LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
Adult Education

Guilford College
Merrist Wood College
Farnham College
LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
WHY CHOOSE                                                                                              OUR LEARNING VENUES
           ACTIVATE LEARNING?                                                                                      IN SURREY
                                                                                                                     We have learning venues spread across Surrey, so whether you’re studying locally
           Follow your passion for artistic expression, learn a foreign                                              or online, our lessons are delivered to you at a time and place convenient to you.
           language, upskill for a promotion or retrain for a new                                                    Find out more at adult.activatelearning.ac.uk
           career. At Activate Learning, we have a range of courses
           designed to fit around your lifestyle commitments.
           Our colleges are local to you and offer           Looking for a professional course
           flexible learning options to work around          or a university qualification?
           your schedule. Our campuses offer                 Our undergraduate and professional                                                            A1(M)
           you a welcoming environment with                  programmes are awarded by our leading                                            M1
           high-specification facilities to fire up          partner universities and awarding bodies.
           your learning.                                                                                                            M40
                                                             Whether it’s personal, intellectual or                                                        M25
           You will be taught by our tutors who have         professional development you’re after,
           a wealth of experience behind them. You           let us help you achieve your goals!
           don’t have to take our word for it, read for                                                                                                 LONDON
           yourself on the ‘Meet the tutors’ section                                                                   M4                                                  M2
           of our website!                                                                                                  Merrist Wood                      M25
                                                                                                                                  Guildford             M23

           INSIDE THIS GUIDE                                                                                       Farnham

                       Essential Skills                 Arts and Crafts                  Accountancy

                       English and maths                Media, IT and                    Activate Cycle Academy
    Basic Skills and

                       GCSEs                            Science
                                                                                         Care and Counselling
    Access to HE

                       Access to Higher                 Outdoor
                                                                                         Hairdressing and Beauty

                       NCFE CACHE Distance
                                                                                         Sports Coaching
                                                                                         and Fitness
                       Community Wellbeing                                                                             Guildford College, Stoke Road, Guildford,
                                                                                         Teaching and                  Surrey, GU1 1EZ
                                                                                         Education                     Merrist Wood College, Holly Lane, Worplesdon,
                                                                                                                       Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE
                                                                                                                       Farnham College, Morley Road, Farnham GU9 8LU

LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
ESSENTIAL SKILLS                                                                           ENGLISH AND
    Do you want to strengthen your skills in                                                   MATHS GCSES
    English, maths or IT?
    Activate Learning’s essential skills
                                                 Functional skills (English,                   Get the grade you always wanted on our
    courses provide an opportunity to
    gain an internationally recognised           maths and digital)                            part-time English and maths GCSE courses.
    qualification, helping you gain the skills
                                                 If you wish to strengthen and become
    and confidence you need to succeed.
                                                 more confident with your maths, English
                                                                                               If you don’t already hold an English            Our courses are part-time with
                                                 and digital skills, we can help. Our
    Basic work skills                            functional skills qualifications focus
                                                                                               or maths GCSE grade 4 (C) or higher,
                                                                                               you can study your GCSE qualification
                                                                                                                                               weekday, daytime and evening
                                                                                                                                               options available, specially designed
                                                 on developing practical skills and
    Learn the skills to get back into work or                                                  with Activate Learning completely free of       so you can fit studying around your
                                                 knowledge, useful in work and everyday
    retrain. We offer a wide range of short                                                    charge.                                         life and work.
                                                 life. Our functional skills courses are
    courses delivered by experienced tutors
                                                 offered in English, maths and digital. If     We know there are many reasons why              Achieve your qualification from home
    to help you develop the critical skills
                                                 you don’t have a GCSE grade 4 (C) or          people don’t achieve a grade 4 (C) in           with our new online English GCSE and
    employers require. Receive help with job
                                                 above in maths or English you can study       their English or maths GCSE the first time      maths GCSE courses. The level of
    searching, study digital literacy, improve
                                                 for free. .                                   around. Luckily, it’s never too late to try     support and expert teaching is the same
    your CV or learn new skills in a different
                                                                                               again.                                          that you would receive from an OFSTED
    sector. We access a number of funds
                                                                                                                                               rated ‘Good’ provider, but with greater
    which means a lot of our courses are free                                                  Whether it’s to get better qualifications for
                                                         For more information                                                                  freedom to take control of your learning.
    of charge to adult learners.                                                               further or higher education, improve your
                                                         Call us on 0800 612 6008 or                                                           With more flexibility around your study
                                                                                               employability, or simply to prove you can,
                                                         visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/                                                   methods, you can set your own schedule
    ESOL and EFL                                         essentials
                                                                                               taking GCSEs in adulthood is a great
                                                                                               way to regain your confidence, build your
                                                                                                                                               and work at your own pace, balancing
                                                                                                                                               learning with your busy life.
    If your first language isn’t English, we                                                   skills and bolster your CV.
    have courses to help improve your
    fluency. We have ESOL (English for
                                                                                                                                                       For more information
    Speakers of Other Languages) and EFL
                                                                                                                                                       Call us on 0800 612 6008 or
    (English as a Foreign Language) courses
                                                                                                                                                       visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/
    at multiple levels to help improve your      SCAN TO
    English-language skills for life, work or    LEARN MORE
    education. Our courses cover all aspects
    of English language: speaking and
    listening, reading and writing, grammar,
    vocabulary and pronunciation.                                                                                                              SCAN TO
                                                                                                                                               LEARN MORE

