Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review

Page created by Jason Conner
Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review

2016 / 2017
Annual Review
Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
                                    About ChristchurchNZ..................................................... 3

                                    Highlights Summary......................................................... 4

                                    Chair’s Report................................................................. 5

                                    A word from ChristchurchNZ’s new Chief Executive........ 7

                                    Chief Executive’s Report................................................. 8

                                    Board of Directors........................................................... 9

                                    16/17 Highlights............................................................... 14

                                    The Year Ahead............................................................. 26

Christchurch: City of Opportunity                                                                                        2
Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
    ChristchurchNZ was established on 1 July       •	Attract visitors, migrants, students,
    2017 by the merger of Christchurch &              new business and investment through
    Canterbury Tourism (CCT), Canterbury              integrated marketing, major events and
    Development Corporation (CDC),                    conferences.
    International Education, the Convention
                                                   •	Ensure the business environment supports
    Bureau and the Christchurch City Council’s
                                                      successful and sustainable enterprise and
    Major Events team.
                                                      encourages creativity and innovation.
    Our organisation works to optimise the
                                                   ChristchurchNZ is fully owned by the
    economic and social opportunities that
                                                   Christchurch City Council, and is a Council
    tourism, major events, city promotion
                                                   Controlled Organisation. The Council and
    and economic development can bring to
                                                   ChristchurchNZ share a common vision;
    Christchurch and Canterbury.
                                                   ‘Christchurch is a city of opportunity, a
    We champion the city and regional
                                                   place that is open to new ideas, new people
    economies. We support prosperity,
                                                   and ways of doing things – a place where
    opportunity and a great quality of life in
                                                   anything is possible.’
    Christchurch and Canterbury by providing
    leadership and integration to:                 This publication looks back at our year as
                                                   we transitioned into ChristchurchNZ and
    •	Develop a strong city profile and promote
                                                   also highlights our delivery plans for the
       the city to residents, national and
                                                   next 12 months.
       international audiences.

Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
Highlights Summary
	The Business Growth Regional Business         	Influencing global travel sellers through 62
    Partners programme achieved a delivery            familiarisation tours (353 individuals from
    net promoter score of +71 (on a scale from        219 companies) and attendance at 20
    -100 to +100) – its best result since the         international trade events.
    programme started in Canterbury in 2010.
                                                  	The Job Ready Programme which
    The programme was also awarded “Best
                                                     matches businesses with international
    Performing Region 2016/17”.
                                                     students wanting to find employment after
	Joint venture partnership campaigns with          graduation, assisted 86 students, with 27
   Tourism New Zealand and Christchurch              placed in permanent employment and 30
   Airport were launched in the Australian           in internships.
   market, focused on Christchurch, touring
                                                  	Two public economic update events were
   and seasonality.
                                                     held, with the audience growing to an
	Support was provided to the business             average of 300 attendees per event. Two
    recovery programme in the Kaikoura and           editions of The Canterbury Report were
    Hurunui districts following the Kaikoura         published in hard copy and online, aligned
    earthquake, utilising the knowledge and          with the economic updates.
    experience gained through the Recover
                                                  	The Christchurch and Canterbury
    Canterbury programme.
                                                      Convention Bureau completed 24
	The visitor website            international and city bids and achieved a
    was refreshed with a new visual identity,         conversion rate of 38 percent, up from 27
    featuring new designs for key pages and           percent in the previous year.
    powerful imagery.
                                                  	The i-SITE Visitor Centre moved to a
	U19 Cricket World Cup 2018 was secured -         permanent location in the Arts Centre
    six games will be played at Hagley Oval, 17      and continued to receive high customer
    in Lincoln and three in Rangiora.                satisfaction ratings.

	A review and relaunch of the Christchurch      	A domestic campaign focusing on
   Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)              Christchurch’s “Pockets of Awesome” was
   and Background Paper was completed.               undertaken, attracting over 10,000 unique
   The 2017 CEDS has a strong focus on               visitors to the website.
   the city profile and being attractive to
                                                  	Considerable work was carried out
   residents, migrants, visitors and business
                                                     to prepare for the establishment of
                                                     ChristchurchNZ on 1 July 2017, including
                                                     the formation of a new board and
                                                     developing a strategy and business plan.

Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
Chair’s Report
                                               and Board. We had to quickly form          support. It is their dedication and
                                               common principles to provide focus         enthusiasm, alongside staff, which has
                                               for the Board and Management Team          led to a successful transition process.
                                               to govern a rapid moving transition
                                                                                          Thanks also to the combined staff
                                               process and simultaneously create
                                                                                          group for their hard work in delivering
                                               a platform for future strategic
                                                                                          on the vision and integration plans
                                               directions – all while delivering on
                                                                                          for the new organisation. In particular
                                               ‘business as usual’ contracts.
                                                                                          Tom Hooper, as Chief Executive of
                                               Leadership and integration were            Canterbury Development Corporation
                                               common themes around the Board             and Chief Executive of Transition
                                               table and formed the basis of the vision   Holdings Ltd, and Vic Allen, Interim
                                               and shared direction set out in the        Chief Executive of Christchurch &
                                               ChristchurchNZ Statement of Intent.        Canterbury Tourism.
    My first year as Chair has been
                                               By the end of the financial year we        Finally, I must acknowledge the long
    one of building foundations – it’s
                                               had delivered our key priorities as        history of CDC and CCT and their
    been quite a journey to get to
                                               set by shareholder Christchurch City       respective contributions to the
    this point.                                                                           economy. They leave behind a long
                                               Council. Key highlights for the Board
    I was appointed in September               included the organisation’s purpose        legacy of achievements and have
    2016 by Christchurch City                  and priorities, name and logo, the         provided a strong platform to launch
    Holdings Ltd (CCHL) to Chair               co-location of staff, a Statement of       ChristchurchNZ.
    the merger of the city’s tourism,          Intent and a strategy and business plan    My job as Chair has just begun.
    economic development,                      for the entity. We have got off to a       Making a difference in people’s lives is
    international education,                   good start.                                about leadership and action. We are
    conference and major event                 The Board is pleased to have               all ChristchurchNZ and success will
    functions.                                 welcomed Joanna Norris as                  only be achieved in partnership with
                                               ChristchurchNZ’s new Chief Executive       our stakeholders. Working collectively,
    This was a role I really wanted. The
                                               in October 2017. We are delighted          we can deliver the very best for
    combined entity just made sense to me.
                                               to have someone of Joanna’s calibre        Christchurch and Canterbury.
    I like the idea of a co-ordinated,         to lead the organisation. Passionate       Ng mihi,
    linked up approach. Integrating the        about Christchurch, Joanna brings
    city’s attraction of visitors, students,   exceptional leadership skills, vision
    business and investment simply             and strategic thinking to the role,
    must lead to better outcomes for           as well as a determination to              Dr Therese Arseneau
    the residents of Christchurch and          enhance the prosperity and lives of        Chair
    Canterbury.                                Christchurch and Canterbury people.        ChristchurchNZ Board
    By March 2017 we had converged             I would like to extend my sincere
    the Canterbury Development                 thanks to my Board colleagues,
    Corporation (CDC) and Christchurch         former CDC and CCT Directors and
    & Canterbury Tourism (CCT) Boards          members of the Transitional Project
    into a single company structure            Committee for their contribution and

Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
South Island Lantern Business Forum, held at the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral   6
Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
A word from
    new Chief Executive,
    Joanna Norris
    As the building blocks of our region are being re-laid, we are
    growing a strong city that will serve future generations well. I am
    delighted to join ChristchurchNZ and eager to help grow our
    city’s profile locally, nationally and internationally.

    We know we live in a stunning part of the world, but beautiful
    mountains and lovely beaches are not our full story. Our story
    is one of a progressive and diverse city in which we have fulfilling
    and innovative careers, cultural, demographic and ideological
    diversity, a strong economy, and rewarding lifestyles.

    The newly formed ChristchurchNZ team already has a strong
    programme of work underway and I look forward to delivering on
    the established business plan with such a talented and
    committed group of people.

    Joanna Norris
    Chief Executive

Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
Chief Executive’s Report
                                     Christchurch and Canterbury.               year; and the Christchurch Economic
                                                                                Development Strategy, which
                                     The merger and co-location into a
                                                                                identifies our priorities for growth
                                     single office environment went very
                                                                                as a city and how work programmes
                                     well and I want to acknowledge the
                                                                                contribute to them.
                                     commitment and enthusiasm from
                                     staff, and the work of the separate        The final change this year has been
                                     entities to meet existing levels of        for me. Having been at CDC for six
                                     service while coping with additional       years, the merger seemed a good
                                     merger work activities. I would like       time to move on to my next challenge.
                                     to thank Vic Allen who, in his role as     We need a Chief Executive to take
                                     interim chief executive of the tourism     ChristchurchNZ forward and commit
                                     entity, worked closely with me during      to the job for several years.
                                     the merger.
                                                                                In my role, I have had the opportunity
It’s been a year of very positive
                                     The second big change over the last        to work with many fantastic,
change, with Christchurch’s
                                     year has been experiencing the city        committed and clever people. In
central city coming alive
                                     rise from the rebuild and having our       particular, I would like to acknowledge
again and the creation of                                                       Dr Garth Carnaby for his wisdom and
                                     focus shift upwards and outwards;
ChristchurchNZ to support the                                                   stewardship as Chair of CDC during
                                     talking about how we can use the
city to succeed.                                                                my tenure, Dr Therese Arseneau
                                     $40 billion rebuild as a platform
It has been my pleasure to           to rebrand ourselves as a globally         for her support and outstanding
have had the dual role of            competitive city for visiting, migration   leadership throughout the merger
Chief Executive of Canterbury        and investment.                            process, and Mayor Lianne Dalziel for
Development Corporation                                                         always championing the economy of
                                     Christchurch will benefit from a
(CDC) and Chief Executive                                                       Christchurch.
                                     joined-up entity that uses major
of the holdings company              events and promotions in new ways to       I am looking forward to watching
managing the merger of CDC,          re-set the city’s profile and business     ChristchurchNZ evolve over the
Christchurch and Canterbury          services, supporting all parts of the      coming years. Moving on from the
Tourism (CCT), the Conference        economy under the one umbrella.            rebuild, we have a unique opportunity
Bureau, Christchurch City                                                       to realise Christchurch’s full potential.
                                     Over the last year staff worked
Council’s Major Events team and
                                     together on three new strategic
International Education into a
                                     work programmes to support
single entity.
                                     this change of focus, providing a
The city’s new promotions            strong foundation for the launch of
and development agency was           ChristchurchNZ. They are: the City         Tom Hooper
aptly named ChristchurchNZ           Narrative - developing a common            Interim Chief Executive
by staff and the Board. It works     language and story for Christchurch;       ChristchurchNZ
to optimise the economic and         the Major Events Strategy - a
social opportunities that tourism,   co-ordination of major events
major events, city promotion and     procurement and investment to
economic development can bring to    optimise outcomes over the whole

Creating - 2016 / 2017 Annual Review
Board of

    Dr Therese Arseneau (Chair)                Deputy Mayor Andrew Turner               Dave Hawkey
    1 October 2016 - current                   8 December 2016 - current                28 October 2016 - current
    (Appointed Chair 23 November 2017)

    Therese has wide-ranging governance        Born in the United Kingdom,              Dave was appointed as Chair of
    experience in New Zealand and              Andrew is a long-time resident of        Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism
    Canada. She is Chair of Ara Institute      Lyttelton and the Deputy Mayor of        in November 2012. His professional
    of Canterbury, a director of               Christchurch and Councillor for Banks    career has largely been in tourism,
    J Ballantyne & Company Limited, and        Peninsula. Before his involvement in     hospitality and education in both
    Chair of the Christchurch Symphony         local government in 2010, Andrew         the public and private sectors.
    Orchestra. She is a past Director and      established and successfully ran small   Dave established the International
    Chair of Enterprise North Canterbury.      businesses, having previously worked     Antarctic Centre in the early 90s
                                               in business development roles in         before becoming Marketing Director –
    Therese is a political scientist with
                                               emerging overseas markets.               Americas for Tourism New Zealand.
    extensive experience as a political
    and election night analyst in New          Andrew is a former Chair of              More recently Dave has been the
    Zealand and Canada. In 2011 she            the Lyttelton Harbour Business           Chief Executive of Real Journeys Ltd
    received the University of Canterbury      Association and a trustee of the         and director of numerous subsidiary
    (UC) Teaching Award for excellence         Otautahi Community Housing Trust,        companies, and Chair of two Regional
    in teaching and is a Senior Research       the Lyttelton Harbour Information        Tourism Organisations. He is the
    Fellow in Political Science at UC.         Centre Trust, the Rod Donald Banks       Chief Executive of the University of
                                               Peninsula Trust and the Okains Bay       Canterbury Students’ Association
    She holds a Doctorate and Masters
                                               M ori and Colonial Museum. He is a       as well as a Director of Ng i Tahu
    Degree in Politics at Oxford University,
                                               Director of Christchurch City            Tourism Ltd and UBS Canterbury.
    England, which she attended as a
                                               Holdings Ltd.
    Commonwealth Scholar.

