Page created by Christian Guzman
Universal Global Compliance Program
The Universal Global Compliance Program ensures we are conducting ourselves with integrity, in accor-
dance with our compliance policies. Universal has established a Compliance page on its publicly available
website, and it maintains the Compliance page in 17 languages. Please visit our Compliance page for more
information about compliance:


Universal Compliance Hot Line
The Universal Compliance Hot Line can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The complete global
compliance phone list is reproduced at the back of this Code and is also accessible on Universal’s compli-
ance website.

On-line: www.ethicspoint.com or www.universalcorp.com/compliance

The Compliance Hot Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No one making a report to the
Compliance Hot Line will be required to provide their name or other identifying information, and no caller
ID or recording devices will be used.

Universal Compliance Committee
Harvard B. Smith
Chief Compliance Officer

Scott J. Bleicher                    Candace C. Formacek                  Johan C. Kroner
Theodore G. Broome                   George C. Freeman, III               H. Michael Ligon
Catherine H. Claiborne               Airton L. Hentschke                  Preston D. Wigner

You may contact any member of the Compliance Committee by calling +1 804 359 9311 (Richmond, Virginia
USA) or by e-mailing the Chief Compliance Officer at compliance@universalleaf.com. Please note that
e-mails to compliance@universalleaf.com are not anonymous.

Anti-Corruption Compliance Manual
Universal does not pay bribes. We conduct ourselves at all times in accordance with all laws and Universal
policies regarding corruption. Our Anti-Corruption Compliance Manual includes Universal’s anti-corruption
policies, and can be found by visiting our Compliance page at www.universalcorp.com/compliance.
Message to the employees, officers, and directors
of the Universal Corporation family

Dear colleagues:
The Universal Corporation family of companies has proudly been conducting business for
over 100 years. During that time, our people all over the world have strived to build up our
most important business asset—Integrity.
Looking forward, we need to preserve this valuable asset. Conducting our business with
integrity is essential to maintaining our status as the leader in our industry. We owe it to
our customers, our communities, our shareholders, and each other. We each have a key
role to play, and Universal is counting on you.
Our Code of Conduct sets high ethical standards to guide us. Conducting business pursuant
to high ethical standards is the right thing to do, and it is also good business. When it comes
to ethics and integrity, we at Universal have three primary goals: 1) work with integrity; 2)
conduct business with integrity; and 3) handle information and assets with integrity. When
we achieve these goals, we make Universal the company it deserves to be.


George C. Freeman, III
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents

           1   General Information
                • Message................................................................ Pg. 01
                • Who is Covered by This Code.......................... Pg. 04
                • Failure to Follow This Code.............................. Pg. 04
                • Non-Retaliation Policy....................................... Pg. 04
                • What to Do........................................................... Pg. 04
                • Cooperation......................................................... Pg. 05
                • Compliance Committee..................................... Pg. 05
                • Important Considerations................................. Pg. 06

           2   Working with Integrity
                • Freedom from Discrimination
                  and Harassment.................................................. Pg. 09
                • Health, Safety, and the Environment............... Pg. 09
                • Social Responsibility........................................... Pg. 10

           3   Conducting Business with Integrity
                • Competing with Others and Fair Dealing....... Pg. 12
                • No Bribery............................................................ Pg. 12
                • Gifts and Entertainment..................................... Pg. 13
                • Trade Restrictions and Boycotts....................... Pg. 14

           4   Handling Information and Assets
               with Integrity
                • No Insider Trading............................................. Pg. 17
                • No Conflicts of Interest...................................... Pg. 17
                • Protecting Information and Assets................... Pg. 18
                • Reporting; Books and Records;
                  Accounting Controls.......................................... Pg. 19

           5   Appendix
                • Toll-Free Number List........................................ Pg. 21

No one making a report to the Compliance Hot
Line will be required to provide their name or
other identifying information, and no caller ID
or recording devices will be used.

Who Is Covered By                        ness to help a group of people work        versal policy. Universal will not
                                         together effectively and in accor-         tolerate any retaliation against per-
This Code                                dance with law and ethical business        sons asking questions or making
The Board of Directors of Universal      practice. Universal expects each em-       good faith reports of possible viola-
Corporation adopted this Code of         ployee to conduct himself or herself       tions of this Code. Anyone who
Conduct in order to promote ethical      in a lawful and ethical manner. Any        retaliates or attempts to retaliate will
behavior, encourage compliance           violation of this Code will result in an   be disciplined. Any person who
with ethical standards, facilitate the   appropriate disciplinary action. De-       believes he or she has been retaliated
reporting of unethical and illegal       pending on the severity or frequency       against should immediately follow
behavior, and address violations of      of the disciplinary problems, a verbal     the instructions in the “What to Do”
certain ethical standards, Universal     or written reprimand, suspension, dis-     section of this Code.
policies, and applicable law. While      ciplinary probation, financial penalty,
it is true that everyone is required     and/or termination of an employee’s        What To Do
to comply with the law, this Code        relationship with Universal may be         All employees, officers, and directors
goes beyond that and sets a higher       necessary. In addition, an employee’s      must read and understand this Code
standard for us to follow. This Code     failure to adhere to this Code or          and report any action or occurrence
applies directly to all employees,       other Universal policies and proce-        that they believe or suspect violates
officers, and directors in the Univer-   dures may be taken into account in         this Code. All employees, officers,
sal family of companies. In addi-        decisions regarding promotion and          and directors must also recognize
tion, joint venture partners, sales      compensation, including incentive or       and comply with the policies, rules,
agents and certain third parties who     performance-based compensation.            and guidelines contained in it.
represent those companies in front       It is within Universal’s sole discretion
of others are contractually bound to     to select the appropriate disciplinary     If you have questions about the
follow this Code. Each employee,         and/or remedial action to be taken.        application of this Code, you are re-
officer, and director is responsible                                                sponsible for asking for the answers.
for conducting himself or herself in     Non-Retaliation Policy                     Universal is serious about the expec-
compliance with this Code, other                                                    tations set out in this Code. A lack of
                                         Each employee, officer, and director
Universal policies, and applicable                                                  understanding of this Code will not
                                         has an obligation to report possible
local, state, and federal laws and                                                  be an excuse for violating it.
                                         violations of this Code so the conduct
regulations. When used in this Code,
                                         can be considered and Universal can
“Universal” means Universal Corpo-                                                  The “Suggested Steps to Take” box
                                         address the situation and take
ration and its family of companies.                                                 on page 5 offers ways to ask ques-
                                         appropriate action.
                                                                                    tions or to report a concern related to
Failure To Follow                        No one in the Universal family will        this Code. Use the approach you are
                                                                                    most comfortable with given the cir-
This Code                                take any adverse action against any-
                                                                                    cumstances. If you contact someone
                                         one for providing truthful information
There are reasonable rules of conduct                                               on the list and you think that person’s
                                         relating to a violation of law or Uni-
that must be followed in any busi-                                                  response is unclear or incomplete,