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
ACCESS TO HIGHER                                                                            NCFE CACHE DISTANCE
    EDUCATION                                                                                   LEARNING COURSES
    Discover your fast-track route to university.                                               LEVEL 2 ONLINE COURSES
    Want to be at university this time next      We recognise the pressures on mature
    year but don’t have the qualifications?      learners, such as work, family and
    Invest in yourself with an Access to         childcare commitments, can make
    Higher Education qualification.              finding the time to study difficult. Our       Learn a new skill with free online courses!
                                                 flexible classroom-based courses are
    Activate Learning will help you develop                                                     From September 2021. Activate Learning        »   NCFE Certificate in Principles of
                                                 offered on a full- and part-time basis. Our
    the knowledge, skills, confidence and                                                       will be offering FREE* distance learning          Dementia Care Level 2: Online
                                                 highly experienced team are committed
    dedication to progress onto a degree                                                        courses, designed to help you learn new
                                                 to supporting you through your studies                                                       »   NCFE Certificate in Understanding
    level courses in just one year. Access to                                                   skills and boost your career prospects
                                                 including any funding, career and                                                                Autism Level 2: Online
    HE courses are designed especially for                                                      within counselling, caring and nursing
                                                 learning support you may need.
    adult learners aged 19+ who might have                                                      related sectors.                              »   NCFE Certificate in Understanding
    been out of education a while or wish        We offer both campus-based courses at                                                            Behaviour that Challenges Level 2:
    to return to education to change career.     your local college or new online courses,      Learn at a time that suits you without the
    There is no upper age limit and it’s never   meaning that you can study at a time and       need to attend college. Our self-directed,
    too late to learn.                           pace to suit you and your lifestyle.           independent study courses are fully online,   »   NCFE Certificate in Understanding
                                                                                                providing a flexible approach to learning         Nutrition and Health Level 2: Online
                                                 Throughout your time on the programme,         that puts you in control. Study from the
                                                 we will provide support through a                                                            »   NCFE Certificate in Understanding Safe
    Key programme features:                                                                     comfort of your own home at a pace and
                                                 personal tutor and online tutorials, as well                                                     Handling of Medication Level 2: Online
                                                                                                style that fits around your lifestyle. You
    »   One-year programme                       as through our telephone hotline. We will      won’t be alone; our experienced tutors will   »   NCFE Certificate in Understanding
                                                 work with you to develop a study plan so       be on hand with support and guidance              Safeguarding and Prevent Level 2:
    »   Supportive personal tutor
                                                 that you can meet coursework deadlines         every step of the way.                            Online
    »   Equivalent to three A Levels,            and schedule study time around your
        which means you can achieve              other responsibilities.                        Courses include:
        the UCAS points you need for                                                                                                                   For more information
                                                                                                »   NCFE Certificate in Awareness of
        university                                                                                                                                     Call us on 0800 612 6008 or
                                                                                                    Mental Health Problems Level 2: Online
                                                          For more information                                                                         visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk
    »   Designed exclusively for adults                   Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit     »   NCFE Certificate in Children and Young             *terms and conditions apply, see
    »   Widely recognised and                             adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/access       People’s Mental Health Level 2: Online             website for more information.
        accepted by UK universities                                                             »   NCFE Certificate in Counselling Skills
    »   Study for FREE with an                                                                      Level 2: Online
        Advanced Learner Loan                                                                   »   NCFE Certificate in Personal Care
    »   Designed to fit around your                                                                 Needs Level 2: Online
        lifestyle                                SCAN TO
                                                                                                »   NCFE Certificate in Principles of
                                                 LEARN MORE                                         Business Administration Level 2:
                                                                                                                                              SCAN TO
                                                                                                                                              LEARN MORE
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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
    Boost your wellbeing with our free,
    government-funded courses.
    Our community wellbeing courses are           We also offer online community wellbeing
    tailored to support your journey to good      courses with two types of classes to
    emotional health as well as develop           choose from. In our online self-directed
    your skills, knowledge and confidence.        sessions, you will be learning from
    Participation can help those managing         recorded videos and other carefully
    mental health conditions that have a          curated resources, at a pace and time
    mild-moderate impact on their day             that suits you. Or you could try our live
    to day lives.                                 online sessions, where you’ll meet with
                                                  your tutor and fellow learners virtually.
    Offered in a range of exciting subjects
    including photography, flower arranging,
    animal management, gardening and
                                                          For more information
    art, you’ll have the opportunity to learn
                                                          Call us on 0800 612 6008
    something new, meet new people and
                                                          email communitywellbeing@
    de-stress! Our courses have been
                                                          activatelearning.ac.uk or visit
    designed to develop your skills and
    increase your self-esteem, promoting
    ways to enable you to build resilience
    and manage your mental health.
    You don’t need any prior knowledge
    or experience in your chosen subject,         SCAN TO
    everyone is welcome including                 LEARN MORE
    beginners, those wishing to refresh their
    skills and the more experienced. Classes
    are delivered at a gentle pace with lots of
    support from our friendly tutors.