Dr Grant Ryan                            Kaila Colbin                              Louise Edwards
21 May 2009 – current                    1 December 2016 – current                 19 December 2012 - current

Grant has founded a number               Kaila Colbin is the New Zealand           Louise is a Chartered Accountant
of technology companies                  Ambassador for Singularity University.    and Chief Executive of the R t
including (sold          She is a co-founder and Chair of the      Foundation. She has over 20 years
to NBCi), RealContacts (sold to          non-profit Ministry of Awesome, the       senior executive experience across
Intel), SLI Systems (NZX listed),        starting point to make things happen      industries in New Zealand and
Eurekster, YikeBike, PurePods and        in Christchurch; the Curator and          overseas, in particular the financial
HunchCruncher. He is currently           Licensee for TEDxChristchurch in          services sector. Her previous roles
working on The Cacophony Project,        New Zealand and TEDxScottBase in          have included Chief Executive of
which is an open source non-profit       Antarctica; Chair of the Board of the     Perpetual Trust and Chief Operating
project aimed at using new IT            New York-based Natural Gourmet            Officer for Assure NZ (an AXA
technologies to make NZ predator free.   Institute for Health and Culinary Arts;   subsidiary).
                                         Deputy Chair of CORE Education Ltd;
He has served on the boards of the                                                 Louise also maintains strong
                                         and a Climate Project Ambassador
Government’s Venture Investment                                                    community links through her work
                                         who trained with Al Gore.
Fund, the Foundation for Research                                                  with the Canterbury Business
Science and Technology,                  A native New Yorker, Kaila holds          Recovery Trust, University of
Powerhouse Ventures Ltd and on           a degree in Hotel and Restaurant          Canterbury Foundation, the
the Ministry of Science and              Administration from Cornell University    Christchurch Earthquake Children’s
Innovation’s advisory board.             and has been a serial entrepreneur        Trust and the New Zealand Council
                                         since the age of 22. Her purpose in       of Victim Support. She holds several
Grant has a degree in Mechanical
                                         life is to be an uplifting presence.      company board appointments.
Engineering and a PhD in Ecological
Economics from the University of

Board of

     Councillor Tim Scandrett                  Laura Meriluoto (Board Intern)
     8 December 2016 - current                 27 July 2016 - current

     Tim Scandrett is a second term            Laura Meriluoto is a Senior Lecturer
     Christchurch City Councillor              of Economics at the University of
     representing the Cashmere Ward.           Canterbury and programme director
     He has a background in event and          of the Business Economic major. She
     festival management and consultancy       created and ran MGMT 228 – Chinese
     and became involved with local            business practices and culture – for
     body politics as he likes to work with    five years.
     people to make things happen.
                                               Laura is the Director of Competition
     He enjoys putting his event               Law and Policy Institute of New
     management background to good use         Zealand and chairs the Advisory
     in helping secure great opportunities     Board of the Institute. She is the
     for our city. He is involved in several   outgoing chair of Global China
     groups which are working to make          Connection Canterbury Advisory
     our new city even better than before,     Board and has previously been a
     for example the Cathedral Square          member of the AIESEC Canterbury
     and Surrounds Regeneration Strategy       Advisory Board and University of
     Steering Group. Tim is also Chair         Canterbury Academic Board.
     of the Board at Vbase, the council
     company which runs Council venues
     and attracts events to the city.

Councillor Raf Manji                   Mayor Lianne Dalziel                     Raewyn Idoine
8 December 2016 - 8 June 2017          8 December 2016 - 8 June 2017            1 October 2016 - 8 August 2017
(Retired)                              (Retired)                                (Retired)

Raf is a two term Christchurch City    Hon Lianne Dalziel was first elected     Raewyn is a Director of the New
Councillor and Chair of the Finance    as the Mayor of Christchurch in          Zealand Tourism Board and Chair of
committee, focused on the Council’s    October 2013, after serving 23 years     the Ministry of Health Research Ethics
financial position and its post-       in the New Zealand Parliament.           Committee. She has significant senior
earthquake strategic direction and     She was a Cabinet Minister in the        level experience in the education,
risk management.                       5th Labour Government under the          tourism and health sectors, having
                                       leadership of Prime Minister Rt Hon      chaired the Local Government
He spent 11 years trading global
                                       Helen Clark (1999 – 2008). She was       Industry Training Organisation,
markets for investment banks in
                                       re-elected as Mayor in 2016.             been a director of the New Zealand
London. Since moving to New
                                                                                Blood Service and a board member
Zealand in 2001 he has been actively   Lianne served on the Transition
                                                                                of Learning State (the state sector
involved in community and business     Holdings board during the
                                                                                industry training organisation).
governance.                            establishment phase of
                                       ChristchurchNZ (to 30 June 2017)         Involved in a number of successful
With degrees in Economics and
                                       and is a director of Christchurch City   business start-ups, Raewyn
Political Science and a Masters in
                                       Holdings Ltd.                            established the Sir George Seymour
International Law and Politics, Raf
                                                                                National College of Tourism and
has spent many years examining         She has a law degree from the
                                                                                Travel. It now has six campuses,
the friction between the public        University of Canterbury and was
                                                                                over 1,000 students per year and
and private space, and is especially   admitted to the bar as a barrister and
                                                                                an impressive 94 percent student
interested in the reform of            solicitor of the High Court of New
                                                                                employment rate. Raewyn has won
monetary, welfare and tax systems      Zealand in 1984.
                                                                                both the New Zealand Tourism Award
and our political and constitutional
                                                                                and the New Zealand Marketing

13   Central city retail is open for business at The Crossing
The 2016/17 financial year was a       CDC and International Education          continues to guide the organisation
busy one for the organisations that    with Christchurch & Canterbury           and city’s long-term growth goals and
merged to form ChristchurchNZ.         Tourism (CCT) and the Christchurch       priorities to 2031. The CEDS vision is:
Each continued to deliver against      Convention Bureau and Christchurch       Christchurch: a place where people
their existing business plans while    City Council’s Major Events functions.   and enterprise choose to be.
working towards becoming one entity.
Highlights of the work from these      Significant preparation work included:   CEDS is collectively owned and
organisations are outlined on the      supporting the formation of a            delivered by ChristchurchNZ and
following pages.                       new Board; developing a strategy         20 implementation partners across
                                       and business plan; identifying and       the private and government sectors.
Creating ChristchurchNZ                developing integration opportunities;    With over 70 projects underway or
                                       identifying and preparing new            planned the strategy aims to prepare
The move to become ChristchurchNZ                                               and position Christchurch for rapid
                                       premises; amalgamating finance and
saw Canterbury Development                                                      technology change, climate change
                                       client management support systems
Corporation’s (CDC) holding company                                             and greater competition for visitation
                                       and aligning employment contracts.
renamed Transition Holdings Ltd                                                 and talent that New Zealand and the
and a single board structure put in    The Christchurch Economic                world is set to experience over the
place in preparation for merging       Development Strategy (CEDS)              next 15 years.