contact someone else on the list.          promptly contact the relevant govern-    with them. If you are contacted by
Reports made under this policy can         ment agency to discuss the matter,       someone claiming to be a law en-
be submitted anonymously if the em-        and (d) politely excuse yourself. Gov-   forcement or government officer, you
ployee or reporter chooses to do so.       ernment authorities may gain access      should immediately contact someone
                                           to copies of documents pursuant to       in Universal’s Legal Department.
Finally, you can also contact the          “dawn raids” if they can produce evi-    In addition, you should also contact
Universal Corporation Board of             dence that they have been properly       your company’s legal counsel.
Directors (including the Lead Inde-        authorized (showing you a search
pendent Director) by following the         warrant or court order, for example).    Compliance Committee
instructions on the Universal Internet     In those instances, you may provide      The Universal Corporation Board of
site at www.universalcorp.com.             them with copies of the documents        Directors established a Compliance
                                           they are authorized to take, but there   Committee composed of senior man-
This Code may not answer all of
                                           should be no substantive discussions
your questions. In addition, you may
encounter a situation not addressed
by this Code. In those situations, we
strongly urge you to ask for help by
                                                             Suggested Steps To Take
using the resources listed above.

                                                 •    Talk to your supervisor or another supervisor;
Universal’s policy is to cooperate fully         •    Talk to a member of a Regional Compliance Team, or talk to
                                                      Universal’s Chief Compliance Officer or a member of the
and completely with law enforcement
                                                      Corporate Compliance Committee by calling +1 804 359 9311
and government agencies. But there
                                                      (Richmond, Virginia USA), or by e-mailing the Chief Com-
are times when it is appropriate to
                                                      pliance Officer at compliance@universalleaf.com;
allow our legal counsel to coordinate
our cooperation. If a person claiming            •    Talk to someone in the Legal Department by calling +1 804 359
to be a law enforcement or govern-                    9311 (Richmond, Virginia USA) or + 41 22 319 7188 (Geneva,
ment officer contacts you at home                     Switzerland);
or at work regarding any company in
                                                 •    Talk to someone in the Human Resources Department by
the Universal family, and that person
                                                      calling +1 804 359 9311 (Richmond, Virginia USA); and/or
is unable to show you anything that
gives him or her the right to do so,             •    Contact the Universal Compliance Hot Line anytime, 24 hours
please (a) inform that person that you                a day, 7 days a week.
and the company wish to cooperate
                                                        ◊ By Internet: www.ethicspoint.com
with the government’s investigation,
                                                          or www.universalcorp.com/compliance
(b) ask for the person’s business
card or contact information, (c) state                  ◊ By Phone: Refer to instructions on inside cover or in the
that you will have company counsel                        global phone listing on Universal’s compliance page.

agement in Richmond, Virginia USA         changed policies and procedures as        exception will not lead to a viola-
and chaired by the Chief Compliance       they are communicated.                    tion of law. Exceptions will only be
Officer. The Compliance Committee                                                   granted by the Compliance Commit-
helps the Board of Directors and Uni-     Conflicts with Local Law: All             tee or, when necessary, the Universal
versal management oversee Univer-         employees, officers and directors         Corporation Board of Directors or a
sal’s compliance policies, programs,      must obey the law. If complying with      Board committee, in accordance with
and procedures. The Compliance            this Code would violate your coun-        all applicable laws and regulations.
Committee reviews and evaluates           try’s laws, you must follow your local    For example, exemptions for Univer-
Universal’s compliance programs,          law and notify Universal’s Legal          sal Corporation officers and directors
oversees the management of its com-       Department of the conflict. If local      may only be granted by the Board
pliance program, considers significant    custom or policy conflicts with this      of Directors or a Board committee,
compliance risks and controls, and        Code, Universal expects this Code to      and they must be publicly disclosed.
takes any other actions assigned by       be followed, even if the price is loss
the Board of Directors. Universal has     of business for Universal.                Changes: This Code is subject to
also established Regional Compli-                                                   review at any time, and it may be
                                          No Contract for Employment: Noth-         revised from time to time. Universal
ance Teams to support the Compli-
                                          ing in this Code constitutes a contract   will inform you of any revisions to this
ance Committee and assist relevant
                                          of employment with anyone, nor does       Code when they occur. The most cur-
regional or business unit personnel in
                                          it alter any existing employment terms    rent version of this Code will always
addressing certain compliance ques-
                                          or conditions with anyone.                be available on the Universal Internet
tions. You may refer any questions
concerning the Compliance Com-                                                      site at www.universalcorp.com/Com-
                                          Third Parties: Under this Code and
mittee or compliance issues to any                                                  pliance, and is available free of charge
                                          many applicable laws, if you or your
member of a Regional Compliance                                                     in print by contacting the Chief Com-
                                          company retain a third party to act on
Team or the Compliance Committee,                                                   pliance Officer, any member of the
                                          your behalf, that third party’s actions
or you may contact the Chief Compli-                                                Compliance Committee, a member
                                          are attributable to you just as if you
ance Officer, by referring to the “What                                             of your Regional Compliance Team,
                                          had taken the action yourself. Neither
to Do” section of this Code. The                                                    or from your own local management.
                                          you nor your company may retain a
members of the Compliance Com-            third party to do things that are pro-
mittee and the Regional Compliance        hibited by law or this Code. Universal
Teams are listed on the inside cover      has distributed additional policies and
of this Code.                             procedures with respect to hiring and
                                          monitoring the activities of third par-
Important                                 ties in Universal’s Anti-Corruption
Considerations                            Compliance Manual and in related
                                          Standard Operating Procedures
This Code is Not Exclusive: This
                                          issued by your own company or by
Code does not contain every one of
                                          Universal. Those policies and proce-
Universal’s policies, nor does it cover
                                          dures must also be followed. If you
all the details of the policies or the
                                          are in doubt about your responsibility
specific procedures related to the
                                          for your third parties, contact a mem-
topics described. Your own company
                                          ber of the Compliance Committee,
may also have policies and proce-
                                          your Regional Compliance Team, or
dures in addition to those of Univer-
                                          the Legal Department.
sal. Universal or your own company
will likely create new policies and       Exceptions: In certain limited circum-
procedures, or change existing            stances, the Compliance Committee
policies and procedures, over time.       may consider requests for excep-
All employees, officers and directors     tions to the application of this Code.
are expected to understand the            In those instances, the Compliance
policies and procedures distributed to    Committee may require additional
them and to comply with any new or        controls in order to ensure a granted