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
LEARNING FOR LEISURE                                                                           LEARNING FOR LEISURE

     ARTS AND CRAFTS                                                                                MEDIA, IT, AND SCIENCE
     Looking to learn a new skill or hone your                                                      Our courses, professional equipment and cutting-edge
     existing talents in the arts?                                                                  facilities will give you the tools to develop your skills and
     We offer a range of hands-on leisure          We also offer online courses,
                                                                                                    discover your passion.
     courses in art, design, fashion and crafts.   specially designed for you to learn
                                                                                                    Do you feel in the dark when it comes to       Photoshop and Lightroom
     A fantastic way to relieve stress, explore    at your own pace, in your own home.
                                                                                                    computers, maybe you’d like to become
     your creativity and meet like-minded          Learn from step-by-step instruction                                                             With courses for complete beginners
                                                                                                    an editing master with Adobe Creative
     people, you will be amazed at what you        and demonstration, then have a                                                                  to seasoned professionals, learn to
                                                                                                    Cloud, or perhaps you’d like to explore
     can achieve. We offer courses for all         go yourself.                                                                                    finesse your skills with these powerful
                                                                                                    e-media, enhancing your skills in web
     abilities so whether you are a complete                                                                                                       editing tools.
                                                                                                    design, digital photography, digital video
     beginner or a practising artist, we’ve got
                                                            For more information                    production and more?                           Videography
     you covered.
                                                            Call us on 0800 612 6008 or
                                                                                                    On our media, IT and science courses           Develop your direction and videography
     Courses include:                                       visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/
                                                                                                    you’ll develop the technical skills to         skills then learn how to edit your footage
     »   Painting and drawing                                                                       pursue your hobby to its fullest, start your   like a pro.
                                                                                                    own business or find employment.
     »   Printed Textiles
                                                                                                    Across our colleges we boast television
     »   Creative Writing                          SCAN TO                                                                                                  For more information
                                                                                                    studios, digital video and sound editing
                                                                                                                                                            Call us on 0800 612 6008 or
     »   Printmaking                               LEARN MORE                                       suites, a radio studio and Apple Mac
                                                                                                                                                            visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/
                                                                                                    computing facilities. We have dark rooms
     »   Photography                                                                                                                                        med-science
                                                                                                    for photography courses and green
     »   Flower arranging                                                                           screens for video effects.
     Our exciting range of courses give
     you endless opportunities to let your                                                          We offer courses in:                           SCAN TO
     creativity come alive. Go online to
     see our full range and choose from
                                                        Interested in a career                      General computing
                                                                                                                                                   LEARN MORE