The vibrant BNZ Centre

 Economic                                        through the Recover Canterbury            	Supported development and
                                                 programme. Staff received                   delivery of major business events,
 Development and                                 recognition from the office of the          including Singularity University,
 Business Support                                Minister of Economic Development
                                                 for their invaluable support, expertise
                                                                                             Techweek’17, the Canterbury Tech
                                                                                             Summit and the Social Enterprise
 Many projects were undertaken                   and knowledge sharing.                      World Forum, significantly raising
 by Canterbury Development                                                                   the profile of Christchurch and our
 Corporation (CDC) in the                        Business Growth Regional                    high value, high tech and socially
 2016/17 year to drive economic                  Business Partner Programme                  conscious businesses and sectors.
 outcomes for Christchurch.
                                                 Partnered with the Canterbury
                                                                                           Economic research
                                                 Employers’ Chambers of Commerce,
 Strategic work
                                                 the Business Growth Regional              	Economic research expanded the
     	Delivered a strategic report on how       Business Partner Programme                  knowledge base of the city and
       the city can realise the economic         contract with New Zealand Trade and         informed organisational and wider
       potential of Canterbury’s regional        Enterprise and Callaghan Innovation         communications, including:
       innovation system. This guides            has been delivered with a very high
                                                                                            >	A reassessment of the
       priorities for enhancing the region’s     net promoter score of +71 (on scale
                                                                                               underlying economy model for
       innovation system and will help to        from -100 to +100). CDC worked with
                                                                                               the Christchurch Economic
       inform joint initiatives and priorities   332 businesses issuing 192 vouchers
                                                                                               Development Strategy
       with our innovation partners.             worth $407,500. CDC also matched
                                                                                               Background Paper and an
                                                 360 businesses with mentors,
     	Led the establishment of the                                                            analysis of the impact of baby
                                                 exceeding the annual target of 319.
       City Narrative Group to drive                                                           boomers on housing markets.
                                                 The programme was also awarded
       a consistent and co-ordinated
                                                 “Best Performing Region 2016/17”.          >	Research into a Chinese visitor
       approach to promoting the
                                                                                               prediction model; developing
       Christchurch story.
                                                                                               targeted marketing personas for
     	Worked with Development                                                                Christchurch and Canterbury
        Christchurch Limited and other           	Innovation hub GreenHouse has               using the International Visitor
        partners on an integrated service          been home to start-up businesses            Survey; a review of how other
        delivery model for business and            and has hosted well over 1,000              destinations have mitigated
        investment attraction.                     people from many innovation and             seasonality issues and
                                                   technology focused organisations            understanding constraints to
                                                   at events and meetings.                     visitor growth to inform policy
 Business support for Kaikoura
 and Hurunui districts                           	Two public economic update                  and investment.
                                                   events were held, with the              	A public value assessment on
 Support was provided to the business
                                                   audience growing to over 300              a cruise berth in Lyttelton
 recovery programme in the Kaikoura
                                                   attendees per event. Two editions         was completed, which led
 and Hurunui districts following the
                                                   of The Canterbury Report were             to Christchurch City Council
 Kaikoura earthquake, using the
                                                   published in hard copy and online,        committing $56 million to rebuild
 knowledge and experience gained
                                                   aligned with the economic updates.       cruise facilities at Lyttelton Harbour.

                                                                                                       New Zealand Food Innovation
                                                                                                       Network (South Island) Ltd, known
                                                                                                       as FoodSouth, is funded through
                                                                                                       CRIS Ltd and Callaghan Innovation
                                                                                                       and provides business development
                                                                                                       support to help food and beverage
                                                                                                       businesses grow. During the year it
                                                                                                       has continued to support businesses
                                                                                                       looking at new product development,
                                                                                                       commercial production process
                                                                                                       optimisation, exporting opportunities,
                                                                                                       regulatory compliance and market

                                                                                                       Powerhouse Ventures Limited
                                                                                                       Powerhouse Ventures Limited (PVL),
                                                                                                       the university-generated intellectual
                                                                                                       property commercialisation firm
                                                                                                       which CDC established and has been
Former Prime Minister Bill English experiences virtual reality in Christchurch during Tech Week 2017   a cornerstone investor in over the
                                                                                                       last decade, successfully listed on
                                                                                                       ASX in October 2016. It had a market
Christchurch Economic                                  of stakeholders – from rebuild to
                                                                                                       capitalisation of approximately A$30
Development Strategy                                   relaunching Christchurch as a city
                                                                                                       million at the time of listing. CDC had
                                                       of opportunity. This shift in focus
As a city we are moving from focusing                                                                  been a passive investor for the last
                                                       has been included in the 2017
inwards on the rebuild, to being                                                                       three years.
                                                       release with a strong emphasis
aspirational and outward focused.                      on city profile, being attractive to
This has been reflected in the release                 residents, migrants, visitors and
of an updated version of the CEDS:                     business investment.
   EDS and its Background Paper                    	The internal project management
  were reviewed during the year,                      office oversaw 26 projects
  and included considerable                           delivering on the CEDS, including
  stakeholder engagement. The                         the Hi-Growth Launch Programme
  process highlighted progress                        and the Innovation Precinct
  made and a change in the focus                      branding and website.

