section of          activities
      council meetings                               l  Plans and coordinates the council’s
Advocate                                                schedule of recruitment programs
 l   Acts as parliamentarian for the council         l  Ensures that Membership Applications
 l   Should have a working knowledge of                 (#100) are transmitted by the Financial
     Robert’s Rules of Order, Charter,                  Secretary to both the Membership Records
     Constitution & Laws, council by-laws, and          Department at the Supreme Council and
     parliamentary procedure                            the general agent
 l   When needed, will seek legal assistance        Program Director
     from the state advocate                         l    Appointed by the grand knight
Warden                                               l    Collaborates with the grand knight in
 l   Responsible for supervising and                      setting the calendar of council programs
     maintaining all council property                     for the year
When addressing correspondence to a                  l     Keeps accurate records of the council’s
person that you have a close working                       Community programs including Coats for
relationship with, you should                              Kids and Global Wheelchair Mission, if
acknowledge the office he holds.                           applicable
                                                     l     Must complete all required Knights of
The salutation would be “Worthy Grand
                                                           Columbus Safe Environment training
Knight and dear Brother Bill”.
                                                           (kofc.org/safe) and must also pass a
                                                           background check
                                                    Life Director
 l    Manages program directors as they               l    Appointed by the grand knight, in
      implement the council’s programs and                 consultation with the program director
      activities                                      l    Responsible for all Life based council
 l    Keeps accurate records of council                    programs
      programs for reporting on the Annual            l    Keeps accurate records of the council’s
      Survey of Fraternal Activity and the                 Life programs including Special Olympics
      Columbian Award Application                          and Ultrasound, if applicable
 l    Keeps council’s public relations chairman
      informed of all programs and activities for   PROTOCOL
      promotion to local media
                                                    Proper protocol should be followed by all fraternal
Faith Director
                                                    leaders. Protocol, by definition, is basic common
 l     Appointed by the grand knight, in
                                                    courtesy. The Knights of Columbus Protocol
       consultation with the program director
                                                    Handbook (#1612) contains specific information
 l     Responsible for all Faith based council
                                                    governing many types of situations where
                                                    protocol is involved. Keep in mind, however, that
 l     Keeps accurate records of the council’s
                                                    where there is no specific rule governing a
       Faith programs including Refund Support
                                                    situation, you will not go wrong by employing
       Vocations Program (RSVP), if applicable
                                                    common courtesy.
Family Director
 l    Appointed by the grand knight, in             Invitations — Guests should be sent proper
      consultation with the program director        invitations in writing well in advance (at least six
 l    Responsible for all Family based council      weeks before the event). All invitations should be
      programs                                      sent in the name of and signed by the grand
 l    Keeps accurate records of the council’s       knight, district deputy or state deputy,
      Family programs including Food for            respectively. Replies may be directed to a
      Families and Family of the Month/Year, if     chairman or committee member.
      applicable                                    The invitation should let the guest know timing,
 l    Must complete all required Knights of         agenda, dress and any special expectations.
      Columbus Safe Environment training
      (kofc.org/safe) and must also pass a
                                                    Your district deputy, as a special representative of
      background check
                                                    the supreme knight and state deputy, should be
Community Director                                  invited to all council functions. However, it is not
 l  Appointed by the grand knight, in               proper protocol to send a “blanket” invitation to
    consultation with the program director          your district deputy with the expectation that he
 l  Responsible for all Community based             will attend each event. It should be understood
    council programs                                that his schedule may not permit him to attend
all affairs, in which case he would notify you in    GRAND KNIGHT
ample time.
                                                     As grand knight, by virtue of your office, you and a
Speakers — Speakers for an event should be           duly elected delegate from your council, along with
notified well in advance that they are expected      the grand knights and delegates from each council
to speak. A courteous fraternal leader does not      in your jurisdiction, compose the state council. The
approach a guest just before or during a program     grand knight and delegate, or their alternates, elect
and ask if he wants to talk. This may give the       state officers, elect delegates to the annual
impression that you would prefer he did not          Supreme Convention and vote on resolutions
speak, but if he wanted to talk, you would           presented to the annual state convention. It is
permit it.                                           extremely important for you and the delegate from
                                                     your council to attend and participate in the
Head Table — Seating is usually arranged by the      proceedings of the convention. By taking an active
highest rank from the middle out to either end.      role, you will ensure a stronger future for your
Guests are introduced from the right toward the      council and jurisdiction and the overall good of
middle then from the left toward the middle,          the Order.
excluding speaking members at the head table.