     100s of courses.                                    in the creative arts?                      Get to grips with the latest software for
                                                                                                    work or receive guidance on getting and
     Taught by our experienced tutors              If you are looking to break into the creative
                                                                                                    started with the basics through to more
     in professionally equipped                       industry or build your portfolio, we offer
                                                                                                    complex tasks.
     studios and workshops,                              professional courses and training.
     classes are fun, supportive                                                                    Photography
                                                      With access to industry-experienced
     and practical with plenty of
                                                         teachers and visiting experts in           Learn to get the most of your SLR,
     positive encouragement to
                                                    professional-level facilities. Whatever your    DSLR or smartphone camera with
     improve your technique and
                                                   area of interest we can help you prepare for     courses in street, travel, landscape
                                                    a career in this exciting, creative industry.   and portrait photography.

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
     Love to be outdoors? At Merrist Wood College, you can
     discover a number of ways to engage more with nature
     and your love for animals. Across our 400-acre estate
     we have a range of learning for leisure and professional
     courses to suit every need from flower arranging to
     horticulture and animal care.
                                                   Animal Management
     Arboriculture                                 Over 47% of the UK own a pet. We offer        Floristry
                                                   learning for leisure courses that give
     Arboriculture is the cultivation,                                                           Flowers play such an important part in
                                                   you introductions to animals such as
     management and study of trees.                                                              family celebrations, special occasions
                                                   British wildlife, small mammals, and
     Courses in this subject include skills such                                                 and national holidays. With over 50
                                                   herpetology. We also offer animal care
     as chainsaw use, climbing, plant and                                                        medals won at RHS Flower Shows, our
                                                   courses, from dog grooming to keeping
     soil science and machinery, all to enable                                                   courses in floristry will hone and develop
                                                   poultry to reptile handling.
     you to work in a range of arboriculture                                                     your natural creative flair.
     careers, such as a Tree Surgeon.              Plus, we have a fully functioning farm with
                                                   rare breed sheep and cows, pigs, goats,
     Alongside practical work on our estate,
                                                   chickens, ducks and more. Our highly-         Garden Design
     you’ll have access to our specialist
                                                   qualified tutors are passionate about
     workshops, machinery and professional                                                       Want to re-design your garden and learn
                                                   conservation and have strong links with
     level equipment. Merrist Wood College                                                       how to survey them to create new and
                                                   local organisations such as the Surrey
     has been delivering arboriculture courses                                                   unique planting designs? With our garden
                                                   Wildlife Trust.
     for over fifty years..                                                                      design courses you can develop your
                                                                                                 knowledge of garden design skills and
                                                   Countryside Management                        principles to set yourself up to pursue this
                                                   With ongoing environmental challenges         as a hobby or as a business.
                                                   and pressing concerns to protect and
                                                   improve our rural environments, we
                                                   offer hands-on courses on habitat
                                                   management, wildlife, conservation
                                                   and more. Our 400-acre estate with
                                                   woodlands, wetlands, livestock, gardens
                                                   and grasslands is the perfect outdoor

                                                                                                                                                Continued overleaf
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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning

     Horticulture                                  Landscaping
     Is working in the natural environment         Discover techniques and best practices
     and leading an outdoor lifestyle your         of landscaping, supported by our
     dream? If you want to turn you home           specialist tutors. We have over 40 years
     gardening prowess into a blossoming           of experience in teaching landscaping
     career or develop your green fingers          and have links with the big names in
     and add new skills to your portfolio, our     industry. On our courses, you’ll benefit
     courses will help you sow the seeds of        from our amazing facilities including
     success. Merrist Wood College has an          our dedicated landscaping workshop
     established tradition of excellence with      and green spaces, and high-quality
     strong industry links including the Royal     machinery such as dumpers, excavators
     Horticultural Society.                        and rotary cultivators.
     We have courses on establishing               We have strong industry links including
     seeds and flowers, ground preparation,        the British Association of Landscape
     care and pruning of plants, growing           Industries (BALI).
     vegetables and many more!
     You’ll be learning hands-on in our
     outstanding specialist facilities including
     our 400 acre estate, glasshouses and
     horticulture nurseries.