 Visitor Marketing
 Christchurch and Canterbury
 Tourism (CCT) continued to
 grow the visitor economy for the
 city and region over the 2016/17

 Consumer campaign activity
 A number of projects were
 undertaken to underpin all marketing
 activity, including a refresh of
 the Official Visitor Guide, photo
 shoots, and research to gain a
 better understanding of the visitor          Akaroa Black Cat Cruises
 experience in the city and the
 domestic perceptions of Christchurch.
                                              Domestic                                  Australia
 Specific consumer campaign activity
                                              We continued to build on two core         Joint campaigns targeted at the
 was carried out for three target markets:
                                              propositions to promote Christchurch      Australian market included:
 Local                                        and Canterbury in the domestic market:
                                                                                        	South Island Journeys – Tourism
 We aimed to educate and inspire              	Pockets of Awesome – CCT                  New Zealand and Christchurch
 locals to be ambassadors and                   partnered with New Zealand Media          International Airport Ltd partnered
 encourage domestic visitation.                 Entertainment to build awareness          with 14 South Island Regional
                                                of the concept of Pockets of              Tourism Operators, with a focus on was
                                                Awesome in the local and domestic         driving regional travel to the five
       launched in February 2017 as a
                                                market. Five videos were created,         promoted key journeys. Results
       central point where locals could
                                                posted on the new website and             included 271,378 website visits
       find information on things to do
                                                promoted through a Facebook               (194 percent of target) and 22,933
       and places to go. Content has
                                                campaign, ‘Share Your Awesome’.           referrals (200 percent of target).
       grown considerably and 10,000
       unique visitors have been attracted    	Walk Canterbury – CCT partnered         	Christchurch in next to no time –
       per month.                               with the Canterbury District              A joint venture with Christchurch
                                                Tourism Organisations to promote          International Airport Ltd and Tourism
     	The Pockets of Awesome
                                                walking as a special interest. Across     New Zealand targeted a subset
       e-newsletter has 15,000 subscribers.
                                                the campaign the website received         of Sydney and Melbourne visitors
                                                87,330 site visits.                       already travelling to the South Island.
                                                                                          Results included 87,235 website visits
                                                                                          and 5,313 referrals.

International trade activity
International trade activity aimed
to influence global travel sellers to
promote and grow Christchurch and
Canterbury within trade itineraries.
In 2016/17 CCT attended 23 events
in priority markets, including China,
South-East Asia, Australia, United
States and Singapore. Over 4,000
individual travel trade sellers
were trained.

Familiarisation programme
There were 62 famils hosted, made
up of 353 individuals from 219
companies, during the year.

Work with Inbound Tour
Projects to influence Inbound
Tour Operators (ITOs) included the
Regional Tourism Organisations NZ
Trade event, Tourism Council Export
NZ Board meeting in Christchurch,
Japanese ITO famil and a series of
Global ITO famils. The Top of the
South Campaign is a partnership with
Christchurch International Airport Ltd
and six Regional Tourism Operators.

Trade communication resources
We developed a series of webinars
with Tourism New Zealand and a
strategy around Kaikoura events.
Resources like Hotels Map, Farmstay
directory and Top of the South booklet
provided selling tools for the trade.

 China market activity
 CCT prioritised China, the second
 largest international visitor market for
 New Zealand. Activity included:

     	Consumer marketing strategy
       centred around social media. As
       a result, Weibo active users and
       engagement grew by 69 percent
       in the last year through content
       marketing and campaigns.

     	‘Upskill for China’, a new project for
       CCT in the 2016/17 year designed
       to increase industry preparedness
       for operators.

 Media activity
                                                Christchurch Lantern Festival
 In the last year CCT hosted 167
 domestic and international media
                                                Digital activity
 on famils.                                                                               Christchurch Lantern
                                                A number of key digital projects were     Festival
 Highlights:                                    carried out in the 2016/17 year.
                                                                                          The festival celebrates the end
      Chinese U-Tour – Social
     	                                         	Creating original content for           of the Chinese New Year period,
      Influencers                        has been             started in the city 11 years ago
      CCT helped Christchurch Airport             a focus for the team, driving           and has grown to become one
      host two key Chinese social                 social traffic for the organisation.    of our largest and most popular
      influencers in August 2016. Their           ChristchurchNZ Facebook has             festivals. Held on the 18 and 19
      posts were pushed to their                  grown from 29,000 to 38,000             February 2017, it attracted more
      social communities of 1.3 and 1.5           followers, Instagram from 13,000        than 60,000 visitors with an 85
      million followers and into a mini-          to 26,000 followers, while the new      percent visitor satisfaction rate.
      documentary.                                Pockets of Awesome Facebook page        There are plans to grow the event
      Sidarth Malhotra – Tourism New
     	                                           grew to 8,500 following in just seven   to become a South Island
      Zealand Indian Brand Ambassador             months. Growth on social media is       Lantern Festival.
      His coverage of Canterbury was              also attributed to the ongoing work
      viewed by over 3 million Instagram          being carried out with domestic and
      and 3.5 million Twitter followers.          social influencers.

                                                	Training sessions were held with
                                                  tourism operators to help increase
                                                  their digital capability.

Major Events                             City Promotions
The 2016/17 year saw an                  Promoting Christchurch to
increased focus on the                   residents and visitors is an
importance of major                      important way to build the
events in attracting visitors            city’s profile.
to Christchurch and the
                                         	Over 700,000 items of printed
Canterbury region, as well as
                                           city promotional material were
helping build Christchurch and
                                           distributed, including publications
Canterbury’s profile nationally
                                           such as the city mini-map and Avon
and internationally.
                                           River Guide to branded material
	A new team was established and           such as bags.
  the transition of the major events
                                         	There are over 300 banner sites
  portfolio from Christchurch City
                                           citywide, which were used for
  Council to ChristchurchNZ has
                                           general regalia decoration as well
  cemented a strong collaborative
                                           as to promote events such as NZ
  partnership as the two
                                           Cup and Show Week, the World
  organisations work together on
                                           Bowls Championships, The Pioneer,
  their respective event programmes.
                                           DHL Lions Tour, Canterbury
	A working group was established to       Crusaders Rugby and Le Race.
  develop a city-wide Major Events
                                         	The Findchch website, which was
                                           developed post-earthquake to
	A major win was securing the 2018        ensure residents and visitors are
  Under-19 Cricket World Cup games,        aware of all that Christchurch
  including New Zealand v Kenya            has to offer, has had increased
  on 17 January 2018. Six games will       traffic in the last year with 199,104
  be played at Hagley Oval, three in       sessions recorded.
  Rangiora and 17 in Lincoln.
                                         	Christmas 2016 saw the regular
	A strategy was developed and             central city Christmas decoration
  rolled out to support the growth         sites set up, as well as decorations
  of Lantern Christchurch, which           being designed and installed in the
  includes the very successful             Botanic Gardens for the first time.
  business forum and lantern festival.
  The key focus is on the event’s
  investment framework, integration
  into the central city and potential
  as an attractor for business,
  culture, arts, education and