Each employee, officer, and director has an
obligation to report possible violations of this
Code so the conduct can be considered and
Universal can address the situation and take
appropriate action.

Working with Integrity

         Freedom from Discrimination and Harassment
         Health, Safety, and the Environment
         Social Responsibility

At Universal, we are committed to our fellow employees and the
communities in which we work. Inside our offices and facilities,
we ensure that our people have safe and respectful working
environments, free from discrimination and harassment. Outside
our locations, we care about the communities that support us,
and we strive to be good stewards and socially responsible.
Safety and protecting the environment are more important than
operational efficiency or expediency. Our dedication to our people
and our communities makes us a stronger company, and serves
as the backbone to working with integrity.

Working with Integrity
                                        Our dedication to our people
                                     and our communities
                                     		 makes us a stronger company

Freedom from Discrimi- Health, Safety, and                                        is of chief importance to Universal.
                                                                                  Universal’s policy is that every em-
nation and Harassment the Environment                                             ployee, officer, and director has
Universal is committed to a work-           The personal health and safety of     responsibility for creating and main-
place free from discrimination and          each member of the Universal family   taining a safe and healthy work envi-
harassment. We do not discriminate
or allow discrimination based on
personal characteristics such as race,                            What is Harassment?
color, gender, religion, national origin,
age, disability, or veteran status. All
personnel actions, including hiring,
                                                  Q A co-worker in the office next to mine often views inappropri-
                                                    ate Internet sites during the day and I occasionally see it when
benefits, transfers, compensation,
                                                    I walk in his office to talk to him about work. It makes me very
and layoffs must be administered
                                                    uncomfortable, but is that harassment?
without such discrimination. Employ-
ees, officers, and directors should               A   Yes, viewing inappropriate materials in the office can be
expect that they will be judged on the                harassment and is clearly offensive to colleagues and against
basis of their skills, abilities, and                 our computer use policy. Harassment can take many forms.
performance—not on the basis of
                                                      Here are some examples of what Universal considers
personal characteristics.
                                                  •   Making unwelcome comments about a person’s clothing,
Furthermore, all Universal employees,
                                                      body, or personal life
officers, and directors are entitled to
be treated with dignity and respect.              •   Offensive or abusive physical contact
Universal’s policy is to provide our
people with a workplace free from
                                                  •   Use of offensive nicknames or terms of endearment
harassment, intimidation, or coercion             •   Offensive jokes or unwelcome innuendoes
related to sex, race, color, religion,
gender, national origin, age, disability,         •   Any suggestion that sexual activities, race, color, religion,
or veteran status. We do not tolerate                 gender, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status would
such behavior because it is inconsis-                 affect one’s job, promotion, performance evaluation, or work-
tent with our philosophy of mutual
                                                      ing conditions
respect for all our people.                       •   Displaying offensive objects or pictures
We require that all of our employees,             •   Inappropriate use of the Internet, including offensive e-mails,
officers, and directors understand                    jokes, and e-mail discussions
and practice our objective of zero
tolerance for harassment or discrimi-             •   Conduct that creates an intimidating or hostile environment
nation.                                           If you have questions about whether someone’s actions could be
                                                  harassment, please contact a member of Universal’s Legal Depart-
                                                  ment for guidance.