                                                   Coming April 2022!
                                                   New Survival Academy courses
                                                   set in the glorious woodland of
                                                   Merrist Wood College where you’ll
                                                   learn core survival skills, how to
                                                   create a shelter, forage for wild
                                                   foods, light a fire and cook by the        For more information
                                                   camp stove. Day and overnight              Call us on 0800 612 6008 or           SCAN TO
                                                   experiences for adult groups and           visit adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/   LEARN MORE
                                                   families available.                        outdoor

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
PROFESSIONAL                                                                             PROFESSIONAL

     ACCOUNTANCY                                                                             ACTIVATE CYCLE
     Are you good with numbers? Do you enjoy
     the challenge of mathematics? You could be
     perfect for a stable, well-paid and respected                                           Cycle mechanics training at industry
     career in accountancy.                                                                  recognised standards.
     The accountancy profession plays a         On campus, you benefit from
                                                                                             We offer the most comprehensive              All our training courses are held at
     crucial supporting role in all types of    regular classes with a college
                                                                                             range of cycle maintenance training          our highly acclaimed training centres.
     commerce and jobs in this industry are     tutor–without having to commit to
                                                                                             courses available in the UK. Our range       These state-of-the-art facilities have
     always in demand. The skills you learn     attending multiple evenings each
                                                                                             of professional training courses are         been specifically set up to serve the
     studying accountancy are transferable      week. Your tutor will review what you
                                                                                             designed for cycle trades people             cycle industry.
     and highly valued by employers in all      have learnt during your online lessons
                                                                                             looking to learn new skills and become
     sectors.                                   and will be on hand to provide guidance                                                   Our vastly experienced training
                                                                                             accredited with internationally recognised
                                                on progress and assessment. Regular                                                       officers ensure that you only
     Our industry-standard, AAT approved                                                     qualifications or, for people wanting to
                                                discussion with classmates will help to                                                   receive the highest level of tuition.
     programmes can help take you where                                                      begin a career within the cycle trade.
                                                reinforce key points while also providing                                                 You will be working with, training on
     you want to go.
                                                the additional support and motivation that   As the leading training organisation         and using the latest tools, bikes and
     We have partnered with Mindful             comes from being part of a group.            authorised by the Association of Cycle       equipment from some of the world’s
     Education to deliver our AAT courses                                                    Traders (ACT) to deliver their range of      finest cycle manufacturers and
                                                The AAT is the UK’s
     through our flexible online and on                                                      Cytech technical training courses, we        distributors.
                                                leading professional
     campus model.                                                                           have become the largest and most
                                                body for entry-level
                                                                                             respected training provider to the UK
     Online, you will study award-winning       accountants. Qualification
                                                                                             cycle trade.                                         For more information
     video lessons, which are available on      are internationally
                                                                                                                                                  Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit
     demand, and can be viewed from your        recognised and widely                        In addition to the range of Cytech
     phone, tablet or computer–meaning you      respected by employers.                      maintenance courses, we offer a range of
     can choose how, when and where you                                                      bespoke short cycle mechanics training
     want to study. Lessons last for around                                                  courses that will further enhance your
     45 minutes and are accompanied by                  For more information                 skillset. Running from 1 to 3 days, these
     animations and motion graphics to bring            Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit    training courses are designed to fit both
                                                                                                                                          SCAN TO
     concepts to life. Practice questions,              adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/        the needs of professionals working in
     downloadable lesson materials and                  accountancy                          the cycle trade, through to the casual       LEARN MORE
     interactive case studies help to enhance                                                enthusiast who would like to learn more
     the learning experience further and                                                     about how to maintain their own bike
     learners should expect to spend around                                                  from home or out on a ride.
     4-6 hours studying independently online    SCAN TO
     each week.
                                                LEARN MORE

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LEARN CREATE PROGRESS Adult Education Courses Surrey - Guilford College Merrist Wood College Farnham College - Activate Learning
PROFESSIONAL                                                                                     PROFESSIONAL