The wives of all those seated at the head table      Council Audit
should also be included in the dais. The following   The Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) for
priority list should apply for speaking programs     the period ending June 30 is due at the Supreme
and seating arrangements: clergy, Knights of         Council by Aug. 15; the period ending Dec. 31 is
Columbus (in ranking order), civic dignitaries       due by Feb. 15. The council trustees and the grand
and other fraternities.                              knight should complete the audit and send it to:
                                                     Knights of Columbus, Council Accounts,
When more than one priest is present and a           1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326.
speaker does not wish to mention each by name,       The reports can be found at kofc.org in the For
he should say “Rev. Monsignori” and/or “Rev.         Members section.
Fathers.” Never use “Reverend Clergy” unless
clergymen of different faiths are represented.       All three sections of the Semiannual Council Audit
                                                     Report (#1295) must be completed, and the audit
                                                     must be signed by the grand knight and at least
                                                     two trustees. If an entry is not applicable, the
                                                     word “none” should be inserted on the line.
                                                     Failure to complete any section or affix required
                                                     signatures will necessitate return of the report to
                                                     the grand knight.

                                                     Schedule A — Membership — A major objective of
                                                     the semiannual council audit is to reconcile local
                                                     council membership records with those maintained
                                                     by the Supreme Council Department of
                                                     Membership Records. If your council uses Member
                                                     Management/Member Billing, the requirement to
                                                     complete Schedule A is satisfied. Otherwise, the
                                                     sources for information necessary to complete
                                                     Schedule A are: (1) records the financial secretary
                                                     maintains on ledger cards or ledger sheets,

depending on the accounting system used by the         Schedule B — Cash Transactions — Financial
council; (2) semiannual Council Rosters provided       Secretary — “Cash on Hand Beginning of Period”
by the Supreme Council Headquarters; and (3)           will be the figure from the previous Audit Report
monthly Council Statements sent from the               showing “Cash on Hand at End of Period.”
Supreme Council Headquarters. The latter are
especially necessary for associate to insurance,       Figures for “Cash Received — Dues, Initiations”
insurance to associate, transfers out of the council   and “Cash Received from other Sources” will be
and, in some instances, death transactions             the accounting period summary from Records of
recorded as a result of insurance claims               Cash Receipts or from the Financial Secretary’s
processing. All discrepancies between local council    Cash Book. “Total Cash Received” will be the total
                                                       of the three previous items.
and Supreme Council records are to be reconciled,
with any necessary membership transactions being
                                                       Amount for “Paid to Treasurer” will be the total of
submitted to the Department of Membership
                                                       the figures shown on receipts from treasurer to
Records or local council records being corrected as
                                                       financial secretary for moneys received during the
necessary to ensure agreement. Only those              period by the treasurer from the financial secretary.
members for whom the applicable membership
transactions have been reported are to be listed on    “Cash on Hand at End of Period” will be amount
the audit. If an addition or a deduction is being      shown “Paid to Treasurer” subtracted from the
acted upon but has not been submitted with             amount shown “Total Cash Received.” In most
sufficient time for processing, it is not to be        instances, “Cash on Hand at End of Period” will
indicated on the audit report. A review of the         show a zero balance, as most financial secretaries
monthly Council Statements for the audit period —      pay all moneys to the treasurer before the end of
August through January statements for the January      the audit period.
audit, and February through July statements for the
July audit — should be completed to ensure that        Schedule B — Cash Transactions — Treasurer —
membership transactions have been received and         The “Cash on Hand Beginning of Period” will be
processed by the Supreme Council Headquarters.         the figure shown on the previous audit from line
For the purpose of preparing the semiannual audit      “Net Balance on Hand.” The item “Received from
only, inactive insurance members are excluded;         Fin. Sec.” will be the accounting period total of the
they are not to be considered as insurance             items in the Treasurer’s Cash Book showing
members of the council. If an insurance member is      moneys received from the financial secretary.
suspended or takes a withdrawal, he becomes            This should agree with the amount shown in
inactive and is considered a deduction. Conversely,    the financial secretary’s report on line “Paid to
an inactive member reactivating his membership is
an addition to be recorded on the “Re-entries” line.