Working with Integrity

ronment. All Universal family mem-         Social Responsibility
bers must comply fully with appli-
                                           Universal is firmly committed to a
cable federal, state, and local health
                                           policy of social responsibility in all
and safety laws and regulations. Each
                                           areas in which we operate. We strive
employee, officer, and director is
                                           to demonstrate good corporate
expected to perform his or her duties
                                           citizenship by ensuring that we have
in accordance with Universal’s policy
                                           effective environmental and job-
by, among other things, following
                                           related health and safety programs
safety and health rules and practices
                                           throughout our operations. We sup-
and reporting accidents, injuries, and
                                           port the saving and restoring of
unsafe equipment, practices, or con-
                                           natural resources. We advise tobacco
ditions. Safety standards may never
                                           farmers throughout the world on
be disregarded or avoided. This
                                           good agronomy practices, which may
requires heightened awareness in our
                                           include recommendations on soil
manufacturing facilities. In addition,
                                           conservation, planting trees, tobacco
a safe and healthy work environment
                                           variety selection, fertilizer application,
means a workplace free from vio-
                                           and pesticide use, in an effort to im-
lence. Threats of violence or intimida-
                                           prove farmer efficiency and conser-
tion will not be tolerated.
                                           vation of natural resources. We invest
Environmental compliance is a cor-         and strive to create jobs in those
nerstone to being and remaining a          areas of the world in which we oper-
responsible corporate citizen. Numer-      ate. We continue our efforts to employ
ous environmental laws and regula-         a diverse work force at all levels of
tions have been enacted around the         our organization. We do not employ
world regarding the protection of the      child labor in violation of any local
environment by eliminating, reducing,      laws or contrary to respectable and
or restricting the discharge or release    accepted employment practices and
of contaminants or pollutants into the     we encourage tobacco producers to
air, water, and soil. It is Universal’s    do the same in the countries in which
policy to comply with all environmen-      we operate. We are absolutely com-
tal laws. These laws and regulations       mitted to the strict compliance of all
are complex and involve licensing,         our personnel with applicable laws
permitting, reporting, and record-         and strict accountability of such per-
keeping requirements, to mention just      sons for compliance with this Code.
a few considerations. Environmental
professionals are available within
the Universal family and should be
consulted whenever an employee has
                                                                    Health and Safety
a question or concern about environ-
mental compliance. All employees,                 Q I am in Accounting, and my office is located next to one of our
officers, and directors must exercise               processing facilities. While walking to my car, I noticed one of
sound judgment with regard to the                   the pieces of equipment was missing its bright orange safety
environmental aspects of our use                    guard but the equipment was running full speed. Am I re-
of buildings and real estate, equip-                quired to tell anyone about it?
ment, processes, and products.
Each employee, officer, and director              A Yes, you are responsible for bringing this issue to someone’s
is charged with ensuring that his or                attention. We are all responsible for maintaining a safe working
her activities and those of their fellow            environment, and we each are responsible for reporting unsafe
workers are environmentally sound                   conditions when we see them. In this case, you should notify
and comply with this policy.                        the facility’s supervisor of the issue so he or she can correct it.

Conducting Business
    with Integrity

                             Competing with Others and Fair Dealing
                             No Bribery
                             Gifts and Entertainment
                             Trade Restrictions and Boycotts

At Universal, we proudly stand behind the quality of the products
and services we provide to our customers. With those products
and services, comes our pledge to conduct our business with
fairness and honesty. We must act with integrity when dealing
with our customers, our competition, and any other third parties,
including regulators and other government representatives of the
countries in which we operate. We do not conduct business by
means of unfair competition, corruption, or other unlawful or
unethical acts. Success in business requires that we conduct our
business with integrity.

Conducting Business
                                    with Integrity
                                    Success in business requires that we
                                        conduct our business with integrity
Competing with Others
and Fair Dealing                                                Competition
In almost every place we do busi-
ness, local competition laws exist
                                                Q My friend works for one of our competitors. She called me to
which establish what is allowed or
                                                  ask about an upcoming tender for tobacco with a customer
not allowed with respect to competi-
                                                  that we both supply. She suggested that we discuss our bid
tion. These laws are often confusing              pricing so we would avoid hurting each other’s market share
and sometimes they conflict with the              with the customer. Is it okay for me to talk to her about this?
laws of another location in which we
do business.                                    A It is never okay to discuss proposed pricing with a competitor.
                                                  Prices should be set independently—without knowledge of
Because the competition laws around               anyone else’s prices. In this situation, you should make no
the world can be difficult to under-              further contact with the competitor’s employee. Instead, you
stand, Universal’s policy in this area            should contact Universal’s Legal Department immediately.
is simple: we compete fairly and hon-
estly at all times. This means we obey
all applicable competition laws, and
in many cases we go beyond what          that is designed to exclude competi-       dealing practice. Instead, we must al-
the law requires.                        tors, eliminate a particular competitor,   ways follow the principles of honesty
                                         or control prices in a market. We will     and frankness in performing our jobs.
We proudly stand behind our pro-         not engage in such activity, and we
ducts and services, and we offer         will not help anyone else engage in        No Bribery
them to our customers knowing            such activity.                             At Universal, we have a simple rule:
that we compete fairly and honestly.
                                         At Universal, we treat everyone with       We do not pay bribes.
Competing fairly and honestly            whom we do business honestly and           Universal considers a “bribe” to be
means we compete vigorously and          fairly and in a manner that respects       anything that has a value and is of-
independently at all times and in ev-    his or her independence. This does         fered, promised, or given to influence
ery lawful way. We avoid agreements      not apply only to customers; it ap-        a decision to do business with Uni-
or arrangements with our competi-        plies to everyone with whom we do          versal. This includes obtaining new
tion that have not been pre-cleared      business. Each employee, officer,          business, retaining existing business,
by Universal’s Legal Department.         and director must try to deal honestly     or gaining any other improper advan-
In no event may we have any agree-       and fairly with Universal’s custom-        tage. At Universal, we do not allow
ment or understanding with a com-        ers, suppliers, competitors, and           the payment of bribes to anyone.
petitor regarding pricing, customers,    other third parties with whom we do        Universal’s employees, officers,
markets, terms of sale, the provi-       business. Each employee, officer,          and directors, and any third parties
sion of services, or any other area      and director is prohibited from taking     acting on our behalf, are strictly
that is sensitive or significant         unfair advantage of anyone through         forbidden from providing anyone
for competition.                         manipulation, concealment, misuse          with anything that can be consid-
In addition, competing fairly and        of privileged information, lies related    ered a bribe.
honestly means we avoid conduct          to material facts, or any other unfair