     CARE AND COUNSELLING                                                                             HAIRDRESSING AND
                                                                                                      BEAUTY THERAPY
     Whether you are interested in
                                                  As a councillor you could work in
     early years, young people or adult
                                                  a multitude of settings, including                  The hair and beauty industry is fast-paced and
     care, we’ve worked with NHS
     providers to develop programmes
                                                  hospital and GP surgeries, schools and              innovative, ever-changing with new trends, products
                                                  universities, charities and addiction
     that combine theoretical study with
                                                  organisations, and the workplace.                   and equipment.
     significant practical experience.
                                                  If you are interested in a career in                A qualification in hairdressing or           techniques and treatments, gaining a
     At Guildford College, our Care Skills
                                                  counselling, looking take the next step in          beauty therapy can take you to exciting      thorough understanding of the industry
     Training Centre will give you a unique
                                                  your training or want to use counselling skills     places with a colourful choice of career     and skills needed to take your career in
     insight into careers in health and social
                                                  in your work, our qualifications can help. We       prospects. You could find yourself           hair or beauty to the next level.
     care. With a six-bed simulated hospital
                                                  offer a range of accredited courses at all          managing a spa or salon, becoming self-
     ward, fully equipped home care                                                                                                                Delivered in our fully equipped modern
                                                  levels, from introductory to Level 4, where         employed or specialising in your favourite
     room and a fully immersive learning                                                                                                           salons, you will get plenty of practical
                                                  you can gain the skills and experience to           field such as extensions, colouring
     space, you will have the opportunity to                                                                                                       experience using industry standard
                                                  practice competently and safely in an array of      skincare or makeup.
     practice and refine                                                                                                                           products and equipment. You’ll develop
                                                  contexts. You’ll learn a variety of listening and
     your skills.                                                                                     Our range of courses can help                your confidence and customer service
                                                  responding skills which will enhance your
     We work closely with the NHS in our          interaction with others.                            boost your career in hair or beauty,         skills through professional training and
     local areas, as well as local authorities,                                                       whatever your ambitions.                     working hands-on in our commercial
                                                  Our friendly tutors are well qualified and                                                       salon, with real clients.
     care providers and day-care centres,                                                             Every year, we successfully train many
                                                  experienced practicing counsellors. Learning
     allowing you to take part in regular                                                             students in becoming fully-qualified
                                                  is interactive combining formal teaching with
     work experience throughout your                                                                  beauty therapists and hairdressers.                  For more information
                                                  individual, small-group and whole-group
     programme.                                                                                       If you’re looking to get started in the              Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit
                                                                                                      industry or are a professional wanting               adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/
                                                                                                      to refresh your skills, our nationally               hair-beauty
              For more information                         For more information                       recongnised qualifications will give you
              Call us on 0800 612 6008 or                  Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit          the theoretical knowledge and practical
              visit adult.activatelearning.                adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/counselling   experience to succeed. You’ll gain
              ac.uk/care                                                                              experience across a range of treatments,     SCAN TO
                                                                                                      develop your product knowledge, and          LEARN MORE
                                                                                                      improve your confidence by training in
                                                                                                      our amazing salons.
                                                                                                      Our teaching team are experienced
     SCAN TO                                      SCAN TO                                             professionals with good industry
     LEARN MORE                                   LEARN MORE                                          links and some are the region’s
                                                                                                      top beauty professionals. You’ll
                                                                                                      learn to master the latest

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PROFESSIONAL                                                                                PROFESSIONAL