                                                       Under “Disbursements,” the amounts for per capita
Also, the “Transfers — Assoc. to Ins.” and
                                                       payment and general expenses will be the
“Transfers — Ins. to Assoc.” lines in the Additions
                                                       accounting period total of payment by the council
and Deductions sections must agree. For example,       as shown in the Disbursements section of the
an insurance addition as a result of an associate to   Treasurer’s Cash Book.
insurance transfer is also an associate deduction.
The figures for “Total Deductions” in the              Audit Procedures for Schedule B — The
Deductions section are to be placed on the line        procedure detailed below is recommended for use
“Minus Total Deductions” in the Additions section      by auditors in determining that dues payments
and must be subtracted from the figures for “Total     were receipted, entered on the appropriate
for Period” to obtain the correct figures for          Member Ledgers, turned over to the treasurer,
“Number Members at End of Period.”                     receipted by the treasurer and deposited in the
                                                       council’s bank account. Conversely, it is effective in
verifying that credits were not posted to Member              Schedule C: Some councils may include
Ledgers unless there is a record of payment having            figures in this schedule that are not
been received. In order to make these                         applicable to the audit report. This is
determinations, a representative number of                    particularly true relative to “Due Supreme
accounts should be “spot checked.” Proceed as
                                                              Council: Per Capita” in the Liabilities column
                                                              and “Due from Members” in the Assets
 l     Verify several receipts on each Record of              column.
       Cash Receipts sheet to determine if credit
                                                              A common error is that some councils
       was given on the appropriate Member
                                                              include as owed the per capita levy for the
       Ledger for the amount shown
 l     Verify several Member Ledgers to                       period following the one for which the audit
       determine, in reverse order, if credit given           is being made. For example, if an audit is
       there was received and recorded on the                 being conducted for the period ending Dec.
       Record of Cash Receipts                                31, then the per capita levy for January of
 l     Verify the totals on each Record of Cash               the following year should not be shown on
       Receipts sheet to determine that moneys                the “Per Capita” line. However, should that
       were turned over to the treasurer and his              January levy not be paid by June 30, it
       receipt was issued                                     would be included on the next audit.
 l     Verify each Treasurer’s Receipt to determine
       that the amounts shown were credited on                “Due from Members” — if the financial
       bank statements as deposits                            secretary follows the proper billing
                                                              procedures, he will have sent the First
To determine if the treasurer’s check register is in          Notices at least 15 days prior to the start of
balance with the balance shown on the end-of-
                                                              the period. Entries are not to be made for
period bank statement, the following procedure is
suggested:                                                    those members being billed for the
                                                              following period. To avoid confusion,
 l     Determine that an authorized voucher exists            billing notices should be dated as the first
       for each check issued and that the check               of the month of the start of the period
       was issued to the correct payee in the                 (January 1 or July 1), not the date the bills
       correct amount                                         are being prepared. However, should any
 l     Review the endorsement on the checks to                portion of the bill remain unpaid into the
       determine that they are properly endorsed              next audit period, that portion is to be
       by the payee
                                                              included on the ensuing Audit Report.
 l     Compare the cancelled checks to the Cash
       Disbursement register and indicate initial
       audit results on the check register
                                                          Assets — “Undeposited Funds” are moneys in the
Schedule C — Assets and Liabilities — This section        possession of either the financial secretary or
will provide insight as to the financial condition of     treasurer or both. Assets labeled “Bank —
the council. From the audit period it will indicate the   Checking Acct.” and “Bank — Savings Acct.” will be
council’s financial progress — or lack thereof — and      the reconciliation of the treasurer’s checkbook(s)
where necessary, it will enable the trustees, state       showing the net cash balance(s). Outstanding checks
and district deputies, and the Supreme Council            should be deducted from the bank statement.
Headquarters to obtain a true picture of the              “Due From Members” data is obtained from the
council’s financial status.                               financial secretary’s Member Ledger records. Refer
                                                          to “Schedule C — Assets and Liabilities” for
                                                          guidelines regarding these figures prior to making
                                                          the entries.