Conducting Business with Integrity

Such actions are not only against         tity on your behalf, you must provide      agreement or understanding to take
Universal policy, but they may also       them with a copy of this Code and          or not take any particular governmen-
raise serious liability for individuals   let them know they are required to         tal action on behalf of Universal. This
and companies in the Universal family     comply with this Code in connection        same caution must be exercised
under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt            with their performance of services         when considering contributions for
Practices Act (FCPA) and similar laws     for you or your company. You are lia-      charities, communities, or social
of other countries. Violations of these   ble under this Code and under certain      responsibility projects when someone
anti-bribery laws can lead to impris-     applicable laws if a third party offers    associated with that activity is also
onment, significant fines, and other      or pays a bribe, in some cases even        associated with the government. Due
penalties. Every country in which we      if you did not actually know about or      to the associated risks, such contri-
are located or in which our customers     authorize that bribe. To address this      butions must be approved in accor-
are located has laws against bribery.     significant legal risk, Universal poli-    dance with the processes set out in
Local business practices that             cies in Universal’s Anti-Corruption        Universal’s Anti-Corruption Compli-
ignore or even condone bribery are        Compliance Manual require due              ance Manual.
irrelevant; all covered personnel must    diligence, contractual safeguards,
follow the policies and procedures        and monitoring tools for certain           Gifts and Entertainment
set out in this Code and in Universal’s   third parties.                             At Universal, we sometimes ex-
Anti-Corruption Compliance Man-                                                      change business courtesies such as
                                          You may have questions about
ual (which is available on Universal’s                                               meals, entertainment, gifts, and other
                                          whether you can support your local
website: www.universalcorp.com/                                                      items with our customers, suppliers,
                                          politicians. Universal does not
Compliance).                                                                         and others with whom we do busi-
                                          discourage individual employees,
Bribes take many forms—not just           officers, or directors from participat-    ness in order to build a stronger busi-
cash. This policy prohibits you from      ing in the political process in their      ness relationship through fostering
offering, promising, or giving anything   own right, including the making of         goodwill. There are times, however,
of value (gifts, entertainment, travel    voluntary contributions to candidates      when such business courtesies are
expenses, unduly favorable busi-          or parties of their choosing. But          not appropriate. This Code and the
ness arrangements, etc.) as a bribe       outside of the United States Universal     “Gifts, Travel and Hospitality” policy
to anyone.                                companies may not make political           contained in the Anti-Corruption
                                          contributions, and you must ensure         Compliance Manual provide guide-
If you or your company retain a third                                                lines and procedures to ensure our
                                          that your own political contributions
party to interact with the government                                                business courtesies are always ap-
                                          are never conditioned upon any
or with a government-controlled en-                                                  propriate.

                                                                                     It is never appropriate to give or
                 Bribery                                                             accept a business courtesy unless:

                                                                                     • It would be consistent with good
                                                                                       business practices;
Q I am working with a potential new sales agent. The sales agent
  is requesting a 15% commission for assisting with a sale to a                      • It is for the purpose of promoting
  government-owned cigarette manufacturer. The usual com-                              goodwill, rather than to create
  mission rate in that part of the world is 2% to 5%. In addition,                     or respond to a specific business
  the sales agent is asking for half of the commission to be paid                      decision;
  in advance. Is this okay?                                                          • It is not a bribe and it does not
A   You should seek advice from Universal’s Legal Department                           create the appearance of being
    before agreeing to the commission, and you must follow                             improper;
    the procedures in the Anti-Corruption Compliance Manual.                         • It is of reasonable and appropriate
    There are a number of problems with what the agent is                              value and is customary, as deter-
    requesting, and those problems could mean the agent is using                       mined by applicable local laws and
    some of the commission to pay bribes to secure business.                           reasonable local practice;
    Unless there is a legitimate business reason for the unusually
    high commission rate and the advance payment of com-                             • It is not intended to create an
    missions, this transaction is not okay.                                            obligation for the recipient to take

Conducting Business with Integrity

  any action he or she would not           with certain countries, entities, or       • No U.S. systems or assets (finance,
  normally take;                           individuals. These laws and regula-          computer servers, etc.) can be
                                           tions include U.S. trade restrictions,       involved in transaction.
• Public disclosure of the courtesy
                                           export controls, and anti-boycott          • No individual or company wherever
  would not be an embarrassment
                                           laws, as well as trade restrictions and      located can special order U.S.
  to Universal; and
                                           export controls enforced by other            items for supply to these countries
• It could not create a conflict           countries where Universal conducts           without a special license.
  between a Universal employee’s           business or by the United Nations.
  personal interests and the best          Many members of the Universal fam-         Restrictions Related to U.S. Items:
  interests of Universal.                  ily are subject to these restrictions      North Korea, Syria

In addition, there are certain prin-       due to their involvement in transac-       • Most U.S. items cannot be sup-
ciples that apply without exception.       tions connected with the U.S. or their       plied; no supply of non-U.S. items
                                           affiliation with Universal. For example,     with more than 10% U.S. content
You must consider these principles
                                           using U.S. banks, routing paperwork          by value.
when considering giving or receiving
                                           through the U.S. for processing, or
a business courtesy. It is never                                                      Partial Restrictions: Myanmar
                                           receiving help from a U.S. citizen
permissible to:                                                                       (Burma)
                                           located anywhere in the world may
• Offer or accept a bribe;                 be sufficient involvement for these        • No importation of Burmese prod-
                                           restrictions to apply.                       ucts into U.S., and no U.S. person
• Offer or accept cash or cash                                                          can export financial services or
  equivalents;                             U.S. laws prohibit or restrict certain       invest in Burma or non-Burmese
• Participate in any business activity     dealings with designated parties and         companies deriving profits from
  that would violate the law; or           entities controlled by or otherwise          Burmese resources.
                                           associated with sanctioned countries       • No U.S. person facilitation of pro-
• Ask for anything directly or indi-
  rectly from organizations doing          or parties engaged in sanctioned ac-         hibited transactions.
  business or seeking to do busi-          tivities, including terrorism, narcotics
                                           trafficking, and the manufacture and       These laws are complex and change
  ness with Universal.
                                           distribution of weapons. The follow-       frequently, so it is important that you
It is also important to recognize that     ing summaries identify some of the         contact Universal’s Legal Department
dealing with government officials or       restrictions in place with the countries   prior to engaging in any trade or other
government controlled entities raises      currently sanctioned by the U.S.           transaction with the foreign entities or
additional conditions and restric-         government:                                parties in the countries listed above.
tions concerning giving or receiv-
                                           Full Restrictions: Cuba, Iran, Sudan       In addition to honoring the laws
ing business courtesies. When you
                                                                                      concerning trade restrictions, the
are dealing with people associated         • Restrictions apply to U.S. compa-
                                                                                      Universal family must also honor the
with the government, what might be           nies, their foreign branches, offices
                                                                                      anti-boycott laws applicable to us.
acceptable in a purely commercial            and employees; U.S. citizens and
setting may be unacceptable or even          permanent residents regardless           Universal Corporation is prohibited
against the law. No business courte-         of where located or by whom              by U.S. law from taking certain ac-
sies may be offered or given to any          employed; and persons physically         tions considered to be supportive of
government official or government            in U.S.                                  foreign boycotts that the U.S. does
controlled entities or their employees,    • Restrictions against Cuba also           not honor, including the Arab boycott
unless they are first approved in ac-        apply to non-U.S. entities owned         of Israel. Prohibited actions include
cordance with the applicable policies        or controlled by a U.S. company          supplying negative or “blacklist” certi-
and procedures set out in the Anti-          or by U.S. citizens or permanent         fications in connection with export
Corruption Compliance Manual.                residents.                               transactions, letters of credit or ship-
                                           • No direct or indirect trade/tran-        ping arrangements, furnishing certain
Trade Restrictions                           sactions with country, government        information about business relation-
and Boycotts                                 or nationals.                            ships and associations in response
                                                                                      to questionnaires or otherwise,
As a worldwide leader in our industry,     • No assistance with trade/tran-
                                                                                      and refusing to do business with a
we must honor the laws and regula-           sactions by anyone to whom
                                             restrictions apply.                      boycotted country or blacklisted firm.
tions that restrict or prohibit business