 International                               Student experience                         Launched in 2016, out of the 86 job
                                             programme                                  seekers trained by the Job Ready
 Education                                                                              Programme, 30 are now in internships
                                             Christchurch has the most extensive        and a further 27 have found
 International Education                     student experience programme in the        permanent employment.
 continues to play an important              country, with 10 City Ambassadors,
 part in the city’s economy, with            five City Social Media Ambassadors
 student numbers continuing to                                                          China marketing activity
                                             and five City Content Marketers.
 increase.                                   The City Ambassadors welcome               A marketing mission to China in
 Work in this area is guided by the          the students at the airport and            October 2016 raised awareness
 Canterbury International Education          plan cultural and volunteering             of Christchurch as an education
 Destination 2025: Strategy Leadership       opportunities throughout the year          destination, built agent relationships,
 Accord, made up of Canterbury               to encourage students to engage            supported preferred agents and
 education providers. The vision             with the local community. The media        developed provincial government
 is for Canterbury to be a globally          interns continually update agent           partnerships.
 connected region for international          contacts and offshore partners by
                                                                                        Six schools, six private tertiaries,
 education, providing enhanced               spreading the word of our students’
                                                                                        Canterbury’s three public tertiaries
 student opportunities and outcomes          experiences internationally.
                                                                                        and two representatives from the
 with enduring benefits for the                                                         Christchurch Educated membership
 community.                                  International student app                  body travelled to China as part of
                                             To help students feel welcome a            the mission. The region had a booth
 Student numbers                             Students’ Guide to Christchurch App        at Education New Zealand Agent
                                             has been developed that includes           Seminars in Chengdu, Beijing and
 The international education sector
                                             arrival information, events, discounts     Guangzhou to promote Canterbury.
 has been experiencing strong growth
 in the last two years, with a 7.8           and connection to City Ambassadors.        Canterbury Agent Awards were
 percent increase in student numbers         Prospective students can see all that      instigated to recognise top
 from 2015 to 2016 to reach 11,428.          Christchurch has to offer and chat         performing agents and their support
                                             with a local before arrival in the city.   of the region, update them on
 Canterbury International Education          The app was launched in 2016 and           opportunities in Christchurch and
 Leadership Accord, in partnership with      has been downloaded 1,830 times            provide a forum for networking. The
 Christchurch Educated, Canterbury           since its release.                         success of the awards means they will
 Development Corporation and
                                                                                        become an annual event.
 Education New Zealand, met its
                                             Job Ready Programme
 strategic target for 2016 of $310 million                                              In addition to the mission, there were
 economic value add for the region.          The Job Ready Programme matches            six famils hosted and support given
                                             businesses wanting to make use             to agent events in Auckland, India and
 While these figures are positive,
                                             of local talent with international         Thailand.
 there is still work to be done as
                                             students in Canterbury.
 Christchurch is only at eight percent
 of the country’s market share
 compared to 15 percent pre-quake.

Visitors from China enjoying Hagley Park   22

23           Central city laneways coming to life
Industry                              	Advocating for the                      Christchurch
                                        re-establishment of cruise ships
partnerships                            into Lyttelton and helping to           i-SITE Visitor
During the 2016/17 year
                                        maintain cruise activity in Akaroa
                                        through industry partnerships
Christchurch & Canterbury
                                        with cruise operators, Tourism          The Christchurch i-SITE Visitor
Tourism continued to work with
                                        New Zealand and Lyttelton Port          Centre is part of New Zealand’s
Convention Bureau business
                                        Company.                                official Visitor Information
partners, general partners
                                                                                Network and provides
and businesses critical to
                                                                                an impartial information
the success of marketing the
region locally, nationally and
                                      Christchurch                              and booking service for
internationally.                      and Canterbury                            Christchurch, Canterbury and
                                                                                the rest of New Zealand.
Activity included:                    Convention                                Highlights for 2016/17 included:
	Hosting national tourism            Bureau                                    	Moving the Christchurch i-SITE
  stakeholders to showcase the
                                      Throughout 2016/17 the                      from a temporary location at the
  city, including the Tourism
                                      Christchurch and Canterbury                 Christchurch Botanic Gardens
  Export Council Board, Tourism
                                      Convention Bureau has                       to the Arts Centre on Worcester
  New Zealand Board and Senior
                                      continued to promote the                    Boulevard.
  Management, Cruise NZ Chief
  Executive Officer and Chair and     city and region as a premier              	Maintaining high customer
  representatives from Tourism        destination for conferencing.               satisfaction ratings across all
  Industry Aotearoa.                  Activities have included:                   services.

	Engaging regularly with regional    	Completing 24 international and         	Updating all i-SITE collateral
  councils to align activities.         city bids.                                including maps, wayfinding, digital
                                      	Increasing Convention Bureau              media and print media to reflect
	Representing the city at national
                                        partnership numbers to                    the new location.
  tourism forums, including:
  Regional Tourism Organisations,       pre-earthquake levels –                 	Installing a digital screen at the
  Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Cruise     77 partners, up from 69 the               i-SITE to promote business
  Association NZ, NZ Conventions        previous year.                            partnership and marketing
  Bureau and Conventions and          	Achieving a bid conversion rate           campaign messages, creating
  Incentives NZ.                        of 38 percent for the year end            additional revenue and more space
                                        2016/17 – up from the 27 percent          for brochures.
	Organising and hosting eight
  update and networking functions       in the previous year. This is a clear   	Increasing the offer of products
  for tourism and convention bureau     indicator of confidence returning to      in the i-SITE from our Business
  industry representatives.             the business events sector.               Partners.