One indicator of the financial condition of a            of the budget that was approved by the
council is the number of members in arrears and          membership.
the amounts owed. Be certain to include these
figures on the report.                                   As grand knight, you should work with the
                                                         treasurer, financial secretary and trustees of your
The treasurer will furnish the amounts for “Money        council to compare the past year’s actual figures
Market accts.” from his cash book, which should          with the budgeted figures that were approved by
show transfers of cash to savings accounts.              the council. The information obtained will be used
                                                         to develop the budget for the current fraternal
Liabilities — Figure for the Liabilities section         year. Your council’s budget should correspond to
relative to the council’s obligations to Supreme         the fraternal year, which covers the period from
and state, as well as miscellaneous, will be             July 1 to June 30. Setting your council’s budget
supplied by the financial secretary from his             should be started immediately after your election
records and from unpaid bills in his possession.         as grand knight.

Advance payment of dues by members should                When beginning the budget process, review the
be included in “Advance Payments By Members.”            actual revenues and expenses for each program
It is a liability because it represents dues payment     and activity and compare those with the budgeted
                                                         figures from the past year. Questions to consider
not yet chargeable to the members.
                                                         when setting a budget include:
When a member is suspended, the amounts he
                                                          l     Were the revenues skewed by one large
owes will appear in the Audit Report for the period
in which he was suspended. If using a manual
                                                          l     Were items that were donated in the past
accounting system, his Member Ledger should be
                                                                now being charged for, thus increasing
removed from the council file on or before the
end of the period in which he was suspended.
                                                          l     Was participation in a particular activity up
This procedure will ensure that a billing notice
                                                                or down? Did it depend on the weather or
is not produced during the next billing period
                                                                a scheduling conflict? This could impact
and eliminates the carryover from one period to
                                                                both revenues and expenses.
another of uncollectible dues or other charges on
                                                          l     Did the council charge too little or too
members who have been suspended. The figure
                                                                much for the event?
for “Total Current Liabilities” is also entered in the
Assets column in the space designated “Less:             Keep the budgeted figures realistic and
Current Liabilities” and is subtracted from “Total       attainable. The figures should reflect an
Current Assets” to obtain “Net Current Assets.”          approximation of the actual results from the prior
                                                         year, adjusted as needed for either an
If liabilities exceed assets, the “Total Current         extraordinary event or something that will be
Assets” should be subtracted from “Current               considered normal going forward. They should
Liabilities” and the resulting figure shown in           also be based on the answers to the sample
parenthesis.                                             questions above. However, a good rule of thumb
                                                         would be to increase revenue and expenses for
Other Assets — Trustees are to itemize other             the cost of inflation (approximately 1-2 percent).
assets on the lines provided in this section.            This is also the time to evaluate each activity to
                                                         determine which ones the council will continue.
Council Budget                                           The budget for a new activity will either take the
Budgets are useful tools, as they allow your             revenue and expenses from a discontinued activity
various program chairmen to conduct programs             or new dollars will need to be allocated for the
autonomously while working within the confines           new activity.
Once the budget is prepared and finalized, it            Completed Membership Documents (#100)
should be disseminated to the membership and             can be scanned and emailed to
adopted at a regular council meeting by a vote of        membership@kofc.org and to the general
the membership. It is recommended that this take
                                                         agent of your council. This saves time and
place during one of the first meetings early in the
fraternal year. This process ensures that future
                                                         money and ensures that transactions are
meetings are utilized to the fullest and are not         posted to your council’s account quickly.
taken up with voting on each project’s expense. It       Preferably, any updates to a member’s
is also a good practice to ensure that excess funds      status should be made through the
are transferred from the council’s general account       Member Management application located
to a savings account, as appropriate.                    in Officers Online.

After the council passes the budget, it does not
mean that it is set in stone. The budget should be
                                                       application is to be processed as a Juvenile to
an adaptable document, changing as circumstances
                                                       Adult transaction. The juvenile policy number
                                                       should be included on the Membership Document
                                                       (#100), if available. If the prospect applies for
Membership Procedures                                  membership prior to his 19th birthday, the
The financial secretary should use the Member          maximum initiation fee that can be charged is $5.