Conducting Business with Integrity

These prohibitions apply to members      family (whether or not there is U.S.      Departments, which are to be con-
of the Universal family when their       involvement) agrees to participate or     tacted immediately should there
transactions have any U.S. involve-      cooperate in an international boycott.    be any question involving this com-
ment. United States tax penalties also   Detailed instructions for compliance      plex subject.
may be imposed against Universal         with these anti-boycott laws are
Corporation if anyone in the Universal   provided by Universal’s Legal and Tax

    Universal’s employees, officers, and directors,
    and any third parties acting on our behalf, are
    strictly forbidden from providing anyone with
    anything that can be considered a bribe.

Handling Information
      and Assets with Integrity

                                No Insider Trading
                                No Conflicts of Interest
                                Protecting Information and Assets
                                Reporting; Books and Records; Accounting Controls

Many people rely on us to be good stewards of our information
and assets. Our shareholders, employees, customers, and suppliers
are just a few of the people who trust that we are using Universal’s
assets and information for the benefit of Universal and not
ourselves. Universal assets and information should be used for
legitimate business purposes—the use of assets and information
for personal gain, to compete with Universal, or for any other
unethical purpose is strictly forbidden. Handling information
and assets with integrity earns the trust of those who rely on us,
and in turn makes us a stronger company.

Handling Information
                                       and Assets with Integrity
                                         Universal assets and information
                                     should be used for legitimate business purposes

No Insider Trading                           that third party that is not available    Universal. Conflicts can arise in many
                                             to the public. At Universal, we treat     different situations, and sometimes
We very often know information about
                                             sensitive information we receive from     they may develop accidentally or
our business that others outside
                                             customers, suppliers, and other busi-     unexpectedly.
the Universal family do not. We are
                                             ness associates as carefully as we
entrusted with that business informa-                                                  A conflict situation can arise when
                                             treat our own information.
tion, and we may not take advantage                                                    an individual takes actions or has
of our special knowledge for our per-        No Conflicts of Interest                  interests that may make it difficult to
sonal gain or allow others’ personal                                                   perform his or her work objectively
gain. Universal policy prohibits the         At Universal, we must protect the
                                                                                       and efficiently. For example, the “Gifts
purchase or sale of Universal securi-        integrity of our business decisions
                                                                                       and Entertainment” section of this
ties by anyone, including employees,         by making them solely based on the
                                                                                       Code outlines potential conflicts
officers, and directors, when they are       best interests of Universal and not
                                                                                       with respect to giving and receiv-
aware of material information that is        for personal interests. A “conflict of
                                                                                       ing business courtesies. Conflicts of
not available to the public. “Mate-          interest” occurs when an individual’s
                                                                                       interest also arise when an individual,
rial information” is information that        personal interests interfere, or appear
                                                                                       or a member of his or her family,
reasonable people would think is             to interfere, with the interests of
                                                                                       receives improper personal benefits
important in deciding whether to buy,
sell, or hold Universal securities, or
that could have a substantial impact
on the market price of the securities.
                                                                    Insider Trading
This not only means that you may not
buy or sell Universal securities, but             Q One of the customers with whom I work is a publicly traded
you may not give information to any-                company whose shares are listed on the New York Stock
one else so they could buy or sell Uni-             Exchange. I want to buy some of their stock because I think their
versal securities. Engaging in this kind            stock is a good value at today’s price. I work closely with them
of activity not only violates Universal             because I supply them with tobacco for one of their key locations.
policy but it is illegal, and Universal             Because of my contacts with the customer, I have learned that
will deal with it decisively. You should            their Board of Directors just approved a significant capital
call someone in Universal’s Legal                   expenditure in order to expand their operations in a key
Department if you have any question                 location. What should I do?
about whether information is publicly             A Based on this information, you may not purchase their stock.
available or whether it is material.                The information you have would be considered important
                                                    to the investing public, but it is not yet known by the public.
This policy also extends to informa-
                                                    Until that information is made known to the public, it is
tion about our customers or suppli-                 not appropriate for you to buy their stock. You should also
ers. It is inappropriate to purchase or             consider the “No Conflicts of Interest” section of this Code
sell a third party’s securities if you are          before purchasing stock of any customers due to the poten-
aware of material information about                 tial conflict that could arise.