25   The Tannery shopping centre in Woolston
The Year
The benefits of bringing together       Profile and
the city’s tourism, events, economic                                             Christchurch: A city of
development and city promotion          promotion                                opportunity
functions have just started to
                                        Developing a strong, positive            We’re telling Christchurch’s new
be realised with the different
                                        city profile and promoting               story; about a city that is proud
organisations beginning to work
                                        it to residents, national and            of its past and equipped for
closer together in the past year, in
                                        international audiences is a             the future. A city that provides
anticipation of the establishment of
                                        priority for ChristchurchNZ.             residents and visitors with the
ChristchurchNZ on 1 July 2017.
                                                                                 opportunity to:
As a combined entity, we have           A city narrative
more scale and a better ability to                                               Grow
                                        Christchurch has a new story to
rally resources and respond to                                                   	
                                                                                  You can have the freedom
                                        tell, the city is no longer a quake
opportunities, helping us support                                                 to create new things, have
                                        city but New Zealand’s oldest and
prosperity, opportunity and a great                                               meaningful work and bring ideas
                                        newest city; a city of opportunity
quality of life in Christchurch and                                               to life – a city of learning and
                                        offering residents, visitors, students
Canterbury.                                                                       development.
                                        and businesses the chance to grow,
Our goals, and those of the city, are   connect and find balance.                Connect
guided by the Christchurch Economic
                                        An important objective of                	
                                                                                  Christchurch is well connected
Development Strategy (CEDS), which
                                        ChristchurchNZ, its partners and          within the city, to the rest of
brings together multiple agencies
                                        other key stakeholders over the           the country and the rest of the
to achieve a vision, that by 2031,
                                        coming year is to refine and promote      world – we have a community
Christchurch is a place where people
                                        the city narrative. We will:              spirit and a collaborative
and enterprise choose to be.
                                        	Lead the Christchurch Narrative         approach.
Over the coming year our focus will
                                          Steering Group to refine and
be realising more of the benefits of                                             Find balance
                                          promote the narrative as a tool
working together, consolidating our
                                          to promote the city and attract        	
                                                                                  Christchurch provides healthy
activities and putting in place the
                                          visitors, students, businesses and      living and easy interaction with
systems and processes to ensure
                                          investment.                             nature. We are a modern city
ChristchurchNZ is able to deliver the
                                                                                  built for modern living – New
best possible outcomes for the city     	Develop and promote a toolkit
                                                                                  Zealand’s most pedestrian
and region.                               of images, video, text and other
                                                                                  and cycle friendly central city,
We will be delivering against our                                                 surrounded by stunning natural
business plan priorities, organised     	Deliver coordinated marketing           features.
into three areas: profile and             and communication campaigns
promotion; attraction; and business       for residents, and domestic and
support and economic development.         international visitors, aligned to
                                          the narrative and in support of
Here’s how we will work towards our
                                          Christchurch International Airport.
goals over the coming year.

The Year
 A great visitor and residents’               Attraction                                    	Leverage the opportunities of
 experience                                                                                   working alongside domestic and
                                              Today Christchurch has a                        international tourism marketing
 Enhancing the visitor experience and         busy economy, with positive                     experts.
 creating a sense of local pride in the       population growth and
 city is one of the most powerful ways                                                      	Develop the city’s major events
 to lift Christchurch’s profile nationally                                                    strategy.
 and internationally.                         We know the economy will continue
                                                                                            	Maintain our national share of the
                                              to transition, from accelerated
 To do this, ChristchurchNZ will:                                                             conference market by preparing
                                              growth driven by rebuild investment
                                                                                              30 international city business
     	Continue to provide high quality       to one driven by an underlying
                                                                                              event bids, hosting conference
       customer services through our          economy. The economy will also be
                                                                                              and incentive buyer groups and
       i-SITE locations and encourage         impacted by global trends such as
                                                                                              providing familiarisation sessions
       visitors to stay longer and spend      an aging population, accelerating
                                                                                              for conference buyers.
       more within Christchurch and           technological disruption, climate
       Canterbury.                            change and intensified competition
                                              for visitors and workers.
     	Deliver a city promotions work                                                        ChristchurchNZ’s events
       programme to residents and             To maintain Christchurch’s economic            programme for 2017/18
       visitors that showcases the vibrancy   growth, it is essential for the city and
                                                                                               New Zealand Cup and Show Week
       of the city, including our annual      region to continue to attract visitors,
       programme of events and festivals.     migrants, students, new business and            	
                                                                                               Rugby League World Cup 2017
                                              investment. We will do this through
                                                                                               International Cricket season
 Influencing international                    integrated marketing, major events
                                              and conferences.                                 Street Prints Otautahi
 trade and media
                                              Attraction will be a priority for               	
                                                                                               ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup
 Promotion of the city is ongoing
                                              ChristchurchNZ throughout 2017/18
 through the social influencers                                                               	
                                                                                               World Buskers Festival 2018
                                              and beyond.
 programme, offshore trade
                                                                                               Kathmandu Coast to Coast
 events alongside key partners
 such as Tourism New Zealand and              Attract major events and                         Christchurch Lantern Festival
 Christchurch International Airport           conferences                                      and Business Forum
 Ltd and high-quality media content.          Events of scale deliver economic                	
                                                                                               Christchurch Casino Golden
 Heightened work is underway in               prosperity and raise the profile of the          Oldies Sport Celebration 2018
 China to tap into the growing market,        city, attract visitors to the region and
 all while remaining a key player in the                                                      	
                                                                                               ASB Christchurch Marathon
                                              leave a positive legacy for residents. Over
 national tourism ecosystem.                  the coming year ChristchurchNZ will:

                                              	Deliver a scheduled programme
                                                of major events (see text box to
                                                the right).

World class Rugby League teams come to Christchurch for the Rugby League World Cup 2017   28
The Year
                                           Attract visitors                          Attract international students
     Christchurch’s visitor
                                           Attracting more visitors who spend        International students are attracted
     strategy has four aims:
                                           more and stay longer provides             to Christchurch by the established
      Developing a visitor aspiration      economic benefits and reduces             quality and reputation of our
      for Christchurch and Banks           pressure on the peak-season. Over         education providers, the vibrancy
      Peninsula, and identifying the       the coming year we will:                  and energy of the city and our open,
      strategic direction required to                                                friendly and welcoming reputation.
                                           	Implement the Christchurch
      achieve it.
                                             Visitor Strategy (see side box for      In turn, international students bring an
      Securing the autonomy,                 summary).                               injection of talent, diversity, economic
      authority and funding required                                                 growth and energy to the city.
                                           	Deliver a tourism marketing
      to deliver the visitor aspiration.     programme that drives domestic          Throughout 2017/18, ChristchurchNZ
      Promoting joined up thinking           visitation through a strong local       will support the growth of
      and action across activities           engagement programme.                   international student volume and value
      with an attraction/promotion                                                   in Canterbury. We will:
                                           	Strengthen our relationship and
      focus.                                 engagement within the tourism           	Provide strategic leadership and
      Rebuilding Christchurch’s brand        industry, including upskilling            advocacy for the sector through
      internally and externally.             frontline staff and building on           the Canterbury International
                                             strategic partnerships with               Education Strategy Leadership
     The strategy is available at            Christchurch International Airport        Accord and Christchurch Educated.                   Ltd and Tourism New Zealand.
                                                                                     	Build strong national and regional
                                           	Increase international awareness          relationships between the
                                             and preference for Christchurch           international education sector,
                                             and Canterbury as a destination           government agencies, other
                                             through international media               industry sectors and iwi.
                                             engagement, famil and hosting
                                                                                     	Provide clear pathways for
                                             opportunities, digital campaigns,
                                                                                       international students through school
                                             website development and targeted
                                                                                       to higher education to employment in
                                             international travel trade marketing.
                                                                                       areas of regional strength.
                                           	Research and develop a plan to
                                                                                     	Build the value proposition for
                                             reduce visitor seasonality.
                                                                                       target markets and strengthen
                                           	Provide residents and visitors with       international partnerships.
                                             information about visiting, living,
                                                                                     	Lead the sector to increase
                                             working and doing business in
                                                                                       investment and engagement in
                                                                                       collaborative activities and deliver
                                                                                       excellent student experiences.