Management application (the preferred method,
when applicable) or process a Membership               3. Reinstatement — This transaction can be used if
Document (#100) for each of the following              membership termination has been for a period of
transactions:                                          three months or less. Reinstatements can only take
                                                       place in the council from which the member was
1. New Member — The Exemplification of Charity,
                                                       suspended or took a withdrawal. A reinstatement
Unity, and Fraternity establishes membership, and
                                                       will not reflect a break in membership. No council
the recording of that exemplification is required to
                                                       vote is required.
activate fraternal benefits. Immediately (within 24
hours) following the Exemplification of Charity,
                                                       4. Readmission — This transaction is appropriate if
Unity, and Fraternity, the financial secretary will
                                                       membership termination has been for a period of
process the Membership Document (#100) by mail
                                                       more than three months and up to seven years.
or email. Whether you mail or send an email of the
                                                       The applicant may be readmitted into the council
Membership Document (#100) to the Supreme
Council Office, always copy the general agent.         of his choice. Council vote on his membership is
This will ensure that the new member is recorded       required, but action by the admission committee is
on the council roster and that the general agent       normally not needed.
receives a copy of the Membership Document
(#100). (Note: If the field agent is present at the    5. Reactivation — The proper transaction for
ceremony, he may pick up this document for             reentry of an inactive insurance member is
delivery to the general agent.) The council should     reactivation. An inactive insurance member has
always retain a copy of the Membership                 been suspended for nonpayment of dues but
Document (#100) for its records. When sending the      maintains an in-force Knights of Columbus
Membership Document (#100) via email, there is no      insurance certificate.
need to send a hard copy.
                                                       6. Reapplication — When an applicant has been
2. Juvenile to Adult — Juvenile to Adult constitutes   out of the Order for more than seven years,
a specific category for an applicant for membership    reapplication is the proper transaction to be used.
who holds an in-force insurance policy that was        He may reapply to the council of his choice, and
issued while he was under 18 years of age. His         the re-applicant need not be exemplified again if
he satisfies the admission committee that he’s           these letters so that the state council can follow up
already done so. He pays no initiation fee.              and attempt to retain each of these withdrawals.

7. Transfer — A member in possession of a current        9. Suspension — NonPayment — A member must
membership card may transfer to any council of his       be in arrears for at least three months before he
choice by applying through a Membership                  can be suspended for nonpayment. Any member in
Document (#100). The receiving council accepts           that status, however, is to be advised that a current
the application for transfer under the elective          membership card is required for attendance and
procedures. Please note that a transfer is initiated     participation at all Knights of Columbus business
only by the receiving council. Members cannot be         meetings and ceremonial exemplifications.
transferred out of a council.                            A “current” membership card is defined as one
                                                         bearing a “DUES PAID TO” date equal to or greater
8. Withdrawal — The withdrawal transaction cannot        than the current date. Because this category of
be reported by using the Membership Document             suspension represents the largest group of losses
(#100). Rather, a personal, signed communication         to our Order each year, it is of vital importance that
from the member requesting withdrawal                    proper billing procedures be followed before active
(resignation) is required to be sent to the council      membership is terminated by suspension.
and forwarded to the Supreme Council
Headquarters. A member can resign whether he is          As in the case of a withdrawal, a suspended
current in dues or in arrears. The only stipulation is   insurance member goes to an inactive status and
that he must be eligible for re-entry as of the date     remains on the council rolls. Because of this fact,
he files his letter of withdrawal with the council or    the council is responsible for Supreme and state
assembly. Withdrawal is not an option for a felon,       levied assessments and also receives the annual
non-practical Catholic, or someone who has been          $9 credit, as explained in the preceding section.
suspended or expelled under Section 162 of the
Order’s Laws. Those members who apply for and            10. Death — As soon as possible after the death of
are granted a withdrawal do not maintain                 a council member, a Membership Document (#100)
continuous membership. The membership record             should be submitted to the Supreme Council
will reflect a break in service. If the applicant for    Headquarters for processing with the complete
withdrawal is an insurance member, he will be            date of death and survivor information included.
recorded as an inactive member and will remain in        If Member Management is used to report this
that status on the council roster as long as his         transaction, there is no need to submit additional
insurance is in force.                                   documentation. Deceased members are
                                                         remembered in daily Mass at St. Mary’s Church,
The council continues to be responsible for              New Haven, CT — the birthplace of our Order.