Handling Information and Assets with Integrity

as a result of his or her, or his or her     For more information about conflicts       with whom we conduct business.
family member’s, position in Univer-         of interest, please refer to Universal’s   This information is often confidential
sal, or when he or she makes use of          Statement of Policy regarding              to them, and is given to us in order to
corporate or business opportunities          Conflicts of Interest.                     conduct our business. Some custom-
obtained through the use of Universal                                                   ers provide us information subject to
property, information, or positions          Protecting Information                     confidentiality agreements. It is Uni-
without obtaining appropriate ap-            and Assets                                 versal’s policy that all such confiden-
proval. Conflicts may also arise when                                                   tial information shall be distributed
                                             All employees, officers, and directors
an individual is involved in personal                                                   within Universal on a strict “need-to-
                                             must protect Universal’s assets
business interests that detract from                                                    know” basis. No employee, officer, or
                                             and ensure their efficient use. Theft,
or conflict with his or her job or other                                                director shall be permitted to disclose
                                             carelessness, and waste directly
interests at Universal. It is important to                                              such information on a selective basis,
                                             impact our profitability and violate the
avoid conflicts, and even to avoid the                                                  including disclosure to co-workers,
                                             trust others have put in us. Universal’s
appearance of a conflict of interest.                                                   friends, relatives, or acquaintances,
                                             assets must be used for legitimate
                                                                                        or to use such information to his
Universal expects loyalty from its           business purposes at all times.
                                                                                        or her advantage or for the benefit
employees, officers, and directors,                                                     of others. Under no circumstances
                                             In addition, we often work with infor-
and that such loyalty is free of any                                                    should Universal employees, of-
                                             mation that is confidential or pro-
conflicts of interest. Each employee,                                                   ficers, or directors improperly obtain
                                             prietary to Universal. Some of this
officer, director, or member of his                                                     or disclose trade secrets and other
                                             information comes from Universal’s
or her immediate family is expected                                                     confidential information—whether it
                                             own activities, including research
to avoid any investment or involve-                                                     is provided by Universal or any of our
                                             projects, operational improvements,
ment that might in any way affect                                                       third party associates. Instead, con-
                                             and general business processes and
the employee’s, officer’s, or director’s                                                fidential information should be physi-
                                             communications. Other types of infor-
actions on behalf of Universal’s                                                        cally secured and protected from
                                             mation may come from our custom-
best interests.                                                                         disclosure. This policy applies to paper
                                             ers, suppliers, or other third parties
                                                                                        documents as well as electronically
                                                                                        stored or transmitted information.

                 Conflicts of Interest                                                  Universal’s business involves the
                                                                                        furnishing of products and services
                                                                                        that are of prime importance to
Q I would like to purchase stock of one of Universal’s customers.                       our customers. The information
  The customer lists its securities on the New York Stock                               provided by customers is essential
  Exchange. As a salesperson, I sell tobacco to this customer,                          for Universal to provide the right
  among others. Assuming I do not have any important infor-
                                                                                        product or service to them. Under
  mation about the customer that is not available to the public, is
                                                                                        no circumstances should Universal
  it okay for me to buy their stock?
                                                                                        employees, officers, or directors
A In this case, you have avoided the issues raised in the “No                           improperly obtain, use, or disclose
  Insider Trading” section of this Code. But now you may have                           trade secrets or confidential infor-
  another issue. The potential purchase of stock could raise a                          mation of others. Our business
  conflict issue depending on the facts involved in your situation,                     associates provide us confidential
  including the amount of stock you would like to buy. If, for                          information because they trust us,
  example, you are planning to buy a lot of their stock, it could                       and we must constantly protect the
  raise the appearance of a conflict because it raises the possibility
                                                                                        trust we have earned.
  that you might give preferential treatment to the customer you
  invested in over the other customers you serve. Even if you                           Universal’s policies with respect
  sell tobacco with a pure intent, there could be the appearance                        to confidential information also apply
  that your personal financial interests are guiding the decisions
                                                                                        to former employees, officers, and
  you make in your job. Before making a large investment in
                                                                                        directors. While it is important that
  the customer’s stock, you should consult Universal’s Legal
  Department for advice.                                                                those people working for Universal

Handling Information and Assets with Integrity

follow these policies, when people            accurately, fairly, and in reasonable         public accounting firm for the
leave the Universal family they are           detail, the transactions and disposi-         purpose of making our financial
expected to honor their commitments           tions of Universal’s assets. In addi-         statements misleading.
to Universal and avoid disclosing or           tion, Universal requires the creation
                                                                                          The public puts their trust in Univer-
misusing the confidential information         and maintenance of a system of inter-
                                                                                          sal and accepts the fairness and
they obtained at Universal. Like              nal accounting controls for the
                                                                                          accuracy of the information we pro-
Universal’s physical assets, the con-         Universal family sufficient to provide
                                                                                          vide them. These policies help us
fidential information obtained at             reasonable assurance that:
                                                                                          earn and maintain the public’s trust.
Universal is valuable to Universal and
                                              • Transactions are executed in
must be treated as such.
                                                accordance with management’s
Finally, all Universal employees,               general or specific authorization;
officers, and directors must obey all         • Transactions are recorded as
applicable laws and Universal policies          necessary to permit preparation
with respect to retaining and dispos-           of financial statements in confor-
ing of records and other information.           mity with generally accepted
Some laws and Universal policies                accounting principles or any other
require that companies keep records             criteria applicable to such state-
for a certain period of time. It is             ments and to maintain accountabil-
important that you keep records                 ity for assets;
and other information for the period
                                              • Access to assets is permitted only
required, and when you consider                 in accordance with management’s
disposing of such information you               general or specific authorization;
confirm that such disposal would not            and
violate the applicable laws and pol-
                                              • Recorded accountability for assets
icies. If you have any question about
                                                is compared with the existing
the laws and policies that apply to
                                                assets at reasonable intervals and
records and other information, con-
                                                appropriate action is taken with
tact the Universal Legal Department.
                                                respect to any differences.