Attract investment
Making investment into Christchurch
easy for businesses, entrepreneurs
and investors will enable economic
growth. Over the next year we will work
with partners, including Development
Christchurch Limited, to:

	Expand the business and
  investment enquiry and response

	Identify Christchurch’s areas of
  competitive advantage with the
  potential to grow, scale and add

	Identify opportunities and investors
  to develop new city assets to
  enhance future international
  relevance to migrants, visitors,
  international students, business
  and investment.

	Develop evidence-based business
  cases and investment proposals to
  attract or encourage investment.

                                          Renowned international guest speaker Andy Cunningham at the Canterbury Tech Summit

The Year
 Business support                  Support businesses                      Provide evidence-based
                                                                           economic knowledge
 and economic                      ChristchurchNZ provides businesses
                                   with a range of services addressing     Over the coming year we will
 development                       specific needs including building       provide the business community
                                   capability, research and development,   and government sector with region-
 More than 80 percent of
                                   support and networking, and             specific knowledge of economic
 businesses in our region are
                                   professional development services.      conditions and trends, drivers of
 small-to-medium enterprises,
                                   Over the coming year we will:           growth and key opportunities. We will:
 employing fewer than 50 people.
 Part of our role is to support    	Provide business support services     	Provide economic insights and
 these businesses to succeed,        to 600 local businesses, including      knowledge through regular events,
 grow and innovate to deliver        through the Business Growth             publications and reports.
 greater economic growth and         Regional Business Partner
                                                                           	Deliver a trusted and in-depth
 employment back to the city.        Programme.
                                                                             economic research programme on
 We do this through targeted
                                   	Provide business mentoring              regional issues and opportunities
 support, providing evidence-
                                     services to 300 businesses.             and expand our knowledge-base to
 based knowledge and creating
                                                                             include the visitor economy.
 a shared economic vision for      	Provide knowledge and support for
 Christchurch.                       businesses to enhance productivity,   	Conduct a review of information,
                                     reduce waste, improve profitability     products and channels to ensure
                                     and embed change management             people are getting the right
                                     practices.                              information in the right way.
                                   	Support organisations aimed at
                                     increasing industry leadership,       Create a shared vision for our
                                     collaboration and growth, such as     economic future
                                     FoodSouth who provide product         Our goals and those of the city, are
                                     testing and education services to     guided by the Christchurch Economic
                                     food producers to help move the       Development Strategy (CEDS), which
                                     economy into value-add export         brings together over 20 agencies
                                     markets.                              to deliver more than 80 projects
                                   	Monitor the needs of tourism,         to drive prosperity for the city. The
                                     events and international sectors      collaboration across multiple agencies
                                     to determine whether new              is a key strength of the strategy and
                                     programmes should be developed.       unlike any of its kind in New Zealand.

                                   	Use Workforce Business Champions      ChristchurchNZ will continue to
                                     to help businesses engage with        lead, monitor and deliver the strategy
                                     education providers and continue to   throughout the coming year and will:
                                     chair the Workforce Advisory Group.

Develop a plan for the                     	Promote Christchurch’s high-
  implementation of the Christchurch           value and high-tech offering to
  Visitor Strategy.                            grow the scale and increase the
                                               flow of business, investment and
	Review and update the CEDS.
                                               talent into Christchurch. This
	Establish a CEDS Leadership                  will include promoting the Tech
  Group to improve coordination                Story resources, developing the
  of information and drive project             Canterbury Tech Summit and
  delivery at a city level.                    TechWeek, and leveraging the
                                               New Zealand Hi-Tech Awards as
Raising the profile of                         a major event.
Christchurch’s innovation
Canterbury has a thriving innovation
system, with skilled, creative and
entrepreneurial people and strong
research and tertiary institutions.
The region produces high numbers
of patents and a high proportion
of employment is in knowledge and
technology intensive industries. Our
aim is to improve the connectedness
and profile of Christchurch’s
innovation and entrepreneurial
system. In the coming year we will:

	Develop GreenHouse, the
  Innovation Precinct and the Health
  Precinct as city assets to help bring
  the innovation system to life.

	Create an entrepreneurial ‘landing
  pad’ to enable business, talent and
  investment to easily flow into the city.

	Create opportunities for young
  people, business, researchers,
  educators, government and
  communities to interact and
  engage in innovative thinking.

The Year
 Embedding                                 Organisational systems and
                                           To deliver our work programme we
 Over the coming year we will              will introduce fit-for-purpose systems
 continue to establish the                 and processes. We will:
 organisation through our
                                           	Identify and implement finance, HR
 medium-term strategy and
                                             and IT systems that meet the needs
 develop systems and processes
                                             of the new organisation.
 to allow the new organisation to
 best deliver its work programme.          	Develop internal communication
                                             tools to support a positive, delivery-
 Develop a medium-term                       focused organisational culture.
 strategy                                  	Implement an integrated project
 Throughout 2017/18 we will complete         and contract management system.
 a series of planning milestones to
 enable efficient delivery of our
 business goals. This will include:

 	Developing our medium-term

 	Developing our communications
   and engagement strategy, including
   reviewing information products
   and channels to ensure audiences
   receive information they value
   through the most effective

 	Rolling out a strong ChristchurchNZ

 	Developing an organisational culture
   that supports productivity and
   delivery of our strategic objectives.

The Terrace development is starting to take shape in the CBD
BNZ Centre, Level 3
101 Cashel Street
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: +64 3 379 5575
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