Supreme and state council assessments on
inactive members. However, a $9 credit is applied        11. Disability — Relief from Payment — Those
to the council’s account the month following the         brother Knights who are unable to engage in any
anniversary date of the member’s insurance policy        occupation for a period of at least six months may
to offset such assessments.                              apply for waiver of dues under Section 118(e) of the
                                                         Order’s laws. Evidence of total disability must be
Upon receipt of a valid withdrawal request, the          furnished to the Supreme Council Headquarters,
Membership Records Department will process the           along with the Application for Relief from Payment
request and a letter from the Supreme Knight will        of Council Dues and Supreme and State Council
be sent out to the former member acknowledging           Per Capita Charges (#1831). The Application must
that their withdrawal was processed and providing        be signed by the disabled member, the grand
information on how they can once again become            knight and the financial secretary. All disability
a Knight in the future should they wish to join a        waivers expire on Dec. 31 of each year and must
council or join online as an Online Member. The          be renewed during the 90 days prior to expiration.
State Retention Chairman is copied on each of            A letter is sent from the Supreme Council
Headquarters requesting confirmation of continued      of conviction, certification that the individual
disability during October and must be signed by        convicted is known by the financial secretary to be
the grand knight and financial secretary. The letter   the member to have his membership forfeited and
is then returned directly to the supreme secretary’s   a completed Membership Document (#100) are
office. Council members who are exempt from            sufficient for suspension under Section 168.6.
dues payment under Section 118(e) are to be issued
a Membership Card (#154) on a calendar year            This transaction is NOT counted against Supreme
basis. In the case of a member qualified for           Council award quotas.
exemption under both Sections 118(e) and 118(d) —
honorary life — the honorary life designation          14. Suspension — Misconduct — Detailed
takes precedent.                                       instructions on filing complaints against a member,
                                                       his rights to plead and trial are found in the Laws of
12. Suspension — Lack of Practical Catholicity —       the Order, Chapter XIX, Sections 170-181. A
One of the requirements for membership in the          completed Membership Document (#100) and all
Knights of Columbus is “…practical Catholic in         paperwork resulting from compliance with Chapter
union with the Holy See.” In order to remain on the    XIX of the Laws of the Order must be submitted to
active rolls of your council, a current member must    the Department of Membership Records before the
maintain his practical Catholicity. On occasion,       suspension processing can be initiated.
however, members leave the faith, marry outside of
the Church or otherwise lose that status. In such      This transaction is NOT counted against Supreme
cases, they forfeit their membership “ipso facto” —    Council award quotas.
by virtue of the fact. Before a suspension for this
infraction can be processed, tangible evidence to      Membership Procedures — Transferring Online
support a suspension under Section 168.1 of the        Members
Laws of the Order is required. A statement must be
on file in the Supreme Council office from the         Transferring Online Members — Online Members
council chaplain or the member’s parish priest to      “assigned” as prospects to councils will appear in
the effect that the man in question is no longer a     the council’s Prospect tab in Officers Online.
practical or practicing Catholic. A statement signed   This tab will only be seen by grand knights and
by the member admitting to the infraction giving       financial secretaries. Councils will not have an
rise to the attempted suspension is also               “Unassigned” tab.
acceptable. One of these statements, along with a
completed Membership Document (#100), must             Candidate Tab — Entering Member Information
submitted in order for suspension processing can       Online
be initiated.
                                                       The Candidate Tab, which is accessible through
This transaction is NOT counted against Supreme        Officers Online, allows grand knights and financial
Council award quotas.                                  secretaries in the United States and Canada to
                                                       provide the membership information for new,
13. Suspension — Felony Conviction — Section           reactivated and transferring members directly to
168.6 of the Laws of the Order stipulates forfeiture   the Supreme Council online. While this tool helps
of membership for a felony conviction. A felony is     streamline the processing of member information,
generally one where the potential penalty is           it does not fully replace the Form #100 and
greater than one year incarceration. To sub-           each prospective member should still complete
stantiate conviction, the financial secretary must     a Form #100 for state and council records.
submit: a newspaper account of the conviction,         Information submitted using this tool can be
written confirmation from the prosecutor or a          expected to be processed within 2-3 days.
certified copy of the court documentation. Proof of
conviction should include a description of the crime   Once the council has gone through the admissions
as a felony. Any ONE of the aforementioned proofs      process, and the member has taken his
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