Reporting; Books and                          Universal also strongly maintains the
Records; Accounting                           following prohibitions:

Controls                                      • No false, artificial, or fictitious
                                                entries shall be made on the books
Universal Corporation requires
                                                or records of any company or
information from all members of the
                                                business in the Universal family for
Universal family in order to prepare
                                                any reason.
filings and publications for govern-
ment agencies, our shareholders,              • No payment on behalf of Universal
                                                shall be made or approved with the
and the investing public. Universal
                                                understanding that it will or might
requires that full, fair, accurate, timely,
                                                be used for something other than
and understandable disclosure be
                                                the stated purpose.
made with respect to reports and
documents filed with, or submitted            • No undisclosed or unrecorded fund,
to, the Securities and Exchange                 account, or asset of any Universal
Commission and other regulators,                family member may be maintained
and in other public communications              or established for any purpose.
made by Universal. Universal also             • No action may be taken, either
requires the companies in the Uni-              directly or indirectly, to fraudulently
versal family make and keep books,              influence, force, manipulate, or
records, and accounts that reflect              mislead our independent registered

At Universal, we strive to protect our most
important business asset: integrity. You are an
important part of our efforts. You must read and
understand this Code of Conduct. When you
have questions, you need to get help. And when
you see something wrong, you must speak up.
It takes all of us to accomplish our goals, and we
are counting on you.

Appendix: Toll-Free Number List
By phone dial your country’s toll-free service                                        If no toll-free service is provided in your country,
number. At the prompt, dial (866) 292 5224. There is                                  please dial the Compliance Hot Line in the United
no need to dial a “1” before this number.                                             States of America directly at +1 866 292 5224.

All phone numbers listed below are current as of July 26, 2012. For the most up-to-date list, please visit the following
link: https://www.universalcorp.com/compliance.

AT&T Direct Dial Access®                                                               Russia.......................................... 8^10-800-110-1011
 1. From an outside line dial the AT&T Direct Dial                                     Russia................................................8^495-363-2400
    Access® for your location:                                                         Russia................................................8^812-363-2400
 Brazil.................................................. 0-800-888-8288               Singapore (StarHub)............................800-001-0001
 Brazil.................................................. 0-800-890-0288               Singapore (SingTel)..............................800-011-1111
 Bulgaria...................................................00-800-0010                South Africa........................................ 0-800-99-0123
 China (GIS)............................................. 4006612656                   Spain........................................................900-99-0011
 Dominican Republic........................ 1-800-225-5288                             Switzerland...........................................0-800-890011
 Dominican Republic (Spanish Operator)......... 11-22                                  Turkey..................................................0811-288-0001
 Dominican Republic........................ 1-800-872-2881
 Germany........................................... 0-800-225-5288                     2.    At the prompt dial 866-292-5224.
 Greece......................................................00-800-1311               3.    The call will be answered in English. To
 Guatemala.................................................... 999-9190                      continue your call in another language:
 Hungary.............................................. 06-800-011-11                         1. Please state your language to request an
 India................................................................ 000-117                  interpreter.
 Indonesia...................................................001-801-10                      2. It may take 1–3 minutes to arrange for an
 Italy..........................................................800-172-444                     interpreter.
 Macedonia (F.Y.R).................................. 0800-94288                              3. During this time please do not hang up.
 Mexico........................................... 001-800-462-4240
 Mexico (Spanish Operator)........... 001-800-658-5454
 Mexico............................................. 01-800-288-2872
 Mexico (Por Cobrar)........................ 01-800-112-2020
 Nicaragua (Spanish Operator).................1-800-0164
 Paraguay (Asuncion City only)................008-11-800
 Philippines (PLDT)..............................1010-5511-00
 Philippines (Globe, Philcom, Digitel, Smart).. 105-11
 Philippines (Tagalog Operator)....................... 105-12
 Poland............................................. 0-0-800-111-1111
 Russia (St. Petersburg)................................. 363-2400
 Russia (Moscow).......................................... 363-2400

Direct Dial                                                                 If your country is not listed, please visit
From an outside line dial direct for your location:                         www.universalcorp.com/compliance for additional
                                                                            international telephone access codes.
 United States..................................... 1-866-292-5224
 Bangladesh...................................... +1-503-748-0657
 Malawi............................................. +1-503-748-0657
 Mozambique................................... +1-503-748-0657
 Tanzania.......................................... +1-503-748-0657
 United Arab Emirates................... +1-503-748-0657
 Zimbabwe....................................... +1-503-748-0657

Regional Compliance Teams
                  Africa                    Asia                   Dark Air Cured
                 Regional                 Regional                   Regional
              Compliance Team          Compliance Team            Compliance Team
                   Fabio Fedetto             Paul Beevor              Andrew Beal
                 Wayne Kluckow           Andrew Cuthbertson           Jens Böhning
                  Johan Knoester            Silvi Friestiani          Fritz Bossert
                 Neil Marlborough           Tonny Gharata           Matthias Glissmann
                   Doug Meisel            Siddhartha Godjali            Raul Perez
                    Gary Taylor           Rodney Miriyoga            Tom Stephenson
                                         Michee San Pascual
                                             Bradley Peall
                                           Arif Soemardjo
                                             Winston Uy
                                            Richard Wood

     Europe                  Socotab                 South America             North America
    Regional                 Regional                  Regional                  Regional
 Compliance Team          Compliance Team           Compliance Team           Compliance Team
  Enrique del Campo       Maria Angelova-Maillard       Fernando Brandt             Clay Frazier
  Domenico Cardinali           Richard Lopez           Cesar A. Bünecker           Mike Haymore
   Giorgio Marchetti          Nicolas Métais             Aldemir Faqui             Roland Kooper
  Donatella Pontarollo        Sandra Preston              Adam Fraser                Brian Pope
                           Christian Rasmussen         Silvia Eifert Haas          Hugh Trustham
                           Jonathan Wertheimer          Julio Mantovani             Ricardo Yudi
                                                        Valmor Thesing
                                                        Eduardo Trebien

Universal is proud of its commitment to compliance
and integrity. Please visit the Compliance page on
our corporate website for more information about the
Universal Global Compliance Program:
P.O. Box 25099
    Richmond, Virginia 23260

www. universalcorp.com

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