     SPORTS COACHING                                                                             TEACHING AND
     AND FITNESS                                                                                 EDUCATION
     Kick off your career in sport and fitness!                                                  Inspire the next generation and
     With national campaigns empowering           facilities as well as our brand-new
                                                                                                 transform lives through a rewarding career!
     more people to adopt active healthy          strength and conditioning suite.
                                                                                                 A career in teaching goes beyond             Whether you’re starting out a career
     lifestyles, the opportunities in the sport
                                                  Depending on your course choice, learn         competitive salaries and generous            in teaching and education, returning
     and fitness industry are blooming.
                                                  how to be an approachable and effective        pensions.                                    to work after a break or making a
     You could be making an impact on the         motivator; encourage people to reach                                                        career change, our routes into teaching
                                                                                                 Teaching and careers in education can
     lives of people of all ages and walks of     their fitness goals, create personalised                                                    are flexible, effective and local. We offer
                                                                                                 be extremely rewarding. You can inspire
     life, helping them improve their health,     exercise programmes, give advice on                                                         full and part-time programmes, designed
                                                                                                 the next generation and secure a great
     fitness and wellbeing, and seeing first-     healthy living, and carry out fitness                                                       to fit your commitments and current
                                                                                                 career which can open up opportunities
     hand the results of your efforts.            assessments. You will combine the study                                                     education level.
                                                                                                 for personal development.
                                                  of anatomy, physiology and psychology
     Whether you’re looking to retrain                                                                                                        Our programmes can help to equip
                                                  with biometrics, exercise, health and          With teaching, no two days are the same.
     and turn your passion into a career                                                                                                      you with the knowledge of the latest
                                                  lifestyle and develop skills in sport and      You can train to teach at any point in
     or perhaps already work in the sport                                                                                                     pedagogical approaches that you can
                                                  exercise massage.                              your life and even take this qualification
     and fitness sector but want to get                                                                                                       take into the classroom. Our industry
                                                                                                 around the world.
     qualified, our courses will help you                                                                                                     partners ensure that the programmes we
     get ahead of the competition.                         For more information                  Our routes into teaching are varied. Some    deliver are of a high standard. Our Level
                                                           Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit     are more classroom-based, such as the        3 Awards and Diploma in Education and
     Our high quality, industry recognised                 adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/sports   Postgraduate Certificate in Education        Training are approved by Ascentis. The
     qualifications are designed to equip
                                                                                                 (PGCE), and others are more practical,       PGCE Level 6/7 is awarded by Oxford
     you with the skills you need to build
                                                                                                 school-based like the apprenticeship.        Brookes University, which means you’ll
     a successful career in sport and
                                                                                                 Our qualifications will lead to careers      get twice the pastoral support.
     fitness. Programmes can lead to
                                                  SCAN TO                                        such as:
     careers in coaching and developing,
     sports massage, nutrition and sports         LEARN MORE                                     »   School teacher
                                                                                                                                                       For more information
     psychology, to name but a few.
                                                                                                 »   Teaching assistant                                Call us on 0800 612 6008 or visit
     At Merrist Wood College, you’ll have                                                                                                              adult.activatelearning.ac.uk/teaching
                                                                                                 »   Trainer in the workplace
     access to our onsite gym, filled with the
     latest sports and training equipment                                                        »   Lecturer in college or university
     to help you keep fit and advance
                                                                                                 »   Teaching English as a foreign
     your studies. We also boast
                                                                                                     language                                 SCAN TO
     football and rugby pitches, an
     18-hole championship golf                                                                                                                LEARN MORE
     course and golf practice

20                                                                                                                                                                                             21
     HOW TO BOOK                                                                            PAYING FOR YOUR COURSE
                                                                                            »   Course fees will be listed on the website and
                  Register for an account online, enrol and pay, or                             we can take payment online (if no interview is
                  apply at adult.activatelearning.ac.uk                                         required), by phone or in person.
                                                                                            »   Course fees and funding options depend on the
                                                                                                course, your age and circumstances and previous
                                                                                                qualifications. For further information and
                  Call our friendly team on 0800 612 6008. They are available Monday            guidance visit:
                  to Thursday 8:30am–5pm and Fridays 8:30am–4pm.

                  Drop into Advice and Admissions at Guildford College,                     »   You may even be eligible for free or reduced concession
                  Farnham College and Merrist Wood College:                                     fees, please contact our Advice and Admissions team on
                                                                                                0800 612 6008 for full details.
                                                                                            »   On enrolment, please let us know if you are applying for
     Farnham College               Guildford College            Merrist Wood College            a loan or if your employer is funding your course.
     (in term)                     (in term)                    (in term and out of term)
     Mon–Wed: 8am–4:30pm           Mon–Wed: 8.30am–5pm          Mon–Thu: 8:30am–5pm
     Thu: 8:15am–4:30pm            Tue–Thu: 8:30am–6:30pm       Fri: 8:30am–4pm
     Fri: 8:15am–4pm               Friday: 8:30am–4pm

     call 08006126008 to           (out of term)
     check opening hours           Mon–Thu: 8:30am–5pm
     during holidays               Fri: 8:30am–4pm                                                STUDY NOW, PAY LATER
                                                                                                  »   If you’re aged 19 or older on the first day of your course,
                                                                                                      you can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan
                  Some courses require an interview or assessment before enrolling;
                  just apply online, by phone or in person and we will agree a time for           »   Study any Level 3 (A Level equivalent) qualification or above
                  your interview or assessment. This is purely to make sure the course            »   You don’t start to repay it until you earn £25,725 per year
                  is the right level for you and suitable for your goals. Typically, the
                  courses that require interviews are professional qualifications or              »   Eligibility doesn’t depend on your income or credit score
                  are eligible for funding.
                  If you have any questions about our courses before you enrol, our
                  friendly team will be happy to help.

22                                                                                                                                                                    23
0800 612 6008

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